mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 15:32:03 +00:00
Changed chat position,
Added chat back tint Fixed word wrapping glitches
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 116 additions and 96 deletions
@ -684,6 +684,7 @@ void D_RegisterClientCommands(void)
@ -370,6 +370,9 @@ consvar_t cv_chatnotifications= {"chatnotifications", "On", CV_SAVE, CV_OnOff, N
// chat spam protection (why would you want to disable that???)
consvar_t cv_chatspamprotection= {"chatspamprotection", "On", CV_SAVE, CV_OnOff, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
// minichat text background
consvar_t cv_chatbacktint = {"chatbacktint", "Off", CV_SAVE, CV_OnOff, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
// old shit console chat. (mostly exists for stuff like terminal, not because I cared if anyone liked the old chat.)
consvar_t cv_consolechat= {"consolechat", "Off", CV_SAVE, CV_OnOff, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ extern tic_t timeinmap; // Ticker for time spent in level (used for levelcard di
extern INT16 rw_maximums[NUM_WEAPONS];
// used in game menu
extern consvar_t cv_chatwidth, cv_chatnotifications, cv_chatheight, cv_chattime, cv_consolechat, cv_chatspamprotection, cv_compactscoreboard;
extern consvar_t cv_chatwidth, cv_chatnotifications, cv_chatheight, cv_chattime, cv_consolechat, cv_chatbacktint, cv_chatspamprotection, cv_compactscoreboard;
extern consvar_t cv_crosshair, cv_crosshair2;
extern consvar_t cv_invertmouse, cv_alwaysfreelook, cv_mousemove;
extern consvar_t cv_sideaxis,cv_turnaxis,cv_moveaxis,cv_lookaxis,cv_fireaxis,cv_firenaxis;
@ -1223,9 +1223,10 @@ char *CHAT_WordWrap(INT32 x, INT32 w, INT32 option, const char *string)
return newstring;
// 30/7/18: chaty is now the distance at which the lowest point of the chat will be drawn if that makes any sense.
INT16 chatx = 16, chaty = 172; // let's use this as our coordinates, shh
INT16 chatx = 13, chaty = 169; // let's use this as our coordinates, shh
// chat stuff by VincyTM LOL XD!
@ -1233,34 +1234,37 @@ INT16 chatx = 16, chaty = 172; // let's use this as our coordinates, shh
static void HU_drawMiniChat(void)
if (!chat_nummsg_min)
return; // needless to say it's useless to do anything if we don't have anything to draw.
INT32 x = chatx+2;
INT32 charwidth = 4, charheight = 6;
INT32 x = chatx+2;
INT32 charwidth = 4, charheight = 6;
INT32 dx = 0, dy = 0;
size_t i = chat_nummsg_min;
boolean prev_linereturn = false; // a hack to prevent double \n while I have no idea why they happen in the first place.
INT32 msglines = 0;
// process all messages once without rendering anything or doing anything fancy so that we know how many lines each message has...
for (; i>0; i--)
const char *msg = CHAT_WordWrap(x, cv_chatwidth.value-charwidth, V_SNAPTOBOTTOM|V_SNAPTOLEFT|V_ALLOWLOWERCASE, chat_mini[i-1]);
const char *msg = CHAT_WordWrap(x+2, cv_chatwidth.value-(charwidth*2), V_SNAPTOBOTTOM|V_SNAPTOLEFT|V_ALLOWLOWERCASE, chat_mini[i-1]);
size_t j = 0;
INT32 linescount = 0;
while(msg[j]) // iterate through msg
if (msg[j] < HU_FONTSTART) // don't draw
if (msg[j] == '\n') // get back down.
linescount += 1;
dx = 0;
if (!prev_linereturn)
linescount += 1;
dx = 0;
prev_linereturn = true;
else if (msg[j] & 0x80) // stolen from video.c, nice.
@ -1268,14 +1272,14 @@ static void HU_drawMiniChat(void)
prev_linereturn = false;
dx += charwidth;
if (dx >= cv_chatwidth.value)
@ -1287,30 +1291,34 @@ static void HU_drawMiniChat(void)
dx = 0;
msglines += linescount+1;
INT32 y = chaty - charheight*(msglines+1);
dx = 0;
dx = 0;
dy = 0;
i = 0;
prev_linereturn = false;
for (; i<=(chat_nummsg_min-1); i++) // iterate through our hot messages
INT32 clrflag = 0;
INT32 timer = ((cv_chattime.value*TICRATE)-chat_timers[i]) - cv_chattime.value*TICRATE+9; // see below...
INT32 timer = ((cv_chattime.value*TICRATE)-chat_timers[i]) - cv_chattime.value*TICRATE+9; // see below...
INT32 transflag = (timer >= 0 && timer <= 9) ? (timer*V_10TRANS) : 0; // you can make bad jokes out of this one.
size_t j = 0;
const char *msg = CHAT_WordWrap(x, cv_chatwidth.value-charwidth, V_SNAPTOBOTTOM|V_SNAPTOLEFT|V_ALLOWLOWERCASE, chat_mini[i]); // get the current message, and word wrap it.
const char *msg = CHAT_WordWrap(x+2, cv_chatwidth.value-(charwidth*2), V_SNAPTOBOTTOM|V_SNAPTOLEFT|V_ALLOWLOWERCASE, chat_mini[i]); // get the current message, and word wrap it.
while(msg[j]) // iterate through msg
if (msg[j] < HU_FONTSTART) // don't draw
if (msg[j] == '\n') // get back down.
dy += charheight;
dx = 0;
if (!prev_linereturn)
dy += charheight;
dx = 0;
prev_linereturn = true;
else if (msg[j] & 0x80) // stolen from video.c, nice.
@ -1319,16 +1327,21 @@ static void HU_drawMiniChat(void)
UINT8 *colormap = CHAT_GetStringColormap(clrflag);
if (cv_chatbacktint.value) // on request of wolfy
V_DrawFillConsoleMap(x + dx + 2, y+dy, charwidth, charheight, 239|V_SNAPTOBOTTOM|V_SNAPTOLEFT);
V_DrawChatCharacter(x + dx + 2, y+dy, msg[j++] |V_SNAPTOBOTTOM|V_SNAPTOLEFT|transflag, !cv_allcaps.value, colormap);
dx += charwidth;
prev_linereturn = false;
if (dx >= cv_chatwidth.value)
dx = 0;
@ -1338,10 +1351,10 @@ static void HU_drawMiniChat(void)
dy += charheight;
dx = 0;
// decrement addy and make that shit smooth:
addy /= 2;
// HU_DrawUpArrow
@ -1381,29 +1394,29 @@ static void HU_DrawDownArrow(INT32 x, INT32 y, INT32 options)
static void HU_drawChatLog(INT32 offset)
// before we do anything, make sure that our scroll position isn't "illegal";
if (chat_scroll > chat_maxscroll)
chat_scroll = chat_maxscroll;
INT32 charwidth = 4, charheight = 6;
INT32 x = chatx+2, y = chaty - offset*charheight - (chat_scroll*charheight) - cv_chatheight.value*charheight - 12, dx = 0, dy = 0;
size_t i = 0;
UINT32 i = 0;
INT32 chat_topy = y + chat_scroll*charheight;
INT32 chat_bottomy = chat_topy + cv_chatheight.value*charheight;
boolean atbottom = false;
V_DrawFillConsoleMap(chatx, chat_topy, cv_chatwidth.value, cv_chatheight.value*charheight +2, 239|V_SNAPTOBOTTOM|V_SNAPTOLEFT); // log box
for (i=0; i<chat_nummsg_log; i++) // iterate through our chatlog
INT32 clrflag = 0;
size_t j = 0;
const char *msg = CHAT_WordWrap(x, cv_chatwidth.value-charwidth, V_SNAPTOBOTTOM|V_SNAPTOLEFT|V_ALLOWLOWERCASE, chat_log[i]); // get the current message, and word wrap it.
INT32 j = 0;
const char *msg = CHAT_WordWrap(x+2, cv_chatwidth.value-(charwidth*2), V_SNAPTOBOTTOM|V_SNAPTOLEFT|V_ALLOWLOWERCASE, chat_log[i]); // get the current message, and word wrap it.
while(msg[j]) // iterate through msg
if (msg[j] < HU_FONTSTART) // don't draw
if (msg[j] == '\n') // get back down.
@ -1417,20 +1430,20 @@ static void HU_drawChatLog(INT32 offset)
if ((y+dy+2 >= chat_topy) && (y+dy < (chat_bottomy)))
UINT8 *colormap = CHAT_GetStringColormap(clrflag);
V_DrawChatCharacter(x + dx + 2, y+dy+2, msg[j++] |V_SNAPTOBOTTOM|V_SNAPTOLEFT, !cv_allcaps.value, colormap);
j++; // don't forget to increment this or we'll get stuck in the limbo.
dx += charwidth;
if (dx >= cv_chatwidth.value-charwidth-2 && i<chat_nummsg_log && msg[j] >= HU_FONTSTART) // end of message shouldn't count, nor should invisible characters!!!!
@ -1441,32 +1454,34 @@ static void HU_drawChatLog(INT32 offset)
dy += charheight;
dx = 0;
if (((chat_scroll >= chat_maxscroll) || (chat_scrollmedown)) && !(justscrolleddown || justscrolledup || chat_scrolltime)) // was already at the bottom of the page before new maxscroll calculation and was NOT scrolling.
atbottom = true; // we should scroll
chat_scrollmedown = false;
// getmaxscroll through a lazy hack. We do all these loops, so let's not do more loops that are gonna lag the game more. :P
chat_maxscroll = (dy/charheight)-cv_chatheight.value; // welcome to C, we don't know what min() and max() are.
if (chat_maxscroll < 0)
chat_maxscroll = (dy/charheight); // welcome to C, we don't know what min() and max() are.
if (chat_maxscroll <= (UINT32)cv_chatheight.value)
chat_maxscroll = 0;
chat_maxscroll -= cv_chatheight.value;
// if we're not bound by the time, autoscroll for next frame:
if (atbottom)
chat_scroll = chat_maxscroll;
// draw arrows to indicate that we can (or not) scroll.
if (chat_scroll > 0)
HU_DrawUpArrow(chatx-8, ((justscrolledup) ? (chat_topy-1) : (chat_topy)), V_SNAPTOBOTTOM | V_SNAPTOLEFT);
if (chat_scroll < chat_maxscroll)
HU_DrawDownArrow(chatx-8, chat_bottomy-((justscrolleddown) ? 3 : 4), V_SNAPTOBOTTOM | V_SNAPTOLEFT);
justscrolleddown = false;
justscrolledup = false;
// HU_DrawChat
@ -1476,13 +1491,13 @@ static void HU_drawChatLog(INT32 offset)
static INT16 typelines = 1; // number of drawfill lines we need. it's some weird hack and might be one frame off but I'm lazy to make another loop.
static void HU_DrawChat(void)
INT32 charwidth = 4, charheight = 6;
INT32 t = 0, c = 0, y = chaty - (typelines*charheight);
size_t i = 0;
UINT32 i = 0;
const char *ntalk = "Say: ", *ttalk = "Team: ";
const char *talk = ntalk;
if (teamtalk)
talk = ttalk;
@ -1493,9 +1508,9 @@ static void HU_DrawChat(void)
t = 0x400; // Blue
V_DrawFillConsoleMap(chatx, y-1, cv_chatwidth.value, (typelines*charheight), 239 | V_SNAPTOBOTTOM | V_SNAPTOLEFT);
while (talk[i])
if (talk[i] < HU_FONTSTART)
@ -1505,13 +1520,13 @@ static void HU_DrawChat(void)
c += charwidth;
i = 0;
typelines = 1;
if ((strlen(w_chat) == 0 || c_input == 0) && hu_tick < 4)
V_DrawChatCharacter(chatx + 2 + c, y+1, '_' |V_SNAPTOBOTTOM|V_SNAPTOLEFT|t, !cv_allcaps.value, NULL);
while (w_chat[i])
boolean skippedline = false;
@ -1520,16 +1535,16 @@ static void HU_DrawChat(void)
int cursorx = (c+charwidth < cv_chatwidth.value-charwidth) ? (chatx + 2 + c+charwidth) : (chatx+1); // we may have to go down.
int cursory = (cursorx != chatx+1) ? (y) : (y+charheight);
if (hu_tick < 4)
V_DrawChatCharacter(cursorx, cursory+1, '_' |V_SNAPTOBOTTOM|V_SNAPTOLEFT|t, !cv_allcaps.value, NULL);
V_DrawChatCharacter(cursorx, cursory+1, '_' |V_SNAPTOBOTTOM|V_SNAPTOLEFT|t, !cv_allcaps.value, NULL);
if (cursorx == chatx+1) // a weirdo hack
typelines += 1;
skippedline = true;
//Hurdler: isn't it better like that?
if (w_chat[i] < HU_FONTSTART)
@ -1547,56 +1562,56 @@ static void HU_DrawChat(void)
// handle /pm list.
if (strnicmp(w_chat, "/pm", 3) == 0 && vid.width >= 400 && !teamtalk) // 320x200 unsupported kthxbai
i = 0;
int count = 0;
INT32 count = 0;
INT32 p_dispy = chaty - charheight -1;
for(i=0; (i<MAXPLAYERS); i++)
// filter: (code needs optimization pls help I'm bad with C)
if (w_chat[3])
// right, that's half important: (w_chat[4] may be a space since /pm0 msg is perfectly acceptable!)
if ( ( ((w_chat[3] != 0) && ((w_chat[3] < '0') || (w_chat[3] > '9'))) || ((w_chat[4] != 0) && (((w_chat[4] < '0') || (w_chat[4] > '9'))))) && (w_chat[4] != ' '))
char *nodenum = (char*) malloc(3);
strncpy(nodenum, w_chat+3, 4);
INT32 n = atoi((const char*) nodenum); // turn that into a number
UINT32 n = atoi((const char*) nodenum); // turn that into a number
// special cases:
if ((n == 0) && !(w_chat[4] == '0'))
if (!(i<10))
else if ((n == 1) && !(w_chat[3] == '0'))
if (!((i == 1) || ((i >= 10) && (i <= 19))))
else if ((n == 2) && !(w_chat[3] == '0'))
if (!((i == 2) || ((i >= 20) && (i <= 29))))
else if ((n == 3) && !(w_chat[3] == '0'))
if (!((i == 3) || ((i >= 30) && (i <= 31))))
else // general case.
if (i != n)
if (playeringame[i])
char name[MAXPLAYERNAME+1];
strlcpy(name, player_names[i], 7); // shorten name to 7 characters.
V_DrawFillConsoleMap(chatx+ cv_chatwidth.value + 2, p_dispy- (6*count), 48, 6, 239 | V_SNAPTOBOTTOM | V_SNAPTOLEFT); // fill it like the chat so the text doesn't become hard to read because of the hud.
@ -1608,11 +1623,11 @@ static void HU_DrawChat(void)
V_DrawFillConsoleMap(chatx-50, p_dispy- (6*count), 48, 6, 239 | V_SNAPTOBOTTOM | V_SNAPTOLEFT); // fill it like the chat so the text doesn't become hard to read because of the hud.
V_DrawSmallString(chatx-48, p_dispy- (6*count), V_SNAPTOBOTTOM|V_SNAPTOLEFT|V_ALLOWLOWERCASE, "NO RESULT.");
HU_drawChatLog(typelines-1); // typelines is the # of lines we're typing. If there's more than 1 then the log should scroll up to give us more space.
// why the fuck would you use this...
@ -1306,12 +1306,13 @@ static menuitem_t OP_GameOptionsMenu[] =
static menuitem_t OP_ChatOptionsMenu[] =
{IT_STRING | IT_CVAR, NULL, "Chat Width", &cv_chatwidth, 10},
{IT_STRING | IT_CVAR, NULL, "Chat Height", &cv_chatheight, 20},
{IT_STRING | IT_CVAR, NULL, "Message Timer", &cv_chattime, 30},
{IT_STRING | IT_CVAR, NULL, "Chat Notifications", &cv_chatnotifications, 40},
{IT_STRING | IT_CVAR, NULL, "Spam Protection", &cv_chatspamprotection, 50},
{IT_STRING | IT_CVAR, NULL, "Old Console Chat", &cv_consolechat, 60},
{IT_STRING | IT_CVAR | IT_CV_SLIDER, NULL, "Chat Box Width", &cv_chatwidth, 10},
{IT_STRING | IT_CVAR | IT_CV_SLIDER, NULL, "Chat Box Height", &cv_chatheight, 20},
{IT_STRING | IT_CVAR, NULL, "Message Fadeout Time", &cv_chattime, 30},
{IT_STRING | IT_CVAR, NULL, "Chat Notifications", &cv_chatnotifications, 40},
{IT_STRING | IT_CVAR, NULL, "Spam Protection", &cv_chatspamprotection, 50},
{IT_STRING | IT_CVAR, NULL, "Chat background tint", &cv_chatbacktint, 60},
{IT_STRING | IT_CVAR, NULL, "Old Console Chat", &cv_consolechat, 70},
static menuitem_t OP_ServerOptionsMenu[] =
Reference in a new issue