
444 lines
14 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2007 Id Software, Inc.
#ifndef __GRID_H__
#define __GRID_H__
3D Grid Container
Allows fast iteration over all objects and can quickly gather objects
in proximity of a specific object.
template< class objType > class idGrid3D;
template< class objType > class idGridNearbyObjectList;
template< class objType > class idGridBoundsObjectList;
template< class objType > class idGridLink;
// idGridObject
template< class objType >
class idGridObject {
friend class idGrid3D<objType>;
friend class idGridNearbyObjectList<objType>;
friend class idGridBoundsObjectList<objType>;
objType GetObject() const { return object; }
objType object; // actual object
int index; // index into object list
class idGridLink<objType> * firstCell; // first cell this object is linked into
int checkCount; // to avoid iterating objects more than once
// idGridNearbyObjectList
template< class objType >
class idGridNearbyObjectList {
friend class idGrid3D<objType>;
idGridObject<objType> * GetNextObject() const;
idGridObject<objType> * gridObject; // grid object used to create this list
int checkCount; // current check count
mutable idGridLink<objType> * nextObject; // next object in cell
mutable idGridLink<objType> * prevObject; // prev object in cell
mutable idGridLink<objType> * nextCell; // next cell to iterate
// idGridBoundsObjectList
template< class objType >
class idGridBoundsObjectList {
friend class idGrid3D<objType>;
idGridObject<objType> * GetNextObject() const;
int checkCount; // current check count
mutable idGridLink<objType> * nextObject; // next object in cell
mutable idList<idGridLink<objType> *>cells; // list with cell to iterate
// idGridLink
template< class objType >
class idGridLink {
idGridObject<objType> * gridObject; // the object linked in this cell
idGridLink<objType> * nextObject; // next object in this cell
idGridLink<objType> * prevObject; // prev object in this cell
idGridLink<objType> * nextCell; // next cell this object is in
// idGrid3D
template< class objType >
class idGrid3D {
void Clear();
void Init( const idBounds &bounds, float desiredCellSize );
// Adds an object to the grid.
idGridObject<objType> * AddObject( objType object, const idBounds &bounds, const float epsilon );
// Removes an object from the grid. NOTE: this may invalidate any idGridObjectLists.
void RemoveObject( idGridObject<objType> *gridObject );
// Relinks the object to the grid with the new bounds.
void ChangeObjectBounds( idGridObject<objType> *gridObject, const idBounds &bounds, const float epsilon );
// Returns the number of objects in the grid.
int GetNumObjects() const { return gridObjects.Num(); }
// Returns the object at the given index.
idGridObject<objType> * GetObject( int i ) const { return gridObjects[i]; }
// Initializes an object list with objects nearby the given object.
void GetNearbyObjects( idGridObject<objType> *object, idGridNearbyObjectList<objType> &list );
// Initializes an object list with objects touching the given bounds.
void GetBoundsObjects( const idBounds &bounds, const float epsilon, idGridBoundsObjectList<objType> &list );
const idBounds & GetGridBounds() const { return gridBounds; }
float GetDesiredCellSize() const { return desiredCellSize; }
static void Test();
idBounds gridBounds;
float desiredCellSize;
float cellSize[3];
float invCellSize[3];
int cellsPerAxis[3];
idGridLink<objType> *** grid;
idList<idGridObject<objType> *> gridObjects;
int checkCount;
idBlockAlloc<idGridObject<objType>, 1024> gridObjectAllocator;
idBlockAlloc<idGridLink<objType>, 1024> gridLinkAllocator;
void GetGridCells( const idBounds &bounds, int iBounds[2][3] ) const;
void LinkObject( idGridObject<objType> *gridObject, const idBounds &bounds, const float epsilon );
void UnlinkObject( idGridObject<objType> *gridObject );
// Implementation
template< class objType >
ID_INLINE idGridObject<objType> * idGridNearbyObjectList<objType>::GetNextObject() const {
idGridObject<objType> *object;
do {
if ( nextObject != NULL ) {
object = nextObject->gridObject;
nextObject = nextObject->nextObject;
} else if ( prevObject != NULL ) {
object = prevObject->gridObject;
prevObject = prevObject->prevObject;
} else if ( nextCell != NULL ) {
object = NULL;
nextObject = nextCell->nextObject;
prevObject = nextCell->prevObject;
nextCell = nextCell->nextCell;
} else {
return NULL;
} while( object == NULL || object->checkCount == checkCount || object == gridObject );
object->checkCount = checkCount;
return object;
template< class objType >
ID_INLINE idGridObject<objType> * idGridBoundsObjectList<objType>::GetNextObject() const {
idGridObject<objType> *object;
do {
if ( nextObject != NULL ) {
object = nextObject->gridObject;
nextObject = nextObject->nextObject;
} else if ( cells.Num() > 0 ) {
object = NULL;
nextObject = cells[cells.Num() - 1]->nextObject;
cells.SetNum( cells.Num() - 1 );
} else {
return NULL;
} while( object == NULL || object->checkCount == checkCount );
object->checkCount = checkCount;
return object;
template< class objType >
ID_INLINE idGrid3D<objType>::idGrid3D() {
desiredCellSize = 1.0f;
cellSize[0] = cellSize[1] = cellSize[2] = 0.0f;
invCellSize[0] = invCellSize[1] = invCellSize[2] = 0.0f;
cellsPerAxis[0] = cellsPerAxis[1] = cellsPerAxis[2] = 128;
grid = NULL;
gridObjects.SetGranularity( 1024 );
template< class objType >
ID_INLINE idGrid3D<objType>::~idGrid3D() {
template< class objType >
ID_INLINE void idGrid3D<objType>::Clear( ) {
Mem_Free( grid );
grid = NULL;
cellSize[0] = cellSize[1] = cellSize[2] = 0.0f;
invCellSize[0] = invCellSize[1] = invCellSize[2] = 0.0f;
cellsPerAxis[0] = cellsPerAxis[1] = cellsPerAxis[2] = 128;
template< class objType >
ID_INLINE void idGrid3D<objType>::Init( const idBounds &bounds, float desiredCellSize ) {
int i, j;
float size;
byte *data;
this->gridBounds = bounds;
this->desiredCellSize = desiredCellSize;
for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
size = gridBounds[1][i] - gridBounds[0][i];
cellsPerAxis[i] = idMath::Ftoi( size / desiredCellSize );
if ( cellsPerAxis[i] < 2 ) {
cellsPerAxis[i] = 2;
} else if ( cellsPerAxis[i] > 128 ) {
cellsPerAxis[i] = 128;
cellSize[i] = size / cellsPerAxis[i];
invCellSize[i] = 1.0f / cellSize[i];
data = (byte *)Mem_Alloc( cellsPerAxis[0] * sizeof( idGridLink<objType> ** ) +
cellsPerAxis[0] * cellsPerAxis[1] * sizeof( idGridLink<objType> * ) +
cellsPerAxis[0] * cellsPerAxis[1] * cellsPerAxis[2] * sizeof( idGridLink<objType> ) );
grid = (idGridLink<objType> ***) data;
data += cellsPerAxis[0] * sizeof( idGridLink<objType> ** );
for ( i = 0; i < cellsPerAxis[0]; i++ ) {
grid[i] = (idGridLink<objType> **) data;
data += cellsPerAxis[1] * sizeof( idGridLink<objType> * );
for ( j = 0; j < cellsPerAxis[1]; j++ ) {
grid[i][j] = (idGridLink<objType> *) data;
data += cellsPerAxis[2] * sizeof( idGridLink<objType> );
memset( grid[i][j], 0, cellsPerAxis[2] * sizeof( idGridLink<objType> ) );
checkCount = 0;
template< class objType >
ID_INLINE void idGrid3D<objType>::GetGridCells( const idBounds &bounds, int iBounds[2][3] ) const {
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
iBounds[0][i] = idMath::Ftoi( ( bounds[0][i] - gridBounds[0][i] - 0.001f ) * invCellSize[i] );
if ( iBounds[0][i] < 0 ) {
iBounds[0][i] = 0;
} else if ( iBounds[0][i] >= cellsPerAxis[i] ) {
iBounds[0][i] = cellsPerAxis[i] - 1;
iBounds[1][i] = idMath::Ftoi( ( bounds[1][i] - gridBounds[0][i] + 0.001f ) * invCellSize[i] );
if ( iBounds[1][i] < 0 ) {
iBounds[1][i] = 0;
} else if ( iBounds[1][i] >= cellsPerAxis[i] ) {
iBounds[1][i] = cellsPerAxis[i] - 1;
template< class objType >
ID_INLINE void idGrid3D<objType>::LinkObject( idGridObject<objType> *gridObject, const idBounds &bounds, const float epsilon ) {
int i, j, k;
int iBounds[2][3];
idGridLink<objType> *gridLink;
assert( gridObject->firstCell == NULL );
GetGridCells( bounds.Expand( epsilon ), iBounds );
// add the links
for ( i = iBounds[0][0]; i <= iBounds[1][0]; i++ ) {
for ( j = iBounds[0][1]; j <= iBounds[1][1]; j++ ) {
for ( k = iBounds[0][2]; k <= iBounds[1][2]; k++ ) {
gridLink = gridLinkAllocator.Alloc();
gridLink->gridObject = gridObject;
gridLink->nextObject = grid[i][j][k].nextObject;
gridLink->prevObject = &grid[i][j][k];
if ( gridLink->nextObject != NULL ) {
gridLink->nextObject->prevObject = gridLink;
gridLink->nextCell = gridObject->firstCell;
gridObject->firstCell = gridLink;
grid[i][j][k].nextObject = gridLink;
template< class objType >
ID_INLINE void idGrid3D<objType>::UnlinkObject( idGridObject<objType> *gridObject ) {
idGridLink<objType> *gridLink, *nextGridLink;
assert( gridObject->firstCell != NULL );
for ( gridLink = gridObject->firstCell; gridLink != NULL; gridLink = nextGridLink ) {
nextGridLink = gridLink->nextCell;
if ( gridLink->nextObject != NULL ) {
gridLink->nextObject->prevObject = gridLink->prevObject;
if ( gridLink->prevObject != NULL ) {
gridLink->prevObject->nextObject = gridLink->nextObject;
gridLinkAllocator.Free( gridLink );
gridObject->firstCell = NULL;
template< class objType >
ID_INLINE idGridObject<objType> * idGrid3D<objType>::AddObject( objType object, const idBounds &bounds, const float epsilon ) {
idGridObject<objType> *gridObject;
assert( grid != NULL ); // make sure the grid is initialized
gridObject = gridObjectAllocator.Alloc();
gridObject->checkCount = -1;
gridObject->firstCell = NULL;
gridObject->object = object;
gridObject->index = gridObjects.Append( gridObject );
LinkObject( gridObject, bounds, epsilon );
return gridObject;
template< class objType >
ID_INLINE void idGrid3D<objType>::RemoveObject( idGridObject<objType> *gridObject ) {
assert( grid != NULL ); // make sure the grid is initialized
UnlinkObject( gridObject );
// move the last object to the empty spot
gridObjects[ gridObject->index ] = gridObjects[ gridObjects.Num() - 1 ];
gridObjects[ gridObject->index ]->index = gridObject->index;
gridObjects.SetNum( gridObjects.Num() - 1, false );
gridObjectAllocator.Free( gridObject );
template< class objType >
ID_INLINE void idGrid3D<objType>::ChangeObjectBounds( idGridObject<objType> *gridObject, const idBounds &bounds, const float epsilon ) {
assert( grid != NULL ); // make sure the grid is initialized
UnlinkObject( gridObject );
LinkObject( gridObject, bounds, epsilon );
template< class objType >
ID_INLINE void idGrid3D<objType>::GetNearbyObjects( idGridObject<objType> *object, idGridNearbyObjectList<objType> &list ) {
list.gridObject = object;
list.checkCount = checkCount++;
list.nextObject = object->firstCell->nextObject;
list.prevObject = object->firstCell->prevObject;
list.nextCell = object->firstCell->nextCell;
template< class objType >
ID_INLINE void idGrid3D<objType>::GetBoundsObjects( const idBounds &bounds, const float epsilon, idGridBoundsObjectList<objType> &list ) {
int i, j, k;
int iBounds[2][3];
GetGridCells( bounds.Expand( epsilon ), iBounds );
list.nextObject = NULL;
list.checkCount = checkCount++;
list.cells.SetNum( 0 );
for ( i = iBounds[0][0]; i <= iBounds[1][0]; i++ ) {
for ( j = iBounds[0][1]; j <= iBounds[1][1]; j++ ) {
for ( k = iBounds[0][2]; k <= iBounds[1][2]; k++ ) {
list.cells.Append( &grid[i][j][k] );
if ( list.cells.Num() > 0 ) {
list.nextObject = list.cells[list.cells.Num() - 1]->nextObject;
list.cells.SetNum( list.cells.Num() - 1 );
template< class objType >
ID_INLINE void idGrid3D<objType>::Test() {
int i;
idGrid3D<int> grid;
idGridObject<int> *obj1, *obj2;
idGridNearbyObjectList<int> list;
grid.Init( idBounds( idVec3( -8 ), idVec3( 8 ) ), 4.0f );
for ( i = 0; i < grid.GetNumObjects(); i++ ) {
obj1 = grid.GetObject( i );
grid.GetNearbyObjects( obj1, list );
for ( obj2 = list.GetNextObject(); obj2 != NULL; obj2 = list.GetNextObject() ) {
#endif /* !__GRID_H__ */