// SONIC ROBO BLAST 2 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright (C) 1998-2000 by DooM Legacy Team. // Copyright (C) 1999-2018 by Sonic Team Junior. // // This program is free software distributed under the // terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2. // See the 'LICENSE' file for more details. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// \file d_netfil.c /// \brief Transfer a file using HSendPacket. #include #ifndef _WIN32_WCE #ifdef __OS2__ #include #endif // __OS2__ #include #endif #if !defined (UNDER_CE) #include #endif #if ((defined (_WIN32) && !defined (_WIN32_WCE)) || defined (__DJGPP__)) && !defined (_XBOX) #include #include #elif !defined (_WIN32_WCE) && !(defined (_XBOX) && !defined (__GNUC__)) #include #include #include #endif #ifdef __GNUC__ #include #include #elif defined (_WIN32) && !defined (_WIN32_WCE) #include #endif #ifdef __DJGPP__ #include #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_CURL #include "curl/curl.h" #endif #include "doomdef.h" #include "doomstat.h" #include "d_main.h" #include "g_game.h" #include "i_time.h" #include "i_net.h" #include "i_system.h" #include "m_argv.h" #include "d_net.h" #include "w_wad.h" #include "d_netfil.h" #include "z_zone.h" #include "byteptr.h" #include "p_setup.h" #include "m_misc.h" #include "m_menu.h" #include "md5.h" #include "filesrch.h" #include // Prototypes static boolean SV_SendFile(INT32 node, const char *filename, UINT8 fileid); #ifdef HAVE_CURL size_t curlwrite_data(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE *stream); int curlprogress_callback(void *clientp, double dltotal, double dlnow, double ultotal, double ulnow); #endif // Sender structure typedef struct filetx_s { INT32 ram; union { char *filename; // Name of the file char *ram; // Pointer to the data in RAM } id; UINT32 size; // Size of the file UINT8 fileid; INT32 node; // Destination struct filetx_s *next; // Next file in the list } filetx_t; // Current transfers (one for each node) typedef struct filetran_s { filetx_t *txlist; // Linked list of all files for the node UINT32 position; // The current position in the file FILE *currentfile; // The file currently being sent/received } filetran_t; static filetran_t transfer[MAXNETNODES]; // Read time of file: stat _stmtime // Write time of file: utime // Receiver structure INT32 fileneedednum; // Number of files needed to join the server fileneeded_t fileneeded[MAX_WADFILES]; // List of needed files char downloaddir[512] = "DOWNLOAD"; #ifdef CLIENT_LOADINGSCREEN // for cl loading screen INT32 lastfilenum = -1; INT32 downloadcompletednum = 0; UINT32 downloadcompletedsize = 0; INT32 totalfilesrequestednum = 0; UINT32 totalfilesrequestedsize = 0; #endif #ifdef HAVE_CURL static CURL *http_handle; static CURLM *multi_handle; boolean curl_running = false; boolean curl_failedwebdownload = false; static double curl_dlnow; static double curl_dltotal; static time_t curl_starttime; INT32 curl_transfers = 0; static int curl_runninghandles = 0; static UINT32 curl_origfilesize; static UINT32 curl_origtotalfilesize; static char *curl_realname = NULL; fileneeded_t *curl_curfile = NULL; HTTP_login *curl_logins; #endif /** Fills a serverinfo packet with information about wad files loaded. * * \todo Give this function a better name since it is in global scope. * Used to have size limiting built in - now handed via W_LoadWadFile in w_wad.c * */ UINT8 *PutFileNeeded(UINT16 firstfile) { size_t i; UINT8 count = 0; UINT8 *p_start = netbuffer->packettype == PT_MOREFILESNEEDED ? netbuffer->u.filesneededcfg.files : netbuffer->u.serverinfo.fileneeded; UINT8 *p = p_start; char wadfilename[MAX_WADPATH] = ""; UINT8 filestatus; for (i = mainwads+1; i < numwadfiles; i++) //mainwads+1, otherwise we start on the first mainwad { // If it has only music/sound lumps, don't put it in the list if (!wadfiles[i]->important) continue; if (firstfile) { // Skip files until we reach the first file. firstfile--; continue; } nameonly(strcpy(wadfilename, wadfiles[i]->filename)); // Look below at the WRITE macros to understand what these numbers mean. if (p + 1 + 4 + min(strlen(wadfilename) + 1, MAX_WADPATH) + 16 > p_start + MAXFILENEEDED) { // Too many files to send all at once if (netbuffer->packettype == PT_MOREFILESNEEDED) netbuffer->u.filesneededcfg.more = 1; else netbuffer->u.serverinfo.kartvars |= SV_LOTSOFADDONS; break; } filestatus = 1; // Importance - not really used any more, holds 1 by default for backwards compat with MS // Store in the upper four bits if (!cv_downloading.value) filestatus += (2 << 4); // Won't send else if ((wadfiles[i]->filesize <= (UINT32)cv_maxsend.value * 1024)) filestatus += (1 << 4); // Will send if requested // else // filestatus += (0 << 4); -- Won't send, too big WRITEUINT8(p, filestatus); count++; WRITEUINT32(p, wadfiles[i]->filesize); WRITESTRINGN(p, wadfilename, MAX_WADPATH); WRITEMEM(p, wadfiles[i]->md5sum, 16); } if (netbuffer->packettype == PT_MOREFILESNEEDED) netbuffer->u.filesneededcfg.num = count; else netbuffer->u.serverinfo.fileneedednum = count; return p; } /** Parses the serverinfo packet and fills the fileneeded table on client * * \param fileneedednum_parm The number of files (sent in this page) needed to join the server * \param fileneededstr The memory block containing the list of needed files * \param firstfile The first file index to read from */ void D_ParseFileneeded(INT32 fileneedednum_parm, UINT8 *fileneededstr, UINT16 firstfile) { INT32 i; UINT8 *p; UINT8 filestatus; fileneedednum = firstfile + fileneedednum_parm; p = (UINT8 *)fileneededstr; for (i = firstfile; i < fileneedednum; i++) { fileneeded[i].status = FS_NOTCHECKED; // We haven't even started looking for the file yet filestatus = READUINT8(p); // The first byte is the file status fileneeded[i].willsend = (UINT8)(filestatus >> 4); fileneeded[i].totalsize = READUINT32(p); // The four next bytes are the file size fileneeded[i].file = NULL; // The file isn't open yet READSTRINGN(p, fileneeded[i].filename, MAX_WADPATH); // The next bytes are the file name READMEM(p, fileneeded[i].md5sum, 16); // The last 16 bytes are the file checksum } } void CL_PrepareDownloadSaveGame(const char *tmpsave) { fileneedednum = 1; fileneeded[0].status = FS_REQUESTED; fileneeded[0].totalsize = UINT32_MAX; fileneeded[0].file = NULL; memset(fileneeded[0].md5sum, 0, 16); strcpy(fileneeded[0].filename, tmpsave); } /** Checks the server to see if we CAN download all the files, * before starting to create them and requesting. * * \return True if we can download all the files * */ boolean CL_CheckDownloadable(void) { UINT8 i,dlstatus = 0; for (i = 0; i < fileneedednum; i++) if (fileneeded[i].status != FS_FOUND && fileneeded[i].status != FS_OPEN) { if (fileneeded[i].willsend == 1) continue; if (fileneeded[i].willsend == 0) dlstatus = 1; else //if (fileneeded[i].willsend == 2) dlstatus = 2; } // Downloading locally disabled if (!dlstatus && M_CheckParm("-nodownload")) dlstatus = 3; if (!dlstatus) return true; // not downloadable, put reason in console CONS_Alert(CONS_NOTICE, M_GetText("You need additional files to connect to this server:\n")); for (i = 0; i < fileneedednum; i++) if (fileneeded[i].status != FS_FOUND && fileneeded[i].status != FS_OPEN) { CONS_Printf(" * \"%s\" (%dK)", fileneeded[i].filename, fileneeded[i].totalsize >> 10); if (fileneeded[i].status == FS_MD5SUMBAD) CONS_Printf(M_GetText(" wrong version, md5: ")); else CONS_Printf(M_GetText(" not found, md5: ")); { INT32 j; char md5tmp[33]; for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) sprintf(&md5tmp[j*2], "%02x", fileneeded[i].md5sum[j]); CONS_Printf("%s", md5tmp); } CONS_Printf("\n"); } switch (dlstatus) { case 1: CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Some files are larger than the server is willing to send.\n")); break; case 2: CONS_Printf(M_GetText("The server is not allowing download requests.\n")); break; case 3: CONS_Printf(M_GetText("All files downloadable, but you have chosen to disable downloading locally.\n")); break; } return false; } /** Sends requests for files in the ::fileneeded table with a status of * ::FS_NOTFOUND. * * \return True if the packet was successfully sent * \note Sends a PT_REQUESTFILE packet * */ boolean CL_SendRequestFile(void) { char *p; INT32 i; INT64 totalfreespaceneeded = 0, availablefreespace; #ifdef PARANOIA if (M_CheckParm("-nodownload")) I_Error("Attempted to download files in -nodownload mode"); for (i = 0; i < fileneedednum; i++) if (fileneeded[i].status != FS_FOUND && fileneeded[i].status != FS_OPEN && (fileneeded[i].willsend == 0 || fileneeded[i].willsend == 2)) { I_Error("Attempted to download files that were not sendable"); } #endif netbuffer->packettype = PT_REQUESTFILE; p = (char *)netbuffer->u.textcmd; for (i = 0; i < fileneedednum; i++) if ((fileneeded[i].status == FS_NOTFOUND || fileneeded[i].status == FS_MD5SUMBAD || fileneeded[i].status == FS_FALLBACK)) { totalfreespaceneeded += fileneeded[i].totalsize; nameonly(fileneeded[i].filename); WRITEUINT8(p, i); // fileid WRITESTRINGN(p, fileneeded[i].filename, MAX_WADPATH); // put it in download dir strcatbf(fileneeded[i].filename, downloaddir, "/"); fileneeded[i].status = FS_REQUESTED; } WRITEUINT8(p, 0xFF); I_GetDiskFreeSpace(&availablefreespace); if (totalfreespaceneeded > availablefreespace) I_Error("To play on this server you must download %s KB,\n" "but you have only %s KB free space on this drive\n", sizeu1((size_t)(totalfreespaceneeded>>10)), sizeu2((size_t)(availablefreespace>>10))); // prepare to download I_mkdir(downloaddir, 0755); return HSendPacket(servernode, true, 0, p - (char *)netbuffer->u.textcmd); } // get request filepak and put it on the send queue // returns false if a requested file was not found or cannot be sent boolean Got_RequestFilePak(INT32 node) { char wad[MAX_WADPATH+1]; UINT8 *p = netbuffer->u.textcmd; UINT8 id; while (p < netbuffer->u.textcmd + MAXTEXTCMD-1) // Don't allow hacked client to overflow { id = READUINT8(p); if (id == 0xFF) break; READSTRINGN(p, wad, MAX_WADPATH); if (!SV_SendFile(node, wad, id)) { SV_AbortSendFiles(node); return false; // don't read the rest of the files } } return true; // no problems with any files } /** Checks if the files needed aren't already loaded or on the disk * * \return 0 if some files are missing * 1 if all files exist * 2 if some already loaded files are not requested or are in a different order * 3 too many files, over WADLIMIT * 4 still checking, continuing next tic * */ INT32 CL_CheckFiles(void) { INT32 i, j; char wadfilename[MAX_WADPATH]; size_t packetsize = 0; size_t filestoload = 0; boolean downloadrequired = false; // if (M_CheckParm("-nofiles")) // return 1; // the first is the iwad (the main wad file) // we don't care if it's called srb2.srb or srb2.wad. // Never download the IWAD, just assume it's there and identical // ...No! Why were we sending the base wads to begin with?? //fileneeded[0].status = FS_OPEN; // Modified game handling -- check for an identical file list // must be identical in files loaded AND in order // Return 2 on failure -- disconnect from server if (modifiedgame) { CONS_Debug(DBG_NETPLAY, "game is modified; only doing basic checks\n"); for (i = 0, j = mainwads+1; i < fileneedednum || j < numwadfiles;) { if (j < numwadfiles && !wadfiles[j]->important) { // Unimportant on our side. still don't care. ++j; continue; } // If this test is true, we've reached the end of one file list // and the other still has a file that's important if (i >= fileneedednum || j >= numwadfiles) return 2; // For the sake of speed, only bother with a md5 check if (memcmp(wadfiles[j]->md5sum, fileneeded[i].md5sum, 16)) return 2; // It's accounted for! let's keep going. CONS_Debug(DBG_NETPLAY, "'%s' accounted for\n", fileneeded[i].filename); fileneeded[i].status = FS_OPEN; ++i; ++j; } return 1; } for (i = 0; i < fileneedednum; i++) { if (fileneeded[i].status == FS_NOTFOUND || fileneeded[i].status == FS_MD5SUMBAD || fileneeded[i].status == FS_FALLBACK) downloadrequired = true; if (fileneeded[i].status != FS_OPEN) filestoload++; if (fileneeded[i].status != FS_NOTCHECKED) //since we're running this over multiple tics now, its possible for us to come across files checked in previous tics continue; CONS_Debug(DBG_NETPLAY, "searching for '%s' ", fileneeded[i].filename); // Check in already loaded files for (j = mainwads+1; wadfiles[j]; j++) { nameonly(strcpy(wadfilename, wadfiles[j]->filename)); if (!stricmp(wadfilename, fileneeded[i].filename) && !memcmp(wadfiles[j]->md5sum, fileneeded[i].md5sum, 16)) { CONS_Debug(DBG_NETPLAY, "already loaded\n"); fileneeded[i].status = FS_OPEN; return 4; } } packetsize += nameonlylength(fileneeded[i].filename) + 22; fileneeded[i].status = findfile(fileneeded[i].filename, fileneeded[i].md5sum, true); CONS_Debug(DBG_NETPLAY, "found %d\n", fileneeded[i].status); return 4; } //now making it here means we've checked the entire list and no FS_NOTCHECKED files remain if (numwadfiles+filestoload > MAX_WADFILES) return 3; else if (downloadrequired) return 0; //some stuff is FS_NOTFOUND, needs download else return 1; //everything is FS_OPEN or FS_FOUND, proceed to loading } // Load it now boolean CL_LoadServerFiles(void) { INT32 i; // if (M_CheckParm("-nofiles")) // return; for (i = 0; i < fileneedednum; i++) { if (fileneeded[i].status == FS_OPEN) continue; // Already loaded else if (fileneeded[i].status == FS_FOUND) { P_AddWadFile(fileneeded[i].filename); G_SetGameModified(true, false); fileneeded[i].status = FS_OPEN; return false; } else if (fileneeded[i].status == FS_MD5SUMBAD) I_Error("Wrong version of file %s", fileneeded[i].filename); else { const char *s; switch(fileneeded[i].status) { case FS_NOTFOUND: s = "FS_NOTFOUND"; break; case FS_REQUESTED: s = "FS_REQUESTED"; break; case FS_DOWNLOADING: s = "FS_DOWNLOADING"; break; default: s = "unknown"; break; } I_Error("Try to load file \"%s\" with status of %d (%s)\n", fileneeded[i].filename, fileneeded[i].status, s); } } return true; } // Number of files to send // Little optimization to quickly test if there is a file in the queue static INT32 filestosend = 0; /** Adds a file to the file list for a node * * \param node The node to send the file to * \param filename The file to send * \param fileid ??? * \sa SV_SendRam * */ static boolean SV_SendFile(INT32 node, const char *filename, UINT8 fileid) { filetx_t **q; // A pointer to the "next" field of the last file in the list filetx_t *p; // The new file request INT32 i; char wadfilename[MAX_WADPATH]; if (cv_noticedownload.value) CONS_Printf("Sending file \"%s\" to node %d (%s)\n", filename, node, I_GetNodeAddress(node)); // Find the last file in the list and set a pointer to its "next" field q = &transfer[node].txlist; while (*q) q = &((*q)->next); // Allocate a file request and append it to the file list p = *q = (filetx_t *)malloc(sizeof (filetx_t)); if (!p) I_Error("SV_SendFile: No more memory\n"); // Initialise with zeros memset(p, 0, sizeof (filetx_t)); // Allocate the file name p->id.filename = (char *)malloc(MAX_WADPATH); if (!p->id.filename) I_Error("SV_SendFile: No more memory\n"); // Set the file name and get rid of the path strlcpy(p->id.filename, filename, MAX_WADPATH); nameonly(p->id.filename); // Look for the requested file through all loaded files for (i = 0; wadfiles[i]; i++) { strlcpy(wadfilename, wadfiles[i]->filename, MAX_WADPATH); nameonly(wadfilename); if (!stricmp(wadfilename, p->id.filename)) { // Copy file name with full path strlcpy(p->id.filename, wadfiles[i]->filename, MAX_WADPATH); break; } } // Handle non-loaded file requests if (!wadfiles[i]) { DEBFILE(va("%s not found in wadfiles\n", filename)); // This formerly checked if (!findfile(p->id.filename, NULL, true)) // Not found // Don't inform client (probably someone who thought they could leak 2.2 ACZ) DEBFILE(va("Client %d request %s: not found\n", node, filename)); free(p->id.filename); free(p); *q = NULL; return false; // cancel the rest of the requests } // Handle huge file requests (i.e. bigger than cv_maxsend.value KB) if (wadfiles[i]->filesize > (UINT32)cv_maxsend.value * 1024) { // Too big // Don't inform client (client sucks, man) DEBFILE(va("Client %d request %s: file too big, not sending\n", node, filename)); free(p->id.filename); free(p); *q = NULL; return false; // cancel the rest of the requests } DEBFILE(va("Sending file %s (id=%d) to %d\n", filename, fileid, node)); p->ram = SF_FILE; // It's a file, we need to close it and free its name once we're done sending it p->fileid = fileid; p->next = NULL; // End of list filestosend++; return true; } /** Adds a memory block to the file list for a node * * \param node The node to send the memory block to * \param data The memory block to send * \param size The size of the block in bytes * \param freemethod How to free the block after it has been sent * \param fileid ??? * \sa SV_SendFile * */ void SV_SendRam(INT32 node, void *data, size_t size, freemethod_t freemethod, UINT8 fileid) { filetx_t **q; // A pointer to the "next" field of the last file in the list filetx_t *p; // The new file request // Find the last file in the list and set a pointer to its "next" field q = &transfer[node].txlist; while (*q) q = &((*q)->next); // Allocate a file request and append it to the file list p = *q = (filetx_t *)malloc(sizeof (filetx_t)); if (!p) I_Error("SV_SendRam: No more memory\n"); // Initialise with zeros memset(p, 0, sizeof (filetx_t)); p->ram = freemethod; // Remember how to free the memory block for when we're done sending it p->id.ram = data; p->size = (UINT32)size; p->fileid = fileid; p->next = NULL; // End of list DEBFILE(va("Sending ram %p(size:%u) to %d (id=%u)\n",p->id.ram,p->size,node,fileid)); filestosend++; } /** Stops sending a file for a node, and removes the file request from the list, * either because the file has been fully sent or because the node was disconnected * * \param node The destination * */ static void SV_EndFileSend(INT32 node) { filetx_t *p = transfer[node].txlist; // Free the file request according to the freemethod parameter used with SV_SendFile/Ram switch (p->ram) { case SF_FILE: // It's a file, close it and free its filename if (cv_noticedownload.value) CONS_Printf("Ending file transfer for node %d\n", node); if (transfer[node].currentfile) fclose(transfer[node].currentfile); free(p->id.filename); break; case SF_Z_RAM: // It's a memory block allocated with Z_Alloc or the likes, use Z_Free Z_Free(p->id.ram); break; case SF_RAM: // It's a memory block allocated with malloc, use free free(p->id.ram); case SF_NOFREERAM: // Nothing to free break; } // Remove the file request from the list transfer[node].txlist = p->next; free(p); // Indicate that the transmission is over transfer[node].currentfile = NULL; filestosend--; } #define PACKETPERTIC net_bandwidth/(TICRATE*software_MAXPACKETLENGTH) /** Handles file transmission * * \todo Use an acknowledging method more adapted to file transmission * The current download speed suffers from lack of ack packets, * especially when the one downloading has high latency * */ void SV_FileSendTicker(void) { static INT32 currentnode = 0; filetx_pak *p; size_t size; filetx_t *f; INT32 packetsent, ram, i, j; INT32 maxpacketsent; if (!filestosend) // No file to send return; if (cv_downloadspeed.value) // New (and experimental) behavior { packetsent = cv_downloadspeed.value; // Don't send more packets than we have free acks #ifndef NONET maxpacketsent = Net_GetFreeAcks(false) - 5; // Let 5 extra acks just in case #else maxpacketsent = 1; #endif if (packetsent > maxpacketsent && maxpacketsent > 0) // Send at least one packet packetsent = maxpacketsent; } else // Old behavior { packetsent = PACKETPERTIC; if (!packetsent) packetsent = 1; } netbuffer->packettype = PT_FILEFRAGMENT; // (((sendbytes-nowsentbyte)*TICRATE)/(I_GetTime()-starttime)<(UINT32)net_bandwidth) while (packetsent-- && filestosend != 0) { for (i = currentnode, j = 0; j < MAXNETNODES; i = (i+1) % MAXNETNODES, j++) { if (transfer[i].txlist) goto found; } // no transfer to do I_Error("filestosend=%d but no file to send found\n", filestosend); found: currentnode = (i+1) % MAXNETNODES; f = transfer[i].txlist; ram = f->ram; // Open the file if it isn't open yet, or if (!transfer[i].currentfile) { if (!ram) // Sending a file { long filesize; transfer[i].currentfile = fopen(f->id.filename, "rb"); if (!transfer[i].currentfile) I_Error("File %s does not exist", f->id.filename); fseek(transfer[i].currentfile, 0, SEEK_END); filesize = ftell(transfer[i].currentfile); // Nobody wants to transfer a file bigger // than 4GB! if (filesize >= LONG_MAX) I_Error("filesize of %s is too large", f->id.filename); if (filesize == -1) I_Error("Error getting filesize of %s", f->id.filename); f->size = (UINT32)filesize; fseek(transfer[i].currentfile, 0, SEEK_SET); } else // Sending RAM transfer[i].currentfile = (FILE *)1; // Set currentfile to a non-null value to indicate that it is open transfer[i].position = 0; } // Build a packet containing a file fragment p = &netbuffer->u.filetxpak; size = software_MAXPACKETLENGTH - (FILETXHEADER + BASEPACKETSIZE); if (f->size-transfer[i].position < size) size = f->size-transfer[i].position; if (ram) M_Memcpy(p->data, &f->id.ram[transfer[i].position], size); else if (fread(p->data, 1, size, transfer[i].currentfile) != size) I_Error("SV_FileSendTicker: can't read %s byte on %s at %d because %s", sizeu1(size), f->id.filename, transfer[i].position, M_FileError(transfer[i].currentfile)); p->position = LONG(transfer[i].position); // Put flag so receiver knows the total size if (transfer[i].position + size == f->size) p->position |= LONG(0x80000000); p->fileid = f->fileid; p->size = SHORT((UINT16)size); // Send the packet if (HSendPacket(i, true, 0, FILETXHEADER + size)) // Reliable SEND { // Success transfer[i].position = (UINT32)(transfer[i].position + size); if (transfer[i].position == f->size) // Finish? SV_EndFileSend(i); } else { // Not sent for some odd reason, retry at next call if (!ram) fseek(transfer[i].currentfile,transfer[i].position, SEEK_SET); // Exit the while (can't send this one so why should i send the next?) break; } } } void Got_Filetxpak(void) { INT32 filenum = netbuffer->u.filetxpak.fileid; fileneeded_t *file = &fileneeded[filenum]; char *filename = file->filename; static INT32 filetime = 0; if (!(strcmp(filename, "srb2.srb") && strcmp(filename, "srb2.wad") && strcmp(filename, "patch.dta") //&& strcmp(filename, "music.dta") && strcmp(filename, "gfx.kart") && strcmp(filename, "textures.kart") && strcmp(filename, "chars.kart") && strcmp(filename, "maps.kart") && strcmp(filename, "sounds.kart") && strcmp(filename, "music.kart") && strcmp(filename, "patch.kart") )) I_Error("Tried to download \"%s\"", filename); if (filenum >= fileneedednum) { DEBFILE(va("fileframent not needed %d>%d\n", filenum, fileneedednum)); //I_Error("Received an unneeded file fragment (file id received: %d, file id needed: %d)\n", filenum, fileneedednum); return; } if (file->status == FS_REQUESTED) { if (file->file) I_Error("Got_Filetxpak: already open file\n"); file->file = fopen(filename, "wb"); if (!file->file) I_Error("Can't create file %s: %s", filename, strerror(errno)); CONS_Printf("\r%s...\n",filename); file->currentsize = 0; file->status = FS_DOWNLOADING; } if (file->status == FS_DOWNLOADING) { UINT32 pos = LONG(netbuffer->u.filetxpak.position); UINT16 size = SHORT(netbuffer->u.filetxpak.size); // Use a special trick to know when the file is complete (not always used) // WARNING: file fragments can arrive out of order so don't stop yet! if (pos & 0x80000000) { pos &= ~0x80000000; file->totalsize = pos + size; } // We can receive packet in the wrong order, anyway all os support gaped file fseek(file->file, pos, SEEK_SET); if (fwrite(netbuffer->u.filetxpak.data,size,1,file->file) != 1) I_Error("Can't write to %s: %s\n",filename, M_FileError(file->file)); file->currentsize += size; // Finished? if (file->currentsize == file->totalsize) { fclose(file->file); file->file = NULL; file->status = FS_FOUND; CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Downloading %s...(done)\n"), filename); #ifndef NONET downloadcompletednum++; downloadcompletedsize += file->totalsize; #endif } } else { const char *s; switch(file->status) { case FS_NOTFOUND: s = "FS_NOTFOUND"; break; case FS_FOUND: s = "FS_FOUND"; break; case FS_OPEN: s = "FS_OPEN"; break; case FS_MD5SUMBAD: s = "FS_MD5SUMBAD"; break; default: s = "unknown"; break; } I_Error("Received a file not requested (file id: %d, file status: %s)\n", filenum, s); } // Send ack back quickly if (++filetime == 3) { Net_SendAcks(servernode); filetime = 0; } #ifdef CLIENT_LOADINGSCREEN lastfilenum = filenum; #endif } /** \brief Checks if a node is downloading a file * * \param node The node to check for * \return True if the node is downloading a file * */ boolean SV_SendingFile(INT32 node) { return transfer[node].txlist != NULL; } /** Cancels all file requests for a node * * \param node The destination * \sa SV_EndFileSend * */ void SV_AbortSendFiles(INT32 node) { while (transfer[node].txlist) SV_EndFileSend(node); } void CloseNetFile(void) { INT32 i; // Is sending? for (i = 0; i < MAXNETNODES; i++) SV_AbortSendFiles(i); // Receiving a file? for (i = 0; i < MAX_WADFILES; i++) if (fileneeded[i].status == FS_DOWNLOADING && fileneeded[i].file) { fclose(fileneeded[i].file); // File is not complete delete it remove(fileneeded[i].filename); } // Remove PT_FILEFRAGMENT from acknowledge list Net_AbortPacketType(PT_FILEFRAGMENT); } // Functions cut and pasted from Doomatic :) void nameonly(char *s) { size_t j, len; void *ns; for (j = strlen(s); j != (size_t)-1; j--) if ((s[j] == '\\') || (s[j] == ':') || (s[j] == '/')) { ns = &(s[j+1]); len = strlen(ns); #if 0 M_Memcpy(s, ns, len+1); #else memmove(s, ns, len+1); #endif return; } } // Returns the length in characters of the last element of a path. size_t nameonlylength(const char *s) { size_t j, len = strlen(s); for (j = len; j != (size_t)-1; j--) if ((s[j] == '\\') || (s[j] == ':') || (s[j] == '/')) return len - j - 1; return len; } #ifndef O_BINARY #define O_BINARY 0 #endif filestatus_t checkfilemd5(char *filename, const UINT8 *wantedmd5sum) { #if defined (NOMD5) || defined (_arch_dreamcast) (void)wantedmd5sum; (void)filename; #else FILE *fhandle; UINT8 md5sum[16]; if (!wantedmd5sum) return FS_FOUND; fhandle = fopen(filename, "rb"); if (fhandle) { md5_stream(fhandle,md5sum); fclose(fhandle); if (!memcmp(wantedmd5sum, md5sum, 16)) return FS_FOUND; return FS_MD5SUMBAD; } I_Error("Couldn't open %s for md5 check", filename); #endif return FS_FOUND; // will never happen, but makes the compiler shut up } // Rewritten by Monster Iestyn to be less stupid // Note: if completepath is true, "filename" is modified, but only if FS_FOUND is going to be returned // (Don't worry about WinCE's version of filesearch, nobody cares about that OS anymore) filestatus_t findfile(char *filename, const UINT8 *wantedmd5sum, boolean completepath) { filestatus_t homecheck; // store result of last file search boolean badmd5 = false; // store whether md5 was bad from either of the first two searches (if nothing was found in the third) // first, check SRB2's "home" directory homecheck = filesearch(filename, srb2home, wantedmd5sum, completepath, 10); if (homecheck == FS_FOUND) // we found the file, so return that we have :) return FS_FOUND; else if (homecheck == FS_MD5SUMBAD) // file has a bad md5; move on and look for a file with the right md5 badmd5 = true; // if not found at all, just move on without doing anything // next, check SRB2's "path" directory homecheck = filesearch(filename, srb2path, wantedmd5sum, completepath, 10); if (homecheck == FS_FOUND) // we found the file, so return that we have :) return FS_FOUND; else if (homecheck == FS_MD5SUMBAD) // file has a bad md5; move on and look for a file with the right md5 badmd5 = true; // if not found at all, just move on without doing anything // finally check "." directory #ifdef _arch_dreamcast homecheck = filesearch(filename, "/cd", wantedmd5sum, completepath, 10); #else homecheck = filesearch(filename, ".", wantedmd5sum, completepath, 10); #endif if (homecheck != FS_NOTFOUND) // if not found this time, fall back on the below return statement return homecheck; // otherwise return the result we got return (badmd5 ? FS_MD5SUMBAD : FS_NOTFOUND); // md5 sum bad or file not found } #ifdef HAVE_CURL size_t curlwrite_data(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE *stream) { size_t written; written = fwrite(ptr, size, nmemb, stream); return written; } int curlprogress_callback(void *clientp, double dltotal, double dlnow, double ultotal, double ulnow) { (void)clientp; (void)ultotal; (void)ulnow; // Function prototype requires these but we won't use, so just discard curl_dlnow = dlnow; curl_dltotal = dltotal; getbytes = curl_dlnow / (time(NULL) - curl_starttime); // To-do: Make this more accurate??? return 0; } void CURLPrepareFile(const char* url, int dfilenum) { HTTP_login *login; #ifdef PARANOIA if (M_CheckParm("-nodownload")) I_Error("Attempted to download files in -nodownload mode"); #endif curl_global_init(CURL_GLOBAL_ALL); http_handle = curl_easy_init(); multi_handle = curl_multi_init(); if (http_handle && multi_handle) { I_mkdir(downloaddir, 0755); curl_curfile = &fileneeded[dfilenum]; curl_realname = curl_curfile->filename; nameonly(curl_realname); curl_origfilesize = curl_curfile->currentsize; curl_origtotalfilesize = curl_curfile->totalsize; curl_easy_setopt(http_handle, CURLOPT_URL, va("%s/%s", url, curl_realname)); // Only allow HTTP and HTTPS curl_easy_setopt(http_handle, CURLOPT_PROTOCOLS, CURLPROTO_HTTP|CURLPROTO_HTTPS); curl_easy_setopt(http_handle, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, va("SRB2Kart/v%d.%d", VERSION, SUBVERSION)); // Set user agent as some servers won't accept invalid user agents. // Authenticate if the user so wishes login = CURLGetLogin(url, NULL); if (login) { curl_easy_setopt(http_handle, CURLOPT_USERPWD, login->auth); } // Follow a redirect request, if sent by the server. curl_easy_setopt(http_handle, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1L); curl_easy_setopt(http_handle, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, 1L); CONS_Printf("Downloading %s from %s\n", curl_realname, url); strcatbf(curl_curfile->filename, downloaddir, "/"); curl_curfile->file = fopen(curl_curfile->filename, "wb"); curl_easy_setopt(http_handle, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, curl_curfile->file); curl_easy_setopt(http_handle, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, curlwrite_data); curl_easy_setopt(http_handle, CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS, 0L); curl_easy_setopt(http_handle, CURLOPT_PROGRESSFUNCTION, curlprogress_callback); curl_curfile->status = FS_DOWNLOADING; lastfilenum = dfilenum; curl_multi_add_handle(multi_handle, http_handle); curl_multi_perform(multi_handle, &curl_runninghandles); curl_starttime = time(NULL); curl_running = true; } } void CURLGetFile(void) { CURLMcode mc; /* return code used by curl_multi_wait() */ CURLcode easyres; /* Return from easy interface */ int numfds; CURLMsg *m; /* for picking up messages with the transfer status */ CURL *e; int msgs_left; /* how many messages are left */ const char *easy_handle_error; long response_code = 0; if (curl_runninghandles) { curl_multi_perform(multi_handle, &curl_runninghandles); /* wait for activity, timeout or "nothing" */ mc = curl_multi_wait(multi_handle, NULL, 0, 1000, &numfds); if (mc != CURLM_OK) { CONS_Alert(CONS_WARNING, "curl_multi_wait() failed, code %d.\n", mc); return; } curl_curfile->currentsize = curl_dlnow; curl_curfile->totalsize = curl_dltotal; } /* See how the transfers went */ while ((m = curl_multi_info_read(multi_handle, &msgs_left))) { if (m && (m->msg == CURLMSG_DONE)) { e = m->easy_handle; easyres = m->data.result; if (easyres != CURLE_OK) { if (easyres == CURLE_HTTP_RETURNED_ERROR) curl_easy_getinfo(e, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &response_code); easy_handle_error = (response_code) ? va("HTTP reponse code %ld", response_code) : curl_easy_strerror(easyres); curl_curfile->status = FS_FALLBACK; curl_curfile->currentsize = curl_origfilesize; curl_curfile->totalsize = curl_origtotalfilesize; curl_failedwebdownload = true; fclose(curl_curfile->file); remove(curl_curfile->filename); curl_curfile->file = NULL; //nameonly(curl_curfile->filename); nameonly(curl_realname); CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Failed to download %s (%s)\n"), curl_realname, easy_handle_error); } else { nameonly(curl_realname); CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Finished downloading %s\n"), curl_realname); downloadcompletednum++; downloadcompletedsize += curl_curfile->totalsize; curl_curfile->status = FS_FOUND; fclose(curl_curfile->file); } curl_running = false; curl_transfers--; curl_multi_remove_handle(multi_handle, e); curl_easy_cleanup(e); if (!curl_transfers) break; } } if (!curl_transfers) { curl_multi_cleanup(multi_handle); curl_global_cleanup(); } } HTTP_login * CURLGetLogin (const char *url, HTTP_login ***return_prev_next) { HTTP_login * login; HTTP_login ** prev_next; for ( prev_next = &curl_logins; ( login = (*prev_next)); prev_next = &login->next ){ if (strcmp(login->url, url) == 0) { if (return_prev_next) (*return_prev_next) = prev_next; return login; } } return NULL; } #endif