
238 lines
6.4 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2007 Id Software, Inc.
Event are used for scheduling tasks and for linking script commands.
#ifndef __SYS_EVENT_H__
#define __SYS_EVENT_H__
#define D_EVENT_MAXARGS 8 // if changed, enable the CREATE_EVENT_CODE define in Event.cpp to generate switch statement for idClass::ProcessEventArgPtr.
// running the game will then generate c:\doom\base\events.txt, the contents of which should be copied into the switch statement.
#define D_EVENT_VOID ( ( char )0 )
#define D_EVENT_INTEGER 'd'
#define D_EVENT_BOOLEAN 'b'
#define D_EVENT_HANDLE 'h'
#define D_EVENT_FLOAT 'f'
#define D_EVENT_VECTOR 'v'
#define D_EVENT_STRING 's'
#define D_EVENT_WSTRING 'w'
#define D_EVENT_ENTITY 'e'
#define D_EVENT_ENTITY_NULL 'E' // event can handle NULL entity pointers
#define D_EVENT_OBJECT 'o'
#ifdef _XENON
const int MAX_EVENTS_BUFFER = 2;
const int MAX_EVENTS = 2048 + MAX_EVENTS_BUFFER;
const int MAX_EVENTS_BUFFER = 512;
const int MAX_EVENTS = 4096 + MAX_EVENTS_BUFFER;
class idClass;
class idTypeInfo;
#if defined( SD_PUBLIC_BUILD )
#define DOC_TEXT( x ) ""
#define DOC_TEXT( x ) x
class idEventDef {
typedef const char* argName_t;
typedef const char* argDescription_t;
idEventDef( const char* command, char returnType, const char* _description, int _numArgs, const char* _comments, ... );
#if !defined( SD_STRICT_EVENTDEFS )
idEventDef( const char* command, const char* formatspec = NULL, char returnType = 0 );
const char* GetName( void ) const;
const char* GetArgFormat( void ) const;
unsigned int GetFormatspecIndex( void ) const;
char GetReturnType( void ) const;
int GetEventNum( void ) const;
int GetNumArgs( void ) const;
unsigned int GetArgSize( void ) const;
unsigned int GetArgOffset( int arg ) const;
const char* GetArgName( int arg ) const { return argNames[ arg ]; }
const char* GetArgDescription( int arg ) const { return argDescriptions[ arg ]; }
const char* GetDescription( void ) const { return description; }
const char* GetComments( void ) const { return comments; }
bool GetAllowFromScript( void ) const { return allowFromScript; }
static int NumEventCommands( void );
static const idEventDef* GetEventCommand( int eventnum );
static const idEventDef* FindEvent( const char *name );
idEventDef( void ) { ; }
const char* name;
char formatspec[ D_EVENT_MAXARGS ];
unsigned int formatspecIndex;
int returnType;
int numargs;
unsigned int argsize;
unsigned int argOffset[ D_EVENT_MAXARGS ];
int eventnum;
const idEventDef* next;
const char* description;
const char* comments;
bool allowFromScript;
argName_t argNames[ D_EVENT_MAXARGS ];
argDescription_t argDescriptions[ D_EVENT_MAXARGS ];
static idEventDef * eventDefList[ MAX_EVENTS ];
static int numEventDefs;
void InitArgs( int numargs );
bool PreInitChecks( const char* _command );
class idEventDefInternal : public idEventDef {
idEventDefInternal( const char* command, const char* formatspec = NULL, char returnType = 0 );
class idEventArg;
class idEvent {
const idEventDef* eventdef;
byte* data;
int time;
idClass* object;
const idTypeInfo* typeinfo;
int activeEventIndex;
bool isGuiEvent;
idLinkList< idEvent > eventNode;
idLinkList< idEvent > eventEntityNode;
static idDynamicBlockAlloc<byte, 16 * 1024, 256, false> eventDataAllocator;
static bool initialized;
idEvent( void );
~idEvent( void );
static idEvent* Alloc( const idEventDef *evdef, int numargs, va_list args, bool guiEvent );
static void CopyArgs( const idEventDef *evdef, int numargs, va_list args, UINT_PTR data[ D_EVENT_MAXARGS ] );
static bool ArgsMatch( char format, const idEventArg* arg );
void Free( void );
void Schedule( idClass *object, const idTypeInfo *cls, int time );
byte* GetData( void );
static void CancelEvents( const idClass *obj, const idEventDef *evdef = NULL );
static void ClearEventList( void );
static void ServiceEvents( void );
static void ServiceEvent( idEvent* event );
static void Init( void );
static void Shutdown( void );
static void ListEvents( const idCmdArgs& cmdArgs );
static idLinkList< idEvent > freeEvents;
static idLinkList< idEvent > eventQueue;
static idLinkList< idEvent > guiEventQueue;
static idLinkList< idEvent > frameEventQueue[ 2 ];
static idList< idEvent* > eventsToRun;
static int frameQueueIndex;
static idEvent eventPool[ MAX_EVENTS ];
static int numFreeEvents;
ID_INLINE byte *idEvent::GetData( void ) {
return data;
ID_INLINE const char *idEventDef::GetName( void ) const {
return name;
ID_INLINE const char *idEventDef::GetArgFormat( void ) const {
return formatspec;
ID_INLINE unsigned int idEventDef::GetFormatspecIndex( void ) const {
return formatspecIndex;
ID_INLINE char idEventDef::GetReturnType( void ) const {
return returnType;
ID_INLINE int idEventDef::GetNumArgs( void ) const {
return numargs;
ID_INLINE unsigned int idEventDef::GetArgSize( void ) const {
return argsize;
ID_INLINE unsigned int idEventDef::GetArgOffset( int arg ) const {
assert( ( arg >= 0 ) && ( arg < D_EVENT_MAXARGS ) );
return argOffset[ arg ];
ID_INLINE int idEventDef::GetEventNum( void ) const {
return eventnum;
#endif /* !__SYS_EVENT_H__ */