# Try to find Wcecompat functionality # Once done this will define # # WCECOMPAT_FOUND - system has Wcecompat # WCECOMPAT_INCLUDE_DIR - Wcecompat include directory # WCECOMPAT_LIBRARIES - Libraries needed to use Wcecompat # # Copyright (c) 2010, Andreas Holzammer, <andy@kdab.com> # # Redistribution and use is allowed according to the terms of the BSD license. if(WCECOMPAT_INCLUDE_DIR AND WCECOMPAT_LIB_FOUND) set(Wcecompat_FIND_QUIETLY TRUE) endif(WCECOMPAT_INCLUDE_DIR AND WCECOMPAT_LIB_FOUND) find_path(WCECOMPAT_INCLUDE_DIR errno.h PATH_SUFFIXES wcecompat) set(WCECOMPAT_LIB_FOUND FALSE) if(WCECOMPAT_INCLUDE_DIR) find_library(WCECOMPAT_LIBRARIES NAMES wcecompat wcecompatex ) if(WCECOMPAT_LIBRARIES) set(WCECOMPAT_LIB_FOUND TRUE) endif(WCECOMPAT_LIBRARIES) endif(WCECOMPAT_INCLUDE_DIR) # I have no idea what this is about, but it seems to be used quite often, so I add this here set(WCECOMPAT_CONST const) include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) find_package_handle_standard_args(Wcecompat DEFAULT_MSG WCECOMPAT_LIBRARIES WCECOMPAT_LIB_FOUND) mark_as_advanced(WCECOMPAT_INCLUDE_DIR WCECOMPAT_LIBRARIES WCECOMPAT_CONST WCECOMPAT_LIB_FOUND)