mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 12:12:31 +00:00
Revamped the lumpinfo_t array generation code.
-The resource type is 'adequately*' detected first. -The type-specific behaviors are now contained in their own functions, which are called accordingly for each. -The PKZip lumpinfo_t generation has been almost entirely rewritten. -If the functions return null pointer, the resource addition is considered invalid and pops an error.
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 332 additions and 316 deletions
@ -26,7 +26,23 @@
#include "lzf.h"
#ifdef HAVE_ZLIB
#ifndef _MSC_VER
#ifndef _LFS64_LARGEFILE
#define _LFS64_LARGEFILE
#include "zlib.h"
#endif // HAVE_ZLIB
#include "doomdef.h"
#include "doomstat.h"
@ -301,6 +317,299 @@ static void W_InvalidateLumpnumCache(void)
memset(lumpnumcache, 0, sizeof (lumpnumcache));
/** Detect a file type.
* \todo Actually detect the wad/pkzip headers and whatnot, instead of just checking the extensions.
static restype_t ResourceFileDetect (const char* filename)
if (!stricmp(&filename[strlen(filename) - 4], ".pk3"))
return RET_PK3;
if (!stricmp(&filename[strlen(filename) - 4], ".soc"))
return RET_SOC;
if (!stricmp(&filename[strlen(filename) - 4], ".lua"))
return RET_LUA;
return RET_WAD;
/** Create a 1-lump lumpinfo_t for standalone files.
static lumpinfo_t* ResGetLumpsStandalone (FILE* handle, UINT16* numlumps, const char* lumpname)
lumpinfo_t* lumpinfo = Z_Calloc(sizeof (*lumpinfo), PU_STATIC, NULL);
lumpinfo = Z_Calloc(sizeof (*lumpinfo), PU_STATIC, NULL);
lumpinfo->position = 0;
fseek(handle, 0, SEEK_END);
lumpinfo->size = ftell(handle);
fseek(handle, 0, SEEK_SET);
strcpy(lumpinfo->name, lumpname);
// Allocate the lump's full name.
lumpinfo->name2 = Z_Malloc(9 * sizeof(char), PU_STATIC, NULL);
strcpy(lumpinfo->name2, lumpname);
lumpinfo->name2[8] = '\0';
*numlumps = 1;
return lumpinfo;
/** Create a lumpinfo_t array for a WAD file.
static lumpinfo_t* ResGetLumpsWad (FILE* handle, UINT16* nlmp, const char* filename)
UINT16 numlumps = *nlmp;
lumpinfo_t* lumpinfo;
size_t i;
INT32 compressed = 0;
wadinfo_t header;
lumpinfo_t *lump_p;
filelump_t *fileinfo;
void *fileinfov;
// read the header
if (fread(&header, 1, sizeof header, handle) < sizeof header)
CONS_Alert(CONS_ERROR, M_GetText("Can't read wad header because %s\n"), strerror(ferror(handle)));
return 0;
if (memcmp(header.identification, "ZWAD", 4) == 0)
compressed = 1;
else if (memcmp(header.identification, "IWAD", 4) != 0
&& memcmp(header.identification, "PWAD", 4) != 0
&& memcmp(header.identification, "SDLL", 4) != 0)
CONS_Alert(CONS_ERROR, M_GetText("Invalid WAD header\n"));
return 0;
header.numlumps = LONG(header.numlumps);
header.infotableofs = LONG(header.infotableofs);
// read wad file directory
i = header.numlumps * sizeof (*fileinfo);
fileinfov = fileinfo = malloc(i);
if (fseek(handle, header.infotableofs, SEEK_SET) == -1
|| fread(fileinfo, 1, i, handle) < i)
CONS_Alert(CONS_ERROR, M_GetText("Corrupt wadfile directory (%s)\n"), strerror(ferror(handle)));
return 0;
numlumps = header.numlumps;
// fill in lumpinfo for this wad
lump_p = lumpinfo = Z_Malloc(numlumps * sizeof (*lumpinfo), PU_STATIC, NULL);
for (i = 0; i < numlumps; i++, lump_p++, fileinfo++)
lump_p->position = LONG(fileinfo->filepos);
lump_p->size = lump_p->disksize = LONG(fileinfo->size);
if (compressed) // wad is compressed, lump might be
UINT32 realsize = 0;
if (fseek(handle, lump_p->position, SEEK_SET)
== -1 || fread(&realsize, 1, sizeof realsize,
handle) < sizeof realsize)
I_Error("corrupt compressed file: %s; maybe %s", /// \todo Avoid the bailout?
filename, strerror(ferror(handle)));
realsize = LONG(realsize);
if (realsize != 0)
lump_p->size = realsize;
lump_p->compression = CM_LZF;
lump_p->size -= 4;
lump_p->compression = CM_NOCOMPRESSION;
lump_p->position += 4;
lump_p->disksize -= 4;
lump_p->compression = CM_NOCOMPRESSION;
memset(lump_p->name, 0x00, 9);
strncpy(lump_p->name, fileinfo->name, 8);
// Allocate the lump's full name.
lump_p->name2 = Z_Malloc(9 * sizeof(char), PU_STATIC, NULL);
strncpy(lump_p->name2, fileinfo->name, 8);
lump_p->name2[8] = '\0';
*nlmp = numlumps;
return lumpinfo;
/** Optimized pattern search in a file.
static boolean ResFindSignature (FILE* handle, char endPat[], UINT32 startpos)
char *s;
int c;
fseek(handle, startpos, SEEK_SET);
s = endPat;
while((c = fgetc(handle)) != EOF)
if (*s != c && s > endPat) // No match?
s = endPat; // We "reset" the counter by sending the s pointer back to the start of the array.
if (*s == c)
if (*s == 0x00) // The array pointer has reached the key char which marks the end. It means we have matched the signature.
return true;
return false;
typedef struct zend_s
char signature[4];
UINT16 diskpos;
UINT16 cdirdisk;
UINT16 diskentries;
UINT16 entries;
UINT32 cdirsize;
UINT32 cdiroffset;
UINT16 commentlen;
} ATTRPACK zend_t;
typedef struct zentry_s
char signature[4];
UINT16 version;
UINT16 versionneeded;
UINT16 flags;
UINT16 compression;
UINT16 modtime;
UINT16 moddate;
UINT32 compsize;
UINT32 size;
UINT16 namelen;
UINT16 xtralen;
UINT16 commlen;
UINT16 diskstart;
UINT16 attrint;
UINT32 attrext;
UINT32 offset;
} ATTRPACK zentry_t;
typedef struct zlentry_s
char signature[4];
UINT16 versionneeded;
UINT16 flags;
UINT16 compression;
UINT16 modtime;
UINT16 moddate;
UINT32 compsize;
UINT32 size;
UINT16 namelen;
UINT16 xtralen;
} ATTRPACK zlentry_t;
/** Create a lumpinfo_t array for a PKZip file.
static lumpinfo_t* ResGetLumpsZip (FILE* handle, UINT16* nlmp)
zend_t zend;
zentry_t* zentries;
zentry_t* zentry;
UINT16 numlumps = *nlmp;
lumpinfo_t* lumpinfo;
lumpinfo_t *lump_p;
size_t i;
char pat_central[] = {0x50, 0x4b, 0x01, 0x02, 0x00};
char pat_end[] = {0x50, 0x4b, 0x05, 0x06, 0x00};
// Look for central directory end signature near end of file.
// Contains entry number (number of lumps), and central directory start offset.
fseek(handle, 0, SEEK_END);
if (!ResFindSignature(handle, pat_end, max(0, ftell(handle) - (22 + 65536))))
CONS_Alert(CONS_ERROR, "Missing central directory\n");
return 0;
fseek(handle, -4, SEEK_CUR);
fread(&zend, 1, sizeof zend, handle);
numlumps = zend.entries;
lump_p = lumpinfo = Z_Malloc(numlumps * sizeof (*lumpinfo), PU_STATIC, NULL);
zentry = zentries = malloc(numlumps * sizeof (*zentries));
fseek(handle, zend.cdiroffset, SEEK_SET);
for (i = 0; i < numlumps; i++, zentry++, lump_p++)
char* fullname;
char* trimname;
char* dotpos;
fread(zentry, 1, sizeof(zentry_t), handle);
if (memcmp(zentry->signature, pat_central, 4))
CONS_Alert(CONS_ERROR, "Central directory is corrupt\n");
return 0;
lump_p->position = zentry->offset + zentry->namelen + zentry->xtralen + sizeof(zlentry_t);
lump_p->disksize = zentry->compsize;
lump_p->size = zentry->size;
fullname = malloc(zentry->namelen + 1);
fgets(fullname, zentry->namelen + 1, handle);
// Strip away file address and extension for the 8char name.
if ((trimname = strrchr(fullname, '/')) != 0)
trimname = fullname; // Care taken for root files.
if ((dotpos = strrchr(trimname, '.')) == 0)
dotpos = fullname + strlen(fullname); // Watch for files without extension.
memset(lump_p->name, '\0', 9); // Making sure they're initialized to 0. Is it necessary?
strncpy(lump_p->name, trimname, min(8, dotpos - trimname));
lump_p->name2 = Z_Calloc(zentry->namelen + 1, PU_STATIC, NULL);
strncpy(lump_p->name2, fullname, zentry->namelen);
case 0:
lump_p->compression = CM_NOCOMPRESSION;
case 8:
lump_p->compression = CM_DEFLATE;
case 14:
lump_p->compression = CM_LZF;
CONS_Alert(CONS_WARNING, "%s: Unsupported compression method\n", fullname);
lump_p->compression = CM_UNSUPPORTED;
*nlmp = numlumps;
return lumpinfo;
// Allocate a wadfile, setup the lumpinfo (directory) and
// lumpcache, add the wadfile to the current active wadfiles
@ -318,9 +627,8 @@ UINT16 W_InitFile(const char *filename)
lumpinfo_t *lumpinfo;
wadfile_t *wadfile;
restype_t type;
UINT16 numlumps;
UINT16 numlumps = 0;
size_t i;
INT32 compressed = 0;
size_t packetsize = 0;
serverinfo_pak *dummycheck = NULL;
UINT8 md5sum[16];
@ -381,323 +689,30 @@ UINT16 W_InitFile(const char *filename)
// detect dehacked file with the "soc" extension
if (!stricmp(&filename[strlen(filename) - 4], ".soc"))
switch(type = ResourceFileDetect(filename))
// This code emulates a wadfile with one lump name "OBJCTCFG"
// at position 0 and size of the whole file.
// This allows soc files to be like all wads, copied by network and loaded at the console.
type = RET_SOC;
numlumps = 1;
lumpinfo = Z_Calloc(sizeof (*lumpinfo), PU_STATIC, NULL);
lumpinfo->position = 0;
fseek(handle, 0, SEEK_END);
lumpinfo->size = ftell(handle);
fseek(handle, 0, SEEK_SET);
strcpy(lumpinfo->name, "OBJCTCFG");
// Allocate the lump's full name.
lumpinfo->name2 = Z_Malloc(9 * sizeof(char), PU_STATIC, NULL);
strcpy(lumpinfo->name2, "OBJCTCFG");
lumpinfo->name2[8] = '\0';
case RET_SOC:
lumpinfo = ResGetLumpsStandalone(handle, &numlumps, "OBJCTCFG");
#ifdef HAVE_BLUA
// detect lua script with the "lua" extension
else if (!stricmp(&filename[strlen(filename) - 4], ".lua"))
// This code emulates a wadfile with one lump name "LUA_INIT"
// at position 0 and size of the whole file.
// This allows soc files to be like all wads, copied by network and loaded at the console.
type = RET_LUA;
numlumps = 1;
lumpinfo = Z_Calloc(sizeof (*lumpinfo), PU_STATIC, NULL);
lumpinfo->position = 0;
fseek(handle, 0, SEEK_END);
lumpinfo->size = ftell(handle);
fseek(handle, 0, SEEK_SET);
strcpy(lumpinfo->name, "LUA_INIT");
// Allocate the lump's full name.
lumpinfo->name2 = Z_Malloc(9 * sizeof(char), PU_STATIC, NULL);
strcpy(lumpinfo->name2, "OBJCTCFG");
lumpinfo->name2[8] = '\0';
case RET_LUA:
lumpinfo = ResGetLumpsStandalone(handle, &numlumps, "LUA_INIT");
else if (!stricmp(&filename[strlen(filename) - 4], ".pk3"))
char curHeader[4];
unsigned long size;
char seekPat[] = {0x50, 0x4b, 0x01, 0x02, 0x00};
char endPat[] = {0x50, 0x4b, 0x05, 0x06, 0x00};
char *s;
int c;
UINT32 position;
boolean matched = false;
lumpinfo_t *lump_p;
type = RET_PK3;
// Obtain the file's size.
fseek(handle, 0, SEEK_END);
size = ftell(handle);
CONS_Debug(DBG_SETUP, "PK3 size is: %ld\n", size);
// We must look for the central directory through the file. (Thanks to JTE for this algorithm.)
// All of the central directory entry headers have a signature of 0x50 0x4b 0x01 0x02.
// The first entry found means the beginning of the central directory.
fseek(handle, -min(size, (22 + 65536)), SEEK_CUR);
s = endPat;
while((c = fgetc(handle)) != EOF)
if (*s != c && s > endPat) // No match?
s = endPat; // We "reset" the counter by sending the s pointer back to the start of the array.
if (*s == c)
if (*s == 0x00) // The array pointer has reached the key char which marks the end. It means we have matched the signature.
matched = true;
CONS_Debug(DBG_SETUP, "Found PK3 central directory at position %ld.\n", ftell(handle));
// Error if we couldn't find the central directory at all. It likely means this is not a ZIP/PK3 file.
if (matched == false)
CONS_Alert(CONS_ERROR, "No central directory inside PK3! File may be corrupted or incomplete.\n");
return INT16_MAX;
fseek(handle, 4, SEEK_CUR);
fread(&numlumps, 1, 2, handle);
fseek(handle, 6, SEEK_CUR);
fread(&position, 1, 4, handle);
lump_p = lumpinfo = Z_Malloc(numlumps * sizeof (*lumpinfo), PU_STATIC, NULL);
fseek(handle, position, SEEK_SET);
// Since we found the central directory, now we can map our lumpinfo table.
// We will look for file headers inside it, until we reach the central directory end signature.
// We exactly know what data to expect this time, so now we don't need to do a byte-by-byte search.
CONS_Debug(DBG_SETUP, "Now finding central directory file headers...\n");
for (i = 0; i < numlumps; i++, lump_p++)
fread(curHeader, 1, 4, handle);
// We found a central directory entry signature?
if (!strncmp(curHeader, seekPat, 3))
// Let's fill in the fields that we actually need.
// (Declaring all those vars might not be the optimal way to do this, sorry.)
char *eName;
int namePos;
int nameEnd;
unsigned short int eNameLen = 8;
unsigned short int eXFieldLen = 0;
unsigned short int lNameLen = 0;
unsigned short int lXFieldLen = 0;
unsigned short int eCommentLen = 0;
unsigned short int eCompression = 0;
unsigned int eSize = 0;
unsigned int eCompSize = 0;
unsigned int eLocalHeaderOffset = 0;
unsigned long int rememberPos = 0;
// We get the compression type indicator value.
fseek(handle, 6, SEEK_CUR);
fread(&eCompression, 1, 2, handle);
// Get the size
fseek(handle, 8, SEEK_CUR);
fread(&eCompSize, 1, 4, handle);
fread(&eSize, 1, 4, handle);
// We get the variable length fields.
fread(&eNameLen, 1, 2, handle);
fread(&eXFieldLen, 1, 2, handle);
fread(&eCommentLen, 1, 2, handle);
fseek(handle, 8, SEEK_CUR);
fread(&eLocalHeaderOffset, 1, 4, handle); // Get the offset.
eName = malloc(sizeof(char)*(eNameLen + 1));
fgets(eName, eNameLen + 1, handle);
// Don't load lump if folder.
// if (*(eName + eNameLen - 1) == '/')
// continue;
// We must calculate the position for the actual data.
// Why not eLocalHeaderOffset + 30 + eNameLen + eXFieldLen? That's because the extra field and name lengths MAY be different in the local headers.
rememberPos = ftell(handle);
fseek(handle, eLocalHeaderOffset + 26, SEEK_SET);
fread(&lNameLen, 1, 2, handle);
fread(&lXFieldLen, 1, 2, handle);
lump_p->position = ftell(handle) + lNameLen + lXFieldLen;
fseek(handle, rememberPos, SEEK_SET); // Let's go back to the central dir.
lump_p->disksize = eCompSize;
lump_p->size = eSize;
// We will trim the file's full name so that only the filename is left.
namePos = eNameLen - 1;
if(eName[namePos] == '/')
// We will remove the file extension too.
nameEnd = 0;
while(nameEnd++ < 8)
if(eName[namePos + nameEnd] == '.')
memset(lump_p->name, '\0', 9);
strncpy(lump_p->name, eName + namePos, nameEnd);
lump_p->name2 = Z_Malloc((eNameLen+1)*sizeof(char), PU_STATIC, NULL);
strncpy(lump_p->name2, eName, eNameLen);
lump_p->name2[eNameLen] = '\0';
// We set the compression type from what we're supporting so far.
case 0:
lump_p->compression = CM_NOCOMPRESSION;
case 8:
lump_p->compression = CM_DEFLATE;
case 14:
lump_p->compression = CM_LZF;
CONS_Alert(CONS_WARNING, "Lump has an unsupported compression type!\n");
lump_p->compression = CM_UNSUPPORTED;
CONS_Debug(DBG_SETUP, "File %s, data begins at: %ld\n", eName, lump_p->position);
fseek(handle, eXFieldLen + eCommentLen, SEEK_CUR); // We skip to where we expect the next central directory entry or end marker to be.
// We found the central directory end signature?
else if (!strncmp(curHeader, endPat, 4))
CONS_Debug(DBG_SETUP, "Central directory end signature found at: %ld\n", ftell(handle));
/*// We will create a "virtual" marker lump at the very end of lumpinfo for convenience.
// This marker will be used by the different lump-seeking (eg. textures, sprites, etc.) in PK3-specific cases in an auxiliary way.
lumpinfo = (lumpinfo_t*) Z_Realloc(lumpinfo, (numlumps + 1)*sizeof(*lumpinfo), PU_STATIC, NULL);
strcpy(lumpinfo[numlumps].name, "PK3_ENDM\0");
lumpinfo[numlumps].name2 = Z_Malloc(14 * sizeof(char), PU_STATIC, NULL);
strcpy(lumpinfo[numlumps].name2, "PK3_ENDMARKER\0");
lumpinfo[numlumps].position = 0;
lumpinfo[numlumps].size = 0;
lumpinfo[numlumps].disksize = 0;
lumpinfo[numlumps].compression = CM_NOCOMPRESSION;
// ... None of them? We're only expecting either a central directory signature entry or the central directory end signature.
// The file may be broken or incomplete...
CONS_Alert(CONS_WARNING, "Expected central directory header signature, got something else!");
return INT16_MAX;
// If we've reached this far, then it means our dynamically stored lumpinfo has to be ready.
// Now we finally build our... incorrectly called wadfile.
// TODO: Maybe we should give them more generalized names, like resourcefile or resfile or something.
// Mostly for clarity and better understanding when reading the code.
case RET_PK3:
lumpinfo = ResGetLumpsZip(handle, &numlumps);
case RET_WAD:
lumpinfo = ResGetLumpsWad(handle, &numlumps, filename);
CONS_Alert(CONS_ERROR, "Unsupported file format\n");
// assume wad file
if (lumpinfo == 0)
wadinfo_t header;
lumpinfo_t *lump_p;
filelump_t *fileinfo;
void *fileinfov;
type = RET_WAD;
// read the header
if (fread(&header, 1, sizeof header, handle) < sizeof header)
CONS_Alert(CONS_ERROR, M_GetText("Can't read wad header from %s because %s\n"), filename, strerror(ferror(handle)));
if (handle)
return INT16_MAX;
if (memcmp(header.identification, "ZWAD", 4) == 0)
compressed = 1;
else if (memcmp(header.identification, "IWAD", 4) != 0
&& memcmp(header.identification, "PWAD", 4) != 0
&& memcmp(header.identification, "SDLL", 4) != 0)
CONS_Alert(CONS_ERROR, M_GetText("%s does not have a valid WAD header\n"), filename);
if (handle)
return INT16_MAX;
header.numlumps = LONG(header.numlumps);
header.infotableofs = LONG(header.infotableofs);
// read wad file directory
i = header.numlumps * sizeof (*fileinfo);
fileinfov = fileinfo = malloc(i);
if (fseek(handle, header.infotableofs, SEEK_SET) == -1
|| fread(fileinfo, 1, i, handle) < i)
CONS_Alert(CONS_ERROR, M_GetText("Wadfile directory in %s is corrupted (%s)\n"), filename, strerror(ferror(handle)));
if (handle)
return INT16_MAX;
numlumps = header.numlumps;
// fill in lumpinfo for this wad
lump_p = lumpinfo = Z_Malloc(numlumps * sizeof (*lumpinfo), PU_STATIC, NULL);
for (i = 0; i < numlumps; i++, lump_p++, fileinfo++)
lump_p->position = LONG(fileinfo->filepos);
lump_p->size = lump_p->disksize = LONG(fileinfo->size);
if (compressed) // wad is compressed, lump might be
UINT32 realsize = 0;
if (fseek(handle, lump_p->position, SEEK_SET)
== -1 || fread(&realsize, 1, sizeof realsize,
handle) < sizeof realsize)
I_Error("corrupt compressed file: %s; maybe %s",
filename, strerror(ferror(handle)));
realsize = LONG(realsize);
if (realsize != 0)
lump_p->size = realsize;
lump_p->compression = CM_LZF;
lump_p->size -= 4;
lump_p->compression = CM_NOCOMPRESSION;
lump_p->position += 4;
lump_p->disksize -= 4;
lump_p->compression = CM_NOCOMPRESSION;
memset(lump_p->name, 0x00, 9);
strncpy(lump_p->name, fileinfo->name, 8);
// Allocate the lump's full name.
lump_p->name2 = Z_Malloc(9 * sizeof(char), PU_STATIC, NULL);
strncpy(lump_p->name2, fileinfo->name, 8);
lump_p->name2[8] = '\0';
return INT16_MAX;
@ -60,7 +60,6 @@ typedef struct
char name[9]; // filelump_t name[]
char *name2; // Used by PK3s. Dynamically allocated name.
size_t size; // real (uncompressed) size
INT32 compressed; // i
compmethod compression; // lump compression method
} lumpinfo_t;
@ -84,9 +83,11 @@ typedef enum restype
} restype_t;
typedef struct wadfile_s
char *filename;
Reference in a new issue