mirror of
synced 2025-03-18 00:42:17 +00:00
1217 lines
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1217 lines
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// Copyright (C) 1993-1996 by id Software, Inc.
// Copyright (C) 1998-2000 by DooM Legacy Team.
// Copyright (C) 1999-2018 by Sonic Team Junior.
// This program is free software distributed under the
// terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.
// See the 'LICENSE' file for more details.
/// \file r_plane.c
/// \brief Here is a core component: drawing the floors and ceilings,
/// while maintaining a per column clipping list only.
/// Moreover, the sky areas have to be determined.
#include "doomdef.h"
#include "console.h"
#include "g_game.h"
#include "p_setup.h" // levelflats
#include "p_slopes.h"
#include "r_data.h"
#include "r_local.h"
#include "r_state.h"
#include "r_splats.h" // faB(21jan):testing
#include "r_sky.h"
#include "v_video.h"
#include "w_wad.h"
#include "z_zone.h"
#include "p_tick.h"
#ifdef TIMING
#include "p5prof.h"
INT64 mycount;
INT64 mytotal = 0;
UINT32 nombre = 100000;
// opening
// Quincunx antialiasing of flats!
//#define QUINCUNX
// good night sweet prince
//SoM: 3/23/2000: Use Boom visplane hashing.
// the last visplane list is outside of the hash table and is used for fof planes
static visplane_t *visplanes[MAXVISPLANES];
static visplane_t *freetail;
static visplane_t **freehead = &freetail;
visplane_t *floorplane;
visplane_t *ceilingplane;
static visplane_t *currentplane;
visffloor_t ffloor[MAXFFLOORS];
INT32 numffloors;
//SoM: 3/23/2000: Boom visplane hashing routine.
#define visplane_hash(picnum,lightlevel,height) \
((unsigned)((picnum)*3+(lightlevel)+(height)*7) & VISPLANEHASHMASK)
//SoM: 3/23/2000: Use boom opening limit removal
size_t maxopenings;
INT16 *openings, *lastopening; /// \todo free leak
// Clip values are the solid pixel bounding the range.
// floorclip starts out SCREENHEIGHT
// ceilingclip starts out -1
INT16 floorclip[MAXVIDWIDTH], ceilingclip[MAXVIDWIDTH];
fixed_t frontscale[MAXVIDWIDTH];
// spanstart holds the start of a plane span
// initialized to 0 at start
static INT32 spanstart[MAXVIDHEIGHT];
// texture mapping
lighttable_t **planezlight;
static fixed_t planeheight;
//added : 10-02-98: yslopetab is what yslope used to be,
// yslope points somewhere into yslopetab,
// now (viewheight/2) slopes are calculated above and
// below the original viewheight for mouselook
// (this is to calculate yslopes only when really needed)
// (when mouselookin', yslope is moving into yslopetab)
// Check R_SetupFrame, R_SetViewSize for more...
fixed_t yslopetab[MAXVIDHEIGHT*16];
fixed_t *yslope;
fixed_t basexscale, baseyscale;
fixed_t cachedheight[MAXVIDHEIGHT];
fixed_t cacheddistance[MAXVIDHEIGHT];
fixed_t cachedxstep[MAXVIDHEIGHT];
fixed_t cachedystep[MAXVIDHEIGHT];
static fixed_t xoffs, yoffs;
// R_InitPlanes
// Only at game startup.
void R_InitPlanes(void)
// FIXME: unused
// R_PortalStoreClipValues
// Saves clipping values for later. -Red
void R_PortalStoreClipValues(INT32 start, INT32 end, INT16 *ceil, INT16 *floor, fixed_t *scale)
INT32 i;
for (i = 0; i < end-start; i++)
*ceil = ceilingclip[start+i];
*floor = floorclip[start+i];
*scale = frontscale[start+i];
// R_PortalRestoreClipValues
// Inverse of the above. Restores the old value!
void R_PortalRestoreClipValues(INT32 start, INT32 end, INT16 *ceil, INT16 *floor, fixed_t *scale)
INT32 i;
for (i = 0; i < end-start; i++)
ceilingclip[start+i] = *ceil;
floorclip[start+i] = *floor;
frontscale[start+i] = *scale;
for (i = 0; i < start; i++)
floorclip[i] = -1;
ceilingclip[i] = (INT16)viewheight;
for (i = end; i < vid.width; i++)
floorclip[i] = -1;
ceilingclip[i] = (INT16)viewheight;
// R_MapPlane
// Uses global vars:
// basexscale
// baseyscale
// centerx
// viewx
// viewy
// viewsin
// viewcos
// viewheight
#ifndef NOWATER
static INT32 bgofs;
static INT32 wtofs=0;
static INT32 waterofs;
static boolean itswater;
#ifndef NOWATER
static void R_DrawTranslucentWaterSpan_8(void)
UINT32 xposition;
UINT32 yposition;
UINT32 xstep, ystep;
UINT8 *source;
UINT8 *colormap;
UINT8 *dest;
UINT8 *dsrc;
size_t count;
// SoM: we only need 6 bits for the integer part (0 thru 63) so the rest
// can be used for the fraction part. This allows calculation of the memory address in the
// texture with two shifts, an OR and one AND. (see below)
// for texture sizes > 64 the amount of precision we can allow will decrease, but only by one
// bit per power of two (obviously)
// Ok, because I was able to eliminate the variable spot below, this function is now FASTER
// than the original span renderer. Whodathunkit?
xposition = ds_xfrac << nflatshiftup; yposition = (ds_yfrac + waterofs) << nflatshiftup;
xstep = ds_xstep << nflatshiftup; ystep = ds_ystep << nflatshiftup;
source = ds_source;
colormap = ds_colormap;
dest = ylookup[ds_y] + columnofs[ds_x1];
dsrc = screens[1] + (ds_y+bgofs)*vid.width + ds_x1;
count = ds_x2 - ds_x1 + 1;
while (count >= 8)
// SoM: Why didn't I see this earlier? the spot variable is a waste now because we don't
// have the uber complicated math to calculate it now, so that was a memory write we didn't
// need!
dest[0] = colormap[*(ds_transmap + (source[((yposition >> nflatyshift) & nflatmask) | (xposition >> nflatxshift)] << 8) + *dsrc++)];
xposition += xstep;
yposition += ystep;
dest[1] = colormap[*(ds_transmap + (source[((yposition >> nflatyshift) & nflatmask) | (xposition >> nflatxshift)] << 8) + *dsrc++)];
xposition += xstep;
yposition += ystep;
dest[2] = colormap[*(ds_transmap + (source[((yposition >> nflatyshift) & nflatmask) | (xposition >> nflatxshift)] << 8) + *dsrc++)];
xposition += xstep;
yposition += ystep;
dest[3] = colormap[*(ds_transmap + (source[((yposition >> nflatyshift) & nflatmask) | (xposition >> nflatxshift)] << 8) + *dsrc++)];
xposition += xstep;
yposition += ystep;
dest[4] = colormap[*(ds_transmap + (source[((yposition >> nflatyshift) & nflatmask) | (xposition >> nflatxshift)] << 8) + *dsrc++)];
xposition += xstep;
yposition += ystep;
dest[5] = colormap[*(ds_transmap + (source[((yposition >> nflatyshift) & nflatmask) | (xposition >> nflatxshift)] << 8) + *dsrc++)];
xposition += xstep;
yposition += ystep;
dest[6] = colormap[*(ds_transmap + (source[((yposition >> nflatyshift) & nflatmask) | (xposition >> nflatxshift)] << 8) + *dsrc++)];
xposition += xstep;
yposition += ystep;
dest[7] = colormap[*(ds_transmap + (source[((yposition >> nflatyshift) & nflatmask) | (xposition >> nflatxshift)] << 8) + *dsrc++)];
xposition += xstep;
yposition += ystep;
dest += 8;
count -= 8;
while (count--)
*dest++ = colormap[*(ds_transmap + (source[((yposition >> nflatyshift) & nflatmask) | (xposition >> nflatxshift)] << 8) + *dsrc++)];
xposition += xstep;
yposition += ystep;
void R_MapPlane(INT32 y, INT32 x1, INT32 x2)
angle_t angle, planecos, planesin;
fixed_t distance, span;
size_t pindex;
if (x2 < x1 || x1 < 0 || x2 >= viewwidth || y > viewheight)
I_Error("R_MapPlane: %d, %d at %d", x1, x2, y);
// from r_splats's R_RenderFloorSplat
if (x1 >= vid.width) x1 = vid.width - 1;
angle = (currentplane->viewangle + currentplane->plangle)>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT;
planecos = FINECOSINE(angle);
planesin = FINESINE(angle);
if (planeheight != cachedheight[y])
cachedheight[y] = planeheight;
distance = cacheddistance[y] = FixedMul(planeheight, yslope[y]);
ds_xstep = cachedxstep[y] = FixedMul(distance, basexscale);
ds_ystep = cachedystep[y] = FixedMul(distance, baseyscale);
if ((span = abs(centery-y)))
ds_xstep = cachedxstep[y] = FixedMul(planesin, planeheight) / span;
ds_ystep = cachedystep[y] = FixedMul(planecos, planeheight) / span;
distance = cacheddistance[y];
ds_xstep = cachedxstep[y];
ds_ystep = cachedystep[y];
ds_xfrac = xoffs + FixedMul(planecos, distance) + (x1 - centerx) * ds_xstep;
ds_yfrac = yoffs - FixedMul(planesin, distance) + (x1 - centerx) * ds_ystep;
#ifndef NOWATER
if (itswater)
const INT32 yay = (wtofs + (distance>>9) ) & 8191;
// ripples da water texture
bgofs = FixedDiv(FINESINE(yay), (1<<12) + (distance>>11))>>FRACBITS;
angle = (currentplane->viewangle + currentplane->plangle + xtoviewangle[x1])>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT;
angle = (angle + 2048) & 8191; // 90 degrees
ds_xfrac += FixedMul(FINECOSINE(angle), (bgofs<<FRACBITS));
ds_yfrac += FixedMul(FINESINE(angle), (bgofs<<FRACBITS));
if (y+bgofs>=viewheight)
bgofs = viewheight-y-1;
if (y+bgofs<0)
bgofs = -y;
pindex = distance >> LIGHTZSHIFT;
if (pindex >= MAXLIGHTZ)
pindex = MAXLIGHTZ - 1;
if (currentplane->slope)
ds_colormap = colormaps;
ds_colormap = planezlight[pindex];
if (encoremap && !currentplane->noencore)
ds_colormap += (256*32);
if (currentplane->extra_colormap)
ds_colormap = currentplane->extra_colormap->colormap + (ds_colormap - colormaps);
ds_y = y;
ds_x1 = x1;
ds_x2 = x2;
// profile drawer
#ifdef TIMING
#ifdef TIMING
RDMSR(0x10, &mycount);
mytotal += mycount; // 64bit add
if (!(nombre--))
I_Error("spanfunc() CPU Spy reports: 0x%d %d\n", *((INT32 *)&mytotal+1), (INT32)mytotal);
// R_ClearPlanes
// At begining of frame.
void R_ClearPlanes(void)
INT32 i, p;
angle_t angle;
// opening / clipping determination
for (i = 0; i < viewwidth; i++)
floorclip[i] = (INT16)viewheight;
ceilingclip[i] = -1;
frontscale[i] = INT32_MAX;
for (p = 0; p < MAXFFLOORS; p++)
ffloor[p].f_clip[i] = (INT16)viewheight;
ffloor[p].c_clip[i] = -1;
numffloors = 0;
for (i = 0; i < MAXVISPLANES; i++)
for (*freehead = visplanes[i], visplanes[i] = NULL;
freehead && *freehead ;)
freehead = &(*freehead)->next;
lastopening = openings;
// texture calculation
memset(cachedheight, 0, sizeof (cachedheight));
// left to right mapping
angle = (viewangle-ANGLE_90)>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT;
// scale will be unit scale at SCREENWIDTH/2 distance
basexscale = FixedDiv (FINECOSINE(angle),centerxfrac);
baseyscale = -FixedDiv (FINESINE(angle),centerxfrac);
static visplane_t *new_visplane(unsigned hash)
visplane_t *check = freetail;
if (!check)
check = calloc(1, sizeof (*check));
if (check == NULL) I_Error("%s: Out of memory", "new_visplane"); // FIXME: ugly
freetail = freetail->next;
if (!freetail)
freehead = &freetail;
check->next = visplanes[hash];
visplanes[hash] = check;
return check;
// R_FindPlane: Seek a visplane having the identical values:
// Same height, same flattexture, same lightlevel.
// If not, allocates another of them.
visplane_t *R_FindPlane(fixed_t height, INT32 picnum, INT32 lightlevel,
fixed_t xoff, fixed_t yoff, angle_t plangle, extracolormap_t *planecolormap,
ffloor_t *pfloor
, polyobj_t *polyobj
, pslope_t *slope
, boolean noencore)
visplane_t *check;
unsigned hash;
if (slope); else // Don't mess with this right now if a slope is involved
xoff += viewx;
yoff -= viewy;
if (plangle != 0)
// Add the view offset, rotated by the plane angle.
fixed_t cosinecomponent = FINECOSINE(plangle>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT);
fixed_t sinecomponent = FINESINE(plangle>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT);
fixed_t oldxoff = xoff;
xoff = FixedMul(xoff,cosinecomponent)+FixedMul(yoff,sinecomponent);
yoff = -FixedMul(oldxoff,sinecomponent)+FixedMul(yoff,cosinecomponent);
if (polyobj)
if (polyobj->angle != 0)
angle_t fineshift = polyobj->angle >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT;
xoff -= FixedMul(FINECOSINE(fineshift), polyobj->centerPt.x)+FixedMul(FINESINE(fineshift), polyobj->centerPt.y);
yoff -= FixedMul(FINESINE(fineshift), polyobj->centerPt.x)-FixedMul(FINECOSINE(fineshift), polyobj->centerPt.y);
xoff -= polyobj->centerPt.x;
yoff += polyobj->centerPt.y;
// This appears to fix the Nimbus Ruins sky bug.
if (picnum == skyflatnum && pfloor)
height = 0; // all skies map together
lightlevel = 0;
if (!pfloor)
hash = visplane_hash(picnum, lightlevel, height);
for (check = visplanes[hash]; check; check = check->next)
if (polyobj != check->polyobj)
if (height == check->height && picnum == check->picnum
&& lightlevel == check->lightlevel
&& xoff == check->xoffs && yoff == check->yoffs
&& planecolormap == check->extra_colormap
&& check->viewx == viewx && check->viewy == viewy && check->viewz == viewz
&& check->viewangle == viewangle
&& check->plangle == plangle
&& check->slope == slope
&& check->noencore == noencore)
return check;
hash = MAXVISPLANES - 1;
check = new_visplane(hash);
check->height = height;
check->picnum = picnum;
check->lightlevel = lightlevel;
check->minx = vid.width;
check->maxx = -1;
check->xoffs = xoff;
check->yoffs = yoff;
check->extra_colormap = planecolormap;
check->ffloor = pfloor;
check->viewx = viewx;
check->viewy = viewy;
check->viewz = viewz;
check->viewangle = viewangle;
check->plangle = plangle;
check->polyobj = polyobj;
check->slope = slope;
check->noencore = noencore;
memset(check->top, 0xff, sizeof (check->top));
memset(check->bottom, 0x00, sizeof (check->bottom));
return check;
// R_CheckPlane: return same visplane or alloc a new one if needed
visplane_t *R_CheckPlane(visplane_t *pl, INT32 start, INT32 stop)
INT32 intrl, intrh;
INT32 unionl, unionh;
INT32 x;
if (start < pl->minx)
intrl = pl->minx;
unionl = start;
unionl = pl->minx;
intrl = start;
if (stop > pl->maxx)
intrh = pl->maxx;
unionh = stop;
unionh = pl->maxx;
intrh = stop;
// 0xff is not equal to -1 with shorts...
for (x = intrl; x <= intrh; x++)
if (pl->top[x] != 0xffff || pl->bottom[x] != 0x0000)
if (x > intrh) /* Can use existing plane; extend range */
pl->minx = unionl;
pl->maxx = unionh;
else /* Cannot use existing plane; create a new one */
visplane_t *new_pl;
if (pl->ffloor)
new_pl = new_visplane(MAXVISPLANES - 1);
unsigned hash =
visplane_hash(pl->picnum, pl->lightlevel, pl->height);
new_pl = new_visplane(hash);
new_pl->height = pl->height;
new_pl->picnum = pl->picnum;
new_pl->lightlevel = pl->lightlevel;
new_pl->xoffs = pl->xoffs;
new_pl->yoffs = pl->yoffs;
new_pl->extra_colormap = pl->extra_colormap;
new_pl->ffloor = pl->ffloor;
new_pl->viewx = pl->viewx;
new_pl->viewy = pl->viewy;
new_pl->viewz = pl->viewz;
new_pl->viewangle = pl->viewangle;
new_pl->plangle = pl->plangle;
new_pl->polyobj = pl->polyobj;
new_pl->slope = pl->slope;
new_pl->noencore = pl->noencore;
pl = new_pl;
pl->minx = start;
pl->maxx = stop;
memset(pl->top, 0xff, sizeof pl->top);
memset(pl->bottom, 0x00, sizeof pl->bottom);
return pl;
// R_ExpandPlane
// This function basically expands the visplane or I_Errors.
// The reason for this is that when creating 3D floor planes, there is no
// need to create new ones with R_CheckPlane, because 3D floor planes
// are created by subsector and there is no way a subsector can graphically
// overlap.
void R_ExpandPlane(visplane_t *pl, INT32 start, INT32 stop)
INT32 unionl, unionh;
// INT32 x;
// Don't expand polyobject planes here - we do that on our own.
if (pl->polyobj)
if (start < pl->minx)
unionl = start;
unionl = pl->minx;
if (stop > pl->maxx)
unionh = stop;
unionh = pl->maxx;
for (x = start; x <= stop; x++)
if (pl->top[x] != 0xffff || pl->bottom[x] != 0x0000)
if (x <= stop)
I_Error("R_ExpandPlane: planes in same subsector overlap?!\nminx: %d, maxx: %d, start: %d, stop: %d\n", pl->minx, pl->maxx, start, stop);
pl->minx = unionl, pl->maxx = unionh;
// R_MakeSpans
void R_MakeSpans(INT32 x, INT32 t1, INT32 b1, INT32 t2, INT32 b2)
// Alam: from r_splats's R_RenderFloorSplat
if (t1 >= vid.height) t1 = vid.height-1;
if (b1 >= vid.height) b1 = vid.height-1;
if (t2 >= vid.height) t2 = vid.height-1;
if (b2 >= vid.height) b2 = vid.height-1;
if (x-1 >= vid.width) x = vid.width;
while (t1 < t2 && t1 <= b1)
R_MapPlane(t1, spanstart[t1], x - 1);
while (b1 > b2 && b1 >= t1)
R_MapPlane(b1, spanstart[b1], x - 1);
while (t2 < t1 && t2 <= b2)
spanstart[t2++] = x;
while (b2 > b1 && b2 >= t2)
spanstart[b2--] = x;
void R_DrawPlanes(void)
visplane_t *pl;
INT32 x;
INT32 angle;
INT32 i;
spanfunc = basespanfunc;
wallcolfunc = walldrawerfunc;
for (i = 0; i < MAXVISPLANES; i++, pl++)
for (pl = visplanes[i]; pl; pl = pl->next)
// sky flat
if (pl->picnum == skyflatnum)
if (!viewsky)
skyVisible = true;
// use correct aspect ratio scale
dc_iscale = skyscale;
// Sky is always drawn full bright,
// i.e. colormaps[0] is used.
// Because of this hack, sky is not affected
// by INVUL inverse mapping.
dc_colormap = colormaps;
if (encoremap)
dc_colormap += (256*32);
dc_texturemid = skytexturemid;
dc_texheight = textureheight[skytexture]
for (x = pl->minx; x <= pl->maxx; x++)
dc_yl = pl->top[x];
dc_yh = pl->bottom[x];
if (dc_yl <= dc_yh)
angle = (pl->viewangle + xtoviewangle[x])>>ANGLETOSKYSHIFT;
dc_iscale = FixedMul(skyscale, FINECOSINE(xtoviewangle[x]>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT));
dc_x = x;
dc_source =
if (pl->ffloor != NULL
|| pl->polyobj != NULL
#ifndef NOWATER
waterofs = (leveltime & 1)*16384;
wtofs = leveltime * 140;
void R_DrawSinglePlane(visplane_t *pl)
INT32 light = 0;
INT32 x;
INT32 stop, angle;
size_t size;
ffloor_t *rover;
if (!(pl->minx <= pl->maxx))
#ifndef NOWATER
itswater = false;
spanfunc = basespanfunc;
if (pl->polyobj && pl->polyobj->translucency != 0) {
spanfunc = R_DrawTranslucentSpan_8;
// Hacked up support for alpha value in software mode Tails 09-24-2002 (sidenote: ported to polys 10-15-2014, there was no time travel involved -Red)
if (pl->polyobj->translucency >= 10)
return; // Don't even draw it
else if (pl->polyobj->translucency > 0)
ds_transmap = transtables + ((pl->polyobj->translucency-1)<<FF_TRANSSHIFT);
else // Opaque, but allow transparent flat pixels
spanfunc = splatfunc;
if (spanfunc == splatfunc || (pl->extra_colormap && pl->extra_colormap->fog))
if (!pl->extra_colormap || !(pl->extra_colormap->fog & 2))
light = (pl->lightlevel >> LIGHTSEGSHIFT);
light = LIGHTLEVELS-1;
} else
if (pl->ffloor)
// Don't draw planes that shouldn't be drawn.
for (rover = pl->ffloor->target->ffloors; rover; rover = rover->next)
if ((pl->ffloor->flags & FF_CUTEXTRA) && (rover->flags & FF_EXTRA))
if (pl->ffloor->flags & FF_EXTRA)
// The plane is from an extra 3D floor... Check the flags so
// there are no undesired cuts.
if (((pl->ffloor->flags & (FF_FOG|FF_SWIMMABLE)) == (rover->flags & (FF_FOG|FF_SWIMMABLE)))
&& pl->height < *rover->topheight
&& pl->height > *rover->bottomheight)
if (pl->ffloor->flags & FF_TRANSLUCENT)
spanfunc = R_DrawTranslucentSpan_8;
// Hacked up support for alpha value in software mode Tails 09-24-2002
if (pl->ffloor->alpha < 12)
return; // Don't even draw it
else if (pl->ffloor->alpha < 38)
ds_transmap = transtables + ((tr_trans90-1)<<FF_TRANSSHIFT);
else if (pl->ffloor->alpha < 64)
ds_transmap = transtables + ((tr_trans80-1)<<FF_TRANSSHIFT);
else if (pl->ffloor->alpha < 89)
ds_transmap = transtables + ((tr_trans70-1)<<FF_TRANSSHIFT);
else if (pl->ffloor->alpha < 115)
ds_transmap = transtables + ((tr_trans60-1)<<FF_TRANSSHIFT);
else if (pl->ffloor->alpha < 140)
ds_transmap = transtables + ((tr_trans50-1)<<FF_TRANSSHIFT);
else if (pl->ffloor->alpha < 166)
ds_transmap = transtables + ((tr_trans40-1)<<FF_TRANSSHIFT);
else if (pl->ffloor->alpha < 192)
ds_transmap = transtables + ((tr_trans30-1)<<FF_TRANSSHIFT);
else if (pl->ffloor->alpha < 217)
ds_transmap = transtables + ((tr_trans20-1)<<FF_TRANSSHIFT);
else if (pl->ffloor->alpha < 243)
ds_transmap = transtables + ((tr_trans10-1)<<FF_TRANSSHIFT);
else // Opaque, but allow transparent flat pixels
spanfunc = splatfunc;
if (spanfunc == splatfunc || (pl->extra_colormap && pl->extra_colormap->fog))
if (!pl->extra_colormap || !(pl->extra_colormap->fog & 2))
light = (pl->lightlevel >> LIGHTSEGSHIFT);
light = LIGHTLEVELS-1;
else if (pl->ffloor->flags & FF_FOG)
spanfunc = R_DrawFogSpan_8;
light = (pl->lightlevel >> LIGHTSEGSHIFT);
else light = (pl->lightlevel >> LIGHTSEGSHIFT);
#ifndef NOWATER
if (pl->ffloor->flags & FF_RIPPLE
&& !pl->slope
INT32 top, bottom;
UINT8 *scr;
itswater = true;
if (spanfunc == R_DrawTranslucentSpan_8)
spanfunc = R_DrawTranslucentWaterSpan_8;
// Copy the current scene, ugh
top = pl->high-8;
bottom = pl->low+8;
if (top < 0)
top = 0;
if (bottom > vid.height)
bottom = vid.height;
if (splitscreen > 2 && viewplayer == &players[displayplayers[3]]) // Only copy the part of the screen we need
scr = (screens[0] + (top+(viewheight))*vid.width + viewwidth);
else if ((splitscreen == 1 && viewplayer == &players[displayplayers[1]])
|| (splitscreen > 1 && viewplayer == &players[displayplayers[2]]))
scr = (screens[0] + (top+(viewheight))*vid.width);
else if (splitscreen > 1 && viewplayer == &players[displayplayers[1]])
scr = (screens[0] + ((top)*vid.width) + viewwidth);
scr = (screens[0] + ((top)*vid.width));
VID_BlitLinearScreen(scr, screens[1]+((top)*vid.width),
vid.width, bottom-top,
vid.width, vid.width);
else light = (pl->lightlevel >> LIGHTSEGSHIFT);
if (!pl->slope) // Don't mess with angle on slopes! We'll handle this ourselves later
if (viewangle != pl->viewangle+pl->plangle)
memset(cachedheight, 0, sizeof (cachedheight));
angle = (pl->viewangle+pl->plangle-ANGLE_90)>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT;
basexscale = FixedDiv(FINECOSINE(angle),centerxfrac);
baseyscale = -FixedDiv(FINESINE(angle),centerxfrac);
viewangle = pl->viewangle+pl->plangle;
currentplane = pl;
ds_source = (UINT8 *)
PU_STATIC); // Stay here until Z_ChangeTag
size = W_LumpLength(levelflats[pl->picnum].lumpnum);
switch (size)
case 4194304: // 2048x2048 lump
nflatmask = 0x3FF800;
nflatxshift = 21;
nflatyshift = 10;
nflatshiftup = 5;
case 1048576: // 1024x1024 lump
nflatmask = 0xFFC00;
nflatxshift = 22;
nflatyshift = 12;
nflatshiftup = 6;
case 262144:// 512x512 lump'
nflatmask = 0x3FE00;
nflatxshift = 23;
nflatyshift = 14;
nflatshiftup = 7;
case 65536: // 256x256 lump
nflatmask = 0xFF00;
nflatxshift = 24;
nflatyshift = 16;
nflatshiftup = 8;
case 16384: // 128x128 lump
nflatmask = 0x3F80;
nflatxshift = 25;
nflatyshift = 18;
nflatshiftup = 9;
case 1024: // 32x32 lump
nflatmask = 0x3E0;
nflatxshift = 27;
nflatyshift = 22;
nflatshiftup = 11;
default: // 64x64 lump
nflatmask = 0xFC0;
nflatxshift = 26;
nflatyshift = 20;
nflatshiftup = 10;
xoffs = pl->xoffs;
yoffs = pl->yoffs;
planeheight = abs(pl->height - pl->viewz);
if (light >= LIGHTLEVELS)
light = LIGHTLEVELS-1;
if (light < 0)
light = 0;
if (pl->slope) {
// Potentially override other stuff for now cus we're mean. :< But draw a slope plane!
// I copied ZDoom's code and adapted it to SRB2... -fickle
floatv3_t p, m, n;
float ang;
float vx, vy, vz;
// compiler complains when P_GetZAt is used in FLOAT_TO_FIXED directly
// use this as a temp var to store P_GetZAt's return value each time
fixed_t temp;
// Okay, look, don't ask me why this works, but without this setup there's a disgusting-looking misalignment with the textures. -fickle
const float fudge = ((1<<nflatshiftup)+1.0f)/(1<<nflatshiftup);
angle_t hack = (pl->plangle & (ANGLE_90-1));
if (hack)
Essentially: We can't & the components along the regular axes when the plane is rotated.
This is because the distance on each regular axis in order to loop is different.
We rotate them, & the components, add them together, & them again, and then rotate them back.
These three seperate & operations are done per axis in order to prevent overflows.
toast 10/04/17
...of coooourse, this still isn't perfect. but it looks... merely kind of grody, rather than
completely wrong? idk. i'm just backporting this to kart right now. if anyone else wants to
ever try dig around: it's drifting towards 0,0, and no, multiplying by fudge doesn't fix it.
toast 27/09/18
const fixed_t cosinecomponent = FINECOSINE(hack>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT);
const fixed_t sinecomponent = FINESINE(hack>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT);
const fixed_t modmask = ((1 << (32-nflatshiftup)) - 1);
fixed_t ox = (FixedMul(pl->slope->o.x,cosinecomponent) & modmask) - (FixedMul(pl->slope->o.y,sinecomponent) & modmask);
fixed_t oy = (-FixedMul(pl->slope->o.x,sinecomponent) & modmask) - (FixedMul(pl->slope->o.y,cosinecomponent) & modmask);
temp = ox & modmask;
oy &= modmask;
ox = FixedMul(temp,cosinecomponent)+FixedMul(oy,-sinecomponent); // negative sine for opposite direction
oy = -FixedMul(temp,-sinecomponent)+FixedMul(oy,cosinecomponent);
temp = xoffs;
xoffs = (FixedMul(temp,cosinecomponent) & modmask) + (FixedMul(yoffs,sinecomponent) & modmask);
yoffs = (-FixedMul(temp,sinecomponent) & modmask) + (FixedMul(yoffs,cosinecomponent) & modmask);
temp = xoffs & modmask;
yoffs &= modmask;
xoffs = FixedMul(temp,cosinecomponent)+FixedMul(yoffs,-sinecomponent); // ditto
yoffs = -FixedMul(temp,-sinecomponent)+FixedMul(yoffs,cosinecomponent);
xoffs -= (pl->slope->o.x - ox);
yoffs += (pl->slope->o.y + oy);
xoffs &= ((1 << (32-nflatshiftup))-1);
yoffs &= ((1 << (32-nflatshiftup))-1);
xoffs -= (pl->slope->o.x + (1 << (31-nflatshiftup))) & ~((1 << (32-nflatshiftup))-1);
yoffs += (pl->slope->o.y + (1 << (31-nflatshiftup))) & ~((1 << (32-nflatshiftup))-1);
xoffs = (fixed_t)(xoffs*fudge);
yoffs = (fixed_t)(yoffs/fudge);
vx = FIXED_TO_FLOAT(pl->viewx+xoffs);
vy = FIXED_TO_FLOAT(pl->viewy-yoffs);
vz = FIXED_TO_FLOAT(pl->viewz);
temp = P_GetZAt(pl->slope, pl->viewx, pl->viewy);
zeroheight = FIXED_TO_FLOAT(temp);
#define ANG2RAD(angle) ((float)((angle)*M_PIl)/ANGLE_180)
// p is the texture origin in view space
// Don't add in the offsets at this stage, because doing so can result in
// errors if the flat is rotated.
ang = ANG2RAD(ANGLE_270 - pl->viewangle);
p.x = vx * cos(ang) - vy * sin(ang);
p.z = vx * sin(ang) + vy * cos(ang);
temp = P_GetZAt(pl->slope, -xoffs, yoffs);
p.y = FIXED_TO_FLOAT(temp) - vz;
// m is the v direction vector in view space
ang = ANG2RAD(ANGLE_180 - (pl->viewangle + pl->plangle));
m.x = cos(ang);
m.z = sin(ang);
// n is the u direction vector in view space
n.x = sin(ang);
n.z = -cos(ang);
ang = ANG2RAD(pl->plangle);
temp = P_GetZAt(pl->slope, pl->viewx + FLOAT_TO_FIXED(sin(ang)), pl->viewy + FLOAT_TO_FIXED(cos(ang)));
m.y = FIXED_TO_FLOAT(temp) - zeroheight;
temp = P_GetZAt(pl->slope, pl->viewx + FLOAT_TO_FIXED(cos(ang)), pl->viewy - FLOAT_TO_FIXED(sin(ang)));
n.y = FIXED_TO_FLOAT(temp) - zeroheight;
m.x /= fudge;
m.y /= fudge;
m.z /= fudge;
n.x *= fudge;
n.y *= fudge;
n.z *= fudge;
// Eh. I tried making this stuff fixed-point and it exploded on me. Here's a macro for the only floating-point vector function I recall using.
#define CROSS(d, v1, v2) \
d.x = (v1.y * v2.z) - (v1.z * v2.y);\
d.y = (v1.z * v2.x) - (v1.x * v2.z);\
d.z = (v1.x * v2.y) - (v1.y * v2.x)
CROSS(ds_su, p, m);
CROSS(ds_sv, p, n);
CROSS(ds_sz, m, n);
#undef CROSS
ds_su.z *= focallengthf;
ds_sv.z *= focallengthf;
ds_sz.z *= focallengthf;
// Premultiply the texture vectors with the scale factors
#define SFMULT 65536.f*(1<<nflatshiftup)
ds_su.x *= SFMULT;
ds_su.y *= SFMULT;
ds_su.z *= SFMULT;
ds_sv.x *= SFMULT;
ds_sv.y *= SFMULT;
ds_sv.z *= SFMULT;
#undef SFMULT
if (spanfunc == R_DrawTranslucentSpan_8)
spanfunc = R_DrawTiltedTranslucentSpan_8;
else if (spanfunc == splatfunc)
spanfunc = R_DrawTiltedSplat_8;
spanfunc = R_DrawTiltedSpan_8;
planezlight = scalelight[light];
} else
planezlight = zlight[light];
// set the maximum value for unsigned
pl->top[pl->maxx+1] = 0xffff;
pl->top[pl->minx-1] = 0xffff;
pl->bottom[pl->maxx+1] = 0x0000;
pl->bottom[pl->minx-1] = 0x0000;
stop = pl->maxx + 1;
if (viewx != pl->viewx || viewy != pl->viewy)
viewx = pl->viewx;
viewy = pl->viewy;
if (viewz != pl->viewz)
viewz = pl->viewz;
for (x = pl->minx; x <= stop; x++)
R_MakeSpans(x, pl->top[x-1], pl->bottom[x-1],
pl->top[x], pl->bottom[x]);
QUINCUNX anti-aliasing technique (sort of)
Normally, Quincunx antialiasing staggers pixels
in a 5-die pattern like so:
o o
o o
To simulate this, we offset the plane by
FRACUNIT/4 in each direction, and draw
at 50% translucency. The result is
a 'smoothing' of the texture while
using the palette colors.
if (spanfunc == R_DrawSpan_8)
INT32 i;
ds_transmap = transtables + ((tr_trans50-1)<<FF_TRANSSHIFT);
spanfunc = R_DrawTranslucentSpan_8;
for (i=0; i<4; i++)
xoffs = pl->xoffs;
yoffs = pl->yoffs;
case 0:
xoffs -= FRACUNIT/4;
yoffs -= FRACUNIT/4;
case 1:
xoffs -= FRACUNIT/4;
yoffs += FRACUNIT/4;
case 2:
xoffs += FRACUNIT/4;
yoffs -= FRACUNIT/4;
case 3:
xoffs += FRACUNIT/4;
yoffs += FRACUNIT/4;
planeheight = abs(pl->height - pl->viewz);
if (light >= LIGHTLEVELS)
light = LIGHTLEVELS-1;
if (light < 0)
light = 0;
planezlight = zlight[light];
// set the maximum value for unsigned
pl->top[pl->maxx+1] = 0xffff;
pl->top[pl->minx-1] = 0xffff;
pl->bottom[pl->maxx+1] = 0x0000;
pl->bottom[pl->minx-1] = 0x0000;
stop = pl->maxx + 1;
for (x = pl->minx; x <= stop; x++)
R_MakeSpans(x, pl->top[x-1], pl->bottom[x-1],
pl->top[x], pl->bottom[x]);
Z_ChangeTag(ds_source, PU_CACHE);
void R_PlaneBounds(visplane_t *plane)
INT32 i;
INT32 hi, low;
hi = plane->top[plane->minx];
low = plane->bottom[plane->minx];
for (i = plane->minx + 1; i <= plane->maxx; i++)
if (plane->top[i] < hi)
hi = plane->top[i];
if (plane->bottom[i] > low)
low = plane->bottom[i];
plane->high = hi;
plane->low = low;