mirror of
synced 2025-03-20 01:43:50 +00:00
Store the slope an object is resting on (if applicable)
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 94 additions and 90 deletions
@ -298,6 +298,9 @@ extern mobj_t *tmfloorthing, *tmthing;
extern camera_t *mapcampointer;
extern fixed_t tmx;
extern fixed_t tmy;
#ifdef ESLOPE
extern pslope_t *tmfloorslope, *tmceilingslope;
/* cphipps 2004/08/30 */
extern void P_MapStart(void);
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
#include "r_splats.h"
#ifdef ESLOPE
#include "p_slopes.h"
@ -52,6 +52,9 @@ fixed_t tmfloorz, tmceilingz;
static fixed_t tmdropoffz, tmdrpoffceilz; // drop-off floor/ceiling heights
mobj_t *tmfloorthing; // the thing corresponding to tmfloorz or NULL if tmfloorz is from a sector
static mobj_t *tmhitthing; // the solid thing you bumped into (for collisions)
#ifdef ESLOPE
pslope_t *tmfloorslope, *tmceilingslope;
// keep track of the line that lowers the ceiling,
// so missiles don't explode against sky hack walls
@ -957,6 +960,9 @@ static boolean PIT_CheckThing(mobj_t *thing)
if (thing->z + thing->height > tmfloorz)
tmfloorz = thing->z + thing->height;
#ifdef ESLOPE
tmfloorslope = NULL;
return true;
@ -975,6 +981,9 @@ static boolean PIT_CheckThing(mobj_t *thing)
else if (topz < tmceilingz && tmthing->z+tmthing->height <= thing->z+thing->height)
tmceilingz = topz;
#ifdef ESLOPE
tmceilingslope = NULL;
tmfloorthing = thing; // thing we may stand on
@ -988,6 +997,9 @@ static boolean PIT_CheckThing(mobj_t *thing)
if (thing->z < tmceilingz)
tmceilingz = thing->z;
#ifdef ESLOPE
tmceilingslope = NULL;
return true;
@ -1005,6 +1017,9 @@ static boolean PIT_CheckThing(mobj_t *thing)
else if (topz > tmfloorz && tmthing->z >= thing->z)
tmfloorz = topz;
#ifdef ESLOPE
tmfloorslope = NULL;
tmfloorthing = thing; // thing we may stand on
@ -1127,11 +1142,13 @@ static boolean PIT_CheckLine(line_t *ld)
tmceilingz = opentop;
ceilingline = ld;
tmceilingslope = opentopslope;
if (openbottom > tmfloorz)
tmfloorz = openbottom;
tmfloorslope = openbottomslope;
if (highceiling > tmdrpoffceilz)
@ -1210,6 +1227,10 @@ boolean P_CheckPosition(mobj_t *thing, fixed_t x, fixed_t y)
// will adjust them.
tmfloorz = tmdropoffz = P_GetFloorZ(thing, newsubsec->sector, x, y, NULL); //newsubsec->sector->floorheight;
tmceilingz = P_GetCeilingZ(thing, newsubsec->sector, x, y, NULL); //newsubsec->sector->ceilingheight;
#ifdef ESLOPE
tmfloorslope = newsubsec->sector->f_slope;
tmceilingslope = newsubsec->sector->c_slope;
// Check list of fake floors and see if tmfloorz/tmceilingz need to be altered.
if (newsubsec->sector->ffloors)
@ -1252,13 +1273,21 @@ boolean P_CheckPosition(mobj_t *thing, fixed_t x, fixed_t y)
// Land on the top or the bottom, depending on gravity flip.
if (!(thing->eflags & MFE_VERTICALFLIP) && thing->z >= topheight - sinklevel && thing->momz <= 0)
if (tmfloorz < topheight - sinklevel)
if (tmfloorz < topheight - sinklevel) {
tmfloorz = topheight - sinklevel;
#ifdef ESLOPE
tmfloorslope = NULL;
else if (thing->eflags & MFE_VERTICALFLIP && thingtop <= bottomheight + sinklevel && thing->momz >= 0)
if (tmceilingz > bottomheight + sinklevel)
if (tmceilingz > bottomheight + sinklevel) {
tmceilingz = bottomheight + sinklevel;
#ifdef ESLOPE
tmceilingslope = NULL;
@ -1277,8 +1306,12 @@ boolean P_CheckPosition(mobj_t *thing, fixed_t x, fixed_t y)
if (thing->z < topheight && bottomheight < thingtop)
if (tmfloorz < thing->z)
if (tmfloorz < thing->z) {
tmfloorz = thing->z;
#ifdef ESLOPE
tmfloorslope = NULL;
// Quicksand blocks never change heights otherwise.
@ -1293,12 +1326,18 @@ boolean P_CheckPosition(mobj_t *thing, fixed_t x, fixed_t y)
&& !(rover->flags & FF_REVERSEPLATFORM))
tmfloorz = tmdropoffz = topheight;
#ifdef ESLOPE
tmfloorslope = NULL;
if (bottomheight < tmceilingz && abs(delta1) >= abs(delta2)
&& !(rover->flags & FF_PLATFORM)
&& !(thing->type == MT_SKIM && (rover->flags & FF_SWIMMABLE)))
tmceilingz = tmdrpoffceilz = bottomheight;
#ifdef ESLOPE
tmceilingslope = NULL;
@ -1371,11 +1410,19 @@ boolean P_CheckPosition(mobj_t *thing, fixed_t x, fixed_t y)
delta1 = thing->z - (polybottom + ((polytop - polybottom)/2));
delta2 = thingtop - (polybottom + ((polytop - polybottom)/2));
if (polytop > tmfloorz && abs(delta1) < abs(delta2))
if (polytop > tmfloorz && abs(delta1) < abs(delta2)) {
tmfloorz = tmdropoffz = polytop;
#ifdef ESLOPE
tmfloorslope = NULL;
if (polybottom < tmceilingz && abs(delta1) >= abs(delta2))
if (polybottom < tmceilingz && abs(delta1) >= abs(delta2)) {
tmceilingz = tmdrpoffceilz = polybottom;
#ifdef ESLOPE
tmceilingslope = NULL;
plink = (polymaplink_t *)(plink->link.next);
@ -1824,6 +1871,10 @@ boolean PIT_PushableMoved(mobj_t *thing)
mobj_t *oldthing = tmthing;
line_t *oldceilline = ceilingline;
line_t *oldblockline = blockingline;
#ifdef ESLOPE
pslope_t *oldfslope = tmfloorslope;
pslope_t *oldcslope = tmceilingslope;
// Move the player
P_TryMove(thing, thing->x+stand->momx, thing->y+stand->momy, true);
@ -1836,6 +1887,10 @@ boolean PIT_PushableMoved(mobj_t *thing)
P_SetTarget(&tmthing, oldthing);
ceilingline = oldceilline;
blockingline = oldblockline;
#ifdef ESLOPE
tmfloorslope = oldfslope;
tmceilingslope = oldcslope;
thing->momz = stand->momz;
@ -2030,88 +2085,17 @@ boolean P_TryMove(mobj_t *thing, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, boolean allowdropoff)
// Link the thing into its new position
// By virtue of being derived from SRB2 code, Kalaron's physics are GPL.
if (P_IsObjectOnSlope(thing, false))
fixed_t thingspeed = P_AproxDistance(thing->momx, thing->momy);
fixed_t predictmomx = x+(thing->momx/2);
fixed_t predictmomy = y+(thing->momy/2);
sector_t *nextsector = R_PointInSubsector(predictmomx, predictmomy)->sector;
sector_t *currentsector = R_PointInSubsector(thing->x, thing->y)->sector;
fixed_t zthrust = 0;
fixed_t slopeang = currentsector->f_slope->zangle;
fixed_t nextz = nextsector->floorheight;
if (nextsector->f_slope)
nextz = P_GetZAt(nextsector->f_slope, thing->x+predictmomx+thing->momx, thing->y+predictmomy+thing->momy);
if (nextsector != currentsector)
// Give a boost up from the slope you came if the next sector is lower than the first
// If your next sector does not have a slope and you're comming off of one
if (currentsector->f_slope)
if (P_GetZAt(currentsector->f_slope, thing->x, thing->y)/FRACUNIT > (nextz/FRACUNIT)+(slopeang*3))
//&& !nextsector->f_slope // TODO: VPHYSICS height check, not this hacky check? Or is this good enough?
if (currentsector->f_slope->zangle > 9)
fixed_t currentz = P_GetZAt(currentsector->f_slope, thing->x, thing->y);
fixed_t predictz = P_GetZAt(currentsector->f_slope, thing->x+thing->momx, thing->y+thing->momy);
predictz += (((thing->pitchangle/(ANGLE_45/45))+90)/70.0f)+thingspeed/9;
// Make sure that the z doesn't go too high for steep slopes
predictz -= ((currentsector->f_slope->zangle)/4)*FRACUNIT;
if (currentsector->f_slope->zangle > 60) // really steep
predictz -= ((currentsector->f_slope->zangle)/2)*FRACUNIT;
zthrust = (predictz - currentz)/2;
if (zthrust > (30*thing->scale/100)*FRACUNIT)
zthrust = (30*thing->scale/100)*FRACUNIT;
if (zthrust < -(30*thing->scale/100)*FRACUNIT)
zthrust = -(30*thing->scale/100)*FRACUNIT;
if (currentz/FRACUNIT > (nextz/FRACUNIT)+(slopeang*3))
// Now even out the momx/momy when catapulting off a steep slope
if (currentsector->f_slope->zangle > 65)
thing->momx /= 4.0f;
thing->momy /= 4.0f;
else if (currentsector->f_slope->zangle > 60)
thing->momx /= 3.5f;
thing->momy /= 3.5f;
else if (currentsector->f_slope->zangle > 50)
thing->momx /= 3.4f;
thing->momy /= 3.4f;
else if (currentsector->f_slope->zangle > 40)
thing->momx /= 3.3f;
thing->momy /= 3.3f;
thing->momz += zthrust; // VPHYSICS TODO: Make a real formula for z trajectory going off a slope
/*CONS_Printf("CurZ %i, PredictZ %i\n", currentz/FRACUNIT, predictz/FRACUNIT);
CONS_Printf("Pitch: %i\n", thing->pitchangle/(ANG45/45)+90);
CONS_Printf("ZThrust: %i\n", zthrust/FRACUNIT);*/
thing->floorz = tmfloorz;
thing->ceilingz = tmceilingz;
#ifdef ESLOPE
// Assign thing's standingslope if needed
if (thing->z <= tmfloorz && thing->momz <= 0 && !(thing->eflags & MFE_VERTICALFLIP))
thing->standingslope = tmfloorslope;
else if (thing->z+thing->height >= tmceilingz && thing->momz >= 0 && (thing->eflags & MFE_VERTICALFLIP))
thing->standingslope = tmceilingslope;
thing->x = x;
thing->y = y;
@ -325,6 +325,9 @@ fixed_t P_InterceptVector(divline_t *v2, divline_t *v1)
// OPTIMIZE: keep this precalculated
fixed_t opentop, openbottom, openrange, lowfloor, highceiling;
#ifdef ESLOPE
pslope_t *opentopslope, *openbottomslope;
// P_CameraLineOpening
// P_LineOpening, but for camera
@ -567,11 +570,13 @@ void P_LineOpening(line_t *linedef)
opentop = frontheight;
highceiling = backheight;
opentopslope = front->c_slope;
opentop = backheight;
highceiling = frontheight;
opentopslope = back->c_slope;
frontheight = P_GetFloorZ(tmthing, front, tmx, tmy, linedef);
@ -581,11 +586,13 @@ void P_LineOpening(line_t *linedef)
openbottom = frontheight;
lowfloor = backheight;
openbottomslope = front->f_slope;
openbottom = backheight;
lowfloor = frontheight;
openbottomslope = back->f_slope;
@ -761,11 +768,19 @@ void P_LineOpening(line_t *linedef)
if (highestceiling < highceiling)
highceiling = highestceiling;
if (highestfloor > openbottom)
if (highestfloor > openbottom) {
openbottom = highestfloor;
#ifdef ESLOPE
openbottomslope = NULL;
if (lowestceiling < opentop)
if (lowestceiling < opentop) {
opentop = lowestceiling;
#ifdef ESLOPE
opentopslope = NULL;
if (lowestfloor > lowfloor)
lowfloor = lowestfloor;
@ -55,6 +55,9 @@ void P_CreatePrecipSecNodeList(precipmobj_t *thing, fixed_t x,fixed_t y);
boolean P_SceneryTryMove(mobj_t *thing, fixed_t x, fixed_t y);
extern fixed_t opentop, openbottom, openrange, lowfloor, highceiling;
#ifdef ESLOPE
extern pslope_t *opentopslope, *openbottomslope;
void P_LineOpening(line_t *plinedef);
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
// For slope code, we need v3float_t
#ifdef ESLOPE
#include "m_vector.h"
//#include "r_defs.h"
@ -358,8 +358,7 @@ typedef struct mobj_s
INT32 cvmem;
#ifdef ESLOPE
angle_t pitchangle;
v3float_t vector;
struct pslope_s *standingslope; // The slope that the object is standing on (shouldn't need synced in savegames, right?)
// WARNING: New fields must be added separately to savegame and Lua.
Reference in a new issue