Inuyasha 8107765677 make console back color use just one section of memory
let's be honest, it's pretty dumb to have every single possible back colormap in memory when only one is being used at a time
2016-11-02 14:26:35 -07:00

198 lines
8.6 KiB

// Copyright (C) 1993-1996 by id Software, Inc.
// Copyright (C) 1998-2000 by DooM Legacy Team.
// Copyright (C) 1999-2016 by Sonic Team Junior.
// This program is free software distributed under the
// terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.
// See the 'LICENSE' file for more details.
/// \file v_video.h
/// \brief Gamma correction LUT
#ifndef __V_VIDEO__
#define __V_VIDEO__
#include "doomdef.h"
#include "doomtype.h"
#include "r_defs.h"
// Screen 0 is the screen updated by I_Update screen.
// Screen 1 is an extra buffer.
extern UINT8 *screens[5];
extern const UINT8 gammatable[5][256];
extern consvar_t cv_ticrate, cv_usegamma, cv_allcaps, cv_constextsize;
// Allocates buffer screens, call before R_Init.
void V_Init(void);
// Set the current RGB palette lookup to use for palettized graphics
void V_SetPalette(INT32 palettenum);
void V_SetPaletteLump(const char *pal);
const char *R_GetPalname(UINT16 num);
const char *GetPalette(void);
extern RGBA_t *pLocalPalette;
// Retrieve the ARGB value from a palette color index
#define V_GetColor(color) (pLocalPalette[color&0xFF])
// Bottom 8 bits are used for parameter (screen or character)
#define V_PARAMMASK 0x000000FF
// flags hacked in scrn (not supported by all functions (see src))
// patch scaling uses bits 9 and 10
#define V_SCALEPATCHMASK 0x00000300
#define V_NOSCALEPATCH 0x00000100
#define V_SMALLSCALEPATCH 0x00000200
#define V_MEDSCALEPATCH 0x00000300
// string spacing uses bits 11 and 12
#define V_SPACINGMASK 0x00000C00
#define V_6WIDTHSPACE 0x00000400 // early 2.1 style spacing, variable widths, 6 character space
#define V_OLDSPACING 0x00000800 // Old style spacing, 8 per character 4 per space
#define V_MONOSPACE 0x00000C00 // Don't do width checks on characters, all characters 8 width
// use bits 13-16 for colors
// though we only have 7 colors now, perhaps we can introduce
// more as needed later
#define V_CHARCOLORMASK 0x0000F000
// for simplicity's sake, shortcuts to specific colors
#define V_PURPLEMAP 0x00001000
#define V_YELLOWMAP 0x00002000
#define V_GREENMAP 0x00003000
#define V_BLUEMAP 0x00004000
#define V_REDMAP 0x00005000
#define V_GRAYMAP 0x00006000
#define V_ORANGEMAP 0x00007000
// use bits 17-20 for alpha transparency
#define V_ALPHASHIFT 16
#define V_ALPHAMASK 0x000F0000
// define specific translucencies
#define V_10TRANS 0x00010000
#define V_20TRANS 0x00020000
#define V_30TRANS 0x00030000
#define V_40TRANS 0x00040000
#define V_TRANSLUCENT 0x00050000 // TRANS50
#define V_60TRANS 0x00060000
#define V_70TRANS 0x00070000
#define V_80TRANS 0x00080000 // used to be V_8020TRANS
#define V_90TRANS 0x00090000
#define V_HUDTRANSHALF 0x000D0000
#define V_HUDTRANS 0x000E0000 // draw the hud translucent
#define V_HUDTRANSDOUBLE 0x000F0000
#define V_AUTOFADEOUT 0x00100000 // used by CECHOs, automatic fade out when almost over
#define V_RETURN8 0x00200000 // 8 pixel return instead of 12
#define V_OFFSET 0x00400000 // account for offsets in patches
#define V_ALLOWLOWERCASE 0x00800000 // (strings only) allow fonts that have lowercase letters to use them
#define V_FLIP 0x00800000 // (patches only) Horizontal flip
#define V_SNAPTOTOP 0x01000000 // for centering
#define V_SNAPTOBOTTOM 0x02000000 // for centering
#define V_SNAPTOLEFT 0x04000000 // for centering
#define V_SNAPTORIGHT 0x08000000 // for centering
#define V_WRAPX 0x10000000 // Don't clamp texture on X (for HW mode)
#define V_WRAPY 0x20000000 // Don't clamp texture on Y (for HW mode)
#define V_NOSCALESTART 0x40000000 // don't scale x, y, start coords
#define V_SPLITSCREEN 0x80000000
// defines for old functions
#define V_DrawPatch(x,y,s,p) V_DrawFixedPatch((x)<<FRACBITS, (y)<<FRACBITS, FRACUNIT, s|V_NOSCALESTART|V_NOSCALEPATCH, p, NULL)
#define V_DrawTranslucentMappedPatch(x,y,s,p,c) V_DrawFixedPatch((x)<<FRACBITS, (y)<<FRACBITS, FRACUNIT, s, p, c)
#define V_DrawSmallTranslucentMappedPatch(x,y,s,p,c) V_DrawFixedPatch((x)<<FRACBITS, (y)<<FRACBITS, FRACUNIT/2, s, p, c)
#define V_DrawTinyTranslucentMappedPatch(x,y,s,p,c) V_DrawFixedPatch((x)<<FRACBITS, (y)<<FRACBITS, FRACUNIT/4, s, p, c)
#define V_DrawMappedPatch(x,y,s,p,c) V_DrawFixedPatch((x)<<FRACBITS, (y)<<FRACBITS, FRACUNIT, s, p, c)
#define V_DrawSmallMappedPatch(x,y,s,p,c) V_DrawFixedPatch((x)<<FRACBITS, (y)<<FRACBITS, FRACUNIT/2, s, p, c)
#define V_DrawTinyMappedPatch(x,y,s,p,c) V_DrawFixedPatch((x)<<FRACBITS, (y)<<FRACBITS, FRACUNIT/4, s, p, c)
#define V_DrawScaledPatch(x,y,s,p) V_DrawFixedPatch((x)<<FRACBITS, (y)<<FRACBITS, FRACUNIT, s, p, NULL)
#define V_DrawSmallScaledPatch(x,y,s,p) V_DrawFixedPatch((x)<<FRACBITS, (y)<<FRACBITS, FRACUNIT/2, s, p, NULL)
#define V_DrawTinyScaledPatch(x,y,s,p) V_DrawFixedPatch((x)<<FRACBITS, (y)<<FRACBITS, FRACUNIT/4, s, p, NULL)
#define V_DrawTranslucentPatch(x,y,s,p) V_DrawFixedPatch((x)<<FRACBITS, (y)<<FRACBITS, FRACUNIT, s, p, NULL)
#define V_DrawSmallTranslucentPatch(x,y,s,p) V_DrawFixedPatch((x)<<FRACBITS, (y)<<FRACBITS, FRACUNIT/2, s, p, NULL)
#define V_DrawTinyTranslucentPatch(x,y,s,p) V_DrawFixedPatch((x)<<FRACBITS, (y)<<FRACBITS, FRACUNIT/4, s, p, NULL)
#define V_DrawSciencePatch(x,y,s,p,sc) V_DrawFixedPatch(x,y,sc,s,p,NULL)
void V_DrawFixedPatch(fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t pscale, INT32 scrn, patch_t *patch, const UINT8 *colormap);
void V_DrawCroppedPatch(fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t pscale, INT32 scrn, patch_t *patch, fixed_t sx, fixed_t sy, fixed_t w, fixed_t h);
void V_DrawContinueIcon(INT32 x, INT32 y, INT32 flags, INT32 skinnum, UINT8 skincolor);
// Draw a linear block of pixels into the view buffer.
void V_DrawBlock(INT32 x, INT32 y, INT32 scrn, INT32 width, INT32 height, const UINT8 *src);
// draw a pic_t, SCALED
void V_DrawScaledPic (INT32 px1, INT32 py1, INT32 scrn, INT32 lumpnum);
// fill a box with a single color
void V_DrawFill(INT32 x, INT32 y, INT32 w, INT32 h, INT32 c);
// fill a box with a flat as a pattern
void V_DrawFlatFill(INT32 x, INT32 y, INT32 w, INT32 h, lumpnum_t flatnum);
// fade down the screen buffer before drawing the menu over
void V_DrawFadeScreen(void);
void V_DrawFadeConsBack(INT32 plines);
// draw a single character
void V_DrawCharacter(INT32 x, INT32 y, INT32 c, boolean lowercaseallowed);
void V_DrawLevelTitle(INT32 x, INT32 y, INT32 option, const char *string);
// wordwrap a string using the hu_font
char *V_WordWrap(INT32 x, INT32 w, INT32 option, const char *string);
// draw a string using the hu_font
void V_DrawString(INT32 x, INT32 y, INT32 option, const char *string);
void V_DrawCenteredString(INT32 x, INT32 y, INT32 option, const char *string);
void V_DrawRightAlignedString(INT32 x, INT32 y, INT32 option, const char *string);
// draw a string using the hu_font, 0.5x scale
void V_DrawSmallString(INT32 x, INT32 y, INT32 option, const char *string);
void V_DrawRightAlignedSmallString(INT32 x, INT32 y, INT32 option, const char *string);
// draw a string using the tny_font
void V_DrawThinString(INT32 x, INT32 y, INT32 option, const char *string);
void V_DrawRightAlignedThinString(INT32 x, INT32 y, INT32 option, const char *string);
void V_DrawStringAtFixed(fixed_t x, fixed_t y, INT32 option, const char *string);
// Draw tall nums, used for menu, HUD, intermission
void V_DrawTallNum(INT32 x, INT32 y, INT32 flags, INT32 num);
void V_DrawPaddedTallNum(INT32 x, INT32 y, INT32 flags, INT32 num, INT32 digits);
// Find string width from lt_font chars
INT32 V_LevelNameWidth(const char *string);
INT32 V_LevelNameHeight(const char *string);
void V_DrawCreditString(fixed_t x, fixed_t y, INT32 option, const char *string);
INT32 V_CreditStringWidth(const char *string);
// Find string width from hu_font chars
INT32 V_StringWidth(const char *string, INT32 option);
// Find string width from hu_font chars, 0.5x scale
INT32 V_SmallStringWidth(const char *string, INT32 option);
// Find string width from tny_font chars
INT32 V_ThinStringWidth(const char *string, INT32 option);
void V_DoPostProcessor(INT32 view, postimg_t type, INT32 param);
void V_DrawPatchFill(patch_t *pat);
void VID_BlitLinearScreen(const UINT8 *srcptr, UINT8 *destptr, INT32 width, INT32 height, size_t srcrowbytes,
size_t destrowbytes);