2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
// Copyright (C) 1998-2000 by DooM Legacy Team.
2016-05-18 00:42:11 +00:00
// Copyright (C) 1999-2016 by Sonic Team Junior.
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
// This program is free software distributed under the
// terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.
// See the 'LICENSE' file for more details.
/// \file console.c
/// \brief Console drawing and input
#ifdef __GNUC__
#include <unistd.h>
#ifdef _XBOX
#include <openxdk/debug.h>
#include "doomdef.h"
#include "console.h"
#include "g_game.h"
#include "g_input.h"
#include "hu_stuff.h"
#include "keys.h"
#include "r_defs.h"
#include "sounds.h"
#include "st_stuff.h"
#include "s_sound.h"
#include "v_video.h"
#include "i_video.h"
#include "z_zone.h"
#include "i_system.h"
#include "d_main.h"
#include "m_menu.h"
#ifdef _WINDOWS
#include "win32/win_main.h"
#include "hardware/hw_main.h"
#define MAXHUDLINES 20
static boolean con_started = false; // console has been initialised
boolean con_startup = false; // true at game startup, screen need refreshing
static boolean con_forcepic = true; // at startup toggle console translucency when first off
boolean con_recalc; // set true when screen size has changed
static tic_t con_tick; // console ticker for anim or blinking prompt cursor
// con_scrollup should use time (currenttime - lasttime)..
static boolean consoletoggle; // true when console key pushed, ticker will handle
static boolean consoleready; // console prompt is ready
INT32 con_destlines; // vid lines used by console at final position
static INT32 con_curlines; // vid lines currently used by console
INT32 con_clipviewtop; // clip value for planes & sprites, so that the
// part of the view covered by the console is not
// drawn when not needed, this must be -1 when
// console is off
static INT32 con_hudlines; // number of console heads up message lines
static INT32 con_hudtime[MAXHUDLINES]; // remaining time of display for hud msg lines
INT32 con_clearlines; // top screen lines to refresh when view reduced
boolean con_hudupdate; // when messages scroll, we need a backgrnd refresh
// console text output
static char *con_line; // console text output current line
static size_t con_cx; // cursor position in current line
static size_t con_cy; // cursor line number in con_buffer, is always
// increasing, and wrapped around in the text
// buffer using modulo.
static size_t con_totallines; // lines of console text into the console buffer
static size_t con_width; // columns of chars, depend on vid mode width
static size_t con_scrollup; // how many rows of text to scroll up (pgup/pgdn)
UINT32 con_scalefactor; // text size scale factor
// hold 32 last lines of input for history
#define CON_PROMPTCHAR '>'
static char inputlines[32][CON_MAXPROMPTCHARS]; // hold last 32 prompt lines
static INT32 inputline; // current input line number
static INT32 inputhist; // line number of history input line to restore
static size_t input_cx; // position in current input line
// protos.
static void CON_InputInit(void);
static void CON_RecalcSize(void);
static void CONS_hudlines_Change(void);
static void CON_DrawBackpic(patch_t *pic, INT32 startx, INT32 destwidth);
//static void CON_DrawBackpic2(pic_t *pic, INT32 startx, INT32 destwidth);
#ifdef macintosh
#define CON_BUFFERSIZE 4096 // my compiler can't handle local vars >32k
#define CON_BUFFERSIZE 16384
static char con_buffer[CON_BUFFERSIZE];
// how many seconds the hud messages lasts on the screen
static consvar_t cons_msgtimeout = {"con_hudtime", "5", CV_SAVE, CV_Unsigned, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
// number of lines displayed on the HUD
static consvar_t cons_hudlines = {"con_hudlines", "5", CV_CALL|CV_SAVE, CV_Unsigned, CONS_hudlines_Change, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
// number of lines console move per frame
// (con_speed needs a limit, apparently)
static CV_PossibleValue_t speed_cons_t[] = {{0, "MIN"}, {64, "MAX"}, {0, NULL}};
static consvar_t cons_speed = {"con_speed", "8", CV_SAVE, speed_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
// percentage of screen height to use for console
static consvar_t cons_height = {"con_height", "50", CV_SAVE, CV_Unsigned, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
static CV_PossibleValue_t backpic_cons_t[] = {{0, "translucent"}, {1, "picture"}, {0, NULL}};
// whether to use console background picture, or translucent mode
static consvar_t cons_backpic = {"con_backpic", "translucent", CV_SAVE, backpic_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
static CV_PossibleValue_t backcolor_cons_t[] = {{0, "White"}, {1, "Orange"},
{2, "Blue"}, {3, "Green"}, {4, "Gray"},
{5, "Red"}, {0, NULL}};
consvar_t cons_backcolor = {"con_backcolor", "3", CV_SAVE, backcolor_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL};
static void CON_Print(char *msg);
static void CONS_hudlines_Change(void)
INT32 i;
// Clear the currently displayed lines
for (i = 0; i < con_hudlines; i++)
con_hudtime[i] = 0;
if (cons_hudlines.value < 1)
cons_hudlines.value = 1;
else if (cons_hudlines.value > MAXHUDLINES)
cons_hudlines.value = MAXHUDLINES;
con_hudlines = cons_hudlines.value;
CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Number of console HUD lines is now %d\n"), con_hudlines);
// Clear console text buffer
static void CONS_Clear_f(void)
memset(con_buffer, 0, CON_BUFFERSIZE);
con_cx = 0;
con_cy = con_totallines-1;
con_line = &con_buffer[con_cy*con_width];
con_scrollup = 0;
// Choose english keymap
static void CONS_English_f(void)
shiftxform = english_shiftxform;
CONS_Printf(M_GetText("%s keymap.\n"), M_GetText("English"));
static char *bindtable[NUMINPUTS];
static void CONS_Bind_f(void)
size_t na;
INT32 key;
na = COM_Argc();
if (na != 2 && na != 3)
CONS_Printf(M_GetText("bind <keyname> [<command>]: create shortcut keys to command(s)\n"));
CONS_Printf("\x82%s", M_GetText("Bind table :\n"));
na = 0;
for (key = 0; key < NUMINPUTS; key++)
if (bindtable[key])
CONS_Printf("%s : \"%s\"\n", G_KeynumToString(key), bindtable[key]);
na = 1;
if (!na)
key = G_KeyStringtoNum(COM_Argv(1));
2016-01-28 16:15:34 +00:00
if (key <= 0 || key >= NUMINPUTS)
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
CONS_Alert(CONS_NOTICE, M_GetText("Invalid key name\n"));
bindtable[key] = NULL;
if (na == 3)
bindtable[key] = Z_StrDup(COM_Argv(2));
// Prepare a colormap for GREEN ONLY translucency over background
UINT8 *yellowmap;
UINT8 *purplemap;
UINT8 *lgreenmap;
UINT8 *bluemap;
UINT8 *graymap;
UINT8 *redmap;
UINT8 *orangemap;
// Console BG colors
UINT8 *cwhitemap;
UINT8 *corangemap;
UINT8 *cbluemap;
UINT8 *cgreenmap;
UINT8 *cgraymap;
UINT8 *credmap;
void CON_ReSetupBackColormap(UINT16 num)
UINT16 i, j;
UINT8 k;
UINT8 *pal = W_CacheLumpName(R_GetPalname(num), PU_CACHE);
// setup the green translucent background colormaps
for (i = 0, k = 0; i < 768; i += 3, k++)
j = pal[i] + pal[i+1] + pal[i+2];
cwhitemap[k] = (UINT8)(15 - (j>>6));
corangemap[k] = (UINT8)(95 - (j>>6));
cbluemap[k] = (UINT8)(239 - (j>>6));
cgreenmap[k] = (UINT8)(175 - (j>>6));
cgraymap[k] = (UINT8)(31 - (j>>6));
credmap[k] = (UINT8)(143 - (j>>6));
static void CON_SetupBackColormap(void)
INT32 i, j, k;
UINT8 *pal;
cwhitemap = (UINT8 *)Z_Malloc(256, PU_STATIC, NULL);
corangemap = (UINT8 *)Z_Malloc(256, PU_STATIC, NULL);
cbluemap = (UINT8 *)Z_Malloc(256, PU_STATIC, NULL);
cgreenmap = (UINT8 *)Z_Malloc(256, PU_STATIC, NULL);
cgraymap = (UINT8 *)Z_Malloc(256, PU_STATIC, NULL);
credmap = (UINT8 *)Z_Malloc(256, PU_STATIC, NULL);
yellowmap = (UINT8 *)Z_Malloc(256, PU_STATIC, NULL);
graymap = (UINT8 *)Z_Malloc(256, PU_STATIC, NULL);
purplemap = (UINT8 *)Z_Malloc(256, PU_STATIC, NULL);
lgreenmap = (UINT8 *)Z_Malloc(256, PU_STATIC, NULL);
bluemap = (UINT8 *)Z_Malloc(256, PU_STATIC, NULL);
redmap = (UINT8 *)Z_Malloc(256, PU_STATIC, NULL);
orangemap = (UINT8 *)Z_Malloc(256, PU_STATIC, NULL);
pal = W_CacheLumpName("PLAYPAL", PU_CACHE);
// setup the green translucent background colormaps
for (i = 0, k = 0; i < 768; i += 3, k++)
j = pal[i] + pal[i+1] + pal[i+2];
cwhitemap[k] = (UINT8)(15 - (j>>6));
corangemap[k] = (UINT8)(95 - (j>>6));
cbluemap[k] = (UINT8)(239 - (j>>6));
cgreenmap[k] = (UINT8)(175 - (j>>6));
cgraymap[k] = (UINT8)(31 - (j>>6));
credmap[k] = (UINT8)(143 - (j>>6));
// setup the other colormaps, for console text
// these don't need to be aligned, unless you convert the
// V_DrawMappedPatch() into optimised asm.
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
yellowmap[i] = (UINT8)i; // remap each color to itself...
graymap[i] = (UINT8)i;
purplemap[i] = (UINT8)i;
lgreenmap[i] = (UINT8)i;
bluemap[i] = (UINT8)i;
redmap[i] = (UINT8)i;
orangemap[i] = (UINT8)i;
yellowmap[3] = (UINT8)103;
yellowmap[9] = (UINT8)115;
purplemap[3] = (UINT8)195;
purplemap[9] = (UINT8)198;
lgreenmap[3] = (UINT8)162;
lgreenmap[9] = (UINT8)170;
bluemap[3] = (UINT8)228;
bluemap[9] = (UINT8)238;
graymap[3] = (UINT8)10;
graymap[9] = (UINT8)15;
redmap[3] = (UINT8)124;
redmap[9] = (UINT8)127;
orangemap[3] = (UINT8)85;
orangemap[9] = (UINT8)90;
// Setup the console text buffer
// for WII, libogc already has a CON_Init function, we must rename it here
#ifdef _WII
void CON_InitWii(void)
void CON_Init(void)
INT32 i;
for (i = 0; i < NUMINPUTS; i++)
bindtable[i] = NULL;
// clear all lines
memset(con_buffer, 0, CON_BUFFERSIZE);
// make sure it is ready for the loading screen
con_width = 0;
//note: CON_Ticker should always execute at least once before D_Display()
con_clipviewtop = -1; // -1 does not clip
con_hudlines = atoi(cons_hudlines.defaultvalue);
// setup console input filtering
// register our commands
COM_AddCommand("cls", CONS_Clear_f);
COM_AddCommand("english", CONS_English_f);
// set console full screen for game startup MAKE SURE VID_Init() done !!!
con_destlines = vid.height;
con_curlines = vid.height;
if (!dedicated)
con_started = true;
con_startup = true; // need explicit screen refresh until we are in Doom loop
consoletoggle = false;
COM_AddCommand("bind", CONS_Bind_f);
con_started = true;
con_startup = false; // need explicit screen refresh until we are in Doom loop
consoletoggle = true;
// Console input initialization
static void CON_InputInit(void)
INT32 i;
// prepare the first prompt line
memset(inputlines, 0, sizeof (inputlines));
for (i = 0; i < 32; i++)
inputlines[i][0] = CON_PROMPTCHAR;
inputline = 0;
input_cx = 1;
// Called at screen size change to set the rows and line size of the
// console text buffer.
static void CON_RecalcSize(void)
size_t conw, oldcon_width, oldnumlines, i, oldcon_cy;
char *tmp_buffer;
char *string;
switch (cv_constextsize.value)
con_scalefactor = 1;
con_scalefactor = vid.smalldupx;
con_scalefactor = vid.meddupx;
default: // Full scaling
con_scalefactor = vid.dupx;
con_recalc = false;
if (dedicated)
conw = 1;
conw = (vid.width>>3) / con_scalefactor - 2;
if (con_curlines == vid.height) // first init
con_curlines = vid.height;
con_destlines = vid.height;
// check for change of video width
if (conw == con_width)
return; // didn't change
tmp_buffer = Z_Malloc(CON_BUFFERSIZE, PU_STATIC, NULL);
string = Z_Malloc(CON_BUFFERSIZE, PU_STATIC, NULL); // BP: it is a line but who know
oldcon_width = con_width;
oldnumlines = con_totallines;
oldcon_cy = con_cy;
M_Memcpy(tmp_buffer, con_buffer, CON_BUFFERSIZE);
if (conw < 1)
con_width = (BASEVIDWIDTH>>3) - 2;
con_width = conw;
con_width += 11; // Graue 06-19-2004 up to 11 control chars per line
con_totallines = CON_BUFFERSIZE / con_width;
memset(con_buffer, ' ', CON_BUFFERSIZE);
con_cx = 0;
con_cy = con_totallines-1;
con_line = &con_buffer[con_cy*con_width];
con_scrollup = 0;
// re-arrange console text buffer to keep text
if (oldcon_width) // not the first time
for (i = oldcon_cy + 1; i < oldcon_cy + oldnumlines; i++)
if (tmp_buffer[(i%oldnumlines)*oldcon_width])
M_Memcpy(string, &tmp_buffer[(i%oldnumlines)*oldcon_width], oldcon_width);
conw = oldcon_width - 1;
while (string[conw] == ' ' && conw)
string[conw+1] = '\n';
string[conw+2] = '\0';
// Handles Console moves in/out of screen (per frame)
static void CON_MoveConsole(void)
const fixed_t conspeed = FixedDiv(cons_speed.value*vid.fdupy, FRACUNIT);
// instant
if (!cons_speed.value)
con_curlines = con_destlines;
// up/down move to dest
if (con_curlines < con_destlines)
con_curlines += FixedInt(conspeed);
if (con_curlines > con_destlines)
con_curlines = con_destlines;
else if (con_curlines > con_destlines)
con_curlines -= FixedInt(conspeed);
if (con_curlines < con_destlines)
con_curlines = con_destlines;
// Clear time of console heads up messages
void CON_ClearHUD(void)
INT32 i;
for (i = 0; i < con_hudlines; i++)
con_hudtime[i] = 0;
// Force console to move out immediately
// note: con_ticker will set consoleready false
void CON_ToggleOff(void)
if (!con_destlines)
con_destlines = 0;
con_curlines = 0;
con_forcepic = 0;
con_clipviewtop = -1; // remove console clipping of view
boolean CON_Ready(void)
return consoleready;
// Console ticker: handles console move in/out, cursor blinking
void CON_Ticker(void)
INT32 i;
INT32 minheight = 20 * con_scalefactor; // 20 = 8+8+4
// cursor blinking
con_tick &= 7;
// if the menu is open then close the console.
if (menuactive && con_destlines)
consoletoggle = false;
con_destlines = 0;
// console key was pushed
if (consoletoggle)
consoletoggle = false;
// toggle off console
if (con_destlines > 0)
con_destlines = 0;
// toggle console in
con_destlines = (cons_height.value*vid.height)/100;
if (con_destlines < minheight)
con_destlines = minheight;
else if (con_destlines > vid.height)
con_destlines = vid.height;
con_destlines &= ~0x3; // multiple of text row height
// console movement
if (con_destlines != con_curlines)
// clip the view, so that the part under the console is not drawn
con_clipviewtop = -1;
if (cons_backpic.value) // clip only when using an opaque background
if (con_curlines > 0)
con_clipviewtop = con_curlines - viewwindowy - 1 - 10;
// WINDOW!!! (draw some more lines behind the bottom of the console)
if (con_clipviewtop < 0)
con_clipviewtop = -1; // maybe not necessary, provided it's < 0
// check if console ready for prompt
if (con_destlines >= minheight)
consoleready = true;
consoleready = false;
// make overlay messages disappear after a while
for (i = 0; i < con_hudlines; i++)
if (con_hudtime[i] < 0)
con_hudtime[i] = 0;
// Handles console key input
boolean CON_Responder(event_t *ev)
static boolean consdown;
static boolean shiftdown;
static boolean ctrldown;
// sequential completions a la 4dos
static char completion[80];
static INT32 comskips, varskips;
const char *cmd = "";
INT32 key;
if (chat_on)
return false;
// let go keyup events, don't eat them
if (ev->type != ev_keydown && ev->type != ev_console)
if (ev->data1 == KEY_LSHIFT || ev->data1 == KEY_RSHIFT)
shiftdown = false;
else if (ev->data1 == KEY_LCTRL || ev->data1 == KEY_RCTRL)
ctrldown = false;
else if (ev->data1 == gamecontrol[gc_console][0] || ev->data1 == gamecontrol[gc_console][1])
consdown = false;
return false;
key = ev->data1;
// check for console toggle key
if (ev->type != ev_console)
if (modeattacking || metalrecording)
return false;
if (key == gamecontrol[gc_console][0] || key == gamecontrol[gc_console][1])
if (consdown) // ignore repeat
return true;
consoletoggle = true;
consdown = true;
return true;
// check other keys only if console prompt is active
if (!consoleready && key < NUMINPUTS) // metzgermeister: boundary check!!
if (bindtable[key])
return true;
return false;
// escape key toggle off console
if (key == KEY_ESCAPE)
consoletoggle = true;
return true;
// eat shift only if console active
if (key == KEY_LSHIFT || key == KEY_RSHIFT)
shiftdown = true;
return true;
// same for ctrl
if (key == KEY_LCTRL || key == KEY_RCTRL)
ctrldown = true;
return true;
// command completion forward (tab) and backward (shift-tab)
if (key == KEY_TAB)
// show all cvars/commands that match what we have inputted
if (ctrldown)
UINT32 i;
size_t stop = input_cx - 1;
char nameremainder[255];
if (input_cx < 2 || strlen(inputlines[inputline]+1) >= 80)
return true;
strcpy(completion, inputlines[inputline]+1);
// trimming: stop at the first newline
for (i = 0; i < input_cx - 1; ++i)
if (completion[i] == ' ')
completion[i] = '\0';
stop = i;
i = 0;
//first check commands
for (cmd = COM_CompleteCommand(completion, i); cmd; cmd = COM_CompleteCommand(completion, i))
strncpy(nameremainder, cmd+(stop), strlen(cmd)-(stop));
nameremainder[strlen(cmd)-(stop)] = '\0';
CONS_Printf(" \x83" "%s" "\x80" "%s\n", completion, nameremainder);
if (i == 0)
CONS_Printf(" (none)\n");
i = 0;
//now we move on to CVARs
for (cmd = CV_CompleteVar(completion, i); cmd; cmd = CV_CompleteVar(completion, i))
strncpy(nameremainder, cmd+(stop), strlen(cmd)-(stop));
nameremainder[strlen(cmd)-(stop)] = '\0';
CONS_Printf(" \x83" "%s" "\x80" "%s\n", completion, nameremainder);
if (i == 0)
CONS_Printf(" (none)\n");
return true;
// sequential command completion forward and backward
// remember typing for several completions (a-la-4dos)
if (inputlines[inputline][input_cx-1] != ' ')
if (strlen(inputlines[inputline]+1) < 80)
strcpy(completion, inputlines[inputline]+1);
completion[0] = 0;
comskips = varskips = 0;
if (shiftdown)
if (comskips < 0)
if (--varskips < 0)
comskips = -comskips - 2;
else if (comskips > 0)
if (comskips < 0)
if (comskips >= 0)
cmd = COM_CompleteCommand(completion, comskips);
if (!cmd)
// dirty: make sure if comskips is zero, to have a neg value
comskips = -comskips - 1;
if (comskips < 0)
cmd = CV_CompleteVar(completion, varskips);
if (cmd)
memset(inputlines[inputline]+1, 0, CON_MAXPROMPTCHARS-1);
strcpy(inputlines[inputline]+1, cmd);
input_cx = strlen(cmd) + 1;
inputlines[inputline][input_cx] = ' ';
inputlines[inputline][input_cx] = 0;
if (comskips > 0)
else if (varskips > 0)
return true;
// move up (backward) in console textbuffer
if (key == KEY_PGUP)
if (con_scrollup < (con_totallines-((con_curlines-16)>>3)))
return true;
else if (key == KEY_PGDN)
if (con_scrollup > 0)
return true;
if (key == KEY_HOME) // oldest text in buffer
con_scrollup = (con_totallines-((con_curlines-16)>>3));
return true;
else if (key == KEY_END) // most recent text in buffer
con_scrollup = 0;
return true;
// command enter
if (key == KEY_ENTER)
if (input_cx < 2)
return true;
// push the command
CONS_Printf("%s\n", inputlines[inputline]);
inputline = (inputline+1) & 31;
inputhist = inputline;
memset(inputlines[inputline], 0, CON_MAXPROMPTCHARS);
inputlines[inputline][0] = CON_PROMPTCHAR;
input_cx = 1;
return true;
// backspace command prompt
if (key == KEY_BACKSPACE)
if (input_cx > 1)
inputlines[inputline][input_cx] = 0;
return true;
// move back in input history
if (key == KEY_UPARROW)
// copy one of the previous inputlines to the current
inputhist = (inputhist - 1) & 31; // cycle back
} while (inputhist != inputline && !inputlines[inputhist][1]);
// stop at the last history input line, which is the
// current line + 1 because we cycle through the 32 input lines
if (inputhist == inputline)
inputhist = (inputline + 1) & 31;
M_Memcpy(inputlines[inputline], inputlines[inputhist], CON_MAXPROMPTCHARS);
input_cx = strlen(inputlines[inputline]);
return true;
// move forward in input history
if (key == KEY_DOWNARROW)
if (inputhist == inputline)
return true;
inputhist = (inputhist + 1) & 31;
} while (inputhist != inputline && !inputlines[inputhist][1]);
memset(inputlines[inputline], 0, CON_MAXPROMPTCHARS);
// back to currentline
if (inputhist == inputline)
inputlines[inputline][0] = CON_PROMPTCHAR;
input_cx = 1;
strcpy(inputlines[inputline], inputlines[inputhist]);
input_cx = strlen(inputlines[inputline]);
return true;
// allow people to use keypad in console (good for typing IP addresses) - Calum
if (key >= KEY_KEYPAD7 && key <= KEY_KPADDEL)
XBOXSTATIC char keypad_translation[] = {'7','8','9','-',
key = keypad_translation[key - KEY_KEYPAD7];
else if (key == KEY_KPADSLASH)
key = '/';
if (shiftdown)
key = shiftxform[key];
// enter a char into the command prompt
if (key < 32 || key > 127)
return false;
// add key to cmd line here
if (input_cx < CON_MAXPROMPTCHARS)
if (key >= 'A' && key <= 'Z' && !shiftdown) //this is only really necessary for dedicated servers
key = key + 'a' - 'A';
inputlines[inputline][input_cx] = (char)key;
inputlines[inputline][input_cx + 1] = 0;
return true;
// Insert a new line in the console text buffer
static void CON_Linefeed(void)
// set time for heads up messages
con_hudtime[con_cy%con_hudlines] = cons_msgtimeout.value*TICRATE;
con_cx = 0;
con_line = &con_buffer[(con_cy%con_totallines)*con_width];
memset(con_line, ' ', con_width);
// make sure the view borders are refreshed if hud messages scroll
con_hudupdate = true; // see HU_Erase()
// Outputs text into the console text buffer
static void CON_Print(char *msg)
size_t l;
INT32 controlchars = 0; // for color changing
if (msg == NULL)
if (*msg == '\3') // chat text, makes ding sound
S_StartSound(NULL, sfx_radio);
else if (*msg == '\4') // chat action, dings and is in yellow
*msg = '\x82'; // yellow
S_StartSound(NULL, sfx_radio);
if (!(*msg & 0x80))
con_line[con_cx++] = '\x80';
controlchars = 1;
while (*msg)
// skip non-printable characters and white spaces
while (*msg && *msg <= ' ')
if (*msg & 0x80)
con_line[con_cx++] = *(msg++);
else if (*msg == '\r') // carriage return
controlchars = 0;
else if (*msg == '\n') // linefeed
controlchars = 0;
else if (*msg == ' ') // space
con_line[con_cx++] = ' ';
if (con_cx - controlchars >= con_width-11)
controlchars = 0;
else if (*msg == '\t')
// adds tab spaces for nice layout in console
con_line[con_cx++] = ' ';
} while ((con_cx - controlchars) % 4 != 0);
if (con_cx - controlchars >= con_width-11)
controlchars = 0;
if (*msg == '\0')
// printable character
for (l = 0; l < (con_width-11) && msg[l] > ' '; l++)
// word wrap
if ((con_cx - controlchars) + l > con_width-11)
controlchars = 0;
// a word at a time
for (; l > 0; l--)
con_line[con_cx++] = *(msg++);
void CON_LogMessage(const char *msg)
XBOXSTATIC char txt[8192], *t;
const char *p = msg, *e = txt+sizeof (txt)-2;
for (t = txt; *p != '\0'; p++)
if (*p == '\n' || *p >= ' ') // don't log or console print CON_Print's control characters
*t++ = *p;
if (t >= e)
*t = '\0'; //end of string
I_OutputMsg("%s", txt); //print string
t = txt; //reset t pointer
memset(txt,'\0', sizeof (txt)); //reset txt
*t = '\0'; //end of string
I_OutputMsg("%s", txt);
// Console print! Wahooo! Lots o fun!
void CONS_Printf(const char *fmt, ...)
va_list argptr;
static char *txt = NULL;
if (txt == NULL)
txt = malloc(8192);
va_start(argptr, fmt);
vsprintf(txt, fmt, argptr);
// echo console prints to log file
#ifndef _arch_dreamcast
if (!con_started)
#if defined (_XBOX) && defined (__GNUC__)
if (!keyboard_started) debugPrint(txt);
#ifdef PC_DOS
// write message in con text buffer
#ifndef PC_DOS
// make sure new text is visible
con_scrollup = 0;
// if not in display loop, force screen update
if (con_startup)
2014-07-25 23:10:24 +00:00
#if (defined (_WINDOWS)) || (defined (__OS2__) && !defined (HAVE_SDL))
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
static lumpnum_t con_backpic_lumpnum = UINT32_MAX;
patch_t *con_backpic;
if (con_backpic_lumpnum == UINT32_MAX)
con_backpic_lumpnum = W_GetNumForName("CONSBACK");
// We load the raw lump, even in hardware mode
con_backpic = (patch_t*)W_CacheLumpNum(con_backpic_lumpnum, PU_CACHE);
// show startup screen and message using only 'software' graphics
// (rendermode may be hardware accelerated, but the video mode is not set yet)
CON_DrawBackpic(con_backpic, 0, vid.width); // put console background
// here we display the console background and console text
// (no hardware accelerated support for these versions)
I_FinishUpdate(); // page flip or blit buffer
void CONS_Alert(alerttype_t level, const char *fmt, ...)
va_list argptr;
static char *txt = NULL;
if (txt == NULL)
txt = malloc(8192);
va_start(argptr, fmt);
vsprintf(txt, fmt, argptr);
switch (level)
CONS_Printf("\x83" "%s" "\x80 ", M_GetText("NOTICE:"));
CONS_Printf("\x82" "%s" "\x80 ", M_GetText("WARNING:"));
CONS_Printf("\x85" "%s" "\x80 ", M_GetText("ERROR:"));
// I am lazy and I feel like just letting CONS_Printf take care of things.
// Is that okay?
CONS_Printf("%s", txt);
void CONS_Debug(INT32 debugflags, const char *fmt, ...)
va_list argptr;
static char *txt = NULL;
if ((cv_debug & debugflags) != debugflags)
if (txt == NULL)
txt = malloc(8192);
va_start(argptr, fmt);
vsprintf(txt, fmt, argptr);
// Again I am lazy, oh well
CONS_Printf("%s", txt);
// Print an error message, and wait for ENTER key to continue.
// To make sure the user has seen the message
void CONS_Error(const char *msg)
if (!graphics_started)
MessageBoxA(vid.WndParent, msg, "SRB2 Warning", MB_OK);
CONS_Printf("\x82%s", msg); // write error msg in different colour
CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Press ENTER to continue\n"));
// dirty quick hack, but for the good cause
while (I_GetKey() != KEY_ENTER)
// draw console prompt line
static void CON_DrawInput(void)
char *p;
size_t c;
INT32 x, y;
INT32 charwidth = (INT32)con_scalefactor << 3;
// input line scrolls left if it gets too long
p = inputlines[inputline];
if (input_cx >= con_width-11)
p += input_cx - (con_width-11) + 1;
y = con_curlines - 12 * con_scalefactor;
for (c = 0, x = charwidth; c < con_width-11; c++, x += charwidth)
V_DrawCharacter(x, y, p[c] | cv_constextsize.value | V_NOSCALESTART, !cv_allcaps.value);
// draw the blinking cursor
x = ((input_cx >= con_width-11) ? (INT32)(con_width-11) : (INT32)((input_cx + 1)) * charwidth);
if (con_tick < 4)
V_DrawCharacter(x, y, '_' | cv_constextsize.value | V_NOSCALESTART, !cv_allcaps.value);
// draw the last lines of console text to the top of the screen
static void CON_DrawHudlines(void)
UINT8 *p;
size_t i;
INT32 y;
INT32 charflags = 0;
INT32 charwidth = 8 * con_scalefactor;
INT32 charheight = 8 * con_scalefactor;
if (con_hudlines <= 0)
if (chat_on)
y = charheight; // leave place for chat input in the first row of text
y = 0;
for (i = con_cy - con_hudlines+1; i <= con_cy; i++)
size_t c;
INT32 x;
if ((signed)i < 0)
if (con_hudtime[i%con_hudlines] == 0)
p = (UINT8 *)&con_buffer[(i%con_totallines)*con_width];
for (c = 0, x = 0; c < con_width; c++, x += charwidth, p++)
while (*p & 0x80) // Graue 06-19-2004
charflags = (*p & 0x7f) << V_CHARCOLORSHIFT;
if (*p < HU_FONTSTART)
;//charwidth = 4 * con_scalefactor;
//charwidth = SHORT(hu_font['A'-HU_FONTSTART]->width) * con_scalefactor;
V_DrawCharacter(x, y, (INT32)(*p) | charflags | cv_constextsize.value | V_NOSCALESTART, !cv_allcaps.value);
//V_DrawCharacter(x, y, (p[c]&0xff) | cv_constextsize.value | V_NOSCALESTART, !cv_allcaps.value);
y += charheight;
// top screen lines that might need clearing when view is reduced
con_clearlines = y; // this is handled by HU_Erase();
// Scale a pic_t at 'startx' pos, to 'destwidth' columns.
// startx, destwidth is resolution dependent
// Used to draw console borders, console background.
// The pic must be sized BASEVIDHEIGHT height.
static void CON_DrawBackpic(patch_t *pic, INT32 startx, INT32 destwidth)
V_DrawScaledPatch(0, 0, 0, pic);
#if 0
static inline void CON_DrawBackpic2(pic_t *pic, INT32 startx, INT32 destwidth)
INT32 x, y;
INT32 v;
UINT8 *src, *dest;
const UINT8 *deststop;
INT32 frac, fracstep;
dest = screens[0]+startx;
deststop = screens[0] + vid.rowbytes * vid.height;
for (y = 0; y < con_curlines; y++, dest += vid.width)
// scale the picture to the resolution
v = SHORT(pic->height) - ((con_curlines - y) * (BASEVIDHEIGHT-1) / vid.height) - 1;
src = pic->data + v*SHORT(pic->width);
// in case of the console backpic, simplify
if (SHORT(pic->width) == destwidth)
M_Memcpy(dest, src, destwidth);
// scale pic to screen width
frac = 0;
fracstep = (SHORT(pic->width)<<16)/destwidth;
for (x = 0; x < destwidth; x += 4)
if (dest+x > deststop) break;
dest[x] = src[frac>>FRACBITS];
frac += fracstep;
if (dest+x+1 > deststop) break;
dest[x+1] = src[frac>>FRACBITS];
frac += fracstep;
if (dest+x+2 > deststop) break;
dest[x+2] = src[frac>>FRACBITS];
frac += fracstep;
if (dest+x+3 > deststop) break;
dest[x+3] = src[frac>>FRACBITS];
frac += fracstep;
// draw the console background, text, and prompt if enough place
static void CON_DrawConsole(void)
UINT8 *p;
size_t i;
INT32 y;
INT32 charflags = 0;
INT32 charwidth = (INT32)con_scalefactor << 3;
INT32 charheight = charwidth;
INT32 minheight = 20 * con_scalefactor; // 20 = 8+8+4
if (con_curlines <= 0)
//FIXME: refresh borders only when console bg is translucent
con_clearlines = con_curlines; // clear console draw from view borders
con_hudupdate = true; // always refresh while console is on
// draw console background
if (cons_backpic.value || con_forcepic)
static lumpnum_t con_backpic_lumpnum = UINT32_MAX;
patch_t *con_backpic;
if (con_backpic_lumpnum == UINT32_MAX)
con_backpic_lumpnum = W_GetNumForName("CONSBACK");
con_backpic = (patch_t*)W_CachePatchNum(con_backpic_lumpnum, PU_CACHE);
if (rendermode != render_soft)
V_DrawScaledPatch(0, 0, 0, con_backpic);
else if (rendermode != render_none)
CON_DrawBackpic(con_backpic, 0, vid.width); // picture as background
2014-08-04 03:49:33 +00:00
// inu: no more width (was always 0 and vid.width)
if (rendermode != render_none)
V_DrawFadeConsBack(con_curlines, cons_backcolor.value); // translucent background
2014-03-15 16:59:03 +00:00
// draw console text lines from top to bottom
if (con_curlines < minheight)
i = con_cy - con_scrollup;
// skip the last empty line due to the cursor being at the start of a new line
if (!con_scrollup && !con_cx)
i -= (con_curlines - minheight) / charheight;
if (rendermode == render_none) return;
for (y = (con_curlines-minheight) % charheight; y <= con_curlines-minheight; y += charheight, i++)
INT32 x;
size_t c;
p = (UINT8 *)&con_buffer[((i > 0 ? i : 0)%con_totallines)*con_width];
for (c = 0, x = charwidth; c < con_width; c++, x += charwidth, p++)
while (*p & 0x80)
charflags = (*p & 0x7f) << V_CHARCOLORSHIFT;
V_DrawCharacter(x, y, (INT32)(*p) | charflags | cv_constextsize.value | V_NOSCALESTART, !cv_allcaps.value);
// draw prompt if enough place (not while game startup)
if ((con_curlines == con_destlines) && (con_curlines >= minheight) && !con_startup)
// Console refresh drawer, call each frame
void CON_Drawer(void)
if (!con_started || !graphics_started)
if (con_recalc)
if (con_curlines > 0)
else if (gamestate == GS_LEVEL || gamestate == GS_INTERMISSION || gamestate == GS_CUTSCENE || gamestate == GS_CREDITS)