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synced 2025-03-22 19:02:45 +00:00
Merge branch 'new_new_spriteframe_angle' into 'master'
NAMEcLcR sprite angle loading, take 2 HEY LOOK, A NEW SPRITE LUMP LOADING FEATURE (which isn't that new since this merge request description is literally copypasted from the one for public next) * NAMEcL refers to a frame which is seen for the entirety of an object's left side. (ie - in 2d mode, facing to the left relative to the camera) * NAMEcR refers to a name which is seen for the entirety of an object's right side. (ie - in 2d mode, facing to the right relative to the camera) * NAMEcLcR does both sides, duh. I didn't break reflection. * Having just a NAMEcL requires you to fill in the opposite side either with NAMEcn where n is 1 and 5-8 OR a NAMEcR OR a NAMEc0 * Having just a NAMEcR requires you to fill in the opposite side either with NAMEcn where n is 1-5 OR a NAMEcL OR a NAMEc0 * Switches down the centerline of the object instead of at the ANGLE_202h interval for normal sprites. Has a very small window where you can see a NAMEc1 and NAMEc5 if you only use one of NAMEcL or NAMEcR down one side. * The specific symbols selected for this were selected for 1) ease of mental understanding (Left, Right) and 2) not getting in the way of adding support for zdoom's totally bananas 16-way sprite system at a later date if we so choose, which only goes up to G totally makes sense for stuff like NiGHTS stuff, Axis2D stuff, and maybe if SRB1 survives the chopping block in some shape or form it can take advantage of that too See merge request !33
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 120 additions and 36 deletions
@ -5096,22 +5096,29 @@ static void HWR_ProjectSprite(mobj_t *thing)
I_Error("sprframes NULL for sprite %d\n", thing->sprite);
if (sprframe->rotate)
// choose a different rotation based on player view
ang = R_PointToAngle(thing->x, thing->y); // uses viewx,viewy
rot = (ang-thing->angle+ANGLE_202h)>>29;
//Fab: lumpid is the index for spritewidth,spriteoffset... tables
lumpoff = sprframe->lumpid[rot];
flip = sprframe->flip & (1<<rot);
if (sprframe->rotate == SRF_SINGLE)
// use single rotation for all views
rot = 0; //Fab: for vis->patch below
lumpoff = sprframe->lumpid[0]; //Fab: see note above
flip = sprframe->flip; // Will only be 0x00 or 0xFF
// choose a different rotation based on player view
ang = R_PointToAngle (thing->x, thing->y) - thing->angle;
if ((sprframe->rotate & SRF_RIGHT) && (ang < ANGLE_180)) // See from right
rot = 6; // F7 slot
else if ((sprframe->rotate & SRF_LEFT) && (ang >= ANGLE_180)) // See from left
rot = 2; // F3 slot
else // Normal behaviour
rot = (ang+ANGLE_202h)>>29;
//Fab: lumpid is the index for spritewidth,spriteoffset... tables
lumpoff = sprframe->lumpid[rot];
flip = sprframe->flip & (1<<rot);
if (thing->skin && ((skin_t *)thing->skin)->flags & SF_HIRES)
this_scale = this_scale * FIXED_TO_FLOAT(((skin_t *)thing->skin)->highresscale);
@ -729,23 +729,36 @@ typedef struct
#pragma pack()
typedef enum
SRF_SINGLE = 0, // 0-angle for all rotations
SRF_3D = 1, // Angles 1-8
SRF_LEFT = 2, // Left side uses single patch
SRF_RIGHT = 4, // Right side uses single patch
SRF_NONE = 0xff // Initial value
} spriterotateflags_t; // SRF's up!
// Sprites are patches with a special naming convention so they can be
// recognized by R_InitSprites.
// The base name is NNNNFx or NNNNFxFx, with x indicating the rotation,
// x = 0, 1-7.
// x = 0, 1-8, L/R
// The sprite and frame specified by a thing_t is range checked at run time.
// A sprite is a patch_t that is assumed to represent a three dimensional
// object and may have multiple rotations predrawn.
// Horizontal flipping is used to save space, thus NNNNF2F5 defines a mirrored patch.
// Some sprites will only have one picture used for all views: NNNNF0
// Some sprites will take the entirety of the left side: NNNNFL
// Or the right side: NNNNFR
// Or both, mirrored: NNNNFLFR
typedef struct
// If false use 0 for any position.
// Note: as eight entries are available, we might as well insert the same
// name eight times.
UINT8 rotate;
UINT8 rotate; // see spriterotateflags_t above
// Lump to use for view angles 0-7.
lumpnum_t lumppat[8]; // lump number 16 : 16 wad : lump
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ static void R_InstallSpriteLump(UINT16 wad, // graphics patch
lumppat <<= 16;
lumppat += lump;
if (frame >= 64 || rotation > 8)
if (frame >= 64 || !(R_ValidSpriteAngle(rotation)))
I_Error("R_InstallSpriteLump: Bad frame characters in lump %s", W_CheckNameForNum(lumppat));
if (maxframe ==(size_t)-1 || frame > maxframe)
@ -109,31 +109,72 @@ static void R_InstallSpriteLump(UINT16 wad, // graphics patch
if (rotation == 0)
// the lump should be used for all rotations
if (sprtemp[frame].rotate == 0)
if (sprtemp[frame].rotate == SRF_SINGLE)
CONS_Debug(DBG_SETUP, "R_InitSprites: Sprite %s frame %c has multiple rot = 0 lump\n", spritename, cn);
if (sprtemp[frame].rotate == 1)
else if (sprtemp[frame].rotate != SRF_NONE) // Let's bundle 1-8 and L/R rotations into one debug message.
CONS_Debug(DBG_SETUP, "R_InitSprites: Sprite %s frame %c has rotations and a rot = 0 lump\n", spritename, cn);
sprtemp[frame].rotate = 0;
sprtemp[frame].rotate = SRF_SINGLE;
for (r = 0; r < 8; r++)
sprtemp[frame].lumppat[r] = lumppat;
sprtemp[frame].lumpid[r] = lumpid;
sprtemp[frame].flip = flipped ? UINT8_MAX : 0;
sprtemp[frame].flip = flipped ? 0xFF : 0; // 11111111 in binary
if (rotation == ROT_L || rotation == ROT_R)
UINT8 rightfactor = ((rotation == ROT_R) ? 4 : 0);
// the lump should be used for half of all rotations
if (sprtemp[frame].rotate == SRF_SINGLE)
CONS_Debug(DBG_SETUP, "R_InitSprites: Sprite %s frame %c has L/R rotations and a rot = 0 lump\n", spritename, cn);
else if (sprtemp[frame].rotate == SRF_3D)
CONS_Debug(DBG_SETUP, "R_InitSprites: Sprite %s frame %c has both L/R and 1-8 rotations\n", spritename, cn);
else if ((sprtemp[frame].rotate & SRF_LEFT) && (rotation == ROT_L))
CONS_Debug(DBG_SETUP, "R_InitSprites: Sprite %s frame %c has multiple L rotations\n", spritename, cn);
else if ((sprtemp[frame].rotate & SRF_RIGHT) && (rotation == ROT_R))
CONS_Debug(DBG_SETUP, "R_InitSprites: Sprite %s frame %c has multiple R rotations\n", spritename, cn);
if (sprtemp[frame].rotate == SRF_NONE)
sprtemp[frame].rotate = SRF_SINGLE;
sprtemp[frame].rotate |= ((rotation == ROT_R) ? SRF_RIGHT : SRF_LEFT);
if (sprtemp[frame].rotate == (SRF_3D|SRF_2D))
sprtemp[frame].rotate = SRF_2D; // SRF_3D|SRF_2D being enabled at the same time doesn't HURT in the current sprite angle implementation, but it DOES mean more to check in some of the helper functions. Let's not allow this scenario to happen.
for (r = 1; r < 4; r++) // Don't set for front/back frames
sprtemp[frame].lumppat[r + rightfactor] = lumppat;
sprtemp[frame].lumpid[r + rightfactor] = lumpid;
if (flipped)
sprtemp[frame].flip |= (0x0F<<rightfactor); // 00001111 or 11110000 in binary, depending on rotation being ROT_L or ROT_R
sprtemp[frame].flip &= ~(0x0F<<rightfactor); // ditto
// the lump is only used for one rotation
if (sprtemp[frame].rotate == 0)
CONS_Debug(DBG_SETUP, "R_InitSprites: Sprite %s frame %c has rotations and a rot = 0 lump\n", spritename, cn);
sprtemp[frame].rotate = 1;
if (sprtemp[frame].rotate == SRF_SINGLE)
CONS_Debug(DBG_SETUP, "R_InitSprites: Sprite %s frame %c has 1-8 rotations and a rot = 0 lump\n", spritename, cn);
else if ((sprtemp[frame].rotate != SRF_3D) && (sprtemp[frame].rotate != SRF_NONE))
CONS_Debug(DBG_SETUP, "R_InitSprites: Sprite %s frame %c has both L/R and 1-8 rotations\n", spritename, cn);
// make 0 based
if (rotation == 0 || rotation == 4) // Front or back...
sprtemp[frame].rotate = SRF_3D; // Prevent L and R changeover
else if (rotation > 3) // Right side
sprtemp[frame].rotate = (SRF_3D | (sprtemp[frame].rotate & SRF_LEFT)); // Continue allowing L frame changeover
else // if (rotation <= 3) // Left side
sprtemp[frame].rotate = (SRF_3D | (sprtemp[frame].rotate & SRF_RIGHT)); // Continue allowing R frame changeover
if (sprtemp[frame].lumppat[rotation] != LUMPERROR)
CONS_Debug(DBG_SETUP, "R_InitSprites: Sprite %s: %c%c has two lumps mapped to it\n", spritename, cn, '1'+rotation);
@ -195,7 +236,7 @@ static boolean R_AddSingleSpriteDef(const char *sprname, spritedef_t *spritedef,
frame = R_Char2Frame(lumpinfo[l].name[4]);
rotation = (UINT8)(lumpinfo[l].name[5] - '0');
if (frame >= 64 || rotation > 8) // Give an actual NAME error -_-...
if (frame >= 64 || !(R_ValidSpriteAngle(rotation))) // Give an actual NAME error -_-...
CONS_Alert(CONS_WARNING, M_GetText("Bad sprite name: %s\n"), W_CheckNameForNumPwad(wadnum,l));
@ -278,16 +319,23 @@ static boolean R_AddSingleSpriteDef(const char *sprname, spritedef_t *spritedef,
switch (sprtemp[frame].rotate)
case 0xff:
case SRF_NONE:
// no rotations were found for that frame at all
I_Error("R_AddSingleSpriteDef: No patches found for %.4s frame %c", sprname, R_Frame2Char(frame));
case 0:
// only the first rotation is needed
case 1:
case SRF_2D: // both Left and Right rotations
// we test to see whether the left and right slots are present
if ((sprtemp[frame].lumppat[2] == LUMPERROR) || (sprtemp[frame].lumppat[6] == LUMPERROR))
I_Error("R_AddSingleSpriteDef: Sprite %.4s frame %c is missing rotations",
sprname, R_Frame2Char(frame));
// must have all 8 frames
for (rotation = 0; rotation < 8; rotation++)
// we test the patch lump, or the id lump whatever
@ -1138,22 +1186,29 @@ static void R_ProjectSprite(mobj_t *thing)
I_Error("R_ProjectSprite: sprframes NULL for sprite %d\n", thing->sprite);
if (sprframe->rotate)
// choose a different rotation based on player view
ang = R_PointToAngle (thing->x, thing->y);
rot = (ang-thing->angle+ANGLE_202h)>>29;
//Fab: lumpid is the index for spritewidth,spriteoffset... tables
lump = sprframe->lumpid[rot];
flip = sprframe->flip & (1<<rot);
if (sprframe->rotate == SRF_SINGLE)
// use single rotation for all views
rot = 0; //Fab: for vis->patch below
lump = sprframe->lumpid[0]; //Fab: see note above
flip = sprframe->flip; // Will only be 0x00 or 0xFF
// choose a different rotation based on player view
ang = R_PointToAngle (thing->x, thing->y) - thing->angle;
if ((sprframe->rotate & SRF_RIGHT) && (ang < ANGLE_180)) // See from right
rot = 6; // F7 slot
else if ((sprframe->rotate & SRF_LEFT) && (ang >= ANGLE_180)) // See from left
rot = 2; // F3 slot
else // Normal behaviour
rot = (ang+ANGLE_202h)>>29;
//Fab: lumpid is the index for spritewidth,spriteoffset... tables
lump = sprframe->lumpid[rot];
flip = sprframe->flip & (1<<rot);
I_Assert(lump < max_spritelumps);
@ -17,6 +17,10 @@
#include "sounds.h"
#include "r_plane.h"
// "Left" and "Right" character symbols for additional rotation functionality
#define ROT_L ('L' - '0')
#define ROT_R ('R' - '0')
// number of sprite lumps for spritewidth,offset,topoffset lookup tables
// Fab: this is a hack : should allocate the lookup tables per sprite
#define MAXVISSPRITES 2048 // added 2-2-98 was 128
@ -230,4 +234,9 @@ FUNCMATH FUNCINLINE static ATTRINLINE UINT8 R_Char2Frame(char cn)
FUNCMATH FUNCINLINE static ATTRINLINE boolean R_ValidSpriteAngle(UINT8 rotation)
return ((rotation <= 8) || (rotation == ROT_L) || (rotation == ROT_R));
#endif //__R_THINGS__
Reference in a new issue