mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 03:12:10 +00:00
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 560 additions and 43 deletions
@ -72,6 +72,11 @@ EXPORT void HWRAPI(UnSetShader) (void);
EXPORT void HWRAPI(LoadCustomShader) (int number, char *shader, size_t size, boolean fragment);
EXPORT void HWRAPI(InitCustomShaders) (void);
EXPORT void HWRAPI(StartBatching) (void);
EXPORT void HWRAPI(RenderBatches) (int *sNumPolys, int *sNumVerts, int *sNumCalls, int *sNumShaders, int *sNumTextures, int *sNumPolyFlags, int *sNumColors, int *sSortTime, int *sDrawTime);
// ==========================================================================
// ==========================================================================
@ -113,6 +118,9 @@ struct hwdriver_s
LoadCustomShader pfnLoadCustomShader;
InitCustomShaders pfnInitCustomShaders;
StartBatching pfnStartBatching;
RenderBatches pfnRenderBatches;
extern struct hwdriver_s hwdriver;
@ -75,6 +75,8 @@ consvar_t cv_granisotropicmode = {"gr_anisotropicmode", "1", CV_CALL, granisotro
consvar_t cv_grcorrecttricks = {"gr_correcttricks", "Off", 0, CV_OnOff, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_grsolvetjoin = {"gr_solvetjoin", "On", 0, CV_OnOff, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
consvar_t cv_grbatching = {"gr_batching", "On", 0, CV_OnOff, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
static void CV_filtermode_ONChange(void)
HWD.pfnSetSpecialState(HWD_SET_TEXTUREFILTERMODE, cv_grfiltermode.value);
@ -4775,11 +4777,21 @@ void HWR_RenderFrame(INT32 viewnumber, player_t *player, boolean skybox)
HWD.pfnSetSpecialState(HWD_SET_FOG_MODE, 0); // Turn it off
if (cv_grbatching.value)
drawcount = 0;
// Recursively "render" the BSP tree.
if (cv_grbatching.value)
int dummy = 0;// the vars in RenderBatches are meant for render stats. But we don't have that stuff in this branch
// so that stuff could be removed...
HWD.pfnRenderBatches(&dummy, &dummy, &dummy, &dummy, &dummy, &dummy, &dummy, &dummy, &dummy);
// Check for new console commands.
@ -4872,6 +4884,8 @@ void HWR_AddCommands(void)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -544,6 +544,9 @@ static char *gl_customfragmentshaders[MAXSHADERS];
static boolean gl_allowshaders = false;
static boolean gl_shadersenabled = false;
static GLuint gl_currentshaderprogram = 0;
static boolean gl_shaderprogramchanged = true;
static boolean gl_batching = false;// are we currently collecting batches?
// 13062019
typedef enum
@ -888,7 +891,11 @@ EXPORT void HWRAPI(SetShader) (int shader)
if (gl_allowshaders)
gl_shadersenabled = true;
gl_currentshaderprogram = shader;
if ((GLuint)shader != gl_currentshaderprogram)
gl_currentshaderprogram = shader;
gl_shaderprogramchanged = true;
@ -900,6 +907,8 @@ EXPORT void HWRAPI(UnSetShader) (void)
gl_shadersenabled = false;
gl_currentshaderprogram = 0;
gl_shaderprogramchanged = true;// not sure if this is needed
@ -914,7 +923,7 @@ EXPORT void HWRAPI(KillShaders) (void)
static void SetNoTexture(void)
// Disable texture.
if (tex_downloaded != NOTEXTURE_NUM)
if (tex_downloaded != NOTEXTURE_NUM && !gl_batching)
tex_downloaded = NOTEXTURE_NUM;
@ -1395,7 +1404,8 @@ EXPORT void HWRAPI(SetTexture) (FTextureInfo *pTexInfo)
if (pTexInfo->downloaded != tex_downloaded)
pglBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, pTexInfo->downloaded);
if (!gl_batching)
pglBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, pTexInfo->downloaded);
tex_downloaded = pTexInfo->downloaded;
@ -1638,10 +1648,22 @@ static void load_shaders(FSurfaceInfo *Surface, GLRGBAFloat *mix, GLRGBAFloat *f
else // enabled
if (gl_shaderprogramchanged)
gl_shaderprogramchanged = false;
else // always load custom shaders
if (gl_shaderprogramchanged)
gl_shaderprogramchanged = false;
// set uniforms
@ -1698,56 +1720,527 @@ static void load_shaders(FSurfaceInfo *Surface, GLRGBAFloat *mix, GLRGBAFloat *f
// unfinished draw call batching
// Note: could use realloc in the array reallocation code
typedef struct
FSurfaceInfo surf;// surf also has its own polyflags for some reason, but it seems unused
unsigned int vertsIndex;// location of verts in unsortedVertexArray
FUINT numVerts;
FBITFIELD polyFlags;
GLuint texNum;
GLuint shader;
} PolygonArrayEntry;
FOutVector* finalVertexArray = NULL;// contains subset of sorted vertices and texture coordinates to be sent to gpu
UINT32* finalVertexIndexArray = NULL;// contains indexes for glDrawElements, taking into account fan->triangles conversion
// NOTE have this alloced as 3x finalVertexArray size
int finalVertexArrayAllocSize = 65536;
//GLubyte* colorArray = NULL;// contains color data to be sent to gpu, if needed
//int colorArrayAllocSize = 65536;
// not gonna use this for now, just sort by color and change state when it changes
// later maybe when using vertex attributes if it's needed
PolygonArrayEntry* polygonArray = NULL;// contains the polygon data from DrawPolygon, waiting to be processed
int polygonArraySize = 0;
unsigned int* polygonIndexArray = NULL;// contains sorting pointers for polygonArray
int polygonArrayAllocSize = 65536;
FOutVector* unsortedVertexArray = NULL;// contains unsorted vertices and texture coordinates from DrawPolygon
int unsortedVertexArraySize = 0;
int unsortedVertexArrayAllocSize = 65536;
EXPORT void HWRAPI(StartBatching) (void)
//CONS_Printf("StartBatching begin\n");
// init arrays if that has not been done yet
if (!finalVertexArray)
finalVertexArray = malloc(finalVertexArrayAllocSize * sizeof(FOutVector));
finalVertexIndexArray = malloc(finalVertexArrayAllocSize * 3 * sizeof(UINT32));
polygonArray = malloc(polygonArrayAllocSize * sizeof(PolygonArrayEntry));
polygonIndexArray = malloc(polygonArrayAllocSize * sizeof(unsigned int));
unsortedVertexArray = malloc(unsortedVertexArrayAllocSize * sizeof(FOutVector));
// drawing functions will now collect the drawing data instead of passing it to opengl
gl_batching = true;
//CONS_Printf("StartBatching end\n");
static int comparePolygons(const void *p1, const void *p2)
PolygonArrayEntry* poly1 = &polygonArray[*(const unsigned int*)p1];
PolygonArrayEntry* poly2 = &polygonArray[*(const unsigned int*)p2];
int diff;
INT64 diff64;
int shader1 = poly1->shader;
int shader2 = poly2->shader;
// make skywalls first in order
if (poly1->polyFlags & PF_NoTexture)
shader1 = -1;
if (poly2->polyFlags & PF_NoTexture)
shader2 = -1;
diff = shader1 - shader2;
if (diff != 0) return diff;
diff = poly1->texNum - poly2->texNum;
if (diff != 0) return diff;
diff = poly1->polyFlags - poly2->polyFlags;
if (diff != 0) return diff;
diff64 = poly1->surf.PolyColor.rgba - poly2->surf.PolyColor.rgba;
if (diff64 < 0) return -1; else if (diff64 > 0) return 1;
diff64 = poly1->surf.FadeColor.rgba - poly2->surf.FadeColor.rgba;
if (diff64 < 0) return -1; else if (diff64 > 0) return 1;
diff = poly1->surf.LightInfo.light_level - poly2->surf.LightInfo.light_level;
return diff;
static int comparePolygonsNoShaders(const void *p1, const void *p2)
PolygonArrayEntry* poly1 = &polygonArray[*(const unsigned int*)p1];
PolygonArrayEntry* poly2 = &polygonArray[*(const unsigned int*)p2];
int diff;
INT64 diff64;
GLuint texNum1 = poly1->texNum;
GLuint texNum2 = poly2->texNum;
if (poly1->polyFlags & PF_NoTexture)
texNum1 = 0;
if (poly2->polyFlags & PF_NoTexture)
texNum2 = 0;
diff = texNum1 - texNum2;
if (diff != 0) return diff;
diff = poly1->polyFlags - poly2->polyFlags;
if (diff != 0) return diff;
diff64 = poly1->surf.PolyColor.rgba - poly2->surf.PolyColor.rgba;
if (diff64 < 0) return -1; else if (diff64 > 0) return 1;
return 0;
// the parameters for this functions (numPolys etc.) are used to return rendering stats
EXPORT void HWRAPI(RenderBatches) (int *sNumPolys, int *sNumVerts, int *sNumCalls, int *sNumShaders, int *sNumTextures, int *sNumPolyFlags, int *sNumColors, int *sSortTime, int *sDrawTime)
int finalVertexWritePos = 0;// position in finalVertexArray
int finalIndexWritePos = 0;// position in finalVertexIndexArray
int polygonReadPos = 0;// position in polygonIndexArray
GLuint currentShader;
GLuint currentTexture;
FBITFIELD currentPolyFlags;
FSurfaceInfo currentSurfaceInfo;
GLRGBAFloat firstPoly = {0,0,0,0}; // may be misleading but this means first PolyColor
GLRGBAFloat firstFade = {0,0,0,0};
boolean needRebind = false;
int i;
gl_batching = false;// no longer collecting batches
if (!polygonArraySize)
*sNumPolys = *sNumCalls = *sNumShaders = *sNumTextures = *sNumPolyFlags = *sNumColors = 0;
return;// nothing to draw
// init stats vars
*sNumPolys = polygonArraySize;
*sNumCalls = *sNumVerts = 0;
*sNumShaders = *sNumTextures = *sNumPolyFlags = *sNumColors = 1;
// init polygonIndexArray
for (i = 0; i < polygonArraySize; i++)
polygonIndexArray[i] = i;
// sort polygons
//CONS_Printf("qsort polys\n");
//*sSortTime = I_GetTimeMicros();
if (gl_allowshaders)
qsort(polygonIndexArray, polygonArraySize, sizeof(unsigned int), comparePolygons);
qsort(polygonIndexArray, polygonArraySize, sizeof(unsigned int), comparePolygonsNoShaders);
//*sSortTime = I_GetTimeMicros() - *sSortTime;
//CONS_Printf("sort done\n");
// sort order
// 1. shader
// 2. texture
// 3. polyflags
// 4. colors + light level
// not sure about order of last 2, or if it even matters
//*sDrawTime = I_GetTimeMicros();
currentShader = polygonArray[polygonIndexArray[0]].shader;
currentTexture = polygonArray[polygonIndexArray[0]].texNum;
currentPolyFlags = polygonArray[polygonIndexArray[0]].polyFlags;
currentSurfaceInfo = polygonArray[polygonIndexArray[0]].surf;
// For now, will sort and track the colors. Vertex attributes could be used instead of uniforms
// and a color array could replace the color calls.
// set state for first batch
//CONS_Printf("set first state\n");
gl_currentshaderprogram = currentShader;
gl_shaderprogramchanged = true;
if (currentPolyFlags & PF_Modulated)
// Poly color
firstPoly.red = byte2float[currentSurfaceInfo.PolyColor.s.red];
firstPoly.green = byte2float[currentSurfaceInfo.PolyColor.s.green];
firstPoly.blue = byte2float[currentSurfaceInfo.PolyColor.s.blue];
firstPoly.alpha = byte2float[currentSurfaceInfo.PolyColor.s.alpha];
// Fade color
firstFade.red = byte2float[currentSurfaceInfo.FadeColor.s.red];
firstFade.green = byte2float[currentSurfaceInfo.FadeColor.s.green];
firstFade.blue = byte2float[currentSurfaceInfo.FadeColor.s.blue];
firstFade.alpha = byte2float[currentSurfaceInfo.FadeColor.s.alpha];
if (gl_allowshaders)
load_shaders(¤tSurfaceInfo, &firstPoly, &firstFade);
if (currentPolyFlags & PF_NoTexture)
currentTexture = 0;
pglBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, currentTexture);
tex_downloaded = currentTexture;
//CONS_Printf("first pointers to ogl\n");
pglVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(FOutVector), &finalVertexArray[0].x);
pglTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(FOutVector), &finalVertexArray[0].s);
while (1)// note: remember handling notexture polyflag as having texture number 0 (also in comparePolygons)
int firstIndex;
int lastIndex;
boolean stopFlag = false;
boolean changeState = false;
boolean changeShader = false;
GLuint nextShader;
boolean changeTexture = false;
GLuint nextTexture;
boolean changePolyFlags = false;
FBITFIELD nextPolyFlags;
boolean changeSurfaceInfo = false;
FSurfaceInfo nextSurfaceInfo;
//CONS_Printf("loop iter start\n");
// new try:
// write vertices
// check for changes or end, otherwise go back to writing
// changes will affect the next vars and the change bools
// end could set flag for stopping
// execute draw call
// could check ending flag here
// change states according to next vars and change bools, updating the current vars and reseting the bools
// reset write pos
// repeat loop
int index = polygonIndexArray[polygonReadPos++];
int numVerts = polygonArray[index].numVerts;
// before writing, check if there is enough room
// using 'while' instead of 'if' here makes sure that there will *always* be enough room.
// probably never will this loop run more than once though
while (finalVertexWritePos + numVerts > finalVertexArrayAllocSize)
FOutVector* new_array;
unsigned int* new_index_array;
//CONS_Printf("final vert realloc\n");
finalVertexArrayAllocSize *= 2;
new_array = malloc(finalVertexArrayAllocSize * sizeof(FOutVector));
memcpy(new_array, finalVertexArray, finalVertexWritePos * sizeof(FOutVector));
finalVertexArray = new_array;
// also increase size of index array, 3x of vertex array since
// going from fans to triangles increases vertex count to 3x
new_index_array = malloc(finalVertexArrayAllocSize * 3 * sizeof(UINT32));
memcpy(new_index_array, finalVertexIndexArray, finalIndexWritePos * sizeof(UINT32));
finalVertexIndexArray = new_index_array;
// if vertex buffers are reallocated then opengl needs to know too
needRebind = true;
//CONS_Printf("write verts to final\n");
// write the vertices of the polygon
memcpy(&finalVertexArray[finalVertexWritePos], &unsortedVertexArray[polygonArray[index].vertsIndex],
numVerts * sizeof(FOutVector));
// write the indexes, pointing to the fan vertexes but in triangles format
firstIndex = finalVertexWritePos;
lastIndex = finalVertexWritePos + numVerts;
finalVertexWritePos += 2;
//CONS_Printf("write final vert indices\n");
while (finalVertexWritePos < lastIndex)
finalVertexIndexArray[finalIndexWritePos++] = firstIndex;
finalVertexIndexArray[finalIndexWritePos++] = finalVertexWritePos - 1;
finalVertexIndexArray[finalIndexWritePos++] = finalVertexWritePos++;
if (polygonReadPos >= polygonArraySize)
stopFlag = true;
//CONS_Printf("state change check\n");
// check if a state change is required, set the change bools and next vars
int nextIndex = polygonIndexArray[polygonReadPos];
nextShader = polygonArray[nextIndex].shader;
nextTexture = polygonArray[nextIndex].texNum;
nextPolyFlags = polygonArray[nextIndex].polyFlags;
nextSurfaceInfo = polygonArray[nextIndex].surf;
if (nextPolyFlags & PF_NoTexture)
nextTexture = 0;
if (currentShader != nextShader)
changeState = true;
changeShader = true;
if (currentTexture != nextTexture)
changeState = true;
changeTexture = true;
if (currentPolyFlags != nextPolyFlags)
changeState = true;
changePolyFlags = true;
if (gl_allowshaders)
if (currentSurfaceInfo.PolyColor.rgba != nextSurfaceInfo.PolyColor.rgba ||
currentSurfaceInfo.FadeColor.rgba != nextSurfaceInfo.FadeColor.rgba ||
currentSurfaceInfo.LightInfo.light_level != nextSurfaceInfo.LightInfo.light_level)
changeState = true;
changeSurfaceInfo = true;
if (currentSurfaceInfo.PolyColor.rgba != nextSurfaceInfo.PolyColor.rgba)
changeState = true;
changeSurfaceInfo = true;
if (changeState || stopFlag)
if (needRebind)
pglVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(FOutVector), &finalVertexArray[0].x);
pglTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(FOutVector), &finalVertexArray[0].s);
needRebind = false;
//CONS_Printf("exec draw call\n");
// execute draw call
pglDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, finalIndexWritePos, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, finalVertexIndexArray);
//CONS_Printf("draw call done\n");
// update stats
*sNumVerts += finalIndexWritePos;
// reset write positions
finalVertexWritePos = 0;
finalIndexWritePos = 0;
else continue;
// if we're here then either its time to stop or time to change state
if (stopFlag) break;
//CONS_Printf("state change\n");
// change state according to change bools and next vars, update current vars and reset bools
if (changeShader)
GLRGBAFloat poly = {0,0,0,0};
GLRGBAFloat fade = {0,0,0,0};
gl_currentshaderprogram = nextShader;
gl_shaderprogramchanged = true;
if (nextPolyFlags & PF_Modulated)
// Poly color
poly.red = byte2float[nextSurfaceInfo.PolyColor.s.red];
poly.green = byte2float[nextSurfaceInfo.PolyColor.s.green];
poly.blue = byte2float[nextSurfaceInfo.PolyColor.s.blue];
poly.alpha = byte2float[nextSurfaceInfo.PolyColor.s.alpha];
// Fade color
fade.red = byte2float[nextSurfaceInfo.FadeColor.s.red];
fade.green = byte2float[nextSurfaceInfo.FadeColor.s.green];
fade.blue = byte2float[nextSurfaceInfo.FadeColor.s.blue];
fade.alpha = byte2float[nextSurfaceInfo.FadeColor.s.alpha];
load_shaders(&nextSurfaceInfo, &poly, &fade);
currentShader = nextShader;
changeShader = false;
if (changeTexture)
// texture should be already ready for use from calls to SetTexture during batch collection
pglBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, nextTexture);
tex_downloaded = nextTexture;
currentTexture = nextTexture;
changeTexture = false;
if (changePolyFlags)
currentPolyFlags = nextPolyFlags;
changePolyFlags = false;
if (changeSurfaceInfo)
GLRGBAFloat poly = {0,0,0,0};
GLRGBAFloat fade = {0,0,0,0};
gl_shaderprogramchanged = false;
if (nextPolyFlags & PF_Modulated)
// Poly color
poly.red = byte2float[nextSurfaceInfo.PolyColor.s.red];
poly.green = byte2float[nextSurfaceInfo.PolyColor.s.green];
poly.blue = byte2float[nextSurfaceInfo.PolyColor.s.blue];
poly.alpha = byte2float[nextSurfaceInfo.PolyColor.s.alpha];
if (gl_allowshaders)
// Fade color
fade.red = byte2float[nextSurfaceInfo.FadeColor.s.red];
fade.green = byte2float[nextSurfaceInfo.FadeColor.s.green];
fade.blue = byte2float[nextSurfaceInfo.FadeColor.s.blue];
fade.alpha = byte2float[nextSurfaceInfo.FadeColor.s.alpha];
load_shaders(&nextSurfaceInfo, &poly, &fade);
currentSurfaceInfo = nextSurfaceInfo;
changeSurfaceInfo = false;
// and that should be it?
// reset the arrays (set sizes to 0)
polygonArraySize = 0;
unsortedVertexArraySize = 0;
//*sDrawTime = I_GetTimeMicros() - *sDrawTime;
// -----------------+
// DrawPolygon : Render a polygon, set the texture, set render mode
// -----------------+
EXPORT void HWRAPI(DrawPolygon) (FSurfaceInfo *pSurf, FOutVector *pOutVerts, FUINT iNumPts, FBITFIELD PolyFlags)
static GLRGBAFloat mix = {0,0,0,0};
static GLRGBAFloat fade = {0,0,0,0};
SetBlend(PolyFlags); //TODO: inline (#pragma..)
// PolyColor
if (pSurf)
if (gl_batching)
// If Modulated, mix the surface colour to the texture
if (CurrentPolyFlags & PF_Modulated)
//CONS_Printf("Batched DrawPolygon\n");
if (!pSurf)
I_Error("Got a null FSurfaceInfo in batching");// nulls should only come in sky background pic drawing
if (polygonArraySize == polygonArrayAllocSize)
// Mix color
mix.red = byte2float[pSurf->PolyColor.s.red];
mix.green = byte2float[pSurf->PolyColor.s.green];
mix.blue = byte2float[pSurf->PolyColor.s.blue];
mix.alpha = byte2float[pSurf->PolyColor.s.alpha];
PolygonArrayEntry* new_array;
// ran out of space, make new array double the size
polygonArrayAllocSize *= 2;
new_array = malloc(polygonArrayAllocSize * sizeof(PolygonArrayEntry));
memcpy(new_array, polygonArray, polygonArraySize * sizeof(PolygonArrayEntry));
polygonArray = new_array;
// also need to redo the index array, dont need to copy it though
polygonIndexArray = malloc(polygonArrayAllocSize * sizeof(unsigned int));
// Fade color
fade.red = byte2float[pSurf->FadeColor.s.red];
fade.green = byte2float[pSurf->FadeColor.s.green];
fade.blue = byte2float[pSurf->FadeColor.s.blue];
fade.alpha = byte2float[pSurf->FadeColor.s.alpha];
while (unsortedVertexArraySize + (int)iNumPts > unsortedVertexArrayAllocSize)
FOutVector* new_array;
// need more space for vertices in unsortedVertexArray
unsortedVertexArrayAllocSize *= 2;
new_array = malloc(unsortedVertexArrayAllocSize * sizeof(FOutVector));
memcpy(new_array, unsortedVertexArray, unsortedVertexArraySize * sizeof(FOutVector));
unsortedVertexArray = new_array;
// add the polygon data to the arrays
polygonArray[polygonArraySize].surf = *pSurf;
polygonArray[polygonArraySize].vertsIndex = unsortedVertexArraySize;
polygonArray[polygonArraySize].numVerts = iNumPts;
polygonArray[polygonArraySize].polyFlags = PolyFlags;
polygonArray[polygonArraySize].texNum = tex_downloaded;
polygonArray[polygonArraySize].shader = gl_currentshaderprogram;
memcpy(&unsortedVertexArray[unsortedVertexArraySize], pOutVerts, iNumPts * sizeof(FOutVector));
unsortedVertexArraySize += iNumPts;
static GLRGBAFloat mix = {0,0,0,0};
static GLRGBAFloat fade = {0,0,0,0};
load_shaders(pSurf, &mix, &fade);
SetBlend(PolyFlags); //TODO: inline (#pragma..)
pglVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(FOutVector), &pOutVerts[0].x);
pglTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(FOutVector), &pOutVerts[0].s);
pglDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, 0, iNumPts);
// PolyColor
if (pSurf)
// If Modulated, mix the surface colour to the texture
if (CurrentPolyFlags & PF_Modulated)
// Mix color
mix.red = byte2float[pSurf->PolyColor.s.red];
mix.green = byte2float[pSurf->PolyColor.s.green];
mix.blue = byte2float[pSurf->PolyColor.s.blue];
mix.alpha = byte2float[pSurf->PolyColor.s.alpha];
if (PolyFlags & PF_RemoveYWrap)
if (PolyFlags & PF_ForceWrapX)
// Fade color
fade.red = byte2float[pSurf->FadeColor.s.red];
fade.green = byte2float[pSurf->FadeColor.s.green];
fade.blue = byte2float[pSurf->FadeColor.s.blue];
fade.alpha = byte2float[pSurf->FadeColor.s.alpha];
if (PolyFlags & PF_ForceWrapY)
load_shaders(pSurf, &mix, &fade);
pglVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(FOutVector), &pOutVerts[0].x);
pglTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(FOutVector), &pOutVerts[0].s);
pglDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, 0, iNumPts);
if (PolyFlags & PF_RemoveYWrap)
if (PolyFlags & PF_ForceWrapX)
if (PolyFlags & PF_ForceWrapY)
// ==========================================================================
@ -2218,10 +2711,6 @@ static void DrawModelEx(model_t *model, INT32 frameIndex, INT32 duration, INT32
pglPopMatrix(); // should be the same as glLoadIdentity
// -----------------+
@ -108,6 +108,9 @@ void *hwSym(const char *funcName,void *handle)
#else //HWRENDER
if (0 == strcmp("FinishUpdate", funcName))
@ -1879,6 +1879,9 @@ void I_StartupGraphics(void)
HWD.pfnLoadCustomShader = hwSym("LoadCustomShader",NULL);
HWD.pfnInitCustomShaders = hwSym("InitCustomShaders",NULL);
HWD.pfnStartBatching = hwSym("StartBatching",NULL);
HWD.pfnRenderBatches = hwSym("RenderBatches",NULL);
if (!HWD.pfnInit()) // load the OpenGL library
rendermode = render_soft;
Reference in a new issue