Now FixedHypot uses the code from R_PointToDist2, and R_PointToDist2 just calls FixedHypot.
Ultimately, this branch was intended to get rid of a redundant way to retrieve distance and replace it with the one that was actually good at its job. So consolidating FixedHypot and R_PointToDist2 together is just an extension of that.
Not convinced that the small speed benefit from P_AproxDistance is worth the "aproximate"[sic] results it gives. Let's instead try a define to replace it with FixedHypot. In Lua, the function gives a deprecated warning.
Inspired by the hyperwall fix for vanilla, except for everything. From little testing, actively improves waypoint checks, bumping, speed checks, wall collisions, Jawz targetting, Lightning Shield attacks, so on.
The only way I see this as a potential downgrade is A_Look (and related functions) getting slower, which are barely used in Kart.
. tmthing can be NULL if called from PTR_SlideTraverse, so we should use slidemo instead
This fixes a crash that occurs in yet ANOTHER SUGOI map, involving bouncy walls next to sloped floors/ceilings