// SONIC ROBO BLAST 2 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright (C) 1993-1996 by id Software, Inc. // Copyright (C) 1998-2000 by DooM Legacy Team. // Copyright (C) 1999-2018 by Sonic Team Junior. // // This program is free software distributed under the // terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2. // See the 'LICENSE' file for more details. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// \file i_net.h /// \brief System specific network interface stuff. #ifndef __I_NET__ #define __I_NET__ #ifdef __GNUG__ #pragma interface #endif #include "doomdef.h" #include "command.h" /// \brief program net id #define DOOMCOM_ID (INT32)0x12345678l /// \def MAXPACKETLENGTH /// For use in a LAN #define MAXPACKETLENGTH 1450 /// \def INETPACKETLENGTH /// For use on the internet #define INETPACKETLENGTH 1024 #define NO_BAN_TIME (time_t)(-1) extern INT16 hardware_MAXPACKETLENGTH; extern INT32 net_bandwidth; // in byte/s #if defined(_MSC_VER) #pragma pack(1) #endif typedef struct { /// Supposed to be DOOMCOM_ID INT32 id; /// SRB2 executes an INT32 to execute commands. INT16 intnum; /// Communication between SRB2 and the driver. /// Is CMD_SEND or CMD_GET. INT16 command; /// Is dest for send, set by get (-1 = no packet). INT16 remotenode; /// Number of bytes in doomdata to be sent INT16 datalength; /// Info common to all nodes. /// Console is always node 0. INT16 numnodes; /// Flag: 1 = no duplication, 2-5 = dup for slow nets. INT16 ticdup; /// Flag: 1 = send a backup tic in every packet. INT16 extratics; /// kind of game INT16 gametype; /// Flag: -1 = new game, 0-5 = load savegame INT16 savegame; /// currect map INT16 map; /// Info specific to this node. INT16 consoleplayer; /// Number of "slots": the highest player number in use plus one. INT16 numslots; /// The packet data to be sent. char data[MAXPACKETLENGTH]; } ATTRPACK doomcom_t; #if defined(_MSC_VER) #pragma pack() #endif extern doomcom_t *doomcom; /** \brief return packet in doomcom struct */ extern boolean (*I_NetGet)(void); /** \brief ask to driver if there is data waiting */ extern boolean (*I_NetCanGet)(void); /** \brief send packet within doomcom struct */ extern void (*I_NetSend)(void); /** \brief ask to driver if all is ok to send data now */ extern boolean (*I_NetCanSend)(void); /** \brief close a connection \param nodenum node to be closed \return void */ extern void (*I_NetFreeNodenum)(INT32 nodenum); /** \brief open a connection with specified address \param address address to connect to \return number of node */ extern SINT8 I_NetMakeNode(const char *address); /** \brief open a connection with specified address and port \param address address to connect to \param port port to connect to \return number of node */ extern SINT8 (*I_NetMakeNodewPort)(const char *address, const char *port); /** \brief open connection */ extern boolean (*I_NetOpenSocket)(void); /** \brief close all connections no more allow geting any packet */ extern void (*I_NetCloseSocket)(void); extern boolean (*I_Ban) (INT32 node); extern void (*I_ClearBans)(void); extern const char *(*I_GetNodeAddress) (INT32 node); extern const char *(*I_GetBanAddress) (size_t ban); extern const char *(*I_GetBanMask) (size_t ban); extern const char *(*I_GetBanUsername) (size_t ban); extern const char *(*I_GetBanReason) (size_t ban); extern time_t (*I_GetUnbanTime) (size_t ban); extern boolean (*I_SetBanAddress) (const char *address,const char *mask); extern boolean (*I_SetBanUsername) (const char *username); extern boolean (*I_SetBanReason) (const char *reason); extern boolean (*I_SetUnbanTime) (time_t timestamp); extern boolean *bannednode; extern time_t *bannednodetimeleft; /// \brief Called by D_SRB2Main to be defined by extern network driver boolean I_InitNetwork(void); #endif