
182 lines
6.3 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2004 Id Software, Inc.
#ifndef __SAVEGAME_H__
#define __SAVEGAME_H__
class idClass;
class idTypeInfo;
class sdUserInterfaceLocal;
class idClipModel;
class idDeclSkin;
class rvDeclEffect;
class idSoundShader;
class idDeclModelDef;
class idRenderModel;
class sdTeamInfo;
class function_t;
struct renderEntity_s;
struct renderLight_s;
struct renderView_s;
struct contactInfo_t;
struct trace_t;
Save game related helper classes.
class idSaveGame {
idSaveGame( idFile *savefile );
void Close( void );
void AddObject( const idClass *obj );
void WriteObjectList( void );
void Write( const void *buffer, int len );
void WriteInt( const int value );
void WriteUnsignedInt( const unsigned int value );
void WriteJoint( const jointHandle_t value );
void WriteShort( const short value );
void WriteByte( const byte value );
void WriteSignedChar( const signed char value );
void WriteFloat( const float value );
void WriteBool( const bool value );
void WriteString( const char *string );
void WriteVec2( const idVec2 &vec );
void WriteVec3( const idVec3 &vec );
void WriteVec4( const idVec4 &vec );
void WriteVec6( const idVec6 &vec );
void WriteWinding( const idWinding &winding );
void WriteBounds( const idBounds &bounds );
void WriteMat3( const idMat3 &mat );
void WriteAngles( const idAngles &angles );
void WriteObject( const idClass *obj );
void WriteStaticObject( const idClass &obj );
void WriteDict( const idDict *dict );
void WriteModel( const idRenderModel *model );
void WriteRenderEntity( const renderEntity_s& renderEntity );
void WriteRenderLight( const renderLight_s& renderLight );
void WriteRenderEffect( const renderEffect_s& renderEffect );
void WriteRefSound( const refSound_t& refSound );
void WriteRenderView( const renderView_s& view );
void WriteUsercmd( const usercmd_t& usercmd );
void WriteContactInfo( const contactInfo_t& contactInfo );
void WriteTrace( const trace_t& trace );
void WriteTraceModel( const idTraceModel &trace );
void WriteClipModel( const class idClipModel *clipModel );
void WriteSoundCommands( void );
void WriteTeamInfo( const sdTeamInfo* teamInfo );
void WriteFunction( const function_t* function );
// decls
void WriteMaterial( const idMaterial *material );
void WriteSkin( const idDeclSkin *skin );
void WriteEffect( const rvDeclEffect *fx );
void WriteSoundShader( const idSoundShader *shader );
void WriteModelDef( const class idDeclModelDef *modelDef );
void WriteVehicleScript( const class sdDeclVehicleScript *vehicleScript );
void WriteInvItem( const class sdDeclInvItem *invItem );
void WritePlayerClass( const class sdDeclPlayerClass *playerClass );
void WriteTable( const class idDeclTable *table );
void WriteDamage( const class sdDeclDamage *damage );
void WriteToolTip( const class sdDeclToolTip *toolTip );
void WriteCampaign( const class sdDeclCampaign *campaign );
void WriteBuildNumber( const int value );
idFile * file;
idList<const idClass *> objects;
void CallSave_r( const idTypeInfo *cls, const idClass *obj );
class idRestoreGame {
idRestoreGame( idFile *savefile );
void CreateObjects( void );
void RestoreObjects( void );
void DeleteObjects( void );
void Error( const char *fmt, ... );
void Read( void *buffer, int len );
void ReadInt( int &value );
int ReadInt( void );
void ReadJoint( jointHandle_t &value );
void ReadShort( short &value );
void ReadByte( byte &value );
void ReadSignedChar( signed char &value );
void ReadFloat( float &value );
float ReadFloat( void );
void ReadBool( bool &value );
bool ReadBool( void );
void ReadString( idStr &string );
void ReadVec2( idVec2 &vec );
void ReadVec3( idVec3 &vec );
void ReadVec4( idVec4 &vec );
void ReadVec6( idVec6 &vec );
void ReadWinding( idWinding &winding );
void ReadBounds( idBounds &bounds );
void ReadMat3( idMat3 &mat );
void ReadAngles( idAngles &angles );
void ReadObject( idClass *&obj );
void ReadStaticObject( idClass &obj );
void ReadDict( idDict *dict );
void ReadModel( idRenderModel *&model );
void ReadRenderEntity( renderEntity_t &renderEntity );
void ReadRenderLight( renderLight_t &renderLight );
void ReadRenderEffect( renderEffect_s &renderEffect );
void ReadRefSound( refSound_t &refSound );
void ReadRenderView( renderView_t &view );
void ReadUsercmd( usercmd_t &usercmd );
void ReadContactInfo( contactInfo_t &contactInfo );
void ReadTrace( trace_t &trace );
void ReadTraceModel( idTraceModel &trace );
void ReadClipModel( idClipModel *&clipModel );
void ReadSoundCommands( void );
void ReadTeamInfo( sdTeamInfo*& teamInfo );
void ReadFunction( const function_t*& function );
// decls
void ReadMaterial( const idMaterial *&material );
void ReadSkin( const idDeclSkin *&skin );
void ReadEffect( const rvDeclEffect*&fx );
void ReadSoundShader( const idSoundShader *&shader );
void ReadModelDef( const idDeclModelDef *&modelDef );
void ReadVehicleScript( const class sdDeclVehicleScript *&vehicleScript );
void ReadInvItem( const class sdDeclInvItem *&invItem );
void ReadPlayerClass( const class sdDeclPlayerClass *&playerClass );
void ReadTable( const class idDeclTable *&table );
void ReadDamage( const class sdDeclDamage *&damage );
void ReadToolTip( const class sdDeclToolTip *&toolTip );
void ReadCampaign( const class sdDeclCampaign *&campaign );
void ReadBuildNumber( void );
// Used to retrieve the saved game buildNumber from within class Restore methods
int GetBuildNumber( void );
int buildNumber;
idFile * file;
idList<idClass *> objects;
void CallRestore_r( const idTypeInfo *cls, idClass *obj );
#endif /* !__SAVEGAME_H__*/