
190 lines
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// Copyright (C) 2007 Id Software, Inc.
#ifndef __GAME_IK_H__
#define __GAME_IK_H__
IK base class with a simple fast two bone solver.
#define IK_ANIM "ik_pose"
class idPhysics;
class idAnimator;
class idIK : public idClass {
idIK( void );
virtual ~idIK( void );
virtual bool IsInitialized( void ) const;
bool IsInhibited( void ) const;
virtual bool Init( idEntity *self, const char *anim, const idVec3 &modelOffset );
virtual bool Evaluate( void );
virtual void ClearJointMods( void );
static bool SolveTwoBones( const idVec3 &startPos, const idVec3 &endPos, const idVec3 &dir, float len0, float len1, idVec3 &jointPos );
static float GetBoneAxis( const idVec3 &startPos, const idVec3 &endPos, const idVec3 &dir, idMat3 &axis );
idPhysics* GetPhysics();
idAnimator* GetAnimator();
bool initialized;
bool ik_activate;
idEntity * self; // entity using the animated model
idAnimator * animator; // animator on entity
int modifiedAnim; // animation modified by the IK
idVec3 modelOffset;
IK controller for a walking character with an arbitrary number of legs.
class idIK_Walk : public idIK {
idIK_Walk( void );
virtual ~idIK_Walk( void );
virtual bool Init( idEntity *self, const char *anim, const idVec3 &modelOffset );
virtual bool Evaluate( void );
virtual void ClearJointMods( void );
void EnableAll( void );
void DisableAll( void );
void EnableLeg( int num );
void DisableLeg( int num );
static const int MAX_LEGS = 8;
idClipModel * footModel;
int numLegs;
int enabledLegs;
jointHandle_t footJoints[MAX_LEGS];
jointHandle_t ankleJoints[MAX_LEGS];
jointHandle_t kneeJoints[MAX_LEGS];
jointHandle_t hipJoints[MAX_LEGS];
jointHandle_t dirJoints[MAX_LEGS];
jointHandle_t waistJoint;
idVec3 hipForward[MAX_LEGS];
idVec3 kneeForward[MAX_LEGS];
float upperLegLength[MAX_LEGS];
float lowerLegLength[MAX_LEGS];
idMat3 upperLegToHipJoint[MAX_LEGS];
idMat3 lowerLegToKneeJoint[MAX_LEGS];
float smoothing;
float waistSmoothing;
float footShift;
float waistShift;
float minWaistFloorDist;
float minWaistAnkleDist;
float footUpTrace;
float footDownTrace;
bool tiltWaist;
bool usePivot;
// state
int pivotFoot;
float pivotYaw;
idVec3 pivotPos;
bool oldHeightsValid;
float oldWaistHeight;
float oldAnkleHeights[MAX_LEGS];
idVec3 waistOffset;
IK controller for reaching a position with an arm or leg.
class idIK_Reach : public idIK {
idIK_Reach( void );
virtual ~idIK_Reach( void );
virtual bool Init( idEntity *self, const char *anim, const idVec3 &modelOffset );
virtual bool Evaluate( void );
virtual void ClearJointMods( void );
static const int MAX_ARMS = 2;
int numArms;
int enabledArms;
jointHandle_t handJoints[MAX_ARMS];
jointHandle_t elbowJoints[MAX_ARMS];
jointHandle_t shoulderJoints[MAX_ARMS];
jointHandle_t dirJoints[MAX_ARMS];
idVec3 shoulderForward[MAX_ARMS];
idVec3 elbowForward[MAX_ARMS];
float upperArmLength[MAX_ARMS];
float lowerArmLength[MAX_ARMS];
idMat3 upperArmToShoulderJoint[MAX_ARMS];
idMat3 lowerArmToElbowJoint[MAX_ARMS];
IK controller for aiming ( sets of ) two joints at each other
class sdIK_Aim : public idIK {
sdIK_Aim( void );
virtual ~sdIK_Aim( void );
virtual bool Init( idEntity *self, const char *anim, const idVec3& modelOffset );
virtual bool Evaluate( void );
virtual void ClearJointMods( void );
typedef struct jointGroup_s {
jointHandle_t joint1;
jointHandle_t joint2;
idVec3 lastDir;
} jointGroup_t;
idList< jointGroup_t > jointGroups;
#endif /* !__GAME_IK_H__ */