2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
// Copyright (C) 1993-1996 by id Software, Inc.
// Copyright (C) 1998-2000 by DooM Legacy Team.
2021-05-07 15:45:56 +00:00
// Copyright (C) 1999-2021 by Sonic Team Junior.
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
// This program is free software distributed under the
// terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.
// See the 'LICENSE' file for more details.
/// \file d_main.c
/// \brief SRB2 main program
/// SRB2 main program (D_SRB2Main) and game loop (D_SRB2Loop),
/// plus functions to parse command line parameters, configure game
/// parameters, and call the startup functions.
# if (defined (__unix__) && !defined (MSDOS)) || defined(__APPLE__) || defined (UNIXCOMMON)
# include <sys/stat.h>
# include <sys/types.h>
# endif
# ifdef __GNUC__
# include <unistd.h> // for getcwd
# endif
2017-09-29 22:25:34 +00:00
# ifdef _WIN32
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
# include <direct.h>
# include <malloc.h>
# endif
# include <time.h>
# include "doomdef.h"
# include "am_map.h"
# include "console.h"
# include "d_net.h"
# include "f_finale.h"
# include "g_game.h"
# include "hu_stuff.h"
# include "i_sound.h"
# include "i_system.h"
2020-04-27 02:46:35 +00:00
# include "i_threads.h"
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
# include "i_video.h"
# include "m_argv.h"
# include "m_menu.h"
# include "m_misc.h"
# include "p_setup.h"
# include "p_saveg.h"
# include "r_main.h"
# include "r_local.h"
# include "s_sound.h"
# include "st_stuff.h"
# include "v_video.h"
# include "w_wad.h"
# include "z_zone.h"
# include "d_main.h"
# include "d_netfil.h"
# include "m_cheat.h"
# include "y_inter.h"
# include "p_local.h" // chasecam
# include "mserv.h" // ms_RoomId
# include "m_misc.h" // screenshot functionality
2021-02-27 15:04:48 +00:00
# include "deh_tables.h" // Dehacked list test
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
# include "m_cond.h" // condition initialization
# include "fastcmp.h"
2016-11-02 22:23:22 +00:00
# include "keys.h"
2017-04-29 15:40:07 +00:00
# include "filesrch.h" // refreshdirmenu, mainwadstally
2018-11-11 13:20:08 +00:00
# include "g_input.h" // tutorial mode control scheming
2020-10-10 18:08:24 +00:00
# include "m_perfstats.h"
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
2015-01-29 00:03:41 +00:00
# include "config.h"
# else
# include "config.h.in"
# endif
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
# ifdef HWRENDER
# include "hardware/hw_main.h" // 3D View Rendering
# endif
# ifdef _WINDOWS
# include "win32/win_main.h" // I_DoStartupMouse
# endif
# ifdef HW3SOUND
# include "hardware/hw3sound.h"
# endif
2015-06-10 17:42:45 +00:00
# include "lua_script.h"
2020-07-11 05:39:46 +00:00
// Version numbers for netplay :upside_down_face:
2015-01-01 19:50:31 +00:00
// platform independant focus loss
UINT8 window_notinfocus = false ;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
static char * startupwadfiles [ MAX_WADFILES ] ;
2020-10-01 23:50:31 +00:00
static char * startuppwads [ MAX_WADFILES ] ;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
boolean devparm = false ; // started game with -devparm
boolean singletics = false ; // timedemo
boolean lastdraw = false ;
postimg_t postimgtype = postimg_none ;
INT32 postimgparam ;
postimg_t postimgtype2 = postimg_none ;
INT32 postimgparam2 ;
2019-08-04 11:03:57 +00:00
// These variables are in effect
2018-08-23 16:42:15 +00:00
// whether the respective sound system is disabled
// or they're init'ed, but the player just toggled them
boolean midi_disabled = false ;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
boolean sound_disabled = false ;
boolean digital_disabled = false ;
boolean advancedemo ;
INT32 debugload = 0 ;
# endif
2020-05-28 16:43:04 +00:00
UINT16 numskincolors ;
menucolor_t * menucolorhead , * menucolortail ;
2020-05-12 17:37:15 +00:00
char savegamename [ 256 ] ;
2020-05-15 12:23:37 +00:00
char liveeventbackup [ 256 ] ;
2020-05-12 17:37:15 +00:00
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
char srb2home [ 256 ] = " . " ;
char srb2path [ 256 ] = " . " ;
boolean usehome = true ;
const char * pandf = " %s " PATHSEP " %s " ;
2019-09-08 05:29:09 +00:00
static char addonsdir [ MAX_WADPATH ] ;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
// Events are asynchronous inputs generally generated by the game user.
// Events can be discarded if no responder claims them
// referenced from i_system.c for I_GetKey()
event_t events [ MAXEVENTS ] ;
INT32 eventhead , eventtail ;
boolean dedicated = false ;
// D_PostEvent
// Called by the I/O functions when input is detected
void D_PostEvent ( const event_t * ev )
events [ eventhead ] = * ev ;
eventhead = ( eventhead + 1 ) & ( MAXEVENTS - 1 ) ;
2016-11-02 22:23:22 +00:00
// modifier keys
2019-01-18 00:47:01 +00:00
// Now handled in I_OsPolling
2016-11-02 22:23:22 +00:00
UINT8 shiftdown = 0 ; // 0x1 left, 0x2 right
UINT8 ctrldown = 0 ; // 0x1 left, 0x2 right
UINT8 altdown = 0 ; // 0x1 left, 0x2 right
2018-12-17 19:43:59 +00:00
boolean capslock = 0 ; // gee i wonder what this does.
2016-11-02 22:23:22 +00:00
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
// D_ProcessEvents
// Send all the events of the given timestamp down the responder chain
void D_ProcessEvents ( void )
event_t * ev ;
2020-04-27 02:46:35 +00:00
boolean eaten ;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
for ( ; eventtail ! = eventhead ; eventtail = ( eventtail + 1 ) & ( MAXEVENTS - 1 ) )
ev = & events [ eventtail ] ;
// Screenshots over everything so that they can be taken anywhere.
if ( M_ScreenshotResponder ( ev ) )
continue ; // ate the event
if ( gameaction = = ga_nothing & & gamestate = = GS_TITLESCREEN )
if ( cht_Responder ( ev ) )
continue ;
2020-01-10 06:42:00 +00:00
// Menu input
2020-04-27 02:46:35 +00:00
I_lock_mutex ( & m_menu_mutex ) ;
# endif
eaten = M_Responder ( ev ) ;
I_unlock_mutex ( m_menu_mutex ) ;
# endif
if ( eaten )
2020-01-10 06:42:00 +00:00
continue ; // menu ate the event
2020-02-17 01:14:54 +00:00
// console input
2020-04-28 20:08:43 +00:00
I_lock_mutex ( & con_mutex ) ;
# endif
eaten = CON_Responder ( ev ) ;
I_unlock_mutex ( con_mutex ) ;
# endif
if ( eaten )
2020-02-17 01:14:54 +00:00
continue ; // ate the event
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
G_Responder ( ev ) ;
// D_Display
// draw current display, possibly wiping it from the previous
// wipegamestate can be set to -1 to force a wipe on the next draw
// added comment : there is a wipe eatch change of the gamestate
gamestate_t wipegamestate = GS_LEVEL ;
2018-11-17 21:32:30 +00:00
// -1: Default; 0-n: Wipe index; INT16_MAX: do not wipe
INT16 wipetypepre = - 1 ;
INT16 wipetypepost = - 1 ;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
static void D_Display ( void )
2016-04-07 01:01:01 +00:00
boolean forcerefresh = false ;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
static boolean wipe = false ;
INT32 wipedefindex = 0 ;
if ( dedicated )
return ;
if ( nodrawers )
return ; // for comparative timing/profiling
2019-12-17 19:14:26 +00:00
// Lactozilla: Switching renderers works by checking
2019-09-09 22:27:08 +00:00
// if the game has to do it right when the frame
// needs to render. If so, five things will happen:
// 1. Interface functions will be called so
// that switching to OpenGL creates a
// GL context, and switching to Software
// allocates screen buffers.
// 2. Software will set drawer functions,
// and OpenGL will load textures and
// create plane polygons, if necessary.
// 3. Functions related to switching video
// modes (resolution) are called.
2020-08-08 08:16:47 +00:00
// 4. The frame is ready to be drawn!
2019-09-09 22:27:08 +00:00
2020-08-15 01:27:16 +00:00
// Check for change of renderer or screen size (video mode)
2019-09-09 19:20:17 +00:00
if ( ( setrenderneeded | | setmodeneeded ) & & ! wipe )
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
SCR_SetMode ( ) ; // change video mode
2020-08-15 01:27:16 +00:00
// Recalc the screen
if ( vid . recalc )
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
SCR_Recalc ( ) ; // NOTE! setsizeneeded is set by SCR_Recalc()
2020-08-15 01:27:16 +00:00
// View morph
2020-01-15 05:29:56 +00:00
if ( rendermode = = render_soft & & ! splitscreen )
R_CheckViewMorph ( ) ;
2020-08-15 01:27:16 +00:00
// Change the view size if needed
// Set by changing video mode or renderer
if ( setsizeneeded )
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
R_ExecuteSetViewSize ( ) ;
2016-04-07 01:01:01 +00:00
forcerefresh = true ; // force background redraw
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
// draw buffered stuff to screen
// Used only by linux GGI version
I_UpdateNoBlit ( ) ;
2016-04-07 01:01:01 +00:00
// save the current screen if about to wipe
wipe = ( gamestate ! = wipegamestate ) ;
2018-11-17 21:32:30 +00:00
if ( wipe & & wipetypepre ! = INT16_MAX )
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
// set for all later
wipedefindex = gamestate ; // wipe_xxx_toblack
if ( gamestate = = GS_INTERMISSION )
if ( intertype = = int_spec ) // Special Stage
wipedefindex = wipe_specinter_toblack ;
else if ( intertype ! = int_coop ) // Multiplayer
wipedefindex = wipe_multinter_toblack ;
2018-11-17 21:32:30 +00:00
if ( wipetypepre < 0 | | ! F_WipeExists ( wipetypepre ) )
wipetypepre = wipedefs [ wipedefindex ] ;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
if ( rendermode ! = render_none )
// Fade to black first
2018-11-18 09:32:38 +00:00
if ( ( wipegamestate = = ( gamestate_t ) FORCEWIPE | |
2018-11-26 00:31:22 +00:00
( wipegamestate ! = ( gamestate_t ) FORCEWIPEOFF
2018-11-26 00:03:22 +00:00
& & ! ( gamestate = = GS_LEVEL | | ( gamestate = = GS_TITLESCREEN & & titlemapinaction ) ) )
) // fades to black on its own timing, always
2018-11-17 21:32:30 +00:00
& & wipetypepre ! = UINT8_MAX )
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
2016-04-07 01:01:01 +00:00
F_WipeStartScreen ( ) ;
2019-12-04 22:25:39 +00:00
// Check for Mega Genesis fade
wipestyleflags = WSF_FADEOUT ;
2020-02-25 00:00:52 +00:00
if ( wipegamestate = = ( gamestate_t ) FORCEWIPE )
F_WipeColorFill ( 31 ) ;
else if ( F_TryColormapFade ( 31 ) )
2019-12-04 22:25:39 +00:00
wipetypepost = - 1 ; // Don't run the fade below this one
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
F_WipeEndScreen ( ) ;
2018-11-17 21:32:30 +00:00
F_RunWipe ( wipetypepre , gamestate ! = GS_TIMEATTACK & & gamestate ! = GS_TITLESCREEN ) ;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
F_WipeStartScreen ( ) ;
2018-11-17 21:32:30 +00:00
wipetypepre = - 1 ;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
2018-11-17 21:32:30 +00:00
wipetypepre = - 1 ;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
// do buffered drawing
switch ( gamestate )
2017-04-18 21:23:23 +00:00
2019-11-25 00:09:00 +00:00
if ( ! titlemapinaction | | ! curbghide ) {
F_TitleScreenDrawer ( ) ;
break ;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
case GS_LEVEL :
if ( ! gametic )
break ;
HU_Erase ( ) ;
2018-12-12 21:53:13 +00:00
AM_Drawer ( ) ;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
break ;
Y_IntermissionDrawer ( ) ;
HU_Erase ( ) ;
HU_Drawer ( ) ;
break ;
break ;
case GS_INTRO :
F_IntroDrawer ( ) ;
if ( wipegamestate = = ( gamestate_t ) - 1 )
wipe = true ;
break ;
A good and bad ending cutscene now exist.
* SPR2_XTRA - instead of defining lumpnames in S_SKIN, those kinds of assets can just be bundled into the spriteset. Required for ending cutscene stuff, I guess, but also done for HUD life icon and character select image (aside from Sonic&Tails, still SOC'd in).
* Minor oversights in SPR2 support corrected.
* Better evaluation, featuring ending assets.
* Intro has warping-in blackrock, reusing ending assets.
* Cutscene text now supports lowercase (intro and custom).
* Disable the asset-fucking "gamma correction" I put in over two years ago when implementing colour cube. (This is the only thing I could move into another branch if you MUST, but it's basically invisble in the diff so w/e.)
* Don't blank the screen if the top left pixel of a screen-covering patch is transparent. (Checked via nonzero topdelta for first column)
* OPENGL ONLY: The first ~20 frames of both endings are fucked. A little help here? Might be HWR_DrawFadeFill's fault, which I just created. OR it could be in f_finale, but I doubt it, since it doesn't appear in Software.
2019-07-27 23:32:57 +00:00
case GS_ENDING :
F_EndingDrawer ( ) ;
HU_Erase ( ) ;
HU_Drawer ( ) ;
break ;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
F_CutsceneDrawer ( ) ;
HU_Erase ( ) ;
HU_Drawer ( ) ;
break ;
F_GameEndDrawer ( ) ;
break ;
F_GameEvaluationDrawer ( ) ;
2017-09-15 19:34:46 +00:00
HU_Erase ( ) ;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
HU_Drawer ( ) ;
break ;
F_ContinueDrawer ( ) ;
break ;
F_CreditDrawer ( ) ;
HU_Erase ( ) ;
HU_Drawer ( ) ;
break ;
// The clientconnect drawer is independent...
case GS_NULL :
break ;
2018-06-14 19:17:31 +00:00
// STUPID race condition...
if ( wipegamestate = = GS_INTRO & & gamestate = = GS_TITLESCREEN )
2018-11-26 00:31:22 +00:00
wipegamestate = FORCEWIPEOFF ;
2018-06-14 19:17:31 +00:00
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
2018-06-14 19:17:31 +00:00
wipegamestate = gamestate ;
2017-04-18 21:23:23 +00:00
2018-06-14 19:17:31 +00:00
// clean up border stuff
// see if the border needs to be initially drawn
2019-11-25 00:09:00 +00:00
if ( gamestate = = GS_LEVEL | | ( gamestate = = GS_TITLESCREEN & & titlemapinaction & & curbghide & & ( ! hidetitlemap ) ) )
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
2018-06-14 19:17:31 +00:00
// draw the view directly
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
2019-11-25 00:09:00 +00:00
if ( ! automapactive & & ! dedicated & & cv_renderview . value )
2020-11-07 09:32:59 +00:00
ps_rendercalltime = I_GetPreciseTime ( ) ;
2019-11-25 00:09:00 +00:00
if ( players [ displayplayer ] . mo | | players [ displayplayer ] . playerstate = = PST_DEAD )
topleft = screens [ 0 ] + viewwindowy * vid . width + viewwindowx ;
objectsdrawn = 0 ;
# ifdef HWRENDER
if ( rendermode ! = render_soft )
HWR_RenderPlayerView ( 0 , & players [ displayplayer ] ) ;
# endif
if ( rendermode ! = render_none )
R_RenderPlayerView ( & players [ displayplayer ] ) ;
// render the second screen
if ( splitscreen & & players [ secondarydisplayplayer ] . mo )
# ifdef HWRENDER
if ( rendermode ! = render_soft )
HWR_RenderPlayerView ( 1 , & players [ secondarydisplayplayer ] ) ;
# endif
if ( rendermode ! = render_none )
viewwindowy = vid . height / 2 ;
M_Memcpy ( ylookup , ylookup2 , viewheight * sizeof ( ylookup [ 0 ] ) ) ;
topleft = screens [ 0 ] + viewwindowy * vid . width + viewwindowx ;
R_RenderPlayerView ( & players [ secondarydisplayplayer ] ) ;
viewwindowy = 0 ;
M_Memcpy ( ylookup , ylookup1 , viewheight * sizeof ( ylookup [ 0 ] ) ) ;
// Image postprocessing effect
if ( rendermode = = render_soft )
2020-01-15 05:29:56 +00:00
if ( ! splitscreen )
R_ApplyViewMorph ( ) ;
2019-11-25 00:09:00 +00:00
if ( postimgtype )
V_DoPostProcessor ( 0 , postimgtype , postimgparam ) ;
if ( postimgtype2 )
V_DoPostProcessor ( 1 , postimgtype2 , postimgparam2 ) ;
2020-11-07 09:32:59 +00:00
ps_rendercalltime = I_GetPreciseTime ( ) - ps_rendercalltime ;
2019-11-25 00:09:00 +00:00
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
2018-06-14 19:17:31 +00:00
if ( lastdraw )
2016-09-05 21:14:51 +00:00
2018-06-14 19:17:31 +00:00
if ( rendermode = = render_soft )
VID_BlitLinearScreen ( screens [ 0 ] , screens [ 1 ] , vid . width * vid . bpp , vid . height , vid . width * vid . bpp , vid . rowbytes ) ;
2019-11-05 20:04:57 +00:00
Y_ConsiderScreenBuffer ( ) ;
2018-06-14 19:17:31 +00:00
usebuffer = true ;
lastdraw = false ;
2016-09-05 21:14:51 +00:00
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
2020-11-07 09:32:59 +00:00
ps_uitime = I_GetPreciseTime ( ) ;
2020-08-23 17:09:55 +00:00
2019-11-25 00:09:00 +00:00
if ( gamestate = = GS_LEVEL )
ST_Drawer ( ) ;
F_TextPromptDrawer ( ) ;
HU_Drawer ( ) ;
F_TitleScreenDrawer ( ) ;
2017-04-18 21:45:43 +00:00
2020-08-23 17:09:55 +00:00
2020-11-07 09:32:59 +00:00
ps_uitime = I_GetPreciseTime ( ) ;
2020-08-23 17:09:55 +00:00
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
// change gamma if needed
2016-04-07 01:01:01 +00:00
// (GS_LEVEL handles this already due to level-specific palettes)
2018-06-14 19:17:31 +00:00
if ( forcerefresh & & ! ( gamestate = = GS_LEVEL | | ( gamestate = = GS_TITLESCREEN & & titlemapinaction ) ) )
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
V_SetPalette ( 0 ) ;
// draw pause pic
if ( paused & & cv_showhud . value & & ( ! menuactive | | netgame ) )
2018-06-14 19:17:31 +00:00
#if 0
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
INT32 py ;
patch_t * patch ;
if ( automapactive )
py = 4 ;
py = viewwindowy + 4 ;
2019-09-08 21:27:35 +00:00
patch = W_CachePatchName ( " M_PAUSE " , PU_PATCH ) ;
2020-11-22 23:02:47 +00:00
V_DrawScaledPatch ( viewwindowx + ( BASEVIDWIDTH - patch - > width ) / 2 , py , 0 , patch ) ;
2018-06-14 19:17:31 +00:00
# else
INT32 y = ( ( automapactive ) ? ( 32 ) : ( BASEVIDHEIGHT / 2 ) ) ;
M_DrawTextBox ( ( BASEVIDWIDTH / 2 ) - ( 60 ) , y - ( 16 ) , 13 , 2 ) ;
V_DrawCenteredString ( BASEVIDWIDTH / 2 , y - ( 4 ) , V_YELLOWMAP , " Game Paused " ) ;
# endif
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
// vid size change is now finished if it was on...
vid . recalc = 0 ;
2020-04-27 02:46:35 +00:00
I_lock_mutex ( & m_menu_mutex ) ;
# endif
2020-02-17 01:14:54 +00:00
M_Drawer ( ) ; // menu is drawn even on top of everything
2020-04-27 02:46:35 +00:00
I_unlock_mutex ( m_menu_mutex ) ;
# endif
2020-02-17 01:14:54 +00:00
// focus lost moved to M_Drawer
2020-02-16 01:08:07 +00:00
CON_Drawer ( ) ;
2020-02-18 00:37:13 +00:00
2020-11-07 09:32:59 +00:00
ps_uitime = I_GetPreciseTime ( ) - ps_uitime ;
2020-08-23 17:09:55 +00:00
2016-04-07 01:01:01 +00:00
// wipe update
2018-11-17 21:32:30 +00:00
if ( wipe & & wipetypepost ! = INT16_MAX )
2015-01-01 19:50:31 +00:00
2016-04-07 01:01:01 +00:00
// note: moved up here because NetUpdate does input changes
// and input during wipe tends to mess things up
wipedefindex + = WIPEFINALSHIFT ;
2018-11-17 21:32:30 +00:00
if ( wipetypepost < 0 | | ! F_WipeExists ( wipetypepost ) )
wipetypepost = wipedefs [ wipedefindex ] ;
2016-04-07 01:01:01 +00:00
if ( rendermode ! = render_none )
F_WipeEndScreen ( ) ;
2019-12-04 22:25:39 +00:00
2019-11-18 14:39:54 +00:00
// Funny.
if ( WipeStageTitle & & st_overlay )
lt_ticker - - ;
lt_lasttic = lt_ticker ;
2019-12-05 04:58:19 +00:00
ST_preLevelTitleCardDrawer ( ) ;
2019-11-18 14:39:54 +00:00
V_DrawFill ( 0 , 0 , BASEVIDWIDTH , BASEVIDHEIGHT , levelfadecol ) ;
F_WipeStartScreen ( ) ;
2019-12-04 22:25:39 +00:00
// Check for Mega Genesis fade
if ( F_ShouldColormapFade ( ) )
wipestyleflags | = WSF_FADEIN ;
wipestyleflags & = ~ WSF_FADEOUT ;
2018-11-17 21:32:30 +00:00
F_RunWipe ( wipetypepost , gamestate ! = GS_TIMEATTACK & & gamestate ! = GS_TITLESCREEN ) ;
2016-04-07 01:01:01 +00:00
2018-11-17 21:32:30 +00:00
2018-12-28 04:23:09 +00:00
// reset counters so timedemo doesn't count the wipe duration
if ( timingdemo )
framecount = 0 ;
demostarttime = I_GetTime ( ) ;
2019-11-15 00:31:20 +00:00
2018-11-17 21:32:30 +00:00
wipetypepost = - 1 ;
2015-01-01 19:50:31 +00:00
2018-11-17 21:32:30 +00:00
wipetypepost = - 1 ;
2015-01-01 19:50:31 +00:00
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
NetUpdate ( ) ; // send out any new accumulation
// It's safe to end the game now.
if ( G_GetExitGameFlag ( ) )
Command_ExitGame_f ( ) ;
G_ClearExitGameFlag ( ) ;
// normal update
if ( ! wipe )
if ( cv_netstat . value )
char s [ 50 ] ;
Net_GetNetStat ( ) ;
s [ sizeof s - 1 ] = ' \0 ' ;
snprintf ( s , sizeof s - 1 , " get %d b/s " , getbps ) ;
snprintf ( s , sizeof s - 1 , " send %d b/s " , sendbps ) ;
snprintf ( s , sizeof s - 1 , " GameMiss %.2f%% " , gamelostpercent ) ;
snprintf ( s , sizeof s - 1 , " SysMiss %.2f%% " , lostpercent ) ;
2020-07-06 04:15:08 +00:00
2020-10-10 18:08:24 +00:00
if ( cv_perfstats . value )
2020-04-18 22:25:28 +00:00
2020-10-10 18:08:24 +00:00
M_DrawPerfStats ( ) ;
2020-04-18 22:25:28 +00:00
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
2020-11-07 09:32:59 +00:00
ps_swaptime = I_GetPreciseTime ( ) ;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
I_FinishUpdate ( ) ; // page flip or blit buffer
2020-11-07 09:32:59 +00:00
ps_swaptime = I_GetPreciseTime ( ) - ps_swaptime ;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
// =========================================================================
// D_SRB2Loop
// =========================================================================
tic_t rendergametic ;
void D_SRB2Loop ( void )
tic_t oldentertics = 0 , entertic = 0 , realtics = 0 , rendertimeout = INFTICS ;
2020-09-01 18:05:45 +00:00
static lumpnum_t gstartuplumpnum ;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
if ( dedicated )
server = true ;
// Pushing of + parameters is now done back in D_SRB2Main, not here.
# ifdef _WINDOWS
CONS_Printf ( " I_StartupMouse()... \n " ) ;
I_DoStartupMouse ( ) ;
# endif
oldentertics = I_GetTime ( ) ;
// end of loading screen: CONS_Printf() will no more call FinishUpdate()
2020-08-15 01:27:16 +00:00
con_refresh = false ;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
con_startup = false ;
// make sure to do a d_display to init mode _before_ load a level
SCR_SetMode ( ) ; // change video mode
SCR_Recalc ( ) ;
2020-11-22 20:22:18 +00:00
chosenrendermode = render_none ;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
// Check and print which version is executed.
// Use this as the border between setup and the main game loop being entered.
CONS_Printf (
" =========================================================================== \n "
" We hope you enjoy this game as \n "
" much as we did making it! \n "
" ...wait. =P \n "
" =========================================================================== \n " ) ;
// hack to start on a nice clear console screen.
COM_ImmedExecute ( " cls;version " ) ;
I_FinishUpdate ( ) ; // page flip or blit buffer
2020-01-21 11:20:50 +00:00
LMFAO this was showing garbage under OpenGL
because I_FinishUpdate was called afterward
2020-01-21 11:28:33 +00:00
/* Smells like a hack... Don't fade Sonic's ass into the title screen. */
if ( gamestate ! = GS_TITLESCREEN )
2020-09-01 18:05:45 +00:00
gstartuplumpnum = W_CheckNumForName ( " STARTUP " ) ;
if ( gstartuplumpnum = = LUMPERROR )
gstartuplumpnum = W_GetNumForName ( " MISSING " ) ;
V_DrawScaledPatch ( 0 , 0 , 0 , W_CachePatchNum ( gstartuplumpnum , PU_PATCH ) ) ;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
for ( ; ; )
if ( lastwipetic )
oldentertics = lastwipetic ;
lastwipetic = 0 ;
// get real tics
entertic = I_GetTime ( ) ;
realtics = entertic - oldentertics ;
oldentertics = entertic ;
2017-04-29 15:40:07 +00:00
refreshdirmenu = 0 ; // not sure where to put this, here as good as any?
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
if ( ! realtics )
if ( debugload )
debugload - - ;
# endif
if ( ! realtics & & ! singletics )
I_Sleep ( ) ;
continue ;
# ifdef HW3SOUND
HW3S_BeginFrameUpdate ( ) ;
# endif
// don't skip more than 10 frames at a time
// (fadein / fadeout cause massive frame skip!)
if ( realtics > 8 )
realtics = 1 ;
// process tics (but maybe not if realtic == 0)
TryRunTics ( realtics ) ;
if ( lastdraw | | singletics | | gametic > rendergametic )
rendergametic = gametic ;
rendertimeout = entertic + TICRATE / 17 ;
// Update display, next frame, with current state.
D_Display ( ) ;
if ( moviemode )
M_SaveFrame ( ) ;
if ( takescreenshot ) // Only take screenshots after drawing.
M_DoScreenShot ( ) ;
else if ( rendertimeout < entertic ) // in case the server hang or netsplit
// Lagless camera! Yay!
if ( gamestate = = GS_LEVEL & & netgame )
if ( splitscreen & & camera2 . chase )
P_MoveChaseCamera ( & players [ secondarydisplayplayer ] , & camera2 , false ) ;
if ( camera . chase )
P_MoveChaseCamera ( & players [ displayplayer ] , & camera , false ) ;
D_Display ( ) ;
if ( moviemode )
M_SaveFrame ( ) ;
if ( takescreenshot ) // Only take screenshots after drawing.
M_DoScreenShot ( ) ;
// consoleplayer -> displayplayer (hear sounds from viewpoint)
S_UpdateSounds ( ) ; // move positional sounds
2019-11-25 23:16:17 +00:00
S_UpdateClosedCaptions ( ) ;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
# ifdef HW3SOUND
HW3S_EndFrameUpdate ( ) ;
# endif
2015-06-10 17:42:45 +00:00
LUA_Step ( ) ;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
// D_AdvanceDemo
// Called after each demo or intro demosequence finishes
void D_AdvanceDemo ( void )
advancedemo = true ;
// =========================================================================
// D_SRB2Main
// =========================================================================
// D_StartTitle
void D_StartTitle ( void )
2015-01-01 19:50:31 +00:00
INT32 i ;
2017-05-14 15:45:08 +00:00
S_StopMusic ( ) ;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
if ( netgame )
2019-12-28 23:33:28 +00:00
if ( gametyperules & GTR_CAMPAIGN )
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
G_SetGamestate ( GS_WAITINGPLAYERS ) ; // hack to prevent a command repeat
if ( server )
char mapname [ 6 ] ;
strlcpy ( mapname , G_BuildMapName ( spstage_start ) , sizeof ( mapname ) ) ;
strlwr ( mapname ) ;
mapname [ 5 ] = ' \0 ' ;
COM_BufAddText ( va ( " map %s \n " , mapname ) ) ;
return ;
// okay, stop now
// (otherwise the game still thinks we're playing!)
SV_StopServer ( ) ;
2014-08-04 03:49:33 +00:00
SV_ResetServer ( ) ;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
2015-01-01 19:50:31 +00:00
for ( i = 0 ; i < MAXPLAYERS ; i + + )
CL_ClearPlayer ( i ) ;
2019-11-24 13:24:37 +00:00
players [ consoleplayer ] . availabilities = players [ 1 ] . availabilities = R_GetSkinAvailabilities ( ) ; // players[1] is supposed to be for 2p
2015-01-01 19:50:31 +00:00
splitscreen = false ;
SplitScreen_OnChange ( ) ;
botingame = false ;
botskin = 0 ;
cv_debug = 0 ;
emeralds = 0 ;
2019-08-24 17:25:27 +00:00
memset ( & luabanks , 0 , sizeof ( luabanks ) ) ;
2017-08-04 00:27:31 +00:00
lastmaploaded = 0 ;
2015-01-01 19:50:31 +00:00
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
// In case someone exits out at the same time they start a time attack run,
// reset modeattacking
modeattacking = ATTACKING_NONE ;
Introducing Marathon Run. (I was going to call it Marathon Mode, but NiGHTS Mode being right next to it on the menu looked terrible.)
Basically a dedicated Record Attack-like experience for speedrunning the game as a continuous chunk rather than ILs. Has several quality of life features.
Benefits include:
* An unambiguous real-time bar across the bottom of the screen, always displaying the current time, ticking up until you reach the ending.
* Disable the console (pausing is still allowed, but the timer will still increment).
* Automatically skip intermissions as if you're holding down the spin button.
* Show centiseconds on HUD automatically, like record attack.
* "Live Event Backups" - a category of run fit for major events like GDQ, where recovery from crashes or chokes makes for better entertainment. Essentially a modified SP savefile, down to using the same basic functions, but has its own filename and tweaked internal layout.
* "spmarathon_start" MainCfg block parameter and "marathonnext" mapheader parameter, allowing for a customised flow (makes this fit for purpose for an eventual SUGOI port).
* Disabling inter-level custom cutscenes by default with a menu option to toggle this (won't show up if the mod doesn't *have* any custom cutscenes), although either way ending cutscenes (vanilla or custom) remain intact since is time is called before them.
* Won't show up if you have a mod that consists of only one level (determined by spmarathon_start's nextlevel; this won't trip if you manually set its marathonnext).
* Unconditional gratitude on the evaluation screen, instead of a negging "Try again..." if you didn't get all the emeralds (which you may not have been aiming for).
* Gorgeous new menu (no new assets required, unless you wanna give it a header later).
Changes which were required for the above but affect other areas of the game include:
* "useBlackRock" MainCFG block parameter, which can be used to disable the presence of the Black Rock or Egg Rock in both the Evaluation screen and the Marathon Run menu (for total conversions with different stories).
* Disabling Continues in NiGHTS mode, to match the most common singleplayer experience post 2.2.4's release (is reverted if useContinues is set to true).
* Hiding the exitmove "powerup" outside of multiplayer. (Okay, this isn't really related, I just saw this bug in action a lot while doing test runs and got annoyed enough to fix it here.)
* The ability to use V_DrawPromptBack (in hardcode only at the moment, but) to draw in terms of pixels rather than rows of text, by providing negative instead of positive inputs).
* A refactoring of redundant game saves smattered across the ending, credits, and evaluation - in addition to saving the game slightly earlier.
* Minor m_menu.c touchups and refactorings here and there.
Built using feedback from the official server's #speedruns channel, among other places.
2020-05-14 22:10:00 +00:00
marathonmode = 0 ;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
// empty maptol so mario/etc sounds don't play in sound test when they shouldn't
maptol = 0 ;
gameaction = ga_nothing ;
displayplayer = consoleplayer = 0 ;
2019-12-18 04:25:57 +00:00
G_SetGametype ( GT_COOP ) ;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
paused = false ;
advancedemo = false ;
2018-11-25 20:08:12 +00:00
F_InitMenuPresValues ( ) ;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
F_StartTitleScreen ( ) ;
2018-11-16 23:26:26 +00:00
currentMenu = & MainDef ; // reset the current menu ID
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
// Reset the palette
if ( rendermode ! = render_none )
V_SetPaletteLump ( " PLAYPAL " ) ;
2018-11-11 13:20:08 +00:00
2018-11-12 21:56:06 +00:00
// The title screen is obviously not a tutorial! (Unless I'm mistaken)
if ( tutorialmode & & tutorialgcs )
2018-11-13 04:25:49 +00:00
G_CopyControls ( gamecontrol , gamecontroldefault [ gcs_custom ] , gcl_tutorial_full , num_gcl_tutorial_full ) ; // using gcs_custom as temp storage
2018-11-12 22:24:46 +00:00
CV_SetValue ( & cv_usemouse , tutorialusemouse ) ;
CV_SetValue ( & cv_alwaysfreelook , tutorialfreelook ) ;
CV_SetValue ( & cv_mousemove , tutorialmousemove ) ;
2019-12-30 20:01:14 +00:00
CV_SetValue ( & cv_analog [ 0 ] , tutorialanalog ) ;
2018-11-12 21:56:06 +00:00
M_StartMessage ( " Do you want to \x82 save the recommended \x82 movement controls? \x80 \n \n Press 'Y' or 'Enter' to confirm \n Press 'N' or any key to keep \n your current controls " ,
2018-11-11 13:20:08 +00:00
M_TutorialSaveControlResponse , MM_YESNO ) ;
2018-11-12 21:56:06 +00:00
tutorialmode = false ;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
// D_AddFile
2020-10-01 23:50:31 +00:00
static void D_AddFile ( char * * list , const char * file )
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
size_t pnumwadfiles ;
char * newfile ;
2020-10-01 23:50:31 +00:00
for ( pnumwadfiles = 0 ; list [ pnumwadfiles ] ; pnumwadfiles + + )
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
newfile = malloc ( strlen ( file ) + 1 ) ;
if ( ! newfile )
I_Error ( " No more free memory to AddFile %s " , file ) ;
strcpy ( newfile , file ) ;
2020-10-01 23:50:31 +00:00
list [ pnumwadfiles ] = newfile ;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
2020-10-01 23:50:31 +00:00
static inline void D_CleanFile ( char * * list )
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
size_t pnumwadfiles ;
2020-10-01 23:50:31 +00:00
for ( pnumwadfiles = 0 ; list [ pnumwadfiles ] ; pnumwadfiles + + )
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
2020-10-01 23:50:31 +00:00
free ( list [ pnumwadfiles ] ) ;
list [ pnumwadfiles ] = NULL ;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
2020-04-10 01:56:27 +00:00
///\brief Checks if a netgame URL is being handled, and changes working directory to the EXE's if so.
/// Done because browsers (at least, Firefox on Windows) launch the game from the browser's directory, which causes problems.
static void ChangeDirForUrlHandler ( void )
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
2020-03-21 06:36:39 +00:00
// URL handlers are opened by web browsers (at least Firefox) from the browser's working directory, not the game's stored directory,
// so chdir to that directory unless overridden.
if ( M_GetUrlProtocolArg ( ) ! = NULL & & ! M_CheckParm ( " -nochdir " ) )
size_t i ;
2020-03-21 12:47:29 +00:00
CONS_Printf ( " %s connect links load game files from the SRB2 application's stored directory. Switching to " , SERVER_URL_PROTOCOL ) ;
2020-03-21 06:36:39 +00:00
strlcpy ( srb2path , myargv [ 0 ] , sizeof ( srb2path ) ) ;
// Get just the directory, minus the EXE name
for ( i = strlen ( srb2path ) - 1 ; i > 0 ; i - - )
if ( srb2path [ i ] = = ' / ' | | srb2path [ i ] = = ' \\ ' )
srb2path [ i ] = ' \0 ' ;
break ;
CONS_Printf ( " %s \n " , srb2path ) ;
2020-04-10 01:52:23 +00:00
# if defined (_WIN32)
SetCurrentDirectoryA ( srb2path ) ;
# else
if ( chdir ( srb2path ) = = - 1 )
I_OutputMsg ( " Couldn't change working directory \n " ) ;
# endif
2020-03-21 06:36:39 +00:00
2020-04-10 01:56:27 +00:00
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
// ==========================================================================
// Identify the SRB2 version, and IWAD file to use.
// ==========================================================================
static void IdentifyVersion ( void )
2017-12-07 18:26:12 +00:00
char * srb2wad ;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
const char * srb2waddir = NULL ;
2014-07-25 23:10:24 +00:00
# if (defined (__unix__) && !defined (MSDOS)) || defined (UNIXCOMMON) || defined (HAVE_SDL)
2019-02-03 10:05:22 +00:00
// change to the directory where 'srb2.pk3' is found
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
srb2waddir = I_LocateWad ( ) ;
# endif
// get the current directory (possible problem on NT with "." as current dir)
if ( srb2waddir )
strlcpy ( srb2path , srb2waddir , sizeof ( srb2path ) ) ;
if ( getcwd ( srb2path , 256 ) ! = NULL )
srb2waddir = srb2path ;
srb2waddir = " . " ;
2014-07-25 23:10:24 +00:00
# if defined (macintosh) && !defined (HAVE_SDL)
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
// cwd is always "/" when app is dbl-clicked
if ( ! stricmp ( srb2waddir , " / " ) )
srb2waddir = I_GetWadDir ( ) ;
# endif
// Commercial.
2017-12-07 18:26:12 +00:00
srb2wad = malloc ( strlen ( srb2waddir ) + 1 + 8 + 1 ) ;
if ( srb2wad = = NULL )
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
I_Error ( " No more free memory to look in %s " , srb2waddir ) ;
2017-12-07 18:26:12 +00:00
sprintf ( srb2wad , pandf , srb2waddir , " srb2.pk3 " ) ;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
// will be overwritten in case of -cdrom or unix/win home
snprintf ( configfile , sizeof configfile , " %s " PATHSEP CONFIGFILENAME , srb2waddir ) ;
configfile [ sizeof configfile - 1 ] = ' \0 ' ;
// Load the IWAD
2017-12-07 18:26:12 +00:00
if ( srb2wad ! = NULL & & FIL_ReadFileOK ( srb2wad ) )
2020-10-01 23:50:31 +00:00
D_AddFile ( startupwadfiles , srb2wad ) ;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
2017-12-07 18:26:12 +00:00
I_Error ( " srb2.pk3 not found! Expected in %s, ss file: %s \n " , srb2waddir , srb2wad ) ;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
2017-12-07 18:26:12 +00:00
if ( srb2wad )
free ( srb2wad ) ;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
// if you change the ordering of this or add/remove a file, be sure to update the md5
// checking in D_SRB2Main
// Add the maps
2020-10-01 23:50:31 +00:00
D_AddFile ( startupwadfiles , va ( pandf , srb2waddir , " zones.pk3 " ) ) ;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
// Add the players
2020-10-01 23:50:31 +00:00
D_AddFile ( startupwadfiles , va ( pandf , srb2waddir , " player.dta " ) ) ;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
2016-03-10 02:30:11 +00:00
2014-03-15 22:55:07 +00:00
// Add our crappy patches to fix our bugs
2020-10-01 23:50:31 +00:00
D_AddFile ( startupwadfiles , va ( pandf , srb2waddir , " patch.pk3 " ) ) ;
2016-03-10 02:30:11 +00:00
# endif
2014-03-15 22:55:07 +00:00
2014-07-25 23:10:24 +00:00
# if !defined (HAVE_SDL) || defined (HAVE_MIXER)
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
2018-12-16 01:46:42 +00:00
# define MUSICTEST(str) \
{ \
const char * musicpath = va ( pandf , srb2waddir , str ) ; \
2020-11-29 04:51:21 +00:00
int ms = W_VerifyNMUSlumps ( musicpath , false ) ; \
2018-12-16 01:46:42 +00:00
if ( ms = = 1 ) \
2020-10-01 23:50:31 +00:00
D_AddFile ( startupwadfiles , musicpath ) ; \
2018-12-16 01:46:42 +00:00
else if ( ms = = 0 ) \
I_Error ( " File " str " has been modified with non-music/sound lumps " ) ; \
2016-10-23 10:44:51 +00:00
2018-12-16 01:46:42 +00:00
MUSICTEST ( " music.dta " )
2020-02-22 22:43:41 +00:00
MUSICTEST ( " patch_music.pk3 " )
2019-01-02 06:09:15 +00:00
# ifdef DEVELOP // remove when music_new.dta is merged into music.dta
MUSICTEST ( " music_new.dta " )
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
# endif
# endif
2020-07-11 05:20:33 +00:00
static void
D_ConvertVersionNumbers ( void )
/* leave at defaults (0) under DEVELOP */
# ifndef DEVELOP
int major ;
int minor ;
sscanf ( SRB2VERSION , " %d.%d.%d " , & major , & minor , & SUBVERSION ) ;
/* this is stupid */
VERSION = ( major * 100 ) + minor ;
# endif
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
// D_SRB2Main
void D_SRB2Main ( void )
INT32 p ;
INT32 pstartmap = 1 ;
boolean autostart = false ;
2020-07-11 05:20:33 +00:00
/* break the version string into version numbers, for netplay */
D_ConvertVersionNumbers ( ) ;
2018-11-25 13:12:19 +00:00
// Print GPL notice for our console users (Linux)
CONS_Printf (
" \n \n Sonic Robo Blast 2 \n "
2021-04-26 19:07:35 +00:00
" Copyright (C) 1998-2021 by Sonic Team Junior \n \n "
2018-11-25 13:17:57 +00:00
" This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. \n \n "
" This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it \n "
" and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License \n "
2018-11-25 13:12:19 +00:00
" as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of \n "
" the License, or (at your option) any later version. \n "
" See the 'LICENSE.txt' file for details. \n \n "
" Sonic the Hedgehog and related characters are trademarks of SEGA. \n "
" We do not claim ownership of SEGA's intellectual property used \n "
" in this program. \n \n " ) ;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
// keep error messages until the final flush(stderr)
2020-07-25 22:55:51 +00:00
# if !defined(NOTERMIOS)
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
if ( setvbuf ( stderr , NULL , _IOFBF , 1000 ) )
I_OutputMsg ( " setvbuf didnt work \n " ) ;
# endif
// initialise locale code
M_StartupLocale ( ) ;
// get parameters from a response file (eg: srb2 @parms.txt)
M_FindResponseFile ( ) ;
// MAINCFG is now taken care of where "OBJCTCFG" is handled
G_LoadGameSettings ( ) ;
// Test Dehacked lists
2021-02-16 18:46:31 +00:00
DEH_TableCheck ( ) ;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
2020-04-10 01:56:27 +00:00
// Netgame URL special case: change working dir to EXE folder.
ChangeDirForUrlHandler ( ) ;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
// identify the main IWAD file to use
IdentifyVersion ( ) ;
2017-09-29 22:25:34 +00:00
# if !defined(NOTERMIOS)
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
setbuf ( stdout , NULL ) ; // non-buffered output
# endif
2017-09-29 22:25:34 +00:00
#if 0 //defined (_DEBUG)
2015-01-22 19:02:38 +00:00
devparm = M_CheckParm ( " -nodebug " ) = = 0 ;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
# else
2015-01-22 19:02:38 +00:00
devparm = M_CheckParm ( " -debug " ) ! = 0 ;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
# endif
// for dedicated server
# if !defined (_WINDOWS) //already check in win_main.c
dedicated = M_CheckParm ( " -dedicated " ) ! = 0 ;
# endif
if ( devparm )
CONS_Printf ( M_GetText ( " Development mode ON. \n " ) ) ;
// default savegame
strcpy ( savegamename , SAVEGAMENAME " %u.ssg " ) ;
2020-05-15 12:37:06 +00:00
strcpy ( liveeventbackup , " live " SAVEGAMENAME " .bkp " ) ; // intentionally not ending with .ssg
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
const char * userhome = D_Home ( ) ; //Alam: path to home
if ( ! userhome )
2017-09-29 21:27:08 +00:00
# if ((defined (__unix__) && !defined (MSDOS)) || defined(__APPLE__) || defined (UNIXCOMMON)) && !defined (__CYGWIN__)
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
I_Error ( " Please set $HOME to your home directory \n " ) ;
# else
if ( dedicated )
snprintf ( configfile , sizeof configfile , " d " CONFIGFILENAME ) ;
snprintf ( configfile , sizeof configfile , CONFIGFILENAME ) ;
# endif
// use user specific config file
snprintf ( srb2home , sizeof srb2home , " %s " PATHSEP DEFAULTDIR , userhome ) ;
snprintf ( downloaddir , sizeof downloaddir , " %s " PATHSEP " DOWNLOAD " , srb2home ) ;
if ( dedicated )
snprintf ( configfile , sizeof configfile , " %s " PATHSEP " d " CONFIGFILENAME , srb2home ) ;
snprintf ( configfile , sizeof configfile , " %s " PATHSEP CONFIGFILENAME , srb2home ) ;
// can't use sprintf since there is %u in savegamename
strcatbf ( savegamename , srb2home , PATHSEP ) ;
Introducing Marathon Run. (I was going to call it Marathon Mode, but NiGHTS Mode being right next to it on the menu looked terrible.)
Basically a dedicated Record Attack-like experience for speedrunning the game as a continuous chunk rather than ILs. Has several quality of life features.
Benefits include:
* An unambiguous real-time bar across the bottom of the screen, always displaying the current time, ticking up until you reach the ending.
* Disable the console (pausing is still allowed, but the timer will still increment).
* Automatically skip intermissions as if you're holding down the spin button.
* Show centiseconds on HUD automatically, like record attack.
* "Live Event Backups" - a category of run fit for major events like GDQ, where recovery from crashes or chokes makes for better entertainment. Essentially a modified SP savefile, down to using the same basic functions, but has its own filename and tweaked internal layout.
* "spmarathon_start" MainCfg block parameter and "marathonnext" mapheader parameter, allowing for a customised flow (makes this fit for purpose for an eventual SUGOI port).
* Disabling inter-level custom cutscenes by default with a menu option to toggle this (won't show up if the mod doesn't *have* any custom cutscenes), although either way ending cutscenes (vanilla or custom) remain intact since is time is called before them.
* Won't show up if you have a mod that consists of only one level (determined by spmarathon_start's nextlevel; this won't trip if you manually set its marathonnext).
* Unconditional gratitude on the evaluation screen, instead of a negging "Try again..." if you didn't get all the emeralds (which you may not have been aiming for).
* Gorgeous new menu (no new assets required, unless you wanna give it a header later).
Changes which were required for the above but affect other areas of the game include:
* "useBlackRock" MainCFG block parameter, which can be used to disable the presence of the Black Rock or Egg Rock in both the Evaluation screen and the Marathon Run menu (for total conversions with different stories).
* Disabling Continues in NiGHTS mode, to match the most common singleplayer experience post 2.2.4's release (is reverted if useContinues is set to true).
* Hiding the exitmove "powerup" outside of multiplayer. (Okay, this isn't really related, I just saw this bug in action a lot while doing test runs and got annoyed enough to fix it here.)
* The ability to use V_DrawPromptBack (in hardcode only at the moment, but) to draw in terms of pixels rather than rows of text, by providing negative instead of positive inputs).
* A refactoring of redundant game saves smattered across the ending, credits, and evaluation - in addition to saving the game slightly earlier.
* Minor m_menu.c touchups and refactorings here and there.
Built using feedback from the official server's #speedruns channel, among other places.
2020-05-14 22:10:00 +00:00
strcatbf ( liveeventbackup , srb2home , PATHSEP ) ;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
2020-01-22 22:08:57 +00:00
snprintf ( luafiledir , sizeof luafiledir , " %s " PATHSEP " luafiles " , srb2home ) ;
2020-02-21 16:17:39 +00:00
# else // DEFAULTDIR
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
snprintf ( srb2home , sizeof srb2home , " %s " , userhome ) ;
snprintf ( downloaddir , sizeof downloaddir , " %s " , userhome ) ;
if ( dedicated )
snprintf ( configfile , sizeof configfile , " %s " PATHSEP " d " CONFIGFILENAME , userhome ) ;
snprintf ( configfile , sizeof configfile , " %s " PATHSEP CONFIGFILENAME , userhome ) ;
// can't use sprintf since there is %u in savegamename
strcatbf ( savegamename , userhome , PATHSEP ) ;
Introducing Marathon Run. (I was going to call it Marathon Mode, but NiGHTS Mode being right next to it on the menu looked terrible.)
Basically a dedicated Record Attack-like experience for speedrunning the game as a continuous chunk rather than ILs. Has several quality of life features.
Benefits include:
* An unambiguous real-time bar across the bottom of the screen, always displaying the current time, ticking up until you reach the ending.
* Disable the console (pausing is still allowed, but the timer will still increment).
* Automatically skip intermissions as if you're holding down the spin button.
* Show centiseconds on HUD automatically, like record attack.
* "Live Event Backups" - a category of run fit for major events like GDQ, where recovery from crashes or chokes makes for better entertainment. Essentially a modified SP savefile, down to using the same basic functions, but has its own filename and tweaked internal layout.
* "spmarathon_start" MainCfg block parameter and "marathonnext" mapheader parameter, allowing for a customised flow (makes this fit for purpose for an eventual SUGOI port).
* Disabling inter-level custom cutscenes by default with a menu option to toggle this (won't show up if the mod doesn't *have* any custom cutscenes), although either way ending cutscenes (vanilla or custom) remain intact since is time is called before them.
* Won't show up if you have a mod that consists of only one level (determined by spmarathon_start's nextlevel; this won't trip if you manually set its marathonnext).
* Unconditional gratitude on the evaluation screen, instead of a negging "Try again..." if you didn't get all the emeralds (which you may not have been aiming for).
* Gorgeous new menu (no new assets required, unless you wanna give it a header later).
Changes which were required for the above but affect other areas of the game include:
* "useBlackRock" MainCFG block parameter, which can be used to disable the presence of the Black Rock or Egg Rock in both the Evaluation screen and the Marathon Run menu (for total conversions with different stories).
* Disabling Continues in NiGHTS mode, to match the most common singleplayer experience post 2.2.4's release (is reverted if useContinues is set to true).
* Hiding the exitmove "powerup" outside of multiplayer. (Okay, this isn't really related, I just saw this bug in action a lot while doing test runs and got annoyed enough to fix it here.)
* The ability to use V_DrawPromptBack (in hardcode only at the moment, but) to draw in terms of pixels rather than rows of text, by providing negative instead of positive inputs).
* A refactoring of redundant game saves smattered across the ending, credits, and evaluation - in addition to saving the game slightly earlier.
* Minor m_menu.c touchups and refactorings here and there.
Built using feedback from the official server's #speedruns channel, among other places.
2020-05-14 22:10:00 +00:00
strcatbf ( liveeventbackup , userhome , PATHSEP ) ;
2020-01-22 22:08:57 +00:00
snprintf ( luafiledir , sizeof luafiledir , " %s " PATHSEP " luafiles " , userhome ) ;
2020-02-21 16:17:39 +00:00
# endif // DEFAULTDIR
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
configfile [ sizeof configfile - 1 ] = ' \0 ' ;
2019-09-08 05:29:09 +00:00
// Create addons dir
snprintf ( addonsdir , sizeof addonsdir , " %s%s%s " , srb2home , PATHSEP , " addons " ) ;
I_mkdir ( addonsdir , 0755 ) ;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
// rand() needs seeded regardless of password
srand ( ( unsigned int ) time ( NULL ) ) ;
2020-04-27 12:22:45 +00:00
rand ( ) ;
rand ( ) ;
rand ( ) ;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
if ( M_CheckParm ( " -password " ) & & M_IsNextParm ( ) )
D_SetPassword ( M_GetNextParm ( ) ) ;
2020-03-01 04:14:49 +00:00
// player setup menu colors must be initialized before
// any wad file is added, as they may contain colors themselves
M_InitPlayerSetupColors ( ) ;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
2020-02-24 17:44:45 +00:00
CONS_Printf ( " Z_Init(): Init zone memory allocation daemon. \n " ) ;
Z_Init ( ) ;
// Do this up here so that WADs loaded through the command line can use ExecCfg
COM_Init ( ) ;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
// add any files specified on the command line with -file wadfile
// to the wad list
2020-03-21 06:36:39 +00:00
if ( ! ( ( M_GetUrlProtocolArg ( ) | | M_CheckParm ( " -connect " ) ) & & ! M_CheckParm ( " -server " ) ) )
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
if ( M_CheckParm ( " -file " ) )
// the parms after p are wadfile/lump names,
// until end of parms or another - preceded parm
while ( M_IsNextParm ( ) )
const char * s = M_GetNextParm ( ) ;
if ( s ) // Check for NULL?
2020-10-01 23:50:31 +00:00
D_AddFile ( startuppwads , s ) ;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
// get map from parms
if ( M_CheckParm ( " -server " ) | | dedicated )
netgame = server = true ;
// adapt tables to SRB2's needs, including extra slots for dehacked file support
P_PatchInfoTables ( ) ;
2018-11-17 06:21:21 +00:00
// initiate menu metadata before SOCcing them
2018-11-25 20:08:12 +00:00
M_InitMenuPresTables ( ) ;
2018-11-17 06:21:21 +00:00
2018-11-20 22:28:26 +00:00
// init title screen display params
2020-03-21 06:36:39 +00:00
if ( M_GetUrlProtocolArg ( ) | | M_CheckParm ( " -connect " ) )
2018-11-25 20:08:12 +00:00
F_InitMenuPresValues ( ) ;
2018-11-20 22:28:26 +00:00
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
//---------------------------------------------------- READY TIME
// we need to check for dedicated before initialization of some subsystems
CONS_Printf ( " I_StartupTimer()... \n " ) ;
I_StartupTimer ( ) ;
// Make backups of some SOCcable tables.
P_BackupTables ( ) ;
2019-01-27 04:16:49 +00:00
// Setup character tables
// Have to be done here before files are loaded
M_InitCharacterTables ( ) ;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
2019-12-06 17:13:04 +00:00
mainwads = 3 ; // doesn't include music.dta
2016-03-10 02:30:11 +00:00
2019-12-06 17:13:04 +00:00
mainwads + + ;
2016-03-10 02:30:11 +00:00
# endif
2018-12-23 05:29:59 +00:00
2019-02-03 10:05:22 +00:00
// load wad, including the main wad file
CONS_Printf ( " W_InitMultipleFiles(): Adding IWAD and main PWADs. \n " ) ;
2020-10-01 23:50:31 +00:00
W_InitMultipleFiles ( startupwadfiles ) ;
D_CleanFile ( startupwadfiles ) ;
2019-02-03 10:05:22 +00:00
2020-02-22 21:42:24 +00:00
# ifndef DEVELOP // md5s last updated 22/02/20 (ddmmyy)
2018-12-16 01:46:42 +00:00
2019-12-06 17:13:04 +00:00
// Check MD5s of autoloaded files
W_VerifyFileMD5 ( 0 , ASSET_HASH_SRB2_PK3 ) ; // srb2.pk3
W_VerifyFileMD5 ( 1 , ASSET_HASH_ZONES_PK3 ) ; // zones.pk3
W_VerifyFileMD5 ( 2 , ASSET_HASH_PLAYER_DTA ) ; // player.dta
2020-02-22 21:42:24 +00:00
W_VerifyFileMD5 ( 3 , ASSET_HASH_PATCH_PK3 ) ; // patch.pk3
2019-12-06 17:13:04 +00:00
# endif
// don't check music.dta because people like to modify it, and it doesn't matter if they do
// ...except it does if they slip maps in there, and that's what W_VerifyNMUSlumps is for.
# endif //ifndef DEVELOP
2017-04-29 15:40:07 +00:00
2019-12-06 17:13:04 +00:00
mainwadstally = packetsizetally ; // technically not accurate atm, remember to port the two-stage -file process from kart in 2.2.x
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
cht_Init ( ) ;
//---------------------------------------------------- READY SCREEN
// we need to check for dedicated before initialization of some subsystems
CONS_Printf ( " I_StartupGraphics()... \n " ) ;
I_StartupGraphics ( ) ;
2019-12-12 20:30:19 +00:00
# ifdef HWRENDER
// Lactozilla: Add every hardware mode CVAR and CCMD.
// Has to be done before the configuration file loads,
// but after the OpenGL library loads.
HWR_AddCommands ( ) ;
# endif
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
//--------------------------------------------------------- CONSOLE
// setup loading screen
SCR_Startup ( ) ;
HU_Init ( ) ;
CON_Init ( ) ;
D_RegisterServerCommands ( ) ;
D_RegisterClientCommands ( ) ; // be sure that this is called before D_CheckNetGame
R_RegisterEngineStuff ( ) ;
S_RegisterSoundStuff ( ) ;
I_RegisterSysCommands ( ) ;
2020-10-01 23:50:31 +00:00
CONS_Printf ( " W_InitMultipleFiles(): Adding extra PWADs. \n " ) ;
W_InitMultipleFiles ( startuppwads ) ;
D_CleanFile ( startuppwads ) ;
2020-10-02 18:54:58 +00:00
CONS_Printf ( " HU_LoadGraphics()... \n " ) ;
HU_LoadGraphics ( ) ;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
//--------------------------------------------------------- CONFIG.CFG
M_FirstLoadConfig ( ) ; // WARNING : this do a "COM_BufExecute()"
G_LoadGameData ( ) ;
2014-07-25 23:10:24 +00:00
# if (defined (__unix__) && !defined (MSDOS)) || defined (UNIXCOMMON) || defined (HAVE_SDL)
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
VID_PrepareModeList ( ) ; // Regenerate Modelist according to cv_fullscreen
# endif
// set user default mode or mode set at cmdline
SCR_CheckDefaultMode ( ) ;
wipegamestate = gamestate ;
savedata . lives = 0 ; // flag this as not-used
//------------------------------------------------ COMMAND LINE PARAMS
2020-02-20 20:38:01 +00:00
// this must be done after loading gamedata,
// to avoid setting off the corrupted gamedata code in G_LoadGameData if a SOC with custom gamedata is added
2020-02-20 20:31:11 +00:00
// -- Monster Iestyn 20/02/20
if ( M_CheckParm ( " -warp " ) & & M_IsNextParm ( ) )
const char * word = M_GetNextParm ( ) ;
pstartmap = G_FindMapByNameOrCode ( word , 0 ) ;
if ( ! pstartmap )
I_Error ( " Cannot find a map remotely named '%s' \n " , word ) ;
if ( ! M_CheckParm ( " -server " ) )
G_SetGameModified ( true ) ;
autostart = true ;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
if ( M_CheckParm ( " -noupload " ) )
COM_BufAddText ( " downloading 0 \n " ) ;
CONS_Printf ( " M_Init(): Init miscellaneous info. \n " ) ;
M_Init ( ) ;
CONS_Printf ( " R_Init(): Init SRB2 refresh daemon. \n " ) ;
R_Init ( ) ;
// setting up sound
2018-02-17 05:01:42 +00:00
if ( dedicated )
2018-08-23 16:42:15 +00:00
sound_disabled = true ;
midi_disabled = digital_disabled = true ;
2018-02-17 05:01:42 +00:00
2019-04-19 06:50:29 +00:00
if ( M_CheckParm ( " -noaudio " ) ) // combines -nosound and -nomusic
2018-04-03 20:11:07 +00:00
2018-08-23 16:42:15 +00:00
sound_disabled = true ;
2019-04-19 06:50:29 +00:00
digital_disabled = true ;
midi_disabled = true ;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
2019-04-19 06:50:29 +00:00
if ( M_CheckParm ( " -nosound " ) )
sound_disabled = true ;
if ( M_CheckParm ( " -nomusic " ) ) // combines -nomidimusic and -nodigmusic
digital_disabled = true ;
midi_disabled = true ;
if ( M_CheckParm ( " -nomidimusic " ) )
midi_disabled = true ; // WARNING: DOS version initmusic in I_StartupSound
if ( M_CheckParm ( " -nodigmusic " ) )
digital_disabled = true ; // WARNING: DOS version initmusic in I_StartupSound
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
2019-02-07 01:24:13 +00:00
if ( ! ( sound_disabled & & digital_disabled
# ifndef NO_MIDI
& & midi_disabled
# endif
) )
CONS_Printf ( " S_InitSfxChannels(): Setting up sound channels. \n " ) ;
I_StartupSound ( ) ;
I_InitMusic ( ) ;
S_InitSfxChannels ( cv_soundvolume . value ) ;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
2019-12-12 21:32:40 +00:00
S_InitMusicDefs ( ) ;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
CONS_Printf ( " ST_Init(): Init status bar. \n " ) ;
ST_Init ( ) ;
if ( M_CheckParm ( " -room " ) )
if ( ! M_IsNextParm ( ) )
I_Error ( " usage: -room <room_id> \n Check the Master Server's webpage for room ID numbers. \n " ) ;
2014-03-18 17:56:54 +00:00
ms_RoomId = atoi ( M_GetNextParm ( ) ) ;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
GetMODVersion_Console ( ) ;
# endif
// init all NETWORK
CONS_Printf ( " D_CheckNetGame(): Checking network game status. \n " ) ;
if ( D_CheckNetGame ( ) )
autostart = true ;
// check for a driver that wants intermission stats
// start the apropriate game based on parms
if ( M_CheckParm ( " -metal " ) )
G_RecordMetal ( ) ;
autostart = true ;
else if ( M_CheckParm ( " -record " ) & & M_IsNextParm ( ) )
G_RecordDemo ( M_GetNextParm ( ) ) ;
autostart = true ;
// user settings come before "+" parameters.
if ( dedicated )
COM_ImmedExecute ( va ( " exec \" %s " PATHSEP " adedserv.cfg \" \n " , srb2home ) ) ;
COM_ImmedExecute ( va ( " exec \" %s " PATHSEP " autoexec.cfg \" -noerror \n " , srb2home ) ) ;
if ( ! autostart )
M_PushSpecialParameters ( ) ; // push all "+" parameters at the command buffer
// demo doesn't need anymore to be added with D_AddFile()
p = M_CheckParm ( " -playdemo " ) ;
if ( ! p )
p = M_CheckParm ( " -timedemo " ) ;
if ( p & & M_IsNextParm ( ) )
char tmp [ MAX_WADPATH ] ;
// add .lmp to identify the EXTERNAL demo file
// it is NOT possible to play an internal demo using -playdemo,
// rather push a playdemo command.. to do.
strcpy ( tmp , M_GetNextParm ( ) ) ;
// get spaced filename or directory
while ( M_IsNextParm ( ) )
strcat ( tmp , " " ) ;
strcat ( tmp , M_GetNextParm ( ) ) ;
FIL_DefaultExtension ( tmp , " .lmp " ) ;
CONS_Printf ( M_GetText ( " Playing demo %s. \n " ) , tmp ) ;
if ( M_CheckParm ( " -playdemo " ) )
singledemo = true ; // quit after one demo
G_DeferedPlayDemo ( tmp ) ;
G_TimeDemo ( tmp ) ;
G_SetGamestate ( GS_NULL ) ;
wipegamestate = GS_NULL ;
return ;
if ( M_CheckParm ( " -ultimatemode " ) )
autostart = true ;
ultimatemode = true ;
2020-10-04 21:12:13 +00:00
if ( M_CheckParm ( " -splitscreen " ) )
autostart = true ;
splitscreen = true ;
2017-05-13 00:47:42 +00:00
// rei/miru: bootmap (Idea: starts the game on a predefined map)
if ( bootmap & & ! ( M_CheckParm ( " -warp " ) & & M_IsNextParm ( ) ) )
pstartmap = bootmap ;
if ( pstartmap < 1 | | pstartmap > NUMMAPS )
I_Error ( " Cannot warp to map %d (out of range) \n " , pstartmap ) ;
autostart = true ;
2018-03-24 01:06:32 +00:00
if ( autostart | | netgame )
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
gameaction = ga_nothing ;
CV_ClearChangedFlags ( ) ;
// Do this here so if you run SRB2 with eg +timelimit 5, the time limit counts
// as having been modified for the first game.
M_PushSpecialParameters ( ) ; // push all "+" parameter at the command buffer
if ( M_CheckParm ( " -gametype " ) & & M_IsNextParm ( ) )
// from Command_Map_f
INT32 j ;
INT16 newgametype = - 1 ;
const char * sgametype = M_GetNextParm ( ) ;
2017-06-25 16:28:07 +00:00
newgametype = G_GetGametypeByName ( sgametype ) ;
if ( newgametype = = - 1 ) // reached end of the list with no match
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
j = atoi ( sgametype ) ; // assume they gave us a gametype number, which is okay too
2019-12-18 15:30:01 +00:00
if ( j > = 0 & & j < gametypecount )
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
newgametype = ( INT16 ) j ;
if ( newgametype ! = - 1 )
j = gametype ;
2019-12-18 04:25:57 +00:00
G_SetGametype ( newgametype ) ;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
D_GameTypeChanged ( j ) ;
2018-03-24 01:06:32 +00:00
if ( server & & ! M_CheckParm ( " +map " ) )
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
// Prevent warping to nonexistent levels
if ( W_CheckNumForName ( G_BuildMapName ( pstartmap ) ) = = LUMPERROR )
I_Error ( " Could not warp to %s (map not found) \n " , G_BuildMapName ( pstartmap ) ) ;
// Prevent warping to locked levels
// ... unless you're in a dedicated server. Yes, technically this means you can view any level by
// running a dedicated server and joining it yourself, but that's better than making dedicated server's
// lives hell.
else if ( ! dedicated & & M_MapLocked ( pstartmap ) )
I_Error ( " You need to unlock this level before you can warp to it! \n " ) ;
2017-05-18 19:13:18 +00:00
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
D_MapChange ( pstartmap , gametype , ultimatemode , true , 0 , false , false ) ;
2017-05-18 19:13:18 +00:00
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
else if ( M_CheckParm ( " -skipintro " ) )
2018-11-25 20:08:12 +00:00
F_InitMenuPresValues ( ) ;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
F_StartTitleScreen ( ) ;
F_StartIntro ( ) ; // Tails 03-03-2002
2019-03-26 20:04:11 +00:00
CON_ToggleOff ( ) ;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
if ( dedicated & & server )
levelstarttic = gametic ;
G_SetGamestate ( GS_LEVEL ) ;
2020-01-31 14:57:04 +00:00
if ( ! P_LoadLevel ( false , false ) )
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
I_Quit ( ) ; // fail so reset game stuff
const char * D_Home ( void )
const char * userhome = NULL ;
# ifdef ANDROID
return " /data/data/org.srb2/ " ;
# endif
if ( M_CheckParm ( " -home " ) & & M_IsNextParm ( ) )
userhome = M_GetNextParm ( ) ;
2017-09-29 22:25:34 +00:00
# if !((defined (__unix__) && !defined (MSDOS)) || defined(__APPLE__) || defined (UNIXCOMMON)) && !defined (__APPLE__)
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
usehome = false ; // Let's NOT use home
# endif
userhome = I_GetEnv ( " HOME " ) ; //Alam: my new HOME for srb2
2017-09-29 22:25:34 +00:00
# ifdef _WIN32 //Alam: only Win32 have APPDATA and USERPROFILE
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
if ( ! userhome & & usehome ) //Alam: Still not?
char * testhome = NULL ;
testhome = I_GetEnv ( " APPDATA " ) ;
if ( testhome ! = NULL
& & ( FIL_FileOK ( va ( " %s " PATHSEP " %s " PATHSEP CONFIGFILENAME , testhome , DEFAULTDIR ) ) ) )
userhome = testhome ;
# ifndef __CYGWIN__
if ( ! userhome & & usehome ) //Alam: All else fails?
char * testhome = NULL ;
testhome = I_GetEnv ( " USERPROFILE " ) ;
if ( testhome ! = NULL
& & ( FIL_FileOK ( va ( " %s " PATHSEP " %s " PATHSEP CONFIGFILENAME , testhome , DEFAULTDIR ) ) ) )
userhome = testhome ;
# endif // !__CYGWIN__
# endif // _WIN32
if ( usehome ) return userhome ;
else return NULL ;