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GameX - WindowsCE Game Library for High Performance.
Copyright (C) 1999 Hayes C. Haugen, all rights reserved.
* Need better way for host app to keep track of direct vs blit
drawing. Right now GetFBAddress() is the way to do it.
#pragma once
#include <windows.h> // For VK codes.
// Defines
// display property flags
const unsigned long kfDPGrey = 0x0001;
const unsigned long kfDPGrey2Bit = 0x0002;
const unsigned long kfDPGrey4Bit = 0x0004;
const unsigned long kfDPColor = 0x0008;
const unsigned long kfDPColor8Bit = 0x0010;
const unsigned long kfDPColor16Bit = 0x0020;
const unsigned long kfDPColor24Bit = 0x0040;
const unsigned long kfDPColor32Bit = 0x0080;
const unsigned long kfDPFormatNormal = 0x0100; // fb start is upper left, inc goes across
const unsigned long kfDPFormatRot270 = 0x0200; // fb start is lower left, inc goes up
// Machine property flags
const unsigned long kfMPPSPC = 0x0001; // Palm Sized PC - 240 x 320
const unsigned long kfMPPSPC1 = 0x0002; // 1st gen pspc
const unsigned long kfMPPSPC2 = 0x0004; // Wyverns
const unsigned long kfMPHPC = 0x0008; // Handheld PC
const unsigned long kfMPHPC1 = 0x0010; // HPC 1, 480 x 240
const unsigned long kfMPHPC2 = 0x0020; // HPC 2, 640 x 240
const unsigned long kfMPHPC3 = 0x0040; // HPC Pro, 640 x 240, big keys
const unsigned long kfMPPro = 0x0080; //
const unsigned long kfMPAutoPC = 0x0100;
const unsigned long kfMPHasKeyboard = 0x0200;
const unsigned long kfMPHasMouse = 0x0400;
const unsigned long kfMPHasRumble = 0x0800;
const unsigned long kfMPHasTouch = 0x1000;
// Rotations
const int kiRotate0 = 0; // no rotation
const int kiRotate90 = 1; // 90 degrees clockwise
const int kiRotate180 = 2; // 180 degrees clockwise (upside down, Rotate 0 flipped)
const int kiRotate270 = 3; // 270 degrees clockwise (Rotate 1 flipped)
class GameX {
HWND SetButtonNotificationWindow(HWND hWnd);
bool OpenGraphics();
bool OpenSound();
bool OpenButtons(HWND hwndButtonNotify); // Window that will get button messages or NULL if you just want to use GetAsyncKeyState();
bool CloseGraphics();
bool CloseSound();
bool CloseButtons();
bool IsColor();
bool IsPSPC();
bool IsHPC();
bool IsHPCPro();
bool HasMouse();
bool HasKeyboard(); // better than inferring from hpc/pspc/etc.
bool HasRumble();
bool HasTouch(); // for completeness. At least 1 doesn't.
int IsForeground();
bool Suspend(); // release buttons, don't draw, etc.
bool Resume(); // regrab buttons, etc.
bool BeginDraw();
bool EndDraw();
bool FindFrameBuffer();
void * GetFBAddress(); // simple way to get things that makes code
long GetFBModulo(); // more readable.
long GetFBBpp();
bool GetScreenRect(RECT * prc);
unsigned long GetDisplayProperties();
bool GetButton(int VK); // buttons init themselves on first button call??
unsigned short GetDefaultButtonID(long id, long rotate); // gets the best button for use as specified by need and rotation
bool ReleaseButton(int VK);
bool BeginDetectButtons(); // grabs all buttons so user can indicate a button in a config dialog
bool EndDetectButtons(); // releases all buttons (except GetButton() ones)
bool Rumble();
bool Backlight(bool fOn);
// LRESULT CALLBACK TaskBarWndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM uParam, LPARAM lParam);
int m_iMP; // index into amp table for current machine.
void * m_pvFrameBuffer;
long m_cbFBModulo; // count of bytes to next line
unsigned long m_ffMachineProperties;
unsigned long m_ffDisplayProperties;
int m_cBitsPP;
long m_dwPrevMode; // for Begin/EndDraw()
bool m_fActive; // true if active (resume), false if inactive (suspend).
HWND m_hwndTaskbar; // Taskbar is official cap, change TaskBar's
stuff for memory size and presence/absence of CF
// Rotations that make sense for this device or default rotation:
Rotate0 // no rotation
Rotate1 // 90 degrees clockwise
Rotate2 // 180 degrees clockwise (upside down, Rotate 0 flipped)
Rotate3 // 270 degrees clockwise (Rotate 1 flipped)
kmtAccessNone // no direct framebuffer access
kmtAccess1 // write to fixed address
kmtAccess2 // find framebuffer memory aperture in GWES.EXE memory space.
MappedHorizontal // increasing fb address goes across screen
MappedVertical // increasing fb address goes up/down screen (Compaq)
A machine entry:
machine kmtCasioE10,
type kmtPSPC | kmtPSPC1,
displaytype kmtGrey | kmtGrey2Bit | kmtAccess1,
pvFrameBuffer 0xAA000000,
cbFBModulo 1024 // count of bytes to next line
cbppFB 2, // bits per pixel
cxDisp 240,
cyDisp 320,
format OriginUpperLeft, MappedHorizontal
rotate0 // for rotate mode 0, these are the best keys
vkUp VK_UP
vkDown VK_DOWN
vkLeft 0xC1
vkRight 0xC2
vkA 0xC3
vkB 0
vkUp 0xC1
vkDown 0xC2
vkLeft VK_DOWN