// SONIC ROBO BLAST 2 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright (C) 2004-2018 by Sonic Team Junior. // // This program is free software distributed under the // terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2. // See the 'LICENSE' file for more details. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// \file y_inter.c /// \brief Tally screens, or "Intermissions" as they were formally called in Doom #include "doomdef.h" #include "doomstat.h" #include "d_main.h" #include "f_finale.h" #include "g_game.h" #include "hu_stuff.h" #include "i_net.h" #include "i_video.h" #include "p_tick.h" #include "r_defs.h" #include "r_things.h" #include "s_sound.h" #include "st_stuff.h" #include "v_video.h" #include "w_wad.h" #include "y_inter.h" #include "z_zone.h" #include "m_menu.h" #include "m_misc.h" #include "i_system.h" #include "p_setup.h" #include "r_local.h" #include "p_local.h" #include "m_cond.h" // condition sets #include "m_random.h" // M_RandomKey #include "g_input.h" // PLAYER1INPUTDOWN #include "k_kart.h" // colortranslations #include "console.h" // cons_menuhighlight #include "lua_hook.h" // IntermissionThinker hook #ifdef HWRENDER #include "hardware/hw_main.h" #endif #ifdef PC_DOS #include // for snprintf int snprintf(char *str, size_t n, const char *fmt, ...); //int vsnprintf(char *str, size_t n, const char *fmt, va_list ap); #endif typedef struct { char patch[9]; INT32 points; UINT8 display; } y_bonus_t; typedef union { /*struct { char passed1[21]; // KNUCKLES GOT / CRAWLA HONCHO char passed2[16]; // THROUGH THE ACT / PASSED THE ACT INT32 passedx1; INT32 passedx2; y_bonus_t bonuses[4]; patch_t *bonuspatches[4]; SINT8 gotperfbonus; // Used for visitation flags. UINT32 score, total; // fake score, total UINT32 tics; // time patch_t *ttlnum; // act number being displayed patch_t *ptotal; // TOTAL UINT8 gotlife; // Number of extra lives obtained } coop;*/ struct { UINT8 *color[MAXPLAYERS]; // Winner's color # INT32 *character[MAXPLAYERS]; // Winner's character # INT32 num[MAXPLAYERS]; // Winner's player # char *name[MAXPLAYERS]; // Winner's name INT32 numplayers; // Number of players being displayed char levelstring[64]; // holds levelnames up to 64 characters // SRB2kart UINT8 increase[MAXPLAYERS]; // how much did the score increase by? UINT8 jitter[MAXPLAYERS]; // wiggle UINT32 val[MAXPLAYERS]; // Gametype-specific value UINT8 pos[MAXPLAYERS]; // player positions. used for ties boolean rankingsmode; // rankings mode boolean encore; // encore mode } match; } y_data; static y_data data; // graphics static patch_t *bgpatch = NULL; // INTERSCR static patch_t *widebgpatch = NULL; // INTERSCW static patch_t *bgtile = NULL; // SPECTILE/SRB2BACK static patch_t *interpic = NULL; // custom picture defined in map header static boolean usetile; boolean usebuffer = false; static boolean useinterpic; static INT32 timer; static INT32 intertic; static INT32 endtic = -1; static INT32 sorttic = -1; intertype_t intertype = int_none; static void Y_FollowIntermission(void); static void Y_UnloadData(void); // SRB2Kart: voting stuff // Level images typedef struct { char str[62]; UINT8 gtc; const char *gts; patch_t *pic; boolean encore; } y_votelvlinfo; // Clientside & splitscreen player info. typedef struct { SINT8 selection; UINT8 delay; } y_voteplayer; typedef struct { y_voteplayer playerinfo[4]; UINT8 ranim; UINT8 rtics; UINT8 roffset; UINT8 rsynctime; UINT8 rendoff; boolean loaded; } y_voteclient; static y_votelvlinfo levelinfo[5]; static y_voteclient voteclient; static INT32 votetic; static INT32 voteendtic = -1; static patch_t *cursor = NULL; static patch_t *cursor1 = NULL; static patch_t *cursor2 = NULL; static patch_t *cursor3 = NULL; static patch_t *cursor4 = NULL; static patch_t *randomlvl = NULL; static patch_t *rubyicon = NULL; static void Y_UnloadVoteData(void); // // SRB2Kart - Y_CalculateMatchData and ancillary functions // static void Y_CompareRace(INT32 i) { UINT32 val = ((players[i].pflags & PF_TIMEOVER || players[i].realtime == UINT32_MAX) ? (UINT32_MAX-1) : players[i].realtime); if (!(val < data.match.val[data.match.numplayers])) return; data.match.val[data.match.numplayers] = val; data.match.num[data.match.numplayers] = i; } static void Y_CompareBattle(INT32 i) { UINT32 val = ((players[i].pflags & PF_TIMEOVER) ? (UINT32_MAX-1) : players[i].marescore); if (!(data.match.val[data.match.numplayers] == UINT32_MAX || (!(players[i].pflags & PF_TIMEOVER) && val > data.match.val[data.match.numplayers]))) return; data.match.val[data.match.numplayers] = val; data.match.num[data.match.numplayers] = i; } static void Y_CompareRank(INT32 i) { UINT8 increase = ((data.match.increase[i] == UINT8_MAX) ? 0 : data.match.increase[i]); if (!(data.match.val[data.match.numplayers] == UINT32_MAX || (players[i].score - increase) > data.match.val[data.match.numplayers])) return; data.match.val[data.match.numplayers] = (players[i].score - increase); data.match.num[data.match.numplayers] = i; } static void Y_CalculateMatchData(UINT8 rankingsmode, void (*comparison)(INT32)) { INT32 i, j; boolean completed[MAXPLAYERS]; INT32 numplayersingame = 0; // Initialize variables if (rankingsmode > 1) ; else if ((data.match.rankingsmode = (boolean)rankingsmode)) { sprintf(data.match.levelstring, "* Total Rankings *"); data.match.encore = false; } else { // set up the levelstring if (mapheaderinfo[prevmap]->levelflags & LF_NOZONE) { if (mapheaderinfo[prevmap]->actnum[0]) snprintf(data.match.levelstring, sizeof data.match.levelstring, "* %s %s *", mapheaderinfo[prevmap]->lvlttl, mapheaderinfo[prevmap]->actnum); else snprintf(data.match.levelstring, sizeof data.match.levelstring, "* %s *", mapheaderinfo[prevmap]->lvlttl); } else { const char *zonttl = (mapheaderinfo[prevmap]->zonttl[0] ? mapheaderinfo[prevmap]->zonttl : "Zone"); if (mapheaderinfo[prevmap]->actnum[0]) snprintf(data.match.levelstring, sizeof data.match.levelstring, "* %s %s %s *", mapheaderinfo[prevmap]->lvlttl, zonttl, mapheaderinfo[prevmap]->actnum); else snprintf(data.match.levelstring, sizeof data.match.levelstring, "* %s %s *", mapheaderinfo[prevmap]->lvlttl, zonttl); } data.match.levelstring[sizeof data.match.levelstring - 1] = '\0'; data.match.encore = encoremode; memset(data.match.jitter, 0, sizeof (data.match.jitter)); } for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) { data.match.val[i] = UINT32_MAX; if (!playeringame[i] || players[i].spectator) { data.match.increase[i] = UINT8_MAX; continue; } if (!rankingsmode) data.match.increase[i] = UINT8_MAX; numplayersingame++; } memset(data.match.color, 0, sizeof (data.match.color)); memset(data.match.character, 0, sizeof (data.match.character)); memset(completed, 0, sizeof (completed)); data.match.numplayers = 0; for (j = 0; j < numplayersingame; j++) { INT32 nump = ((G_RaceGametype() && nospectategrief > 0) ? nospectategrief : numplayersingame); for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) { if (!playeringame[i] || players[i].spectator || completed[i]) continue; comparison(i); } i = data.match.num[data.match.numplayers]; completed[i] = true; data.match.color[data.match.numplayers] = &players[i].skincolor; data.match.character[data.match.numplayers] = &players[i].skin; data.match.name[data.match.numplayers] = player_names[i]; if (data.match.numplayers && (data.match.val[data.match.numplayers] == data.match.val[data.match.numplayers-1])) data.match.pos[data.match.numplayers] = data.match.pos[data.match.numplayers-1]; else data.match.pos[data.match.numplayers] = data.match.numplayers+1; if (!rankingsmode && !(players[i].pflags & PF_TIMEOVER) && (data.match.pos[data.match.numplayers] < nump)) { data.match.increase[i] = nump - data.match.pos[data.match.numplayers]; players[i].score += data.match.increase[i]; } if (demo.recording && !rankingsmode) G_WriteStanding( data.match.pos[data.match.numplayers], data.match.name[data.match.numplayers], *data.match.character[data.match.numplayers], *data.match.color[data.match.numplayers], data.match.val[data.match.numplayers] ); data.match.numplayers++; } } // // Y_IntermissionDrawer // // Called by D_Display. Nothing is modified here; all it does is draw. (SRB2Kart: er, about that...) // Neat concept, huh? // void Y_IntermissionDrawer(void) { INT32 i, whiteplayer = MAXPLAYERS, x = 4, hilicol = V_YELLOWMAP; // fallback if (intertype == int_none || rendermode == render_none) return; if (!usebuffer) V_DrawFill(0, 0, BASEVIDWIDTH, BASEVIDHEIGHT, 31); if (useinterpic) V_DrawScaledPatch(0, 0, 0, interpic); else if (!usetile) { if (rendermode == render_soft && usebuffer) VID_BlitLinearScreen(screens[1], screens[0], vid.width*vid.bpp, vid.height, vid.width*vid.bpp, vid.rowbytes); #ifdef HWRENDER else if(rendermode != render_soft && usebuffer) { HWR_DrawIntermissionBG(); } #endif else { if (widebgpatch && rendermode == render_soft && vid.width / vid.dupx == 400) V_DrawScaledPatch(0, 0, V_SNAPTOLEFT, widebgpatch); else V_DrawScaledPatch(0, 0, 0, bgpatch); } } else V_DrawPatchFill(bgtile); if (usebuffer) // Fade everything out V_DrawFadeScreen(0xFF00, 22); if (!splitscreen) whiteplayer = demo.playback ? displayplayers[0] : consoleplayer; if (cons_menuhighlight.value) hilicol = cons_menuhighlight.value; else if (modeattacking) hilicol = V_ORANGEMAP; else hilicol = ((intertype == int_race) ? V_SKYMAP : V_REDMAP); if (sorttic != -1 && intertic > sorttic && !demo.playback) { INT32 count = (intertic - sorttic); if (count < 8) x -= ((count * vid.width) / (8 * vid.dupx)); else if (count == 8) goto dotimer; else if (count < 16) x += (((16 - count) * vid.width) / (8 * vid.dupx)); } // SRB2kart 290117 - compeltely replaced this block. /*if (intertype == int_timeattack) { // draw time ST_DrawPatchFromHud(HUD_TIME, sbotime); if (cv_timetic.value) ST_DrawNumFromHud(HUD_SECONDS, data.coop.tics); else { INT32 seconds, minutes, tictrn; seconds = G_TicsToSeconds(data.coop.tics); minutes = G_TicsToMinutes(data.coop.tics, true); tictrn = G_TicsToCentiseconds(data.coop.tics); ST_DrawNumFromHud(HUD_MINUTES, minutes); // Minutes ST_DrawPatchFromHud(HUD_TIMECOLON, sbocolon); // Colon ST_DrawPadNumFromHud(HUD_SECONDS, seconds, 2); // Seconds // SRB2kart - pulled from old coop block, just in case we need it // we should show centiseconds on the intermission screen too, if the conditions are right. if (modeattacking || cv_timetic.value == 2) { ST_DrawPatchFromHud(HUD_TIMETICCOLON, sboperiod); // Period ST_DrawPadNumFromHud(HUD_TICS, tictrn, 2); // Tics } ST_DrawPatchFromHud(HUD_TIMETICCOLON, sboperiod); // Period ST_DrawPadNumFromHud(HUD_TICS, tictrn, 2); // Tics } // draw the "got through act" lines and act number V_DrawLevelTitle(data.coop.passedx1, 49, 0, data.coop.passed1); V_DrawLevelTitle(data.coop.passedx2, 49+V_LevelNameHeight(data.coop.passed2)+2, 0, data.coop.passed2); if (strlen(mapheaderinfo[prevmap]->actnum) > 0) V_DrawScaledPatch(244, 57, 0, data.coop.ttlnum); //if (gottimebonus && endtic != -1) // V_DrawCenteredString(BASEVIDWIDTH/2, 172, V_YELLOWMAP, "TIME BONUS UNLOCKED!"); } else*/ if (intertype == int_race || intertype == int_match) { #define NUMFORNEWCOLUMN 8 INT32 y = 41, gutter = ((data.match.numplayers > NUMFORNEWCOLUMN) ? 0 : (BASEVIDWIDTH/2)); INT32 dupadjust = (vid.width/vid.dupx), duptweak = (dupadjust - BASEVIDWIDTH)/2; const char *timeheader; if (data.match.rankingsmode) timeheader = "RANK"; else timeheader = (intertype == int_race ? "TIME" : "SCORE"); // draw the level name V_DrawCenteredString(-4 + x + BASEVIDWIDTH/2, 12, 0, data.match.levelstring); V_DrawFill((x-3) - duptweak, 34, dupadjust-2, 1, 0); if (data.match.encore) V_DrawCenteredString(-4 + x + BASEVIDWIDTH/2, 12-8, hilicol, "ENCORE MODE"); if (data.match.numplayers > NUMFORNEWCOLUMN) { V_DrawFill(x+156, 24, 1, 158, 0); V_DrawFill((x-3) - duptweak, 182, dupadjust-2, 1, 0); V_DrawCenteredString(x+6+(BASEVIDWIDTH/2), 24, hilicol, "#"); V_DrawString(x+36+(BASEVIDWIDTH/2), 24, hilicol, "NAME"); V_DrawRightAlignedString(x+152, 24, hilicol, timeheader); } V_DrawCenteredString(x+6, 24, hilicol, "#"); V_DrawString(x+36, 24, hilicol, "NAME"); V_DrawRightAlignedString(x+(BASEVIDWIDTH/2)+152, 24, hilicol, timeheader); for (i = 0; i < data.match.numplayers; i++) { boolean dojitter = data.match.jitter[data.match.num[i]]; data.match.jitter[data.match.num[i]] = 0; if (data.match.num[i] != MAXPLAYERS && playeringame[data.match.num[i]] && !players[data.match.num[i]].spectator) { char strtime[MAXPLAYERNAME+1]; if (dojitter) y--; V_DrawCenteredString(x+6, y, 0, va("%d", data.match.pos[i])); if (data.match.color[i]) { UINT8 *colormap = R_GetTranslationColormap(*data.match.character[i], *data.match.color[i], GTC_CACHE); V_DrawMappedPatch(x+16, y-4, 0, facerankprefix[*data.match.character[i]], colormap); } if (data.match.num[i] == whiteplayer) { UINT8 cursorframe = (intertic / 4) % 8; V_DrawScaledPatch(x+16, y-4, 0, W_CachePatchName(va("K_CHILI%d", cursorframe+1), PU_CACHE)); } STRBUFCPY(strtime, data.match.name[i]); if (data.match.numplayers > NUMFORNEWCOLUMN) V_DrawThinString(x+36, y-1, ((data.match.num[i] == whiteplayer) ? hilicol : 0)|V_ALLOWLOWERCASE|V_6WIDTHSPACE, strtime); else V_DrawString(x+36, y, ((data.match.num[i] == whiteplayer) ? hilicol : 0)|V_ALLOWLOWERCASE, strtime); if (data.match.rankingsmode) { if (data.match.increase[data.match.num[i]] != UINT8_MAX) { if (data.match.increase[data.match.num[i]] > 9) snprintf(strtime, sizeof strtime, "(+%02d)", data.match.increase[data.match.num[i]]); else snprintf(strtime, sizeof strtime, "(+ %d)", data.match.increase[data.match.num[i]]); if (data.match.numplayers > NUMFORNEWCOLUMN) V_DrawRightAlignedThinString(x+135+gutter, y-1, V_6WIDTHSPACE, strtime); else V_DrawRightAlignedString(x+120+gutter, y, 0, strtime); } snprintf(strtime, sizeof strtime, "%d", data.match.val[i]); if (data.match.numplayers > NUMFORNEWCOLUMN) V_DrawRightAlignedThinString(x+152+gutter, y-1, V_6WIDTHSPACE, strtime); else V_DrawRightAlignedString(x+152+gutter, y, 0, strtime); } else { if (data.match.val[i] == (UINT32_MAX-1)) V_DrawRightAlignedThinString(x+152+gutter, y-1, (data.match.numplayers > NUMFORNEWCOLUMN ? V_6WIDTHSPACE : 0), "NO CONTEST."); else { if (intertype == int_race) { snprintf(strtime, sizeof strtime, "%i'%02i\"%02i", G_TicsToMinutes(data.match.val[i], true), G_TicsToSeconds(data.match.val[i]), G_TicsToCentiseconds(data.match.val[i])); strtime[sizeof strtime - 1] = '\0'; if (data.match.numplayers > NUMFORNEWCOLUMN) V_DrawRightAlignedThinString(x+152+gutter, y-1, V_6WIDTHSPACE, strtime); else V_DrawRightAlignedString(x+152+gutter, y, 0, strtime); } else { if (data.match.numplayers > NUMFORNEWCOLUMN) V_DrawRightAlignedThinString(x+152+gutter, y-1, V_6WIDTHSPACE, va("%i", data.match.val[i])); else V_DrawRightAlignedString(x+152+gutter, y, 0, va("%i", data.match.val[i])); } } } if (dojitter) y++; } else data.match.num[i] = MAXPLAYERS; // this should be the only field setting in this function y += 18; if (i == NUMFORNEWCOLUMN-1) { y = 41; x += BASEVIDWIDTH/2; } #undef NUMFORNEWCOLUMN } } dotimer: if (timer) { char *string; INT32 tickdown = (timer+1)/TICRATE; if (multiplayer && demo.playback) string = va("Replay ends in %d", tickdown); else string = va("%s starts in %d", cv_advancemap.string, tickdown); V_DrawCenteredString(BASEVIDWIDTH/2, 188, hilicol, string); } if ((demo.recording || demo.savemode == DSM_SAVED) && !demo.playback) switch (demo.savemode) { case DSM_NOTSAVING: V_DrawRightAlignedThinString(BASEVIDWIDTH - 2, 2, V_SNAPTOTOP|V_SNAPTORIGHT|V_ALLOWLOWERCASE|hilicol, "Look Backward: Save replay"); break; case DSM_SAVED: V_DrawRightAlignedThinString(BASEVIDWIDTH - 2, 2, V_SNAPTOTOP|V_SNAPTORIGHT|V_ALLOWLOWERCASE|hilicol, "Replay saved!"); break; case DSM_TITLEENTRY: ST_DrawDemoTitleEntry(); break; default: // Don't render any text here break; } // Make it obvious that scrambling is happening next round. if (cv_scrambleonchange.value && cv_teamscramble.value && (intertic/TICRATE % 2 == 0)) V_DrawCenteredString(BASEVIDWIDTH/2, BASEVIDHEIGHT/2, hilicol, M_GetText("Teams will be scrambled next round!")); } // // Y_Ticker // // Manages fake score tally for single player end of act, and decides when intermission is over. // void Y_Ticker(void) { if (intertype == int_none) return; if (demo.recording) { if (demo.savemode == DSM_NOTSAVING && InputDown(gc_lookback, 1)) demo.savemode = DSM_TITLEENTRY; if (demo.savemode == DSM_WILLSAVE || demo.savemode == DSM_WILLAUTOSAVE) G_SaveDemo(); } // Check for pause or menu up in single player if (paused || P_AutoPause()) return; #ifdef HAVE_BLUA LUAh_IntermissionThinker(); #endif intertic++; // Team scramble code for team match and CTF. // Don't do this if we're going to automatically scramble teams next round. /*if (G_GametypeHasTeams() && cv_teamscramble.value && !cv_scrambleonchange.value && server) { // If we run out of time in intermission, the beauty is that // the P_Ticker() team scramble code will pick it up. if ((intertic % (TICRATE/7)) == 0) P_DoTeamscrambling(); }*/ // multiplayer uses timer (based on cv_inttime) if (timer) { if (!--timer) { Y_EndIntermission(); Y_FollowIntermission(); return; } } // single player is hardcoded to go away after awhile else if (intertic == endtic) { Y_EndIntermission(); Y_FollowIntermission(); return; } if (intertic < TICRATE || intertic & 1 || endtic != -1) return; if (intertype == int_race || intertype == int_match) { if (netgame || multiplayer) { if (sorttic == -1) sorttic = intertic + max((cv_inttime.value/2)-2, 2)*TICRATE; // 8 second pause after match results else if (!(multiplayer && demo.playback)) // Don't advance to rankings in replays { if (!data.match.rankingsmode && (intertic >= sorttic + 8)) Y_CalculateMatchData(1, Y_CompareRank); if (data.match.rankingsmode && intertic > sorttic+16+(2*TICRATE)) { INT32 q=0,r=0; boolean kaching = true; for (q = 0; q < data.match.numplayers; q++) { if (data.match.num[q] == MAXPLAYERS || !data.match.increase[data.match.num[q]] || data.match.increase[data.match.num[q]] == UINT8_MAX) continue; r++; data.match.jitter[data.match.num[q]] = 1; if (--data.match.increase[data.match.num[q]]) kaching = false; } if (r) { S_StartSound(NULL, (kaching ? sfx_chchng : sfx_ptally)); Y_CalculateMatchData(2, Y_CompareRank); } else endtic = intertic + 3*TICRATE; // 3 second pause after end of tally } } } else endtic = intertic + 8*TICRATE; // 8 second pause after end of tally } } // // Y_UpdateRecordReplays // // Update replay files/data, etc. for Record Attack // See G_SetNightsRecords for NiGHTS Attack. // static void Y_UpdateRecordReplays(void) { const size_t glen = strlen(srb2home)+1+strlen("replay")+1+strlen(timeattackfolder)+1+strlen("MAPXX")+1; char *gpath; char lastdemo[256], bestdemo[256]; UINT8 earnedEmblems; // Record new best time if (!mainrecords[gamemap-1]) G_AllocMainRecordData(gamemap-1); if ((mainrecords[gamemap-1]->time == 0) || (players[consoleplayer].realtime < mainrecords[gamemap-1]->time)) mainrecords[gamemap-1]->time = players[consoleplayer].realtime; if ((mainrecords[gamemap-1]->lap == 0) || (bestlap < mainrecords[gamemap-1]->lap)) mainrecords[gamemap-1]->lap = bestlap; // Save demo! bestdemo[255] = '\0'; lastdemo[255] = '\0'; G_SetDemoTime(players[consoleplayer].realtime, bestlap); G_CheckDemoStatus(); I_mkdir(va("%s"PATHSEP"replay", srb2home), 0755); I_mkdir(va("%s"PATHSEP"replay"PATHSEP"%s", srb2home, timeattackfolder), 0755); if ((gpath = malloc(glen)) == NULL) I_Error("Out of memory for replay filepath\n"); sprintf(gpath,"%s"PATHSEP"replay"PATHSEP"%s"PATHSEP"%s", srb2home, timeattackfolder, G_BuildMapName(gamemap)); snprintf(lastdemo, 255, "%s-%s-last.lmp", gpath, cv_chooseskin.string); if (FIL_FileExists(lastdemo)) { UINT8 *buf; size_t len = FIL_ReadFile(lastdemo, &buf); snprintf(bestdemo, 255, "%s-%s-time-best.lmp", gpath, cv_chooseskin.string); if (!FIL_FileExists(bestdemo) || G_CmpDemoTime(bestdemo, lastdemo) & 1) { // Better time, save this demo. if (FIL_FileExists(bestdemo)) remove(bestdemo); FIL_WriteFile(bestdemo, buf, len); CONS_Printf("\x83%s\x80 %s '%s'\n", M_GetText("NEW RECORD TIME!"), M_GetText("Saved replay as"), bestdemo); } snprintf(bestdemo, 255, "%s-%s-lap-best.lmp", gpath, cv_chooseskin.string); if (!FIL_FileExists(bestdemo) || G_CmpDemoTime(bestdemo, lastdemo) & (1<<1)) { // Better lap time, save this demo. if (FIL_FileExists(bestdemo)) remove(bestdemo); FIL_WriteFile(bestdemo, buf, len); CONS_Printf("\x83%s\x80 %s '%s'\n", M_GetText("NEW RECORD LAP!"), M_GetText("Saved replay as"), bestdemo); } //CONS_Printf("%s '%s'\n", M_GetText("Saved replay as"), lastdemo); Z_Free(buf); } free(gpath); // Check emblems when level data is updated if ((earnedEmblems = M_CheckLevelEmblems())) CONS_Printf(M_GetText("\x82" "Earned %hu medal%s for Record Attack records.\n"), (UINT16)earnedEmblems, earnedEmblems > 1 ? "s" : ""); if (M_UpdateUnlockablesAndExtraEmblems(false)) S_StartSound(NULL, sfx_ncitem); // SRB2Kart - save here so you NEVER lose your earned times/medals. G_SaveGameData(false); // Update timeattack menu's replay availability. CV_AddValue(&cv_nextmap, 1); CV_AddValue(&cv_nextmap, -1); } // // Y_StartIntermission // // Called by G_DoCompleted. Sets up data for intermission drawer/ticker. // void Y_StartIntermission(void) { intertic = -1; #ifdef PARANOIA if (endtic != -1) I_Error("endtic is dirty"); #endif if (!multiplayer) { timer = 0; /* // srb2kart: time attack tally is UGLY rn if (modeattacking) intertype = int_timeattack; else */ intertype = int_race; } else { if (cv_inttime.value == 0 && gametype == GT_COOP) timer = 0; else if (demo.playback) // Override inttime (which is pulled from the replay anyway timer = 10*TICRATE; else { timer = cv_inttime.value*TICRATE; if (!timer) timer = 1; } if (gametype == GT_MATCH) intertype = int_match; else //if (gametype == GT_RACE) intertype = int_race; } // We couldn't display the intermission even if we wanted to. // But we still need to give the players their score bonuses, dummy. //if (dedicated) return; // This should always exist, but just in case... if(!mapheaderinfo[prevmap]) P_AllocMapHeader(prevmap); switch (intertype) { case int_match: { // Calculate who won Y_CalculateMatchData(0, Y_CompareBattle); if (cv_inttime.value > 0) S_ChangeMusicInternal("racent", true); // loop it break; } case int_race: // (time-only race) { if (!majormods && !multiplayer && !demo.playback) // remove this once we have a proper time attack screen { // Update visitation flags mapvisited[gamemap-1] |= MV_BEATEN; if (ALL7EMERALDS(emeralds)) mapvisited[gamemap-1] |= MV_ALLEMERALDS; /*if (ultimatemode) mapvisited[gamemap-1] |= MV_ULTIMATE; if (data.coop.gotperfbonus) mapvisited[gamemap-1] |= MV_PERFECT;*/ if (modeattacking == ATTACKING_RECORD) Y_UpdateRecordReplays(); } // Calculate who won Y_CalculateMatchData(0, Y_CompareRace); break; } case int_none: default: break; } //if (intertype == int_race || intertype == int_match) { //bgtile = W_CachePatchName("SRB2BACK", PU_STATIC); usetile = useinterpic = false; usebuffer = true; } } // ====== // // Y_EndIntermission // void Y_EndIntermission(void) { Y_UnloadData(); endtic = -1; sorttic = -1; intertype = int_none; usebuffer = false; } // // Y_FollowIntermission // static void Y_FollowIntermission(void) { // This handles whether to play a post-level cutscene, end the game, // or simply go to the next level. // No need to duplicate the code here! G_AfterIntermission(); } #define UNLOAD(x) Z_ChangeTag(x, PU_CACHE); x = NULL // // Y_UnloadData // static void Y_UnloadData(void) { // In hardware mode, don't Z_ChangeTag a pointer returned by W_CachePatchName(). // It doesn't work and is unnecessary. if (rendermode != render_soft) return; // unload the background patches UNLOAD(bgpatch); UNLOAD(widebgpatch); UNLOAD(bgtile); UNLOAD(interpic); /*switch (intertype) { case int_coop: // unload the coop and single player patches UNLOAD(data.coop.ttlnum); UNLOAD(data.coop.bonuspatches[3]); UNLOAD(data.coop.bonuspatches[2]); UNLOAD(data.coop.bonuspatches[1]); UNLOAD(data.coop.bonuspatches[0]); UNLOAD(data.coop.ptotal); break; case int_spec: // unload the special stage patches //UNLOAD(data.spec.cemerald); //UNLOAD(data.spec.nowsuper); UNLOAD(data.spec.bonuspatch); UNLOAD(data.spec.pscore); UNLOAD(data.spec.pcontinues); break; case int_match: case int_race: default: //without this default, //int_none, int_tag, int_chaos, and int_classicrace //are not handled break; }*/ } // SRB2Kart: Voting! // // Y_VoteDrawer // // Draws the voting screen! // void Y_VoteDrawer(void) { INT32 i, x, y = 0, height = 0; UINT8 selected[4]; fixed_t rubyheight = 0; if (rendermode == render_none) return; if (votetic >= voteendtic && voteendtic != -1) return; if (!voteclient.loaded) return; { static angle_t rubyfloattime = 0; rubyheight = FINESINE(rubyfloattime>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT); rubyfloattime += FixedMul(ANGLE_MAX/NEWTICRATE, renderdeltatics); } V_DrawFill(0, 0, BASEVIDWIDTH, BASEVIDHEIGHT, 31); if (widebgpatch && rendermode == render_soft && vid.width / vid.dupx > 320) V_DrawScaledPatch(((vid.width/2) / vid.dupx) - (SHORT(widebgpatch->width)/2), (vid.height / vid.dupy) - SHORT(widebgpatch->height), V_SNAPTOTOP|V_SNAPTOLEFT, widebgpatch); else V_DrawScaledPatch(((vid.width/2) / vid.dupx) - (SHORT(bgpatch->width)/2), // Keep the width/height adjustments, for screens that are less wide than 320(?) (vid.height / vid.dupy) - SHORT(bgpatch->height), V_SNAPTOTOP|V_SNAPTOLEFT, bgpatch); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) // First, we need to figure out the height of this thing... { UINT8 j; selected[i] = 0; // Initialize for (j = 0; j <= splitscreen; j++) { if (voteclient.playerinfo[j].selection == i) selected[i]++; } if (selected[i]) height += 50; else height += 25; if (i < 3) height += 5-splitscreen; } y = (200-height)/2; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { const char *str; patch_t *pic; UINT8 j, color; if (i == 3) { str = "RANDOM"; pic = randomlvl; } else { str = levelinfo[i].str; pic = levelinfo[i].pic; } if (selected[i]) { UINT8 sizeadd = selected[i]; for (j = 0; j <= splitscreen; j++) // another loop for drawing the selection backgrounds in the right order, grumble grumble.. { INT32 handy = y; UINT8 p; UINT8 *colormap; patch_t *thiscurs; if (voteclient.playerinfo[j].selection != i) continue; if (!splitscreen) { thiscurs = cursor; p = consoleplayer; color = levelinfo[i].gtc; colormap = NULL; } else { switch (j) { case 1: thiscurs = cursor2; p = displayplayers[1]; break; case 2: thiscurs = cursor3; p = displayplayers[2]; break; case 3: thiscurs = cursor4; p = displayplayers[3]; break; default: thiscurs = cursor1; p = displayplayers[0]; break; } color = colortranslations[players[p].skincolor][7]; colormap = R_GetTranslationColormap(TC_DEFAULT, players[p].skincolor, GTC_CACHE); } if (votes[p] != -1 || players[p].spectator) continue; handy += 6*(3-splitscreen) + (13*j); V_DrawMappedPatch(BASEVIDWIDTH-124, handy, V_SNAPTORIGHT, thiscurs, colormap); if (votetic % 10 < 4) V_DrawFill(BASEVIDWIDTH-100-sizeadd, y-sizeadd, 80+(sizeadd*2), 50+(sizeadd*2), 120|V_SNAPTORIGHT); else V_DrawFill(BASEVIDWIDTH-100-sizeadd, y-sizeadd, 80+(sizeadd*2), 50+(sizeadd*2), color|V_SNAPTORIGHT); sizeadd--; } if (!levelinfo[i].encore) V_DrawSmallScaledPatch(BASEVIDWIDTH-100, y, V_SNAPTORIGHT, pic); else { V_DrawFixedPatch((BASEVIDWIDTH-20)<= 3 && (i != pickedvote || voteendtic == -1)) pic = randomlvl; else pic = levelinfo[votes[i]].pic; if (!timer && i == voteclient.ranim) { V_DrawScaledPatch(x-18, y+9, V_SNAPTOLEFT, cursor); if (voteendtic != -1 && !(votetic % 4)) V_DrawFill(x-1, y-1, 42, 27, 120|V_SNAPTOLEFT); else V_DrawFill(x-1, y-1, 42, 27, levelinfo[votes[i]].gtc|V_SNAPTOLEFT); } if (!levelinfo[votes[i]].encore) V_DrawTinyScaledPatch(x, y, V_SNAPTOLEFT, pic); else { V_DrawFixedPatch((x+40)< BASEVIDHEIGHT-40) { x += 60; y = 10; } } if (timer) { INT32 hilicol, tickdown = (timer+1)/TICRATE; if (cons_menuhighlight.value) hilicol = cons_menuhighlight.value; else if (gametype == GT_RACE) hilicol = V_SKYMAP; else //if (gametype == GT_MATCH) hilicol = V_REDMAP; V_DrawCenteredString(BASEVIDWIDTH/2, 188, hilicol, va("Vote ends in %d", tickdown)); } } // // Y_VoteStop // // Vote screen's selection stops moving // SINT8 deferredlevel = 0; static void Y_VoteStops(SINT8 pick, SINT8 level) { nextmap = votelevels[level][0]; //if (level == 4) // S_StartSound(NULL, sfx_noooo2); // gasp if (mapheaderinfo[nextmap] && (mapheaderinfo[nextmap]->menuflags & LF2_HIDEINMENU)) S_StartSound(NULL, sfx_noooo1); // this is bad else if (netgame && P_IsLocalPlayer(&players[pick])) S_StartSound(NULL, sfx_yeeeah); // yeeeah! else S_StartSound(NULL, sfx_kc48); // just a cool sound if (gametype != votelevels[level][1]) { INT16 lastgametype = gametype; gametype = votelevels[level][1]; D_GameTypeChanged(lastgametype); forceresetplayers = true; } deferencoremode = (levelinfo[level].encore); } // // Y_VoteTicker // // Vote screen thinking :eggthinking: // void Y_VoteTicker(void) { INT32 i; if (paused || P_AutoPause() || !voteclient.loaded) return; #ifdef HAVE_BLUA LUAh_VoteThinker(); #endif votetic++; if (votetic == voteendtic) { Y_EndVote(); Y_FollowIntermission(); return; } for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) // Correct votes as early as possible, before they're processed by the game at all { if (!playeringame[i] || players[i].spectator) votes[i] = -1; // Spectators are the lower class, and have effectively no voice in the government. Democracy sucks. else if (pickedvote != -1 && votes[i] == -1) votes[i] = 3; // Slow people get random } if (server && pickedvote != -1 && votes[pickedvote] == -1) // Uh oh! The person who got picked left! Recalculate, quick! D_PickVote(); if (!votetic) S_ChangeMusicInternal("vote", true); if (timer) timer--; if (pickedvote != -1) { timer = 0; voteclient.rsynctime++; if (voteendtic == -1) { UINT8 tempvotes[MAXPLAYERS]; UINT8 numvotes = 0; for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) { if (votes[i] == -1) continue; tempvotes[numvotes] = i; numvotes++; } if (numvotes < 1) // Whoops! Get outta here. { Y_EndVote(); Y_FollowIntermission(); return; } voteclient.rtics--; if (voteclient.rtics <= 0) { voteclient.roffset++; voteclient.rtics = min(20, (3*voteclient.roffset/4)+5); S_StartSound(NULL, sfx_kc39); } if (voteclient.rendoff == 0 || voteclient.roffset < voteclient.rendoff) voteclient.ranim = tempvotes[((pickedvote + voteclient.roffset) % numvotes)]; if (voteclient.roffset >= 20) { if (voteclient.rendoff == 0) { if (voteclient.rsynctime % 51 == 0) // Song is 1.45 seconds long (sorry @ whoever wants to replace it in a music wad :V) { for (i = 5; i >= 3; i--) // Find a suitable place to stop { if (tempvotes[((pickedvote + voteclient.roffset + i) % numvotes)] == pickedvote) { voteclient.rendoff = voteclient.roffset+i; if (M_RandomChance(FRACUNIT/32)) // Let it cheat occasionally~ voteclient.rendoff++; S_ChangeMusicInternal("voteeb", false); break; } } } } else if (voteclient.roffset >= voteclient.rendoff) { voteendtic = votetic + (3*TICRATE); Y_VoteStops(pickedvote, deferredlevel); } } } else voteclient.ranim = pickedvote; } else { if (votetic < 3*(NEWTICRATE/7)) // give it some time before letting you control it :V return; for (i = 0; i <= splitscreen; i++) { UINT8 p; boolean pressed = false; switch (i) { case 1: p = displayplayers[1]; break; case 2: p = displayplayers[2]; break; case 3: p = displayplayers[3]; break; default: p = consoleplayer; break; } if (voteclient.playerinfo[i].delay) voteclient.playerinfo[i].delay--; if ((playeringame[p] && !players[p].spectator) && !voteclient.playerinfo[i].delay && pickedvote == -1 && votes[p] == -1) { if (InputDown(gc_aimforward, i+1) || JoyAxis(AXISAIM, i+1) < 0) { voteclient.playerinfo[i].selection--; pressed = true; } if ((InputDown(gc_aimbackward, i+1) || JoyAxis(AXISAIM, i+1) > 0) && !pressed) { voteclient.playerinfo[i].selection++; pressed = true; } if (voteclient.playerinfo[i].selection < 0) voteclient.playerinfo[i].selection = 3; if (voteclient.playerinfo[i].selection > 3) voteclient.playerinfo[i].selection = 0; if ((InputDown(gc_accelerate, i+1) || JoyAxis(AXISMOVE, i+1) > 0) && !pressed) { D_ModifyClientVote(voteclient.playerinfo[i].selection, i); pressed = true; } } if (pressed) { S_StartSound(NULL, sfx_kc4a); voteclient.playerinfo[i].delay = NEWTICRATE/7; } } if (server) { if (timer == 0) { for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) { if ((playeringame[i] && !players[i].spectator) && votes[i] == -1) votes[i] = 3; } } else { for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) { if ((playeringame[i] && !players[i].spectator) && votes[i] == -1) return; } } timer = 0; if (voteendtic == -1) D_PickVote(); } } } // // Y_StartVote // // MK online style voting screen, appears after intermission // void Y_StartVote(void) { INT32 i = 0; UINT8 prefgametype = (votelevels[0][1] & ~0x80); votetic = -1; #ifdef PARANOIA if (voteendtic != -1) I_Error("voteendtic is dirty"); #endif widebgpatch = W_CachePatchName(((prefgametype == GT_MATCH) ? "BATTLSCW" : "INTERSCW"), PU_STATIC); bgpatch = W_CachePatchName(((prefgametype == GT_MATCH) ? "BATTLSCR" : "INTERSCR"), PU_STATIC); cursor = W_CachePatchName("M_CURSOR", PU_STATIC); cursor1 = W_CachePatchName("P1CURSOR", PU_STATIC); cursor2 = W_CachePatchName("P2CURSOR", PU_STATIC); cursor3 = W_CachePatchName("P3CURSOR", PU_STATIC); cursor4 = W_CachePatchName("P4CURSOR", PU_STATIC); randomlvl = W_CachePatchName("RANDOMLV", PU_STATIC); rubyicon = W_CachePatchName("RUBYICON", PU_STATIC); timer = cv_votetime.value*TICRATE; pickedvote = -1; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { voteclient.playerinfo[i].selection = 0; voteclient.playerinfo[i].delay = 0; } voteclient.ranim = 0; voteclient.rtics = 1; voteclient.roffset = 0; voteclient.rsynctime = 0; voteclient.rendoff = 0; for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) votes[i] = -1; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { lumpnum_t lumpnum; // set up the encore levelinfo[i].encore = (votelevels[i][1] & 0x80); votelevels[i][1] &= ~0x80; // set up the levelstring if (mapheaderinfo[votelevels[i][0]]->levelflags & LF_NOZONE || !mapheaderinfo[votelevels[i][0]]->zonttl[0]) { if (mapheaderinfo[votelevels[i][0]]->actnum[0]) snprintf(levelinfo[i].str, sizeof levelinfo[i].str, "%s %s", mapheaderinfo[votelevels[i][0]]->lvlttl, mapheaderinfo[votelevels[i][0]]->actnum); else snprintf(levelinfo[i].str, sizeof levelinfo[i].str, "%s", mapheaderinfo[votelevels[i][0]]->lvlttl); } else { if (mapheaderinfo[votelevels[i][0]]->actnum[0]) snprintf(levelinfo[i].str, sizeof levelinfo[i].str, "%s %s %s", mapheaderinfo[votelevels[i][0]]->lvlttl, mapheaderinfo[votelevels[i][0]]->zonttl, mapheaderinfo[votelevels[i][0]]->actnum); else snprintf(levelinfo[i].str, sizeof levelinfo[i].str, "%s %s", mapheaderinfo[votelevels[i][0]]->lvlttl, mapheaderinfo[votelevels[i][0]]->zonttl); } levelinfo[i].str[sizeof levelinfo[i].str - 1] = '\0'; // set up the gtc and gts levelinfo[i].gtc = G_GetGametypeColor(votelevels[i][1]); if (i == 2 && votelevels[i][1] != votelevels[0][1]) levelinfo[i].gts = gametype_cons_t[votelevels[i][1]].strvalue; else levelinfo[i].gts = NULL; // set up the pic lumpnum = W_CheckNumForName(va("%sP", G_BuildMapName(votelevels[i][0]+1))); if (lumpnum != LUMPERROR) levelinfo[i].pic = W_CachePatchName(va("%sP", G_BuildMapName(votelevels[i][0]+1)), PU_STATIC); else levelinfo[i].pic = W_CachePatchName("BLANKLVL", PU_STATIC); } voteclient.loaded = true; } // // Y_EndVote // void Y_EndVote(void) { Y_UnloadVoteData(); voteendtic = -1; } // // Y_UnloadVoteData // static void Y_UnloadVoteData(void) { voteclient.loaded = false; if (rendermode != render_soft) return; UNLOAD(widebgpatch); UNLOAD(bgpatch); UNLOAD(cursor); UNLOAD(cursor1); UNLOAD(cursor2); UNLOAD(cursor3); UNLOAD(cursor4); UNLOAD(randomlvl); UNLOAD(rubyicon); UNLOAD(levelinfo[3].pic); UNLOAD(levelinfo[2].pic); UNLOAD(levelinfo[1].pic); UNLOAD(levelinfo[0].pic); } // // Y_SetupVoteFinish // void Y_SetupVoteFinish(SINT8 pick, SINT8 level) { if (!voteclient.loaded) return; if (pick == -1) // No other votes? We gotta get out of here, then! { Y_EndVote(); Y_FollowIntermission(); return; } if (pickedvote == -1) { INT32 i; SINT8 votecompare = -1; INT32 endtype = 0; voteclient.rsynctime = 0; for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) { if ((playeringame[i] && !players[i].spectator) && votes[i] == -1) votes[i] = 3; if (votes[i] == -1 || endtype > 1) // Don't need to go on continue; if (endtype == 2) continue; if (votecompare == -1) { votecompare = votes[i]; endtype = 1; } else if (votes[i] != votecompare) endtype = 2; } if (endtype == 1) // Only one unique vote, so just end it immediately. { voteendtic = votetic + (5*TICRATE); S_ChangeMusicInternal("voteeb", false); Y_VoteStops(pick, level); } else if (endtype == 0) // Might as well put this here, too. { Y_EndVote(); Y_FollowIntermission(); return; } else S_ChangeMusicInternal("voteea", true); } deferredlevel = level; pickedvote = pick; timer = 0; }