/* * Function to write the SRB2 end message text * * Copyright (C) 1998 by Udo Munk * * This code is provided AS IS and there are no guarantees, none. * Feel free to share and modify. */ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// \file /// \brief Support to show ENDOOM text /// /// Loads the lump ENDOOM, set up the console to print /// out the colors and text #include #include // need this 19990118 by Kin #include "../doomdef.h" #include "../w_wad.h" #include "../z_zone.h" #include "endtxt.h" /** \brief The ShowEndTxt function Prints out the ENDOOM the way DOOM.EXE/DOOM2.EXE did for Win32 or Linux/GNU \return void */ void ShowEndTxt(void) { #if !(defined (_WIN32_WCE) || defined (_XBOX) || defined (_arch_dreamcast)) INT32 i; UINT16 j, att = 0; INT32 nlflag = 1; #ifdef _WIN32 HANDLE co = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); DWORD mode, bytesWritten; CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO backupcon; COORD resizewin = {80,-1}; CHAR let = 0; #endif UINT16 *ptext; void *data; lumpnum_t endoomnum = W_GetNumForName("ENDOOM"); //char *col; /* if the xterm has more then 80 columns we need to add nl's */ /* doesn't work, COLUMNS is not in the environment at this time ??? col = I_getenv("COLUMNS"); if (col) { if (atoi(col) > 80) nlflag++; } */ /* get the lump with the text */ data = ptext = W_CacheLumpNum(endoomnum, PU_CACHE); #ifdef _WIN32 if (co == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE || GetFileType(co) != FILE_TYPE_CHAR || !GetConsoleMode(co, &mode)) // test if it a good handle { Z_Free(data); return; } backupcon.wAttributes = FOREGROUND_RED|FOREGROUND_GREEN|FOREGROUND_BLUE; // Just in case GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(co, &backupcon); //Store old state resizewin.Y = backupcon.dwSize.Y; if (backupcon.dwSize.X < resizewin.X) SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(co, resizewin); for (i=1; i<=80*25; i++) // print 80x25 text and deal with the attributes too { j = (UINT16)(*ptext >> 8); // attribute first let = (char)(*ptext & 0xff); // text second if (j != att) // attribute changed? { att = j; // save current attribute SetConsoleTextAttribute(co, j); //set fg and bg color for buffer } WriteConsoleA(co, &let, 1, &bytesWritten, NULL); // now the text if (nlflag && !(i % 80) && backupcon.dwSize.X > resizewin.X) // do we need a nl? { att = backupcon.wAttributes; SetConsoleTextAttribute(co, att); // all attributes off WriteConsoleA(co, "\n", 1, &bytesWritten, NULL); // newline to console } ptext++; } SetConsoleTextAttribute(co, backupcon.wAttributes); // all attributes off #else /* print 80x25 text and deal with the attributes too */ for (i=1; i<=80*25; i++) { /* attribute first */ /* attribute changed? */ if ((j = *ptext >> 8) != att) { /* save current attribute */ att = j; /* set new attribute, forground color first */ printf("\033["); switch (j & 0x0f) { case 0: /* black */ printf("30"); break; case 1: /* blue */ printf("34"); break; case 2: /* green */ printf("32"); break; case 3: /* cyan */ printf("36"); break; case 4: /* red */ printf("31"); break; case 5: /* magenta */ printf("35"); break; case 6: /* brown */ printf("33"); break; case 7: /* bright grey */ printf("37"); break; case 8: /* dark grey */ printf("1;30"); break; case 9: /* bright blue */ printf("1;34"); break; case 10: /* bright green */ printf("1;32"); break; case 11: /* bright cyan */ printf("1;36"); break; case 12: /* bright red */ printf("1;31"); break; case 13: /* bright magenta */ printf("1;35"); break; case 14: /* yellow */ printf("1;33"); break; case 15: /* white */ printf("1;37"); break; } printf("m"); /* now background color */ printf("\033["); switch ((j >> 4) & 0x0f) { case 0: /* black */ printf("40"); break; case 1: /* blue */ printf("44"); break; case 2: /* green */ printf("42"); break; case 3: /* cyan */ printf("46"); break; case 4: /* red */ printf("41"); break; case 5: /* magenta */ printf("45"); break; case 6: /* brown */ printf("43"); break; case 7: /* bright grey */ printf("47"); break; case 8: /* dark grey */ printf("1;40"); break; case 9: /* bright blue */ printf("1;44"); break; case 10: /* bright green */ printf("1;42"); break; case 11: /* bright cyan */ printf("1;46"); break; case 12: /* bright red */ printf("1;41"); break; case 13: /* bright magenta */ printf("1;45"); break; case 14: /* yellow */ printf("1;43"); break; case 15: /* white */ printf("1;47"); break; } printf("m"); } /* now the text */ printf("%c",*ptext++ & 0xff); /* do we need a nl? */ if (nlflag) { if (!(i % 80)) { printf("\033[0m"); att = 0; printf("\n"); } } } /* all attributes off */ printf("\033[0m"); #endif if (nlflag) printf("\n"); Z_Free(data); #endif }