Alternate TC_RAINBOW

Leaving behind a commented out define for now because I dunno if I like it yet
This commit is contained in:
TehRealSalt 2018-09-16 18:10:29 -04:00
parent 7edb99b87a
commit 78a4cdab9f

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@ -253,6 +253,8 @@ UINT8 colortranslations[MAXSKINCOLORS][16] = {
//#define SALLYALTRAINBOW // Sal's edited version of the below, which keeps a colors' lightness, and looks better with hue-shifted colors like Ruby & Dream. Not strictly *better*, just different...
/** \brief Generates the rainbow colourmaps that are used when a player has the invincibility power
\param dest_colormap colormap to populate
@ -260,10 +262,12 @@ UINT8 colortranslations[MAXSKINCOLORS][16] = {
void K_RainbowColormap(UINT8 *dest_colormap, UINT8 skincolor)
INT32 i, j;
INT32 i;
RGBA_t color;
UINT8 colorbrightnesses[16];
UINT8 brightness;
INT32 j;
UINT8 colorbrightnesses[16];
UINT16 brightdif;
INT32 temp;
@ -273,6 +277,7 @@ void K_RainbowColormap(UINT8 *dest_colormap, UINT8 skincolor)
color = V_GetColor(colortranslations[skincolor][i]);
colorbrightnesses[i] = (UINT8)(((UINT16) + (UINT16) + (UINT16);
// next, for every colour in the palette, choose the transcolor that has the closest brightness
for (i = 0; i < NUM_PALETTE_ENTRIES; i++)
@ -284,6 +289,10 @@ void K_RainbowColormap(UINT8 *dest_colormap, UINT8 skincolor)
color = V_GetColor(i);
brightness = (UINT8)(((UINT16) + (UINT16) + (UINT16);
brightness = 15-(brightness/16); // Yes, 15.
dest_colormap[i] = colortranslations[skincolor][brightness];
brightdif = 256;
for (j = 0; j < 16; j++)
@ -294,6 +303,7 @@ void K_RainbowColormap(UINT8 *dest_colormap, UINT8 skincolor)
dest_colormap[i] = colortranslations[skincolor][j];