
640 lines
16 KiB

#define MS_NORMAL 0
#define MS_EXPLODED 1
#define MS_AIRBURST 2
object projectile_missile {
void init();
void preinit();
void destroy();
void syncFields();
void Idle();
void Explode( object traceObject, entity collisionEnt );
void ExplodeVel( object traceObject, entity collisionEnt, vector velocity, float newState );
void Fizzle();
void AirBurst();
float OnCollide( object traceObject, vector velocity, float bodyId );
void OnKilled();
void OnStick( entity collisionEnt, vector collisionNormal, string surfaceType, string joint );
void OnTouch( entity other, object traceObject );
void OnRest();
void OnLaunchTimeChanged();
void OnPostThink();
float GetDamagePower() { return getDamagePower(); }
void KillFuseThread();
void FuseThread();
void SetRadiusDamageIgnoreEntity( entity collisionEnt );
void DoWaterExplosion( vector position, string surfaceType, vector normal );
void ProjectileMissile_OnStick( entity collisionEnt, vector collisionNormal, string surfaceType, string joint );
void CancelThreads();
void ScheduleExplosion( float delay, float newState );
void ExplosionThread( float delay, float newState );
void CancelExplosion();
void BotOnExplode() { ; } //mal: do nothing here - landmines and grenades will define their own version of this function.
void ScheduleFizzle( float delay );
void FizzleThread( float delay );
void CancelFizzle();
void CancelMonitorTrail();
void MonitorTrail();
float CollideEffect( object traceObject, entity collisionEnt, vector velocity );
void DoExplodeEffect( entity collisionEnt );
boolean PendingRemoval();
void ScheduleRemoval( float delay );
void DoRadiusDamage();
void MakeInactive();
void SetupContents();
void SetupContents_Base();
void OnStateChanged();
void RemoveThread( float delay );
void vOnBindMasterDestroyed() { remove(); }
void vSetDestroyed();
boolean vGetDestroyed();
float vGetDestroyProficiency();
boolean vDisablePlantCharge() { return true; }
void MissileBounce( vector velocity );
void OnUnbind();
void FuseSoundThread( float fuseTimer );
float soundPreDelay;
boolean detonateOnWorld;
boolean detonateOnActor;
boolean detonateOnFuse;
boolean detonateOnDeath;
boolean detonateOnRest;
boolean stickOnContact;
boolean detonateUpwards;
boolean noTrail;
boolean useAirBurst;
boolean trailUnderWater;
boolean removeTrailAtRest;
float removeThread;
float damageIndex;
float splashDamageIndex;
float airBurstDamageIndex;
float destroyProficiency; // XP for destroying this via anti-missile
entity radiusDamageIgnoreEntity;
float fuse;
boolean stuck;
float armTime;
float state;
boolean destroyed;
float lastBounceSound;
float nextBounceTime;
boolean inactive;
void projectile_missile::syncFields() {
syncBroadcast( "state" );
syncCallback( "state", "OnStateChanged" );
void projectile_missile::preinit() {
removeThread = -1;
stuck = false;
fuse = getFloatKey( "fuse" );
armTime = getFloatKey( "arm_time" );
damageIndex = GetDamage( getKey( "dmg_damage" ) );
splashDamageIndex = GetDamage( getKey( "dmg_splash_damage" ) );
airBurstDamageIndex = GetDamage( getKey( "dmg_splash_damage_air" ) );
if ( airBurstDamageIndex == -1 ) {
airBurstDamageIndex = splashDamageIndex;
detonateOnWorld = getIntKey( "detonate_on_world" );
detonateOnActor = getIntKey( "detonate_on_actor" );
detonateOnFuse = getIntKey( "detonate_on_fuse" );
detonateOnDeath = getIntKey( "detonate_on_death" );
detonateOnRest = getIntKey( "detonate_on_rest" );
stickOnContact = getIntKey( "stick_on_contact" );
detonateUpwards = getIntKey( "detonate_upwards" );
noTrail = getIntKey( "no_trail" );
trailUnderWater = getIntKey( "trailUnderWater" );
useAirBurst = getIntKey( "use_air_burst" );
removeTrailAtRest = getIntKey( "removeTrailAtRest" );
soundPreDelay = getFloatKey( "pre_delay_time" );
nextBounceTime = 0;
destroyProficiency = GetProficiency( getKey( "prof_destroy" ) );
state = MS_NORMAL;
void projectile_missile::SetupContents() {
void projectile_missile::SetupContents_Base() {
float contents = CONTENTS_PROJECTILE;
if ( getIntKey( "detonate_on_trigger" ) ) {
setContents( contents );
void projectile_missile::OnStateChanged() {
if ( state != MS_NORMAL ) {
ScheduleExplosion( sys.getFrameTime(), state );
void projectile_missile::init() {
setState( "Idle" );
void projectile_missile::KillFuseThread() {
sys.killThread( "FuseThread_" + getName() );
void projectile_missile::FuseThread() {
float launchTime = getLaunchTime();
float delay = ( launchTime + fuse ) - sys.getTime();
if ( delay > 0.f ) {
sys.wait( delay );
if ( detonateOnFuse ) {
} else {
void projectile_missile::OnLaunchTimeChanged() {
if ( fuse > 0 ) {
thread FuseThread();
if ( soundPreDelay != 0.0f && ( fuse - soundPreDelay > 0 ) ) {
thread FuseSoundThread( fuse - soundPreDelay );
void projectile_missile::CancelMonitorTrail() {
sys.killThread( "MonitorTrail_" + getName() );
void projectile_missile::MonitorTrail() {
float nextTime = sys.getTime() + 0.5f;
while ( true ) {
if ( !trailUnderWater && isInWater() > 0.5f ) {
stopEffect( "fx_trail" );
vector velocity = getLinearVelocity();
float velSqr = sys.vecLengthSquared( velocity );
if ( velSqr > 5.f ) {
nextTime = sys.getTime() + 0.5f;
if ( nextTime < sys.getTime() && removeTrailAtRest ) {
if ( !noTrail ) {
stopEffect( "fx_trail" );
noTrail = true;
void projectile_missile::Idle() {
if ( !noTrail ) {
if ( trailUnderWater || isInWater() < 0.5f ) {
handle ent = playEffect( "fx_trail", "", 1 );
if ( getIntKey( "trail_unbindrotation" ) ) {
detachRotationBind( ent );
thread MonitorTrail();
startSound( "snd_fly", SND_WEAPON_FIRE );
void projectile_missile::destroy() {
if ( !noTrail ) {
stopEffect( "fx_trail" );
stopSound( SND_WEAPON_FIRE );
void projectile_missile::OnStick( entity collisionEnt, vector collisionNormal, string surfaceType, string joint ) {
ProjectileMissile_OnStick( collisionEnt, collisionNormal, surfaceType, joint );
void projectile_missile::ProjectileMissile_OnStick( entity collisionEnt, vector collisionNormal, string surfaceType, string joint ) {
startSound( "snd_stick", SND_WEAPON_BOUNCE );
stuck = true;
freeze( 1.f );
if ( collisionEnt != $null_entity ) {
float jointHandle = collisionEnt.getJointHandle( joint );
if ( jointHandle != INVALID_JOINT ) {
bindToJoint( collisionEnt, joint, 1 );
} else {
bind( collisionEnt );
// NOTE: If this returns true, all momentum on the object will be cleared, otherwise, it will bounce
float projectile_missile::OnCollide( object traceObject, vector velocity, float bodyId ) {
float shaderFlags;
entity collisionEnt;
vector dir;
if( stuck ) {
return 1.0f;
shaderFlags = traceObject.getTraceSurfaceFlags();
if( shaderFlags & SURF_NOIMPACT ) {
ScheduleRemoval( 0 );
return 1.0f;
if ( PendingRemoval() ) {
return 1.0f;
collisionEnt = traceObject.getTraceEntity();
player collisionPlayer = collisionEnt;
if ( stickOnContact && collisionPlayer == $null_entity ) {
if ( shaderFlags & SURF_NOPLANT ) {
return false;
if ( collisionEnt.vDisablePlantCharge() ) {
return false;
OnStick( collisionEnt, traceObject.getTraceNormal(), traceObject.getTraceSurfaceType(), traceObject.getTraceJoint() );
return 1.0f;
if ( ( armTime > 0 ) && ( ( getLaunchTime() + armTime ) > sys.getTime() ) ) {
MissileBounce( velocity );
return 0.0f;
if ( collisionPlayer != $null_entity ) {
if( !detonateOnActor ) {
return 0.f;
if ( !detonateOnWorld ) {
if ( nextBounceTime < sys.getTime() ) {
string keyfx = getKey( "fx_bounce_"+traceObject.getTraceSurfaceType() );
if ( keyfx != "" ) {
sys.playWorldEffect( keyfx , '1 1 1', traceObject.getTraceEndPos(), traceObject.getTraceNormal() );
nextBounceTime = sys.getTime() + 1000;
MissileBounce( velocity );
return 0.0f;
return CollideEffect( traceObject, collisionEnt, velocity );
float projectile_missile::CollideEffect( object traceObject, entity collisionEnt, vector velocity ) {
vector dir;
if ( collisionEnt != $null_entity ) {
if( collisionEnt.takesDamage() ) {
dir = sys.vecNormalize( velocity );
collisionEnt.applyDamage( self, getOwner(), dir, damageIndex, GetDamagePower(), traceObject );
ExplodeVel( traceObject, collisionEnt, velocity, MS_EXPLODED );
return 1.0f;
void projectile_missile::MakeInactive() {
inactive = true;
setTakesDamage( false );
stuck = true;
freeze( 1.f );
void projectile_missile::SetRadiusDamageIgnoreEntity( entity collisionEnt ) {
radiusDamageIgnoreEntity = $null_entity;
if ( collisionEnt != $null_entity ) {
if ( collisionEnt.takesDamage() ) {
radiusDamageIgnoreEntity = collisionEnt;
void projectile_missile::DoExplodeEffect( entity collisionEnt ) {
float splashDelay;
float removeDelay;
SetRadiusDamageIgnoreEntity( collisionEnt );
removeDelay = getFloatKeyWithDefault( "removedelay", 0.5 );
ScheduleRemoval( removeDelay );
void projectile_missile::AirBurst() {
ExplodeVel( $null_entity, $null_entity, g_vectorZero, MS_AIRBURST );
void projectile_missile::Explode( object traceObject, entity collisionEnt ) {
ExplodeVel( traceObject, collisionEnt, g_vectorZero, MS_EXPLODED );
void projectile_missile::ExplodeVel( object traceObject, entity collisionEnt, vector velocity, float newState ) {
if ( PendingRemoval() ) {
if( !sys.isClient() ) {
state = newState;
vector newOrg = getWorldOrigin();
vector normal = '0 0 1';
vector materialColor = g_colorWhite;
string surfaceType;
boolean hasTraceResults = false;
if ( traceObject == $null_entity ) {
// scan down a little just to see if theres ground below
// it might be resting on the ground when this happens
vector currentPos = getWorldOrigin();
if ( sys.tracePoint( currentPos + '0 0 1', currentPos - '0 0 16', MASK_SHOT_RENDERMODEL, self ) < 1.0f ) {
newOrg = sys.getTraceEndPos();
normal = sys.getTraceNormal();
materialColor = sys.getTraceSurfaceColor();
surfaceType = sys.getTraceSurfaceType();
hasTraceResults = true;
} else {
newOrg = traceObject.getTraceEndPos();
normal = traceObject.getTraceNormal();
materialColor = traceObject.getTraceSurfaceColor();
surfaceType = traceObject.getTraceSurfaceType();
hasTraceResults = true;
vector effectNormal = normal;
if ( detonateUpwards ) {
effectNormal = '0 0 1';
if ( !noTrail ) {
stopEffect( "fx_trail" );
stopSound( SND_WEAPON_FIRE );
if ( isInWater() > 0.5f ) {
DoWaterExplosion( newOrg, surfaceType, '0 0 1' );
} else {
vector reflvel = effectNormal;
string effectName;
if ( newState == MS_AIRBURST && useAirBurst ) {
effectName = "fx_airburst";
} else {
effectName = "fx_explode";
effectName = lookupEffect( effectName, surfaceType );
if ( effectName != "" ) {
sys.playWorldEffect( effectName, '1 1 1', newOrg, reflvel );
if ( hasTraceResults ) {
addCheapDecal( collisionEnt, newOrg, normal, "dec_impact", surfaceType );// Will play on the world
DoExplodeEffect( collisionEnt );
void projectile_missile::DoWaterExplosion( vector position, string surfaceType, vector normal ) {
entitiesOfClass( sys.getTypeHandle( "sdLiquid" ), 0 );
float count = filterEntitiesByTouching( 1 );
if ( count > 0 ) {
entity other = getBoundsCacheEntity( 0 );
vector top = other.getAbsMaxs();
position_z = top_z;
playOriginEffect( "fx_explode_water", surfaceType, position, normal, 0 );
void projectile_missile::Fizzle() {
if ( PendingRemoval() ) {
if ( !noTrail ) {
stopEffect( "fx_trail" );
stopSound( SND_WEAPON_FIRE );
ScheduleRemoval( 0 );
boolean projectile_missile::PendingRemoval() {
return removeThread != -1;
void projectile_missile::RemoveThread( float delay ) {
if( delay <= 0 ) {
delay = sys.getFrameTime();
sys.wait( delay );
if( !sys.isClient() ) {
void projectile_missile::ScheduleRemoval( float delay ) {
removeThread = thread RemoveThread( delay );
void projectile_missile::DoRadiusDamage() {
float damageIndex = splashDamageIndex;
if ( state == MS_AIRBURST ) {
damageIndex = airBurstDamageIndex;
if ( damageIndex != -1 ) {
sys.applyRadiusDamage( getWorldOrigin(), self, getOwner(), radiusDamageIgnoreEntity, self, damageIndex, GetDamagePower(), 1.f );
void projectile_missile::OnKilled() {
if( PendingRemoval() ) {
if( detonateOnDeath ) {
Explode( $null_entity, $null_entity );
} else {
void projectile_missile::OnTouch( entity other, object traceObject ) {
void projectile_missile::OnRest() {
if ( inactive ) {
if ( detonateOnRest ) {
ExplodeVel( $null_entity, $null_entity, g_vectorZero, MS_EXPLODED );
void projectile_missile::MissileBounce( vector velocity ) {
if( sys.vecLengthSquared( velocity ) < ( 50.f * 50.f ) ) {
if( lastBounceSound < sys.getTime() ) {
startSound( "snd_bounce", SND_WEAPON_BOUNCE );
lastBounceSound = sys.getTime() + 0.2f;
void projectile_missile::ScheduleExplosion( float delay, float newState ) {
thread ExplosionThread( delay, newState );
void projectile_missile::ExplosionThread( float delay, float newState ) {
sys.wait( delay );
thread ExplodeVel( $null_entity, $null_entity, g_vectorZero, newState );
void projectile_missile::CancelExplosion() {
sys.killThread( "ExplosionThread_" + getName() );
void projectile_missile::ScheduleFizzle( float delay ) {
thread FizzleThread( delay );
void projectile_missile::FizzleThread( float delay ) {
sys.wait( delay );
thread Fizzle(); // in a thread because fizzle will kill this thread
void projectile_missile::CancelFizzle() {
sys.killThread( "FizzleThread_" + getName() );
void projectile_missile::CancelThreads() {
void projectile_missile::vSetDestroyed() {
destroyed = true;
boolean projectile_missile::vGetDestroyed() {
return destroyed;
float projectile_missile::vGetDestroyProficiency() {
return destroyProficiency;
void projectile_missile::OnUnbind() {
void projectile_missile::OnPostThink() {
if ( isBound() ) {
void projectile_missile::FuseSoundThread( float fuseTimer ) {
sys.wait( fuseTimer );
startSound( "snd_pre_delay", SND_WEAPON_ARM );