Sryder 6dc9339ab0 Get rid of Lakitu and the specific things for the final lap sound
Lakitu is completely commented out currently and we will be able to re-add it back later
Final lap sounds do some wacky stuff with the variables of the local player only, and also block out the music just to restart it at the same speed currently, changed it to just be the lap sound, we can use a new sound for it later
2017-03-08 21:41:52 +00:00

522 lines
15 KiB

// Copyright (C) 1993-1996 by id Software, Inc.
// Copyright (C) 1998-2000 by DooM Legacy Team.
// Copyright (C) 1999-2016 by Sonic Team Junior.
// This program is free software distributed under the
// terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.
// See the 'LICENSE' file for more details.
/// \file d_player.h
/// \brief player data structures
#ifndef __D_PLAYER__
#define __D_PLAYER__
// The player data structure depends on a number
// of other structs: items (internal inventory),
// animation states (closely tied to the sprites
// used to represent them, unfortunately).
#include "p_pspr.h"
// In addition, the player is just a special
// case of the generic moving object/actor.
#include "p_mobj.h"
// Finally, for odd reasons, the player input
// is buffered within the player data struct,
// as commands per game tick.
#include "d_ticcmd.h"
// Extra abilities/settings for skins (combinable stuff)
typedef enum
SF_SUPER = 1, // Can turn super in singleplayer/co-op mode.
SF_SUPERANIMS = 1<<1, // If super, use the super sonic animations
SF_SUPERSPIN = 1<<2, // Should spin frames be played while super?
SF_HIRES = 1<<3, // Draw the sprite 2x as small?
SF_NOSKID = 1<<4, // No skid particles etc
SF_NOSPEEDADJUST = 1<<5, // Skin-specific version of disablespeedadjust
SF_RUNONWATER = 1<<6, // Run on top of water FOFs?
} skinflags_t;
//Primary and secondary skin abilities
typedef enum
} charability_t;
//Secondary skin abilities
typedef enum
} charability2_t;
// Player states.
typedef enum
// Playing or camping.
// Dead on the ground, view follows killer.
// Ready to restart/respawn???
} playerstate_t;
// Player internal flags
typedef enum
// Flip camera angle with gravity flip prefrence.
// Cheats
PF_GODMODE = 1<<1,
PF_NOCLIP = 1<<2,
PF_INVIS = 1<<3,
// True if button down last tic.
PF_USEDOWN = 1<<5,
PF_WPNDOWN = 1<<7,
// Unmoving states
PF_STASIS = 1<<8, // Player is not allowed to move
PF_JUMPSTASIS = 1<<9, // and that includes jumping.
// Did you get a time-over?
PF_TIMEOVER = 1<<10,
// Ready for Super?
// Character action status
PF_JUMPED = 1<<12,
PF_SPINNING = 1<<13,
PF_THOKKED = 1<<15,
// Are you gliding?
PF_GLIDING = 1<<16,
// Tails pickup!
PF_CARRIED = 1<<17,
// Sliding (usually in water) like Labyrinth/Oil Ocean
PF_SLIDING = 1<<18,
// Hanging on a rope
PF_ROPEHANG = 1<<19,
// Hanging on an item of some kind - zipline, chain, etc. (->tracer)
PF_ITEMHANG = 1<<20,
// On the mace chain spinning around (->tracer)
PF_MACESPIN = 1<<21,
/*** NIGHTS STUFF ***/
// Is the player in NiGHTS mode?
// Spill rings after falling
PF_DRILLING = 1<<25,
PF_SKIDDOWN = 1<<26,
/*** TAG STUFF ***/
PF_TAGGED = 1<<27, // Player has been tagged and awaits the next round in hide and seek.
PF_TAGIT = 1<<28, // The player is it! For Tag Mode
/*** misc ***/
PF_FORCESTRAFE = 1<<29, // Turning inputs are translated into strafing inputs
PF_ANALOGMODE = 1<<30, // Analog mode?
// free: 1<<30 and 1<<31
} pflags_t;
typedef enum
// Are animation frames playing?
} panim_t;
typedef enum
SH_NONE = 0,
// Standard shields
// Stupid useless unimplimented Sonic 3 shields
// Pity shield: the world's most basic shield ever, given to players who suck at Match
// The fireflower is special, it combines with other shields.
// The force shield uses the lower 8 bits to count how many hits are left.
SH_FORCE = 0x200,
} shieldtype_t;
// Player powers. (don't edit this comment)
typedef enum
pw_tailsfly, // tails flying
pw_underwater, // underwater timer
pw_spacetime, // In space, no one can hear you spin!
pw_extralife, // Extra Life timer
pw_super, // Are you super?
pw_gravityboots, // gravity boots
// Weapon ammunition
// Power Stones
pw_emeralds, // stored like global 'emeralds' variable
// NiGHTS powerups
//for linedef exec 427
pw_ingoop, // In goop
} powertype_t;
//{ SRB2kart - kartstuff
typedef enum
// Basic gameplay things
k_position, // Used for Kart positions, mostly for deterministic stuff
k_oldposition, // Used for taunting when you pass someone
k_positiondelay, // Prevents player from taunting continuously if two people were neck-and-neck
k_prevcheck, // Previous checkpoint distance; for p_user.c (was "pw_pcd")
k_nextcheck, // Next checkpoint distance; for p_user.c (was "pw_ncd")
k_waypoint, // Waypoints.
k_starpostwp, // Temporarily stores player waypoint for... some reason. Used when respawning and finishing.
k_throwdir, // Held dir of controls; 1 = forward, 0 = none, -1 = backward (was "player->heldDir")
k_camspin, // Used to 180 the camera while a button is held
k_sounds, // Used this to stop and then force music restores as it hits zero
k_boosting, // Determines if you're currently shroom-boosting
k_floorboost, // Prevents Mushroom sounds for a breif duration when triggered by a floor panel
k_spinout, // Separate confirmation to prevent endless wipeout loops
k_spinouttype, // Determines whether to thrust forward or not while spinning out; 0 = move forwards, 1 = stay still
k_drift, // Drifting Left or Right, plus a bigger counter = sharper turn
k_driftend, // Drift has ended, used to adjust character angle after drift
k_driftcharge, // Charge your drift so you can release a burst of speed
k_driftboost, // Boost you get from drifting
k_boostcharge, // Charge-up for boosting at the start of the race, or when Lakitu drops you
k_jmp, // In Mario Kart, letting go of the jump button stops the drift
k_itemroulette, // Used for the roulette when deciding what item to give you (was "pw_kartitem")
k_itemclose, // Used to animate the item window closing (was "pw_psychic")
// Some items use timers for their duration or effects
k_magnettimer, // Duration of Magnet's item-break and item box pull
k_bootaketimer, // You are stealing an item, this is your timer
k_boostolentimer, // You are being stolen from, this is your timer
k_mushroomtimer, // Duration of the Mushroom Boost itself
k_growshrinktimer, // > 0 = Big, < 0 = small
k_squishedtimer, // Squished frame timer
k_goldshroomtimer, // Gold Mushroom duration timer
k_startimer, // Invincibility timer
k_spinouttimer, // Wipe-out from a banana peel or oil slick (was "pw_bananacam")
k_laserwisptimer, // The duration and relative angle of the laser
k_fireflowertimer, // Duration of Fire Flower
// Each item needs its own power slot, for the HUD and held use
k_magnet, // 0x1 = Magnet in inventory
k_boo, // 0x1 = Boo in inventory
k_mushroom, // 0x1 = 1 Mushroom in inventory, 0x2 = 2 Mushrooms in inventory
// 0x4 = 3 Mushrooms in inventory
k_megashroom, // 0x1 = Mega Mushroom in inventory
k_goldshroom, // 0x1 = Gold Mushroom in inventory
k_star, // 0x1 = Star in inventory
k_triplebanana, // 0x1 = 1 Banana following, 0x2 = 2 Bananas following
// 0x4 = 3 Bananas following, 0x8 = Triple Banana in inventory
k_fakeitem, // 0x1 = Fake Item being held, 0x2 = Fake Item in inventory
k_banana, // 0x1 = Banana being held, 0x2 = Banana in inventory
k_greenshell, // 0x1 = Green Shell being held, 0x2 = Green Shell in inventory
k_redshell, // 0x1 = Red Shell being held, 0x2 = Red Shell in inventory
k_laserwisp, // 0x1 = Laser Wisp in inventory
k_triplegreenshell, // 0x1 = 1 Green Shell orbiting, 0x2 = 2 Green Shells orbiting
// 0x4 = 3 Green Shells orbiting, 0x8 = Triple Green Shell in inventory
k_bobomb, // 0x1 = Bob-omb being held, 0x2 = Bob-omb in inventory
k_blueshell, // 0x1 = Blue Shell in inventory
k_jaws, // 0x1 = 1 Jaws orbiting, 0x2 = 2 Jaws orbiting,
// 0x4 = 2x Jaws in inventory
k_fireflower, // 0x1 = Fire Flower in inventory
k_tripleredshell, // 0x1 = 1 Red Shell orbiting, 0x2 = 2 Red Shells orbiting
// 0x4 = 3 Red Shells orbiting, 0x8 = Triple Red Shell in inventory
k_lightning, // 0x1 = Lightning in inventory
k_kitchensink, // 0x1 = Sink in inventory
} kartstufftype_t;
#define WEP_AUTO 1
#define WEP_BOUNCE 2
#define WEP_SCATTER 3
#define WEP_GRENADE 4
#define WEP_EXPLODE 5
#define WEP_RAIL 6
#define NUM_WEAPONS 7
typedef enum
RW_AUTO = 1,
RW_RAIL = 32
} ringweapons_t;
// ========================================================================
// ========================================================================
typedef struct player_s
mobj_t *mo;
// Caveat: ticcmd_t is ATTRPACK! Be careful what precedes it.
ticcmd_t cmd;
playerstate_t playerstate;
// Determine POV, including viewpoint bobbing during movement.
// Focal origin above r.z
fixed_t viewz;
// Base height above floor for viewz.
fixed_t viewheight;
// Bob/squat speed.
fixed_t deltaviewheight;
// bounded/scaled total momentum.
fixed_t bob;
// Mouse aiming, where the guy is looking at!
// It is updated with cmd->aiming.
angle_t aiming;
// This is only used between levels,
// mo->health is used during levels.
/// \todo Remove this. We don't need a second health definition for players.
INT32 health;
SINT8 pity; // i pity the fool.
INT32 currentweapon; // current weapon selected.
INT32 ringweapons; // weapons currently obtained.
// Power ups. invinc and invis are tic counters.
// SRB2kart stuff
INT32 kartstuff[NUMKARTSTUFF];
// Bit flags.
// See pflags_t, above.
pflags_t pflags;
// playing animation.
panim_t panim;
// For screen flashing (bright).
UINT16 flashcount;
UINT16 flashpal;
// Player skin colorshift, 0-15 for which color to draw player.
UINT8 skincolor;
INT32 skin;
UINT32 score; // player score
fixed_t dashspeed; // dashing speed
INT32 dashtime; // tics dashing, used for rev sound
// SRB2kart
UINT8 kartspeed; // Kart speed stat between 1 and 9
UINT8 kartweight; // Kart weight stat between 1 and 9
fixed_t normalspeed; // Normal ground
fixed_t runspeed; // Speed you break into the run animation
UINT8 thrustfactor; // Thrust = thrustfactor * acceleration
UINT8 accelstart; // Starting acceleration if speed = 0.
UINT8 acceleration; // Acceleration
// See charability_t and charability2_t for more information.
UINT8 charability; // Ability definition
UINT8 charability2; // Secondary ability definition
UINT32 charflags; // Extra abilities/settings for skins (combinable stuff)
// See SF_ flags
mobjtype_t thokitem; // Object # to spawn for the thok
mobjtype_t spinitem; // Object # to spawn for spindash/spinning
mobjtype_t revitem; // Object # to spawn for spindash/spinning
fixed_t actionspd; // Speed of thok/glide/fly
fixed_t mindash; // Minimum spindash speed
fixed_t maxdash; // Maximum spindash speed
fixed_t jumpfactor; // How high can the player jump?
SINT8 lives;
SINT8 continues; // continues that player has acquired
SINT8 xtralife; // Ring Extra Life counter
UINT8 gotcontinue; // Got continue from this stage?
fixed_t speed; // Player's speed (distance formula of MOMX and MOMY values)
UINT8 jumping; // Jump counter
UINT8 secondjump;
UINT8 fly1; // Tails flying
UINT8 scoreadd; // Used for multiple enemy attack bonus
tic_t glidetime; // Glide counter for thrust
UINT8 climbing; // Climbing on the wall
INT32 deadtimer; // End game if game over lasts too long
tic_t exiting; // Exitlevel timer
UINT8 homing; // Are you homing?
tic_t skidtime; // Skid timer
// Conveyor Belt Movement //
fixed_t cmomx; // Conveyor momx
fixed_t cmomy; // Conveyor momy
fixed_t rmomx; // "Real" momx (momx - cmomx)
fixed_t rmomy; // "Real" momy (momy - cmomy)
// Race Mode Stuff //
INT16 numboxes; // Number of item boxes obtained for Race Mode
INT16 totalring; // Total number of rings obtained for Race Mode
tic_t realtime; // integer replacement for leveltime
UINT8 laps; // Number of laps (optional)
// CTF Mode Stuff //
INT32 ctfteam; // 0 == Spectator, 1 == Red, 2 == Blue
UINT16 gotflag; // 1 == Red, 2 == Blue Do you have the flag?
INT32 weapondelay; // Delay (if any) to fire the weapon again
INT32 tossdelay; // Delay (if any) to toss a flag/emeralds again
// Starpost information
INT16 starpostx;
INT16 starposty;
INT16 starpostz;
INT32 starpostnum; // The number of the last starpost you hit
tic_t starposttime; // Your time when you hit the starpost
angle_t starpostangle; // Angle that the starpost is facing - you respawn facing this way
// NiGHTS Stuff//
angle_t angle_pos;
angle_t old_angle_pos;
mobj_t *axis1;
mobj_t *axis2;
tic_t bumpertime; // Currently being bounced by MT_NIGHTSBUMPER
INT32 flyangle;
tic_t drilltimer;
INT32 linkcount;
tic_t linktimer;
INT32 anotherflyangle;
tic_t nightstime; // How long you can fly as NiGHTS.
INT32 drillmeter;
UINT8 drilldelay;
boolean bonustime; // Capsule destroyed, now it's bonus time!
mobj_t *capsule; // Go inside the capsule
UINT8 mare; // Current mare
// Statistical purposes.
tic_t marebegunat; // Leveltime when mare begun
tic_t startedtime; // Time which you started this mare with.
tic_t finishedtime; // Time it took you to finish the mare (used for display)
INT16 finishedrings; // The rings you had left upon finishing the mare
UINT32 marescore; // score for this nights stage
UINT32 lastmarescore; // score for the last mare
UINT8 lastmare; // previous mare
INT32 maxlink; // maximum link obtained
UINT8 texttimer; // nights_texttime should not be local
UINT8 textvar; // which line of NiGHTS text to show -- let's not use cheap hacks
INT16 lastsidehit, lastlinehit;
tic_t losstime;
UINT8 timeshit; // That's TIMES HIT, not TIME SHIT, you doofus!
INT32 onconveyor; // You are on a conveyor belt if nonzero
mobj_t *awayviewmobj;
INT32 awayviewtics;
angle_t awayviewaiming; // Used for cut-away view
boolean spectator;
UINT8 bot;
tic_t jointime; // Timer when player joins game to change skin/color
fixed_t fovadd; // adjust FOV for hw rendering
} player_t;