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synced 2025-03-21 18:32:08 +00:00
Texture blending port
Co-authored-by: TehRealSalt <tehrealsalt@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 209 additions and 76 deletions
@ -637,15 +637,18 @@ spritemd2found:
// 0.7152 to green
// 0.0722 to blue
#define SETBRIGHTNESS(brightness,r,g,b) \
brightness = (UINT8)(((1063*((UINT16)r)/5000) + (3576*((UINT16)g)/5000) + (361*((UINT16)b)/5000)) / 3)
brightness = (UINT8)(((1063*(UINT16)(r))/5000) + ((3576*(UINT16)(g))/5000) + ((361*(UINT16)(b))/5000))
static void HWR_CreateBlendedTexture(GLPatch_t *gpatch, GLPatch_t *blendgpatch, GLMipmap_t *grmip, INT32 skinnum, skincolors_t color)
UINT8 i;
UINT16 w = gpatch->width, h = gpatch->height;
UINT32 size = w*h;
RGBA_t *image, *blendimage, *cur, blendcolor;
// vanilla port
UINT8 translation[16];
memset(translation, 0, sizeof(translation));
if (grmip->width == 0)
@ -658,113 +661,243 @@ static void HWR_CreateBlendedTexture(GLPatch_t *gpatch, GLPatch_t *blendgpatch,
grmip->grInfo.format = GR_RGBA;
grmip->grInfo.data = NULL;
if (grmip->grInfo.data)
grmip->grInfo.data = NULL;
cur = Z_Malloc(size*4, PU_HWRMODELTEXTURE, &grmip->grInfo.data);
memset(cur, 0x00, size*4);
image = gpatch->mipmap->grInfo.data;
blendimage = blendgpatch->mipmap->grInfo.data;
blendcolor = V_GetColor(0); // initialize
// Average all of the translation's colors
if (color == SKINCOLOR_NONE || color >= MAXTRANSLATIONS)
blendcolor = V_GetColor(0xff);
if (color != SKINCOLOR_NONE)
memcpy(&translation, &Color_Index[color - 1], 16);
while (size--)
const UINT8 div = 6;
const UINT8 start = 4;
UINT32 r, g, b;
blendcolor = V_GetColor(Color_Index[color-1][start]);
r = (UINT32)(blendcolor.s.red*blendcolor.s.red);
g = (UINT32)(blendcolor.s.green*blendcolor.s.green);
b = (UINT32)(blendcolor.s.blue*blendcolor.s.blue);
for (i = 1; i < div; i++)
if (skinnum == TC_BOSS)
RGBA_t nextcolor = V_GetColor(Color_Index[color-1][start+i]);
r += (UINT32)(nextcolor.s.red*nextcolor.s.red);
g += (UINT32)(nextcolor.s.green*nextcolor.s.green);
b += (UINT32)(nextcolor.s.blue*nextcolor.s.blue);
blendcolor.s.red = (UINT8)(FixedSqrt((r/div)<<FRACBITS)>>FRACBITS);
blendcolor.s.green = (UINT8)(FixedSqrt((g/div)<<FRACBITS)>>FRACBITS);
blendcolor.s.blue = (UINT8)(FixedSqrt((b/div)<<FRACBITS)>>FRACBITS);
// rainbow support, could theoretically support boss ones too
if (skinnum == TC_RAINBOW)
while (size--)
if (image->s.alpha == 0 && blendimage->s.alpha == 0)
// Pure black turns into white
if (image->s.red == 0 && image->s.green == 0 && image->s.blue == 0)
// Don't bother with blending the pixel if the alpha of the blend pixel is 0
cur->rgba = image->rgba;
cur->s.red = cur->s.green = cur->s.blue = 255;
cur->s.red = image->s.red;
cur->s.green = image->s.green;
cur->s.blue = image->s.blue;
cur->s.alpha = image->s.alpha;
else if (skinnum == TC_METALSONIC)
// Turn everything below a certain blue threshold white
if (image->s.red == 0 && image->s.green == 0 && image->s.blue <= 82)
cur->s.red = cur->s.green = cur->s.blue = 255;
cur->s.red = image->s.red;
cur->s.green = image->s.green;
cur->s.blue = image->s.blue;
cur->s.alpha = image->s.alpha;
else if (skinnum == TC_ALLWHITE)
// Turn everything white
cur->s.red = cur->s.green = cur->s.blue = 255;
cur->s.alpha = image->s.alpha;
UINT16 brightness;
// Don't bother with blending the pixel if the alpha of the blend pixel is 0
if (skinnum == TC_RAINBOW)
if (image->s.alpha == 0 && blendimage->s.alpha == 0)
cur->rgba = image->rgba;
cur++; image++; blendimage++;
UINT16 imagebright, blendbright;
// slightly dumb average between the blend image color and base image colour, usually one or the other will be fully opaque anyway
brightness = (imagebright*(255-blendimage->s.alpha))/255 + (blendbright*blendimage->s.alpha)/255;
if (blendimage->s.alpha == 0)
cur->rgba = image->rgba;
cur++; image++; blendimage++;
// Calculate a sort of "gradient" for the skincolor
// (Me splitting this into a function didn't work, so I had to ruin this entire function's groove...)
RGBA_t nextcolor;
UINT8 firsti, secondi, mul;
UINT32 r, g, b;
// Rainbow needs to find the closest match to the textures themselves, instead of matching brightnesses to other colors.
// Ensue horrible mess.
if (skinnum == TC_RAINBOW)
UINT16 brightdif = 256;
UINT8 colorbrightnesses[16];
INT32 compare, m, d;
UINT8 i;
// Ignore pure white & pitch black
if (brightness > 253 || brightness < 2)
cur->rgba = image->rgba;
cur++; image++; blendimage++;
firsti = 0;
mul = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
RGBA_t tempc = V_GetColor(translation[i]);
SETBRIGHTNESS(colorbrightnesses[i], tempc.s.red, tempc.s.green, tempc.s.blue); // store brightnesses for comparison
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
if (brightness > colorbrightnesses[i]) // don't allow greater matches (because calculating a makeshift gradient for this is already a huge mess as is)
compare = abs((INT16)(colorbrightnesses[i]) - (INT16)(brightness));
if (compare < brightdif)
brightdif = (UINT16)compare;
firsti = i; // best matching color that's equal brightness or darker
secondi = firsti+1; // next color in line
if (secondi == 16)
m = (INT16)brightness; // - 0;
d = (INT16)colorbrightnesses[firsti]; // - 0;
m = (INT16)brightness - (INT16)colorbrightnesses[secondi];
d = (INT16)colorbrightnesses[firsti] - (INT16)colorbrightnesses[secondi];
if (m >= d)
m = d-1;
// calculate the "gradient" multiplier based on how close this color is to the one next in line
if (m <= 0 || d <= 0)
mul = 0;
mul = 15 - ((m * 16) / d);
// Thankfully, it's normally way more simple.
// Just convert brightness to a skincolor value, use remainder to find the gradient multipler
firsti = ((UINT8)(255-brightness) / 16);
secondi = firsti+1;
mul = ((UINT8)(255-brightness) % 16);
blendcolor = V_GetColor(translation[firsti]);
if (mul > 0 // If it's 0, then we only need the first color.
&& translation[firsti] != translation[secondi]) // Some colors have duplicate colors in a row, so let's just save the process
if (secondi == 16) // blend to black
nextcolor = V_GetColor(31);
nextcolor = V_GetColor(translation[secondi]);
// Find difference between points
r = (UINT32)(nextcolor.s.red - blendcolor.s.red);
g = (UINT32)(nextcolor.s.green - blendcolor.s.green);
b = (UINT32)(nextcolor.s.blue - blendcolor.s.blue);
// Find the gradient of the two points
r = ((mul * r) / 16);
g = ((mul * g) / 16);
b = ((mul * b) / 16);
// Add gradient value to color
blendcolor.s.red += r;
blendcolor.s.green += g;
blendcolor.s.blue += b;
if (skinnum == TC_RAINBOW)
UINT32 tempcolor;
UINT16 imagebright, blendbright, finalbright, colorbright;
// slightly dumb average between the blend image color and base image colour, usually one or the other will be fully opaque anyway
finalbright = (imagebright*(255-blendimage->s.alpha))/255 + (blendbright*blendimage->s.alpha)/255;
UINT16 colorbright;
tempcolor = (finalbright*blendcolor.s.red)/colorbright;
if (colorbright == 0)
colorbright = 1; // no dividing by 0 please
tempcolor = (brightness * blendcolor.s.red) / colorbright;
tempcolor = min(255, tempcolor);
cur->s.red = (UINT8)tempcolor;
tempcolor = (finalbright*blendcolor.s.green)/colorbright;
tempcolor = (brightness * blendcolor.s.green) / colorbright;
tempcolor = min(255, tempcolor);
cur->s.green = (UINT8)tempcolor;
tempcolor = (finalbright*blendcolor.s.blue)/colorbright;
tempcolor = (brightness * blendcolor.s.blue) / colorbright;
tempcolor = min(255, tempcolor);
cur->s.blue = (UINT8)tempcolor;
cur->s.alpha = image->s.alpha;
cur++; image++; blendimage++;
while (size--)
if (blendimage->s.alpha == 0)
// Don't bother with blending the pixel if the alpha of the blend pixel is 0
cur->rgba = image->rgba;
// Color strength depends on image alpha
INT32 tempcolor;
INT16 tempmult, tempalpha;
tempalpha = -(abs(blendimage->s.red-127)-127)*2;
if (tempalpha > 255)
tempalpha = 255;
else if (tempalpha < 0)
tempalpha = 0;
tempmult = (blendimage->s.red-127)*2;
if (tempmult > 255)
tempmult = 255;
else if (tempmult < 0)
tempmult = 0;
tempcolor = (image->s.red*(255-blendimage->s.alpha))/255 + ((tempmult + ((tempalpha*blendcolor.s.red)/255)) * blendimage->s.alpha)/255;
tempcolor = ((image->s.red * (255-blendimage->s.alpha)) / 255) + ((blendcolor.s.red * blendimage->s.alpha) / 255);
tempcolor = min(255, tempcolor);
cur->s.red = (UINT8)tempcolor;
tempcolor = (image->s.green*(255-blendimage->s.alpha))/255 + ((tempmult + ((tempalpha*blendcolor.s.green)/255)) * blendimage->s.alpha)/255;
tempcolor = ((image->s.green * (255-blendimage->s.alpha)) / 255) + ((blendcolor.s.green * blendimage->s.alpha) / 255);
tempcolor = min(255, tempcolor);
cur->s.green = (UINT8)tempcolor;
tempcolor = (image->s.blue*(255-blendimage->s.alpha))/255 + ((tempmult + ((tempalpha*blendcolor.s.blue)/255)) * blendimage->s.alpha)/255;
tempcolor = ((image->s.blue * (255-blendimage->s.alpha)) / 255) + ((blendcolor.s.blue * blendimage->s.alpha) / 255);
tempcolor = min(255, tempcolor);
cur->s.blue = (UINT8)tempcolor;
cur->s.alpha = image->s.alpha;
cur++; image++; blendimage++;
cur++; image++; blendimage++;
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