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generic script for objectives which have to be destroyed
object destructible_objective_base {
void preinit();
void init();
void destroy();
void OnComplete( entity inflictor, entity other );
void vCreateMission();
void vFreeMission();
void vCompleteMission();
boolean vDisablePlantCharge() { return ( objManager.gameState != GS_GAMEON ); }
void vOnContextDefend( entity p );
void vOnContextDestroy( entity p );
float objectiveIndex;
handle destroyMessage;
task missionTask;
float destructionProficiency;
float splashDamageIndex;
flashpoint_obj flashpoint;
void destructible_objective_base::preinit() {
destructionProficiency = GetProficiency( getKey( "prof_destroy" ) );
splashDamageIndex = GetDamage( getKey( "dmg_splash_damage" ) );
void destructible_objective_base::init() {
setGameTeam( sys.getTeam( getKey( "team" ) ) );
objectiveIndex = getFloatKeyWithDefault( "objective_index", -1 );
string destroyMessageKey = getKey( "destroy_message" );
if ( destroyMessageKey != "" ) {
destroyMessage = sys.localizeString( destroyMessageKey );
} else {
destroyMessage = invalid_handle;
void destructible_objective_base::destroy() {
if ( flashpoint != $null ) {
delete flashpoint;
void destructible_objective_base::OnComplete( entity inflictor, entity other ) {
if ( sys.isClient() ) {
boolean increaseStat = true;
if ( inflictor != $null_entity ) {
if ( inflictor.vInhibitStats() ) {
increaseStat = false;
player p = other;
if ( p != $null_entity && increaseStat ) {
if ( destructionProficiency != -1 ) {
p.giveProficiency( destructionProficiency, 1.f, missionTask, "destruction objective completed" );
team_base team = other.getGameTeam();
string statName = team.getName();
if ( objectiveIndex != -1 ) {
statName = statName + "_primary";
} else {
if ( destroyMessage != invalid_handle ) {
if ( p == $null_entity ) {
objManager.PushCPrintHandle( g_locStr_Someone );
} else {
objManager.PushCPrintString( other.getUserName() );
objManager.CPrintEvent( destroyMessage, $null );
statName = statName + "_secondary";
statName = statName + "_objective_destroyed";
if ( p != $null_entity && increaseStat ) {
sys.increaseStatInt( sys.allocStatInt( statName ), p.getEntityNumber(), 1 );
sys.increaseStatInt( sys.allocStatInt( "total_objectives_completed" ), p.getEntityNumber(), 1 );
if ( objectiveIndex != -1 ) {
objManager.CompleteObjective( objectiveIndex, other );
objManager.OnDestructionComplete( self );
G_PlayObjectiveCompletedRollEnt( self );
objManager.PlaySound( getKey( "snd_destroyed_strogg" ), stroggTeam );
objManager.PlaySound( getKey( "snd_destroyed_gdf" ), gdfTeam );
if ( splashDamageIndex != -1 ) {
sys.applyRadiusDamage( getWorldOrigin(), self, $null_entity, self, $null_entity, splashDamageIndex, 1.0f, 1.0f );
void destructible_objective_base::vCreateMission() {
missionTask = taskManager.allocEntityTask( GetPlayerTask( getKey( "task_destroy" ) ), self );
void destructible_objective_base::vFreeMission() {
if ( missionTask != $null ) {;
missionTask = $null;
void destructible_objective_base::vCompleteMission() {
if ( missionTask != $null ) {
missionTask = $null;
void destructible_objective_base::vOnContextDefend( entity p ) {
player local = sys.getLocalViewPlayer();
if ( local == $null_entity || p == $null_entity ) {
if ( flashpoint != $null ) {
delete flashpoint;
flashpoint = new flashpoint_obj;
flashpoint.SetOwner( self );
flashpoint.SetMaterial( getKey( "mtr_icon_flash_defend" ) );
void destructible_objective_base::vOnContextDestroy( entity p ) {
player local = sys.getLocalViewPlayer();
if ( local == $null_entity || p == $null_entity ) {
if ( flashpoint != $null ) {
delete flashpoint;
flashpoint = new flashpoint_obj;
flashpoint.SetOwner( self );
flashpoint.SetMaterial( getKey( "mtr_icon_flash" ) );
Used for Scud targets and the like
object destructible_objective_strategic : destructible_objective_base {
void preinit();
void syncFields();
boolean OnPreDamage( entity inflictor, entity attacker );
void OnKilled( entity inflictor, entity attacker, float damage, vector direction, float location );
void vSetState( float state );
void UpdateObjectiveProgress();
void SetObjectiveIndicator();
void OnIsPrimaryObjectiveChanged();
void vMakePrimaryObjective( boolean value );
void UpdateObjectiveThread();
void ClearObjectiveIndicator();
void SetObjectiveReminderTime( float time );
string vGetObjectiveString();
float nextObjectiveReminderTime;
float progress;
boolean isPrimaryObjective;
string guiStr;
void destructible_objective_strategic::preinit() {
guiStr = "destroyObjective1";
void destructible_objective_strategic::syncFields() {
syncBroadcast( "progress" );
void destructible_objective_strategic::vSetState( float state ) {
progress = state;
boolean destructible_objective_strategic::OnPreDamage( entity inflictor, entity attacker ) {
if( getEntityAllegiance( inflictor ) == TA_FRIEND ) {
// e.g. stop stogg destroying the last objective and then winning the map :)
return false;
return true;
void destructible_objective_strategic::OnKilled( entity inflictor, entity attacker, float damage, vector direction, float location ) {
OnComplete( inflictor, attacker );
void destructible_objective_strategic::UpdateObjectiveThread() {
waitUntil( objManager.gameState == GS_GAMEON );
objManager.PlaySound( getKey( "snd_intro_strogg" ), stroggTeam );
objManager.PlaySound( getKey( "snd_intro_gdf" ), gdfTeam );
SetObjectiveReminderTime( sys.getTime() + OBJECTIVEMESSAGE_WAIT_TIME );
while ( true ) {
if ( !sys.isClient() ) {
if ( sys.getTime() >= nextObjectiveReminderTime ) {
if ( objManager.gameState == GS_GAMEON ) {
objManager.PlaySound( getKey( "snd_reminder_strogg" ), stroggTeam );
objManager.PlaySound( getKey( "snd_reminder_gdf" ), gdfTeam );
SetObjectiveReminderTime( sys.getTime() + OBJECTIVEMESSAGE_WAIT_TIME );
void destructible_objective_strategic::SetObjectiveIndicator() {
thread UpdateObjectiveThread();
if ( sys.doClientSideStuff() ) {
sys.setGUIFloat( GUI_GLOBALS_HANDLE, guiStr + ".active", 1.f );
void destructible_objective_strategic::UpdateObjectiveProgress() {
if ( sys.doClientSideStuff() ) {
sys.setGUIFloat( GUI_GLOBALS_HANDLE, guiStr + ".progress", progress );
sys.setGUIFloat( GUI_GLOBALS_HANDLE, guiStr + ".disarmProgress", 0.f );
void destructible_objective_strategic::OnIsPrimaryObjectiveChanged() {
if ( isPrimaryObjective ) {
void destructible_objective_strategic::ClearObjectiveIndicator() {
sys.killThread( "UpdateObjectiveThread_" + getName() );
if ( sys.doClientSideStuff() ) {
sys.setGUIFloat( GUI_GLOBALS_HANDLE, guiStr + ".active", 0.f );
void destructible_objective_strategic::vMakePrimaryObjective( boolean value ) {
isPrimaryObjective = value;
void destructible_objective_strategic::SetObjectiveReminderTime( float time ) {
if ( time > nextObjectiveReminderTime ) {
nextObjectiveReminderTime = time;
string destructible_objective_strategic::vGetObjectiveString() {
return guiStr;
Flyerhive objective
object destructible_flyerhive_objective_strategic : destructible_objective_strategic {
void preinit();
void destructible_flyerhive_objective_strategic::preinit() {
guiStr = "flyerhiveObjective";
Destructibles that you use an HE charge on
object destructible_objective : destructible_objective_base {
void preinit();
void destroy();
void syncFields();
float OnUpdateCrosshairInfo( entity p );
float OnActivate( entity p, float distance );
float GetActivateCode( entity p, float distance );
boolean vChargePlaced( entity charge, entity other );
void vChargeDisarmed( entity charge, entity other );
void vChargeExploded( entity charge, entity other );
boolean HasDestroyContext( entity other );
boolean vIsDestructibleObjective() { return true; }
void UpdateCurrentCharge( entity ignoreEnt );
void UpdateObjectiveProgress();
void SetObjectiveIndicator();
void OnIsPrimaryObjectiveChanged();
void vMakePrimaryObjective( boolean value );
void vSetObjectiveString( string message );
void UpdateObjectiveThread();
void ClearObjectiveIndicator();
void SetObjectiveReminderTime( float time );
float vGetDisarmProficiency();
string vGetObjectiveString();
handle objectName;
handle progressMessage;
handle disarmMessage;
entity currentCharge;
boolean isPrimaryObjective;
boolean vIsPrimaryObjective() { return isPrimaryObjective; }
entity vGetSpectateEntity() { return currentCharge; }
float disarmProficiency;
float useMeToolTip1;
float useMeToolTip2;
float nextObjectiveReminderTime;
string objString;
entity proxy;
void destructible_objective::preinit() {
useMeToolTip1 = GetToolTip( getKey( "tt_intro_use_me_1" ) );
useMeToolTip2 = GetToolTip( getKey( "tt_intro_use_me_2" ) );
disarmProficiency = GetProficiency( getKey( "prof_disarm" ) );
objectName = sys.localizeString( getKey( "object_name" ) );
progressMessage = sys.localizeString( getKeyWithDefault( "progress_message", "maps/generic/obj_planted" ) );
disarmMessage = sys.localizeString( getKeyWithDefault( "disarm_message", "maps/generic/obj_disarmed" ) );
objString = "destroyObjective1";
void destructible_objective::destroy() {
if ( isPrimaryObjective ) {
void destructible_objective::syncFields() {
syncBroadcast( "currentCharge" );
float destructible_objective::vGetDisarmProficiency() {
return disarmProficiency;
void destructible_objective::vSetObjectiveString( string message ) {
objString = message;
string destructible_objective::vGetObjectiveString() {
return objString;
void destructible_objective::SetObjectiveReminderTime( float time ) {
if ( proxy != $null_entity ) {
proxy.vSetObjectiveReminderTime( time );
} else if ( time > nextObjectiveReminderTime ) {
nextObjectiveReminderTime = time;
boolean destructible_objective::HasDestroyContext( entity other ) {
if ( !takesDamage() ) {
return false;
float allegiance = getEntityAllegiance( other );
if ( allegiance == TA_ENEMY ) {
return true;
return false;
float destructible_objective::GetActivateCode( entity p, float distance ) {
if ( objManager.gameState != GS_GAMEON ) {
if ( !takesDamage() ) {
return AK_NONE;
if ( p.getHealth() <= 0 ) {
return AK_NONE;
if ( p.getViewingEntity() != p ) {
return AK_NONE;
float allegiance = getEntityAllegiance( p );
if ( distance < DISTANCE_FOR_ACTION ) {
if ( allegiance == TA_ENEMY ) {
if ( p.vHasActionItem( AK_PLANT ) ) {
return AK_PLANT;
return AK_NONE;
float destructible_objective::OnActivate( entity p, float distance ) {
if ( p.vSelectActionItem( GetActivateCode( p, distance ) ) ) {
return 1.f;
return 0.f;
float destructible_objective::OnUpdateCrosshairInfo( entity p ) {
if ( !sys.doClientSideStuff() ) {
return 1.f;
if ( !takesDamage() ) {
return 0.0f;
float allegiance = getEntityAllegiance( p );
vector color = GetAllegianceColor( allegiance );
float distance = chGetDistance();
chSetNumLines( 0 );
float index;
if ( p != $null_entity ) {
if ( p.isLocalPlayer() && objectiveIndex != -1 ) {
p.sendToolTip( GetToolTip( getKey( "tt_intro_info" ) ) );
// see if theres a valid action to perform
float code = GetActivateCode( p, distance );
if ( code != AK_NONE && p.vHasActionItem( code ) ) {
index = chAddLine();
chSetLineMaterial( index, p.vGetActionIcon( code ) );
chSetLineType( index, CI_IMAGE );
chSetLineSize( index, 64, 64 );
chSetLineColor( index, g_colorWhite, 0.9f );
if ( p.isLocalPlayer() ) {
if ( !p.isToolTipPlaying() ) {
if ( sys.getTime() - p.getCrosshairStartTime() > 1.f ) {
if ( p.getCurrentWeapon() != p.vGetActionItem( code ) ) {
p.sendToolTip( useMeToolTip1 );
} else {
p.sendToolTip( useMeToolTip2 );
} else if ( code == AK_INWARMUP ) {
if ( p.isLocalPlayer() && distance < DISTANCE_FOR_ACTION ) {
team_base team = p.getGameTeam();
if ( team != $null_entity ) {
p.sendToolTip( GetToolTip( getKey( "tt_noobjective" ) ) );
index = chAddLine();
chSetLineTextIndex( index, objectName );
chSetLineColor( index, color, 1.f );
chSetLineType( index, CI_TEXT );
chSetLineSize( index, 0, 0 );
return 1.f;
boolean destructible_objective::vChargePlaced( entity charge, entity other ) {
if ( !takesDamage() ) {
return false;
if ( !sys.isClient() ) {
SetObjectiveReminderTime( sys.getTime() + OBJECTIVEMESSAGE_WAIT_TIME );
if ( currentCharge == $null_entity ) {
currentCharge = charge;
// direct set so we always get a sound in 5 seconds
nextObjectiveReminderTime = sys.getTime() + 5.f;
if ( other != $null_entity ) { //mal: this player has an armed charge out there in the world on an obj - mark it as such so that the bots can understand!
objManager.setBotActionStateForEvent( ACTION_STATE_PLANTED, charge );
objManager.PushCPrintString( other.getUserName() );
objManager.CPrintEvent( progressMessage, $null );
objManager.PlaySound( getKey( "snd_planted_strogg" ), stroggTeam );
objManager.PlaySound( getKey( "snd_planted_gdf" ), gdfTeam );
return true;
void destructible_objective::vChargeExploded( entity charge, entity other ) {
if ( !takesDamage() ) {
OnComplete( charge, other );
void destructible_objective::UpdateCurrentCharge( entity ignoreEnt ) {
float count = entitiesOfCollection( "charges" );
float i;
float bestTime = 99999999.f;
for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
entity charge = getBoundsCacheEntity( i );
if ( charge == ignoreEnt ) {
entity target = charge.vGetCurrentTarget();
if ( target != self ) {
float t = charge.vGetFuseRemaining();
if ( t > bestTime ) {
bestTime = t;
currentCharge = charge;
void destructible_objective::vChargeDisarmed( entity charge, entity other ) {
if ( !takesDamage() ) {
if ( !sys.isClient() ) {
if ( currentCharge == charge ) {
UpdateCurrentCharge( currentCharge );
objManager.setBotActionStateForEvent( ACTION_STATE_DEFUSED, charge ); //mal: a charge that was planted has been defused. Let the action know.
objManager.PushCPrintString( other.getUserName() );
objManager.CPrintEvent( disarmMessage, $null );
objManager.PlaySound( getKey( "snd_disarmed_strogg" ), stroggTeam );
objManager.PlaySound( getKey( "snd_disarmed_gdf" ), gdfTeam );
void destructible_objective::UpdateObjectiveThread() {
waitUntil( objManager.gameState == GS_GAMEON );
sys.wait( 2.0f );
if ( proxy == $null_entity ) {
objManager.PlaySound( getKey( "snd_intro_strogg" ), stroggTeam );
objManager.PlaySound( getKey( "snd_intro_gdf" ), gdfTeam );
SetObjectiveReminderTime( sys.getTime() + OBJECTIVEMESSAGE_WAIT_TIME );
while ( true ) {
if ( !sys.isClient() && proxy == $null_entity ) {
if ( sys.getTime() >= nextObjectiveReminderTime ) {
if ( objManager.gameState == GS_GAMEON ) {
if ( currentCharge == $null_entity ) {
objManager.PlaySound( getKey( "snd_reminder_strogg" ), stroggTeam );
objManager.PlaySound( getKey( "snd_reminder_gdf" ), gdfTeam );
} else {
objManager.PlaySound( getKey( "snd_defend_strogg" ), stroggTeam );
objManager.PlaySound( getKey( "snd_defend_gdf" ), gdfTeam );
SetObjectiveReminderTime( sys.getTime() + OBJECTIVEMESSAGE_WAIT_TIME );
void destructible_objective::SetObjectiveIndicator() {
thread UpdateObjectiveThread();
if ( sys.doClientSideStuff() ) {
sys.setGUIFloat( GUI_GLOBALS_HANDLE, objString + ".active", 1.f );
void destructible_objective::UpdateObjectiveProgress() {
if ( sys.doClientSideStuff() ) {
if ( currentCharge == $null_entity ) {
sys.setGUIFloat( GUI_GLOBALS_HANDLE, objString + ".progress", 0.f );
sys.setGUIFloat( GUI_GLOBALS_HANDLE, objString + ".disarmProgress", 0.f );
} else {
float frac = ( currentCharge.vGetFuseRemaining() / currentCharge.vGetFuseLength() );
sys.setGUIFloat( GUI_GLOBALS_HANDLE, objString + ".progress", 1.f - frac );
sys.setGUIFloat( GUI_GLOBALS_HANDLE, objString + ".disarmProgress", currentCharge.vGetPliersProgressBarValue( AC_DISARM ) );
void destructible_objective::OnIsPrimaryObjectiveChanged() {
if ( isPrimaryObjective ) {
void destructible_objective::ClearObjectiveIndicator() {
sys.killThread( "UpdateObjectiveThread_" + getName() );
if ( sys.doClientSideStuff() ) {
sys.setGUIFloat( GUI_GLOBALS_HANDLE, objString + ".active", 0.f );
void destructible_objective::vMakePrimaryObjective( boolean value ) {
isPrimaryObjective = value;
Trigger zone around a destructible objective describing the area
that you can plant it in that will destroy the objective
object destructible_objective_trigger {
void OnPostMapSpawn();
void syncFields();
boolean vChargePlaced( entity charge, entity other );
entity vGetCurrentTarget();
entity theObjective;
void destructible_objective_trigger::syncFields() {
syncBroadcast( "theObjective" );
void destructible_objective_trigger::OnPostMapSpawn() {
if ( !sys.isClient() ) {
theObjective = getEntityKey( "target" );
if ( theObjective == $null_entity ) {
sys.error( "destructible_objective_trigger could not find target: " + getKey( "target" ) );
boolean destructible_objective_trigger::vChargePlaced( entity charge, entity other ) {
if ( theObjective.getEntityAllegiance( charge ) != TA_ENEMY ) {
return false;
return theObjective.vChargePlaced( charge, other );
entity destructible_objective_trigger::vGetCurrentTarget() {
return theObjective;
object destructible_objective_dual_proxy {
void syncFields();
void destroy();
void preinit();
void OnTarget1Changed();
void OnTarget2Changed();
destructible_objective target1;
destructible_objective target2;
task defendTask;
boolean isPrimaryObjective;
float nextObjectiveReminderTime;
float objectiveIndex;
void UpdateObjectiveThread();
void vInitDefendMission( object missionTask );
void vCompleteSubMission( entity other );
entity vGetSpectateEntity();
boolean vIsObjectiveComplete();
void OnPostMapSpawn();
void OnIsPrimaryObjectiveChanged();
void vMakePrimaryObjective( boolean value );
void destructible_objective_dual_proxy::preinit() {
objectiveIndex = getFloatKeyWithDefault( "objective_index", -1 );
void destructible_objective_dual_proxy::syncFields() {
syncBroadcast( "target1" );
syncCallback( "target1", "OnTarget1Changed" );
syncBroadcast( "target2" );
syncCallback( "target2", "OnTarget2Changed" );
void destructible_objective_dual_proxy::destroy() {
if ( isPrimaryObjective ) {
if ( target1 != $null_entity ) {
target1.vMakePrimaryObjective( false );
if ( target2 != $null_entity ) {
target2.vMakePrimaryObjective( false );
void destructible_objective_dual_proxy::vMakePrimaryObjective( boolean value ) {
if ( isPrimaryObjective == value ) {
isPrimaryObjective = value;
void destructible_objective_dual_proxy::UpdateObjectiveThread() {
waitUntil( objManager.gameState == GS_GAMEON );
sys.wait( 2.0f );
objManager.PlaySound( getKey( "snd_intro_strogg" ), stroggTeam );
objManager.PlaySound( getKey( "snd_intro_gdf" ), gdfTeam );
if ( !sys.isClient() ) {
while ( true ) {
if ( sys.getTime() >= nextObjectiveReminderTime ) {
if ( objManager.gameState == GS_GAMEON ) {
objManager.PlaySound( getKey( "snd_reminder_strogg" ), stroggTeam );
objManager.PlaySound( getKey( "snd_reminder_gdf" ), gdfTeam );
vSetObjectiveReminderTime( sys.getTime() + OBJECTIVEMESSAGE_WAIT_TIME );
void destructible_objective_dual_proxy::OnIsPrimaryObjectiveChanged() {
if ( target1 != $null_entity ) {
target1.vMakePrimaryObjective( isPrimaryObjective );
if ( target2 != $null_entity ) {
target2.vMakePrimaryObjective( isPrimaryObjective );
if ( isPrimaryObjective ) {
thread UpdateObjectiveThread();
} else {
sys.killThread( "UpdateObjectiveThread_" + getName() );
void destructible_objective_dual_proxy::OnTarget1Changed() {
if ( target1 != $null_entity ) {
target1.vSetObjectiveString( "destroyObjective1" );
target1.proxy = self;
if ( isPrimaryObjective ) {
target1.vMakePrimaryObjective( true );
void destructible_objective_dual_proxy::OnTarget2Changed() {
if ( target2 != $null_entity ) {
target2.vSetObjectiveString( "destroyObjective2" );
target2.proxy = self;
if ( isPrimaryObjective ) {
target2.vMakePrimaryObjective( true );
void destructible_objective_dual_proxy::OnPostMapSpawn() {
if ( !sys.isClient() ) {
target1 = getEntityKey( "target1" );
if ( target1 == $null_entity ) {
sys.error( "destructible_objective_dual_proxy::OnPostMapSpawn target1 not found or is not a destructible objective" );
} else {
target2 = getEntityKey( "target2" );
if ( target2 == $null_entity ) {
sys.error( "destructible_objective_dual_proxy::OnPostMapSpawn target2 not found or is not a destructible objective" );
} else {
void destructible_objective_dual_proxy::vSetObjectiveReminderTime( float time ) {
if ( time > nextObjectiveReminderTime ) {
nextObjectiveReminderTime = time;
void destructible_objective_dual_proxy::vInitDefendMission( object missionTask ) {
defendTask = missionTask;
if ( target1 == $null_entity ) {
defendTask.setWayPointState( 0, false );
} else {
defendTask.setLocation( 0, target1.getWorldOrigin() );
if ( target2 == $null_entity ) {
defendTask.setWayPointState( 1, false );
} else {
defendTask.setLocation( 1, target2.getWorldOrigin() );
void destructible_objective_dual_proxy::vCompleteSubMission( entity other ) {
if ( other == target1 ) {
defendTask.setWayPointState( 0, false );
} else if ( other == target2 ) {
defendTask.setWayPointState( 1, false );
entity destructible_objective_dual_proxy::vGetSpectateEntity() {
if ( target1 == $null_entity ) {
return target2.vGetSpectateEntity();
if ( target2 == $null_entity ) {
return target1.vGetSpectateEntity();
entity charge1 = target1.vGetSpectateEntity();
entity charge2 = target2.vGetSpectateEntity();
if ( charge1 == $null_entity ) {
return charge2;
if ( charge2 == $null_entity ) {
return charge1;
if ( charge1.vGetFuseRemaining() <= charge2.vGetFuseRemaining() ) {
return charge1;
return charge2;
boolean destructible_objective_dual_proxy::vIsObjectiveComplete() {
if ( target1 == $null_entity && target2 == $null_entity ) {
return true;
return false;