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synced 2025-03-03 16:01:08 +00:00
Mementos hardcode
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 366 additions and 2 deletions
@ -1840,6 +1840,8 @@ static actionpointer_t actionpointers[] =
{{A_LightningFollowPlayer},"A_LIGHTNINGFOLLOWPLAYER"}, //SRB2kart
{{A_RandomShadowFrame}, "A_RANDOMSHADOWFRAME"}, //SRB2kart
{{A_RoamingShadowThinker}, "A_ROAMINGSHADOWTHINKER"}, //SRB2kart
{{A_ReaperThinker}, "A_REAPERTHINKER"}, //SRB2kart
{{A_MementosTPParticles}, "A_MEMENTOSTPPARTICLES"}, //SRB2kart
{{A_OrbitNights}, "A_ORBITNIGHTS"},
{{A_GhostMe}, "A_GHOSTME"},
{{A_SetObjectState}, "A_SETOBJECTSTATE"},
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ char sprnames[NUMSPRITES + 1][5] =
"LZI1","LZI2","KLIT", "SPTL", "ENM1", "GARU", "MARR", "VIEW"
"LZI1","LZI2","KLIT", "SPTL", "ENM1", "GARU", "MARR", "REAP", "VIEW"
// Doesn't work with g++, needs actionf_p1 (don't modify this comment)
@ -3082,6 +3082,11 @@ state_t states[NUMSTATES] =
{SPR_ENM1, 2, 1, {A_RoamingShadowThinker}, 0, 0, S_ROAMINGSHADOW}, //S_ROAMINGSHADOW
{SPR_MARR, 0, 1, {A_MayonakaArrow}, 0, 0, S_MAYONAKAARROW}, //S_MAYONAKAARROW
//Mementos stuff
{SPR_REAP, 0, 1, {A_ReaperThinker}, 0, 0, S_REAPER}, //S_REAPER
{SPR_NULL, 0, 1, {A_MementosTPParticles}, 0, 0, S_MEMENTOSTP}, //S_MEMENTOSTP
{SPR_NULL, 0, 1, {NULL}, 0, 0, S_NULL}, // S_NAMECHECK
@ -17337,6 +17342,115 @@ mobjinfo_t mobjinfo[NUMMOBJTYPES] =
S_NULL // raisestate
// Mementos stuff
3199, // doomednum
S_INVISIBLE, // spawnstate
1000, // spawnhealth
S_NULL, // seestate
sfx_None, // seesound
8, // reactiontime
sfx_None, // attacksound
S_NULL, // painstate
0, // painchance
sfx_None, // painsound
S_NULL, // meleestate
S_NULL, // missilestate
S_NULL, // deathstate
S_NULL, // xdeathstate
sfx_None, // deathsound
0, // speed
64*FRACUNIT, // radius
128*FRACUNIT, // height
0, // display offset
0, // mass
0, // damage
sfx_None, // activesound
MF_NOGRAVITY, // flags
S_NULL // raisestate
3202, // doomednum
S_REAPER_INVIS, // spawnstate
1000, // spawnhealth
S_NULL, // seestate
sfx_None, // seesound
8, // reactiontime
sfx_None, // attacksound
S_NULL, // painstate
0, // painchance
sfx_None, // painsound
S_NULL, // meleestate
S_NULL, // missilestate
S_NULL, // deathstate
S_NULL, // xdeathstate
sfx_None, // deathsound
0, // speed
64*FRACUNIT, // radius
128*FRACUNIT, // height
0, // display offset
0, // mass
0, // damage
sfx_None, // activesound
MF_NOGRAVITY, // flags
S_NULL // raisestate
3201, // doomednum
S_MEMENTOSTP, // spawnstate
1000, // spawnhealth
S_NULL, // seestate
sfx_None, // seesound
8, // reactiontime
sfx_None, // attacksound
S_NULL, // painstate
0, // painchance
sfx_None, // painsound
S_NULL, // meleestate
S_NULL, // missilestate
S_NULL, // deathstate
S_NULL, // xdeathstate
sfx_None, // deathsound
0, // speed
512*FRACUNIT, // radius
16*FRACUNIT, // height
0, // display offset
0, // mass
0, // damage
sfx_None, // activesound
S_NULL // raisestate
-1, // doomednum
S_THOK, // spawnstate
1000, // spawnhealth
S_NULL, // seestate
sfx_None, // seesound
8, // reactiontime
sfx_None, // attacksound
S_NULL, // painstate
0, // painchance
sfx_None, // painsound
S_NULL, // meleestate
S_NULL, // missilestate
S_NULL, // deathstate
S_NULL, // xdeathstate
sfx_None, // deathsound
32<<FRACBITS, // speed
8<<FRACBITS, // radius
16<<FRACBITS, // height
0, // display offset
0, // mass
0, // damage
sfx_None, // activesound
MF_NOGRAVITY, // flags
S_NULL // raisestate
// ============================================================================================================================//
@ -172,6 +172,8 @@ void A_LightningFollowPlayer(); // SRB2kart: Lightning shield effect player chas
void A_RandomShadowFrame(); //SRB2kart: Shadow spawner frame randomizer
void A_RoamingShadowThinker(); // SRB2kart: Roaming Shadow moving + attacking players.
void A_MayonakaArrow(); //SRB2kart: midnight channel arrow sign
void A_ReaperThinker(); //SRB2kart: mementos reaper
void A_MementosTPParticles(); //SRB2kart: mementos teleporter particles. Man that's a lot of actions for my shite.
void A_OrbitNights();
void A_GhostMe();
void A_SetObjectState();
@ -661,6 +663,9 @@ typedef enum sprite
SPR_ENM1, // Shadows (Roaming and static)
SPR_GARU, // Wind attack roaming shadows use.
SPR_MARR, // Mayonaka Arrow
//Mementos stuff:
SPR_VIEW, // First person view sprites; this is a sprite so that it can be replaced by a specialized MD2 draw!
@ -3634,6 +3639,11 @@ typedef enum state
S_TGARU3, // Wind attack used by Roaming Shadows on Players.
S_ROAMINGSHADOW, // Roaming Shadow (the one that uses above's wind attack or smth)
S_MAYONAKAARROW, // Arrow sign
// Mementos stuff:
S_REAPER_INVIS, // Reaper waiting for spawning
S_REAPER, // Reaper main frame where its thinker is handled
S_MEMENTOSTP, // Mementos teleporter state. (Used for spawning particles)
@ -4310,6 +4320,12 @@ typedef enum mobj_type
MT_RANDOMSHADOW, // Random static Shadows.
MT_ROAMINGSHADOW, // Roaming Shadows.
MT_MAYONAKAARROW, // Arrow static signs for Mayonaka
// Mementos stuff
@ -196,6 +196,8 @@ void A_LightningFollowPlayer(mobj_t *actor); // SRB2kart
void A_RandomShadowFrame(mobj_t *actor); // SRB2kart
void A_RoamingShadowThinker(mobj_t *actor); //SRB2kart
void A_MayonakaArrow(mobj_t *actor); //SRB2kart
void A_ReaperThinker(mobj_t *actor); //SRB2kart
void A_MementosTPParticles(mobj_t *actor); //SRB2kart
void A_OrbitNights(mobj_t *actor);
void A_GhostMe(mobj_t *actor);
void A_SetObjectState(mobj_t *actor);
@ -8539,7 +8541,7 @@ void A_MayonakaArrow(mobj_t *actor)
#ifdef HAVE_BLUA
if (LUA_CallAction("A_MayonakaArrow", (actor)))
// "animtimer" is replaced by "extravalue1" here.
actor->extravalue1 = ((actor->extravalue1) ? (actor->extravalue1+1) : (P_RandomRange(0, TICRATE*3)));
flip = ((actor->spawnpoint->options & 1) ? (3) : (0)); // flip adds 3 frames, which is the flipped version of the sign.
@ -8556,6 +8558,224 @@ void A_MayonakaArrow(mobj_t *actor)
actor->momz = 0;
// A_MementosTPParticles
// Mementos teleporters particles effects. Short and simple.
void A_MementosTPParticles(mobj_t *actor)
mobj_t *particle;
mobj_t *mo2;
int i = 0;
thinker_t *th;
#ifdef HAVE_BLUA
if (LUA_CallAction("A_MementosTPParticles", (actor)))
for (; i<4; i++)
particle = P_SpawnMobj(actor->x + (P_RandomRange(-256, 256)<<FRACBITS), actor->y + (P_RandomRange(-256, 256)<<FRACBITS), actor->z + (P_RandomRange(48, 256)<<FRACBITS), MT_MEMENTOSPARTICLE);
particle->frame = 0;
particle->color = ((i%2) ? (SKINCOLOR_RED) : (SKINCOLOR_BLACK));
particle->destscale = 1;
P_HomingAttack(particle, actor);
// Although this is mostly used to spawn particles, we will also save the OTHER teleport inside actor->target. That way teleporting doesn't require a thinker iteration.
// Doesn't seem like much given the small amount of mobjs this map has but heh.
if (!actor->target)
for (th = thinkercap.next; th != &thinkercap; th = th->next)
if (th->function.acp1 != (actionf_p1)P_MobjThinker)
mo2 = (mobj_t *)th;
if (mo2->type == MT_MEMENTOSTP && mo2 != actor)
P_SetTarget(&actor->target, mo2); // The main target we're pursing.
// A_ReaperThinker
// Mementos's Reaper's thinker. A huge pain in the Derek Bum to translate from Lua to this shite if you ask me.
void A_ReaperThinker(mobj_t *actor)
mobj_t *particle; // particles to spawn
int i = 0; // for loops
angle_t an = ANGLE_22h; // Reminder that angle constants suck.
//Waypoint stuff:
mobj_t *mo2;
thinker_t *th;
//Player targetting stuff:
INT32 maxscore = 0; // we target the player with the highest score so yeah there you go.
player_t *player; // used as a shortcut in a loop.
mobj_t *targetplayermo; // the player mo we can eventually target, or whatever.
#ifdef HAVE_BLUA
if (LUA_CallAction("A_ReaperThinker", (actor)))
// We don't have custom variables or whatever so we'll do with whatever the fuck we have left.
if (actor->health == 1000) // if health is 1000, set it to a small scale and have it start growing with destscale. Then set the health to uh, not 1000.
actor->scale = 1;
actor->destscale = 2<<FRACBITS;
actor->scalespeed = FRACUNIT/24; // Should take a bit less than 2 seconds to fully grow.
S_StartSound(NULL, sfx_chain);
actor->health--; // now we have 999 health, so that above won't happen again. Awesome.
if (actor->scale < 2<<FRACBITS) // we haven't finished growing YET.
// Spawn particles as we grow out of the floor, ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ
for (; i<16; i++)
particle = P_SpawnMobj(actor->x + (P_RandomRange(-60, 60)<<FRACBITS), actor->y + (P_RandomRange(-60, 60)<<FRACBITS), actor->z, MT_THOK);
particle->momz = 20<<FRACBITS;
particle->color = ((i%2 !=0) ? (SKINCOLOR_RED) : (SKINCOLOR_BLACK));
particle->frame = 0;
P_SetScale(particle, FRACUNIT/2);
// Spawn particles in some edgy circle or w/e.
if (leveltime%5 != 0) // spawn the thing under that every tic.
for (; i<15; i++) // spawn in a circle formation or w/e.
particle = P_SpawnMobj(actor->x, actor->y, actor->z, MT_THOK);
particle->momz = 20<<FRACBITS;
particle->color = ((i%2 !=0) ? (SKINCOLOR_RED) : (SKINCOLOR_BLACK));
particle->frame = 0;
P_SetScale(particle, FRACUNIT/2);
P_InstaThrust(particle, an*i, 30<<FRACBITS);
return; // don't continue, what lies beyond that is the movement code.
// We finished growing and can now be a dangerous piece o' garbage scaring the living heck outta players!
actor->flags = MF_NOGRAVITY|MF_PAIN|MF_SPECIAL|MF_NOCLIP|MF_NOCLIPHEIGHT; // set our flags to be a damaging thing.
if (!actor->target)
if (actor->hnext)
P_SetTarget(&actor->target, actor->hnext); // Default back to last waypoint.
// We have no target and oughta find one, so let's scan through thinkers for a waypoint of angle 0, or something.
for (th = thinkercap.next; th != &thinkercap; th = th->next)
if (th->function.acp1 != (actionf_p1)P_MobjThinker)
mo2 = (mobj_t *)th;
if (mo2->type == MT_REAPERWAYPOINT && mo2->spawnpoint->angle == 0)
P_SetTarget(&actor->target, mo2); // The main target we're pursing.
P_SetTarget(&actor->hnext, mo2); // The last waypoint we hit. We will default back to that if a player goes out of our range!
actor->extravalue1 = 0; // This will store the angle of the last waypoint we touched. This will essentially be useful later on.
if (!actor->tracer) // If we already have a tracer (Waypoint #0), don't do anything.
P_SetTarget(&actor->tracer, mo2); // Because our target might be a player OR a waypoint, we need some sort of fallback option. This will always be waypoint 0.
else // Awesome, we now have a target.
// Follow target:
P_InstaThrust(actor, R_PointToAngle2(actor->x, actor->y, actor->target->x, actor->target->y), 20<<FRACBITS);
actor->angle = R_PointToAngle2(actor->x, actor->y, actor->target->x, actor->target->y);
// The player we should target if it's near us:
i = 0;
for (; i<MAXPLAYERS; i++)
if (!playeringame[i])
player = &players[actor->lastlook];
if (player && player->mo && player->kartstuff[k_bumper] && player->score >= maxscore)
targetplayermo = player->mo;
maxscore = player->score;
// Try to target that player:
if (targetplayermo)
if (P_LookForPlayers(actor, false, false, 1024<<FRACBITS)) // got target
if (!(actor->target == targetplayermo && actor->target && !actor->target->player->powers[pw_flashing]
&& !actor->target->player->kartstuff[k_invincibilitytimer]
&& !actor->target->player->kartstuff[k_growshrinktimer]
&& !actor->target->player->kartstuff[k_spinouttimer]))
P_SetTarget(&actor->target, actor->hnext);
// if the above isn't correct, then we should go back to targetting waypoints or something.
// Waypoint behavior.
if (actor->target->type == MT_REAPERWAYPOINT)
if (R_PointToDist2(actor->x, actor->y, actor->target->x, actor->target->y) < 22<<FRACBITS)
P_SetTarget(&actor->target, NULL); // remove target so we can default back to first waypoint if things go ham.
// If we reach close to a waypoint, then we should go to the NEXT one.
for (th = thinkercap.next; th != &thinkercap; th = th->next)
if (th->function.acp1 != (actionf_p1)P_MobjThinker)
mo2 = (mobj_t *)th;
if (mo2->type == MT_REAPERWAYPOINT && mo2->spawnpoint->angle == actor->extravalue1+1)
P_SetTarget(&actor->target, mo2); // The main target we're pursing.
P_SetTarget(&actor->hnext, mo2); // The last waypoint we hit. We will default back to that if a player goes out of our range!
actor->extravalue1++; // This will store the angle of the last waypoint we touched. This will essentially be useful later on.
if (!actor->target) // If we have no target, revert back to waypoint 0.
actor->extravalue1 = 0;
P_SetTarget(&actor->target, actor->tracer);
else // if our target ISN'T a waypoint, then it can only be a player.
if (!P_CheckSight(actor, actor->target) || R_PointToDist2(actor->x, actor->y, actor->target->x, actor->target->y) > 1024<<FRACBITS)
P_SetTarget(&actor->target, actor->hnext);
// Function: A_OrbitNights
@ -378,6 +378,16 @@ void P_TouchSpecialThing(mobj_t *special, mobj_t *toucher, boolean heightcheck)
// We now identify by object type, not sprite! Tails 04-11-2001
switch (special->type)
case MT_MEMENTOSTP: // Mementos teleport
// Teleport player to the other teleporter (special->target). We'll assume there's always only ever 2.
if (!special->target)
return; // foolproof crash prevention check!!!!!
P_TeleportMove(player->mo, special->target->x, special->target->y, special->target->z + (48<<FRACBITS));
player->mo->angle = special->target->angle;
P_SetObjectMomZ(player->mo, 12<<FRACBITS, false);
P_InstaThrust(player->mo, player->mo->angle, 20<<FRACBITS);
if (!P_CanPickupItem(player, 3) || (player->kartstuff[k_itemamount] && player->kartstuff[k_itemtype] != special->threshold))
@ -815,6 +815,7 @@ sfxinfo_t S_sfx[NUMSFX] =
{"zio3", false, 110, 8, -1, NULL, 0, -1, -1, LUMPERROR},
{"wind1", false, 110, 8, -1, NULL, 0, -1, -1, LUMPERROR},
{"fire2", false, 110, 8, -1, NULL, 0, -1, -1, LUMPERROR},
{"chain", false, 128, 8, -1, NULL, 0, -1, -1, LUMPERROR},
{"mcitm1", false, 110, 8, -1, NULL, 0, -1, -1, LUMPERROR},
{"chaooo", false, 110, 0, -1, NULL, 0, -1, -1, LUMPERROR},
{"itfree", false, 64, 0, -1, NULL, 0, -1, -1, LUMPERROR},
@ -890,6 +890,7 @@ typedef enum
Reference in a new issue