@echo off cls set "INSTALLDIR=%~dp0" set "INSTALLDIR=%INSTALLDIR:~0,-1%" set /p USERDIR=<"%INSTALLDIR%\uninstall-userdir.txt" set "USERDIR=%USERDIR:~0,-1%" : ProceedPrompt set PROCEED= set /p PROCEED="Are you sure you want to uninstall SRB2? [yes/no] " if /I ["%PROCEED:~0,1%"] == ["n"] exit if /I ["%PROCEED%"] == ["y"] ( echo Type Yes or No echo. goto ProceedPrompt ) else ( if /I ["%PROCEED%"] == ["yes"] ( set PROCEED=1 ) else ( echo. goto ProceedPrompt ) ) :: Failsafe, in case we Ctrl+C and decline "Terminate batch file?" if ["%PROCEED%"] == ["1"] ( echo. ) else ( exit ) : DeleteFiles for /F "usebackq tokens=*" %%A in ("%INSTALLDIR%\uninstall-list.txt") do ( if exist "%INSTALLDIR%\%%A" ( if ["%%A"] == ["%~nx0"] ( echo. ) else ( echo Deleting %INSTALLDIR%\%%A del /q /f "%INSTALLDIR%\%%A" ) ) ) : AllDone :: Delete the program icons echo Deleting your program icons... echo. cd \ rmdir /s /q "%AppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Sonic Robo Blast 2" :: Check if our install folder is non-empty set USERDIRFILLED= set INSTALLDIRFILLED= for /F %%i in ('dir /b /a "%USERDIR%\*"') do ( if ["%%i"] == ["%~nx0"] ( echo. ) else ( set USERDIRFILLED=1 goto InstallFilledCheck ) ) : InstallFilledCheck if /I ["%USERDIR%"] == ["%INSTALLDIR%"] ( echo. ) else ( for /F %%i in ('dir /b /a "%INSTALLDIR%\*"') do ( if ["%%i"] == ["%~nx0"] ( echo. ) else ( set INSTALLDIRFILLED=1 goto Final ) ) ) : Final echo All done! Visit http://www.srb2.org if you want to play SRB2 again! echo. set "FINALPROMPT=Press Enter key to exit." if ["%USERDIRFILLED%"] == ["1"] ( echo We left your game data and mods alone, so you may delete those manually. echo. echo %USERDIR% echo. set "FINALPROMPT=Do you want to view your data? [yes/no]" ) if ["%INSTALLDIRFILLED%"] == ["1"] ( echo We left some extra files alone in your install folder. echo. echo %INSTALLDIR% echo. set "FINALPROMPT=Do you want to view your data? [yes/no]" ) set FINALRESPONSE= set /p FINALRESPONSE="%FINALPROMPT% " if ["%FINALPROMPT%"] == ["Press Enter key to exit."] ( echo. ) else ( if /I ["%FINALRESPONSE:~0,1%"] == ["y"] ( if ["%USERDIRFILLED%"] == ["1"] ( "%SystemRoot%\explorer.exe" "%USERDIR%" ) if ["%INSTALLDIRFILLED%"] == ["1"] ( "%SystemRoot%\explorer.exe" "%INSTALLDIR%" ) ) else ( if ["%FINALRESPONSE%"] == [""] ( if ["%USERDIRFILLED%"] == ["1"] ( "%SystemRoot%\explorer.exe" "%USERDIR%" ) if ["%INSTALLDIRFILLED%"] == ["1"] ( "%SystemRoot%\explorer.exe" "%INSTALLDIR%" ) ) ) ) : DeferredDelete :: Now let's delete our installation folder! cd \ start "" /b "cmd" /s /c " del /q /f "%INSTALLDIR%\uninstall.bat"&timeout /t 2 > NUL&rmdir "%INSTALLDIR%"&exit /b "