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synced 2025-03-01 07:02:11 +00:00
New visuals for ping and fps display alike [REDO]
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 107 additions and 42 deletions
@ -932,7 +932,7 @@ static void IdentifyVersion(void)
D_AddFile(va(pandf,srb2waddir,"patchping.kart")); // also don't forget to change that, this is to avoid conflicting with our regular patch.kart
#if !defined (HAVE_SDL) || defined (HAVE_MIXER)
@ -74,6 +74,14 @@ patch_t *nightsnum[10]; // 0-9
patch_t *lt_font[LT_FONTSIZE];
patch_t *cred_font[CRED_FONTSIZE];
// ping font
// Note: I'd like to adress that at this point we might *REALLY* want to work towards a common drawString function that can take any font we want because this is really turning into a MESS. :V -Lat'
patch_t *pingnum[10];
patch_t *pinggfx[5]; // small ping graphic
patch_t *framecounter;
patch_t *frameslash; // framerate stuff. Used in screen.c
static player_t *plr;
boolean chat_on; // entering a chat message?
static char w_chat[HU_MAXMSGLEN];
@ -263,6 +271,8 @@ void HU_LoadGraphics(void)
tallnum[i] = (patch_t *)W_CachePatchName(buffer, PU_HUDGFX);
sprintf(buffer, "NGTNUM%d", i);
nightsnum[i] = (patch_t *) W_CachePatchName(buffer, PU_HUDGFX);
sprintf(buffer, "PINGN%d", i);
pingnum[i] = (patch_t *) W_CachePatchName(buffer, PU_HUDGFX);
// minus for negative tallnums
@ -295,6 +305,17 @@ void HU_LoadGraphics(void)
tinyemeraldpics[6] = W_CachePatchName("TEMER7", PU_HUDGFX);
songcreditbg = W_CachePatchName("K_SONGCR", PU_HUDGFX);
// cache ping gfx:
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
sprintf(buffer, "PINGGFX%d", i+1);
pinggfx[i] = (patch_t *)W_CachePatchName(buffer, PU_HUDGFX);
// fps stuff
framecounter = W_CachePatchName("FRAMER", PU_HUDGFX);
frameslash = W_CachePatchName("FRAMESL", PU_HUDGFX);;
// Initialise Heads up
@ -2183,14 +2204,14 @@ static void HU_DrawSongCredits(void)
void HU_drawLocalPing(void)
if (!cv_showping.value || !netgame || consoleplayer == serverplayer) // we don't want to see it or aren't in a netgame, or are the server
if (!cv_showping.value || !netgame || consoleplayer != serverplayer) // we don't want to see it or aren't in a netgame, or are the server
INT32 ping = playerpingtable[consoleplayer]; // consoleplayer's ping is everyone's ping in a splitnetgame :P
if (cv_showping.value == 1 || (cv_showping.value == 2 && ping > servermaxping)) // only show 2 (warning) if our ping is at a bad level
INT32 dispx = cv_ticrate.value ? 260 : 290;
HU_drawPing(dispx, 190, ping, false);
INT32 dispy = cv_ticrate.value ? 160 : 181;
HU_drawPing(307, dispy, ping, V_SNAPTORIGHT|V_SNAPTOBOTTOM);
@ -2388,41 +2409,25 @@ void HU_Erase(void)
// HU_drawPing
void HU_drawPing(INT32 x, INT32 y, INT32 ping, boolean notext)
void HU_drawPing(INT32 x, INT32 y, INT32 ping, INT32 flags)
UINT8 numbars = 1; // how many ping bars do we draw?
UINT8 barcolor = 128; // color we use for the bars (green, yellow or red)
SINT8 i = 0;
SINT8 yoffset = 6;
INT32 dx = x+1 - (V_SmallStringWidth(va("%dms", ping), V_ALLOWLOWERCASE)/2);
boolean highping = (servermaxping && ping > servermaxping) ? true : false;
INT32 gfxnum = 4; // gfx to draw
UINT8 const *colormap = R_GetTranslationColormap(TC_RAINBOW, SKINCOLOR_SALMON, GTC_CACHE);
if (ping < 128)
numbars = 3;
barcolor = 184;
if (ping < 76)
gfxnum = 0;
else if (ping < 137)
gfxnum = 1;
else if (ping < 256)
numbars = 2; // Apparently ternaries w/ multiple statements don't look good in C so I decided against it.
barcolor = 103;
else if (highping) // yikes...!
numbars = 0;
gfxnum = 2;
else if (ping < 500)
gfxnum = 3;
if (!notext || vid.width >= 640) // how sad, we're using a shit resolution.
V_DrawSmallString(dx, y+4, V_ALLOWLOWERCASE|((highping && hu_tick < 4) ? V_REDMAP : 0), va("%dms", ping));
for (i=0; (i<3); i++) // Draw the ping bar
V_DrawFill(x+2 *(i-1), y+yoffset-4, 2, 8-yoffset, (highping && hu_tick < 4) ? 128 : 31);
if (i < numbars)
V_DrawFill(x+2 *(i-1), y+yoffset-3, 1, 8-yoffset-1, barcolor);
yoffset -= 2;
V_DrawScaledPatch(x, y, flags, pinggfx[gfxnum]);
if (servermaxping && ping > servermaxping && hu_tick < 4) // flash ping red if too high
V_DrawPingNum(x, y+9, flags, ping, colormap);
V_DrawPingNum(x, y+9, flags, ping, NULL);
@ -80,7 +80,11 @@ extern boolean chat_on;
extern patch_t *hu_font[HU_FONTSIZE], *kart_font[KART_FONTSIZE], *tny_font[HU_FONTSIZE]; // SRB2kart
extern patch_t *tallnum[10];
extern patch_t *pingnum[10];
extern patch_t *pinggfx[5];
extern patch_t *nightsnum[10];
extern patch_t *framecounter;
extern patch_t *frameslash;
extern patch_t *lt_font[LT_FONTSIZE];
extern patch_t *cred_font[CRED_FONTSIZE];
extern patch_t *emeraldpics[7];
@ -109,7 +113,7 @@ void HU_Drawer(void);
char HU_dequeueChatChar(void);
void HU_Erase(void);
void HU_clearChatChars(void);
void HU_drawPing(INT32 x, INT32 y, INT32 ping, boolean notext); // Lat': Ping drawer for scoreboard.
void HU_drawPing(INT32 x, INT32 y, INT32 ping, INT32 flags); // Lat': Ping drawer for scoreboard.
//void HU_DrawTeamTabRankings(playersort_t *tab, INT32 whiteplayer);
//void HU_DrawDualTabRankings(INT32 x, INT32 y, playersort_t *tab, INT32 scorelines, INT32 whiteplayer);
void HU_DrawTabRankings(INT32 x, INT32 y, playersort_t *tab, INT32 scorelines, INT32 whiteplayer, INT32 hilicol);
@ -4682,6 +4682,7 @@ static void K_KartDrift(player_t *player, boolean onground)
player->kartstuff[k_driftend] = 0;
// Incease/decrease the drift value to continue drifting in that direction
if (player->kartstuff[k_spinouttimer] == 0 && player->kartstuff[k_jmp] == 1 && onground && player->kartstuff[k_drift] != 0)
@ -7168,7 +7169,7 @@ void HU_DrawTabRankings(INT32 x, INT32 y, playersort_t *tab, INT32 scorelines, I
if (netgame // don't draw it offline
&& tab[i].num != serverplayer)
HU_drawPing(x + ((i < 8) ? -19 : rightoffset + 13), y+2, playerpingtable[tab[i].num], false);
HU_drawPing(x + ((i < 8) ? -17 : rightoffset + 11), y-4, playerpingtable[tab[i].num], 0);
STRBUFCPY(strtime, tab[i].name);
@ -410,6 +410,24 @@ static int libd_drawPaddedNum(lua_State *L)
return 0;
static int libd_drawPingNum(lua_State *L)
INT32 x, y, flags, num;
const UINT8 *colormap = NULL;
x = luaL_checkinteger(L, 1);
y = luaL_checkinteger(L, 2);
num = luaL_checkinteger(L, 3);
flags = luaL_optinteger(L, 4, 0);
flags &= ~V_PARAMMASK; // Don't let crashes happen.
if (!lua_isnoneornil(L, 5))
colormap = *((UINT8 **)luaL_checkudata(L, 5, META_COLORMAP));
V_DrawPingNum(x, y, flags, num, colormap);
return 0;
static int libd_drawFill(lua_State *L)
INT32 x = luaL_optinteger(L, 1, 0);
@ -613,6 +631,7 @@ static luaL_Reg lib_draw[] = {
{"drawScaled", libd_drawScaled},
{"drawNum", libd_drawNum},
{"drawPaddedNum", libd_drawPaddedNum},
{"drawPingNum", libd_drawPingNum},
{"drawFill", libd_drawFill},
{"fadeScreen", libd_fadeScreen},
{"drawString", libd_drawString},
@ -403,7 +403,7 @@ void SCR_DisplayTicRate(void)
tic_t i;
tic_t ontic = I_GetTime();
tic_t totaltics = 0;
INT32 ticcntcolor = 0;
const UINT8 *ticcntcolor = NULL;
for (i = lasttic + 1; i < TICRATE+lasttic && i < ontic; ++i)
fpsgraph[i % TICRATE] = false;
@ -414,13 +414,23 @@ void SCR_DisplayTicRate(void)
if (fpsgraph[i])
if (totaltics <= TICRATE/2) ticcntcolor = V_REDMAP;
else if (totaltics == TICRATE) ticcntcolor = V_GREENMAP;
if (totaltics <= TICRATE/2) ticcntcolor = R_GetTranslationColormap(TC_RAINBOW, SKINCOLOR_SALMON, GTC_CACHE);
else if (totaltics == TICRATE) ticcntcolor = R_GetTranslationColormap(TC_RAINBOW, SKINCOLOR_MINT, GTC_CACHE);
V_DrawString(vid.width-(24*vid.dupx), vid.height-(16*vid.dupy),
/*V_DrawString(vid.width-(24*vid.dupx), vid.height-(16*vid.dupy),
V_DrawString(vid.width-(40*vid.dupx), vid.height-( 8*vid.dupy),
ticcntcolor|V_NOSCALESTART, va("%02d/%02u", totaltics, TICRATE));
ticcntcolor|V_NOSCALESTART, va("%02d/%02u", totaltics, TICRATE));*/
// draw "FPS"
// draw total frame:
V_DrawPingNum(318, 190, V_SNAPTOBOTTOM|V_SNAPTORIGHT, TICRATE, ticcntcolor);
// draw "/"
V_DrawFixedPatch(306<<FRACBITS, 190<<FRACBITS, FRACUNIT, V_SNAPTOBOTTOM|V_SNAPTORIGHT, frameslash, ticcntcolor);
// draw our actual framerate
V_DrawPingNum(306, 190, V_SNAPTOBOTTOM|V_SNAPTORIGHT, totaltics, ticcntcolor);
lasttic = ontic;
@ -2015,6 +2015,28 @@ void V_DrawPaddedTallNum(INT32 x, INT32 y, INT32 flags, INT32 num, INT32 digits)
} while (--digits);
// Draws a number using the PING font thingy.
// TODO: Merge number drawing functions into one with "font name" selection.
void V_DrawPingNum(INT32 x, INT32 y, INT32 flags, INT32 num, const UINT8 *colormap)
INT32 w = SHORT(pingnum[0]->width); // this SHOULD always be 5 but I guess custom graphics exist.
if (flags & V_NOSCALESTART)
w *= vid.dupx;
if (num < 0)
num = -num;
// draw the number
x -= (w-1); // Oni wanted their outline to intersect.
V_DrawFixedPatch(x<<FRACBITS, y<<FRACBITS, FRACUNIT, flags, pingnum[num%10], colormap);
num /= 10;
} while (num);
// Write a string using the credit font
// NOTE: the text is centered for screens larger than the base width
@ -190,6 +190,10 @@ void V_DrawStringAtFixed(fixed_t x, fixed_t y, INT32 option, const char *string)
void V_DrawTallNum(INT32 x, INT32 y, INT32 flags, INT32 num);
void V_DrawPaddedTallNum(INT32 x, INT32 y, INT32 flags, INT32 num, INT32 digits);
// Draw ping numbers. Used by the scoreboard and that one ping option. :P
// This is a separate function because IMO lua should have access to it as well.
void V_DrawPingNum(INT32 x, INT32 y, INT32 flags, INT32 num, const UINT8 *colormap);
// Find string width from lt_font chars
INT32 V_LevelNameWidth(const char *string);
INT32 V_LevelNameHeight(const char *string);
Reference in a new issue