Implement scrolling menu backgrounds

This commit is contained in:
mazmazz 2018-11-16 18:26:26 -05:00
parent 32dc47207d
commit 1e6369e8de
5 changed files with 64 additions and 94 deletions

View file

@ -732,6 +732,8 @@ void D_StartTitle(void)
currentMenu = &MainDef; // reset the current menu ID
// Reset the palette
if (rendermode != render_none)

View file

@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ static patch_t *ttspop5;
static patch_t *ttspop6;
static patch_t *ttspop7;
static void F_SkyScroll(INT32 scrollxspeed, INT32 scrollyspeed, char *patchname);
void F_SkyScroll(INT32 scrollxspeed, INT32 scrollyspeed, char *patchname);
@ -182,111 +182,58 @@ static void F_NewCutscene(const char *basetext)
cutscene_textcount = TICRATE/2;
// F_DrawPatchCol
static void F_DrawPatchCol(INT32 x, INT32 yoffs, patch_t *patch, INT32 col)
const column_t *column;
const UINT8 *source;
UINT8 *desttop, *dest = NULL;
const UINT8 *deststop, *destbottom;
size_t count;
desttop = screens[0] + x*vid.dupx;
deststop = screens[0] + vid.rowbytes * vid.height;
destbottom = desttop + vid.height*vid.width;
do {
INT32 topdelta, prevdelta = -1;
column = (column_t *)((UINT8 *)patch + LONG(patch->columnofs[col]));
// step through the posts in a column
while (column->topdelta != 0xff)
topdelta = column->topdelta;
if (topdelta <= prevdelta)
topdelta += prevdelta;
prevdelta = topdelta;
source = (const UINT8 *)column + 3;
dest = desttop + topdelta*vid.width;
count = column->length;
while (count--)
INT32 dupycount = vid.dupy;
while (dupycount-- && dest < destbottom)
INT32 dupxcount = vid.dupx;
while (dupxcount-- && dest <= deststop)
*dest++ = *source;
dest += (vid.width - vid.dupx);
column = (const column_t *)((const UINT8 *)column + column->length + 4);
desttop += SHORT(patch->height)*vid.dupy*vid.width;
} while(dest < destbottom);
// F_SkyScroll
static void F_SkyScroll(INT32 scrollxspeed, INT32 scrollyspeed, char *patchname)
void F_SkyScroll(INT32 scrollxspeed, INT32 scrollyspeed, char *patchname)
INT32 scrolled, x, mx, fakedwidth;
INT32 yscrolled, y, my, fakedheight;
patch_t *pat;
INT32 xscrolled, x, xneg = (scrollxspeed > 0) - (scrollxspeed < 0), tilex;
INT32 yscrolled, y, yneg = (scrollyspeed > 0) - (scrollyspeed < 0), tiley;
boolean xispos = (scrollxspeed >= 0), yispos = (scrollyspeed >= 0);
INT32 dupz = (vid.dupx < vid.dupy ? vid.dupx : vid.dupy);
INT16 patwidth, patheight;
INT32 pw, ph; // scaled by dupz
patch_t *pat;
INT32 i, j;
if (rendermode == render_none)
if (!patchname || !patchname[0])
V_DrawFill(0, 0, vid.width, vid.height, 31);
pat = W_CachePatchName("TITLESKY", PU_CACHE);
pat = W_CachePatchName(patchname, PU_CACHE);
patwidth = SHORT(pat->width);
animtimer = ((finalecount*scrollxspeed)/16 + patwidth) % patwidth;
patheight = SHORT(pat->height);
skullAnimCounter = ((finalecount*scrollyspeed)/16 + patheight) % patheight;
pw = patwidth * dupz;
ph = patheight * dupz;
if (rendermode == render_soft && !scrollyspeed)
{ // if only hardware rendering could be this elegant and complete
// keep the old behavior for non-vertical scrolling because *shrug*
fakedwidth = vid.width / vid.dupx;
fakedheight = vid.height / vid.dupy;
scrolled = (patwidth - animtimer) - 1;
yscrolled = (patheight - skullAnimCounter) - 1;
for (x = 0, mx = scrolled; x < fakedwidth; x++, mx = (mx+1)%patwidth)
for (y = 0, my = yscrolled; y < fakedheight; y++, my = (my+1)%patheight)
F_DrawPatchCol(x, y, pat, mx);
else if (rendermode != render_none)
{ // if only software rendering could be this simple and retarded
// but this does work! because post scrolling goes over my head :upside_down:
INT32 dupz = (vid.dupx < vid.dupy ? vid.dupx : vid.dupy);
INT32 pw = patwidth * dupz, ph = patheight * dupz;
scrolled = animtimer * dupz;
yscrolled = skullAnimCounter * dupz;
CONS_Printf("XScroll %d> YScroll %d\n", scrolled, yscrolled);
for (x = 0; x < vid.width; x += pw)
for (y = 0; y < vid.height; y += ph)
if (scrolled > 0)
V_DrawScaledPatch(scrolled - pw, yscrolled - ph/2, V_NOSCALESTART, pat);
tilex = max(FixedCeil(FixedDiv(vid.width, pw)) >> FRACBITS, 1)+2; // one tile on both sides of center
tiley = max(FixedCeil(FixedDiv(vid.height, ph)) >> FRACBITS, 1)+2;
V_DrawScaledPatch(x + scrolled, yscrolled - ph/2, V_NOSCALESTART, pat);
animtimer = ((finalecount*scrollxspeed)/16 + patwidth*xneg) % (patwidth);
skullAnimCounter = ((finalecount*scrollyspeed)/16 + patheight*yneg) % (patheight);
// coordinate offsets
xscrolled = animtimer * dupz;
yscrolled = skullAnimCounter * dupz;
for (x = (xispos) ? -pw*(tilex-1)+pw : 0, i = 0;
i < tilex;
x += pw, i++)
for (y = (yispos) ? -ph*(tiley-1)+ph : 0, j = 0;
j < tiley;
y += ph, j++)
(xispos) ? xscrolled - x : x + xscrolled,
(yispos) ? yscrolled - y : y + yscrolled,
@ -1564,8 +1511,7 @@ void F_TitleScreenDrawer(void)
return; // We likely came here from retrying. Don't do a damn thing.
// Draw that sky!
if (!titlemapinaction)
F_SkyScroll(titlescrollxspeed, titlescrollyspeed, "TITLESKY");
// Don't draw outside of the title screewn, or if the patch isn't there.
if (!ttwing || (gamestate != GS_TITLESCREEN && gamestate != GS_WAITINGPLAYERS))

View file

@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ void F_TextPromptTicker(void);
void F_GameEndDrawer(void);
void F_IntroDrawer(void);
void F_TitleScreenDrawer(void);
void F_SkyScroll(INT32 scrollxspeed, INT32 scrollyspeed, char *patchname);
void F_GameEvaluationDrawer(void);
void F_StartGameEvaluation(void);

View file

@ -2202,7 +2202,7 @@ menumeta_t menumeta[NUMMENUTYPES];
// return false - continue
typedef boolean (*menutree_iterator)(UINT32, INT32, INT32 *, void **);
static INT32 M_IterateMenuTree(menutree_iterator itfunc, void **input)
static INT32 M_IterateMenuTree(menutree_iterator itfunc, void *input)
INT32 i, retval = 0;
UINT32 bitmask, menutype;
@ -2218,7 +2218,7 @@ static INT32 M_IterateMenuTree(menutree_iterator itfunc, void **input)
return retval;
static INT32 M_IterateMenuTreeFromTop(menutree_iterator itfunc, void **input)
static INT32 M_IterateMenuTreeFromTop(menutree_iterator itfunc, void *input)
INT32 i, retval = 0;
UINT32 bitmask, menutype;
@ -2272,6 +2272,20 @@ static boolean MIT_DrawBackground(UINT32 menutype, INT32 level, INT32 *retval, v
return false;
static boolean MIT_DrawScrollingBackground(UINT32 menutype, INT32 level, INT32 *retval, void **input)
char *defaultname = (char*)*input;
if (menumeta[menutype].bgname[0])
F_SkyScroll(menumeta[menutype].titlescrollxspeed, menumeta[menutype].titlescrollyspeed, menumeta[menutype].bgname);
return true;
else if (!level && defaultname && defaultname[0])
F_SkyScroll(titlescrollxspeed, titlescrollyspeed, defaultname);
return false;
// ====================================
// ====================================
@ -2300,6 +2314,11 @@ static void M_DrawBackground(char *defaultname)
M_IterateMenuTree(MIT_DrawBackground, defaultname);
void M_DrawScrollingBackground(char *defaultname)
M_IterateMenuTree(MIT_DrawScrollingBackground, defaultname);
// =========================================================================
// =========================================================================

View file

@ -141,6 +141,8 @@ typedef struct
extern menumeta_t menumeta[NUMMENUTYPES];
void M_DrawScrollingBackground(char *defaultname);
// Called by main loop,
// saves config file and calls I_Quit when user exits.
// Even when the menu is not displayed,