Match HWR_DrawCroppedPatch to V_DrawCroppedPatch

This commit is contained in:
Sryder 2018-03-17 13:58:44 +00:00
parent 801f7547d3
commit a9214ebd37

View file

@ -312,10 +312,7 @@ void HWR_DrawCroppedPatch(GLPatch_t *gpatch, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t pscal
// | /|
// |/ |
// 0--1
float sdupx = FIXED_TO_FLOAT(vid.fdupx)*2.0f;
float sdupy = FIXED_TO_FLOAT(vid.fdupy)*2.0f;
float pdupx = FIXED_TO_FLOAT(vid.fdupx)*2.0f*FIXED_TO_FLOAT(pscale);
float pdupy = FIXED_TO_FLOAT(vid.fdupy)*2.0f*FIXED_TO_FLOAT(pscale);
float dupx, dupy, fscale, fwidth, fheight;
if (alphalevel >= 10 && alphalevel < 13)
@ -323,28 +320,109 @@ void HWR_DrawCroppedPatch(GLPatch_t *gpatch, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t pscal
// make patch ready in hardware cache
dupx = (float)vid.dupx;
dupy = (float)vid.dupy;
switch (option & V_SCALEPATCHMASK)
pdupx = pdupy = 2.0f;
dupx = dupy = 1.0f;
pdupx = 2.0f * FIXED_TO_FLOAT(vid.fsmalldupx);
pdupy = 2.0f * FIXED_TO_FLOAT(vid.fsmalldupy);
dupx = (float)vid.smalldupx;
dupy = (float)vid.smalldupy;
pdupx = 2.0f * FIXED_TO_FLOAT(vid.fmeddupx);
pdupy = 2.0f * FIXED_TO_FLOAT(vid.fmeddupy);
dupx = (float)vid.meddupx;
dupy = (float)vid.meddupy;
if (option & V_NOSCALESTART)
sdupx = sdupy = 2.0f;
dupx = dupy = (dupx < dupy ? dupx : dupy);
fscale = FIXED_TO_FLOAT(pscale);
v[0].x = v[3].x = (cx*sdupx - gpatch->leftoffset * pdupx) / vid.width - 1;
v[2].x = v[1].x = (cx*sdupx + ((w-sx) - gpatch->leftoffset) * pdupx) / vid.width - 1;
v[0].y = v[1].y = 1 - (cy*sdupy - gpatch->topoffset * pdupy) / vid.height;
v[2].y = v[3].y = 1 - (cy*sdupy + ((h-sy) - gpatch->topoffset) * pdupy) / vid.height;
cy -= (float)gpatch->topoffset * fscale;
cx -= (float)gpatch->leftoffset * fscale;
if (!(option & V_NOSCALESTART))
cx = cx * dupx;
cy = cy * dupy;
if (!(option & V_SCALEPATCHMASK))
// if it's meant to cover the whole screen, black out the rest
// cx and cy are possibly *slightly* off from float maths
// This is done before here compared to software because we directly alter cx and cy to centre
if (cx >= -0.1f && cx <= 0.1f && SHORT(gpatch->width) == BASEVIDWIDTH && cy >= -0.1f && cy <= 0.1f && SHORT(gpatch->height) == BASEVIDHEIGHT)
// Need to temporarily cache the real patch to get the colour of the top left pixel
patch_t *realpatch = W_CacheLumpNumPwad(gpatch->wadnum, gpatch->lumpnum, PU_STATIC);
const column_t *column = (const column_t *)((const UINT8 *)(realpatch) + LONG((realpatch)->columnofs[0]));
const UINT8 *source = (const UINT8 *)(column) + 3;
HWR_DrawFill(0, 0, BASEVIDWIDTH, BASEVIDHEIGHT, (column->topdelta == 0xff ? 31 : source[0]));
// centre screen
if (vid.width != BASEVIDWIDTH * vid.dupx)
if (option & V_SNAPTORIGHT)
cx += ((float)vid.width - ((float)BASEVIDWIDTH * dupx));
else if (!(option & V_SNAPTOLEFT))
cx += ((float)vid.width - ((float)BASEVIDWIDTH * dupx))/2;
if (vid.height != BASEVIDHEIGHT * vid.dupy)
cy += ((float)vid.height/2 - ((float)BASEVIDHEIGHT/2 * dupy));
else if (option & V_SNAPTOBOTTOM)
cy += ((float)vid.height - ((float)BASEVIDHEIGHT * dupy));
else if (!(option & V_SNAPTOTOP))
cy += ((float)vid.height - ((float)BASEVIDHEIGHT * dupy))/2;
fwidth = w;
fheight = h;
if (fwidth > w - sx)
fwidth = w - sx;
if (fheight > h - sy)
fheight = h - sy;
if (fwidth > gpatch->width)
fwidth = gpatch->width;
if (fheight > gpatch->height)
fheight = gpatch->height;
if (pscale != FRACUNIT)
fwidth *= fscale * dupx;
fheight *= fscale * dupy;
fwidth *= dupx;
fheight *= dupy;
// positions of the cx, cy, are between 0 and vid.width/vid.height now, we need them to be between -1 and 1
cx = -1 + (cx / (vid.width/2));
cy = 1 - (cy / (vid.height/2));
// fwidth and fheight are similar
fwidth /= vid.width / 2;
fheight /= vid.height / 2;
// set the polygon vertices to the right positions
v[0].x = v[3].x = cx;
v[2].x = v[1].x = cx + fwidth;
v[0].y = v[1].y = cy;
v[2].y = v[3].y = cy - fheight;
v[0].z = v[1].z = v[2].z = v[3].z = 1.0f;