mirror of
synced 2025-03-20 01:43:15 +00:00
S_PLAY states, HUD stuff
This commit is contained in:
26 changed files with 1903 additions and 216 deletions
@ -273,11 +273,11 @@ void B_RespawnBot(INT32 playernum)
P_TeleportMove(tails, x, y, z);
if (player->charability == CA_FLY)
P_SetPlayerMobjState(tails, S_PLAY_ABL1);
P_SetPlayerMobjState(tails, S_KART_STND); // SRB2kart - was S_PLAY_ABL1
tails->player->powers[pw_tailsfly] = (UINT16)-1;
P_SetPlayerMobjState(tails, S_PLAY_FALL1);
P_SetPlayerMobjState(tails, S_KART_STND); // SRB2kart - was S_PLAY_FALL1
P_SetScale(tails, sonic->scale);
tails->destscale = sonic->destscale;
@ -62,6 +62,11 @@ CV_PossibleValue_t CV_YesNo[] = {{0, "No"}, {1, "Yes"}, {0, NULL}};
CV_PossibleValue_t CV_Unsigned[] = {{0, "MIN"}, {999999999, "MAX"}, {0, NULL}};
CV_PossibleValue_t CV_Natural[] = {{1, "MIN"}, {999999999, "MAX"}, {0, NULL}};
CV_PossibleValue_t karthud_cons_t[] = {
{0, "Off"}, {1, "Default"}, {2, "SNES"}, {3, "MK64"},
{0, NULL}};
#define COM_BUF_SIZE 8192 // command buffer size
static INT32 com_wait; // one command per frame (for cmd sequences)
@ -125,6 +125,10 @@ extern CV_PossibleValue_t CV_OnOff[];
extern CV_PossibleValue_t CV_YesNo[];
extern CV_PossibleValue_t CV_Unsigned[];
extern CV_PossibleValue_t CV_Natural[];
// SRB2kart
extern CV_PossibleValue_t karthud_cons_t[];
// register a variable for use at the console
void CV_RegisterVar(consvar_t *variable);
@ -822,6 +822,9 @@ static void IdentifyVersion(void)
// SRB2kart - Add graphics (temp)
#if !defined (HAVE_SDL) || defined (HAVE_MIXER)
#if defined (DC) && 0
@ -291,6 +291,31 @@ consvar_t cv_bombshield = {"tv_bombshield", "5", CV_NETVAR|CV_CHEAT, chanc
consvar_t cv_1up = {"tv_1up", "5", CV_NETVAR|CV_CHEAT, chances_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_eggmanbox = {"tv_eggman", "5", CV_NETVAR|CV_CHEAT, chances_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
// SRB2kart
consvar_t cv_magnet = {"magnets", "On", CV_NETVAR|CV_CHEAT, CV_OnOff, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_boo = {"boos", "On", CV_NETVAR|CV_CHEAT, CV_OnOff, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_mushroom = {"mushrooms", "On", CV_NETVAR|CV_CHEAT, CV_OnOff, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_triplemushroom = {"triplemushrooms", "On", CV_NETVAR|CV_CHEAT, CV_OnOff, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_megashroom = {"megashrooms", "On", CV_NETVAR|CV_CHEAT, CV_OnOff, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_goldshroom = {"goldshrooms", "On", CV_NETVAR|CV_CHEAT, CV_OnOff, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_star = {"stars", "On", CV_NETVAR|CV_CHEAT, CV_OnOff, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_triplebanana = {"triplebananas", "On", CV_NETVAR|CV_CHEAT, CV_OnOff, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_fakeitem = {"fakeitems", "On", CV_NETVAR|CV_CHEAT, CV_OnOff, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_banana = {"bananas", "On", CV_NETVAR|CV_CHEAT, CV_OnOff, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_greenshell = {"greenshells", "On", CV_NETVAR|CV_CHEAT, CV_OnOff, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_redshell = {"redshells", "On", CV_NETVAR|CV_CHEAT, CV_OnOff, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_laserwisp = {"laserwisps", "On", CV_NETVAR|CV_CHEAT, CV_OnOff, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_triplegreenshell = {"triplegreenshells", "On", CV_NETVAR|CV_CHEAT, CV_OnOff, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_bobomb = {"bobombs", "On", CV_NETVAR|CV_CHEAT, CV_OnOff, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_blueshell = {"blueshells", "On", CV_NETVAR|CV_CHEAT, CV_OnOff, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_jaws = {"jaws", "On", CV_NETVAR|CV_CHEAT, CV_OnOff, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_fireflower = {"fireflowers", "On", CV_NETVAR|CV_CHEAT, CV_OnOff, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_tripleredshell = {"tripleredshells", "On", CV_NETVAR|CV_CHEAT, CV_OnOff, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_lightning = {"lightning", "On", CV_NETVAR|CV_CHEAT, CV_OnOff, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_karthud = {"karthud", "Default", CV_SAVE|CV_CALL, karthud_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_ringslinger = {"ringslinger", "No", CV_NETVAR|CV_NOSHOWHELP|CV_CALL|CV_CHEAT, CV_YesNo,
Ringslinger_OnChange, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_gravity = {"gravity", "0.5", CV_RESTRICT|CV_FLOAT|CV_CALL, NULL, Gravity_OnChange, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
@ -496,6 +521,8 @@ void D_RegisterServerCommands(void)
K_RegisterKartStuff(); // SRB2kart
@ -98,6 +98,14 @@ extern consvar_t cv_jumpshield, cv_watershield, cv_ringshield, cv_forceshield, c
extern consvar_t cv_1up, cv_eggmanbox;
extern consvar_t cv_recycler;
// SRB2kart items
extern consvar_t cv_magnet, cv_boo, cv_mushroom, cv_triplemushroom, cv_megashroom;
extern consvar_t cv_goldshroom, cv_star, cv_triplebanana, cv_fakeitem, cv_banana;
extern consvar_t cv_greenshell, cv_redshell, cv_laserwisp, cv_triplegreenshell, cv_bobomb;
extern consvar_t cv_blueshell, cv_jaws, cv_fireflower, cv_tripleredshell, cv_lightning;
extern consvar_t cv_karthud;
extern consvar_t cv_itemfinder;
extern consvar_t cv_inttime, cv_advancemap, cv_playersforexit;
@ -29,9 +29,6 @@
// as commands per game tick.
#include "d_ticcmd.h"
// SRB2kart stuff
#include "k_kart.h"
// Extra abilities/settings for skins (combinable stuff)
typedef enum
@ -233,6 +230,78 @@ typedef enum
} powertype_t;
//{ SRB2kart - kartstuff
typedef enum
// Basic gameplay things
k_position, // Used for Kart positions, mostly for deterministic stuff
k_playerahead, // Is someone ahead of me or not?
k_oldposition, // Used for taunting when you pass someone
k_prevcheck, // Previous checkpoint distance; for p_user.c (was "pw_pcd")
k_nextcheck, // Next checkpoint distance; for p_user.c (was "pw_ncd")
k_waypoint, // Waypoints.
k_starpostwp, // Temporarily stores player waypoint for... some reason. Used when respawning and finishing.
k_throwdir, // Held dir of controls; 1 = forward, 0 = none, -1 = backward (was "player->heldDir")
k_turndir, // Turn direction for drifting; -1 = Left, 1 = Right, 0 = none
k_sounds, // Used this to avoid sounds being played every tic
k_boosting, // Determines if you're currently shroom-boosting to change how drifting works
k_spinout, // Separate confirmation to prevent endless wipeout loops
k_spinouttype, // Determines whether to thrust forward or not while spinning out; 0 = move forwards, 1 = stay still
k_drift, // Drifting Left or Right, plus a bigger counter = sharper turn
k_driftcharge, // Charge your drift so you can release a burst of speed
k_jmp, // In Mario Kart, letting go of the jump button stops the drift
k_lakitu, // > 0 = Lakitu fishing, < 0 = Lakitu lap counter (was "player->airtime") // NOTE: Check for ->lakitu, replace with this
k_itemroulette, // Used for the roulette when deciding what item to give you (was "pw_kartitem")
k_itemslot, // If you have X item, and kartitem chose X too, save it
k_itemclose, // Used to animate the item window closing (was "pw_psychic")
// Some items use timers for their duration or effects
k_magnettimer, // Duration of Magnet's item-break and item box pull
k_bootaketimer, // You are stealing an item, this is your timer
k_boostolentimer, // You are being stolen from, this is your timer
k_mushroomtimer, // Duration of the Mushroom Boost itself
k_growshrinktimer, // > 0 = Big, < 0 = small
k_squishedtimer, // Squished frame timer
k_goldshroomtimer, // Gold Mushroom duration timer
k_startimer, // Invincibility timer
k_spinouttimer, // Wipe-out from a banana peel or oil slick (was "pw_bananacam")
k_laserwisptimer, // The duration and relative angle of the laser
k_fireflowertimer, // Duration of Fire Flower
// Each item needs its own power slot, for the HUD and held use
k_magnet, // 0x1 = Magnet in inventory
k_boo, // 0x1 = Boo in inventory
k_mushroom, // 0x1 = 1 Mushroom in inventory, 0x2 = 2 Mushrooms in inventory
// 0x4 = 3 Mushrooms in inventory
k_megashroom, // 0x1 = Mega Mushroom in inventory
k_goldshroom, // 0x1 = Gold Mushroom in inventory
k_star, // 0x1 = Star in inventory
k_triplebanana, // 0x1 = 1 Banana following, 0x2 = 2 Bananas following
// 0x4 = 3 Bananas following, 0x8 = Triple Banana in inventory
k_fakeitem, // 0x1 = Fake Item being held, 0x2 = Fake Item in inventory
k_banana, // 0x1 = Banana being held, 0x2 = Banana in inventory
k_greenshell, // 0x1 = Green Shell being held, 0x2 = Green Shell in inventory
k_redshell, // 0x1 = Red Shell being held, 0x2 = Red Shell in inventory
k_laserwisp, // 0x1 = Laser Wisp in inventory
k_triplegreenshell, // 0x1 = 1 Green Shell orbiting, 0x2 = 2 Green Shells orbiting
// 0x4 = 3 Green Shells orbiting, 0x8 = Triple Green Shell in inventory
k_bobomb, // 0x1 = Bob-omb being held, 0x2 = Bob-omb in inventory
k_blueshell, // 0x1 = Blue Shell in inventory
k_jaws, // 0x1 = 1 Jaws orbiting, 0x2 = 2 Jaws orbiting,
// 0x4 = 2x Jaws in inventory
k_fireflower, // 0x1 = Fire Flower in inventory
k_tripleredshell, // 0x1 = 1 Red Shell orbiting, 0x2 = 2 Red Shells orbiting
// 0x4 = 3 Red Shells orbiting, 0x8 = Triple Red Shell in inventory
k_lightning, // 0x1 = Lightning in inventory
} kartstufftype_t;
#define WEP_AUTO 1
#define WEP_BOUNCE 2
#define WEP_SCATTER 3
@ -3789,6 +3789,36 @@ static const char *const STATE_LIST[] = { // array length left dynamic for sanit
// Thok
// SRB2kart Frames
@ -3844,6 +3874,7 @@ static const char *const STATE_LIST[] = { // array length left dynamic for sanit
"S_PLAY_SUPERTRANS9", // This has special significance in the code. If you add more frames, search for it and make the appropriate changes.
// technically the player goes here but it's an infinite tic state
@ -5357,7 +5357,7 @@ void G_AddGhost(char *defdemoname)
gh->mo = P_SpawnMobj(x, y, z, MT_GHOST);
gh->mo->angle = FixedAngle(mthing->angle*FRACUNIT);
gh->mo->state = states+S_PLAY_STND;
gh->mo->state = states+S_KART_STND; // SRB2kart - was S_PLAY_STND
gh->mo->sprite = gh->mo->state->sprite;
gh->mo->frame = (gh->mo->state->frame & FF_FRAMEMASK) | tr_trans20<<FF_TRANSSHIFT;
gh->mo->tics = -1;
@ -1347,7 +1347,7 @@ void HWR_DrawMD2(gr_vissprite_t *spr)
if (spr->mobj->state->nextstate != S_NULL && states[spr->mobj->state->nextstate].sprite != SPR_NULL
&& !(spr->mobj->player && (spr->mobj->state->nextstate == S_PLAY_TAP1 || spr->mobj->state->nextstate == S_PLAY_TAP2) && spr->mobj->state == &states[S_PLAY_STND]))
&& !(spr->mobj->player && spr->mobj->state == &states[S_KART_STND])) // SRB2kart
const UINT32 nextframe = (states[spr->mobj->state->nextstate].frame & FF_FRAMEMASK) % md2->model->header.numFrames;
next = &md2->model->frames[nextframe];
@ -62,6 +62,7 @@
// heads up font
patch_t *hu_font[HU_FONTSIZE];
patch_t *kart_font[KART_FONTSIZE]; // SRB2kart
patch_t *tny_font[HU_FONTSIZE];
patch_t *tallnum[10]; // 0-9
patch_t *nightsnum[10]; // 0-9
@ -213,6 +214,19 @@ void HU_LoadGraphics(void)
lt_font[17] = (patch_t *)W_CachePatchName("LTFNT056", PU_HUDGFX);
lt_font[18] = (patch_t *)W_CachePatchName("LTFNT057", PU_HUDGFX);
// SRB2kart
for (i = 0; i < KART_FONTSIZE; i++, j++)
// cache the heads-up font for entire game execution
sprintf(buffer, "MKFNT%.3d", j);
if (W_CheckNumForName(buffer) == LUMPERROR)
kart_font[i] = NULL;
kart_font[i] = (patch_t *)W_CachePatchName(buffer, PU_HUDGFX);
for (i = 0; i < LT_FONTSIZE; i++)
@ -26,6 +26,13 @@
// SRB2kart
#define KART_FONTSTART '\"' // the first font character
#define KART_FONTEND 'Z'
// Level title font
#define LT_FONTSTART '!' // the first font characters
#define LT_FONTEND 'Z' // the last font characters
@ -58,7 +65,7 @@ typedef struct
#define HU_MAXMSGLEN 224
extern patch_t *hu_font[HU_FONTSIZE], *tny_font[HU_FONTSIZE];
extern patch_t *hu_font[HU_FONTSIZE], *kart_font[KART_FONTSIZE], *tny_font[HU_FONTSIZE]; // SRB2kart
extern patch_t *tallnum[10];
extern patch_t *nightsnum[10];
extern patch_t *lt_font[LT_FONTSIZE];
@ -81,7 +81,37 @@ state_t states[NUMSTATES] =
// Thok
{SPR_THOK, FF_TRANS50, 8, {NULL}, 0, 0, S_NULL}, // S_THOK
// Player
// Player // SRB2kart
{SPR_PLAY, 0, -1, {NULL}, 0, 0, S_KART_STND}, // S_KART_STND A
{SPR_PLAY, 1, -1, {NULL}, 0, 0, S_KART_STND_L}, // S_KART_STND_L B
{SPR_PLAY, 2, -1, {NULL}, 0, 0, S_KART_STND_R}, // S_KART_STND_R C
{SPR_PLAY, 3, 4, {NULL}, 0, 0, S_KART_WALK2}, // S_KART_WALK1 D
{SPR_PLAY, 4, 4, {NULL}, 0, 0, S_KART_WALK1}, // S_KART_WALK2 E
{SPR_PLAY, 5, 4, {NULL}, 0, 0, S_KART_WALK_L2}, // S_KART_WALK_L1 F
{SPR_PLAY, 6, 4, {NULL}, 0, 0, S_KART_WALK_L1}, // S_KART_WALK_L2 G
{SPR_PLAY, 7, 4, {NULL}, 0, 0, S_KART_WALK_R2}, // S_KART_WALK_R1 H
{SPR_PLAY, 8, 4, {NULL}, 0, 0, S_KART_WALK_R1}, // S_KART_WALK_R2 I
{SPR_PLAY, 0, 2, {NULL}, 0, 0, S_KART_RUN2}, // S_KART_RUN1 A
{SPR_PLAY, 3, 2, {NULL}, 0, 0, S_KART_RUN1}, // S_KART_RUN2 D
{SPR_PLAY, 1, 2, {NULL}, 0, 0, S_KART_RUN_L2}, // S_KART_RUN_L1 B
{SPR_PLAY, 4, 2, {NULL}, 0, 0, S_KART_RUN_L1}, // S_KART_RUN_L2 F
{SPR_PLAY, 2, 2, {NULL}, 0, 0, S_KART_RUN_R2}, // S_KART_RUN_R1 C
{SPR_PLAY, 5, 2, {NULL}, 0, 0, S_KART_RUN_R1}, // S_KART_RUN_R2 H
{SPR_PLAY, 9, 2, {NULL}, 0, 0, S_KART_DRIFT_L2}, // S_KART_DRIFT_L1 J
{SPR_PLAY, 10, 2, {NULL}, 0, 0, S_KART_DRIFT_L1}, // S_KART_DRIFT_L2 K
{SPR_PLAY, 11, 2, {NULL}, 0, 0, S_KART_DRIFT_R2}, // S_KART_DRIFT_R1 L
{SPR_PLAY, 12, 2, {NULL}, 0, 0, S_KART_DRIFT_R1}, // S_KART_DRIFT_R2 M
{SPR_PLAY, 13, 2, {NULL}, 0, 0, S_KART_SPIN2}, // S_KART_SPIN1 N
{SPR_PLAY, 14, 2, {NULL}, 0, 0, S_KART_SPIN3}, // S_KART_SPIN2 O
{SPR_PLAY, 15, 2, {NULL}, 0, 0, S_KART_SPIN4}, // S_KART_SPIN3 P
{SPR_PLAY, 16, 2, {NULL}, 0, 0, S_KART_SPIN5}, // S_KART_SPIN4 Q
{SPR_PLAY, 17, 2, {NULL}, 0, 0, S_KART_SPIN6}, // S_KART_SPIN5 R
{SPR_PLAY, 18, 2, {NULL}, 0, 0, S_KART_SPIN7}, // S_KART_SPIN6 S
{SPR_PLAY, 19, 2, {NULL}, 0, 0, S_KART_SPIN8}, // S_KART_SPIN7 T
{SPR_PLAY, 20, 2, {NULL}, 0, 0, S_KART_SPIN1}, // S_KART_SPIN8 U
{SPR_PLAY, 21, 350, {NULL}, 0, 0, S_KART_STND}, // S_KART_PAIN V
{SPR_PLAY, 22, 350, {NULL}, 0, 0, S_KART_STND}, // S_KART_SQUISH W
{SPR_PLAY, 0, 105, {NULL}, 0, 0, S_PLAY_TAP1}, // S_PLAY_STND
{SPR_PLAY, 1, 16, {NULL}, 0, 0, S_PLAY_TAP2}, // S_PLAY_TAP1
{SPR_PLAY, 2, 16, {NULL}, 0, 0, S_PLAY_TAP1}, // S_PLAY_TAP2
@ -137,6 +167,7 @@ state_t states[NUMSTATES] =
{SPR_PLAY, 44, 16, {NULL}, 0, 0, S_PLAY_RUN1}, // S_PLAY_SUPERTRANS9
@ -2572,18 +2603,18 @@ mobjinfo_t mobjinfo[NUMMOBJTYPES] =
-1, // doomednum
S_PLAY_STND, // spawnstate
S_KART_STND, // spawnstate
1, // spawnhealth
S_PLAY_RUN1, // seestate
S_KART_WALK1, // seestate
sfx_None, // seesound
0, // reactiontime
sfx_thok, // attacksound
S_PLAY_PAIN, // painstate
S_KART_PAIN, // painstate
MT_THOK, // painchance
sfx_None, // painsound
S_NULL, // meleestate
S_PLAY_ATK1, // missilestate
S_PLAY_DIE, // deathstate
S_NULL, // missilestate
S_KART_PAIN, // deathstate
S_NULL, // xdeathstate
sfx_None, // deathsound
1, // speed
@ -592,6 +592,37 @@ typedef enum state
// Thok
// SRB2kart Frames
@ -647,6 +678,7 @@ typedef enum state
S_PLAY_SUPERTRANS9, // This has special significance in the code. If you add more frames, search for it and make the appropriate changes.
// technically the player goes here but it's an infinite tic state
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -6,83 +6,22 @@
#ifndef __K_KART__
#define __K_KART__
#include "doomdef.h"
#include "d_player.h" // Need for player_t
extern const char *KartColor_Names[MAXSKINCOLORS];
void K_GenerateKartColormap(UINT8 *dest_colormap, INT32 skinnum, UINT8 color);
UINT8 K_GetKartColorByName(const char *name);
//{ SRB2kart Player structure - kartstuff
void K_RegisterKartStuff(void);
typedef enum
// Basic gameplay things
k_position, // Used for Kart positions, mostly for deterministic stuff
k_playerahead, // Is someone ahead of me or not?
k_oldposition, // Used for taunting when you pass someone
k_prevcheck, // Previous checkpoint distance; for p_user.c (was "pw_pcd")
k_nextcheck, // Next checkpoint distance; for p_user.c (was "pw_ncd")
k_waypoint, // Waypoints.
k_starpostwp, // Temporarily stores player waypoint for... some reason. Used when respawning and finishing.
k_throwdir, // Held dir of controls; 1 = forward, 0 = none, -1 = backward (was "player->heldDir")
k_turndir, // Turn direction for drifting; -1 = Left, 1 = Right, 0 = none
k_sounds, // Used this to avoid sounds being played every tic
k_boosting, // Determines if you're currently shroom-boosting to change how drifting works
k_spinout, // Separate confirmation to prevent endless wipeout loops
k_spinouttype, // Determines whether to thrust forward or not while spinning out; 0 = move forwards, 1 = stay still
k_drift, // Drifting Left or Right, plus a bigger counter = sharper turn
k_driftcharge, // Charge your drift so you can release a burst of speed
k_jmp, // In Mario Kart, letting go of the jump button stops the drift
k_lakitu, // > 0 = Lakitu fishing, < 0 = Lakitu lap counter (was "player->airtime") // NOTE: Check for ->lakitu, replace with this
k_itemroulette, // Used for the roulette when deciding what item to give you (was "pw_kartitem")
k_itemslot, // If you have X item, and kartitem chose X too, save it
k_itemclose, // Used to animate the item window closing (was "pw_psychic")
void K_KartPlayerThink(player_t *player, ticcmd_t *cmd);
boolean P_SpinPlayerMobj(mobj_t *target, mobj_t *source);
boolean P_SquishPlayerMobj(mobj_t *target, mobj_t *source);
boolean P_ExplodePlayerMobj(mobj_t *target, mobj_t *source);
// Some items use timers for their duration or effects
k_magnettimer, // Duration of Magnet's item-break and item box pull
k_bootaketimer, // You are stealing an item, this is your timer
k_boostolentimer, // You are being stolen from, this is your timer
k_mushroomtimer, // Duration of the Mushroom Boost itself
k_growshrinktimer, // > 0 = Big, < 0 = small
k_squishedtimer, // Squished frame timer
k_goldshroomtimer, // Gold Mushroom duration timer
k_startimer, // Invincibility timer
k_spinouttimer, // Wipe-out from a banana peel or oil slick (was "pw_bananacam")
k_laserwisptimer, // The duration and relative angle of the laser
k_fireflowertimer, // Duration of Fire Flower
// Each item needs its own power slot, for the HUD and held use
k_magnet, // 0x1 = Magnet in inventory
k_boo, // 0x1 = Boo in inventory
k_mushroom, // 0x1 = 1 Mushroom in inventory, 0x2 = 2 Mushrooms in inventory
// 0x4 = 3 Mushrooms in inventory
k_megashroom, // 0x1 = Mega Mushroom in inventory
k_goldshroom, // 0x1 = Gold Mushroom in inventory
k_star, // 0x1 = Star in inventory
k_triplebanana, // 0x1 = 1 Banana following, 0x2 = 2 Bananas following
// 0x4 = 3 Bananas following, 0x8 = Triple Banana in inventory
k_fakeitem, // 0x1 = Fake Item being held, 0x2 = Fake Item in inventory
k_banana, // 0x1 = Banana being held, 0x2 = Banana in inventory
k_greenshell, // 0x1 = Green Shell being held, 0x2 = Green Shell in inventory
k_redshell, // 0x1 = Red Shell being held, 0x2 = Red Shell in inventory
k_laserwisp, // 0x1 = Laser Wisp in inventory
k_triplegreenshell, // 0x1 = 1 Green Shell orbiting, 0x2 = 2 Green Shells orbiting
// 0x4 = 3 Green Shells orbiting, 0x8 = Triple Green Shell in inventory
k_bobomb, // 0x1 = Bob-omb being held, 0x2 = Bob-omb in inventory
k_blueshell, // 0x1 = Blue Shell in inventory
k_jaws, // 0x1 = 1 Jaws orbiting, 0x2 = 2 Jaws orbiting,
// 0x4 = 2x Jaws in inventory
k_fireflower, // 0x1 = Fire Flower in inventory
k_tripleredshell, // 0x1 = 1 Red Shell orbiting, 0x2 = 2 Red Shells orbiting
// 0x4 = 3 Red Shells orbiting, 0x8 = Triple Red Shell in inventory
k_lightning, // 0x1 = Lightning in inventory
} kartstufftype_t;
void K_LoadKartHUDGraphics(void);
void K_drawKartHUD(void);
// =========================================================================
#endif // __K_KART__
@ -1279,7 +1279,7 @@ void Command_ObjectPlace_f(void)
op_oldmomy = players[0].mo->momy;
op_oldmomz = players[0].mo->momz;
op_oldheight = players[0].mo->height;
op_oldstate = S_PLAY_STND;
op_oldstate = S_KART_STND; // SRB2kart - was S_PLAY_STND
op_oldcolor = players[0].mo->color; // save color too in case of super/fireflower
// Remove ALL flags and motion.
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
#include "m_cheat.h" // objectplace
#include "m_misc.h"
#include "v_video.h" // video flags for CEchos
#include "k_kart.h" // SRB2kart
// CTF player names
#define CTFTEAMCODE(pl) pl->ctfteam ? (pl->ctfteam == 1 ? "\x85" : "\x84") : ""
@ -309,6 +310,7 @@ void P_TouchSpecialThing(mobj_t *special, mobj_t *toucher, boolean heightcheck)
toucher->momy = -toucher->momy;
P_DamageMobj(special, toucher, toucher, 1);
else if (((toucher->z < special->z && !(toucher->eflags & MFE_VERTICALFLIP))
|| (toucher->z + toucher->height > special->z + special->height && (toucher->eflags & MFE_VERTICALFLIP)))
&& player->charability == CA_FLY
@ -319,6 +321,7 @@ void P_TouchSpecialThing(mobj_t *special, mobj_t *toucher, boolean heightcheck)
P_DamageMobj(special, toucher, toucher, 1);
*/ // SRB2kart - Removed: No more fly states
P_DamageMobj(toucher, special, special, 1);
@ -351,6 +354,7 @@ void P_TouchSpecialThing(mobj_t *special, mobj_t *toucher, boolean heightcheck)
P_DamageMobj(special, toucher, toucher, 1);
else if (((toucher->z < special->z && !(toucher->eflags & MFE_VERTICALFLIP))
|| (toucher->z + toucher->height > special->z + special->height && (toucher->eflags & MFE_VERTICALFLIP))) // Flame is bad at logic - JTE
&& player->charability == CA_FLY
@ -362,6 +366,7 @@ void P_TouchSpecialThing(mobj_t *special, mobj_t *toucher, boolean heightcheck)
P_DamageMobj(special, toucher, toucher, 1);
*/ // SRB2kart - Removed: No more fly states
P_DamageMobj(toucher, special, special, 1);
@ -887,7 +892,7 @@ void P_TouchSpecialThing(mobj_t *special, mobj_t *toucher, boolean heightcheck)
P_SetPlayerMobjState(toucher, S_PLAY_FALL1);
P_SetPlayerMobjState(toucher, S_KART_STND); // SRB2kart - was S_PLAY_FALL1
@ -1224,7 +1229,7 @@ void P_TouchSpecialThing(mobj_t *special, mobj_t *toucher, boolean heightcheck)
if (player->pflags & PF_GLIDING)
player->pflags &= ~(PF_GLIDING|PF_JUMPED);
P_SetPlayerMobjState(toucher, S_PLAY_FALL1);
P_SetPlayerMobjState(toucher, S_KART_STND); // SRB2kart - was S_PLAY_FALL1
// Play a bounce sound?
@ -1233,7 +1238,7 @@ void P_TouchSpecialThing(mobj_t *special, mobj_t *toucher, boolean heightcheck)
if (toucher->state != &states[S_PLAY_PAIN] && !player->powers[pw_flashing])
if (!player->powers[pw_flashing]) // SRB2kart
toucher->momx = 0;
toucher->momy = 0;
@ -1291,7 +1296,7 @@ void P_TouchSpecialThing(mobj_t *special, mobj_t *toucher, boolean heightcheck)
if (player->pflags & PF_GLIDING)
player->pflags &= ~(PF_GLIDING|PF_JUMPED);
P_SetPlayerMobjState(toucher, S_PLAY_FALL1);
P_SetPlayerMobjState(toucher, S_KART_STND); // SRB2kart - was S_PLAY_FALL1
// Play a bounce sound?
@ -1347,7 +1352,7 @@ void P_TouchSpecialThing(mobj_t *special, mobj_t *toucher, boolean heightcheck)
player->pflags |= PF_MACESPIN;
S_StartSound(toucher, sfx_spin);
P_SetPlayerMobjState(toucher, S_PLAY_ATK1);
P_SetPlayerMobjState(toucher, S_KART_STND); // SRB2kart - was S_PLAY_ATK1
player->pflags |= PF_ITEMHANG;
@ -1408,7 +1413,8 @@ void P_TouchSpecialThing(mobj_t *special, mobj_t *toucher, boolean heightcheck)
return; // SRB2kart - don't need bubbles mucking with the player
if ((player->powers[pw_shield] & SH_NOSTACK) == SH_ELEMENTAL)
if (maptol & TOL_NIGHTS)
@ -1432,11 +1438,13 @@ void P_TouchSpecialThing(mobj_t *special, mobj_t *toucher, boolean heightcheck)
if (player->powers[pw_underwater] < underwatertics + 1)
player->powers[pw_underwater] = underwatertics + 1;
if (!player->climbing)
P_SetPlayerMobjState(toucher, S_PLAY_GASP);
toucher->momx = toucher->momy = toucher->momz = 0;
@ -2687,9 +2695,11 @@ static inline void P_SuperDamage(player_t *player, mobj_t *inflictor, mobj_t *so
P_InstaThrust(player->mo, ang, fallbackspeed);
/* // SRB2kart - This shouldn't be reachable, but this frame is invalid.
if (player->charflags & SF_SUPERANIMS)
P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_PLAY_SUPERHIT);
P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_PLAY_SUPERHIT);
P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, player->mo->info->painstate);
@ -2967,6 +2977,47 @@ boolean P_DamageMobj(mobj_t *target, mobj_t *inflictor, mobj_t *source, INT32 da
return false; // Don't get hurt by fire generated from friends.
//{ SRB2kart - special damage sources
player->kartstuff[k_mushroomtimer] = 0;
// Thunder
if (damage == 64 && player != source->player)
// Don't flip out while super!
if (!player->kartstuff[k_startimer] && player->kartstuff[k_growshrinktimer] <= 0)
// Start slipping!
P_SpinPlayerMobj(player->mo, source);
// Start shrinking!
player->mo->destscale = 70;
player->kartstuff[k_growshrinktimer] -= (100+20*(16-(player->kartstuff[k_position])));
// Mega Mushroom? Let's take that away.
if (player->kartstuff[k_growshrinktimer] > 0)
player->kartstuff[k_growshrinktimer] = 2;
// Invincible or not, we still need this.
//P_SpawnMobj(player->mo->x, player->mo->y, player->mo->z, MT_THUNDERSHIELD); // TODO: Add this
return true;
else if (damage == 64 && player == source->player)
return false;
// Blue Thunder
if (damage == 65 && player->kartstuff[k_position] == 1)
// Just need to do this now! Being thrown upwards is done by the explosion.
//P_SpawnMobj(player->mo->x, player->mo->y, player->mo->z, MT_THUNBERSHIELD); // TODO: Add this
//P_SpawnMobj(player->mo->x, player->mo->y, player->mo->z, MT_BLUEEXPLODE); // TODO: Add this
return true;
else if (damage == 65 && player->kartstuff[k_position] > 1)
return false;
// Sudden-Death mode
if (source && source->type == MT_PLAYER)
@ -2988,6 +3039,14 @@ boolean P_DamageMobj(mobj_t *target, mobj_t *inflictor, mobj_t *source, INT32 da
// Instant-Death
if (damage == 10000)
P_KillPlayer(player, source, damage);
else if (player->kartstuff[k_startimer] > 0 || player->kartstuff[k_growshrinktimer] > 0 || player->powers[pw_flashing])
return false;
damage = player->mo->health - 1;
P_RingDamage(player, inflictor, source, damage);
/* // SRB2kart - don't need these
else if (metalrecording)
if (!inflictor)
@ -3052,6 +3111,7 @@ boolean P_DamageMobj(mobj_t *target, mobj_t *inflictor, mobj_t *source, INT32 da
P_ShieldDamage(player, inflictor, source, damage);
if (inflictor && ((inflictor->flags & MF_MISSILE) || inflictor->player) && player->powers[pw_super] && ALL7EMERALDS(player->powers[pw_emeralds]))
@ -201,6 +201,7 @@ boolean P_DoSpring(mobj_t *spring, mobj_t *object)
pflags = object->player->pflags & (PF_JUMPED|PF_SPINNING|PF_THOKKED); // I still need these.
/* // SRB2kart - Springs don't need to change player state in kart.
if (P_MobjFlip(object)*vertispeed > 0)
P_SetPlayerMobjState(object, S_PLAY_SPRING);
else if (P_MobjFlip(object)*vertispeed < 0)
@ -218,6 +219,7 @@ boolean P_DoSpring(mobj_t *spring, mobj_t *object)
object->player->pflags |= PF_JUMPED;
P_SetPlayerMobjState(object, S_PLAY_ATK1);
return true;
@ -262,12 +264,14 @@ static void P_DoFanAndGasJet(mobj_t *spring, mobj_t *object)
if (flipval*object->momz > FixedMul(speed, spring->scale))
object->momz = flipval*FixedMul(speed, spring->scale);
/* // SRB2kart - don't need state change
if (p && !p->powers[pw_tailsfly]) // doesn't reset anim for Tails' flight
if (p->panim != PA_FALL)
P_SetPlayerMobjState(object, S_PLAY_FALL1);
case MT_STEAM: // Steam
if (zdist > FixedMul(16*FRACUNIT, spring->scale))
@ -277,12 +281,14 @@ static void P_DoFanAndGasJet(mobj_t *spring, mobj_t *object)
object->momz = flipval*FixedMul(speed, FixedSqrt(FixedMul(spring->scale, object->scale))); // scale the speed with both objects' scales, just like with springs!
/* // SRB2kart - don't need state change
if (p)
if (p->panim != PA_FALL)
P_SetPlayerMobjState(object, S_PLAY_FALL1);
@ -299,8 +305,8 @@ static void P_DoTailsCarry(player_t *sonic, player_t *tails)
if ((sonic->pflags & PF_CARRIED) && sonic->mo->tracer == tails->mo)
if (!tails->powers[pw_tailsfly] && !(tails->charability == CA_FLY && (tails->mo->state >= &states[S_PLAY_SPC1] && tails->mo->state <= &states[S_PLAY_SPC4])))
//if (!tails->powers[pw_tailsfly] && !(tails->charability == CA_FLY && (tails->mo->state >= &states[S_PLAY_SPC1] && tails->mo->state <= &states[S_PLAY_SPC4])))
// return; // SRB2kart - no changey statey
if (tails->bot == 1)
@ -1929,9 +1935,11 @@ boolean P_TryMove(mobj_t *thing, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, boolean allowdropoff)
// Don't 'step up' while springing,
// Only step up "if needed".
/* // SRB2kart - don't need
if (thing->state == &states[S_PLAY_SPRING]
&& P_MobjFlip(thing)*thing->momz > FixedMul(FRACUNIT, thing->scale))
maxstep = 0;
if (thing->type == MT_SKIM)
@ -164,6 +164,7 @@ boolean P_SetPlayerMobjState(mobj_t *mobj, statenum_t state)
// Catch state changes for Super Sonic
/* // SRB2kart - don't need
if (player->powers[pw_super] && (player->charflags & SF_SUPERANIMS))
switch (state)
@ -213,7 +214,7 @@ boolean P_SetPlayerMobjState(mobj_t *mobj, statenum_t state)
// You were in pain state after taking a hit, and you're moving out of pain state now?
else if (mobj->state == &states[mobj->info->painstate] && player->powers[pw_flashing] == flashingtics && state != mobj->info->painstate)
else */if (mobj->state == &states[mobj->info->painstate] && player->powers[pw_flashing] == flashingtics && state != mobj->info->painstate)
// Start flashing, since you've landed.
player->powers[pw_flashing] = flashingtics-1;
@ -222,21 +223,19 @@ boolean P_SetPlayerMobjState(mobj_t *mobj, statenum_t state)
// Set animation state
// The pflags version of this was just as convoluted.
if ((state >= S_PLAY_STND && state <= S_PLAY_TAP2) || (state >= S_PLAY_TEETER1 && state <= S_PLAY_TEETER2) || state == S_PLAY_CARRY
// Rewriten for SRB2kart ... though I don't know what this is.
if ((state >= S_KART_STND && state <= S_KART_STND_R) || state == S_KART_SQUISH || (state >= S_KART_SPIN1 && state <= S_KART_SPIN8))
player->panim = PA_IDLE;
else if ((state >= S_PLAY_RUN1 && state <= S_PLAY_RUN8)
|| (state >= S_PLAY_SUPERWALK1 && state <= S_PLAY_SUPERWALK2))
else if (state >= S_KART_WALK1 && state <= S_KART_WALK_R2)
player->panim = PA_WALK;
else if ((state >= S_PLAY_SPD1 && state <= S_PLAY_SPD4)
|| (state >= S_PLAY_SUPERFLY1 && state <= S_PLAY_SUPERFLY2))
else if (state >= S_KART_RUN1 && state <= S_KART_DRIFT_R2)
player->panim = PA_RUN;
else if (state >= S_PLAY_ATK1 && state <= S_PLAY_ATK4)
player->panim = PA_ROLL;
else if (state >= S_PLAY_FALL1 && state <= S_PLAY_FALL2)
player->panim = PA_FALL;
else if (state >= S_PLAY_ABL1 && state <= S_PLAY_ABL2)
player->panim = PA_ABILITY;
//else if (state >= S_PLAY_ATK1 && state <= S_PLAY_ATK4)
// player->panim = PA_ROLL;
//else if (state >= S_PLAY_FALL1 && state <= S_PLAY_FALL2)
// player->panim = PA_FALL;
//else if (state >= S_PLAY_ABL1 && state <= S_PLAY_ABL2)
// player->panim = PA_ABILITY;
player->panim = PA_ETC;
@ -1322,11 +1321,11 @@ void P_CheckGravity(mobj_t *mo, boolean affect)
if (mo->player)
if (mo->player->charability == CA_FLY && (mo->player->powers[pw_tailsfly]
|| (mo->state >= &states[S_PLAY_SPC1] && mo->state <= &states[S_PLAY_SPC4])))
gravityadd = gravityadd/3; // less gravity while flying
if (mo->player->pflags & PF_GLIDING)
gravityadd = gravityadd/3; // less gravity while gliding
//if (mo->player->charability == CA_FLY && (mo->player->powers[pw_tailsfly] // SRB2kart
//|| (mo->state >= &states[S_PLAY_SPC1] && mo->state <= &states[S_PLAY_SPC4])))
// gravityadd = gravityadd/3; // less gravity while flying
//if (mo->player->pflags & PF_GLIDING)
// gravityadd = gravityadd/3; // less gravity while gliding
if (mo->player->climbing)
gravityadd = 0;
if (mo->player->pflags & PF_NIGHTSMODE)
@ -1486,7 +1485,7 @@ static void P_XYFriction(mobj_t *mo, fixed_t oldx, fixed_t oldy)
// if in a walking frame, stop moving
if (player->panim == PA_WALK)
P_SetPlayerMobjState(mo, S_PLAY_STND);
P_SetPlayerMobjState(mo, S_KART_STND); // SRB2kart - was S_PLAY_STND
mo->momx = player->cmomx;
mo->momy = player->cmomy;
@ -2672,8 +2671,8 @@ static void P_PlayerZMovement(mobj_t *mo)
goto nightsdone;
// Get up if you fell.
if (mo->state == &states[mo->info->painstate] || mo->state == &states[S_PLAY_SUPERHIT])
P_SetPlayerMobjState(mo, S_PLAY_STND);
if (mo->state == &states[mo->info->painstate]) // SRB2kart
P_SetPlayerMobjState(mo, S_KART_STND);
#ifdef ESLOPE
if (!mo->standingslope && (mo->eflags & MFE_VERTICALFLIP ? tmceilingslope : tmfloorslope)) {
@ -2776,25 +2775,25 @@ static void P_PlayerZMovement(mobj_t *mo)
mo->tics = -1;
else if (mo->player->pflags & PF_JUMPED || (mo->player->pflags & (PF_SPINNING|PF_USEDOWN)) != (PF_SPINNING|PF_USEDOWN)
|| mo->player->powers[pw_tailsfly] || (mo->state >= &states[S_PLAY_SPC1] && mo->state <= &states[S_PLAY_SPC4]))
|| mo->player->powers[pw_tailsfly]) // SRB2kart
if (mo->player->cmomx || mo->player->cmomy)
if (mo->player->speed >= FixedMul(mo->player->runspeed, mo->scale) && mo->player->panim != PA_RUN)
P_SetPlayerMobjState(mo, S_PLAY_SPD1);
P_SetPlayerMobjState(mo, S_KART_RUN1);
else if ((mo->player->rmomx || mo->player->rmomy) && mo->player->panim != PA_WALK)
P_SetPlayerMobjState(mo, S_PLAY_RUN1);
P_SetPlayerMobjState(mo, S_KART_WALK1);
else if (!mo->player->rmomx && !mo->player->rmomy && mo->player->panim != PA_IDLE)
P_SetPlayerMobjState(mo, S_PLAY_STND);
P_SetPlayerMobjState(mo, S_KART_STND);
if (mo->player->speed >= FixedMul(mo->player->runspeed, mo->scale) && mo->player->panim != PA_RUN)
P_SetPlayerMobjState(mo, S_PLAY_SPD1);
P_SetPlayerMobjState(mo, S_KART_RUN1);
else if ((mo->momx || mo->momy) && mo->player->panim != PA_WALK)
P_SetPlayerMobjState(mo, S_PLAY_RUN1);
P_SetPlayerMobjState(mo, S_KART_WALK1);
else if (!mo->momx && !mo->momy && mo->player->panim != PA_IDLE)
P_SetPlayerMobjState(mo, S_PLAY_STND);
P_SetPlayerMobjState(mo, S_KART_STND);
@ -3739,7 +3738,7 @@ static void P_PlayerMobjThinker(mobj_t *mobj)
mobj->player->secondjump = 0;
mobj->player->powers[pw_tailsfly] = 0;
P_SetPlayerMobjState(mobj, S_PLAY_RUN1);
P_SetPlayerMobjState(mobj, S_KART_WALK1); // SRB2kart - was S_PLAY_RUN1
mobj->eflags &= ~MFE_JUSTHITFLOOR;
@ -8448,7 +8447,7 @@ void P_AfterPlayerSpawn(INT32 playernum)
p->viewz = p->mo->z + p->viewheight;
P_SetPlayerMobjState(p->mo, S_PLAY_STND);
P_SetPlayerMobjState(p->mo, S_KART_STND); // SRB2kart - was S_PLAY_STND
p->pflags &= ~PF_SPINNING;
if (playernum == consoleplayer)
@ -2743,7 +2743,7 @@ static void P_ProcessLineSpecial(line_t *line, mobj_t *mo, sector_t *callsec)
mo->player->rmomx = mo->player->rmomy = 1;
mo->player->cmomx = mo->player->cmomy = 0;
P_SetPlayerMobjState(mo, S_PLAY_STND);
P_SetPlayerMobjState(mo, S_KART_STND); // SRB2kart - was S_PLAY_STND
// Reset bot too.
if (bot) {
@ -2754,7 +2754,7 @@ static void P_ProcessLineSpecial(line_t *line, mobj_t *mo, sector_t *callsec)
bot->player->rmomx = bot->player->rmomy = 1;
bot->player->cmomx = bot->player->cmomy = 0;
P_SetPlayerMobjState(bot, S_PLAY_STND);
P_SetPlayerMobjState(bot, S_KART_STND); // SRB2kart - was S_PLAY_STND
@ -3700,7 +3700,7 @@ DoneSection2:
if (!(player->pflags & PF_SPINNING))
player->pflags |= PF_SPINNING;
P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_PLAY_ATK1);
//P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_PLAY_ATK1); // SRB2kart
player->powers[pw_flashing] = TICRATE/3;
@ -3841,8 +3841,8 @@ DoneSection2:
player->mo->momz = mobjinfo[MT_FAN].mass;
if (player->panim != PA_FALL)
P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_PLAY_FALL1);
//if (player->panim != PA_FALL) // SRB2kart
// P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_PLAY_FALL1);
case 6: // Super Sonic transformer
@ -3851,6 +3851,7 @@ DoneSection2:
case 7: // Make player spin
/* // SRB2kart - no.
if (!(player->pflags & PF_SPINNING) && P_IsObjectOnGround(player->mo) && (player->charability2 == CA2_SPINDASH))
player->pflags |= PF_SPINNING;
@ -3860,7 +3861,7 @@ DoneSection2:
if (abs(player->rmomx) < FixedMul(5*FRACUNIT, player->mo->scale)
&& abs(player->rmomy) < FixedMul(5*FRACUNIT, player->mo->scale))
P_InstaThrust(player->mo, player->mo->angle, FixedMul(10*FRACUNIT, player->mo->scale));
case 8: // Zoom Tube Start
@ -3928,11 +3929,11 @@ DoneSection2:
player->pflags &= ~PF_GLIDING;
player->climbing = 0;
if (!(player->mo->state >= &states[S_PLAY_ATK1] && player->mo->state <= &states[S_PLAY_ATK4]))
P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_PLAY_ATK1);
S_StartSound(player->mo, sfx_spin);
//if (!(player->mo->state >= &states[S_PLAY_ATK1] && player->mo->state <= &states[S_PLAY_ATK4])) // SRB2kart
// P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_PLAY_ATK1);
// S_StartSound(player->mo, sfx_spin);
@ -4000,11 +4001,11 @@ DoneSection2:
player->pflags |= PF_SPINNING;
player->pflags &= ~PF_JUMPED;
if (!(player->mo->state >= &states[S_PLAY_ATK1] && player->mo->state <= &states[S_PLAY_ATK4]))
P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_PLAY_ATK1);
S_StartSound(player->mo, sfx_spin);
//if (!(player->mo->state >= &states[S_PLAY_ATK1] && player->mo->state <= &states[S_PLAY_ATK4])) // SRB2kart
// P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_PLAY_ATK1);
// S_StartSound(player->mo, sfx_spin);
@ -4305,7 +4306,7 @@ DoneSection2:
player->pflags &= ~PF_SLIDING;
player->climbing = 0;
P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_PLAY_CARRY);
//P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_PLAY_CARRY); // SRB2kart
case 12: // Camera noclip
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ void P_MixUp(mobj_t *thing, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, angle_t angle,
P_SetPlayerMobjState(thing, S_PLAY_STND);
P_SetPlayerMobjState(thing, S_KART_STND); // SRB2kart - was S_PLAY_STND
P_FlashPal(thing->player, PAL_MIXUP, 10);
@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ boolean P_Teleport(mobj_t *thing, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, angle_t angle
thing->player->rmomx = thing->player->rmomy = 0;
thing->player->speed = 0;
P_SetPlayerMobjState(thing, S_PLAY_STND);
P_SetPlayerMobjState(thing, S_KART_STND); // SRB2kart - was S_PLAY_STND
if (flash)
@ -42,6 +42,8 @@
#include "b_bot.h"
// Objectplace
#include "m_cheat.h"
// SRB2kart
#include "k_kart.h"
#ifdef HW3SOUND
#include "hardware/hw3sound.h"
@ -605,7 +607,7 @@ static void P_DeNightserizePlayer(player_t *player)
if (player->mo->tracer)
P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_PLAY_FALL1);
//P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_PLAY_FALL1); // SRB2kart
player->pflags |= PF_NIGHTSFALL;
// If in a special stage, add some preliminary exit time.
@ -958,6 +960,7 @@ void P_GivePlayerLives(player_t *player, INT32 numlives)
// Transform into Super Sonic!
void P_DoSuperTransformation(player_t *player, boolean giverings)
return; // SRB2kart - this is not a thing we need
player->powers[pw_super] = 1;
if (!(mapheaderinfo[gamemap-1]->levelflags & LF_NOSSMUSIC) && P_IsLocalPlayer(player))
@ -968,7 +971,7 @@ void P_DoSuperTransformation(player_t *player, boolean giverings)
S_StartSound(NULL, sfx_supert); //let all players hear it -mattw_cfi
// Transformation animation
P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_PLAY_SUPERTRANS1);
//P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_PLAY_SUPERTRANS1);
player->mo->momx = player->mo->momy = player->mo->momz = 0;
@ -1590,12 +1593,14 @@ void P_DoPlayerExit(player_t *player)
player->exiting = (14*TICRATE)/5 + 2; // Accidental death safeguard???
//player->pflags &= ~PF_GLIDING;
/* // SRB2kart - don't need
if (player->climbing)
player->climbing = 0;
player->pflags |= PF_JUMPED;
P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_PLAY_ATK1);
player->powers[pw_underwater] = 0;
player->powers[pw_spacetime] = 0;
@ -2275,6 +2280,7 @@ static void P_DoPlayerHeadSigns(player_t *player)
static void P_DoClimbing(player_t *player)
return; // SRB2kart - don't need
ticcmd_t *cmd = &player->cmd;
fixed_t platx;
fixed_t platy;
@ -2653,6 +2659,7 @@ static void P_DoClimbing(player_t *player)
climb = false;
/* // SRB2kart - don't need
if (player->climbing && climb && (player->mo->momx || player->mo->momy || player->mo->momz)
&& !(player->mo->state >= &states[S_PLAY_CLIMB2] && player->mo->state <= &states[S_PLAY_CLIMB5]))
P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_PLAY_CLIMB2);
@ -2677,12 +2684,13 @@ static void P_DoClimbing(player_t *player)
player->pflags |= PF_JUMPED;
P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_PLAY_ATK1);
player->climbing = 0;
player->pflags |= PF_JUMPED;
P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_PLAY_ATK1);
//P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_PLAY_ATK1);
if (cmd->sidemove != 0 || cmd->forwardmove != 0)
@ -2690,6 +2698,7 @@ static void P_DoClimbing(player_t *player)
climb = false;
if (player->climbing && climb && (player->mo->momx || player->mo->momy || player->mo->momz)
&& !(player->mo->state >= &states[S_PLAY_CLIMB2] && player->mo->state <= &states[S_PLAY_CLIMB5]))
P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_PLAY_CLIMB2);
@ -2715,11 +2724,12 @@ static void P_DoClimbing(player_t *player)
if (player->climbing == 0)
P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_PLAY_ATK1);
if (player->climbing && P_IsObjectOnGround(player->mo))
P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_PLAY_STND);
P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_KART_STND); // SRB2kart
@ -2849,6 +2859,7 @@ static boolean PIT_CheckSolidsTeeter(mobj_t *thing)
static void P_DoTeeter(player_t *player)
return; // SRB2kart - don't need
msecnode_t *node;
boolean teeter = false;
boolean roverfloor; // solid 3d floors?
@ -3142,6 +3153,7 @@ teeterdone:
tmthing = oldtmthing; // restore old tmthing, goodness knows what the game does with this before mobj thinkers
if (teeter)
if ((player->mo->state == &states[S_PLAY_STND] || player->mo->state == &states[S_PLAY_TAP1] || player->mo->state == &states[S_PLAY_TAP2] || player->mo->state == &states[S_PLAY_SUPERSTAND]))
@ -3149,6 +3161,7 @@ teeterdone:
else if (checkedforteeter && (player->mo->state == &states[S_PLAY_TEETER1] || player->mo->state == &states[S_PLAY_TEETER2] || player->mo->state == &states[S_PLAY_SUPERTEETER]))
P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_PLAY_STND);
@ -3393,10 +3406,11 @@ firenormal:
static void P_DoSuperStuff(player_t *player)
return; // SRB2kart - don't neeeeed
mobj_t *spark;
ticcmd_t *cmd = &player->cmd;
if (player->mo->state >= &states[S_PLAY_SUPERTRANS1] && player->mo->state <= &states[S_PLAY_SUPERTRANS9])
return; // don't do anything right now, we're in the middle of transforming!
//if (player->mo->state >= &states[S_PLAY_SUPERTRANS1] && player->mo->state <= &states[S_PLAY_SUPERTRANS9])
// return; // don't do anything right now, we're in the middle of transforming!
if (player->pflags & PF_NIGHTSMODE)
return; // NiGHTS Super doesn't mix with normal super
@ -3413,7 +3427,7 @@ static void P_DoSuperStuff(player_t *player)
if (!((ALL7EMERALDS(emeralds)) && (player->charflags & SF_SUPER)) && !(ALL7EMERALDS(player->powers[pw_emeralds])))
player->powers[pw_super] = 0;
P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_PLAY_STND);
P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_KART_STND);
@ -3487,6 +3501,7 @@ static void P_DoSuperStuff(player_t *player)
if (gametype != GT_COOP)
player->powers[pw_flashing] = flashingtics-1;
if (player->mo->health > 0)
if ((player->pflags & PF_JUMPED) || (player->pflags & PF_SPINNING))
@ -3504,6 +3519,7 @@ static void P_DoSuperStuff(player_t *player)
player->mo->health = 1;
// Inform the netgame that the champion has fallen in the heat of battle.
if (gametype != GT_COOP)
@ -3710,10 +3726,12 @@ void P_DoJump(player_t *player, boolean soundandstate)
if (!player->spectator)
S_StartSound(player->mo, sfx_jump); // Play jump sound!
/* // SRB2kart - don't need jump frames
if (!(player->charability2 == CA2_SPINDASH))
P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_PLAY_SPRING);
P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_PLAY_ATK1);
@ -3724,6 +3742,7 @@ void P_DoJump(player_t *player, boolean soundandstate)
static void P_DoSpinDash(player_t *player, ticcmd_t *cmd)
return; // SRB2kart - what's a spindash?
if (player->pflags & PF_STASIS)
@ -3750,7 +3769,7 @@ static void P_DoSpinDash(player_t *player, ticcmd_t *cmd)
player->pflags |= PF_STARTDASH|PF_SPINNING;
player->dashspeed = FixedMul(FRACUNIT, player->mo->scale);
player->dashtime = 0;
P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_PLAY_ATK1);
//P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_PLAY_ATK1);
player->pflags |= PF_USEDOWN;
else if ((cmd->buttons & BT_USE) && (player->pflags & PF_STARTDASH))
@ -3779,7 +3798,7 @@ static void P_DoSpinDash(player_t *player, ticcmd_t *cmd)
) && !(player->pflags & PF_USEDOWN) && !(player->pflags & PF_SPINNING))
player->pflags |= PF_SPINNING;
P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_PLAY_ATK1);
//P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_PLAY_ATK1);
if (!player->spectator)
S_StartSound(player->mo, sfx_spin);
player->pflags |= PF_USEDOWN;
@ -3800,7 +3819,7 @@ static void P_DoSpinDash(player_t *player, ticcmd_t *cmd)
player->skidtime = 0;
player->pflags &= ~PF_SPINNING;
P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_PLAY_STND);
P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_KART_STND);
player->mo->momx = player->cmomx;
player->mo->momy = player->cmomy;
@ -3822,8 +3841,8 @@ static void P_DoSpinDash(player_t *player, ticcmd_t *cmd)
player->dashspeed = 0;
if (onground && (player->pflags & PF_SPINNING) && !(player->panim == PA_ROLL))
P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_PLAY_ATK1);
//if (onground && (player->pflags & PF_SPINNING) && !(player->panim == PA_ROLL))
// P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_PLAY_ATK1);
@ -3833,6 +3852,7 @@ static void P_DoSpinDash(player_t *player, ticcmd_t *cmd)
void P_DoJumpShield(player_t *player)
return; // SRB2kart - Would be useful for feathers, but those are impossible to balance, so nuts to it.
if (player->pflags & PF_THOKKED)
@ -3843,7 +3863,7 @@ void P_DoJumpShield(player_t *player)
player->jumping = 0;
player->pflags |= PF_THOKKED;
player->pflags &= ~PF_SPINNING;
P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_PLAY_FALL1);
//P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_PLAY_FALL1);
S_StartSound(player->mo, sfx_wdjump);
@ -3994,6 +4014,7 @@ static void P_DoJumpStuff(player_t *player, ticcmd_t *cmd)
player->secondjump = 0;
player->pflags &= ~PF_THOKKED;
/* // SRB2kart - no jumpy power things
else if (player->pflags & PF_MACESPIN && player->mo->tracer)
player->pflags &= ~PF_MACESPIN;
@ -4070,7 +4091,7 @@ static void P_DoJumpStuff(player_t *player, ticcmd_t *cmd)
; // Can't do anything if you're a fish out of water!
else if (!(player->pflags & PF_THOKKED) && !(player->powers[pw_tailsfly]))
P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_PLAY_ABL1); // Change to the flying animation
//P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_PLAY_ABL1); // Change to the flying animation
player->powers[pw_tailsfly] = tailsflytics + 1; // Set the fly timer
@ -4096,7 +4117,7 @@ static void P_DoJumpStuff(player_t *player, ticcmd_t *cmd)
player->pflags &= ~PF_THOKKED;
P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_PLAY_ABL1);
//P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_PLAY_ABL1);
P_InstaThrust(player->mo, player->mo->angle, FixedMul(glidespeed, player->mo->scale));
player->pflags &= ~(PF_SPINNING|PF_STARTDASH);
@ -4178,6 +4199,7 @@ static void P_DoJumpStuff(player_t *player, ticcmd_t *cmd)
else if ((player->powers[pw_shield] & SH_NOSTACK) == SH_JUMP && !player->powers[pw_super])
if (cmd->buttons & BT_JUMP)
@ -4330,14 +4352,14 @@ static void P_2dMovement(player_t *player)
else if (player->exiting)
player->pflags &= ~PF_GLIDING;
P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_PLAY_RUN1);
P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_KART_WALK1); // SRB2kart - was S_PLAY_RUN1
player->skidtime = 0;
if (player->pflags & PF_SPINNING && !player->exiting)
player->pflags &= ~PF_SPINNING;
P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_PLAY_STND);
P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_KART_STND); // SRB2kart - was S_PLAY_STND
@ -4521,14 +4543,14 @@ static void P_3dMovement(player_t *player)
else if (player->exiting)
player->pflags &= ~PF_GLIDING;
P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_PLAY_RUN1);
P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_KART_WALK1); // SRB2kart - was S_PLAY_RUN1
player->skidtime = 0;
if (player->pflags & PF_SPINNING && !player->exiting)
player->pflags &= ~PF_SPINNING;
P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_PLAY_STND);
P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_KART_STND); // SRB2kart - was S_PLAY_STND
@ -6234,6 +6256,7 @@ static void P_SkidStuff(player_t *player)
fixed_t pmy = player->rmomy + player->cmomy;
// Knuckles glides into the dirt.
/* // SRB2kart - don't need
if (player->pflags & PF_GLIDING && player->skidtime)
// Fell off a ledge...
@ -6271,7 +6294,7 @@ static void P_SkidStuff(player_t *player)
// Skidding!
else if (onground && !(player->mo->eflags & MFE_GOOWATER) && !(player->pflags & (PF_JUMPED|PF_SPINNING|PF_SLIDING)) && !(player->charflags & SF_NOSKID))
else*/if (onground && !(player->mo->eflags & MFE_GOOWATER) && !(player->pflags & (PF_JUMPED|PF_SPINNING|PF_SLIDING)) && !(player->charflags & SF_NOSKID))
if (player->skidtime)
@ -6307,7 +6330,7 @@ static void P_SkidStuff(player_t *player)
player->skidtime = TICRATE/2;
S_StartSound(player->mo, sfx_skid);
if (player->panim != PA_WALK)
P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_PLAY_RUN4); // this switches to S_PLAY_SUPERWALK1 for superanims
P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_KART_WALK2); // SRB2kart - was S_PLAY_RUN4
player->mo->tics = player->skidtime;
@ -6332,11 +6355,13 @@ static void P_MovePlayer(player_t *player)
if (countdowntimeup)
/* // SRB2kart - junk
if (player->mo->state >= &states[S_PLAY_SUPERTRANS1] && player->mo->state <= &states[S_PLAY_SUPERTRANS9])
player->mo->momx = player->mo->momy = player->mo->momz = 0;
cmd = &player->cmd;
runspd = FixedMul(player->runspeed, player->mo->scale);
@ -6480,28 +6505,121 @@ static void P_MovePlayer(player_t *player)
// If the player is moving fast enough,
// break into a run!
if (player->speed >= runspd && player->panim == PA_WALK && !player->skidtime && (onground || player->powers[pw_super]))
P_SetPlayerMobjState (player->mo, S_PLAY_SPD1);
P_SetPlayerMobjState (player->mo, S_KART_RUN1); // SRB2kart - was S_PLAY_SPD1
// Otherwise, just walk.
else if ((player->rmomx || player->rmomy) && player->panim == PA_IDLE)
P_SetPlayerMobjState (player->mo, S_PLAY_RUN1);
P_SetPlayerMobjState (player->mo, S_KART_WALK1); // SRB2kart - was S_PLAY_RUN1
//{ SRB2kart
// Kart frames
if (player->kartstuff[k_squishedtimer] > 0)
if (player->mo->state != &states[S_KART_SQUISH])
P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_KART_SQUISH);
else if (player->kartstuff[k_spinouttimer] > 0)
if (!(player->mo->state >= &states[S_KART_SPIN1] && player->mo->state <= &states[S_KART_SPIN8]))
P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_KART_SPIN1);
else if (player->kartstuff[k_spinouttimer] == 0 && player->kartstuff[k_squishedtimer] == 0)
// Standing frames - S_KART_STND S_KART_STND_L S_KART_STND_R
if (player->speed == 0)
if (cmd->buttons & BT_WEAPONNEXT && !(player->mo->state == &states[S_KART_STND_R]))
P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_KART_STND_R);
else if (cmd->buttons & BT_WEAPONPREV && !(player->mo->state == &states[S_KART_STND_L]))
P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_KART_STND_L);
else if (!(cmd->buttons & BT_WEAPONNEXT || cmd->buttons & BT_WEAPONPREV) && !(player->mo->state == &states[S_KART_STND]))
P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_KART_STND);
// Drifting Left - S_KART_DRIFT_L1
else if (player->kartstuff[k_drift] < 0 && onground)
if (!(player->mo->state == &states[S_KART_DRIFT_L1] || player->mo->state == &states[S_KART_DRIFT_L2]))
P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_KART_DRIFT_L1);
// Drifting Right - S_KART_DRIFT_R1
else if (player->kartstuff[k_drift] > 0 && onground)
if (!(player->mo->state == &states[S_KART_DRIFT_R1] || player->mo->state == &states[S_KART_DRIFT_R2]))
P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_KART_DRIFT_R1);
// Run frames - S_KART_RUN1 S_KART_RUN_L1 S_KART_RUN_R1
else if (player->speed > runspd)
if (cmd->buttons & BT_WEAPONNEXT && !(player->mo->state == &states[S_KART_RUN_R1] || player->mo->state == &states[S_KART_RUN_R2]))
P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_KART_RUN_R1);
else if (cmd->buttons & BT_WEAPONPREV && !(player->mo->state == &states[S_KART_RUN_L1] || player->mo->state == &states[S_KART_RUN_L2]))
P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_KART_RUN_L1);
else if (!(cmd->buttons & BT_WEAPONNEXT || cmd->buttons & BT_WEAPONPREV) && !(player->mo->state == &states[S_KART_RUN1] || player->mo->state == &states[S_KART_RUN2]))
P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_KART_RUN1);
else if (player->speed <= runspd)
if (cmd->buttons & BT_WEAPONNEXT && !(player->mo->state == &states[S_KART_WALK_R1] || player->mo->state == &states[S_KART_WALK_R2]))
P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_KART_WALK_R1);
else if (cmd->buttons & BT_WEAPONPREV && !(player->mo->state == &states[S_KART_WALK_L1] || player->mo->state == &states[S_KART_WALK_L2]))
P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_KART_WALK_L1);
else if (!(cmd->buttons & BT_WEAPONNEXT || cmd->buttons & BT_WEAPONPREV) && !(player->mo->state == &states[S_KART_WALK1] || player->mo->state == &states[S_KART_WALK2]))
P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_KART_WALK1);
// If your running animation is playing, and you're
// going too slow, switch back to the walking frames.
if (player->panim == PA_RUN && player->speed < runspd)
P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_PLAY_RUN1);
P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_KART_WALK1); // SRB2kart - was S_PLAY_RUN1
// If Springing, but travelling DOWNWARD, change back!
if (player->mo->state == &states[S_PLAY_SPRING] && P_MobjFlip(player->mo)*player->mo->momz < 0)
P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_PLAY_FALL1);
//if (player->mo->state == &states[S_PLAY_SPRING] && P_MobjFlip(player->mo)*player->mo->momz < 0)
// P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_PLAY_FALL1);
// If Springing but on the ground, change back!
else if (onground && (player->mo->state == &states[S_PLAY_SPRING] || player->panim == PA_FALL || player->mo->state == &states[S_PLAY_CARRY]) && !player->mo->momz)
P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_PLAY_STND);
//else if (onground && (player->mo->state == &states[S_PLAY_SPRING] || player->panim == PA_FALL || player->mo->state == &states[S_PLAY_CARRY]) && !player->mo->momz)
// P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_PLAY_STND);
// If you are stopped and are still walking, stand still!
if (!player->mo->momx && !player->mo->momy && !player->mo->momz && player->panim == PA_WALK)
P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_PLAY_STND);
P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_KART_STND); // SRB2kart - was S_PLAY_STND
//{ SRB2kart
// Engine Sounds.
/* // -- Need to load these sounds into game first
if (!player->exiting)
if (player->speed == 0 && onground && player->speed == 0 && leveltime % 6 == 0 && kartmode)
S_StartSound(player->mo, sfx_kart1);
if ((player->speed < runspd && player->speed != 0) && leveltime % 8 == 0 && kartmode)
S_StartSound(player->mo, sfx_kart2);
if ((player->speed > runspd) && leveltime % 8 == 0 && kartmode)
S_StartSound(player->mo, sfx_kart3);
// Drifting sound
if (kartmode)
// Leveltime being 50 might take a while at times. We'll start it up once, isntantly.
if ((player->powers[pw_drift] == 1 || player->powers[pw_drift] == -1) && onground && !S_SoundPlaying(NULL, sfx_mkdrft))
S_StartSound(player->mo, sfx_mkdrft);
// Start looping the sound now.
else if (leveltime % 50 == 0 && ((player->powers[pw_drift] == 1 || player->powers[pw_drift] == -1) && onground))
S_StartSound(player->mo, sfx_mkdrft);
// Ok, we'll stop now.
else if ((player->powers[pw_drift] == 0)
&& (player == &players[consoleplayer] || (splitscreen && player == &players[secondarydisplayplayer])))
S_StopSoundByID(player->mo, sfx_mkdrft);
@ -6516,7 +6634,7 @@ static void P_MovePlayer(player_t *player)
player->jumping = 0;
player->secondjump = 0;
player->pflags &= ~PF_THOKKED;
P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_PLAY_STND);
P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_KART_STND); // SRB2kart - was S_PLAY_STND
// Cap the speed limit on a spindash
@ -6528,6 +6646,7 @@ static void P_MovePlayer(player_t *player)
if (!(player->charability == CA_GLIDEANDCLIMB) || player->gotflag) // If you can't glide, then why the heck would you be gliding?
/* // SRB2kart - ???
if (player->pflags & PF_GLIDING || player->climbing)
if (onground)
@ -6538,6 +6657,7 @@ static void P_MovePlayer(player_t *player)
P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_PLAY_ATK1);
player->pflags &= ~PF_GLIDING;
player->glidetime = 0;
player->climbing = 0;
@ -6545,6 +6665,7 @@ static void P_MovePlayer(player_t *player)
// Glide MOMZ
// AKA my own gravity. =)
/* // SRB2kart - gliding is illegal, go to jail
if (player->pflags & PF_GLIDING)
fixed_t leeway;
@ -6619,6 +6740,7 @@ static void P_MovePlayer(player_t *player)
player->mo->momz = 0;
// If you're running fast enough, you can create splashes as you run in shallow water.
if (!player->climbing
@ -6653,6 +6775,7 @@ static void P_MovePlayer(player_t *player)
/* // SRB2kart - nah
if (!(player->charability == CA_FLY || player->charability == CA_SWIM)) // why are you flying when you cannot fly?!
if (player->powers[pw_tailsfly]
@ -6740,12 +6863,13 @@ static void P_MovePlayer(player_t *player)
if (demorecording)
/* // SRB2kart - nadah
// If the player isn't on the ground, make sure they aren't in a "starting dash" position.
if (!onground)
@ -6759,13 +6883,15 @@ static void P_MovePlayer(player_t *player)
P_DoSpinDash(player, cmd);
// jumping
P_DoJumpStuff(player, cmd);
// If you're not spinning, you'd better not be spindashing!
if (!(player->pflags & PF_SPINNING))
player->pflags &= ~PF_STARTDASH;
@ -6814,7 +6940,7 @@ static void P_MovePlayer(player_t *player)
// Otherwise, face the direction you're travelling.
else if (player->panim == PA_WALK || player->panim == PA_RUN || player->panim == PA_ROLL
|| ((player->mo->state >= &states[S_PLAY_ABL1] && player->mo->state <= &states[S_PLAY_SPC4]) && player->charability == CA_FLY))
|| (/*(player->mo->state >= &states[S_PLAY_ABL1] && player->mo->state <= &states[S_PLAY_SPC4]) && */player->charability == CA_FLY)) // SRB2kart - idk
player->mo->angle = R_PointToAngle2(0, 0, player->rmomx, player->rmomy);
// Update the local angle control.
@ -6830,6 +6956,7 @@ static void P_MovePlayer(player_t *player)
//STUFF! //
/* // SRB2kart - what's a shield? Never heard of it. Never happened. Nope.
if (cmd->buttons & BT_USE) // Spin button effects
if (player->pflags & PF_JUMPED) // If the player is jumping
@ -6959,25 +7086,30 @@ static void P_MovePlayer(player_t *player)
if (player->mo->eflags & MFE_VERTICALFLIP && player->mo->height != oldheight) // adjust z height for reverse gravity, similar to how it's done for scaling
player->mo->z -= player->mo->height - oldheight;
// Crush test...
if ((player->mo->ceilingz - player->mo->floorz < player->mo->height)
&& !(player->mo->flags & MF_NOCLIP))
/* // SRB2kart - no, we're not making the playerspin
if ((player->charability2 == CA2_SPINDASH) && !(player->pflags & PF_SPINNING))
player->pflags |= PF_SPINNING;
P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_PLAY_ATK1);
else if (player->mo->ceilingz - player->mo->floorz < player->mo->height)
else */if (player->mo->ceilingz - player->mo->floorz < player->mo->height)
if ((netgame || multiplayer) && player->spectator)
P_DamageMobj(player->mo, NULL, NULL, 42000); // Respawn crushed spectators
P_SquishPlayerMobj(player->mo, NULL); // SRB2kart - we don't kill when squished, we squish when squished.
mobj_t *killer = P_SpawnMobj(player->mo->x, player->mo->y, player->mo->z, MT_NULL);
killer->threshold = 44; // Special flag that it was crushing which killed you.
P_DamageMobj(player->mo, killer, killer, 10000);
if (player->playerstate == PST_DEAD)
@ -7228,6 +7360,8 @@ static void P_DoZoomTube(player_t *player)
static void P_DoRopeHang(player_t *player)
return; // SRB2kart - errr
INT32 sequence;
fixed_t speed;
thinker_t *th;
@ -7379,6 +7513,7 @@ static void P_DoRopeHang(player_t *player)
player->mo->momy = speedy;
player->mo->momz = speedz;
#if 0
@ -8691,6 +8826,7 @@ void P_PlayerThink(player_t *player)
if (player->pflags & PF_GLIDING)
if (player->panim != PA_ABILITY)
@ -8698,6 +8834,7 @@ void P_PlayerThink(player_t *player)
else if ((player->pflags & PF_JUMPED) && !player->powers[pw_super] && player->panim != PA_ROLL && player->charability2 == CA2_SPINDASH)
P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_PLAY_ATK1);
if (player->flashcount)
@ -8924,24 +9061,25 @@ void P_PlayerThink(player_t *player)
else if (player->mo->tracer && player->mo->tracer->type == MT_TUBEWAYPOINT)
if (player->pflags & PF_ROPEHANG)
if (!P_AnalogMove(player))
player->mo->angle = (cmd->angleturn<<16 /* not FRACBITS */);
// SRB2kart - don't need no rope hangin'
//if (player->pflags & PF_ROPEHANG)
// if (!P_AnalogMove(player))
// player->mo->angle = (cmd->angleturn<<16 /* not FRACBITS */);
if ((cmd->angleturn & TICCMD_RECEIVED) == 0)
// ticruned++;
// if ((cmd->angleturn & TICCMD_RECEIVED) == 0)
// ticmiss++;
P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_PLAY_CARRY);
P_DoJumpStuff(player, &player->cmd);
// P_DoRopeHang(player);
// P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_PLAY_CARRY);
// P_DoJumpStuff(player, &player->cmd);
if (!(player->panim == PA_ROLL) && player->charability2 == CA2_SPINDASH)
P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_PLAY_ATK1);
//if (!(player->panim == PA_ROLL) && player->charability2 == CA2_SPINDASH) // SRB2kart
// P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_PLAY_ATK1);
player->rmomx = player->rmomy = 0; // no actual momentum from your controls
@ -9070,7 +9208,7 @@ void P_PlayerThink(player_t *player)
if (player->powers[pw_ingoop])
if (player->mo->state == &states[S_PLAY_STND])
if (player->mo->state == &states[S_KART_STND]) // SRB2kart - was S_PLAY_STND
player->mo->tics = 2;
@ -9125,7 +9263,7 @@ void P_PlayerThink(player_t *player)
player->pflags &= ~PF_SLIDING;
P_KartPlayerThink(player); // SRB2kart
K_KartPlayerThink(player, cmd); // SRB2kart
// Colormap verification
@ -9318,19 +9456,22 @@ void P_PlayerAfterThink(player_t *player)
if (P_IsLocalPlayer(player) && (player->pflags & PF_WPNDOWN) && player->currentweapon != oldweapon)
S_StartSound(NULL, sfx_wepchg);
/* // SRB2kart
if (player->pflags & PF_GLIDING)
if (player->panim != PA_ABILITY)
P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_PLAY_ABL1);
else if (player->pflags & PF_SLIDING)
else */
if (player->pflags & PF_SLIDING)
P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, player->mo->info->painstate);
else if (player->pflags & PF_JUMPED
/*else if (player->pflags & PF_JUMPED
&& ((!player->powers[pw_super] && player->panim != PA_ROLL)
|| player->mo->state == &states[player->mo->info->painstate])
&& player->charability2 == CA2_SPINDASH)
P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_PLAY_ATK1);
P_SetPlayerMobjState(player->mo, S_PLAY_ATK1);*/
/* // SRB2kart - fight! fight! fight!
if (player->pflags & PF_CARRIED && player->mo->tracer)
player->mo->height = FixedDiv(P_GetPlayerHeight(player), FixedDiv(14*FRACUNIT,10*FRACUNIT));
@ -9423,7 +9564,7 @@ void P_PlayerAfterThink(player_t *player)
else if (player->pflags & PF_MACESPIN && player->mo->tracer && player->mo->tracer->target)
else */if (player->pflags & PF_MACESPIN && player->mo->tracer && player->mo->tracer->target)
player->mo->height = P_GetPlayerSpinHeight(player);
// tracer is what you're hanging onto....
@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
#include "m_menu.h"
#include "m_cheat.h"
#include "p_setup.h" // NiGHTS grading
#include "k_kart.h" // SRB2kart
//random index
#include "m_random.h"
@ -123,6 +124,10 @@ static patch_t *minicaps;
static patch_t *gotrflag;
static patch_t *gotbflag;
// SRB2kart
static boolean facefreed[MAXPLAYERS];
hudinfo_t hudinfo[NUMHUDITEMS] =
@ -337,6 +342,8 @@ void ST_LoadGraphics(void)
for (i = 0; i < 7; ++i)
ngradeletters[i] = W_CachePatchName(va("GRADE%d", i), PU_HUDGFX);
// made separate so that skins code can reload custom face graphics
@ -1731,6 +1738,7 @@ static void ST_doItemFinderIconsAndSound(void)
static void ST_overlayDrawer(void)
/* SRB2kart doesn't need this stuff
//hu_showscores = auto hide score/time/rings when tab rankings are shown
if (!(hu_showscores && (netgame || multiplayer)))
@ -1758,6 +1766,7 @@ static void ST_overlayDrawer(void)
// GAME OVER pic
if (G_GametypeUsesLives() && stplyr->lives <= 0 && !(hu_showscores && (netgame || multiplayer)))
@ -1772,13 +1781,15 @@ static void ST_overlayDrawer(void)
V_DrawScaledPatch((BASEVIDWIDTH - SHORT(p->width))/2, STRINGY(BASEVIDHEIGHT/2 - (SHORT(p->height)/2)), 0, p);
if (!hu_showscores) // hide the following if TAB is held
// Countdown timer for Race Mode
if (countdown)
V_DrawCenteredString(BASEVIDWIDTH/2, STRINGY(176), 0, va("%d", countdown/TICRATE));
/* SRB2kart doesn't need this stuff, I think
// If you are in overtime, put a big honkin' flashin' message on the screen.
if (G_RingSlingerGametype() && cv_overtime.value
&& (leveltime > (timelimitintics + TICRATE/2)) && cv_timelimit.value && (leveltime/TICRATE % 2 == 0))
@ -1821,6 +1832,7 @@ static void ST_overlayDrawer(void)
if (stplyr->powers[pw_gravityboots] > 3*TICRATE || (stplyr->powers[pw_gravityboots] && leveltime & 1))
V_DrawScaledPatch(hudinfo[HUD_GRAVBOOTSICO].x, STRINGY(hudinfo[HUD_GRAVBOOTSICO].y), V_SNAPTORIGHT, gravboots);
@ -1225,6 +1225,101 @@ void V_DrawString(INT32 x, INT32 y, INT32 option, const char *string)
// SRB2kart
void V_DrawKartString(INT32 x, INT32 y, INT32 option, const char *string)
INT32 w, c, cx = x, cy = y, dupx, dupy, scrwidth = BASEVIDWIDTH, center = 0;
const char *ch = string;
INT32 charflags = 0;
const UINT8 *colormap = NULL;
INT32 spacewidth = 12, charwidth = 0;
INT32 lowercase = (option & V_ALLOWLOWERCASE);
option &= ~V_FLIP; // which is also shared with V_ALLOWLOWERCASE...
if (option & V_NOSCALESTART)
dupx = vid.dupx;
dupy = vid.dupy;
scrwidth = vid.width;
dupx = dupy = 1;
charflags = (option & V_CHARCOLORMASK);
switch (option & V_SPACINGMASK)
spacewidth = 12;
charwidth = 12;
spacewidth = 6;
for (;;ch++)
if (!*ch)
if (*ch & 0x80) //color parsing -x 2.16.09
// manually set flags override color codes
if (!(option & V_CHARCOLORMASK))
charflags = ((*ch & 0x7f) << V_CHARCOLORSHIFT) & V_CHARCOLORMASK;
if (*ch == '\n')
cx = x;
if (option & V_RETURN8)
cy += 8*dupy;
cy += 12*dupy;
c = *ch;
if (!lowercase)
c = toupper(c);
// character does not exist or is a space
if (c < 0 || c >= KART_FONTSIZE || !kart_font[c])
cx += spacewidth * dupx;
if (charwidth)
w = charwidth * dupx;
center = w/2 - SHORT(kart_font[c]->width)*dupx/2;
w = SHORT(kart_font[c]->width) * dupx;
if (cx + w > scrwidth)
if (cx < 0) //left boundary check
cx += w;
colormap = V_GetStringColormap(charflags);
V_DrawFixedPatch((cx + center)<<FRACBITS, cy<<FRACBITS, FRACUNIT, option, kart_font[c], colormap);
cx += w;
void V_DrawCenteredString(INT32 x, INT32 y, INT32 option, const char *string)
x -= V_StringWidth(string, option)/2;
@ -157,6 +157,7 @@ char *V_WordWrap(INT32 x, INT32 w, INT32 option, const char *string);
// draw a string using the hu_font
void V_DrawString(INT32 x, INT32 y, INT32 option, const char *string);
void V_DrawKartString(INT32 x, INT32 y, INT32 option, const char *string); // SRB2kart
void V_DrawCenteredString(INT32 x, INT32 y, INT32 option, const char *string);
void V_DrawRightAlignedString(INT32 x, INT32 y, INT32 option, const char *string);
Reference in a new issue