- Comeback timer is now always 10 seconds instead of scaling
- Takes 10 seconds before exiting
- Flashing tics is doubled in Battle Mode
- Removed a bunch of bomb nerfs
- Bombs are back to making only 1 point per hit
- Exposed K_GetKartAccel & K_GetKartFlashing to Lua
- Item boxes should no longer drop while going up slopes
- Trading item boxes with a bomb should turn you back into a bomb
- Balloons should no longer all respawn when dying in pits in 2-player
- Flashing players are able to kill *thrown* shells again (shields and
trap items are still unkillable). Prevents red shells from being able to
stick to a flashing player and hurt them again as soon as they're done
- CHECK appears at a farther distance
- You can now choose to carry an item to someone instead of bombing
- You need to bomb someone or give an item a combined total of three
times in order to come back.
- Bombing somone gives 2 points while giving items doesn't award you any
- Position number still flashes after you've won, and it flashes rainbow
for people who have won and are in 1st place!
- Flashing players can no longer eat items
- Fixed kartstarsfx playing the alarm in conjunction with music
- Fixed some items no longer causing wipeout
- Bomb overlay is invisible during comeback timer, and flickers back in
when it's almost up
- Show comeback timer on HUD
- Feather is stronger & has more gravity
- Option to use SMK star alarm instead of overlapping music
- Using P_MobjDamage normally on players now defaults to normal spinout
instead of shell's instant stop
- Some general gametype case fixes (most notably, being able to spin
people out in Race using a mushroom)
- Comeback timer gets higher the more you get hit
- Your ghost appears over the bomb
- Speed & accel is set to worst while a bomb
- CHECK range scales with kartcc
- Player arrows now show if a player is in the item roulette
- Boo has been improved, and added back to Battle's item roulette
- The CHECK HUD item is now more accurate, and should appear more often
- Early comeback mechanic. Functional, but really unpolished
- Attempted (again) to make the first player to join in a netgame spawn
with balloons
- No longer shows respawn text on death
Added extra boolean for P_SlideMove forceslide, since kart's walls are almost all bouncy slidemove will almost always bounce things instead, even if we don't want it to.
The issue was that because both them and the player had MF_SOLID, the tmfloorz of the spring was getting set to above the player (or vicea versa with tmceilingz), forcing it upwards with them under certain circumstances.
Now, springs only acknowledge the solidity (for purpose of tmfloorz/tmceilingz) of objects they CAN'T launch.
Accelcode now factors in forwardmove value rather than a boolean. This is used to enable clutching (or whatever you call it; accel+brake) to give its own result.
Fixed Thwomps killing players rather than crushing them.
Reverted buggy collision experiment from previous version.
Hardcoded Collide.lua.
Added player boolean array "Collide", used by Collide.lua.
Walls are now bouncy by default again, like they were in 1.09.
Buffed Orange Drift sparks, the boost now lasts 60 frames up from 40.
Diagonal springs now keep your current speed if you are faster than their set speed. This only affects players for now.
Offroad is no longer handled by &256, and is now handled by &2, &3, &4; Damage (Damage (Water), Damage (Fire), and Damage (Electric))
Starpost mobj radius and height have been reduced to 1*FRACUNIT, this should fix the checkpoint infinispawn bug.
Mushrooms rewritten to not use Instathrust, instead they jack up your accel to 10x. Feels nicer.
Floor mushroom panels no longer activate while above them
Mushrooms force player to accelerate (and cannot brake)
K_PlayTauntSound works now. (YES YES YES HUP HUP YES HUP HERE WE GO)
Star and Mega sfx might stop correctly now in netgames (need to test)
Item box radius and height increased from 32 to 36.
HOWEVER, since these changes to PIT_CheckThing do raise questions about whether there may be unintended side effects here. As a result, I may remake this for internal only if necessary.
Wall collision fixes
Fixes included in this branch:
* A fix for a specific crash encountered in a SUGOI map (sound familiar?) caused by bouncing off a wall adjacent to a slope
* A fix for solid midtextures not accounting for Effect 3/Peg Midtexture properly (https://mb.srb2.org/showthread.php?t=41462)
* A fix for solid midtextures not accounting for texture y offsets properly for non-Lower Unpegged/Peg Midtextured midtextures
* A fix for solid midtextures not accounting for "infinite" repeats (Repeat Midtexture + no repeat count set)
* ~~A fix for Effect 4 on Polyobject First Line making that particular linedef's midtexture solid in addition to making planes visible - this is not wanted if you want a polyobject with both visible planes and full intangibility.~~ Apparently they never did this anyway, don't mind me \o/
See merge request !104
. tmthing can be NULL if called from PTR_SlideTraverse, so we should use slidemo instead
This fixes a crash that occurs in yet ANOTHER SUGOI map, involving bouncy walls next to sloped floors/ceilings
- Now checks whether the player's top is below the bottom of the fan/gas jet, instead of its bottom. zdist calculation not affected.
- mo->standingslope is NULL'd so the player isn't launched off at a wacky angle. (I also did this for springs, since Prime mentioned it was a problem for them too.)
The whole thing needs a refactor in general, but it's almost 2am here, I need my sleeb, and this fix would probably break something with 2.1 climbing if I made it any more/less (depending on viewpoint) complicated.
Fix for teetering on PolyObjects
So... somebody goofed and didn't realise PolyObject sectors could be added to the sector node list for each object (which is referenced by mobj->touching_sectorlist), via their linedefs if they are nearby the player (yes, PolyObject linedefs are special and get to move about the level). As it turns out, this allows even INTANGIBLE PolyObjects to make you teeter in a seemingly inexplicable way.
What is happening is that PolyObject sectors, when they are added to the mentioned lists, are then checked under normal sector teetering conditions - if the player is above the floorheight by 24 FUs, you're officially teetering unless stated otherwise. The actual PolyObject teetering code can't help you here if the conditions are right, especially if they're taller than 24 FU in height.
There are a number of things wrong with the teetering code in general that I'd like to sort eventually, but at least now teetering on PolyObjects is fixed at last ...right? Please check the branch out if you can to check this, obviously.
See merge request !54
Compiling errors fixed in this commit:
* Various cases of mixed declaration and statement code
* Implicit declaration of slope functions (read: you forgot to put "include "p_slopes.h" in MORE than a few places)
* an odd case of a bad fixed_t to float typecase, cause by using P_GetZAt directly inside FIXED_TO_FLOAT
* a few minor cases of bad unsigned-signed comparisons
* no prototypes for some of the new slope functions. For goodness sake Red, this is basic stuff!
Goo Water (THZ Goop) adjustements
At Nev3r's request:
Adjusted goop so that you spend less time bouncing around in it. The goop will become a walkable surface with a higher velocity threshold.
The actual goop physics haven't been altered as far as the initial entrance and underwater time is concerned, only leaving goop and subsequent bounces has been dampened significantly.
See merge request !7
Re-add/fix broken platform momz mobj code.
The changes in this branch re-add the platform's momentum to players and mobjs which leave the platform (eg. by jumping) so that they move with relative velocity as expected. This behavior was unintentionally broken in SRB2 2.0, which adds a lot of artificial difficulty to certain segments of the levels, where you have to jump between high velocity moving platforms which seemingly cut your jump height to nothing.
Not only has the behavior been fixed, but it has now been enhanced to move the camera while free-falling between platforms as well, completing the illusion of full relative velocity with minimal hiccups. [Observe.](http://i.imgur.com/zmSfUyp.gifv)
See merge request !14
This fixes the issue with upside-down springs shooting downwards if you touch another of its kind. Also fixes one of the issues with monitors in Icicle Falls (after you phase inside the East-most float-bob FOF's monitor via the other bug and jump up to break it while there, the NEXT monitor moves upwards too)
Here's how it works: When a player walks off the
moving platform, it applies their pmomz once, and
then _keeps pmomz set_ so that the camera still
adds pmomz to its movements until they hit another
floor. This way, the camera doesn't jerk around.
Now players will apply platform movement when jumping,
but only if the platform is moving the same direction
as their jump is, and all other objects will have an
appropriate pmomz in reverse gravity FOF situations.
Now it will only bounce ONCE when you jump on it, and Knuckles
just barely gets enough velocity out of his jump for even that.
This will leave players vulnerable and annoyed for a lot less
time while they wait to finish bouncing.