* Marble Zone!
* Torch decoration.
* Incense burner decoration.
* CD Special Stage 1!
* The UFO, now with improved death animation!
* Turns out I duplicated sounds that already existed in sounds.kart. When we touch up the files later, yalls can remove both `DSFUFOx`'s from it.
* Re-enable the flashing-set thing on attempting to join with the item key. I spoke to Sal privately about this - turns out some keys ALWAYS send key presses instead of only sending one, and shift - what I have item bound to - is one of the problematic ones.
* Make the no-joining-game-after-20-seconds thing happen 20 seconds after the TIMER has started, not the level (ie, take starttime into account)
* Fixed the conditionals for `suicide` and `retry` commands - `suicide` is now allowed in singleplayer, and `retry` no longer checks your lives (for now).
* Disable the "traditional" level reload method (which `retry` tried to use), since it was completely broken with the other changes we've made. Mapchanges only.
* Made retries cause a mapchange, per the above.
* Disable the last source of skincolor trampling in the game - loading a level while not netgame or record attacking.
The Menu Queen is in the house~ ✨
* Magical, single-page player select and general netgamey stuff, while still remaining both pretty and functional.
* Death to NOFOURPLAYER, now that the cat's out the bag.
* Clean up NONET, assuming people try to make DD builds on release.
* Minor tweaks across the board, mostly places where I wanted to pilfer minor code from and realised it wasn't done optimally originally.
Now that we figured out that the sound cut-outs were due to a race condition and not this option, I feel content putting it with these other engine tweaks.
Minor priority change to two voice lines; the "passing someone" line has the same priority as every other line, and gave it's boosted priority to the way more gameplay-important "hit 'em" line.
If the player count dips below what was stored on the start of the last lap, then don't do time over so that someone can't just spectate at the end of a race out of rage. Y'all are assholes :V