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synced 2025-03-20 01:43:15 +00:00
Fixing tabs
This commit is contained in:
9 changed files with 81 additions and 81 deletions
@ -227,17 +227,17 @@ typedef enum
pw_ingoop, // In goop
// /////////////// //
// SRB2kart Powers // // SRB2kart 16/02/15 (TODO: Remove Riders powers we don't need.)
// /////////////// //
// /////////////// //
// SRB2kart Powers // // SRB2kart 16/02/15 (TODO: Remove Riders powers we don't need.)
// /////////////// //
// Riders
pw_exrun, // Are you on your gear?
pw_exspeed, // Extreme Gear speed
pw_airtank, // Air points for your gear
pw_airstartpoint, // More points = Less airtank points
pw_exrun, // Are you on your gear?
pw_exspeed, // Extreme Gear speed
pw_airtank, // Air points for your gear
pw_airstartpoint, // More points = Less airtank points
@ -246,74 +246,74 @@ typedef enum
pw_jmpcharge, // Hold the jump button to charge it first
pw_jmpcharge, // Hold the jump button to charge it first
// Race
pw_drift, // Drifting Left or Right, plus a bigger counter = sharper turn
pw_driftcharge, // Charge your drift so you can release a burst of speed
pw_jmp, // In Mario Kart, letting go of the jump button stops the drift
pw_positiondelay, // Similar to P_PlayTauntSound's delay
pw_drift, // Drifting Left or Right, plus a bigger counter = sharper turn
pw_driftcharge, // Charge your drift so you can release a burst of speed
pw_jmp, // In Mario Kart, letting go of the jump button stops the drift
pw_positiondelay, // Similar to P_PlayTauntSound's delay
// Kart
pw_itemslot, // If you have X item, and kartitem chose X too, save it.
pw_itemslot, // If you have X item, and kartitem chose X too, save it.
pw_star, // 1 = Star in inventory
pw_star, // 1 = Star in inventory
pw_mushroom, // Whether you are currently shroom boosting
pw_mushroom, // Whether you are currently shroom boosting
pw_shroom, // 1 = 1 Mushroom in inventory, 2 = 2 Mushrooms in inventory,
// 4 = 3 Mushrooms in inventory, 8 = Gold Shroom in inventory
pw_goldshroom, // Timer for gold shroom usage
pw_shroom, // 1 = 1 Mushroom in inventory, 2 = 2 Mushrooms in inventory,
// 4 = 3 Mushrooms in inventory, 8 = Gold Shroom in inventory
pw_goldshroom, // Timer for gold shroom usage
pw_megamushroom, // 1 = mega shroom in inventory
pw_megamushroom, // 1 = mega shroom in inventory
// Moved here because I don't want to break maps
pw_bananacam, // Player turning timer
pw_bananacam, // Player turning timer
pw_thunder, // 1 = lightning in inventory
pw_thunder, // 1 = lightning in inventory
pw_blueshell, // 1 = Blue Shell in inventory
pw_blueshell, // 1 = Blue Shell in inventory
pw_shell, // 1 = shell being held, 2 = shell in inventory
pw_tripleshell, // 1 = 1 shell circling, 2 = 2 shells circling,
// 4 = 3 shells circling, 8 = triple shells in inventory
pw_shell, // 1 = shell being held, 2 = shell in inventory
pw_tripleshell, // 1 = 1 shell circling, 2 = 2 shells circling,
// 4 = 3 shells circling, 8 = triple shells in inventory
pw_redshell, // 1 = redshell being held, 2 = redshell in inventory
pw_tripleredshell, // 1 = 1 red shell circling, 2 = 2 red shells circling,
// 4 = 3 red shells circling, 8 = triple red shells in inventory
pw_redshell, // 1 = redshell being held, 2 = redshell in inventory
pw_tripleredshell, // 1 = 1 red shell circling, 2 = 2 red shells circling,
// 4 = 3 red shells circling, 8 = triple red shells in inventory
pw_banana, // 1 = banana being held, 2 = banana in inventory
pw_triplebanana, // 1 = 1 banana following, 2 = 2 bananas following,
// 4 = 3 bananas following, 8 = triple bananas in inventory
pw_banana, // 1 = banana being held, 2 = banana in inventory
pw_triplebanana, // 1 = 1 banana following, 2 = 2 bananas following,
// 4 = 3 bananas following, 8 = triple bananas in inventory
pw_fakeitem, // 1 = fake being held, 2 = fake in inventory
pw_fakeitem, // 1 = fake being held, 2 = fake in inventory
pw_bomb, // 1 = bomb being held, 2 = bomb in inventory
pw_bomb, // 1 = bomb being held, 2 = bomb in inventory
pw_shrink, // > 0 = small, < 0 = big
pw_squished, // Squashed timer
pw_boostcharge, // Charge your engine at the start of the race for a boost
pw_fishing, // Set up a timer that forces you to be in the air while respawning
pw_shrink, // > 0 = small, < 0 = big
pw_squished, // Squashed timer
pw_boostcharge, // Charge your engine at the start of the race for a boost
pw_fishing, // Set up a timer that forces you to be in the air while respawning
// Misc
pw_psychic, // Silver's floating power
pw_psychic, // Silver's floating power
pw_waypoint, // Waypoints. 'nuff said.
pw_introcam, // Early joiners need this, or a new joiner's camera will randomly rotate
pw_sounds, // We use this to avoid sounds being played every tic
pw_waypoint, // Waypoints. 'nuff said.
pw_introcam, // Early joiners need this, or a new joiner's camera will randomly rotate
pw_sounds, // We use this to avoid sounds being played every tic
pw_boo, // The initial boo, when used we decide who to swap with and
pw_boo, // The initial boo, when used we decide who to swap with and
// if we will actually swap, 1 = have boo in inventory
pw_bootake, // You are stealing an item from another player with boo, this is your timer
pw_boostolen, // you are the player being stolen from, this is your timer
pw_bootake, // You are stealing an item from another player with boo, this is your timer
pw_boostolen, // you are the player being stolen from, this is your timer
pw_pcd, // Past Checkpoint Distance
pw_ncd, // Next Chekpoint Distance
pw_pcd, // Past Checkpoint Distance
pw_ncd, // Next Chekpoint Distance
@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ typedef enum
BT_CUSTOM1 = 1<<13,
BT_CUSTOM2 = 1<<14,
BT_CUSTOM3 = 1<<15,
BT_FORWARD = 1<<16, // SRB2kart 16/02/15
BT_BACKWARD = 1<<17,
BT_FORWARD = 1<<16, // SRB2kart 16/02/15
BT_BACKWARD = 1<<17,
} buttoncode_t;
// The data sampled per tick (single player)
@ -988,13 +988,13 @@ static const struct {
{"RETRO",TOL_RETROKART}, // SRB2kart 16/02/15
{"RETRO",TOL_RETROKART}, // SRB2kart 16/02/15
{NULL, 0}
@ -1193,7 +1193,7 @@ static void readlevelheader(MYFILE *f, INT32 num)
mapheaderinfo[num-1]->countdown = (INT16)i;
else if (fastcmp(word, "PALETTE"))
mapheaderinfo[num-1]->palette = (UINT16)i;
else if (fastcmp(word, "AUTOMAP")) // SRB2kart 16/02/15
else if (fastcmp(word, "AUTOMAP")) // SRB2kart 16/02/15
mapheaderinfo[num-1]->automap = (UINT16)i;
else if (fastcmp(word, "NUMLAPS"))
mapheaderinfo[num-1]->numlaps = (UINT8)i;
@ -2044,7 +2044,7 @@ static boolean GoodDataFileName(const char *s)
if (p <= s) return false; // too short
if (!fasticmp(p, tail)) return false; // doesn't end in .dat
#ifdef DELFILE
if (fasticmp(s, "srb2kart.dat") && !disableundo) return false; // SRB2kart 16/02/15
if (fasticmp(s, "srb2kart.dat") && !disableundo) return false; // SRB2kart 16/02/15
if (fasticmp(s, "srb2kart.dat")) return false;
@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ extern FILE *logstream;
#define SUBVERSION 0 // more precise version number
#define VERSIONSTRING "Trunk"
#define VERSION 1602 // Game version // SRB2kart 16/02/15
#define VERSION 1602 // Game version // SRB2kart 16/02/15
#define SUBVERSION 15 // more precise version number
#define VERSIONSTRING "v16.02.15"
// Hey! If you change this, add 1 to the MODVERSION below!
@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ extern FILE *logstream;
// The string used in the alert that pops up in the event of an update being available.
// Please change to apply to your modification (we don't want everyone asking where your mod is on SRB2.org!).
"A new update is available for SRB2Kart.\n"\ // SRB2kart 16/02/15 (TODO: Put mod URL here)
"A new update is available for SRB2Kart.\n"\ // SRB2kart 16/02/15 (TODO: Put mod URL here)
"Please visit SRB2.org to download it.\n"\
"You are using version: %s\n"\
@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ extern FILE *logstream;
// The string used in the I_Error alert upon trying to host through command line parameters.
// Generally less filled with newlines, since Windows gives you lots more room to work with.
"A new update is available for SRB2Kart.\n"\ // SRB2kart 16/02/15 (TODO: Put mod URL here)
"A new update is available for SRB2Kart.\n"\ // SRB2kart 16/02/15 (TODO: Put mod URL here)
"Please visit SRB2.org to download it.\n"\
"You are using version: %s\n"\
@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ extern FILE *logstream;
// The Modification ID; must be obtained from Inuyasha ( http://mb.srb2.org/private.php?do=newpm&u=2604 ).
// DO NOT try to set this otherwise, or your modification will be unplayable through the Master Server.
// "12" is the default mod ID for version 2.1
#define MODID 9 // SRB2kart 16/02/15 (TODO: Check if this needs to be updated)
#define MODID 9 // SRB2kart 16/02/15 (TODO: Check if this needs to be updated)
// The Modification Version, starting from 1. Do not follow your version string for this,
// it's only for detection of the version the player is using so the MS can alert them of an update.
@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ void CONS_Debug(INT32 debugflags, const char *fmt, ...) FUNCDEBUG;
#define DEVMAPS "devmaps"
#define DEVDATA "devdata"
#define SAVEGAMENAME "srb2kartsav" // SRB2kart 16/02/15
#define SAVEGAMENAME "srb2kartsav" // SRB2kart 16/02/15
char savegamename[256];
@ -292,8 +292,8 @@ enum TypeOfLevel
TOL_ERZ3 = 0x0800, ///< ERZ3
TOL_XMAS = 0x1000, ///< Christmas NiGHTS
TOL_RETROKART = 0x2000, ///< SRB2kart 'Retro' mode // SRB2kart 16/02/15
TOL_NEOKART = 0x4000 ///< SRB2kart 'Neo' mode
TOL_RETROKART = 0x2000, ///< SRB2kart 'Retro' mode // SRB2kart 16/02/15
TOL_NEOKART = 0x4000 ///< SRB2kart 'Neo' mode
// Gametypes
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ JoyType_t Joystick2;
// 1024 bytes is plenty for a savegame
#define SAVEGAMESIZE (1024)
char gamedatafilename[64] = "srb2kart.dat"; // SRB2kart 16/02/15
char gamedatafilename[64] = "srb2kart.dat"; // SRB2kart 16/02/15
char timeattackfolder[64] = "main";
char customversionstring[32] = "\0";
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
#define mariomode (maptol & TOL_MARIO)
#define twodlevel (maptol & TOL_2D)
#define retrokart (maptol & TOL_RETROKART) // SRB2kart 16/02/15
#define retrokart (maptol & TOL_RETROKART) // SRB2kart 16/02/15
#define neokart (maptol & TOL_NEOKART)
@ -363,10 +363,10 @@ void P_CheckPointLimit(void);
void P_CheckSurvivors(void);
boolean P_CheckRacers(void);
void P_PlayBoardSound(mobj_t *source); // SRB2kart 16/02/15
void P_LookForWaypoints(player_t *player); // "
void P_Waypoint(mobj_t *source, mobj_t *enemy); // "
INT32 P_CheckPlayerAhead(player_t *player, INT32 tocheck); // "
void P_PlayBoardSound(mobj_t *source); // SRB2kart 16/02/15
void P_LookForWaypoints(player_t *player); // "
void P_Waypoint(mobj_t *source, mobj_t *enemy); // "
INT32 P_CheckPlayerAhead(player_t *player, INT32 tocheck); // "
void P_ClearStarPost(INT32 postnum);
void P_ResetStarposts(void);
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ static inline void P_UnArchivePlayer(void)
savedata.lives = READINT32(save_p);
savedata.continues = READINT32(save_p);
savedata.starpostwp = READUINT8(save_p); // SRB2kart 16/02/15
savedata.starpostwp = READUINT8(save_p); // SRB2kart 16/02/15
savedata.position = READUINT8(save_p); // "
if (savedata.botcolor)
@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ static inline void P_NetArchivePlayers(void)
WRITEUINT32(save_p, players[i].realtime);
WRITEUINT8(save_p, players[i].laps);
for (j = 0; j < (256); j++) // SRB2kart 16/02/15
for (j = 0; j < (256); j++) // SRB2kart 16/02/15
WRITEUINT32(save_p, players[i].checkpointtimes[j]); // "
WRITEINT32(save_p, players[i].playerahead); // "
@ -281,8 +281,8 @@ static inline void P_NetArchivePlayers(void)
WRITEUINT8(save_p, players[i].accelstart);
WRITEUINT8(save_p, players[i].acceleration);
WRITEFIXED(save_p, players[i].jumpfactor);
WRITEINT32(save_p, players[i].position); // SRB2kart 16/02/15
WRITEINT32(save_p, players[i].position); // SRB2kart 16/02/15
@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ static inline void P_NetUnArchivePlayers(void)
players[i].realtime = READUINT32(save_p); // integer replacement for leveltime
players[i].laps = READUINT8(save_p); // Number of laps (optional)
for (j = 0; j < (256); j++) // SRB2kart 16/02/15
for (j = 0; j < (256); j++) // SRB2kart 16/02/15
players[i].checkpointtimes[j] = READUINT32(save_p); // "
players[i].playerahead = READINT32(save_p); // "
@ -454,7 +454,7 @@ static inline void P_NetUnArchivePlayers(void)
players[i].acceleration = READUINT8(save_p);
players[i].jumpfactor = READFIXED(save_p);
players[i].position = READINT32(save_p);
players[i].position = READINT32(save_p);
@ -39,12 +39,12 @@ typedef struct
INT32 continues;
UINT16 emeralds;
INT32 starpostwp; // SRB2kart 16/02/15
INT32 position; // "
INT32 helddir; // Held dir of controls; 1 = forward, 0 = none, -1 = backward
INT32 turning; // "
INT32 newfloorz; // "
INT32 lakitu; // "
INT32 starpostwp; // SRB2kart 16/02/15
INT32 position; // "
INT32 helddir; // Held dir of controls; 1 = forward, 0 = none, -1 = backward
INT32 turning; // "
INT32 newfloorz; // "
INT32 lakitu; // "
} savedata_t;
Reference in a new issue