
2168 lines
60 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
2020-02-19 22:08:45 +00:00
// Copyright (C) 2004-2020 by Sonic Team Junior.
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
// This program is free software distributed under the
// terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.
// See the 'LICENSE' file for more details.
/// \file y_inter.c
/// \brief Tally screens, or "Intermissions" as they were formally called in Doom
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
#include "doomdef.h"
#include "doomstat.h"
#include "d_main.h"
#include "f_finale.h"
#include "g_game.h"
#include "hu_stuff.h"
#include "i_net.h"
#include "i_video.h"
#include "p_tick.h"
#include "r_defs.h"
#include "r_skins.h"
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
#include "s_sound.h"
#include "st_stuff.h"
#include "v_video.h"
#include "w_wad.h"
#include "y_inter.h"
#include "z_zone.h"
#include "m_menu.h"
#include "m_misc.h"
#include "i_system.h"
#include "p_setup.h"
#include "r_local.h"
#include "p_local.h"
#include "m_cond.h" // condition sets
2019-10-14 00:50:46 +00:00
#include "lua_hook.h" // IntermissionThinker hook
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
2019-12-18 21:09:56 +00:00
#include "lua_hud.h"
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
#include "hardware/hw_main.h"
#ifdef PC_DOS
#include <stdio.h> // for snprintf
int snprintf(char *str, size_t n, const char *fmt, ...);
//int vsnprintf(char *str, size_t n, const char *fmt, va_list ap);
typedef struct
char patch[9];
INT32 points;
UINT8 display;
} y_bonus_t;
typedef union
2017-09-28 20:54:26 +00:00
char passed1[21]; // KNUCKLES GOT / CRAWLA HONCHO
2014-04-14 05:14:58 +00:00
char passed2[16]; // THROUGH THE ACT / PASSED THE ACT
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
INT32 passedx1;
INT32 passedx2;
y_bonus_t bonuses[4];
patch_t *bonuspatches[4];
SINT8 gotperfbonus; // Used for visitation flags.
UINT32 score, total; // fake score, total
UINT32 tics; // time
UINT8 actnum; // act number being displayed
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
patch_t *ptotal; // TOTAL
UINT8 gotlife; // Number of extra lives obtained
} coop;
char passed1[29]; // KNUCKLES GOT / CRAWLA HONCHO
MONSTER COMMIT. OLD SPECIAL STAGES: * Spheres in old special stages instead of rings! * Individual timers in old special stages instead of a global one! * Old special stages use a variant of the NiGHTS HUD now! * Special stage damage in old special stages loses 5 seconds of time instead of 10 rings/spheres! * All damage gained through old special stages is converted to special stage damage! As a consequence, the special spikeball has no need to be special anymore. * Made emerald gaining function be based on special stage number rather than gained emeralds! * Consistency with... NiGHTS SPECIAL STAGES: * Spheres now flash in bonus time. * Sphere and ring mapthingnums are now less fucked up in 'em. (Rings are 300, same as usual, while Spheres are now 1706 replacing NiGHTS Wings.) SPECIAL STAGES IN GENERAL: * useNightsSS is now dead. Each individual special stage is now assessed for NiGHTS-mode behaviour based on maptol & TOL_NIGHTS. * CRAWLA HONCHO\n CAN NOW BE\n SUPER CRAWLA HONCHO end tally modification now also includes a mini-tutorial on turning super. * SONIC GOT A CHAOS EMERALD? NiGHTS NON-SPECIAL STAGES: * Colour Chips and Star Chips! Replaces Spheres and Rings of NiGHTS Special Stages. * Colour Chips turn yellow in bonus time. * Ideya! * Its own "drowning" music! * All of the object types for Dream Hill. * GIF: RANDOM BS: * Turn super with the spin button instead of the jump button! * Followmobj now correctly set with P_SetTarget instead of pointer assignment. * Emerald hunt uses new sprites! * Made unlock noise different from emblem gain noise! (It's the CRAWLA HONCHO CAN NOW TURN yadda yadda sound from S3K now.)
2018-06-03 21:41:54 +00:00
char passed2[17]; // A CHAOS EMERALD? / GOT THEM ALL!
char passed3[15]; // CAN NOW BECOME
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
INT32 passedx1;
INT32 passedx2;
INT32 passedx3;
INT32 passedx4;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
y_bonus_t bonuses[2];
patch_t *bonuspatches[2];
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
patch_t *pscore; // SCORE
UINT32 score; // fake score
// Continues
UINT8 continues;
patch_t *pcontinues;
INT32 *playerchar; // Continue HUD
UINT16 *playercolor;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
UINT8 gotlife; // Number of extra lives obtained
} spec;
UINT32 scores[MAXPLAYERS]; // Winner's score
UINT16 *color[MAXPLAYERS]; // Winner's color #
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
boolean spectator[MAXPLAYERS]; // Spectator list
INT32 *character[MAXPLAYERS]; // Winner's character #
INT32 num[MAXPLAYERS]; // Winner's player #
char *name[MAXPLAYERS]; // Winner's name
patch_t *result; // RESULT
patch_t *blueflag;
patch_t *redflag; // int_ctf uses this struct too.
INT32 numplayers; // Number of players being displayed
char levelstring[40]; // holds levelnames up to 32 characters
} match;
UINT16 *color[MAXPLAYERS]; // Winner's color #
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
INT32 *character[MAXPLAYERS]; // Winner's character #
INT32 num[MAXPLAYERS]; // Winner's player #
char name[MAXPLAYERS][9]; // Winner's name
UINT32 maxrings[MAXPLAYERS];
UINT32 monitors[MAXPLAYERS];
INT32 numplayers; // Number of players being displayed
char levelstring[40]; // holds levelnames up to 32 characters
} competition;
} y_data;
static y_data data;
// graphics
static patch_t *bgpatch = NULL; // INTERSCR
static patch_t *widebgpatch = NULL; // INTERSCW
static patch_t *bgtile = NULL; // SPECTILE/SRB2BACK
static patch_t *interpic = NULL; // custom picture defined in map header
static boolean usetile;
static INT32 timer;
typedef struct
INT32 source_width, source_height;
INT32 source_bpp, source_rowbytes;
UINT8 *source_picture;
INT32 target_width, target_height;
INT32 target_bpp, target_rowbytes;
UINT8 *target_picture;
} y_buffer_t;
2014-03-21 18:42:55 +00:00
boolean usebuffer = false;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
static boolean useinterpic;
2019-09-09 00:37:24 +00:00
static boolean safetorender = true;
static y_buffer_t *y_buffer;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
static INT32 intertic;
static INT32 tallydonetic = -1;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
static INT32 endtic = -1;
intertype_t intertype = int_none;
intertype_t intermissiontypes[NUMGAMETYPES];
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
static void Y_RescaleScreenBuffer(void);
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
static void Y_AwardCoopBonuses(void);
static void Y_AwardSpecialStageBonus(void);
static void Y_CalculateCompetitionWinners(void);
static void Y_CalculateTimeRaceWinners(void);
static void Y_CalculateMatchWinners(void);
static void Y_UnloadData(void);
2019-09-09 00:37:24 +00:00
static void Y_CleanupData(void);
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
// Stuff copy+pasted from st_stuff.c
#define ST_DrawNumFromHud(h,n) V_DrawTallNum(hudinfo[h].x, hudinfo[h].y, hudinfo[h].f, n)
#define ST_DrawPadNumFromHud(h,n,q) V_DrawPaddedTallNum(hudinfo[h].x, hudinfo[h].y, hudinfo[h].f, n, q)
#define ST_DrawPatchFromHud(h,p) V_DrawScaledPatch(hudinfo[h].x, hudinfo[h].y, hudinfo[h].f, p)
static void Y_IntermissionTokenDrawer(void)
INT32 y, offs, lowy, calc;
UINT32 tokencount;
INT16 temp;
UINT8 em;
offs = 0;
lowy = BASEVIDHEIGHT - 32 - 8;
temp = SHORT(tokenicon->height)/2;
em = 0;
while (emeralds & (1 << em))
if (++em == 7)
if (tallydonetic != -1)
offs = (intertic - tallydonetic)*2;
if (offs > 10)
offs = 8;
V_DrawSmallScaledPatch(32, lowy-1, 0, emeraldpics[2][em]); // coinbox
y = (lowy + offs + 1) - (temp + (token + 1)*8);
for (tokencount = token; tokencount; tokencount--)
if (y >= -temp)
V_DrawSmallScaledPatch(32, y, 0, tokenicon);
y += 8;
y += (offs*(temp - 1)/8);
calc = (lowy - y)*2;
if (calc > 0)
V_DrawCroppedPatch(32<<FRACBITS, y<<FRACBITS, FRACUNIT/2, 0, tokenicon, 0, 0, SHORT(tokenicon->width), calc);
// Y_ConsiderScreenBuffer
// Can we copy the current screen to a buffer?
void Y_ConsiderScreenBuffer(void)
if (gameaction != ga_completed)
if (y_buffer == NULL)
y_buffer = Z_Calloc(sizeof(y_buffer_t), PU_STATIC, NULL);
y_buffer->source_width = vid.width;
y_buffer->source_height = vid.height;
y_buffer->source_bpp = vid.bpp;
y_buffer->source_rowbytes = vid.rowbytes;
y_buffer->source_picture = ZZ_Alloc(y_buffer->source_width*vid.bpp * y_buffer->source_height);
VID_BlitLinearScreen(screens[1], y_buffer->source_picture, vid.width*vid.bpp, vid.height, vid.width*vid.bpp, vid.rowbytes);
// Make the rescaled screen buffer
// Y_RescaleScreenBuffer
// Write the rescaled source picture, to the destination picture that has the current screen's resolutions.
static void Y_RescaleScreenBuffer(void)
INT32 sx, sy; // source
INT32 dx, dy; // dest
fixed_t scalefac, yscalefac;
fixed_t rowfrac, colfrac;
UINT8 *dest;
// Who knows?
if (y_buffer == NULL)
if (y_buffer->target_picture)
y_buffer->target_width = vid.width;
y_buffer->target_height = vid.height;
y_buffer->target_rowbytes = vid.rowbytes;
y_buffer->target_bpp = vid.bpp;
y_buffer->target_picture = ZZ_Alloc(y_buffer->target_width*vid.bpp * y_buffer->target_height);
dest = y_buffer->target_picture;
scalefac = FixedDiv(y_buffer->target_width*FRACUNIT, y_buffer->source_width*FRACUNIT);
yscalefac = FixedDiv(y_buffer->target_height*FRACUNIT, y_buffer->source_height*FRACUNIT);
rowfrac = FixedDiv(FRACUNIT, yscalefac);
colfrac = FixedDiv(FRACUNIT, scalefac);
for (sy = 0, dy = 0; sy < (y_buffer->source_height << FRACBITS) && dy < y_buffer->target_height; sy += rowfrac, dy++)
for (sx = 0, dx = 0; sx < (y_buffer->source_width << FRACBITS) && dx < y_buffer->target_width; sx += colfrac, dx += y_buffer->target_bpp)
dest[(dy * y_buffer->target_rowbytes) + dx] = y_buffer->source_picture[((sy>>FRACBITS) * y_buffer->source_width) + (sx>>FRACBITS)];
// Y_CleanupScreenBuffer
// Free all related memory.
void Y_CleanupScreenBuffer(void)
// Who knows?
if (y_buffer == NULL)
if (y_buffer->target_picture)
if (y_buffer->source_picture)
y_buffer = NULL;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
// Y_IntermissionDrawer
// Called by D_Display. Nothing is modified here; all it does is draw.
// Neat concept, huh?
void Y_IntermissionDrawer(void)
// Bonus loops
INT32 i;
if (intertype == int_none || rendermode == render_none)
2019-12-18 21:09:56 +00:00
2019-12-17 19:14:26 +00:00
// Lactozilla: Renderer switching
2019-09-09 00:37:24 +00:00
if (needpatchrecache)
safetorender = false;
if (!usebuffer || !safetorender)
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
if (!safetorender)
goto dontdrawbg;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
if (useinterpic)
V_DrawScaledPatch(0, 0, 0, interpic);
else if (!usetile)
if (rendermode == render_soft && usebuffer)
// no y_buffer
if (y_buffer == NULL)
VID_BlitLinearScreen(screens[1], screens[0], vid.width*vid.bpp, vid.height, vid.width*vid.bpp, vid.rowbytes);
// Maybe the resolution changed?
if ((y_buffer->target_width != vid.width) || (y_buffer->target_height != vid.height))
// Blit the already-scaled screen buffer to the current screen
VID_BlitLinearScreen(y_buffer->target_picture, screens[0], vid.width*vid.bpp, vid.height, vid.width*vid.bpp, vid.rowbytes);
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
else if (rendermode != render_soft && usebuffer)
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
if (widebgpatch && rendermode == render_soft && vid.width / vid.dupx == 400)
V_DrawScaledPatch(0, 0, V_SNAPTOLEFT, widebgpatch);
2020-05-09 20:26:27 +00:00
else if (bgpatch)
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
V_DrawScaledPatch(0, 0, 0, bgpatch);
2020-05-09 20:26:27 +00:00
else if (bgtile)
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
2019-12-18 21:09:56 +00:00
if (!LUA_HudEnabled(hud_intermissiontally))
goto skiptallydrawer;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
if (intertype == int_coop)
INT32 bonusy;
if (gottoken) // first to be behind everything else
Introducing Marathon Run. (I was going to call it Marathon Mode, but NiGHTS Mode being right next to it on the menu looked terrible.) Basically a dedicated Record Attack-like experience for speedrunning the game as a continuous chunk rather than ILs. Has several quality of life features. Benefits include: * An unambiguous real-time bar across the bottom of the screen, always displaying the current time, ticking up until you reach the ending. * Disable the console (pausing is still allowed, but the timer will still increment). * Automatically skip intermissions as if you're holding down the spin button. * Show centiseconds on HUD automatically, like record attack. * "Live Event Backups" - a category of run fit for major events like GDQ, where recovery from crashes or chokes makes for better entertainment. Essentially a modified SP savefile, down to using the same basic functions, but has its own filename and tweaked internal layout. * "spmarathon_start" MainCfg block parameter and "marathonnext" mapheader parameter, allowing for a customised flow (makes this fit for purpose for an eventual SUGOI port). * Disabling inter-level custom cutscenes by default with a menu option to toggle this (won't show up if the mod doesn't *have* any custom cutscenes), although either way ending cutscenes (vanilla or custom) remain intact since is time is called before them. * Won't show up if you have a mod that consists of only one level (determined by spmarathon_start's nextlevel; this won't trip if you manually set its marathonnext). * Unconditional gratitude on the evaluation screen, instead of a negging "Try again..." if you didn't get all the emeralds (which you may not have been aiming for). * Gorgeous new menu (no new assets required, unless you wanna give it a header later). Changes which were required for the above but affect other areas of the game include: * "useBlackRock" MainCFG block parameter, which can be used to disable the presence of the Black Rock or Egg Rock in both the Evaluation screen and the Marathon Run menu (for total conversions with different stories). * Disabling Continues in NiGHTS mode, to match the most common singleplayer experience post 2.2.4's release (is reverted if useContinues is set to true). * Hiding the exitmove "powerup" outside of multiplayer. (Okay, this isn't really related, I just saw this bug in action a lot while doing test runs and got annoyed enough to fix it here.) * The ability to use V_DrawPromptBack (in hardcode only at the moment, but) to draw in terms of pixels rather than rows of text, by providing negative instead of positive inputs). * A refactoring of redundant game saves smattered across the ending, credits, and evaluation - in addition to saving the game slightly earlier. * Minor m_menu.c touchups and refactorings here and there. Built using feedback from the official server's #speedruns channel, among other places.
2020-05-14 22:10:00 +00:00
if (!splitscreen) // there's not enough room in splitscreen, don't even bother trying!
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
// draw score
ST_DrawPatchFromHud(HUD_SCORE, sboscore);
// draw time
ST_DrawPatchFromHud(HUD_TIME, sbotime);
if (cv_timetic.value == 3)
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
INT32 seconds, minutes, tictrn;
seconds = G_TicsToSeconds(;
minutes = G_TicsToMinutes(, true);
tictrn = G_TicsToCentiseconds(;
ST_DrawNumFromHud(HUD_MINUTES, minutes); // Minutes
ST_DrawPatchFromHud(HUD_TIMECOLON, sbocolon); // Colon
ST_DrawPadNumFromHud(HUD_SECONDS, seconds, 2); // Seconds
Introducing Marathon Run. (I was going to call it Marathon Mode, but NiGHTS Mode being right next to it on the menu looked terrible.) Basically a dedicated Record Attack-like experience for speedrunning the game as a continuous chunk rather than ILs. Has several quality of life features. Benefits include: * An unambiguous real-time bar across the bottom of the screen, always displaying the current time, ticking up until you reach the ending. * Disable the console (pausing is still allowed, but the timer will still increment). * Automatically skip intermissions as if you're holding down the spin button. * Show centiseconds on HUD automatically, like record attack. * "Live Event Backups" - a category of run fit for major events like GDQ, where recovery from crashes or chokes makes for better entertainment. Essentially a modified SP savefile, down to using the same basic functions, but has its own filename and tweaked internal layout. * "spmarathon_start" MainCfg block parameter and "marathonnext" mapheader parameter, allowing for a customised flow (makes this fit for purpose for an eventual SUGOI port). * Disabling inter-level custom cutscenes by default with a menu option to toggle this (won't show up if the mod doesn't *have* any custom cutscenes), although either way ending cutscenes (vanilla or custom) remain intact since is time is called before them. * Won't show up if you have a mod that consists of only one level (determined by spmarathon_start's nextlevel; this won't trip if you manually set its marathonnext). * Unconditional gratitude on the evaluation screen, instead of a negging "Try again..." if you didn't get all the emeralds (which you may not have been aiming for). * Gorgeous new menu (no new assets required, unless you wanna give it a header later). Changes which were required for the above but affect other areas of the game include: * "useBlackRock" MainCFG block parameter, which can be used to disable the presence of the Black Rock or Egg Rock in both the Evaluation screen and the Marathon Run menu (for total conversions with different stories). * Disabling Continues in NiGHTS mode, to match the most common singleplayer experience post 2.2.4's release (is reverted if useContinues is set to true). * Hiding the exitmove "powerup" outside of multiplayer. (Okay, this isn't really related, I just saw this bug in action a lot while doing test runs and got annoyed enough to fix it here.) * The ability to use V_DrawPromptBack (in hardcode only at the moment, but) to draw in terms of pixels rather than rows of text, by providing negative instead of positive inputs). * A refactoring of redundant game saves smattered across the ending, credits, and evaluation - in addition to saving the game slightly earlier. * Minor m_menu.c touchups and refactorings here and there. Built using feedback from the official server's #speedruns channel, among other places.
2020-05-14 22:10:00 +00:00
if (cv_timetic.value == 1 || cv_timetic.value == 2 || modeattacking || marathonmode)
ST_DrawPatchFromHud(HUD_TIMETICCOLON, sboperiod); // Period
ST_DrawPadNumFromHud(HUD_TICS, tictrn, 2); // Tics
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
// draw the "got through act" lines and act number
V_DrawLevelTitle(, 49, 0,;
2019-11-17 15:55:22 +00:00
INT32 h = V_LevelNameHeight(;
V_DrawLevelTitle(, 49+h+2, 0,;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
2019-11-17 15:55:22 +00:00
if (
V_DrawLevelActNum(244, 42+h, 0,;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
bonusy = 150;
// Total
2019-09-09 00:37:24 +00:00
if (safetorender)
V_DrawScaledPatch(152, bonusy, 0,;
V_DrawTallNum(BASEVIDWIDTH - 68, bonusy + 1, 0,;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
bonusy -= (3*SHORT(tallnum[0]->height)/2) + 1;
// Draw bonuses
for (i = 3; i >= 0; --i)
2019-09-09 00:37:24 +00:00
if ([i].display && safetorender)
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
V_DrawScaledPatch(152, bonusy, 0,[i]);
V_DrawTallNum(BASEVIDWIDTH - 68, bonusy + 1, 0,[i].points);
bonusy -= (3*SHORT(tallnum[0]->height)/2) + 1;
else if (intertype == int_spec)
static tic_t animatetic = 0;
INT32 ttheight = 16;
INT32 xoffset1 = 0; // Line 1 x offset
INT32 xoffset2 = 0; // Line 2 x offset
INT32 xoffset3 = 0; // Line 3 x offset
INT32 xoffset4 = 0; // Line 4 x offset
INT32 xoffset5 = 0; // Line 5 x offset
INT32 xoffset6 = 0; // Line 6 x offset
UINT8 drawsection = 0;
if (gottoken) // first to be behind everything else
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
// draw the header
if (intertic <= 2*TICRATE)
animatetic = 0;
else if (!animatetic && data.spec.bonuses[0].points == 0 && data.spec.bonuses[1].points == 0 && data.spec.passed3[0] != '\0')
MONSTER COMMIT. OLD SPECIAL STAGES: * Spheres in old special stages instead of rings! * Individual timers in old special stages instead of a global one! * Old special stages use a variant of the NiGHTS HUD now! * Special stage damage in old special stages loses 5 seconds of time instead of 10 rings/spheres! * All damage gained through old special stages is converted to special stage damage! As a consequence, the special spikeball has no need to be special anymore. * Made emerald gaining function be based on special stage number rather than gained emeralds! * Consistency with... NiGHTS SPECIAL STAGES: * Spheres now flash in bonus time. * Sphere and ring mapthingnums are now less fucked up in 'em. (Rings are 300, same as usual, while Spheres are now 1706 replacing NiGHTS Wings.) SPECIAL STAGES IN GENERAL: * useNightsSS is now dead. Each individual special stage is now assessed for NiGHTS-mode behaviour based on maptol & TOL_NIGHTS. * CRAWLA HONCHO\n CAN NOW BE\n SUPER CRAWLA HONCHO end tally modification now also includes a mini-tutorial on turning super. * SONIC GOT A CHAOS EMERALD? NiGHTS NON-SPECIAL STAGES: * Colour Chips and Star Chips! Replaces Spheres and Rings of NiGHTS Special Stages. * Colour Chips turn yellow in bonus time. * Ideya! * Its own "drowning" music! * All of the object types for Dream Hill. * GIF: RANDOM BS: * Turn super with the spin button instead of the jump button! * Followmobj now correctly set with P_SetTarget instead of pointer assignment. * Emerald hunt uses new sprites! * Made unlock noise different from emblem gain noise! (It's the CRAWLA HONCHO CAN NOW TURN yadda yadda sound from S3K now.)
2018-06-03 21:41:54 +00:00
animatetic = intertic + TICRATE;
if (animatetic && (tic_t)intertic >= animatetic)
const INT32 scradjust = (vid.width/vid.dupx)>>3; // 40 for BASEVIDWIDTH
INT32 animatetimer = (intertic - animatetic);
if (animatetimer <= 16)
xoffset1 = -(animatetimer * scradjust);
xoffset2 = -((animatetimer- 2) * scradjust);
xoffset3 = -((animatetimer- 4) * scradjust);
xoffset4 = -((animatetimer- 6) * scradjust);
xoffset5 = -((animatetimer- 8) * scradjust);
xoffset6 = -((animatetimer-10) * scradjust);
if (xoffset2 > 0) xoffset2 = 0;
if (xoffset3 > 0) xoffset3 = 0;
MONSTER COMMIT. OLD SPECIAL STAGES: * Spheres in old special stages instead of rings! * Individual timers in old special stages instead of a global one! * Old special stages use a variant of the NiGHTS HUD now! * Special stage damage in old special stages loses 5 seconds of time instead of 10 rings/spheres! * All damage gained through old special stages is converted to special stage damage! As a consequence, the special spikeball has no need to be special anymore. * Made emerald gaining function be based on special stage number rather than gained emeralds! * Consistency with... NiGHTS SPECIAL STAGES: * Spheres now flash in bonus time. * Sphere and ring mapthingnums are now less fucked up in 'em. (Rings are 300, same as usual, while Spheres are now 1706 replacing NiGHTS Wings.) SPECIAL STAGES IN GENERAL: * useNightsSS is now dead. Each individual special stage is now assessed for NiGHTS-mode behaviour based on maptol & TOL_NIGHTS. * CRAWLA HONCHO\n CAN NOW BE\n SUPER CRAWLA HONCHO end tally modification now also includes a mini-tutorial on turning super. * SONIC GOT A CHAOS EMERALD? NiGHTS NON-SPECIAL STAGES: * Colour Chips and Star Chips! Replaces Spheres and Rings of NiGHTS Special Stages. * Colour Chips turn yellow in bonus time. * Ideya! * Its own "drowning" music! * All of the object types for Dream Hill. * GIF: RANDOM BS: * Turn super with the spin button instead of the jump button! * Followmobj now correctly set with P_SetTarget instead of pointer assignment. * Emerald hunt uses new sprites! * Made unlock noise different from emblem gain noise! (It's the CRAWLA HONCHO CAN NOW TURN yadda yadda sound from S3K now.)
2018-06-03 21:41:54 +00:00
if (xoffset4 > 0) xoffset4 = 0;
if (xoffset5 > 0) xoffset5 = 0;
if (xoffset6 > 0) xoffset6 = 0;
else if (animatetimer < 34)
drawsection = 1;
xoffset1 = (24-animatetimer) * scradjust;
xoffset2 = (26-animatetimer) * scradjust;
xoffset3 = (28-animatetimer) * scradjust;
xoffset4 = (30-animatetimer) * scradjust;
xoffset5 = (32-animatetimer) * scradjust;
xoffset6 = (34-animatetimer) * scradjust;
if (xoffset1 < 0) xoffset1 = 0;
if (xoffset2 < 0) xoffset2 = 0;
MONSTER COMMIT. OLD SPECIAL STAGES: * Spheres in old special stages instead of rings! * Individual timers in old special stages instead of a global one! * Old special stages use a variant of the NiGHTS HUD now! * Special stage damage in old special stages loses 5 seconds of time instead of 10 rings/spheres! * All damage gained through old special stages is converted to special stage damage! As a consequence, the special spikeball has no need to be special anymore. * Made emerald gaining function be based on special stage number rather than gained emeralds! * Consistency with... NiGHTS SPECIAL STAGES: * Spheres now flash in bonus time. * Sphere and ring mapthingnums are now less fucked up in 'em. (Rings are 300, same as usual, while Spheres are now 1706 replacing NiGHTS Wings.) SPECIAL STAGES IN GENERAL: * useNightsSS is now dead. Each individual special stage is now assessed for NiGHTS-mode behaviour based on maptol & TOL_NIGHTS. * CRAWLA HONCHO\n CAN NOW BE\n SUPER CRAWLA HONCHO end tally modification now also includes a mini-tutorial on turning super. * SONIC GOT A CHAOS EMERALD? NiGHTS NON-SPECIAL STAGES: * Colour Chips and Star Chips! Replaces Spheres and Rings of NiGHTS Special Stages. * Colour Chips turn yellow in bonus time. * Ideya! * Its own "drowning" music! * All of the object types for Dream Hill. * GIF: RANDOM BS: * Turn super with the spin button instead of the jump button! * Followmobj now correctly set with P_SetTarget instead of pointer assignment. * Emerald hunt uses new sprites! * Made unlock noise different from emblem gain noise! (It's the CRAWLA HONCHO CAN NOW TURN yadda yadda sound from S3K now.)
2018-06-03 21:41:54 +00:00
if (xoffset3 < 0) xoffset3 = 0;
if (xoffset4 < 0) xoffset4 = 0;
if (xoffset5 < 0) xoffset5 = 0;
MONSTER COMMIT. OLD SPECIAL STAGES: * Spheres in old special stages instead of rings! * Individual timers in old special stages instead of a global one! * Old special stages use a variant of the NiGHTS HUD now! * Special stage damage in old special stages loses 5 seconds of time instead of 10 rings/spheres! * All damage gained through old special stages is converted to special stage damage! As a consequence, the special spikeball has no need to be special anymore. * Made emerald gaining function be based on special stage number rather than gained emeralds! * Consistency with... NiGHTS SPECIAL STAGES: * Spheres now flash in bonus time. * Sphere and ring mapthingnums are now less fucked up in 'em. (Rings are 300, same as usual, while Spheres are now 1706 replacing NiGHTS Wings.) SPECIAL STAGES IN GENERAL: * useNightsSS is now dead. Each individual special stage is now assessed for NiGHTS-mode behaviour based on maptol & TOL_NIGHTS. * CRAWLA HONCHO\n CAN NOW BE\n SUPER CRAWLA HONCHO end tally modification now also includes a mini-tutorial on turning super. * SONIC GOT A CHAOS EMERALD? NiGHTS NON-SPECIAL STAGES: * Colour Chips and Star Chips! Replaces Spheres and Rings of NiGHTS Special Stages. * Colour Chips turn yellow in bonus time. * Ideya! * Its own "drowning" music! * All of the object types for Dream Hill. * GIF: RANDOM BS: * Turn super with the spin button instead of the jump button! * Followmobj now correctly set with P_SetTarget instead of pointer assignment. * Emerald hunt uses new sprites! * Made unlock noise different from emblem gain noise! (It's the CRAWLA HONCHO CAN NOW TURN yadda yadda sound from S3K now.)
2018-06-03 21:41:54 +00:00
drawsection = 1;
if (animatetimer == 32)
MONSTER COMMIT. OLD SPECIAL STAGES: * Spheres in old special stages instead of rings! * Individual timers in old special stages instead of a global one! * Old special stages use a variant of the NiGHTS HUD now! * Special stage damage in old special stages loses 5 seconds of time instead of 10 rings/spheres! * All damage gained through old special stages is converted to special stage damage! As a consequence, the special spikeball has no need to be special anymore. * Made emerald gaining function be based on special stage number rather than gained emeralds! * Consistency with... NiGHTS SPECIAL STAGES: * Spheres now flash in bonus time. * Sphere and ring mapthingnums are now less fucked up in 'em. (Rings are 300, same as usual, while Spheres are now 1706 replacing NiGHTS Wings.) SPECIAL STAGES IN GENERAL: * useNightsSS is now dead. Each individual special stage is now assessed for NiGHTS-mode behaviour based on maptol & TOL_NIGHTS. * CRAWLA HONCHO\n CAN NOW BE\n SUPER CRAWLA HONCHO end tally modification now also includes a mini-tutorial on turning super. * SONIC GOT A CHAOS EMERALD? NiGHTS NON-SPECIAL STAGES: * Colour Chips and Star Chips! Replaces Spheres and Rings of NiGHTS Special Stages. * Colour Chips turn yellow in bonus time. * Ideya! * Its own "drowning" music! * All of the object types for Dream Hill. * GIF: RANDOM BS: * Turn super with the spin button instead of the jump button! * Followmobj now correctly set with P_SetTarget instead of pointer assignment. * Emerald hunt uses new sprites! * Made unlock noise different from emblem gain noise! (It's the CRAWLA HONCHO CAN NOW TURN yadda yadda sound from S3K now.)
2018-06-03 21:41:54 +00:00
S_StartSound(NULL, sfx_s3k68);
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
if (drawsection == 1)
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
const char *ringtext = "\x82" "50 rings, no shield";
const char *tut1text = "\x82" "press " "\x80" "spin";
const char *tut2text = "\x82" "mid-" "\x80" "jump";
ttheight = 8;
V_DrawLevelTitle(data.spec.passedx1 + xoffset1, ttheight, 0, data.spec.passed1);
ttheight += V_LevelNameHeight(data.spec.passed3) + 2;
2019-11-17 15:55:22 +00:00
V_DrawLevelTitle(data.spec.passedx3 + xoffset2, ttheight, 0, data.spec.passed3);
ttheight += V_LevelNameHeight(data.spec.passed4) + 2;
V_DrawLevelTitle(data.spec.passedx4 + xoffset3, ttheight, 0, data.spec.passed4);
MONSTER COMMIT. OLD SPECIAL STAGES: * Spheres in old special stages instead of rings! * Individual timers in old special stages instead of a global one! * Old special stages use a variant of the NiGHTS HUD now! * Special stage damage in old special stages loses 5 seconds of time instead of 10 rings/spheres! * All damage gained through old special stages is converted to special stage damage! As a consequence, the special spikeball has no need to be special anymore. * Made emerald gaining function be based on special stage number rather than gained emeralds! * Consistency with... NiGHTS SPECIAL STAGES: * Spheres now flash in bonus time. * Sphere and ring mapthingnums are now less fucked up in 'em. (Rings are 300, same as usual, while Spheres are now 1706 replacing NiGHTS Wings.) SPECIAL STAGES IN GENERAL: * useNightsSS is now dead. Each individual special stage is now assessed for NiGHTS-mode behaviour based on maptol & TOL_NIGHTS. * CRAWLA HONCHO\n CAN NOW BE\n SUPER CRAWLA HONCHO end tally modification now also includes a mini-tutorial on turning super. * SONIC GOT A CHAOS EMERALD? NiGHTS NON-SPECIAL STAGES: * Colour Chips and Star Chips! Replaces Spheres and Rings of NiGHTS Special Stages. * Colour Chips turn yellow in bonus time. * Ideya! * Its own "drowning" music! * All of the object types for Dream Hill. * GIF: RANDOM BS: * Turn super with the spin button instead of the jump button! * Followmobj now correctly set with P_SetTarget instead of pointer assignment. * Emerald hunt uses new sprites! * Made unlock noise different from emblem gain noise! (It's the CRAWLA HONCHO CAN NOW TURN yadda yadda sound from S3K now.)
2018-06-03 21:41:54 +00:00
ttheight = 108;
V_DrawLevelTitle(BASEVIDWIDTH/2 + xoffset4 - (V_LevelNameWidth(ringtext)/2), ttheight, 0, ringtext);
ttheight += V_LevelNameHeight(tut1text) + 2;
2019-11-17 15:55:22 +00:00
V_DrawLevelTitle(BASEVIDWIDTH/2 + xoffset5 - (V_LevelNameWidth(tut1text)/2), ttheight, 0, tut1text);
ttheight += V_LevelNameHeight(tut2text) + 2;
V_DrawLevelTitle(BASEVIDWIDTH/2 + xoffset6 - (V_LevelNameWidth(tut2text)/2), ttheight, 0, tut2text);
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
INT32 yoffset = 0;
MONSTER COMMIT. OLD SPECIAL STAGES: * Spheres in old special stages instead of rings! * Individual timers in old special stages instead of a global one! * Old special stages use a variant of the NiGHTS HUD now! * Special stage damage in old special stages loses 5 seconds of time instead of 10 rings/spheres! * All damage gained through old special stages is converted to special stage damage! As a consequence, the special spikeball has no need to be special anymore. * Made emerald gaining function be based on special stage number rather than gained emeralds! * Consistency with... NiGHTS SPECIAL STAGES: * Spheres now flash in bonus time. * Sphere and ring mapthingnums are now less fucked up in 'em. (Rings are 300, same as usual, while Spheres are now 1706 replacing NiGHTS Wings.) SPECIAL STAGES IN GENERAL: * useNightsSS is now dead. Each individual special stage is now assessed for NiGHTS-mode behaviour based on maptol & TOL_NIGHTS. * CRAWLA HONCHO\n CAN NOW BE\n SUPER CRAWLA HONCHO end tally modification now also includes a mini-tutorial on turning super. * SONIC GOT A CHAOS EMERALD? NiGHTS NON-SPECIAL STAGES: * Colour Chips and Star Chips! Replaces Spheres and Rings of NiGHTS Special Stages. * Colour Chips turn yellow in bonus time. * Ideya! * Its own "drowning" music! * All of the object types for Dream Hill. * GIF: RANDOM BS: * Turn super with the spin button instead of the jump button! * Followmobj now correctly set with P_SetTarget instead of pointer assignment. * Emerald hunt uses new sprites! * Made unlock noise different from emblem gain noise! (It's the CRAWLA HONCHO CAN NOW TURN yadda yadda sound from S3K now.)
2018-06-03 21:41:54 +00:00
if (data.spec.passed1[0] != '\0')
ttheight = 24;
V_DrawLevelTitle(data.spec.passedx1 + xoffset1, ttheight, 0, data.spec.passed1);
2019-11-17 15:55:22 +00:00
ttheight += V_LevelNameHeight(data.spec.passed2) + 2;
MONSTER COMMIT. OLD SPECIAL STAGES: * Spheres in old special stages instead of rings! * Individual timers in old special stages instead of a global one! * Old special stages use a variant of the NiGHTS HUD now! * Special stage damage in old special stages loses 5 seconds of time instead of 10 rings/spheres! * All damage gained through old special stages is converted to special stage damage! As a consequence, the special spikeball has no need to be special anymore. * Made emerald gaining function be based on special stage number rather than gained emeralds! * Consistency with... NiGHTS SPECIAL STAGES: * Spheres now flash in bonus time. * Sphere and ring mapthingnums are now less fucked up in 'em. (Rings are 300, same as usual, while Spheres are now 1706 replacing NiGHTS Wings.) SPECIAL STAGES IN GENERAL: * useNightsSS is now dead. Each individual special stage is now assessed for NiGHTS-mode behaviour based on maptol & TOL_NIGHTS. * CRAWLA HONCHO\n CAN NOW BE\n SUPER CRAWLA HONCHO end tally modification now also includes a mini-tutorial on turning super. * SONIC GOT A CHAOS EMERALD? NiGHTS NON-SPECIAL STAGES: * Colour Chips and Star Chips! Replaces Spheres and Rings of NiGHTS Special Stages. * Colour Chips turn yellow in bonus time. * Ideya! * Its own "drowning" music! * All of the object types for Dream Hill. * GIF: RANDOM BS: * Turn super with the spin button instead of the jump button! * Followmobj now correctly set with P_SetTarget instead of pointer assignment. * Emerald hunt uses new sprites! * Made unlock noise different from emblem gain noise! (It's the CRAWLA HONCHO CAN NOW TURN yadda yadda sound from S3K now.)
2018-06-03 21:41:54 +00:00
V_DrawLevelTitle(data.spec.passedx2 + xoffset2, ttheight, 0, data.spec.passed2);
ttheight = 24 + (V_LevelNameHeight(data.spec.passed2)/2) + 2;
V_DrawLevelTitle(data.spec.passedx2 + xoffset1, ttheight, 0, data.spec.passed2);
V_DrawScaledPatch(152 + xoffset3, 108, 0, data.spec.bonuspatches[0]);
V_DrawTallNum(BASEVIDWIDTH + xoffset3 - 68, 109, 0, data.spec.bonuses[0].points);
if (data.spec.bonuses[1].display)
V_DrawScaledPatch(152 + xoffset4, 124, 0, data.spec.bonuspatches[1]);
V_DrawTallNum(BASEVIDWIDTH + xoffset4 - 68, 125, 0, data.spec.bonuses[1].points);
yoffset = 16;
// hack; pass the buck along...
xoffset4 = xoffset5;
xoffset5 = xoffset6;
V_DrawScaledPatch(152 + xoffset4, 124+yoffset, 0, data.spec.pscore);
V_DrawTallNum(BASEVIDWIDTH + xoffset4 - 68, 125+yoffset, 0, data.spec.score);
// Draw continues!
if (continuesInSession /* && (data.spec.continues & 0x80) */) // Always draw when continues are a thing
UINT8 continues = data.spec.continues & 0x7F;
V_DrawScaledPatch(152 + xoffset5, 150+yoffset, 0, data.spec.pcontinues);
if (continues > 5)
INT32 leftx = (continues >= 10) ? 216 : 224;
V_DrawContinueIcon(leftx + xoffset5, 162+yoffset, 0, *data.spec.playerchar, *data.spec.playercolor);
V_DrawScaledPatch(leftx + xoffset5 + 12, 160+yoffset, 0, stlivex);
if (!((data.spec.continues & 0x80) && !(endtic < 0 || intertic%20 < 10)))
V_DrawRightAlignedString(252 + xoffset5, 158+yoffset, 0,
va("%d",(((data.spec.continues & 0x80) && (endtic < 0)) ? continues-1 : continues)));
for (i = 0; i < continues; ++i)
if ((data.spec.continues & 0x80) && i == continues-1 && (endtic < 0 || intertic%20 < 10))
V_DrawContinueIcon(246 + xoffset5 - (i*20), 162+yoffset, 0, *data.spec.playerchar, *data.spec.playercolor);
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
// draw the emeralds
//if (intertic & 1)
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
MONSTER COMMIT. OLD SPECIAL STAGES: * Spheres in old special stages instead of rings! * Individual timers in old special stages instead of a global one! * Old special stages use a variant of the NiGHTS HUD now! * Special stage damage in old special stages loses 5 seconds of time instead of 10 rings/spheres! * All damage gained through old special stages is converted to special stage damage! As a consequence, the special spikeball has no need to be special anymore. * Made emerald gaining function be based on special stage number rather than gained emeralds! * Consistency with... NiGHTS SPECIAL STAGES: * Spheres now flash in bonus time. * Sphere and ring mapthingnums are now less fucked up in 'em. (Rings are 300, same as usual, while Spheres are now 1706 replacing NiGHTS Wings.) SPECIAL STAGES IN GENERAL: * useNightsSS is now dead. Each individual special stage is now assessed for NiGHTS-mode behaviour based on maptol & TOL_NIGHTS. * CRAWLA HONCHO\n CAN NOW BE\n SUPER CRAWLA HONCHO end tally modification now also includes a mini-tutorial on turning super. * SONIC GOT A CHAOS EMERALD? NiGHTS NON-SPECIAL STAGES: * Colour Chips and Star Chips! Replaces Spheres and Rings of NiGHTS Special Stages. * Colour Chips turn yellow in bonus time. * Ideya! * Its own "drowning" music! * All of the object types for Dream Hill. * GIF: RANDOM BS: * Turn super with the spin button instead of the jump button! * Followmobj now correctly set with P_SetTarget instead of pointer assignment. * Emerald hunt uses new sprites! * Made unlock noise different from emblem gain noise! (It's the CRAWLA HONCHO CAN NOW TURN yadda yadda sound from S3K now.)
2018-06-03 21:41:54 +00:00
boolean drawthistic = !(ALL7EMERALDS(emeralds) && (intertic & 1));
INT32 emeraldx = 152 - 3*28;
INT32 em = P_GetNextEmerald();
MONSTER COMMIT. OLD SPECIAL STAGES: * Spheres in old special stages instead of rings! * Individual timers in old special stages instead of a global one! * Old special stages use a variant of the NiGHTS HUD now! * Special stage damage in old special stages loses 5 seconds of time instead of 10 rings/spheres! * All damage gained through old special stages is converted to special stage damage! As a consequence, the special spikeball has no need to be special anymore. * Made emerald gaining function be based on special stage number rather than gained emeralds! * Consistency with... NiGHTS SPECIAL STAGES: * Spheres now flash in bonus time. * Sphere and ring mapthingnums are now less fucked up in 'em. (Rings are 300, same as usual, while Spheres are now 1706 replacing NiGHTS Wings.) SPECIAL STAGES IN GENERAL: * useNightsSS is now dead. Each individual special stage is now assessed for NiGHTS-mode behaviour based on maptol & TOL_NIGHTS. * CRAWLA HONCHO\n CAN NOW BE\n SUPER CRAWLA HONCHO end tally modification now also includes a mini-tutorial on turning super. * SONIC GOT A CHAOS EMERALD? NiGHTS NON-SPECIAL STAGES: * Colour Chips and Star Chips! Replaces Spheres and Rings of NiGHTS Special Stages. * Colour Chips turn yellow in bonus time. * Ideya! * Its own "drowning" music! * All of the object types for Dream Hill. * GIF: RANDOM BS: * Turn super with the spin button instead of the jump button! * Followmobj now correctly set with P_SetTarget instead of pointer assignment. * Emerald hunt uses new sprites! * Made unlock noise different from emblem gain noise! (It's the CRAWLA HONCHO CAN NOW TURN yadda yadda sound from S3K now.)
2018-06-03 21:41:54 +00:00
if (em == 7)
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
MONSTER COMMIT. OLD SPECIAL STAGES: * Spheres in old special stages instead of rings! * Individual timers in old special stages instead of a global one! * Old special stages use a variant of the NiGHTS HUD now! * Special stage damage in old special stages loses 5 seconds of time instead of 10 rings/spheres! * All damage gained through old special stages is converted to special stage damage! As a consequence, the special spikeball has no need to be special anymore. * Made emerald gaining function be based on special stage number rather than gained emeralds! * Consistency with... NiGHTS SPECIAL STAGES: * Spheres now flash in bonus time. * Sphere and ring mapthingnums are now less fucked up in 'em. (Rings are 300, same as usual, while Spheres are now 1706 replacing NiGHTS Wings.) SPECIAL STAGES IN GENERAL: * useNightsSS is now dead. Each individual special stage is now assessed for NiGHTS-mode behaviour based on maptol & TOL_NIGHTS. * CRAWLA HONCHO\n CAN NOW BE\n SUPER CRAWLA HONCHO end tally modification now also includes a mini-tutorial on turning super. * SONIC GOT A CHAOS EMERALD? NiGHTS NON-SPECIAL STAGES: * Colour Chips and Star Chips! Replaces Spheres and Rings of NiGHTS Special Stages. * Colour Chips turn yellow in bonus time. * Ideya! * Its own "drowning" music! * All of the object types for Dream Hill. * GIF: RANDOM BS: * Turn super with the spin button instead of the jump button! * Followmobj now correctly set with P_SetTarget instead of pointer assignment. * Emerald hunt uses new sprites! * Made unlock noise different from emblem gain noise! (It's the CRAWLA HONCHO CAN NOW TURN yadda yadda sound from S3K now.)
2018-06-03 21:41:54 +00:00
if (!stagefailed)
fixed_t adjust = 2*(FINESINE(FixedAngle((intertic + 1)<<(FRACBITS-4)) & FINEMASK));
V_DrawFixedPatch(152<<FRACBITS, (74<<FRACBITS) - adjust, FRACUNIT, 0, emeraldpics[0][em], NULL);
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
MONSTER COMMIT. OLD SPECIAL STAGES: * Spheres in old special stages instead of rings! * Individual timers in old special stages instead of a global one! * Old special stages use a variant of the NiGHTS HUD now! * Special stage damage in old special stages loses 5 seconds of time instead of 10 rings/spheres! * All damage gained through old special stages is converted to special stage damage! As a consequence, the special spikeball has no need to be special anymore. * Made emerald gaining function be based on special stage number rather than gained emeralds! * Consistency with... NiGHTS SPECIAL STAGES: * Spheres now flash in bonus time. * Sphere and ring mapthingnums are now less fucked up in 'em. (Rings are 300, same as usual, while Spheres are now 1706 replacing NiGHTS Wings.) SPECIAL STAGES IN GENERAL: * useNightsSS is now dead. Each individual special stage is now assessed for NiGHTS-mode behaviour based on maptol & TOL_NIGHTS. * CRAWLA HONCHO\n CAN NOW BE\n SUPER CRAWLA HONCHO end tally modification now also includes a mini-tutorial on turning super. * SONIC GOT A CHAOS EMERALD? NiGHTS NON-SPECIAL STAGES: * Colour Chips and Star Chips! Replaces Spheres and Rings of NiGHTS Special Stages. * Colour Chips turn yellow in bonus time. * Ideya! * Its own "drowning" music! * All of the object types for Dream Hill. * GIF: RANDOM BS: * Turn super with the spin button instead of the jump button! * Followmobj now correctly set with P_SetTarget instead of pointer assignment. * Emerald hunt uses new sprites! * Made unlock noise different from emblem gain noise! (It's the CRAWLA HONCHO CAN NOW TURN yadda yadda sound from S3K now.)
2018-06-03 21:41:54 +00:00
else if (em < 7)
static UINT8 emeraldbounces = 0;
static INT32 emeraldmomy = 20;
static INT32 emeraldy = -40;
MONSTER COMMIT. OLD SPECIAL STAGES: * Spheres in old special stages instead of rings! * Individual timers in old special stages instead of a global one! * Old special stages use a variant of the NiGHTS HUD now! * Special stage damage in old special stages loses 5 seconds of time instead of 10 rings/spheres! * All damage gained through old special stages is converted to special stage damage! As a consequence, the special spikeball has no need to be special anymore. * Made emerald gaining function be based on special stage number rather than gained emeralds! * Consistency with... NiGHTS SPECIAL STAGES: * Spheres now flash in bonus time. * Sphere and ring mapthingnums are now less fucked up in 'em. (Rings are 300, same as usual, while Spheres are now 1706 replacing NiGHTS Wings.) SPECIAL STAGES IN GENERAL: * useNightsSS is now dead. Each individual special stage is now assessed for NiGHTS-mode behaviour based on maptol & TOL_NIGHTS. * CRAWLA HONCHO\n CAN NOW BE\n SUPER CRAWLA HONCHO end tally modification now also includes a mini-tutorial on turning super. * SONIC GOT A CHAOS EMERALD? NiGHTS NON-SPECIAL STAGES: * Colour Chips and Star Chips! Replaces Spheres and Rings of NiGHTS Special Stages. * Colour Chips turn yellow in bonus time. * Ideya! * Its own "drowning" music! * All of the object types for Dream Hill. * GIF: RANDOM BS: * Turn super with the spin button instead of the jump button! * Followmobj now correctly set with P_SetTarget instead of pointer assignment. * Emerald hunt uses new sprites! * Made unlock noise different from emblem gain noise! (It's the CRAWLA HONCHO CAN NOW TURN yadda yadda sound from S3K now.)
2018-06-03 21:41:54 +00:00
if (drawthistic)
for (i = 0; i < 7; ++i)
if ((i != em) && (emeralds & (1 << i)))
V_DrawScaledPatch(emeraldx, 74, 0, emeraldpics[0][i]);
emeraldx += 28;
emeraldx = 152 + (em-3)*28;
if (intertic <= 1)
emeraldbounces = 0;
emeraldmomy = 20;
emeraldy = -40;
MONSTER COMMIT. OLD SPECIAL STAGES: * Spheres in old special stages instead of rings! * Individual timers in old special stages instead of a global one! * Old special stages use a variant of the NiGHTS HUD now! * Special stage damage in old special stages loses 5 seconds of time instead of 10 rings/spheres! * All damage gained through old special stages is converted to special stage damage! As a consequence, the special spikeball has no need to be special anymore. * Made emerald gaining function be based on special stage number rather than gained emeralds! * Consistency with... NiGHTS SPECIAL STAGES: * Spheres now flash in bonus time. * Sphere and ring mapthingnums are now less fucked up in 'em. (Rings are 300, same as usual, while Spheres are now 1706 replacing NiGHTS Wings.) SPECIAL STAGES IN GENERAL: * useNightsSS is now dead. Each individual special stage is now assessed for NiGHTS-mode behaviour based on maptol & TOL_NIGHTS. * CRAWLA HONCHO\n CAN NOW BE\n SUPER CRAWLA HONCHO end tally modification now also includes a mini-tutorial on turning super. * SONIC GOT A CHAOS EMERALD? NiGHTS NON-SPECIAL STAGES: * Colour Chips and Star Chips! Replaces Spheres and Rings of NiGHTS Special Stages. * Colour Chips turn yellow in bonus time. * Ideya! * Its own "drowning" music! * All of the object types for Dream Hill. * GIF: RANDOM BS: * Turn super with the spin button instead of the jump button! * Followmobj now correctly set with P_SetTarget instead of pointer assignment. * Emerald hunt uses new sprites! * Made unlock noise different from emblem gain noise! (It's the CRAWLA HONCHO CAN NOW TURN yadda yadda sound from S3K now.)
2018-06-03 21:41:54 +00:00
if (!stagefailed)
if (emeraldbounces < 3)
emeraldy += (++emeraldmomy);
if (emeraldy > 74)
S_StartSound(NULL, sfx_tink); // tink
emeraldmomy = -(emeraldmomy/2);
emeraldy = 74;
if (emeraldy < (vid.height/vid.dupy)+16)
emeraldy += (++emeraldmomy);
emeraldx += intertic - 6;
if (emeraldbounces < 1 && emeraldy > 74)
S_StartSound(NULL, sfx_shldls); // nope
emeraldmomy = -(emeraldmomy/2);
emeraldy = 74;
MONSTER COMMIT. OLD SPECIAL STAGES: * Spheres in old special stages instead of rings! * Individual timers in old special stages instead of a global one! * Old special stages use a variant of the NiGHTS HUD now! * Special stage damage in old special stages loses 5 seconds of time instead of 10 rings/spheres! * All damage gained through old special stages is converted to special stage damage! As a consequence, the special spikeball has no need to be special anymore. * Made emerald gaining function be based on special stage number rather than gained emeralds! * Consistency with... NiGHTS SPECIAL STAGES: * Spheres now flash in bonus time. * Sphere and ring mapthingnums are now less fucked up in 'em. (Rings are 300, same as usual, while Spheres are now 1706 replacing NiGHTS Wings.) SPECIAL STAGES IN GENERAL: * useNightsSS is now dead. Each individual special stage is now assessed for NiGHTS-mode behaviour based on maptol & TOL_NIGHTS. * CRAWLA HONCHO\n CAN NOW BE\n SUPER CRAWLA HONCHO end tally modification now also includes a mini-tutorial on turning super. * SONIC GOT A CHAOS EMERALD? NiGHTS NON-SPECIAL STAGES: * Colour Chips and Star Chips! Replaces Spheres and Rings of NiGHTS Special Stages. * Colour Chips turn yellow in bonus time. * Ideya! * Its own "drowning" music! * All of the object types for Dream Hill. * GIF: RANDOM BS: * Turn super with the spin button instead of the jump button! * Followmobj now correctly set with P_SetTarget instead of pointer assignment. * Emerald hunt uses new sprites! * Made unlock noise different from emblem gain noise! (It's the CRAWLA HONCHO CAN NOW TURN yadda yadda sound from S3K now.)
2018-06-03 21:41:54 +00:00
if (drawthistic)
V_DrawScaledPatch(emeraldx, emeraldy, 0, emeraldpics[0][em]);
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
else if (intertype == int_match || intertype == int_race)
INT32 j = 0;
INT32 x = 4;
INT32 y = 48;
char name[MAXPLAYERNAME+1];
char strtime[10];
// draw the header
2019-09-09 00:37:24 +00:00
if (safetorender)
V_DrawScaledPatch(112, 2, 0, data.match.result);
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
// draw the level name
V_DrawCenteredString(BASEVIDWIDTH/2, 20, 0, data.match.levelstring);
V_DrawFill(4, 42, 312, 1, 0);
if (data.match.numplayers > 9)
V_DrawFill(160, 32, 1, 152, 0);
if (intertype == int_race)
V_DrawRightAlignedString(x+152, 32, V_YELLOWMAP, "TIME");
V_DrawRightAlignedString(x+152, 32, V_YELLOWMAP, "SCORE");
V_DrawCenteredString(x+(BASEVIDWIDTH/2)+6, 32, V_YELLOWMAP, "#");
V_DrawString(x+(BASEVIDWIDTH/2)+36, 32, V_YELLOWMAP, "NAME");
V_DrawCenteredString(x+6, 32, V_YELLOWMAP, "#");
V_DrawString(x+36, 32, V_YELLOWMAP, "NAME");
if (intertype == int_race)
V_DrawRightAlignedString(x+(BASEVIDWIDTH/2)+152, 32, V_YELLOWMAP, "TIME");
V_DrawRightAlignedString(x+(BASEVIDWIDTH/2)+152, 32, V_YELLOWMAP, "SCORE");
for (i = 0; i < data.match.numplayers; i++)
if (data.match.spectator[i])
continue; //Ignore spectators.
V_DrawCenteredString(x+6, y, 0, va("%d", j+1));
j++; //We skip spectators, but not their number.
if (playeringame[data.match.num[i]])
// Draw the back sprite, it looks ugly if we don't
V_DrawSmallScaledPatch(x+16, y-4, 0, livesback);
if (data.match.color[i] == 0)
V_DrawSmallScaledPatch(x+16, y-4, 0,faceprefix[*data.match.character[i]]);
UINT8 *colormap = R_GetTranslationColormap(*data.match.character[i], *data.match.color[i], GTC_CACHE);
V_DrawSmallMappedPatch(x+16, y-4, 0,faceprefix[*data.match.character[i]], colormap);
if (data.match.numplayers > 9)
if (intertype == int_race)
strlcpy(name,[i], 8);
strlcpy(name,[i], 9);
V_DrawString(x+36, y, V_ALLOWLOWERCASE, name);
if (data.match.numplayers > 9)
if (intertype == int_match)
V_DrawRightAlignedString(x+152, y, 0, va("%i", data.match.scores[i]));
else if (intertype == int_race)
if (players[data.match.num[i]].pflags & PF_GAMETYPEOVER)
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
snprintf(strtime, sizeof strtime, "DNF");
snprintf(strtime, sizeof strtime,
G_TicsToMinutes(data.match.scores[i], true),
G_TicsToSeconds(data.match.scores[i]), G_TicsToCentiseconds(data.match.scores[i]));
strtime[sizeof strtime - 1] = '\0';
V_DrawRightAlignedString(x+152, y, 0, strtime);
if (intertype == int_match)
V_DrawRightAlignedString(x+152+BASEVIDWIDTH/2, y, 0, va("%u", data.match.scores[i]));
else if (intertype == int_race)
if (players[data.match.num[i]].pflags & PF_GAMETYPEOVER)
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
snprintf(strtime, sizeof strtime, "DNF");
snprintf(strtime, sizeof strtime, "%i:%02i.%02i", G_TicsToMinutes(data.match.scores[i], true),
G_TicsToSeconds(data.match.scores[i]), G_TicsToCentiseconds(data.match.scores[i]));
strtime[sizeof strtime - 1] = '\0';
V_DrawRightAlignedString(x+152+BASEVIDWIDTH/2, y, 0, strtime);
y += 16;
if (y > 176)
y = 48;
else if (intertype == int_ctf || intertype == int_teammatch)
INT32 x = 4, y = 0;
INT32 redplayers = 0, blueplayers = 0;
char name[MAXPLAYERNAME+1];
// Show the team flags and the team score at the top instead of "RESULTS"
V_DrawSmallScaledPatch(128 - SHORT(data.match.blueflag->width)/4, 2, 0, data.match.blueflag);
V_DrawCenteredString(128, 16, 0, va("%u", bluescore));
V_DrawSmallScaledPatch(192 - SHORT(data.match.redflag->width)/4, 2, 0, data.match.redflag);
V_DrawCenteredString(192, 16, 0, va("%u", redscore));
// draw the level name
V_DrawCenteredString(BASEVIDWIDTH/2, 24, 0, data.match.levelstring);
V_DrawFill(4, 42, 312, 1, 0);
//vert. line
V_DrawFill(160, 32, 1, 152, 0);
//strings at the top of the list
V_DrawCenteredString(x+6, 32, V_YELLOWMAP, "#");
V_DrawCenteredString(x+(BASEVIDWIDTH/2)+6, 32, V_YELLOWMAP, "#");
V_DrawString(x+36, 32, V_YELLOWMAP, "NAME");
V_DrawString(x+(BASEVIDWIDTH/2)+36, 32, V_YELLOWMAP, "NAME");
V_DrawRightAlignedString(x+152, 32, V_YELLOWMAP, "SCORE");
V_DrawRightAlignedString(x+(BASEVIDWIDTH/2)+152, 32, V_YELLOWMAP, "SCORE");
for (i = 0; i < data.match.numplayers; i++)
if (playeringame[data.match.num[i]] && !(data.match.spectator[i]))
UINT8 *colormap = R_GetTranslationColormap(*data.match.character[i], *data.match.color[i], GTC_CACHE);
if (*data.match.color[i] == SKINCOLOR_RED) //red
if (redplayers++ > 9)
x = 4 + (BASEVIDWIDTH/2);
y = (redplayers * 16) + 32;
V_DrawCenteredString(x+6, y, 0, va("%d", redplayers));
else if (*data.match.color[i] == SKINCOLOR_BLUE) //blue
if (blueplayers++ > 9)
x = 4;
y = (blueplayers * 16) + 32;
V_DrawCenteredString(x+6, y, 0, va("%d", blueplayers));
// Draw the back sprite, it looks ugly if we don't
V_DrawSmallScaledPatch(x+16, y-4, 0, livesback);
//color is ALWAYS going to be 6/7 here, no need to check if it's nonzero.
V_DrawSmallMappedPatch(x+16, y-4, 0,faceprefix[*data.match.character[i]], colormap);
strlcpy(name,[i], 9);
V_DrawString(x+36, y, V_ALLOWLOWERCASE, name);
V_DrawRightAlignedString(x+152, y, 0, va("%u", data.match.scores[i]));
else if (intertype == int_comp)
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
INT32 x = 4;
INT32 y = 48;
UINT32 ptime, pring, pmaxring, pmonitor, pscore;
char sstrtime[10];
// draw the level name
V_DrawCenteredString(BASEVIDWIDTH/2, 8, 0, data.competition.levelstring);
V_DrawFill(4, 42, 312, 1, 0);
V_DrawCenteredString(x+6, 32, V_YELLOWMAP, "#");
V_DrawString(x+36, 32, V_YELLOWMAP, "NAME");
// Time
V_DrawRightAlignedString(x+160, 32, V_YELLOWMAP, "TIME");
// Rings
V_DrawThinString(x+168, 32, V_YELLOWMAP, "RING");
// Total rings
V_DrawThinString(x+191, 24, V_YELLOWMAP, "TOTAL");
V_DrawThinString(x+196, 32, V_YELLOWMAP, "RING");
// Monitors
V_DrawThinString(x+223, 24, V_YELLOWMAP, "ITEM");
V_DrawThinString(x+229, 32, V_YELLOWMAP, "BOX");
// Score
V_DrawRightAlignedString(x+288, 32, V_YELLOWMAP, "SCORE");
// Points
V_DrawRightAlignedString(x+312, 32, V_YELLOWMAP, "PT");
for (i = 0; i < data.competition.numplayers; i++)
ptime = (data.competition.times[i] & ~0x80000000);
pring = (data.competition.rings[i] & ~0x80000000);
pmaxring = (data.competition.maxrings[i] & ~0x80000000);
pmonitor = (data.competition.monitors[i] & ~0x80000000);
pscore = (data.competition.scores[i] & ~0x80000000);
V_DrawCenteredString(x+6, y, 0, va("%d", i+1));
if (playeringame[data.competition.num[i]])
// Draw the back sprite, it looks ugly if we don't
V_DrawSmallScaledPatch(x+16, y-4, 0, livesback);
if (data.competition.color[i] == 0)
V_DrawSmallScaledPatch(x+16, y-4, 0,faceprefix[*data.competition.character[i]]);
UINT8 *colormap = R_GetTranslationColormap(*data.competition.character[i], *data.competition.color[i], GTC_CACHE);
V_DrawSmallMappedPatch(x+16, y-4, 0,faceprefix[*data.competition.character[i]], colormap);
// already constrained to 8 characters
V_DrawString(x+36, y, V_ALLOWLOWERCASE,[i]);
if (players[data.competition.num[i]].pflags & PF_GAMETYPEOVER)
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
snprintf(sstrtime, sizeof sstrtime, "Time Over");
else if (players[data.competition.num[i]].lives <= 0)
snprintf(sstrtime, sizeof sstrtime, "Game Over");
snprintf(sstrtime, sizeof sstrtime, "%i:%02i.%02i", G_TicsToMinutes(ptime, true),
G_TicsToSeconds(ptime), G_TicsToCentiseconds(ptime));
sstrtime[sizeof sstrtime - 1] = '\0';
// Time
V_DrawRightAlignedThinString(x+160, y, ((data.competition.times[i] & 0x80000000) ? V_YELLOWMAP : 0), sstrtime);
// Rings
V_DrawRightAlignedThinString(x+188, y, V_MONOSPACE|((data.competition.rings[i] & 0x80000000) ? V_YELLOWMAP : 0), va("%u", pring));
// Total rings
V_DrawRightAlignedThinString(x+216, y, V_MONOSPACE|((data.competition.maxrings[i] & 0x80000000) ? V_YELLOWMAP : 0), va("%u", pmaxring));
// Monitors
V_DrawRightAlignedThinString(x+244, y, V_MONOSPACE|((data.competition.monitors[i] & 0x80000000) ? V_YELLOWMAP : 0), va("%u", pmonitor));
// Score
V_DrawRightAlignedThinString(x+288, y, V_MONOSPACE|((data.competition.scores[i] & 0x80000000) ? V_YELLOWMAP : 0), va("%u", pscore));
// Final Points
V_DrawRightAlignedString(x+312, y, V_YELLOWMAP, va("%d", data.competition.points[i]));
y += 16;
if (y > 176)
2019-12-18 21:09:56 +00:00
if (!LUA_HudEnabled(hud_intermissionmessages))
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
if (timer)
V_DrawCenteredString(BASEVIDWIDTH/2, 188, V_YELLOWMAP,
va("start in %d seconds", timer/TICRATE));
// Make it obvious that scrambling is happening next round.
if (cv_scrambleonchange.value && cv_teamscramble.value && (intertic/TICRATE % 2 == 0))
V_DrawCenteredString(BASEVIDWIDTH/2, BASEVIDHEIGHT/2, V_YELLOWMAP, M_GetText("Teams will be scrambled next round!"));
// Y_Ticker
// Manages fake score tally for single player end of act, and decides when intermission is over.
void Y_Ticker(void)
if (intertype == int_none)
// Check for pause or menu up in single player
2015-01-01 19:50:31 +00:00
if (paused || P_AutoPause())
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
2019-10-14 00:50:46 +00:00
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
// Team scramble code for team match and CTF.
// Don't do this if we're going to automatically scramble teams next round.
if (G_GametypeHasTeams() && cv_teamscramble.value && !cv_scrambleonchange.value && server)
// If we run out of time in intermission, the beauty is that
// the P_Ticker() team scramble code will pick it up.
if ((intertic % (TICRATE/7)) == 0)
// multiplayer uses timer (based on cv_inttime)
if (timer)
if (!--timer)
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
// single player is hardcoded to go away after awhile
else if (intertic == endtic)
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
if (endtic != -1)
return; // tally is done
if (intertype == int_coop) // coop or single player, normal level
INT32 i;
UINT32 oldscore =;
Introducing Marathon Run. (I was going to call it Marathon Mode, but NiGHTS Mode being right next to it on the menu looked terrible.) Basically a dedicated Record Attack-like experience for speedrunning the game as a continuous chunk rather than ILs. Has several quality of life features. Benefits include: * An unambiguous real-time bar across the bottom of the screen, always displaying the current time, ticking up until you reach the ending. * Disable the console (pausing is still allowed, but the timer will still increment). * Automatically skip intermissions as if you're holding down the spin button. * Show centiseconds on HUD automatically, like record attack. * "Live Event Backups" - a category of run fit for major events like GDQ, where recovery from crashes or chokes makes for better entertainment. Essentially a modified SP savefile, down to using the same basic functions, but has its own filename and tweaked internal layout. * "spmarathon_start" MainCfg block parameter and "marathonnext" mapheader parameter, allowing for a customised flow (makes this fit for purpose for an eventual SUGOI port). * Disabling inter-level custom cutscenes by default with a menu option to toggle this (won't show up if the mod doesn't *have* any custom cutscenes), although either way ending cutscenes (vanilla or custom) remain intact since is time is called before them. * Won't show up if you have a mod that consists of only one level (determined by spmarathon_start's nextlevel; this won't trip if you manually set its marathonnext). * Unconditional gratitude on the evaluation screen, instead of a negging "Try again..." if you didn't get all the emeralds (which you may not have been aiming for). * Gorgeous new menu (no new assets required, unless you wanna give it a header later). Changes which were required for the above but affect other areas of the game include: * "useBlackRock" MainCFG block parameter, which can be used to disable the presence of the Black Rock or Egg Rock in both the Evaluation screen and the Marathon Run menu (for total conversions with different stories). * Disabling Continues in NiGHTS mode, to match the most common singleplayer experience post 2.2.4's release (is reverted if useContinues is set to true). * Hiding the exitmove "powerup" outside of multiplayer. (Okay, this isn't really related, I just saw this bug in action a lot while doing test runs and got annoyed enough to fix it here.) * The ability to use V_DrawPromptBack (in hardcode only at the moment, but) to draw in terms of pixels rather than rows of text, by providing negative instead of positive inputs). * A refactoring of redundant game saves smattered across the ending, credits, and evaluation - in addition to saving the game slightly earlier. * Minor m_menu.c touchups and refactorings here and there. Built using feedback from the official server's #speedruns channel, among other places.
2020-05-14 22:10:00 +00:00
boolean skip = (marathonmode) ? true : false;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
boolean anybonuses = false;
if (!intertic) // first time only
if (mapheaderinfo[gamemap-1]->musinterfadeout
#ifdef _WIN32
// can't fade midi due to win32 volume hack
&& S_MusicType() != MU_MID
else if (mapheaderinfo[gamemap-1]->musintername[0] && S_MusicExists(mapheaderinfo[gamemap-1]->musintername, !midi_disabled, !digital_disabled))
2018-10-21 18:51:49 +00:00
S_ChangeMusicInternal(mapheaderinfo[gamemap-1]->musintername, false); // don't loop it
2019-03-15 07:15:20 +00:00
S_ChangeMusicInternal("_clear", false); // don't loop it
tallydonetic = -1;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
if (intertic < TICRATE) // one second pause before tally begins
for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++)
if (playeringame[i] && (players[i].cmd.buttons & BT_USE))
skip = true;
// bonuses count down by 222 each tic
for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
if (![i].points)
continue;[i].points -= 222; += 222; += 222;
if ([i].points < 0 || skip == true) // too far?
{ +=[i].points; +=[i].points;[i].points = 0;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
if ([i].points > 0)
anybonuses = true;
if (!anybonuses)
tallydonetic = intertic;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
endtic = intertic + 3*TICRATE; // 3 second pause after end of tally
S_StartSound(NULL, (gottoken ? sfx_token : sfx_chchng)); // cha-ching!
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
// Update when done with tally
if ((!modifiedgame || savemoddata) && !(netgame || multiplayer) && !demoplayback)
if (M_UpdateUnlockablesAndExtraEmblems())
MONSTER COMMIT. OLD SPECIAL STAGES: * Spheres in old special stages instead of rings! * Individual timers in old special stages instead of a global one! * Old special stages use a variant of the NiGHTS HUD now! * Special stage damage in old special stages loses 5 seconds of time instead of 10 rings/spheres! * All damage gained through old special stages is converted to special stage damage! As a consequence, the special spikeball has no need to be special anymore. * Made emerald gaining function be based on special stage number rather than gained emeralds! * Consistency with... NiGHTS SPECIAL STAGES: * Spheres now flash in bonus time. * Sphere and ring mapthingnums are now less fucked up in 'em. (Rings are 300, same as usual, while Spheres are now 1706 replacing NiGHTS Wings.) SPECIAL STAGES IN GENERAL: * useNightsSS is now dead. Each individual special stage is now assessed for NiGHTS-mode behaviour based on maptol & TOL_NIGHTS. * CRAWLA HONCHO\n CAN NOW BE\n SUPER CRAWLA HONCHO end tally modification now also includes a mini-tutorial on turning super. * SONIC GOT A CHAOS EMERALD? NiGHTS NON-SPECIAL STAGES: * Colour Chips and Star Chips! Replaces Spheres and Rings of NiGHTS Special Stages. * Colour Chips turn yellow in bonus time. * Ideya! * Its own "drowning" music! * All of the object types for Dream Hill. * GIF: RANDOM BS: * Turn super with the spin button instead of the jump button! * Followmobj now correctly set with P_SetTarget instead of pointer assignment. * Emerald hunt uses new sprites! * Made unlock noise different from emblem gain noise! (It's the CRAWLA HONCHO CAN NOW TURN yadda yadda sound from S3K now.)
2018-06-03 21:41:54 +00:00
S_StartSound(NULL, sfx_s3k68);
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
else if (!(intertic & 1))
S_StartSound(NULL, sfx_ptally); // tally sound effect
if ( > 0 && (skip == true || % 50000 < oldscore % 50000)) // just passed a 50000 point mark
// lives are already added since tally is fake, but play the music
else if (intertype == int_spec) // coop or single player, special stage
INT32 i;
UINT32 oldscore = data.spec.score;
Introducing Marathon Run. (I was going to call it Marathon Mode, but NiGHTS Mode being right next to it on the menu looked terrible.) Basically a dedicated Record Attack-like experience for speedrunning the game as a continuous chunk rather than ILs. Has several quality of life features. Benefits include: * An unambiguous real-time bar across the bottom of the screen, always displaying the current time, ticking up until you reach the ending. * Disable the console (pausing is still allowed, but the timer will still increment). * Automatically skip intermissions as if you're holding down the spin button. * Show centiseconds on HUD automatically, like record attack. * "Live Event Backups" - a category of run fit for major events like GDQ, where recovery from crashes or chokes makes for better entertainment. Essentially a modified SP savefile, down to using the same basic functions, but has its own filename and tweaked internal layout. * "spmarathon_start" MainCfg block parameter and "marathonnext" mapheader parameter, allowing for a customised flow (makes this fit for purpose for an eventual SUGOI port). * Disabling inter-level custom cutscenes by default with a menu option to toggle this (won't show up if the mod doesn't *have* any custom cutscenes), although either way ending cutscenes (vanilla or custom) remain intact since is time is called before them. * Won't show up if you have a mod that consists of only one level (determined by spmarathon_start's nextlevel; this won't trip if you manually set its marathonnext). * Unconditional gratitude on the evaluation screen, instead of a negging "Try again..." if you didn't get all the emeralds (which you may not have been aiming for). * Gorgeous new menu (no new assets required, unless you wanna give it a header later). Changes which were required for the above but affect other areas of the game include: * "useBlackRock" MainCFG block parameter, which can be used to disable the presence of the Black Rock or Egg Rock in both the Evaluation screen and the Marathon Run menu (for total conversions with different stories). * Disabling Continues in NiGHTS mode, to match the most common singleplayer experience post 2.2.4's release (is reverted if useContinues is set to true). * Hiding the exitmove "powerup" outside of multiplayer. (Okay, this isn't really related, I just saw this bug in action a lot while doing test runs and got annoyed enough to fix it here.) * The ability to use V_DrawPromptBack (in hardcode only at the moment, but) to draw in terms of pixels rather than rows of text, by providing negative instead of positive inputs). * A refactoring of redundant game saves smattered across the ending, credits, and evaluation - in addition to saving the game slightly earlier. * Minor m_menu.c touchups and refactorings here and there. Built using feedback from the official server's #speedruns channel, among other places.
2020-05-14 22:10:00 +00:00
boolean skip = (marathonmode) ? true : false, super = false, anybonuses = false;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
if (!intertic) // first time only
if (mapheaderinfo[gamemap-1]->musinterfadeout
#ifdef _WIN32
// can't fade midi due to win32 volume hack
&& S_MusicType() != MU_MID
else if (mapheaderinfo[gamemap-1]->musintername[0] && S_MusicExists(mapheaderinfo[gamemap-1]->musintername, !midi_disabled, !digital_disabled))
2018-10-21 18:51:49 +00:00
S_ChangeMusicInternal(mapheaderinfo[gamemap-1]->musintername, false); // don't loop it
2019-03-15 07:15:20 +00:00
S_ChangeMusicInternal("_clear", false); // don't loop it
tallydonetic = -1;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
if (intertic < 2*TICRATE) // TWO second pause before tally begins, thank you mazmazz
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++)
if (playeringame[i])
if (players[i].cmd.buttons & BT_USE)
skip = true;
if (players[i].charflags & SF_SUPER)
super = true;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
if (tallydonetic != -1 && ((data.spec.continues & 0x80) || (super && ALL7EMERALDS(emeralds))))
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
if ((intertic - tallydonetic) > (3*TICRATE)/2)
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
endtic = intertic + 4*TICRATE; // 4 second pause after end of tally
if (data.spec.continues & 0x80)
S_StartSound(NULL, sfx_s3kac); // bingly-bingly-bing!
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
// bonuses count down by 222 each tic
for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
if (!data.spec.bonuses[i].points)
data.spec.bonuses[i].points -= 222;
data.spec.score += 222;
if (data.spec.bonuses[i].points < 0 || skip == true) // too far?
data.spec.score += data.spec.bonuses[i].points;
data.spec.bonuses[i].points = 0;
if (data.spec.score > MAXSCORE)
data.spec.score = MAXSCORE;
if (data.spec.bonuses[i].points > 0)
anybonuses = true;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
if (!anybonuses)
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
tallydonetic = intertic;
if (!((data.spec.continues & 0x80) || (super && ALL7EMERALDS(emeralds)))) // don't set endtic yet!
endtic = intertic + 4*TICRATE; // 4 second pause after end of tally
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
S_StartSound(NULL, (gottoken ? sfx_token : sfx_chchng)); // cha-ching!
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
// Update when done with tally
if ((!modifiedgame || savemoddata) && !(netgame || multiplayer) && !demoplayback)
if (M_UpdateUnlockablesAndExtraEmblems())
MONSTER COMMIT. OLD SPECIAL STAGES: * Spheres in old special stages instead of rings! * Individual timers in old special stages instead of a global one! * Old special stages use a variant of the NiGHTS HUD now! * Special stage damage in old special stages loses 5 seconds of time instead of 10 rings/spheres! * All damage gained through old special stages is converted to special stage damage! As a consequence, the special spikeball has no need to be special anymore. * Made emerald gaining function be based on special stage number rather than gained emeralds! * Consistency with... NiGHTS SPECIAL STAGES: * Spheres now flash in bonus time. * Sphere and ring mapthingnums are now less fucked up in 'em. (Rings are 300, same as usual, while Spheres are now 1706 replacing NiGHTS Wings.) SPECIAL STAGES IN GENERAL: * useNightsSS is now dead. Each individual special stage is now assessed for NiGHTS-mode behaviour based on maptol & TOL_NIGHTS. * CRAWLA HONCHO\n CAN NOW BE\n SUPER CRAWLA HONCHO end tally modification now also includes a mini-tutorial on turning super. * SONIC GOT A CHAOS EMERALD? NiGHTS NON-SPECIAL STAGES: * Colour Chips and Star Chips! Replaces Spheres and Rings of NiGHTS Special Stages. * Colour Chips turn yellow in bonus time. * Ideya! * Its own "drowning" music! * All of the object types for Dream Hill. * GIF: RANDOM BS: * Turn super with the spin button instead of the jump button! * Followmobj now correctly set with P_SetTarget instead of pointer assignment. * Emerald hunt uses new sprites! * Made unlock noise different from emblem gain noise! (It's the CRAWLA HONCHO CAN NOW TURN yadda yadda sound from S3K now.)
2018-06-03 21:41:54 +00:00
S_StartSound(NULL, sfx_s3k68);
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
else if (!(intertic & 1))
S_StartSound(NULL, sfx_ptally); // tally sound effect
if (data.spec.gotlife > 0 && (skip == true || data.spec.score % 50000 < oldscore % 50000)) // just passed a 50000 point mark
// lives are already added since tally is fake, but play the music
else if (intertype == int_match || intertype == int_ctf || intertype == int_teammatch) // match
if (!intertic) // first time only
S_ChangeMusicInternal("_inter", true); // loop it
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
// If a player has left or joined, recalculate scores.
if (data.match.numplayers != D_NumPlayers())
else if (intertype == int_race || intertype == int_comp) // race
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
if (!intertic) // first time only
S_ChangeMusicInternal("_inter", true); // loop it
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
// Don't bother recalcing for race. It doesn't make as much sense.
// Y_DetermineIntermissionType
// Determines the intermission type from the current gametype.
void Y_DetermineIntermissionType(void)
// set to int_none initially
intertype = int_none;
if (intermissiontypes[gametype] != int_none)
intertype = intermissiontypes[gametype];
else if (gametype == GT_COOP)
intertype = (G_IsSpecialStage(gamemap)) ? int_spec : int_coop;
else if (gametype == GT_TEAMMATCH)
intertype = int_teammatch;
else if (gametype == GT_MATCH
|| gametype == GT_TAG
|| gametype == GT_HIDEANDSEEK)
intertype = int_match;
else if (gametype == GT_RACE)
intertype = int_race;
else if (gametype == GT_COMPETITION)
intertype = int_comp;
else if (gametype == GT_CTF)
intertype = int_ctf;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
// Y_StartIntermission
// Called by G_DoCompleted. Sets up data for intermission drawer/ticker.
void Y_StartIntermission(void)
INT32 i;
2017-09-28 15:10:24 +00:00
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
intertic = -1;
if (endtic != -1)
I_Error("endtic is dirty");
2019-09-09 00:37:24 +00:00
safetorender = true;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
if (!multiplayer)
timer = 0;
intertype = (G_IsSpecialStage(gamemap)) ? int_spec : int_coop;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
if (cv_inttime.value == 0 && ((intertype == int_coop) || (intertype == int_spec)))
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
timer = 0;
timer = cv_inttime.value*TICRATE;
if (!timer)
timer = 1;
// We couldn't display the intermission even if we wanted to.
// But we still need to give the players their score bonuses, dummy.
//if (dedicated) return;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
// This should always exist, but just in case...
switch (intertype)
case int_coop: // coop or single player, normal level
// award time and ring bonuses
// setup time data = players[consoleplayer].realtime;
for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
2019-09-08 21:27:35 +00:00[i] = W_CachePatchName([i].patch, PU_PATCH); = W_CachePatchName("YB_TOTAL", PU_PATCH);
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
// get act number = mapheaderinfo[gamemap-1]->actnum;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
// get background patches
2019-09-08 21:27:35 +00:00
widebgpatch = W_CachePatchName("INTERSCW", PU_PATCH);
bgpatch = W_CachePatchName("INTERSCR", PU_PATCH);
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
// grab an interscreen if appropriate
if (mapheaderinfo[gamemap-1]->interscreen[0] != '#')
2019-09-08 21:27:35 +00:00
interpic = W_CachePatchName(mapheaderinfo[gamemap-1]->interscreen, PU_PATCH);
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
useinterpic = true;
usebuffer = false;
useinterpic = false;
if (rendermode == render_opengl)
usebuffer = true; // This needs to be here for OpenGL, otherwise usebuffer is never set to true for it, and thus there's no screenshot in the intermission
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
usetile = false;
// set up the "got through act" message according to skin name
2014-04-14 05:14:58 +00:00
// too long so just show "YOU GOT THROUGH THE ACT"
if (strlen(skins[players[consoleplayer].skin].realname) > 13)
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
strcpy(, "you got");
strcpy(, (mapheaderinfo[gamemap-1]->actnum) ? "through act" : "through the act");
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
2014-04-14 05:14:58 +00:00
// long enough that "X GOT" won't fit so use "X PASSED THE ACT"
else if (strlen(skins[players[consoleplayer].skin].realname) > 8)
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
strcpy(, skins[players[consoleplayer].skin].realname);
strcpy(, (mapheaderinfo[gamemap-1]->actnum) ? "passed act" : "passed the act");
2014-04-14 05:14:58 +00:00
// length is okay for normal use
snprintf(, sizeof, "%s got",
2014-04-14 05:14:58 +00:00
strcpy(, (mapheaderinfo[gamemap-1]->actnum) ? "through act" : "through the act");
2014-04-14 05:14:58 +00:00
// set X positions
if (mapheaderinfo[gamemap-1]->actnum)
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00 = 62 + (176 - V_LevelNameWidth(;
2014-04-14 05:14:58 +00:00 = 62 + (176 - V_LevelNameWidth(;
{ = (BASEVIDWIDTH - V_LevelNameWidth(; = (BASEVIDWIDTH - V_LevelNameWidth(;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
2014-04-14 05:14:58 +00:00
// The above value is not precalculated because it needs only be computed once
// at the start of intermission, and precalculating it would preclude mods
// changing the font to one of a slightly different width.
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
case int_spec: // coop or single player, special stage
// give out ring bonuses
for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
2019-09-08 21:27:35 +00:00
data.spec.bonuspatches[i] = W_CachePatchName(data.spec.bonuses[i].patch, PU_PATCH);
2019-09-08 21:27:35 +00:00
data.spec.pscore = W_CachePatchName("YB_SCORE", PU_PATCH);
data.spec.pcontinues = W_CachePatchName("YB_CONTI", PU_PATCH);
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
// get background tile
2019-09-08 21:27:35 +00:00
bgtile = W_CachePatchName("SPECTILE", PU_PATCH);
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
// grab an interscreen if appropriate
if (mapheaderinfo[gamemap-1]->interscreen[0] != '#')
2019-09-08 21:27:35 +00:00
interpic = W_CachePatchName(mapheaderinfo[gamemap-1]->interscreen, PU_PATCH);
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
useinterpic = true;
useinterpic = false;
// tile if using the default background
usetile = !useinterpic;
// get special stage specific patches
/* if (!stagefailed && ALL7EMERALDS(emeralds))
2019-09-08 21:27:35 +00:00
data.spec.cemerald = W_CachePatchName("GOTEMALL", PU_PATCH);
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
data.spec.headx = 70;
data.spec.nowsuper = players[consoleplayer].skin
2019-09-09 00:37:24 +00:00
? NULL : W_CachePatchName("NOWSUPER", PU_PATCH);
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
2019-09-08 21:27:35 +00:00
data.spec.cemerald = W_CachePatchName("CEMERALD", PU_PATCH);
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
data.spec.headx = 48;
data.spec.nowsuper = NULL;
} */
// Super form stuff (normally blank)
data.spec.passed3[0] = '\0';
data.spec.passed4[0] = '\0';
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
// set up the "got through act" message according to skin name
if (stagefailed)
strcpy(data.spec.passed2, "Special Stage");
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
data.spec.passed1[0] = '\0';
else if (ALL7EMERALDS(emeralds))
sizeof data.spec.passed1, "%s",
data.spec.passed1[sizeof data.spec.passed1 - 1] = '\0';
strcpy(data.spec.passed2, "got them all!");
if (players[consoleplayer].charflags & SF_SUPER)
strcpy(data.spec.passed3, "can now become");
sizeof data.spec.passed4, "Super %s",
data.spec.passed4[sizeof data.spec.passed4 - 1] = '\0';
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
if (strlen(skins[players[consoleplayer].skin].realname) <= SKINNAMESIZE-5)
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
sizeof data.spec.passed1, "%s got",
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
data.spec.passed1[sizeof data.spec.passed1 - 1] = '\0';
strcpy(data.spec.passed1, "You got");
strcpy(data.spec.passed2, "a Chaos Emerald");
if (P_GetNextEmerald() > 6)
MONSTER COMMIT. OLD SPECIAL STAGES: * Spheres in old special stages instead of rings! * Individual timers in old special stages instead of a global one! * Old special stages use a variant of the NiGHTS HUD now! * Special stage damage in old special stages loses 5 seconds of time instead of 10 rings/spheres! * All damage gained through old special stages is converted to special stage damage! As a consequence, the special spikeball has no need to be special anymore. * Made emerald gaining function be based on special stage number rather than gained emeralds! * Consistency with... NiGHTS SPECIAL STAGES: * Spheres now flash in bonus time. * Sphere and ring mapthingnums are now less fucked up in 'em. (Rings are 300, same as usual, while Spheres are now 1706 replacing NiGHTS Wings.) SPECIAL STAGES IN GENERAL: * useNightsSS is now dead. Each individual special stage is now assessed for NiGHTS-mode behaviour based on maptol & TOL_NIGHTS. * CRAWLA HONCHO\n CAN NOW BE\n SUPER CRAWLA HONCHO end tally modification now also includes a mini-tutorial on turning super. * SONIC GOT A CHAOS EMERALD? NiGHTS NON-SPECIAL STAGES: * Colour Chips and Star Chips! Replaces Spheres and Rings of NiGHTS Special Stages. * Colour Chips turn yellow in bonus time. * Ideya! * Its own "drowning" music! * All of the object types for Dream Hill. * GIF: RANDOM BS: * Turn super with the spin button instead of the jump button! * Followmobj now correctly set with P_SetTarget instead of pointer assignment. * Emerald hunt uses new sprites! * Made unlock noise different from emblem gain noise! (It's the CRAWLA HONCHO CAN NOW TURN yadda yadda sound from S3K now.)
2018-06-03 21:41:54 +00:00
data.spec.passed2[15] = '?';
data.spec.passed2[16] = '\0';
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
data.spec.passedx1 = (BASEVIDWIDTH - V_LevelNameWidth(data.spec.passed1))/2;
data.spec.passedx2 = (BASEVIDWIDTH - V_LevelNameWidth(data.spec.passed2))/2;
data.spec.passedx3 = (BASEVIDWIDTH - V_LevelNameWidth(data.spec.passed3))/2;
data.spec.passedx4 = (BASEVIDWIDTH - V_LevelNameWidth(data.spec.passed4))/2;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
case int_match:
// Calculate who won
// set up the levelstring
if (mapheaderinfo[prevmap]->actnum)
sizeof data.match.levelstring,
"%.32s * %d *",
mapheaderinfo[prevmap]->lvlttl, mapheaderinfo[prevmap]->actnum);
sizeof data.match.levelstring,
"* %.32s *",
data.match.levelstring[sizeof data.match.levelstring - 1] = '\0';
// get RESULT header
data.match.result =
2019-09-08 21:27:35 +00:00
W_CachePatchName("RESULT", PU_PATCH);
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
2019-09-08 21:27:35 +00:00
bgtile = W_CachePatchName("SRB2BACK", PU_PATCH);
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
usetile = true;
useinterpic = false;
case int_race: // (time-only race)
// Calculate who won
// set up the levelstring
if (mapheaderinfo[prevmap]->actnum)
sizeof data.match.levelstring,
"%.32s * %d *",
mapheaderinfo[prevmap]->lvlttl, mapheaderinfo[prevmap]->actnum);
sizeof data.match.levelstring,
"* %.32s *",
data.match.levelstring[sizeof data.match.levelstring - 1] = '\0';
// get RESULT header
2019-09-08 21:27:35 +00:00
data.match.result = W_CachePatchName("RESULT", PU_PATCH);
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
2019-09-08 21:27:35 +00:00
bgtile = W_CachePatchName("SRB2BACK", PU_PATCH);
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
usetile = true;
useinterpic = false;
case int_teammatch:
case int_ctf:
// Calculate who won
// set up the levelstring
if (mapheaderinfo[prevmap]->actnum)
sizeof data.match.levelstring,
"%.32s * %d *",
mapheaderinfo[prevmap]->lvlttl, mapheaderinfo[prevmap]->actnum);
sizeof data.match.levelstring,
"* %.32s *",
data.match.levelstring[sizeof data.match.levelstring - 1] = '\0';
if (intertype == int_ctf)
data.match.redflag = rflagico;
data.match.blueflag = bflagico;
else // team match
data.match.redflag = rmatcico;
data.match.blueflag = bmatcico;
2019-09-08 21:27:35 +00:00
bgtile = W_CachePatchName("SRB2BACK", PU_PATCH);
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
usetile = true;
useinterpic = false;
case int_comp: // classic (full race)
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
// find out who won
// set up the levelstring
if (mapheaderinfo[prevmap]->actnum)
sizeof data.competition.levelstring,
"%.32s * %d *",
mapheaderinfo[prevmap]->lvlttl, mapheaderinfo[prevmap]->actnum);
sizeof data.competition.levelstring,
"* %.32s *",
data.competition.levelstring[sizeof data.competition.levelstring - 1] = '\0';
// get background tile
2019-09-08 21:27:35 +00:00
bgtile = W_CachePatchName("SRB2BACK", PU_PATCH);
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
usetile = true;
useinterpic = false;
case int_none:
// Y_CalculateMatchWinners
static void Y_CalculateMatchWinners(void)
INT32 i, j;
boolean completed[MAXPLAYERS];
// Initialize variables
memset(data.match.scores, 0, sizeof (data.match.scores));
memset(data.match.color, 0, sizeof (data.match.color));
memset(data.match.character, 0, sizeof (data.match.character));
memset(data.match.spectator, 0, sizeof (data.match.spectator));
memset(completed, 0, sizeof (completed));
data.match.numplayers = 0;
i = j = 0;
for (j = 0; j < MAXPLAYERS; j++)
if (!playeringame[j])
for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++)
if (!playeringame[i])
if (players[i].score >= data.match.scores[data.match.numplayers] && completed[i] == false)
data.match.scores[data.match.numplayers] = players[i].score;
data.match.color[data.match.numplayers] = &players[i].skincolor;
data.match.character[data.match.numplayers] = &players[i].skin;[data.match.numplayers] = player_names[i];
data.match.spectator[data.match.numplayers] = players[i].spectator;
data.match.num[data.match.numplayers] = i;
completed[data.match.num[data.match.numplayers]] = true;
// Y_CalculateTimeRaceWinners
static void Y_CalculateTimeRaceWinners(void)
INT32 i, j;
boolean completed[MAXPLAYERS];
// Initialize variables
for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++)
data.match.scores[i] = INT32_MAX;
memset(data.match.color, 0, sizeof (data.match.color));
memset(data.match.character, 0, sizeof (data.match.character));
memset(data.match.spectator, 0, sizeof (data.match.spectator));
memset(completed, 0, sizeof (completed));
data.match.numplayers = 0;
i = j = 0;
for (j = 0; j < MAXPLAYERS; j++)
if (!playeringame[j])
for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++)
if (!playeringame[i])
if (players[i].realtime <= data.match.scores[data.match.numplayers] && completed[i] == false)
data.match.scores[data.match.numplayers] = players[i].realtime;
data.match.color[data.match.numplayers] = &players[i].skincolor;
data.match.character[data.match.numplayers] = &players[i].skin;[data.match.numplayers] = player_names[i];
data.match.num[data.match.numplayers] = i;
completed[data.match.num[data.match.numplayers]] = true;
// Y_CalculateCompetitionWinners
static void Y_CalculateCompetitionWinners(void)
INT32 i, j;
boolean bestat[5];
boolean completed[MAXPLAYERS];
INT32 winner; // shortcut
UINT32 maxrings[MAXPLAYERS];
UINT32 monitors[MAXPLAYERS];
char tempname[9];
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
memset(data.competition.points, 0, sizeof (data.competition.points));
memset(points, 0, sizeof (points));
memset(completed, 0, sizeof (completed));
// Award points.
for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++)
if (!playeringame[i])
for (j = 0; j < 5; j++)
bestat[j] = true;
if ((players[i].pflags & PF_GAMETYPEOVER) || players[i].lives <= 0)
players[i].rings = 0;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
times[i] = players[i].realtime;
rings[i] = (UINT32)max(players[i].rings, 0);
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
maxrings[i] = (UINT32)players[i].totalring;
monitors[i] = (UINT32)players[i].numboxes;
scores[i] = (UINT32)min(players[i].score, MAXSCORE);
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
for (j = 0; j < MAXPLAYERS; j++)
if (!playeringame[j] || j == i)
if (players[i].realtime <= players[j].realtime)
bestat[0] = false;
if (max(players[i].rings, 0) >= max(players[j].rings, 0))
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
bestat[1] = false;
if (players[i].totalring >= players[j].totalring)
bestat[2] = false;
if (players[i].numboxes >= players[j].numboxes)
bestat[3] = false;
if (players[i].score >= players[j].score)
bestat[4] = false;
// Highlight best scores
if (bestat[0])
times[i] |= 0x80000000;
if (bestat[1])
rings[i] |= 0x80000000;
if (bestat[2])
maxrings[i] |= 0x80000000;
if (bestat[3])
monitors[i] |= 0x80000000;
if (bestat[4])
scores[i] |= 0x80000000;
// Now we go through and set the data.competition struct properly
data.competition.numplayers = 0;
for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++)
if (!playeringame[i])
winner = 0;
for (j = 0; j < MAXPLAYERS; j++)
if (!playeringame[j])
if (points[j] >= data.competition.points[data.competition.numplayers] && completed[j] == false)
data.competition.points[data.competition.numplayers] = points[j];
data.competition.num[data.competition.numplayers] = winner = j;
// We know this person won this spot, now let's set everything appropriately
data.competition.times[data.competition.numplayers] = times[winner];
data.competition.rings[data.competition.numplayers] = rings[winner];
data.competition.maxrings[data.competition.numplayers] = maxrings[winner];
data.competition.monitors[data.competition.numplayers] = monitors[winner];
data.competition.scores[data.competition.numplayers] = scores[winner];
strncpy(tempname, player_names[winner], 8);
tempname[8] = '\0';
strncpy([data.competition.numplayers], tempname, 9);
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
data.competition.color[data.competition.numplayers] = &players[winner].skincolor;
data.competition.character[data.competition.numplayers] = &players[winner].skin;
completed[winner] = true;
// ============
// ============
// Y_SetNullBonus
// No bonus in this slot, but we need to set some things anyway.
static void Y_SetNullBonus(player_t *player, y_bonus_t *bstruct)
memset(bstruct, 0, sizeof(y_bonus_t));
strncpy(bstruct->patch, "MISSING", sizeof(bstruct->patch));
// Y_SetTimeBonus
static void Y_SetTimeBonus(player_t *player, y_bonus_t *bstruct)
INT32 secs, bonus;
strncpy(bstruct->patch, "YB_TIME", sizeof(bstruct->patch));
bstruct->display = true;
// calculate time bonus
secs = player->realtime / TICRATE;
if (secs < 30) /* :30 */ bonus = 50000;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
else if (secs < 60) /* 1:00 */ bonus = 10000;
else if (secs < 90) /* 1:30 */ bonus = 5000;
else if (secs < 120) /* 2:00 */ bonus = 4000;
else if (secs < 180) /* 3:00 */ bonus = 3000;
else if (secs < 240) /* 4:00 */ bonus = 2000;
else if (secs < 300) /* 5:00 */ bonus = 1000;
else if (secs < 360) /* 6:00 */ bonus = 500;
else if (secs < 420) /* 7:00 */ bonus = 400;
else if (secs < 480) /* 8:00 */ bonus = 300;
else if (secs < 540) /* 9:00 */ bonus = 200;
else if (secs < 600) /* 10:00 */ bonus = 100;
else /* TIME TAKEN: TOO LONG */ bonus = 0;
bstruct->points = bonus;
// Y_SetRingBonus
static void Y_SetRingBonus(player_t *player, y_bonus_t *bstruct)
strncpy(bstruct->patch, "YB_RING", sizeof(bstruct->patch));
bstruct->display = true;
bstruct->points = max(0, (player->rings) * 100);
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
2018-08-12 23:23:23 +00:00
// Y_SetNightsBonus
static void Y_SetNightsBonus(player_t *player, y_bonus_t *bstruct)
strncpy(bstruct->patch, "YB_NIGHT", sizeof(bstruct->patch));
bstruct->display = true;
bstruct->points = player->totalmarescore;
2018-08-12 23:45:34 +00:00
// Y_SetLapBonus
static void Y_SetLapBonus(player_t *player, y_bonus_t *bstruct)
strncpy(bstruct->patch, "YB_LAP", sizeof(bstruct->patch));
bstruct->display = true;
2018-08-13 00:08:17 +00:00
bstruct->points = max(0, player->totalmarebonuslap * 1000);
2018-08-12 23:45:34 +00:00
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
// Y_SetLinkBonus
static void Y_SetLinkBonus(player_t *player, y_bonus_t *bstruct)
strncpy(bstruct->patch, "YB_LINK", sizeof(bstruct->patch));
bstruct->display = true;
bstruct->points = max(0, (player->maxlink - 1) * 100);
// Y_SetGuardBonus
static void Y_SetGuardBonus(player_t *player, y_bonus_t *bstruct)
INT32 bonus;
strncpy(bstruct->patch, "YB_GUARD", sizeof(bstruct->patch));
bstruct->display = true;
if (player->timeshit == 0) bonus = 10000;
else if (player->timeshit == 1) bonus = 5000;
else if (player->timeshit == 2) bonus = 1000;
else if (player->timeshit == 3) bonus = 500;
else if (player->timeshit == 4) bonus = 100;
else bonus = 0;
bstruct->points = bonus;
// Y_SetPerfectBonus
static void Y_SetPerfectBonus(player_t *player, y_bonus_t *bstruct)
INT32 i;
memset(bstruct, 0, sizeof(y_bonus_t));
strncpy(bstruct->patch, "YB_PERFE", sizeof(bstruct->patch));
if (intertype != int_coop || == -1)
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
INT32 sharedringtotal = 0;
for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++)
if (!playeringame[i]) continue;
sharedringtotal += players[i].rings;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
if (!sharedringtotal || nummaprings == -1 || sharedringtotal < nummaprings)
bstruct->display = false;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
bstruct->display = true;
bstruct->points = 50000;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
if (intertype != int_coop)
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
return; = (bstruct->display ? 1 : 0);
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
static void Y_SetSpecialRingBonus(player_t *player, y_bonus_t *bstruct)
INT32 i, sharedringtotal = 0;
strncpy(bstruct->patch, "YB_RING", sizeof(bstruct->patch));
bstruct->display = true;
for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++)
if (!playeringame[i]) continue;
sharedringtotal += players[i].rings;
bstruct->points = max(0, (sharedringtotal) * 100);
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
// This list can be extended in the future with SOC/Lua, perhaps.
typedef void (*bonus_f)(player_t *, y_bonus_t *);
bonus_f bonuses_list[6][4] = {
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
2018-08-12 23:23:23 +00:00
2018-08-12 23:29:35 +00:00
2018-08-12 23:45:34 +00:00
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
// Y_AwardCoopBonuses
// Awards the time and ring bonuses.
static void Y_AwardCoopBonuses(void)
INT32 i, j, bonusnum, oldscore, ptlives;
y_bonus_t localbonuses[4];
// set score/total first = 0; = players[consoleplayer].score; = -1;
memset(, 0, sizeof(;
memset(, 0, sizeof(;
for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; ++i)
if (!playeringame[i] || players[i].lives < 1) // not active or game over
bonusnum = 0; // all null
bonusnum = mapheaderinfo[prevmap]->bonustype + 1; // -1 is none
oldscore = players[i].score;
for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j) // Set bonuses
(bonuses_list[bonusnum][j])(&players[i], &localbonuses[j]);
players[i].score += localbonuses[j].points;
if (players[i].score > MAXSCORE)
players[i].score = MAXSCORE;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
ptlives = min(
2018-11-21 01:23:48 +00:00
(INT32)((!ultimatemode && !modeattacking && players[i].lives != INFLIVES) ? max((INT32)((players[i].score/50000) - (oldscore/50000)), (INT32)0) : 0),
(INT32)(mapheaderinfo[prevmap]->maxbonuslives < 0 ? INT32_MAX : mapheaderinfo[prevmap]->maxbonuslives));
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
if (ptlives)
P_GivePlayerLives(&players[i], ptlives);
if (i == consoleplayer)
{ = (((netgame || multiplayer) && G_GametypeUsesCoopLives() && cv_cooplives.value == 0) ? 0 : ptlives);
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
M_Memcpy(&, &localbonuses, sizeof(;
// Just in case the perfect bonus wasn't checked.
if ( < 0) = 0;
// Y_AwardSpecialStageBonus
// Gives a ring bonus only.
static void Y_AwardSpecialStageBonus(void)
INT32 i, oldscore, ptlives;
y_bonus_t localbonuses[2];
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
data.spec.score = players[consoleplayer].score;
memset(data.spec.bonuses, 0, sizeof(data.spec.bonuses));
2019-11-08 00:22:25 +00:00
memset(data.spec.bonuspatches, 0, sizeof(data.spec.bonuspatches));
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++)
oldscore = players[i].score;
if (!playeringame[i] || players[i].lives < 1) // not active or game over
Y_SetNullBonus(&players[i], &localbonuses[0]);
Y_SetNullBonus(&players[i], &localbonuses[1]);
else if (maptol & TOL_NIGHTS) // NiGHTS bonus score instead of Rings
Y_SetNightsBonus(&players[i], &localbonuses[0]);
Y_SetNullBonus(&players[i], &localbonuses[1]);
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
Y_SetSpecialRingBonus(&players[i], &localbonuses[0]);
Y_SetPerfectBonus(&players[i], &localbonuses[1]);
players[i].score += localbonuses[0].points;
players[i].score += localbonuses[1].points;
if (players[i].score > MAXSCORE)
players[i].score = MAXSCORE;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
// grant extra lives right away since tally is faked
ptlives = min(
2018-11-21 01:23:48 +00:00
(INT32)((!ultimatemode && !modeattacking && players[i].lives != INFLIVES) ? max((INT32)((players[i].score/50000) - (oldscore/50000)), (INT32)0) : 0),
(INT32)(mapheaderinfo[prevmap]->maxbonuslives < 0 ? INT32_MAX : mapheaderinfo[prevmap]->maxbonuslives));
P_GivePlayerLives(&players[i], ptlives);
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
if (i == consoleplayer)
data.spec.gotlife = (((netgame || multiplayer) && G_GametypeUsesCoopLives() && cv_cooplives.value == 0) ? 0 : ptlives);
M_Memcpy(&data.spec.bonuses, &localbonuses, sizeof(data.spec.bonuses));
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
// Continues related
data.spec.continues = min(players[i].continues, 8);
if (players[i].gotcontinue)
data.spec.continues |= 0x80;
data.spec.playercolor = &players[i].skincolor;
data.spec.playerchar = &players[i].skin;
// ======
// Y_EndIntermission
void Y_EndIntermission(void)
endtic = -1;
intertype = int_none;
2014-03-21 18:42:55 +00:00
usebuffer = false;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
2019-09-09 00:37:24 +00:00
#define UNLOAD(x) if (x) {Z_ChangeTag(x, PU_CACHE);} x = NULL;
#define CLEANUP(x) x = NULL;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
// Y_UnloadData
static void Y_UnloadData(void)
// In hardware mode, don't Z_ChangeTag a pointer returned by W_CachePatchName().
// It doesn't work and is unnecessary.
if (rendermode != render_soft)
// unload the background patches
switch (intertype)
case int_coop:
// unload the coop and single player patches
case int_spec:
// unload the special stage patches
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
case int_match:
case int_race:
case int_ctf:
//without this default,
//int_none, int_tag, int_chaos, and int_comp
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
//are not handled
2019-09-09 00:37:24 +00:00
2019-09-09 00:37:24 +00:00
static void Y_CleanupData(void)
// unload the background patches
switch (intertype)
case int_coop:
// unload the coop and single player patches
case int_spec:
// unload the special stage patches
2019-09-09 00:37:24 +00:00
case int_match:
case int_race:
case int_ctf:
//without this default,
//int_none, int_tag, int_chaos, and int_classicrace
//are not handled
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00