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2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
// Copyright (C) 1993-1996 by id Software, Inc.
// Copyright (C) 1998-2000 by DooM Legacy Team.
2016-07-06 04:09:17 +00:00
// Copyright (C) 1999-2016 by Sonic Team Junior.
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
// This program is free software distributed under the
// terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.
// See the 'LICENSE' file for more details.
/// \file d_player.h
/// \brief player data structures
#ifndef __D_PLAYER__
#define __D_PLAYER__
// The player data structure depends on a number
// of other structs: items (internal inventory),
// animation states (closely tied to the sprites
// used to represent them, unfortunately).
#include "p_pspr.h"
// In addition, the player is just a special
// case of the generic moving object/actor.
#include "p_mobj.h"
// Finally, for odd reasons, the player input
// is buffered within the player data struct,
// as commands per game tick.
#include "d_ticcmd.h"
// Extra abilities/settings for skins (combinable stuff)
typedef enum
SF_SUPER = 1, // Can turn super in singleplayer/co-op mode.
SF_SUPERANIMS = 1<<1, // If super, use the super sonic animations
SF_SUPERSPIN = 1<<2, // Should spin frames be played while super?
SF_HIRES = 1<<3, // Draw the sprite 2x as small?
SF_NOSKID = 1<<4, // No skid particles etc
SF_NOSPEEDADJUST = 1<<5, // Skin-specific version of disablespeedadjust
2014-07-05 08:15:35 +00:00
SF_RUNONWATER = 1<<6, // Run on top of water FOFs?
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
} skinflags_t;
//Primary and secondary skin abilities
typedef enum
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
} charability_t;
//Secondary skin abilities
typedef enum
} charability2_t;
// Player states.
typedef enum
// Playing or camping.
// Dead on the ground, view follows killer.
// Ready to restart/respawn???
} playerstate_t;
// Player internal flags
typedef enum
// Flip camera angle with gravity flip prefrence.
// Cheats
PF_GODMODE = 1<<1,
PF_NOCLIP = 1<<2,
PF_INVIS = 1<<3,
// True if button down last tic.
PF_USEDOWN = 1<<5,
PF_WPNDOWN = 1<<7,
// Unmoving states
PF_STASIS = 1<<8, // Player is not allowed to move
PF_JUMPSTASIS = 1<<9, // and that includes jumping.
// Did you get a time-over?
PF_TIMEOVER = 1<<10,
// Ready for Super?
// Character action status
PF_JUMPED = 1<<12,
PF_SPINNING = 1<<13,
PF_THOKKED = 1<<15,
// Are you gliding?
PF_GLIDING = 1<<16,
// Tails pickup!
PF_CARRIED = 1<<17,
// Sliding (usually in water) like Labyrinth/Oil Ocean
PF_SLIDING = 1<<18,
// Hanging on a rope
PF_ROPEHANG = 1<<19,
// Hanging on an item of some kind - zipline, chain, etc. (->tracer)
PF_ITEMHANG = 1<<20,
// On the mace chain spinning around (->tracer)
PF_MACESPIN = 1<<21,
/*** NIGHTS STUFF ***/
// Is the player in NiGHTS mode?
// Spill rings after falling
PF_DRILLING = 1<<25,
PF_SKIDDOWN = 1<<26,
/*** TAG STUFF ***/
PF_TAGGED = 1<<27, // Player has been tagged and awaits the next round in hide and seek.
PF_TAGIT = 1<<28, // The player is it! For Tag Mode
2014-08-04 03:49:33 +00:00
/*** misc ***/
PF_FORCESTRAFE = 1<<29, // Turning inputs are translated into strafing inputs
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PF_ANALOGMODE = 1<<30, // Analog mode?
2014-08-04 03:49:33 +00:00
// free: 1<<30 and 1<<31
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
} pflags_t;
typedef enum
// Are animation frames playing?
} panim_t;
typedef enum
SH_NONE = 0,
// Standard shields
// Stupid useless unimplimented Sonic 3 shields
// Pity shield: the world's most basic shield ever, given to players who suck at Match
// The fireflower is special, it combines with other shields.
// The force shield uses the lower 8 bits to count how many hits are left.
SH_FORCE = 0x200,
} shieldtype_t;
// Player powers. (don't edit this comment)
typedef enum
pw_tailsfly, // tails flying
pw_underwater, // underwater timer
pw_spacetime, // In space, no one can hear you spin!
pw_extralife, // Extra Life timer
pw_super, // Are you super?
pw_gravityboots, // gravity boots
// Weapon ammunition
// Power Stones
pw_emeralds, // stored like global 'emeralds' variable
// NiGHTS powerups
//for linedef exec 427
pw_ingoop, // In goop
} powertype_t;
2016-08-15 03:51:08 +00:00
//{ SRB2kart - kartstuff
typedef enum
// Basic gameplay things
k_position, // Used for Kart positions, mostly for deterministic stuff
k_oldposition, // Used for taunting when you pass someone
2017-02-13 04:24:49 +00:00
k_positiondelay, // Prevents player from taunting continuously if two people were neck-and-neck
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k_prevcheck, // Previous checkpoint distance; for p_user.c (was "pw_pcd")
k_nextcheck, // Next checkpoint distance; for p_user.c (was "pw_ncd")
k_waypoint, // Waypoints.
k_starpostwp, // Temporarily stores player waypoint for... some reason. Used when respawning and finishing.
k_lakitu, // Timer for Lakitu to carry and drop the player
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k_throwdir, // Held dir of controls; 1 = forward, 0 = none, -1 = backward (was "player->heldDir")
k_camspin, // Used to 180 the camera while a button is held
2017-06-03 22:19:06 +00:00
k_lapanimation, // Used to make a swoopy lap lakitu, maybe other effects in the future
k_cardanimation, // Used to determine the position of some full-screen Battle Mode graphics
k_sounds, // Used this to stop and then force music restores as it hits zero
k_boosting, // Determines if you're currently shroom-boosting
k_floorboost, // Prevents Mushroom sounds for a breif duration when triggered by a floor panel
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k_spinout, // Separate confirmation to prevent endless wipeout loops
k_spinouttype, // Determines whether to thrust forward or not while spinning out; 0 = move forwards, 1 = stay still
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k_drift, // Drifting Left or Right, plus a bigger counter = sharper turn
k_driftend, // Drift has ended, used to adjust character angle after drift
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k_driftcharge, // Charge your drift so you can release a burst of speed
k_driftboost, // Boost you get from drifting
k_boostcharge, // Charge-up for boosting at the start of the race, or when Lakitu drops you
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k_jmp, // In Mario Kart, letting go of the jump button stops the drift
k_offroad, // In Super Mario Kart, going offroad has lee-way of about 1 second before you start losing speed
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k_itemroulette, // Used for the roulette when deciding what item to give you (was "pw_kartitem")
k_itemclose, // Used to animate the item window closing (was "pw_psychic")
// Some items use timers for their duration or effects
k_magnettimer, // Duration of Magnet's item-break and item box pull
k_bootimer, // Duration of the boo offroad effect itself
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k_bootaketimer, // You are stealing an item, this is your timer
k_boostolentimer, // You are being stolen from, this is your timer
k_mushroomtimer, // Duration of the Mushroom Boost itself
k_growshrinktimer, // > 0 = Big, < 0 = small
k_squishedtimer, // Squished frame timer
k_goldshroomtimer, // Gold Mushroom duration timer
k_startimer, // Invincibility timer
k_spinouttimer, // Spin-out from a banana peel or oil slick (was "pw_bananacam")
//k_wipeouttimer, // Wipe-out from a shell, waits a short amount of time before making you stop and spinning out in place
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k_laserwisptimer, // The duration and relative angle of the laser
k_justbumped, // Prevent players from endlessly bumping into each other
k_poweritemtimer, // Battle mode, how long before you're allowed another power item (Star, Megashroom)
k_comebacktimer, // Battle mode, how long before you become a bomb after death
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// Each item needs its own power slot, for the HUD and held use
k_magnet, // 0x1 = Magnet in inventory
k_boo, // 0x1 = Boo in inventory
k_mushroom, // 0x1 = 1 Mushroom in inventory, 0x2 = 2 Mushrooms in inventory
// 0x4 = 3 Mushrooms in inventory
k_megashroom, // 0x1 = Mega Mushroom in inventory
k_goldshroom, // 0x1 = Gold Mushroom in inventory
k_star, // 0x1 = Star in inventory
k_triplebanana, // 0x1 = 1 Banana following, 0x2 = 2 Bananas following
// 0x4 = 3 Bananas following, 0x8 = Triple Banana in inventory
k_fakeitem, // 0x1 = Fake Item being held, 0x2 = Fake Item in inventory
k_banana, // 0x1 = Banana being held, 0x2 = Banana in inventory
k_greenshell, // 0x1 = Green Shell being held, 0x2 = Green Shell in inventory
k_redshell, // 0x1 = Red Shell being held, 0x2 = Red Shell in inventory
k_laserwisp, // 0x1 = Laser Wisp in inventory
k_triplegreenshell, // 0x1 = 1 Green Shell orbiting, 0x2 = 2 Green Shells orbiting
// 0x4 = 3 Green Shells orbiting, 0x8 = Triple Green Shell in inventory
k_bobomb, // 0x1 = Bob-omb being held, 0x2 = Bob-omb in inventory
k_blueshell, // 0x1 = Blue Shell in inventory
k_jaws, // 0x1 = 1 Jaws orbiting, 0x2 = 2 Jaws orbiting,
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// 0x4 = 2x Jaws in inventory
k_fireflower, // 0x1 = Fire Flower in inventory
k_tripleredshell, // 0x1 = 1 Red Shell orbiting, 0x2 = 2 Red Shells orbiting
// 0x4 = 3 Red Shells orbiting, 0x8 = Triple Red Shell in inventory
k_lightning, // 0x1 = Lightning in inventory
2017-11-07 05:57:42 +00:00
k_feather, // 0x1 = Feather in inventory, 0x2 = Player is feather jumping
k_kitchensink, // 0x1 = Sink in inventory
// Battle Mode vars
k_balloon, // Number of balloons left
k_comebackpoints, // Number of times you've bombed or gave an item to someone; once it's 3 it gets set back to 0 and you're given a balloon
k_comebackmode, // 0 = bomb, 1 = item
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k_comebackshowninfo,// Have you already seen the info screen before?
2016-08-15 03:51:08 +00:00
} kartstufftype_t;
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
#define WEP_AUTO 1
#define WEP_BOUNCE 2
#define WEP_SCATTER 3
#define WEP_GRENADE 4
#define WEP_EXPLODE 5
#define WEP_RAIL 6
#define NUM_WEAPONS 7
typedef enum
RW_AUTO = 1,
RW_RAIL = 32
} ringweapons_t;
// ========================================================================
// ========================================================================
typedef struct player_s
mobj_t *mo;
// Caveat: ticcmd_t is ATTRPACK! Be careful what precedes it.
ticcmd_t cmd;
playerstate_t playerstate;
// Determine POV, including viewpoint bobbing during movement.
// Focal origin above r.z
fixed_t viewz;
// Base height above floor for viewz.
fixed_t viewheight;
// Bob/squat speed.
fixed_t deltaviewheight;
// bounded/scaled total momentum.
fixed_t bob;
// Mouse aiming, where the guy is looking at!
// It is updated with cmd->aiming.
angle_t aiming;
// This is only used between levels,
// mo->health is used during levels.
2014-03-21 18:42:55 +00:00
/// \todo Remove this. We don't need a second health definition for players.
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
INT32 health;
SINT8 pity; // i pity the fool.
INT32 currentweapon; // current weapon selected.
INT32 ringweapons; // weapons currently obtained.
// Power ups. invinc and invis are tic counters.
2016-08-12 01:42:11 +00:00
// SRB2kart stuff
INT32 kartstuff[NUMKARTSTUFF];
angle_t frameangle; // for the player add the ability to have the sprite only face other angles
2016-08-12 01:42:11 +00:00
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
// Bit flags.
// See pflags_t, above.
pflags_t pflags;
// playing animation.
panim_t panim;
// For screen flashing (bright).
UINT16 flashcount;
UINT16 flashpal;
// Player skin colorshift, 0-15 for which color to draw player.
UINT8 skincolor;
INT32 skin;
UINT32 score; // player score
fixed_t dashspeed; // dashing speed
INT32 dashtime; // tics dashing, used for rev sound
// SRB2kart
UINT8 kartspeed; // Kart speed stat between 1 and 9
UINT8 kartweight; // Kart weight stat between 1 and 9
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fixed_t normalspeed; // Normal ground
fixed_t runspeed; // Speed you break into the run animation
UINT8 thrustfactor; // Thrust = thrustfactor * acceleration
UINT8 accelstart; // Starting acceleration if speed = 0.
UINT8 acceleration; // Acceleration
// See charability_t and charability2_t for more information.
UINT8 charability; // Ability definition
UINT8 charability2; // Secondary ability definition
UINT32 charflags; // Extra abilities/settings for skins (combinable stuff)
// See SF_ flags
mobjtype_t thokitem; // Object # to spawn for the thok
mobjtype_t spinitem; // Object # to spawn for spindash/spinning
mobjtype_t revitem; // Object # to spawn for spindash/spinning
fixed_t actionspd; // Speed of thok/glide/fly
fixed_t mindash; // Minimum spindash speed
fixed_t maxdash; // Maximum spindash speed
fixed_t jumpfactor; // How high can the player jump?
2014-03-21 18:42:55 +00:00
SINT8 lives;
SINT8 continues; // continues that player has acquired
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2014-03-21 18:42:55 +00:00
SINT8 xtralife; // Ring Extra Life counter
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UINT8 gotcontinue; // Got continue from this stage?
fixed_t speed; // Player's speed (distance formula of MOMX and MOMY values)
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UINT8 jumping; // Jump counter
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UINT8 secondjump;
UINT8 fly1; // Tails flying
UINT8 scoreadd; // Used for multiple enemy attack bonus
tic_t glidetime; // Glide counter for thrust
UINT8 climbing; // Climbing on the wall
INT32 deadtimer; // End game if game over lasts too long
tic_t exiting; // Exitlevel timer
UINT8 homing; // Are you homing?
tic_t skidtime; // Skid timer
// Conveyor Belt Movement //
fixed_t cmomx; // Conveyor momx
fixed_t cmomy; // Conveyor momy
fixed_t rmomx; // "Real" momx (momx - cmomx)
fixed_t rmomy; // "Real" momy (momy - cmomy)
// Race Mode Stuff //
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INT16 numboxes; // Number of item boxes obtained for Race Mode
INT16 totalring; // Total number of rings obtained for Race Mode
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tic_t realtime; // integer replacement for leveltime
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UINT8 laps; // Number of laps (optional)
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// CTF Mode Stuff //
INT32 ctfteam; // 0 == Spectator, 1 == Red, 2 == Blue
UINT16 gotflag; // 1 == Red, 2 == Blue Do you have the flag?
INT32 weapondelay; // Delay (if any) to fire the weapon again
INT32 tossdelay; // Delay (if any) to toss a flag/emeralds again
// Starpost information
INT16 starpostx;
INT16 starposty;
INT16 starpostz;
INT32 starpostnum; // The number of the last starpost you hit
INT32 starpostcount; // SRB2kart: how many did you hit?
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tic_t starposttime; // Your time when you hit the starpost
angle_t starpostangle; // Angle that the starpost is facing - you respawn facing this way
// NiGHTS Stuff//
angle_t angle_pos;
angle_t old_angle_pos;
mobj_t *axis1;
mobj_t *axis2;
tic_t bumpertime; // Currently being bounced by MT_NIGHTSBUMPER
INT32 flyangle;
tic_t drilltimer;
INT32 linkcount;
tic_t linktimer;
INT32 anotherflyangle;
tic_t nightstime; // How long you can fly as NiGHTS.
INT32 drillmeter;
UINT8 drilldelay;
boolean bonustime; // Capsule destroyed, now it's bonus time!
mobj_t *capsule; // Go inside the capsule
UINT8 mare; // Current mare
// Statistical purposes.
tic_t marebegunat; // Leveltime when mare begun
tic_t startedtime; // Time which you started this mare with.
tic_t finishedtime; // Time it took you to finish the mare (used for display)
INT16 finishedrings; // The rings you had left upon finishing the mare
UINT32 marescore; // score for this nights stage
UINT32 lastmarescore; // score for the last mare
UINT8 lastmare; // previous mare
INT32 maxlink; // maximum link obtained
UINT8 texttimer; // nights_texttime should not be local
UINT8 textvar; // which line of NiGHTS text to show -- let's not use cheap hacks
INT16 lastsidehit, lastlinehit;
tic_t losstime;
UINT8 timeshit; // That's TIMES HIT, not TIME SHIT, you doofus!
INT32 onconveyor; // You are on a conveyor belt if nonzero
mobj_t *awayviewmobj;
INT32 awayviewtics;
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angle_t awayviewaiming; // Used for cut-away view
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boolean spectator;
UINT8 bot;
tic_t jointime; // Timer when player joins game to change skin/color
fixed_t fovadd; // adjust FOV for hw rendering
} player_t;