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synced 2025-03-13 22:32:01 +00:00
Don't send login final hashes to everyone
Someone thought it was a good fucking idea to make logins NetXCmds. NetXCmds are sent to everyone however. Thankfully logins are two passes. And the second pass uses a salt based on the playernum. Therefore, in order to actually make use of the final hash, you'd have to be the same playernum as who originally sent it. Still a stupid exploit. P.S. The netcode is LOL XD by VincyTM -Telos
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 74 additions and 70 deletions
@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
#include "lzf.h"
#include "lua_script.h"
#include "lua_hook.h"
#include "md5.h"
// cl loading screen
@ -116,6 +117,9 @@ static UINT8 resynch_local_inprogress = false; // WE are desynched and getting p
static UINT8 player_joining = false;
UINT8 hu_resynching = 0;
UINT8 adminpassmd5[MD5_LEN];
boolean adminpasswordset = false;
// Client specific
static ticcmd_t localcmds;
static ticcmd_t localcmds2;
@ -3760,6 +3764,7 @@ static void HandlePacketFromPlayer(SINT8 node)
XBOXSTATIC INT32 netconsole;
XBOXSTATIC tic_t realend, realstart;
XBOXSTATIC UINT8 *pak, *txtpak, numtxtpak;
XBOXSTATIC UINT8 finalmd5[MD5_LEN];/* Well, it's the cool thing to do? */
txtpak = NULL;
@ -3958,6 +3963,33 @@ FILESTAMP
textcmd[0] += (UINT8)netbuffer->u.textcmd[0];
case PT_LOGIN:
CONS_Printf("I received LOGIN\n");
if (client)
#ifndef NOMD5
if (doomcom->datalength < MD5_LEN)/* ignore partial sends */
if (!adminpasswordset)
CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Password from %s failed (no password set).\n"), player_names[netconsole]);
// Do the final pass to compare with the sent md5
D_MD5PasswordPass(adminpassmd5, MD5_LEN, va("PNUM%02d", netconsole), &finalmd5);
if (!memcmp(netbuffer->u.md5sum, finalmd5, MD5_LEN))
CONS_Printf(M_GetText("%s passed authentication.\n"), player_names[netconsole]);
COM_BufInsertText(va("promote %d\n", netconsole)); // do this immediately
CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Password from %s failed.\n"), player_names[netconsole]);
if (client)
@ -4841,3 +4873,29 @@ tic_t GetLag(INT32 node)
return gametic - nettics[node];
void D_MD5PasswordPass(const UINT8 *buffer, size_t len, const char *salt, void *dest)
#ifdef NOMD5
memset(dest, 0, 16);
XBOXSTATIC char tmpbuf[256];
const size_t sl = strlen(salt);
if (len > 256-sl)
len = 256-sl;
memcpy(tmpbuf, buffer, len);
memmove(&tmpbuf[len], salt, sl);
//strcpy(&tmpbuf[len], salt);
len += strlen(salt);
if (len < 256)
// Yes, we intentionally md5 the ENTIRE buffer regardless of size...
md5_buffer(tmpbuf, 256, dest);
@ -70,6 +70,9 @@ typedef enum
PT_NODETIMEOUT, // Packet sent to self if the connection times out.
PT_RESYNCHING, // Packet sent to resync players.
// Blocks game advance until synched.
PT_LOGIN, // Login attempt from the client.
#ifdef NEWPING
PT_PING, // Packet sent to tell clients the other client's latency to server.
@ -398,6 +401,7 @@ typedef struct
UINT8 textcmd[MAXTEXTCMD+1]; // 66049 bytes (wut??? 64k??? More like 257 bytes...)
filetx_pak filetxpak; // 139 bytes
clientconfig_pak clientcfg; // 136 bytes
UINT8 md5sum[MD5_LEN];
serverinfo_pak serverinfo; // 1024 bytes
serverrefuse_pak serverrefuse; // 65025 bytes (somehow I feel like those values are garbage...)
askinfo_pak askinfo; // 61 bytes
@ -526,5 +530,10 @@ void D_ResetTiccmds(void);
tic_t GetLag(INT32 node);
UINT8 GetFreeXCmdSize(void);
void D_MD5PasswordPass(const UINT8 *buffer, size_t len, const char *salt, void *dest);
extern UINT8 hu_resynching;
extern UINT8 adminpassmd5[MD5_LEN];
extern boolean adminpasswordset;
@ -34,13 +34,13 @@
#include "p_spec.h"
#include "m_cheat.h"
#include "d_clisrv.h"
#include "d_net.h"
#include "v_video.h"
#include "d_main.h"
#include "m_random.h"
#include "f_finale.h"
#include "filesrch.h"
#include "mserv.h"
#include "md5.h"
#include "z_zone.h"
#include "lua_script.h"
#include "lua_hook.h"
@ -143,7 +143,6 @@ static void Command_Clearscores_f(void);
// Remote Administration
static void Command_Changepassword_f(void);
static void Command_Login_f(void);
static void Got_Login(UINT8 **cp, INT32 playernum);
static void Got_Verification(UINT8 **cp, INT32 playernum);
static void Got_Removal(UINT8 **cp, INT32 playernum);
static void Command_Verify_f(void);
@ -437,7 +436,6 @@ void D_RegisterServerCommands(void)
// Remote Administration
COM_AddCommand("password", Command_Changepassword_f);
RegisterNetXCmd(XD_LOGIN, Got_Login);
COM_AddCommand("login", Command_Login_f); // useful in dedicated to kick off remote admin
COM_AddCommand("promote", Command_Verify_f);
RegisterNetXCmd(XD_VERIFIED, Got_Verification);
@ -2652,35 +2650,7 @@ static void Got_Teamchange(UINT8 **cp, INT32 playernum)
// Attempts to make password system a little sane without
// rewriting the entire goddamn XD_file system
#include "md5.h"
static void D_MD5PasswordPass(const UINT8 *buffer, size_t len, const char *salt, void *dest)
#ifdef NOMD5
memset(dest, 0, 16);
XBOXSTATIC char tmpbuf[256];
const size_t sl = strlen(salt);
if (len > 256-sl)
len = 256-sl;
memcpy(tmpbuf, buffer, len);
memmove(&tmpbuf[len], salt, sl);
//strcpy(&tmpbuf[len], salt);
len += strlen(salt);
if (len < 256)
// Yes, we intentionally md5 the ENTIRE buffer regardless of size...
md5_buffer(tmpbuf, 256, dest);
#define BASESALT "basepasswordstorage"
static UINT8 adminpassmd5[16];
static boolean adminpasswordset = false;
void D_SetPassword(const char *pw)
@ -2718,7 +2688,6 @@ static void Command_Login_f(void)
// If we have no MD5 support then completely disable XD_LOGIN responses for security.
CONS_Alert(CONS_NOTICE, "Remote administration commands are not supported in this build.\n");
XBOXSTATIC UINT8 finalmd5[16];
const char *pw;
if (!netgame)
@ -2738,47 +2707,15 @@ static void Command_Login_f(void)
pw = COM_Argv(1);
// Do the base pass to get what the server has (or should?)
D_MD5PasswordPass((const UINT8 *)pw, strlen(pw), BASESALT, &finalmd5);
D_MD5PasswordPass((const UINT8 *)pw, strlen(pw), BASESALT, &netbuffer->u.md5sum);
// Do the final pass to get the comparison the server will come up with
D_MD5PasswordPass(finalmd5, 16, va("PNUM%02d", consoleplayer), &finalmd5);
D_MD5PasswordPass(netbuffer->u.md5sum, MD5_LEN, va("PNUM%02d", consoleplayer), &netbuffer->u.md5sum);
CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Sending login... (Notice only given if password is correct.)\n"));
SendNetXCmd(XD_LOGIN, finalmd5, 16);
static void Got_Login(UINT8 **cp, INT32 playernum)
#ifdef NOMD5
// If we have no MD5 support then completely disable XD_LOGIN responses for security.
UINT8 sentmd5[16], finalmd5[16];
READMEM(*cp, sentmd5, 16);
if (client)
if (!adminpasswordset)
CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Password from %s failed (no password set).\n"), player_names[playernum]);
// Do the final pass to compare with the sent md5
D_MD5PasswordPass(adminpassmd5, 16, va("PNUM%02d", playernum), &finalmd5);
if (!memcmp(sentmd5, finalmd5, 16))
CONS_Printf(M_GetText("%s passed authentication.\n"), player_names[playernum]);
COM_BufInsertText(va("promote %d\n", playernum)); // do this immediately
CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Password from %s failed.\n"), player_names[playernum]);
netbuffer->packettype = PT_LOGIN;
HSendPacket(servernode, true, 0, MD5_LEN);
@ -125,8 +125,8 @@ typedef enum
XD_LOGIN, // 13
// UNUSED 13 (Because I don't want to change these comments)
XD_VERIFIED = 14,//14
XD_RUNSOC, // 16
Reference in a new issue