Merge branch 'next' of into playerthink-hook

This commit is contained in:
Zachary McAlpin 2019-12-22 18:55:58 -06:00
commit 0f895706f4
20 changed files with 607 additions and 593 deletions

View file

@ -459,11 +459,15 @@ matrix:
- os: linux
- ubuntu-toolchain-r-test
- sourceline: 'ppa:stjr/srb2'
- libsdl2-mixer-dev
- libpng-dev
- libgl1-mesa-dev
- libgme-dev
- libopenmpt-dev
- p7zip-full
- gcc-4.8
compiler: gcc-4.8
@ -473,43 +477,24 @@ matrix:
- _DPL_JOB_NAME=bionic
- _DPL_JOB_NAME=eoan
#gcc-4.8 (Ubuntu 4.8.5-2ubuntu1~14.04.1) 4.8.5
- os: linux
- libsdl2-mixer-dev
- libpng-dev
- libgl1-mesa-dev
- libgme-dev
- p7zip-full
- gcc-4.8
compiler: gcc-4.8
dist: trusty
if: env(DPL_ENABLED) = "1" AND (env(_DPL_JOB_ENABLED) = "1" OR env(DPL_JOB_ENABLE_ALL) = "1")
AND (branch =~ /^.*deployer.*$/ OR (tag IS present AND env(DPL_TAG_ENABLED) = "1"))
- _DPL_JOB_NAME=trusty
#gcc-4.8 (Ubuntu 4.8.5-2ubuntu1~14.04.1) 4.8.5
- os: linux
- ubuntu-toolchain-r-test
- sourceline: 'ppa:stjr/srb2'
- libsdl2-mixer-dev
- libpng-dev
- libgl1-mesa-dev
- libgme-dev
- libopenmpt-dev
- p7zip-full
- gcc-4.8
compiler: gcc-4.8
@ -528,11 +513,15 @@ matrix:
- os: linux
- ubuntu-toolchain-r-test
- sourceline: 'ppa:stjr/srb2'
- libsdl2-mixer-dev
- libpng-dev
- libgl1-mesa-dev
- libgme-dev
- libopenmpt-dev
- p7zip-full
- gcc-4.8
compiler: gcc-4.8
@ -542,20 +531,24 @@ matrix:
- _DPL_JOB_NAME=cosmic
- _DPL_JOB_NAME=bionic
#gcc-4.8 (Ubuntu 4.8.5-2ubuntu1~14.04.1) 4.8.5
- os: linux
- ubuntu-toolchain-r-test
- sourceline: 'ppa:stjr/srb2'
- libsdl2-mixer-dev
- libpng-dev
- libgl1-mesa-dev
- libgme-dev
- libopenmpt-dev
- p7zip-full
- gcc-4.8
compiler: gcc-4.8
@ -571,6 +564,33 @@ matrix:
#gcc-4.8 (Ubuntu 4.8.5-2ubuntu1~14.04.1) 4.8.5
- os: linux
- ubuntu-toolchain-r-test
- sourceline: 'ppa:stjr/srb2'
- libsdl2-mixer-dev
- libpng-dev
- libgl1-mesa-dev
- libgme-dev
- libopenmpt-dev
- p7zip-full
- gcc-4.8
compiler: gcc-4.8
dist: trusty
if: env(DPL_ENABLED) = "1" AND (env(_DPL_JOB_ENABLED) = "1" OR env(DPL_JOB_ENABLE_ALL) = "1")
AND (branch =~ /^.*deployer.*$/ OR (tag IS present AND env(DPL_TAG_ENABLED) = "1"))
- _DPL_JOB_NAME=trusty
#gcc-4.8 (Ubuntu 4.8.5-2ubuntu1~14.04.1) 4.8.5
- compiler: clang-3.5
- compiler: clang-3.6

View file

@ -29,15 +29,15 @@ environment:
# Asset handling is barebones vs. Travis Deployer. We operate on 7z only.
# Include the README files and the OpenGL batch in the main and patch archives.
# The x86/x64 archives contain the DLL binaries.
# This is overridden to 1 for release tag builds
# For patches, also include the X86/X64 DLLs.

View file

@ -12,6 +12,10 @@ ENDFUNCTION(PREPEND)
CACHE STRING "Path to directory that contains all asset files for the installer.")
# POST-V2.2 NOTE: Do not forget to add patch.pk3 to the end of this list!
@ -22,7 +26,8 @@ zones.pk3"
CACHE STRING "Documentation filenames. In OS X, these are packaged separately from other assets. No spaces between entries!"

View file

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 7.0.50~),
libpng-dev | libpng16-dev | libpng12-dev (>= 1.2.7),
libglu1-dev | libglu-dev,
libosmesa6-dev | libgl-dev,
nasm [i386]
@ -24,6 +25,7 @@ Depends: ${SHLIBS_DEPENDS}, ${MISC_DEPENDS},
libopenmpt | libopenmpt0,
libpng | libpng16-16 | libpng12-0
Description: A cross-platform 3D Sonic fangame
Sonic Robo Blast 2 is a 3D open-source Sonic the Hedgehog

View file

@ -27,10 +27,10 @@
: ${_DPL_PACKAGE_ASSET} # Build asset installation package. Linux only.
# Asset File Parameters
: ${ASSET_FILES_HASHED:=srb2.srb zones.dta player.dta rings.dta patch.dta}
: ${ASSET_FILES_HASHED:=srb2.pk3 zones.pk3 player.dta} # POST v2.2 NOTE: Don't forget to add patch.pk3!
# FTP Parameters
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
# Package Parameters
: ${PACKAGE_NAME:=srb2}
: ${PACKAGE_VERSION:=2.1.23}
: ${PACKAGE_SUBVERSION} # Highly recommended to set this to reflect the distro series target (e.g., ~18.04bionic)
: ${PACKAGE_REVISION} # Defaults to UTC timestamp
: ${PACKAGE_INSTALL_PATH:=/usr/games/SRB2}
@ -62,12 +62,12 @@
: ${PACKAGE_GROUP_NAME_EMAIL:=Sonic Team Junior <>}
: ${PACKAGE_ASSET_MINVERSION:=2.1.21} # Number this the version BEFORE the actual required version, because we do a > check
: ${PACKAGE_ASSET_MAXVERSION:=2.1.24} # Number this the version AFTER the actual required version, because we do a < check
: ${PACKAGE_ASSET_MINVERSION:=2.1.26} # Number this the version BEFORE the actual required version, because we do a > check
: ${PACKAGE_ASSET_MAXVERSION:=2.2.1} # Number this the version AFTER the actual required version, because we do a < check
: ${PROGRAM_NAME:=Sonic Robo Blast 2}
: ${PROGRAM_VENDOR:=Sonic Team Junior}
: ${PROGRAM_VERSION:=2.1.23}
: ${PROGRAM_DESCRIPTION:=A free 3D Sonic the Hedgehog fangame closely inspired by the original Sonic games on the Sega Genesis.}

View file

@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
boolean server = true; // true or false but !server == client
#define client (!server)
boolean nodownload = false;
static boolean serverrunning = false;
boolean serverrunning = false;
INT32 serverplayer = 0;
char motd[254], server_context[8]; // Message of the Day, Unique Context (even without Mumble support)

View file

@ -40,6 +40,8 @@ extern SINT8 nodetoplayer2[MAXNETNODES]; // Say the numplayer for this node if a
extern UINT8 playerpernode[MAXNETNODES]; // Used specially for splitscreen
extern boolean nodeingame[MAXNETNODES]; // Set false as nodes leave game
extern boolean serverrunning;
INT32 Net_GetFreeAcks(boolean urgent);
void Net_AckTicker(void);

View file

@ -823,6 +823,10 @@ void D_RegisterClientCommands(void)
// Ported from kart
// s_sound.c

View file

@ -275,6 +275,12 @@ static UINT8 *metalbuffer = NULL;
static UINT8 *metal_p;
static UINT16 metalversion;
typedef struct joystickvector2_s
INT32 xaxis;
INT32 yaxis;
} joystickvector2_t;
// extra data stuff (events registered this frame while recording)
static struct {
UINT8 flags; // EZT flags
@ -394,6 +400,11 @@ consvar_t cv_directionchar2 = {"directionchar2", "Movement", CV_SAVE|CV_CALL, di
consvar_t cv_autobrake = {"autobrake", "On", CV_SAVE|CV_CALL, CV_OnOff, AutoBrake_OnChange, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_autobrake2 = {"autobrake2", "On", CV_SAVE|CV_CALL, CV_OnOff, AutoBrake2_OnChange, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
static CV_PossibleValue_t deadzone_cons_t[] = {{0, "MIN"}, {FRACUNIT, "MAX"}, {0, NULL}};
consvar_t cv_deadzone = {"deadzone", "0.25", CV_FLOAT|CV_SAVE, deadzone_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_deadzone2 = {"deadzone2", "0.25", CV_FLOAT|CV_SAVE, deadzone_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
typedef enum
@ -401,7 +412,6 @@ typedef enum
AXISDEAD, //Axises that don't want deadzones
@ -882,12 +892,6 @@ static INT32 JoyAxis(axis_input_e axissel)
retaxis = -JOYAXISRANGE;
if (retaxis > (+JOYAXISRANGE))
retaxis = +JOYAXISRANGE;
if (!Joystick.bGamepadStyle && axissel < AXISDEAD)
const INT32 jdeadzone = JOYAXISRANGE/4;
if (-jdeadzone < retaxis && retaxis < jdeadzone)
return 0;
if (flp) retaxis = -retaxis; //flip it around
return retaxis;
@ -955,16 +959,75 @@ static INT32 Joy2Axis(axis_input_e axissel)
retaxis = -JOYAXISRANGE;
if (retaxis > (+JOYAXISRANGE))
retaxis = +JOYAXISRANGE;
if (!Joystick2.bGamepadStyle && axissel < AXISDEAD)
const INT32 jdeadzone = JOYAXISRANGE/4;
if (-jdeadzone < retaxis && retaxis < jdeadzone)
return 0;
if (flp) retaxis = -retaxis; //flip it around
return retaxis;
// Take a magnitude of two axes, and adjust it to take out the deadzone
// Will return a value between 0 and JOYAXISRANGE
static INT32 G_BasicDeadZoneCalculation(INT32 magnitude, fixed_t deadZone)
const INT32 jdeadzone = (JOYAXISRANGE * deadZone) / FRACUNIT;
INT32 deadzoneAppliedValue = 0;
if (jdeadzone > 0)
if (magnitude > jdeadzone)
INT32 adjustedMagnitude = abs(magnitude);
adjustedMagnitude = min(adjustedMagnitude, JOYAXISRANGE);
adjustedMagnitude -= jdeadzone;
deadzoneAppliedValue = (adjustedMagnitude * JOYAXISRANGE) / (JOYAXISRANGE - jdeadzone);
return deadzoneAppliedValue;
// Get the actual sensible radial value for a joystick axis when accounting for a deadzone
static void G_HandleAxisDeadZone(UINT8 splitnum, joystickvector2_t *joystickvector)
INT32 gamepadStyle = Joystick.bGamepadStyle;
fixed_t deadZone = cv_deadzone.value;
if (splitnum == 1)
gamepadStyle = Joystick2.bGamepadStyle;
deadZone = cv_deadzone2.value;
// When gamepadstyle is "true" the values are just -1, 0, or 1. This is done in the interface code.
if (!gamepadStyle)
// Get the total magnitude of the 2 axes
INT32 magnitude = (joystickvector->xaxis * joystickvector->xaxis) + (joystickvector->yaxis * joystickvector->yaxis);
INT32 normalisedXAxis;
INT32 normalisedYAxis;
INT32 normalisedMagnitude;
double dMagnitude = sqrt((double)magnitude);
magnitude = (INT32)dMagnitude;
// Get the normalised xy values from the magnitude
normalisedXAxis = (joystickvector->xaxis * magnitude) / JOYAXISRANGE;
normalisedYAxis = (joystickvector->yaxis * magnitude) / JOYAXISRANGE;
// Apply the deadzone to the magnitude to give a correct value between 0 and JOYAXISRANGE
normalisedMagnitude = G_BasicDeadZoneCalculation(magnitude, deadZone);
// Apply the deadzone to the xy axes
joystickvector->xaxis = (normalisedXAxis * normalisedMagnitude) / JOYAXISRANGE;
joystickvector->yaxis = (normalisedYAxis * normalisedMagnitude) / JOYAXISRANGE;
// Cap the values so they don't go above the correct maximum
joystickvector->xaxis = min(joystickvector->xaxis, JOYAXISRANGE);
joystickvector->xaxis = max(joystickvector->xaxis, -JOYAXISRANGE);
joystickvector->yaxis = min(joystickvector->yaxis, JOYAXISRANGE);
joystickvector->yaxis = max(joystickvector->yaxis, -JOYAXISRANGE);
// G_BuildTiccmd
@ -985,12 +1048,13 @@ void G_BuildTiccmd(ticcmd_t *cmd, INT32 realtics)
boolean forcestrafe = false;
boolean forcefullinput = false;
INT32 tspeed, forward, side, axis, altaxis, i;
INT32 tspeed, forward, side, axis, strafeaxis, moveaxis, turnaxis, lookaxis, i;
const INT32 speed = 1;
// these ones used for multiple conditions
boolean turnleft, turnright, strafelkey, straferkey, movefkey, movebkey, mouseaiming, analogjoystickmove, gamepadjoystickmove, thisjoyaiming;
player_t *player = &players[consoleplayer];
camera_t *thiscam = &camera;
joystickvector2_t movejoystickvector, lookjoystickvector;
static INT32 turnheld; // for accelerative turning
static boolean keyboard_look; // true if lookup/down using keyboard
@ -1030,11 +1094,16 @@ void G_BuildTiccmd(ticcmd_t *cmd, INT32 realtics)
localaiming = 0;
joyaiming = thisjoyaiming;
axis = JoyAxis(AXISTURN);
if (gamepadjoystickmove && axis != 0)
turnaxis = JoyAxis(AXISTURN);
lookaxis = JoyAxis(AXISLOOK);
lookjoystickvector.xaxis = turnaxis;
lookjoystickvector.yaxis = lookaxis;
G_HandleAxisDeadZone(0, &lookjoystickvector);
if (gamepadjoystickmove && lookjoystickvector.xaxis != 0)
turnright = turnright || (axis > 0);
turnleft = turnleft || (axis < 0);
turnright = turnright || (lookjoystickvector.xaxis > 0);
turnleft = turnleft || (lookjoystickvector.xaxis < 0);
forward = side = 0;
@ -1074,10 +1143,10 @@ void G_BuildTiccmd(ticcmd_t *cmd, INT32 realtics)
if (turnleft)
side -= sidemove[speed];
if (analogjoystickmove && axis != 0)
if (analogjoystickmove && lookjoystickvector.xaxis != 0)
// JOYAXISRANGE is supposed to be 1023 (divide by 1024)
side += ((axis * sidemove[1]) >> 10);
side += ((lookjoystickvector.xaxis * sidemove[1]) >> 10);
else if (cv_analog.value) // Analog
@ -1094,41 +1163,44 @@ void G_BuildTiccmd(ticcmd_t *cmd, INT32 realtics)
else if (turnleft)
cmd->angleturn = (INT16)(cmd->angleturn + angleturn[tspeed]);
if (analogjoystickmove && axis != 0)
if (analogjoystickmove && lookjoystickvector.xaxis != 0)
// JOYAXISRANGE should be 1023 (divide by 1024)
cmd->angleturn = (INT16)(cmd->angleturn - ((axis * angleturn[1]) >> 10)); // ANALOG!
cmd->angleturn = (INT16)(cmd->angleturn - ((lookjoystickvector.xaxis * angleturn[1]) >> 10)); // ANALOG!
axis = JoyAxis(AXISSTRAFE);
if (gamepadjoystickmove && axis != 0)
strafeaxis = JoyAxis(AXISSTRAFE);
moveaxis = JoyAxis(AXISMOVE);
movejoystickvector.xaxis = strafeaxis;
movejoystickvector.yaxis = moveaxis;
G_HandleAxisDeadZone(0, &movejoystickvector);
if (gamepadjoystickmove && movejoystickvector.xaxis != 0)
if (axis < 0)
if (movejoystickvector.xaxis > 0)
side += sidemove[speed];
else if (axis > 0)
else if (movejoystickvector.xaxis < 0)
side -= sidemove[speed];
else if (analogjoystickmove && axis != 0)
else if (analogjoystickmove && movejoystickvector.xaxis != 0)
// JOYAXISRANGE is supposed to be 1023 (divide by 1024)
side += ((axis * sidemove[1]) >> 10);
side += ((movejoystickvector.xaxis * sidemove[1]) >> 10);
// forward with key or button
axis = JoyAxis(AXISMOVE);
altaxis = JoyAxis(AXISLOOK);
if (movefkey || (gamepadjoystickmove && axis < 0)
if (movefkey || (gamepadjoystickmove && movejoystickvector.yaxis < 0)
|| ((player->powers[pw_carry] == CR_NIGHTSMODE)
&& (PLAYER1INPUTDOWN(gc_lookup) || (gamepadjoystickmove && altaxis < 0))))
&& (PLAYER1INPUTDOWN(gc_lookup) || (gamepadjoystickmove && lookjoystickvector.yaxis > 0))))
forward = forwardmove[speed];
if (movebkey || (gamepadjoystickmove && axis > 0)
if (movebkey || (gamepadjoystickmove && movejoystickvector.yaxis > 0)
|| ((player->powers[pw_carry] == CR_NIGHTSMODE)
&& (PLAYER1INPUTDOWN(gc_lookdown) || (gamepadjoystickmove && altaxis > 0))))
&& (PLAYER1INPUTDOWN(gc_lookdown) || (gamepadjoystickmove && lookjoystickvector.yaxis < 0))))
forward -= forwardmove[speed];
if (analogjoystickmove && axis != 0)
forward -= ((axis * forwardmove[1]) >> 10); // ANALOG!
if (analogjoystickmove && movejoystickvector.yaxis != 0)
forward -= ((movejoystickvector.yaxis * forwardmove[1]) >> 10); // ANALOG!
// some people strafe left & right with mouse buttons
// those people are weird
@ -1211,9 +1283,8 @@ void G_BuildTiccmd(ticcmd_t *cmd, INT32 realtics)
localaiming += (mlooky<<19)*player_invert*screen_invert;
axis = JoyAxis(AXISLOOK);
if (analogjoystickmove && joyaiming && axis != 0 && cv_lookaxis.value != 0)
localaiming += (axis<<16) * screen_invert;
if (analogjoystickmove && joyaiming && lookjoystickvector.yaxis != 0 && cv_lookaxis.value != 0)
localaiming += (lookjoystickvector.yaxis<<16) * screen_invert;
// spring back if not using keyboard neither mouselookin'
if (!keyboard_look && cv_lookaxis.value == 0 && !joyaiming && !mouseaiming)
@ -1221,12 +1292,12 @@ void G_BuildTiccmd(ticcmd_t *cmd, INT32 realtics)
if (!(player->powers[pw_carry] == CR_NIGHTSMODE))
if (PLAYER1INPUTDOWN(gc_lookup) || (gamepadjoystickmove && axis < 0))
if (PLAYER1INPUTDOWN(gc_lookup) || (gamepadjoystickmove && lookjoystickvector.yaxis > 0))
localaiming += KB_LOOKSPEED * screen_invert;
keyboard_look = true;
else if (PLAYER1INPUTDOWN(gc_lookdown) || (gamepadjoystickmove && axis > 0))
else if (PLAYER1INPUTDOWN(gc_lookdown) || (gamepadjoystickmove && lookjoystickvector.yaxis < 0))
localaiming -= KB_LOOKSPEED * screen_invert;
keyboard_look = true;
@ -1316,12 +1387,13 @@ void G_BuildTiccmd2(ticcmd_t *cmd, INT32 realtics)
boolean forcestrafe = false;
boolean forcefullinput = false;
INT32 tspeed, forward, side, axis, altaxis, i;
INT32 tspeed, forward, side, axis, strafeaxis, moveaxis, turnaxis, lookaxis, i;
const INT32 speed = 1;
// these ones used for multiple conditions
boolean turnleft, turnright, strafelkey, straferkey, movefkey, movebkey, mouseaiming, analogjoystickmove, gamepadjoystickmove, thisjoyaiming;
player_t *player = &players[secondarydisplayplayer];
camera_t *thiscam = (player->bot == 2 ? &camera : &camera2);
joystickvector2_t movejoystickvector, lookjoystickvector;
static INT32 turnheld; // for accelerative turning
static boolean keyboard_look; // true if lookup/down using keyboard
@ -1359,11 +1431,16 @@ void G_BuildTiccmd2(ticcmd_t *cmd, INT32 realtics)
localaiming2 = 0;
joyaiming = thisjoyaiming;
axis = Joy2Axis(AXISTURN);
if (gamepadjoystickmove && axis != 0)
turnaxis = Joy2Axis(AXISTURN);
lookaxis = Joy2Axis(AXISLOOK);
lookjoystickvector.xaxis = turnaxis;
lookjoystickvector.yaxis = lookaxis;
G_HandleAxisDeadZone(1, &lookjoystickvector);
if (gamepadjoystickmove && lookjoystickvector.xaxis != 0)
turnright = turnright || (axis > 0);
turnleft = turnleft || (axis < 0);
turnright = turnright || (lookjoystickvector.xaxis > 0);
turnleft = turnleft || (lookjoystickvector.xaxis < 0);
forward = side = 0;
@ -1404,10 +1481,10 @@ void G_BuildTiccmd2(ticcmd_t *cmd, INT32 realtics)
if (turnleft)
side -= sidemove[speed];
if (analogjoystickmove && axis != 0)
if (analogjoystickmove && lookjoystickvector.xaxis != 0)
// JOYAXISRANGE is supposed to be 1023 (divide by 1024)
side += ((axis * sidemove[1]) >> 10);
side += ((lookjoystickvector.xaxis * sidemove[1]) >> 10);
else if (cv_analog2.value) // Analog
@ -1424,41 +1501,44 @@ void G_BuildTiccmd2(ticcmd_t *cmd, INT32 realtics)
else if (turnleft)
cmd->angleturn = (INT16)(cmd->angleturn + angleturn[tspeed]);
if (analogjoystickmove && axis != 0)
if (analogjoystickmove && lookjoystickvector.xaxis != 0)
// JOYAXISRANGE should be 1023 (divide by 1024)
cmd->angleturn = (INT16)(cmd->angleturn - ((axis * angleturn[1]) >> 10)); // ANALOG!
cmd->angleturn = (INT16)(cmd->angleturn - ((lookjoystickvector.xaxis * angleturn[1]) >> 10)); // ANALOG!
axis = Joy2Axis(AXISSTRAFE);
if (gamepadjoystickmove && axis != 0)
strafeaxis = Joy2Axis(AXISSTRAFE);
moveaxis = Joy2Axis(AXISMOVE);
movejoystickvector.xaxis = strafeaxis;
movejoystickvector.yaxis = moveaxis;
G_HandleAxisDeadZone(1, &movejoystickvector);
if (gamepadjoystickmove && movejoystickvector.xaxis != 0)
if (axis < 0)
if (movejoystickvector.xaxis > 0)
side += sidemove[speed];
else if (axis > 0)
else if (movejoystickvector.xaxis < 0)
side -= sidemove[speed];
else if (analogjoystickmove && axis != 0)
else if (analogjoystickmove && movejoystickvector.xaxis != 0)
// JOYAXISRANGE is supposed to be 1023 (divide by 1024)
side += ((axis * sidemove[1]) >> 10);
side += ((movejoystickvector.xaxis * sidemove[1]) >> 10);
// forward with key or button
axis = Joy2Axis(AXISMOVE);
altaxis = Joy2Axis(AXISLOOK);
if (movefkey || (gamepadjoystickmove && axis < 0)
if (movefkey || (gamepadjoystickmove && movejoystickvector.yaxis < 0)
|| ((player->powers[pw_carry] == CR_NIGHTSMODE)
&& (PLAYER2INPUTDOWN(gc_lookup) || (gamepadjoystickmove && altaxis < 0))))
&& (PLAYER2INPUTDOWN(gc_lookup) || (gamepadjoystickmove && lookjoystickvector.yaxis > 0))))
forward = forwardmove[speed];
if (movebkey || (gamepadjoystickmove && axis > 0)
if (movebkey || (gamepadjoystickmove && movejoystickvector.yaxis > 0)
|| ((player->powers[pw_carry] == CR_NIGHTSMODE)
&& (PLAYER2INPUTDOWN(gc_lookdown) || (gamepadjoystickmove && altaxis > 0))))
&& (PLAYER2INPUTDOWN(gc_lookdown) || (gamepadjoystickmove && lookjoystickvector.yaxis < 0))))
forward -= forwardmove[speed];
if (analogjoystickmove && axis != 0)
forward -= ((axis * forwardmove[1]) >> 10); // ANALOG!
if (analogjoystickmove && movejoystickvector.yaxis != 0)
forward -= ((movejoystickvector.yaxis * forwardmove[1]) >> 10); // ANALOG!
// some people strafe left & right with mouse buttons
// those people are (still) weird
@ -1538,9 +1618,8 @@ void G_BuildTiccmd2(ticcmd_t *cmd, INT32 realtics)
localaiming2 += (mlook2y<<19)*player_invert*screen_invert;
axis = Joy2Axis(AXISLOOK);
if (analogjoystickmove && joyaiming && axis != 0 && cv_lookaxis2.value != 0)
localaiming2 += (axis<<16) * screen_invert;
if (analogjoystickmove && joyaiming && lookjoystickvector.yaxis != 0 && cv_lookaxis2.value != 0)
localaiming2 += (lookjoystickvector.yaxis<<16) * screen_invert;
// spring back if not using keyboard neither mouselookin'
if (!keyboard_look && cv_lookaxis2.value == 0 && !joyaiming && !mouseaiming)
@ -1548,12 +1627,12 @@ void G_BuildTiccmd2(ticcmd_t *cmd, INT32 realtics)
if (!(player->powers[pw_carry] == CR_NIGHTSMODE))
if (PLAYER2INPUTDOWN(gc_lookup) || (gamepadjoystickmove && axis < 0))
if (PLAYER2INPUTDOWN(gc_lookup) || (gamepadjoystickmove && lookjoystickvector.yaxis > 0))
localaiming2 += KB_LOOKSPEED * screen_invert;
keyboard_look = true;
else if (PLAYER2INPUTDOWN(gc_lookdown) || (gamepadjoystickmove && axis > 0))
else if (PLAYER2INPUTDOWN(gc_lookdown) || (gamepadjoystickmove && lookjoystickvector.yaxis < 0))
localaiming2 -= KB_LOOKSPEED * screen_invert;
keyboard_look = true;

View file

@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ extern consvar_t cv_useranalog, cv_useranalog2;
extern consvar_t cv_analog, cv_analog2;
extern consvar_t cv_directionchar, cv_directionchar2;
extern consvar_t cv_autobrake, cv_autobrake2;
extern consvar_t cv_deadzone, cv_deadzone2;
extern consvar_t cv_sideaxis,cv_turnaxis,cv_moveaxis,cv_lookaxis,cv_jumpaxis,cv_spinaxis,cv_fireaxis,cv_firenaxis;
extern consvar_t cv_sideaxis2,cv_turnaxis2,cv_moveaxis2,cv_lookaxis2,cv_jumpaxis2,cv_spinaxis2,cv_fireaxis2,cv_firenaxis2;
extern consvar_t cv_ghost_bestscore, cv_ghost_besttime, cv_ghost_bestrings, cv_ghost_last, cv_ghost_guest;

View file

@ -209,7 +209,8 @@ static size_t numbans = 0;
static boolean SOCK_bannednode[MAXNETNODES+1]; /// \note do we really need the +1?
static boolean init_tcp_driver = false;
static char port_name[8] = DEFAULTPORT;
static const char *serverport_name = DEFAULTPORT;
static const char *clientport_name;/* any port */
#ifndef NONET
@ -887,6 +888,7 @@ static boolean UDP_Socket(void)
#ifdef HAVE_IPV6
const INT32 b_ipv6 = M_CheckParm("-ipv6");
const char *serv;
for (s = 0; s < mysocketses; s++)
@ -902,11 +904,16 @@ static boolean UDP_Socket(void)
hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM;
hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_UDP;
if (serverrunning)
serv = serverport_name;
serv = clientport_name;
if (M_CheckParm("-bindaddr"))
while (M_IsNextParm())
gaie = I_getaddrinfo(M_GetNextParm(), port_name, &hints, &ai);
gaie = I_getaddrinfo(M_GetNextParm(), serv, &hints, &ai);
if (gaie == 0)
runp = ai;
@ -927,7 +934,7 @@ static boolean UDP_Socket(void)
gaie = I_getaddrinfo("", port_name, &hints, &ai);
gaie = I_getaddrinfo("", serv, &hints, &ai);
if (gaie == 0)
runp = ai;
@ -942,8 +949,8 @@ static boolean UDP_Socket(void)
if (UPNP_support)
I_UPnP_rem(port_name, "UDP");
I_UPnP_add(NULL, port_name, "UDP");
I_UPnP_rem(serverport_name, "UDP");
I_UPnP_add(NULL, serverport_name, "UDP");
@ -960,7 +967,7 @@ static boolean UDP_Socket(void)
while (M_IsNextParm())
gaie = I_getaddrinfo(M_GetNextParm(), port_name, &hints, &ai);
gaie = I_getaddrinfo(M_GetNextParm(), serv, &hints, &ai);
if (gaie == 0)
runp = ai;
@ -981,7 +988,7 @@ static boolean UDP_Socket(void)
gaie = I_getaddrinfo("::", port_name, &hints, &ai);
gaie = I_getaddrinfo("::", serv, &hints, &ai);
if (gaie == 0)
runp = ai;
@ -1421,15 +1428,19 @@ boolean I_InitTcpNetwork(void)
if (!I_InitTcpDriver())
return false;
if (M_CheckParm("-port"))
if (M_CheckParm("-port") || M_CheckParm("-serverport"))
// Combined -udpport and -clientport into -port
// As it was really redundant having two seperate parms that does the same thing
/* Sorry Steel, I'm adding these back. But -udpport is a stupid name. */
if (M_IsNextParm())
strcpy(port_name, M_GetNextParm());
strcpy(port_name, "0");
If it's NULL, that's okay! Because then
we'll get a random port from getaddrinfo.
serverport_name = M_GetNextParm();
if (M_CheckParm("-clientport"))
clientport_name = M_GetNextParm();
// parse network game options,
if (M_CheckParm("-server") || dedicated)

View file

@ -1118,6 +1118,8 @@ static menuitem_t OP_Joystick1Menu[] =
{IT_STRING | IT_CVAR, NULL, "First-Person Vert-Look", &cv_alwaysfreelook, 120},
{IT_STRING | IT_CVAR, NULL, "Third-Person Vert-Look", &cv_chasefreelook, 130},
NULL, "Deadzone", &cv_deadzone, 140 },
static menuitem_t OP_Joystick2Menu[] =
@ -1134,6 +1136,8 @@ static menuitem_t OP_Joystick2Menu[] =
{IT_STRING | IT_CVAR, NULL, "First-Person Vert-Look", &cv_alwaysfreelook2,120},
{IT_STRING | IT_CVAR, NULL, "Third-Person Vert-Look", &cv_chasefreelook2, 130},
NULL, "Deadzone", &cv_deadzone2, 140 },
static menuitem_t OP_JoystickSetMenu[1+MAX_JOYSTICKS];
@ -3009,7 +3013,7 @@ boolean M_Responder(event_t *ev)
else if (ev->type == ev_joystick && ev->data1 == 0 && joywait < I_GetTime())
const INT32 jdeadzone = JOYAXISRANGE/4;
const INT32 jdeadzone = (JOYAXISRANGE * cv_deadzone.value) / FRACUNIT;
if (ev->data3 != INT32_MAX)
if (Joystick.bGamepadStyle || abs(ev->data3) > jdeadzone)

View file

@ -13614,12 +13614,12 @@ static boolean PIT_DustDevilLaunch(mobj_t *thing)
{ //Player on the top of the tornado.
thing->z = dustdevil->z + dustdevil->height;
thrust = 20 * FRACUNIT;
player->powers[pw_nocontrol] = 0;
S_StartSound(thing, sfx_wdjump);
P_SetPlayerMobjState(thing, S_PLAY_FALL);
player->pflags &= ~PF_JUMPED;
thing->momz = thrust;

View file

@ -781,9 +781,10 @@ static void P_NetArchiveWorld(void)
UINT8 *put;
// reload the map just to see difference
mapsector_t *ms;
mapsidedef_t *msd;
maplinedef_t *mld;
virtres_t* virt = vres_GetMap(lastloadedmaplumpnum);
mapsector_t *ms = (mapsector_t*) vres_Find(virt, "SECTORS")->data;
mapsidedef_t *msd = (mapsidedef_t*) vres_Find(virt, "SIDEDEFS")->data;
maplinedef_t *mld = (maplinedef_t*) vres_Find(virt, "LINEDEFS")->data;
const sector_t *ss = sectors;
UINT8 diff, diff2, diff3;
@ -793,26 +794,6 @@ static void P_NetArchiveWorld(void)
put = save_p;
if (W_IsLumpWad(lastloadedmaplumpnum)) // welp it's a map wad in a pk3
{ // HACK: Open wad file rather quickly so we can get the data from the relevant lumps
UINT8 *wadData = W_CacheLumpNum(lastloadedmaplumpnum, PU_STATIC);
filelump_t *fileinfo = (filelump_t *)(wadData + ((wadinfo_t *)wadData)->infotableofs);
#define retrieve_mapdata(d, f)\
d = Z_Malloc((f)->size, PU_CACHE, NULL); \
M_Memcpy(d, wadData + (f)->filepos, (f)->size)
retrieve_mapdata(ms, fileinfo + ML_SECTORS);
retrieve_mapdata(mld, fileinfo + ML_LINEDEFS);
retrieve_mapdata(msd, fileinfo + ML_SIDEDEFS);
#undef retrieve_mapdata
Z_Free(wadData); // we're done with this now
else // phew it's just a WAD
ms = W_CacheLumpNum(lastloadedmaplumpnum+ML_SECTORS, PU_CACHE);
mld = W_CacheLumpNum(lastloadedmaplumpnum+ML_LINEDEFS, PU_CACHE);
msd = W_CacheLumpNum(lastloadedmaplumpnum+ML_SIDEDEFS, PU_CACHE);
for (i = 0; i < numsectors; i++, ss++, ms++)
diff = diff2 = diff3 = 0;
@ -1037,6 +1018,7 @@ static void P_NetArchiveWorld(void)
WRITEUINT16(put, 0xffff);
save_p = put;

View file

@ -367,27 +367,12 @@ UINT32 P_GetScoreForGrade(INT16 map, UINT8 mare, UINT8 grade)
return mapheaderinfo[map-1]->grades[mare].grade[grade-1];
/** Loads the vertexes for a level.
* \param lump VERTEXES lump number.
static inline void P_LoadRawVertexes(UINT8 *data, size_t i)
// Loads the vertexes for a level.
static inline void P_LoadRawVertexes(UINT8 *data)
mapvertex_t *ml;
vertex_t *li;
numvertexes = i / sizeof (mapvertex_t);
if (numvertexes <= 0)
I_Error("Level has no vertices"); // instead of crashing
// Allocate zone memory for buffer.
vertexes = Z_Calloc(numvertexes * sizeof (*vertexes), PU_LEVEL, NULL);
ml = (mapvertex_t *)data;
li = vertexes;
mapvertex_t *ml = (mapvertex_t *)data;
vertex_t *li = vertexes;
size_t i;
// Copy and convert vertex coordinates, internal representation as fixed.
for (i = 0; i < numvertexes; i++, li++, ml++)
@ -397,13 +382,6 @@ static inline void P_LoadRawVertexes(UINT8 *data, size_t i)
static inline void P_LoadVertexes(lumpnum_t lumpnum)
UINT8 *data = W_CacheLumpNum(lumpnum, PU_STATIC);
P_LoadRawVertexes(data, W_LumpLength(lumpnum));
/** Computes the length of a seg in fracunits.
* \param seg Seg to compute length for.
@ -435,25 +413,15 @@ static inline float P_SegLengthFloat(seg_t *seg)
/** Loads the SEGS resource from a level.
* \param lump Lump number of the SEGS resource.
* \sa ::ML_SEGS
static void P_LoadRawSegs(UINT8 *data, size_t i)
// Loads the SEGS resource from a level.
static void P_LoadRawSegs(UINT8 *data)
INT32 linedef, side;
mapseg_t *ml;
seg_t *li;
mapseg_t *ml = (mapseg_t*)data;
seg_t *li = segs;
line_t *ldef;
size_t i;
numsegs = i / sizeof (mapseg_t);
if (numsegs <= 0)
I_Error("Level has no segs"); // instead of crashing
segs = Z_Calloc(numsegs * sizeof (*segs), PU_LEVEL, NULL);
ml = (mapseg_t *)data;
li = segs;
for (i = 0; i < numsegs; i++, li++, ml++)
li->v1 = &vertexes[SHORT(ml->v1)];
@ -478,7 +446,7 @@ static void P_LoadRawSegs(UINT8 *data, size_t i)
li->side = side = SHORT(ml->side);
li->sidedef = &sides[ldef->sidenum[side]];
li->frontsector = sides[ldef->sidenum[side]].sector;
if (ldef-> flags & ML_TWOSIDED)
if (ldef->flags & ML_TWOSIDED)
li->backsector = sides[ldef->sidenum[side^1]].sector;
li->backsector = 0;
@ -488,30 +456,12 @@ static void P_LoadRawSegs(UINT8 *data, size_t i)
static void P_LoadSegs(lumpnum_t lumpnum)
// Loads the SSECTORS resource from a level.
static inline void P_LoadRawSubsectors(void *data)
UINT8 *data = W_CacheLumpNum(lumpnum, PU_STATIC);
P_LoadRawSegs(data, W_LumpLength(lumpnum));
/** Loads the SSECTORS resource from a level.
* \param lump Lump number of the SSECTORS resource.
static inline void P_LoadRawSubsectors(void *data, size_t i)
mapsubsector_t *ms;
subsector_t *ss;
numsubsectors = i / sizeof (mapsubsector_t);
if (numsubsectors <= 0)
I_Error("Level has no subsectors (did you forget to run it through a nodesbuilder?)");
ss = subsectors = Z_Calloc(numsubsectors * sizeof (*subsectors), PU_LEVEL, NULL);
ms = (mapsubsector_t *)data;
mapsubsector_t *ms = (mapsubsector_t*)data;
subsector_t *ss = subsectors;
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < numsubsectors; i++, ss++, ms++)
@ -525,13 +475,6 @@ static inline void P_LoadRawSubsectors(void *data, size_t i)
static void P_LoadSubsectors(lumpnum_t lumpnum)
UINT8 *data = W_CacheLumpNum(lumpnum, PU_STATIC);
P_LoadRawSubsectors(data, W_LumpLength(lumpnum));
// levelflats
@ -698,20 +641,12 @@ INT32 P_CheckLevelFlat(const char *flatname)
// Sets up the ingame sectors structures.
// Lumpnum is the lumpnum of a SECTORS lump.
static void P_LoadRawSectors(UINT8 *data, size_t i)
static void P_LoadRawSectors(UINT8 *data)
mapsector_t *ms;
sector_t *ss;
mapsector_t *ms = (mapsector_t *)data;
sector_t *ss = sectors;
levelflat_t *foundflats;
// We count how many sectors we got.
numsectors = i / sizeof (mapsector_t);
if (numsectors <= 0)
I_Error("Level has no sectors");
// Allocate as much memory as we need into the global sectors table.
sectors = Z_Calloc(numsectors*sizeof (*sectors), PU_LEVEL, NULL);
size_t i;
// Allocate a big chunk of memory as big as our MAXLEVELFLATS limit.
//Fab : FIXME: allocate for whatever number of flats - 512 different flats per level should be plenty
@ -722,8 +657,6 @@ static void P_LoadRawSectors(UINT8 *data, size_t i)
numlevelflats = 0;
// For each counted sector, copy the sector raw data from our cache pointer ms, to the global table pointer ss.
ms = (mapsector_t *)data;
ss = sectors;
for (i = 0; i < numsectors; i++, ss++, ms++)
ss->floorheight = SHORT(ms->floorheight)<<FRACBITS;
@ -805,29 +738,15 @@ static void P_LoadRawSectors(UINT8 *data, size_t i)
static void P_LoadSectors(lumpnum_t lumpnum)
UINT8 *data = W_CacheLumpNum(lumpnum, PU_STATIC);
P_LoadRawSectors(data, W_LumpLength(lumpnum));
// P_LoadNodes
static void P_LoadRawNodes(UINT8 *data, size_t i)
static void P_LoadRawNodes(UINT8 *data)
UINT8 j, k;
mapnode_t *mn;
node_t *no;
numnodes = i / sizeof (mapnode_t);
if (numnodes <= 0)
I_Error("Level has no nodes");
nodes = Z_Calloc(numnodes * sizeof (*nodes), PU_LEVEL, NULL);
mn = (mapnode_t *)data;
no = nodes;
mapnode_t *mn = (mapnode_t*)data;
node_t *no = nodes;
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < numnodes; i++, no++, mn++)
@ -844,13 +763,6 @@ static void P_LoadRawNodes(UINT8 *data, size_t i)
static void P_LoadNodes(lumpnum_t lumpnum)
UINT8 *data = W_CacheLumpNum(lumpnum, PU_STATIC);
P_LoadRawNodes(data, W_LumpLength(lumpnum));
// P_ReloadRings
// Used by NiGHTS, clears all ring/wing/etc items and respawns them
@ -1002,12 +914,10 @@ void P_ScanThings(INT16 mapnum, INT16 wadnum, INT16 lumpnum)
static void P_PrepareRawThings(UINT8 *data, size_t i)
static void P_PrepareRawThings(UINT8 *data)
mapthing_t *mt;
nummapthings = i / (5 * sizeof (INT16));
mapthings = Z_Calloc(nummapthings * sizeof (*mapthings), PU_LEVEL, NULL);
size_t i;
for (i = 0, mt = mapthings; i < nummapthings; i++, mt++)
@ -1028,13 +938,6 @@ static void P_PrepareRawThings(UINT8 *data, size_t i)
static void P_PrepareThings(lumpnum_t lumpnum)
UINT8 *data = W_CacheLumpNum(lumpnum, PU_STATIC);
P_PrepareRawThings(data, W_LumpLength(lumpnum));
static void P_SpawnEmeraldHunt(void)
INT32 emer1, emer2, emer3;
@ -1085,7 +988,7 @@ static void P_LoadThings(boolean loademblems)
size_t i;
mapthing_t *mt;
// Spawn axis points first so they are at the front of the list for fast searching.
// Spawn axis points first so they are at the front of the list for fast searching.
for (i = 0, mt = mapthings; i < nummapthings; i++, mt++)
switch (mt->type)
@ -1183,33 +1086,46 @@ void P_WriteThings(lumpnum_t lumpnum)
CONS_Printf(M_GetText("newthings%d.lmp saved.\n"), gamemap);
static void P_LoadRawLineDefs(UINT8 *data, size_t i)
static void P_LoadRawLineDefs(UINT8 *data)
maplinedef_t *mld;
line_t *ld;
vertex_t *v1, *v2;
maplinedef_t *mld = (maplinedef_t *)data;
line_t *ld = lines;
size_t i;
numlines = i / sizeof (maplinedef_t);
if (numlines <= 0)
I_Error("Level has no linedefs");
lines = Z_Calloc(numlines * sizeof (*lines), PU_LEVEL, NULL);
mld = (maplinedef_t *)data;
ld = lines;
for (i = 0; i < numlines; i++, mld++, ld++)
ld->flags = SHORT(mld->flags);
ld->special = SHORT(mld->special);
ld->tag = SHORT(mld->tag);
v1 = ld->v1 = &vertexes[SHORT(mld->v1)];
v2 = ld->v2 = &vertexes[SHORT(mld->v2)];
ld->dx = v2->x - v1->x;
ld->dy = v2->y - v1->y;
ld->v1 = &vertexes[SHORT(mld->v1)];
ld->v2 = &vertexes[SHORT(mld->v2)];
ld->sidenum[0] = SHORT(mld->sidenum[0]);
ld->sidenum[1] = SHORT(mld->sidenum[1]);
static void P_SetupLines(void)
line_t *ld = lines;
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < numlines; i++, ld++)
vertex_t *v1 = ld->v1;
vertex_t *v2 = ld->v2;
ld->splats = NULL;
ld->polyobj = NULL;
ld->dx = v2->x - v1->x;
ld->dy = v2->y - v1->y;
if (!ld->dx)
ld->slopetype = ST_VERTICAL;
else if (!ld->dy)
@ -1241,62 +1157,46 @@ static void P_LoadRawLineDefs(UINT8 *data, size_t i)
ld->bbox[BOXTOP] = v1->y;
ld->sidenum[0] = SHORT(mld->sidenum[0]);
ld->sidenum[1] = SHORT(mld->sidenum[1]);
// cph 2006/09/30 - fix sidedef errors right away.
// cph 2002/07/20 - these errors are fatal if not fixed, so apply them
UINT8 j;
for (j=0; j < 2; j++)
if (ld->sidenum[j] != 0xffff && ld->sidenum[j] >= (UINT16)numsides)
ld->sidenum[j] = 0xffff;
CONS_Debug(DBG_SETUP, "P_LoadRawLineDefs: linedef %s has out-of-range sidedef number\n", sizeu1(numlines-i-1));
ld->frontsector = ld->backsector = NULL;
ld->validcount = 0;
ld->firsttag = ld->nexttag = -1;
ld->callcount = 0;
// killough 11/98: fix common wad errors (missing sidedefs):
// killough 11/98: fix common wad errors (missing sidedefs):
if (ld->sidenum[0] == 0xffff)
ld->sidenum[0] = 0; // Substitute dummy sidedef for missing right side
// cph - print a warning about the bug
CONS_Debug(DBG_SETUP, "P_LoadRawLineDefs: linedef %s missing first sidedef\n", sizeu1(numlines-i-1));
CONS_Debug(DBG_SETUP, "Linedef %s missing first sidedef\n", sizeu1(numlines-i-1));
if ((ld->sidenum[1] == 0xffff) && (ld->flags & ML_TWOSIDED))
ld->flags &= ~ML_TWOSIDED; // Clear 2s flag for missing left side
// cph - print a warning about the bug
CONS_Debug(DBG_SETUP, "P_LoadRawLineDefs: linedef %s has two-sided flag set, but no second sidedef\n", sizeu1(numlines-i-1));
CONS_Debug(DBG_SETUP, "Linedef %s has two-sided flag set, but no second sidedef\n", sizeu1(numlines-i-1));
if (ld->sidenum[0] != 0xffff && ld->special)
sides[ld->sidenum[0]].special = ld->special;
if (ld->sidenum[1] != 0xffff && ld->special)
sides[ld->sidenum[1]].special = ld->special;
ld->polyobj = NULL;
static void P_LoadLineDefs(lumpnum_t lumpnum)
UINT8 *data = W_CacheLumpNum(lumpnum, PU_STATIC);
P_LoadRawLineDefs(data, W_LumpLength(lumpnum));
static void P_LoadLineDefs2(void)
size_t i = numlines;
@ -1399,22 +1299,6 @@ static void P_LoadLineDefs2(void)
static inline void P_LoadRawSideDefs(size_t i)
numsides = i / sizeof (mapsidedef_t);
if (numsides <= 0)
I_Error("Level has no sidedefs");
sides = Z_Calloc(numsides * sizeof (*sides), PU_LEVEL, NULL);
static inline void P_LoadSideDefs(lumpnum_t lumpnum)
static void P_LoadRawSideDefs2(void *data)
UINT16 i;
@ -1575,15 +1459,6 @@ static void P_LoadRawSideDefs2(void *data)
// Delay loading texture names until after loaded linedefs.
static void P_LoadSideDefs2(lumpnum_t lumpnum)
UINT8 *data = W_CacheLumpNum(lumpnum, PU_STATIC);
static boolean LineInBlock(fixed_t cx1, fixed_t cy1, fixed_t cx2, fixed_t cy2, fixed_t bx1, fixed_t by1)
fixed_t bbox[4];
@ -1863,84 +1738,11 @@ static void P_ReadBlockMapLump(INT16 *wadblockmaplump, size_t count)
// P_LoadBlockMap
// Levels might not have a blockmap, so if one does not exist
// this should return false.
static boolean P_LoadBlockMap(lumpnum_t lumpnum)
#if 0
return false;
size_t count;
const char *lumpname = W_CheckNameForNum(lumpnum);
// Check if the lump exists, and if it's named "BLOCKMAP"
if (!lumpname || memcmp(lumpname, "BLOCKMAP", 8) != 0)
return false;
count = W_LumpLength(lumpnum);
if (!count || count >= 0x20000)
return false;
INT16 *wadblockmaplump = malloc(count); //INT16 *wadblockmaplump = W_CacheLumpNum (lump, PU_LEVEL);
if (!wadblockmaplump)
return false;
W_ReadLump(lumpnum, wadblockmaplump);
count /= 2;
P_ReadBlockMapLump(wadblockmaplump, count);
bmaporgx = blockmaplump[0]<<FRACBITS;
bmaporgy = blockmaplump[1]<<FRACBITS;
bmapwidth = blockmaplump[2];
bmapheight = blockmaplump[3];
// clear out mobj chains
count = sizeof (*blocklinks)* bmapwidth*bmapheight;
blocklinks = Z_Calloc(count, PU_LEVEL, NULL);
blockmap = blockmaplump+4;
// haleyjd 2/22/06: setup polyobject blockmap
count = sizeof(*polyblocklinks) * bmapwidth * bmapheight;
polyblocklinks = Z_Calloc(count, PU_LEVEL, NULL);
return true;
/* Original
blockmaplump = W_CacheLumpNum(lump, PU_LEVEL);
blockmap = blockmaplump+4;
count = W_LumpLength (lump)/2;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
blockmaplump[i] = SHORT(blockmaplump[i]);
bmaporgx = blockmaplump[0]<<FRACBITS;
bmaporgy = blockmaplump[1]<<FRACBITS;
bmapwidth = blockmaplump[2];
bmapheight = blockmaplump[3];
// clear out mobj chains
count = sizeof (*blocklinks)*bmapwidth*bmapheight;
blocklinks = Z_Calloc(count, PU_LEVEL, NULL);
return true;
// This needs to be a separate function
// because making both the WAD and PK3 loading code use
// the same functions is trickier than it looks for blockmap
// -- Monster Iestyn 09/01/18
static boolean P_LoadRawBlockMap(UINT8 *data, size_t count, const char *lumpname)
static boolean P_LoadRawBlockMap(UINT8 *data, size_t count)
#if 0
@ -1948,12 +1750,6 @@ static boolean P_LoadRawBlockMap(UINT8 *data, size_t count, const char *lumpname
return false;
// Check if the lump is named "BLOCKMAP"
if (!lumpname || memcmp(lumpname, "BLOCKMAP", 8) != 0)
CONS_Printf("No blockmap lump found for pk3!\n");
return false;
if (!count || count >= 0x20000)
return false;
@ -2079,47 +1875,10 @@ static void P_GroupLines(void)
// P_LoadReject
// Detect if the REJECT lump is valid,
// if not, rejectmatrix will be NULL
static void P_LoadReject(lumpnum_t lumpnum)
size_t count;
const char *lumpname = W_CheckNameForNum(lumpnum);
// Check if the lump exists, and if it's named "REJECT"
if (!lumpname || memcmp(lumpname, "REJECT\0\0", 8) != 0)
rejectmatrix = NULL;
CONS_Debug(DBG_SETUP, "P_LoadReject: No valid REJECT lump found\n");
count = W_LumpLength(lumpnum);
if (!count) // zero length, someone probably used ZDBSP
rejectmatrix = NULL;
CONS_Debug(DBG_SETUP, "P_LoadReject: REJECT lump has size 0, will not be loaded\n");
rejectmatrix = W_CacheLumpNum(lumpnum, PU_LEVEL);
// PK3 version
// -- Monster Iestyn 09/01/18
static void P_LoadRawReject(UINT8 *data, size_t count, const char *lumpname)
static void P_LoadRawReject(UINT8 *data, size_t count)
// Check if the lump is named "REJECT"
if (!lumpname || memcmp(lumpname, "REJECT\0\0", 8) != 0)
rejectmatrix = NULL;
CONS_Debug(DBG_SETUP, "P_LoadRawReject: No valid REJECT lump found\n");
if (!count) // zero length, someone probably used ZDBSP
rejectmatrix = NULL;
@ -2132,6 +1891,126 @@ static void P_LoadRawReject(UINT8 *data, size_t count, const char *lumpname)
static void P_LoadMapBSP(const virtres_t* virt)
virtlump_t* virtssectors = vres_Find(virt, "SSECTORS");
virtlump_t* virtsegs = vres_Find(virt, "SEGS");
virtlump_t* virtnodes = vres_Find(virt, "NODES");
numsubsectors = virtssectors->size / sizeof(mapsubsector_t);
numnodes = virtnodes->size / sizeof(mapnode_t);
numsegs = virtsegs->size / sizeof(mapseg_t);
if (numsubsectors <= 0)
I_Error("Level has no subsectors (did you forget to run it through a nodesbuilder?)");
if (numnodes <= 0)
I_Error("Level has no nodes");
if (numsegs <= 0)
I_Error("Level has no segs");
subsectors = Z_Calloc(numsubsectors * sizeof(*subsectors), PU_LEVEL, NULL);
nodes = Z_Calloc(numnodes * sizeof(*nodes), PU_LEVEL, NULL);
segs = Z_Calloc(numsegs * sizeof(*segs), PU_LEVEL, NULL);
// Nodes
static void P_LoadMapLUT(const virtres_t* virt)
virtlump_t* virtblockmap = vres_Find(virt, "BLOCKMAP");
virtlump_t* virtreject = vres_Find(virt, "REJECT");
// Lookup tables
if (virtreject)
P_LoadRawReject(virtreject->data, virtreject->size);
rejectmatrix = NULL;
if (!(virtblockmap && P_LoadRawBlockMap(virtblockmap->data, virtblockmap->size)))
static void P_LoadMapData(const virtres_t* virt)
virtlump_t* virtvertexes = NULL, * virtsectors = NULL, * virtsidedefs = NULL, * virtlinedefs = NULL, * virtthings = NULL;
#ifdef UDMF
virtlump_t* textmap = vres_Find(virt, "TEXTMAP");
// Count map data.
if (textmap)
nummapthings = 0;
numlines = 0;
numsides = 0;
numvertexes = 0;
numsectors = 0;
// Count how many entries for each type we got in textmap.
//TextmapCount(vtextmap->data, vtextmap->size);
virtthings = vres_Find(virt, "THINGS");
virtvertexes = vres_Find(virt, "VERTEXES");
virtsectors = vres_Find(virt, "SECTORS");
virtsidedefs = vres_Find(virt, "SIDEDEFS");
virtlinedefs = vres_Find(virt, "LINEDEFS");
if (!virtthings)
I_Error("THINGS lump not found");
if (!virtvertexes)
I_Error("VERTEXES lump not found");
if (!virtsectors)
I_Error("SECTORS lump not found");
if (!virtsidedefs)
I_Error("SIDEDEFS lump not found");
if (!virtlinedefs)
I_Error("LINEDEFS lump not found");
// Traditional doom map format just assumes the number of elements from the lump sizes.
numvertexes = virtvertexes->size / sizeof (mapvertex_t);
numsectors = virtsectors->size / sizeof (mapsector_t);
numsides = virtsidedefs->size / sizeof (mapsidedef_t);
numlines = virtlinedefs->size / sizeof (maplinedef_t);
nummapthings = virtthings->size / (5 * sizeof (INT16));
if (numvertexes <= 0)
I_Error("Level has no vertices");
if (numsectors <= 0)
I_Error("Level has no sectors");
if (numsides <= 0)
I_Error("Level has no sidedefs");
if (numlines <= 0)
I_Error("Level has no linedefs");
vertexes = Z_Calloc(numvertexes * sizeof (*vertexes), PU_LEVEL, NULL);
sectors = Z_Calloc(numsectors * sizeof (*sectors), PU_LEVEL, NULL);
sides = Z_Calloc(numsides * sizeof (*sides), PU_LEVEL, NULL);
lines = Z_Calloc(numlines * sizeof (*lines), PU_LEVEL, NULL);
mapthings = Z_Calloc(nummapthings * sizeof (*mapthings), PU_LEVEL, NULL);
#ifdef UDMF
if (textmap)
// Strict map data
#if 0
static char *levellumps[] =
@ -2307,6 +2186,8 @@ void P_LoadThingsOnly(void)
// Search through all the thinkers.
thinker_t *think;
INT32 i, viewid = -1, centerid = -1; // for skyboxes
virtres_t* virt = vres_GetMap(lastloadedmaplumpnum);
virtlump_t* vth = vres_Find(virt, "THINGS");
// check if these are any of the normal viewpoint/centerpoint mobjs in the level or not
if (skyboxmo[0] || skyboxmo[1])
@ -2318,7 +2199,6 @@ void P_LoadThingsOnly(void)
centerid = i; // save id just in case
for (think = thlist[THINK_MOBJ].next; think != &thlist[THINK_MOBJ]; think = think->next)
if (think->function.acp1 == (actionf_p1)P_RemoveThinkerDelayed)
@ -2328,18 +2208,11 @@ void P_LoadThingsOnly(void)
if (W_IsLumpWad(lastloadedmaplumpnum)) // welp it's a map wad in a pk3
{ // HACK: Open wad file rather quickly so we can use the things lump
UINT8 *wadData = W_CacheLumpNum(lastloadedmaplumpnum, PU_STATIC);
filelump_t *fileinfo = (filelump_t *)(wadData + ((wadinfo_t *)wadData)->infotableofs);
fileinfo += ML_THINGS; // we only need the THINGS lump
P_PrepareRawThings(wadData + fileinfo->filepos, fileinfo->size);
Z_Free(wadData); // we're done with this now
else // phew it's just a WAD
P_PrepareThings(lastloadedmaplumpnum + ML_THINGS);
// restore skybox viewpoint/centerpoint if necessary, set them to defaults if we can't do that
skyboxmo[0] = skyboxviewpnts[(viewid >= 0) ? viewid : 0];
skyboxmo[1] = skyboxcenterpnts[(centerid >= 0) ? centerid : 0];
@ -2371,7 +2244,7 @@ static INT32 P_MakeBufferMD5(const char *buffer, size_t len, void *resblock)
static void P_MakeMapMD5(lumpnum_t maplumpnum, void *dest)
static void P_MakeMapMD5(virtres_t* virt, void *dest)
unsigned char linemd5[16];
unsigned char sectormd5[16];
@ -2382,20 +2255,15 @@ static void P_MakeMapMD5(lumpnum_t maplumpnum, void *dest)
// Create a hash for the current map
// get the actual lumps!
UINT8 *datalines = W_CacheLumpNum(maplumpnum + ML_LINEDEFS, PU_CACHE);
UINT8 *datasectors = W_CacheLumpNum(maplumpnum + ML_SECTORS, PU_CACHE);
UINT8 *datathings = W_CacheLumpNum(maplumpnum + ML_THINGS, PU_CACHE);
UINT8 *datasides = W_CacheLumpNum(maplumpnum + ML_SIDEDEFS, PU_CACHE);
virtlump_t* virtlines = vres_Find(virt, "LINEDEFS");
virtlump_t* virtsectors = vres_Find(virt, "SECTORS");
virtlump_t* virtmthings = vres_Find(virt, "THINGS");
virtlump_t* virtsides = vres_Find(virt, "SIDEDEFS");
P_MakeBufferMD5((char*)datalines, W_LumpLength(maplumpnum + ML_LINEDEFS), linemd5);
P_MakeBufferMD5((char*)datasectors, W_LumpLength(maplumpnum + ML_SECTORS), sectormd5);
P_MakeBufferMD5((char*)datathings, W_LumpLength(maplumpnum + ML_THINGS), thingmd5);
P_MakeBufferMD5((char*)datasides, W_LumpLength(maplumpnum + ML_SIDEDEFS), sidedefmd5);
P_MakeBufferMD5((char*)virtlines->data, virtlines->size, linemd5);
P_MakeBufferMD5((char*)virtsectors->data, virtsectors->size, sectormd5);
P_MakeBufferMD5((char*)virtmthings->data, virtmthings->size, thingmd5);
P_MakeBufferMD5((char*)virtsides->data, virtsides->size, sidedefmd5);
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
resmd5[i] = (linemd5[i] + sectormd5[i] + thingmd5[i] + sidedefmd5[i]) & 0xFF;
@ -2631,7 +2499,6 @@ boolean P_SetupLevel(boolean skipprecip)
INT32 i, loadprecip = 1, ranspecialwipe = 0;
INT32 loademblems = 1;
INT32 fromnetsave = 0;
boolean loadedbm = false;
sector_t *ss;
boolean chase;
levelloading = true;
@ -2880,110 +2747,39 @@ boolean P_SetupLevel(boolean skipprecip)
// SRB2 determines the sky texture to be used depending on the map header.
P_SetupLevelSky(mapheaderinfo[gamemap-1]->skynum, true);
P_MakeMapMD5(lastloadedmaplumpnum, &mapmd5);
numdmstarts = numredctfstarts = numbluectfstarts = 0;
// HACK ALERT: Cache the WAD, get the map data into the tables, free memory.
// As it is implemented right now, we're assuming an uncompressed WAD.
// (As in, a normal PWAD, not ZWAD or anything. The lump itself can be compressed.)
// We're not accounting for extra lumps and scrambled lump positions. Any additional data will cause an error.
if (W_IsLumpWad(lastloadedmaplumpnum))
// reset the player starts
for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++)
playerstarts[i] = bluectfstarts[i] = redctfstarts[i] = NULL;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_DM_STARTS; i++)
deathmatchstarts[i] = NULL;
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
skyboxmo[i] = NULL;
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
skyboxviewpnts[i] = skyboxcenterpnts[i] = NULL;
if (lastloadedmaplumpnum)
// Remember that we're assuming that the WAD will have a specific set of lumps in a specific order.
UINT8 *wadData = W_CacheLumpNum(lastloadedmaplumpnum, PU_STATIC);
//filelump_t *fileinfo = wadData + ((wadinfo_t *)wadData)->infotableofs;
filelump_t *fileinfo = (filelump_t *)(wadData + ((wadinfo_t *)wadData)->infotableofs);
UINT32 numlumps = ((wadinfo_t *)wadData)->numlumps;
virtres_t* virt = vres_GetMap(lastloadedmaplumpnum);
if (numlumps < ML_REJECT) // at least 9 lumps should be in the wad for a map to be loaded
I_Error("Bad WAD file for map %s!\n", maplumpname);
if (numlumps > ML_BLOCKMAP) // enough room for a BLOCKMAP lump at least
loadedbm = P_LoadRawBlockMap(
wadData + (fileinfo + ML_BLOCKMAP)->filepos,
(fileinfo + ML_BLOCKMAP)->size,
(fileinfo + ML_BLOCKMAP)->name);
P_LoadRawVertexes(wadData + (fileinfo + ML_VERTEXES)->filepos, (fileinfo + ML_VERTEXES)->size);
P_LoadRawSectors(wadData + (fileinfo + ML_SECTORS)->filepos, (fileinfo + ML_SECTORS)->size);
P_LoadRawSideDefs((fileinfo + ML_SIDEDEFS)->size);
P_LoadRawLineDefs(wadData + (fileinfo + ML_LINEDEFS)->filepos, (fileinfo + ML_LINEDEFS)->size);
P_LoadRawSideDefs2(wadData + (fileinfo + ML_SIDEDEFS)->filepos);
P_LoadRawSubsectors(wadData + (fileinfo + ML_SSECTORS)->filepos, (fileinfo + ML_SSECTORS)->size);
P_LoadRawNodes(wadData + (fileinfo + ML_NODES)->filepos, (fileinfo + ML_NODES)->size);
P_LoadRawSegs(wadData + (fileinfo + ML_SEGS)->filepos, (fileinfo + ML_SEGS)->size);
if (numlumps > ML_REJECT) // enough room for a REJECT lump at least
wadData + (fileinfo + ML_REJECT)->filepos,
(fileinfo + ML_REJECT)->size,
(fileinfo + ML_REJECT)->name);
// Important: take care of the ordering of the next functions.
if (!loadedbm)
P_CreateBlockMap(); // Graue 02-29-2004
numdmstarts = numredctfstarts = numbluectfstarts = 0;
// reset the player starts
for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++)
playerstarts[i] = bluectfstarts[i] = redctfstarts[i] = NULL;
P_PrepareRawThings(vres_Find(virt, "THINGS")->data);
for (i = 0; i < MAX_DM_STARTS; i++)
deathmatchstarts[i] = NULL;
P_MakeMapMD5(virt, &mapmd5);
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
skyboxmo[i] = NULL;
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
skyboxviewpnts[i] = skyboxcenterpnts[i] = NULL;
P_PrepareRawThings(wadData + (fileinfo + ML_THINGS)->filepos, (fileinfo + ML_THINGS)->size);
// Important: take care of the ordering of the next functions.
loadedbm = P_LoadBlockMap(lastloadedmaplumpnum + ML_BLOCKMAP);
P_LoadVertexes(lastloadedmaplumpnum + ML_VERTEXES);
P_LoadSectors(lastloadedmaplumpnum + ML_SECTORS);
P_LoadSideDefs(lastloadedmaplumpnum + ML_SIDEDEFS);
P_LoadLineDefs(lastloadedmaplumpnum + ML_LINEDEFS);
P_LoadSideDefs2(lastloadedmaplumpnum + ML_SIDEDEFS);
P_LoadSubsectors(lastloadedmaplumpnum + ML_SSECTORS);
P_LoadNodes(lastloadedmaplumpnum + ML_NODES);
P_LoadSegs(lastloadedmaplumpnum + ML_SEGS);
P_LoadReject(lastloadedmaplumpnum + ML_REJECT);
// Important: take care of the ordering of the next functions.
if (!loadedbm)
P_CreateBlockMap(); // Graue 02-29-2004
numdmstarts = numredctfstarts = numbluectfstarts = 0;
// reset the player starts
for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++)
playerstarts[i] = bluectfstarts[i] = redctfstarts[i] = NULL;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_DM_STARTS; i++)
deathmatchstarts[i] = NULL;
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
skyboxmo[i] = NULL;
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
skyboxviewpnts[i] = skyboxcenterpnts[i] = NULL;
P_PrepareThings(lastloadedmaplumpnum + ML_THINGS);
// init gravity, tag lists,

View file

@ -6425,7 +6425,7 @@ void P_SpawnSpecials(INT32 fromnetsave)
INT32 j;
thinkerlist_t *secthinkers;
thinker_t *th;
virtres_t* virt = NULL;
// This used to be used, and *should* be used in the future,
// but currently isn't.
@ -7177,17 +7177,10 @@ void P_SpawnSpecials(INT32 fromnetsave)
UINT8 *data;
UINT16 b;
if (W_IsLumpWad(lastloadedmaplumpnum)) // welp it's a map wad in a pk3
{ // HACK: Open wad file rather quickly so we can get the data from the sidedefs lump
UINT8 *wadData = W_CacheLumpNum(lastloadedmaplumpnum, PU_STATIC);
filelump_t *fileinfo = (filelump_t *)(wadData + ((wadinfo_t *)wadData)->infotableofs);
fileinfo += ML_SIDEDEFS; // we only need the SIDEDEFS lump
data = Z_Malloc(fileinfo->size, PU_STATIC, NULL);
M_Memcpy(data, wadData + fileinfo->filepos, fileinfo->size); // copy data
Z_Free(wadData); // we're done with this now
else // phew it's just a WAD
data = W_CacheLumpNum(lastloadedmaplumpnum + ML_SIDEDEFS,PU_STATIC);
if (!virt)
virt = vres_GetMap(lastloadedmaplumpnum);
data = (UINT8*) vres_Find(virt, "SIDEDEFS")->data;
for (b = 0; b < (INT16)numsides; b++)
@ -7207,7 +7200,6 @@ void P_SpawnSpecials(INT32 fromnetsave)
I_Error("Make-Your-Own-FOF (tag %d) needs a value in the linedef's second side upper texture field.", lines[i].tag);
I_Error("Make-Your-Own FOF (tag %d) found without a 2nd linedef side!", lines[i].tag);
@ -7433,6 +7425,9 @@ void P_SpawnSpecials(INT32 fromnetsave)
if (virt)
// Allocate each list
for (i = 0; i < numsectors; i++)

View file

@ -1600,7 +1600,7 @@ void P_RestoreMusic(player_t *player)
P_PlayJingle(player, JT_SUPER);
// Invulnerability
else if (player->powers[pw_invulnerability] > 1)
else if (player->powers[pw_invulnerability] > 1 && !player->powers[pw_super])
strlcpy(S_sfx[sfx_None].caption, "Invincibility", 14);
S_StartCaption(sfx_None, -1, player->powers[pw_invulnerability]);
@ -5128,11 +5128,7 @@ static void P_DoJumpStuff(player_t *player, ticcmd_t *cmd)
boolean elem = ((player->powers[pw_shield] & SH_NOSTACK) == SH_ELEMENTAL);
if (elem)
player->pflags |= PF_NOJUMPDAMAGE;
P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_PLAY_FALL);
S_StartSound(player->mo, sfx_s3k43);
player->pflags &= ~PF_NOJUMPDAMAGE;

View file

@ -1219,7 +1219,7 @@
C01FCF4B08A954540054247B /* Debug */ = {
isa = XCBuildConfiguration;
buildSettings = {
@ -1231,7 +1231,7 @@
C01FCF4C08A954540054247B /* Release */ = {
isa = XCBuildConfiguration;
buildSettings = {

View file

@ -1888,3 +1888,101 @@ int W_VerifyNMUSlumps(const char *filename)
return W_VerifyFile(filename, NMUSlist, false);
/** \brief Generates a virtual resource used for level data loading.
* \param lumpnum_t reference
* \return Virtual resource
virtres_t* vres_GetMap(lumpnum_t lumpnum)
UINT32 i;
virtres_t* vres = NULL;
virtlump_t* vlumps = NULL;
size_t numlumps = 0;
if (W_IsLumpWad(lumpnum))
// Remember that we're assuming that the WAD will have a specific set of lumps in a specific order.
UINT8 *wadData = W_CacheLumpNum(lumpnum, PU_LEVEL);
filelump_t *fileinfo = (filelump_t *)(wadData + ((wadinfo_t *)wadData)->infotableofs);
numlumps = ((wadinfo_t *)wadData)->numlumps;
vlumps = Z_Malloc(sizeof(virtlump_t)*numlumps, PU_LEVEL, NULL);
// Build the lumps.
for (i = 0; i < numlumps; i++)
vlumps[i].size = (size_t)(((filelump_t *)(fileinfo + i))->size);
// Play it safe with the name in this case.
memcpy(vlumps[i].name, (fileinfo + i)->name, 8);
vlumps[i].name[8] = '\0';
vlumps[i].data = Z_Malloc(vlumps[i].size, PU_LEVEL, NULL); // This is memory inefficient, sorry about that.
memcpy(vlumps[i].data, wadData + (fileinfo + i)->filepos, vlumps[i].size);
// Count number of lumps until the end of resource OR up until next "MAPXX" lump.
lumpnum_t lumppos = lumpnum + 1;
for (i = LUMPNUM(lumppos); i < wadfiles[WADFILENUM(lumpnum)]->numlumps; i++, lumppos++, numlumps++)
if (memcmp(W_CheckNameForNum(lumppos), "MAP", 3) == 0)
vlumps = Z_Malloc(sizeof(virtlump_t)*numlumps, PU_LEVEL, NULL);
for (i = 0; i < numlumps; i++, lumpnum++)
vlumps[i].size = W_LumpLength(lumpnum);
memcpy(vlumps[i].name, W_CheckNameForNum(lumpnum), 8);
vlumps[i].name[8] = '\0';
vlumps[i].data = W_CacheLumpNum(lumpnum, PU_LEVEL);
vres = Z_Malloc(sizeof(virtres_t), PU_LEVEL, NULL);
vres->vlumps = vlumps;
vres->numlumps = numlumps;
return vres;
/** \brief Frees zone memory for a given virtual resource.
* \param Virtual resource
void vres_Free(virtres_t* vres)
while (vres->numlumps--)
/** (Debug) Prints lumps from a virtual resource into console.
static void vres_Diag(const virtres_t* vres)
UINT32 i;
for (i = 0; i < vres->numlumps; i++)
CONS_Printf("%s\n", vres->vlumps[i].name);
/** \brief Finds a lump in a given virtual resource.
* \param Virtual resource
* \param Lump name to look for
* \return Virtual lump if found, NULL otherwise
virtlump_t* vres_Find(const virtres_t* vres, const char* name)
UINT32 i;
for (i = 0; i < vres->numlumps; i++)
if (fastcmp(name, vres->vlumps[i].name))
return &vres->vlumps[i];
return NULL;

View file

@ -72,6 +72,25 @@ typedef struct
compmethod compression; // lump compression method
} lumpinfo_t;
// =========================================================================
// =========================================================================
typedef struct {
char name[9];
UINT8* data;
size_t size;
} virtlump_t;
typedef struct {
size_t numlumps;
virtlump_t* vlumps;
} virtres_t;
virtres_t* vres_GetMap(lumpnum_t);
void vres_Free(virtres_t*);
virtlump_t* vres_Find(const virtres_t*, const char*);
// =========================================================================
// =========================================================================