
301 lines
8.0 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2007 Id Software, Inc.
#if defined( _DEBUG ) && !defined( ID_REDIRECT_NEWDELETE )
#define new DEBUG_NEW
Build up character strings without incurring multiple heap allocations/reallocations
Policy classes for allocating data buffers
template< int Granularity, class CharType >
class sdCharAllocator_Heap {
static const int GRANULARITY = Granularity;
static CharType* Alloc( int size ) { return new CharType[ size ]; }
static void Free( CharType* buffer ) { delete [] buffer; };
template< class StrType >
class sdStringBuilder_Traits {
class sdStringBuilder_Traits< idStr > {
typedef char CharType;
typedef idStr StrType;
static const CharType terminator;
static CharType* StrnCpy( CharType* dest, const CharType * source, size_t count ) {
return strncpy( dest, source, count );
class sdStringBuilder_Traits< idWStr > {
typedef wchar_t CharType;
typedef idWStr StrType;
static const CharType terminator;
static CharType* StrnCpy( CharType* dest, const CharType * source, size_t count ) {
return wcsncpy( dest, source, count );
String builder
template< class StrType, class CharAllocator >
class sdStringBuilder {
typedef CharAllocator Allocator;
typedef sdStringBuilder_Traits< StrType > Traits;
typedef typename Traits::CharType CharType;
explicit sdStringBuilder( const CharType* baseString );
explicit sdStringBuilder( const sdStringBuilder& rhs );
void Clear();
// take care when using c_str and an alloca-based allocator
// and passing to a new function
const CharType* c_str() const;
void ToString( StrType& out ) const;
void Append( const CharType* rhs );
void Append( const CharType* rhs, int len );
void Append( CharType rhs );
void AppendNoColors( const CharType* rhs );
int Length() const;
sdStringBuilder& operator+=( CharType rhs );
sdStringBuilder& operator+=( const CharType* rhs );
sdStringBuilder operator+( const CharType* rhs );
sdStringBuilder& operator=( const CharType* rhs );
void EnsureAlloced( int amount );
CharType baseBuffer[ Allocator::GRANULARITY ];
CharType* data;
int len;
int alloced;
template< class StrType, class CharAllocator >
ID_INLINE sdStringBuilder< StrType, CharAllocator >::sdStringBuilder() {
data = &baseBuffer[ 0 ];
template< class StrType, class CharAllocator >
ID_INLINE sdStringBuilder< StrType, CharAllocator >::sdStringBuilder( const CharType* baseString ) {
data = &baseBuffer[ 0 ];
Append( baseString );
template< class StrType, class CharAllocator >
ID_INLINE sdStringBuilder< StrType, CharAllocator >::sdStringBuilder( const sdStringBuilder& rhs ) {
data = &baseBuffer[ 0 ];
if( != NULL && rhs.len > 0 ) {
EnsureAlloced( rhs.len + 1 );
for( int i = 0;[ i ]; i++ ) {
data[ i ] =[ i ];
data[ len ] = '\0';
template< class StrType, class CharAllocator >
ID_INLINE sdStringBuilder< StrType, CharAllocator >::~sdStringBuilder() {
template< class StrType, class CharAllocator >
ID_INLINE void sdStringBuilder< StrType, CharAllocator >::Clear() {
if( data != &baseBuffer[ 0 ] ) {
Allocator::Free( data );
data = &baseBuffer[ 0 ];
data[ 0 ] = '\0';
len = 0;
alloced = Allocator::GRANULARITY;
template< class StrType, class CharAllocator >
ID_INLINE void sdStringBuilder< StrType, CharAllocator >::EnsureAlloced( int amount ) {
if( alloced >= amount ) {
CharType* newbuffer;
int newsize;
int mod;
assert( amount > 0 );
mod = amount % Allocator::GRANULARITY;
if ( !mod ) {
newsize = amount;
} else {
newsize = amount + Allocator::GRANULARITY - mod;
alloced = newsize;
newbuffer = Allocator::Alloc( alloced );
if ( data != NULL ) {
if ( len ) {
Traits::StrnCpy( newbuffer, data, len );
newbuffer[ len ] = '\0';
} else {
newbuffer[ 0 ] = '\0';
if( data != &baseBuffer[ 0 ] ) {
Allocator::Free( data );
data = newbuffer;
template< class StrType, class CharAllocator >
ID_INLINE void sdStringBuilder< StrType, CharAllocator >::Append( const CharType* rhs ) {
if ( rhs != NULL ) {
int newLen = len + StrType::Length( rhs );
EnsureAlloced( newLen + 1 );
for ( int i = 0; rhs[ i ]; i++ ) {
data[ len + i ] = rhs[ i ];
len = newLen;
data[ len ] = '\0';
template< class StrType, class CharAllocator >
ID_INLINE void sdStringBuilder< StrType, CharAllocator >::AppendNoColors( const CharType* rhs ) {
if ( rhs != NULL ) {
int newLen = len + StrType::LengthWithoutColors( rhs );
EnsureAlloced( newLen + 1 );
int offset = 0;
for ( int i = 0; rhs[ i ]; i++ ) {
if( StrType::IsColor( &rhs[ i ] ) ) {
} else {
data[ len + offset ] = rhs[ i ];
len = newLen;
data[ len ] = '\0';
template< class StrType, class CharAllocator >
ID_INLINE void sdStringBuilder< StrType, CharAllocator >::Append( const CharType* rhs, int numToCopy ) {
assert( numToCopy > 0 );
if ( rhs != NULL && numToCopy > 0) {
numToCopy = Min( StrType::Length( rhs ), numToCopy );
int newLen = len + numToCopy;
EnsureAlloced( newLen + 1 );
for ( int i = 0; i < numToCopy; i++ ) {
data[ len + i ] = rhs[ i ];
len = newLen;
data[ len ] = '\0';
template< class StrType, class CharAllocator >
ID_INLINE void sdStringBuilder< StrType, CharAllocator >::Append( CharType rhs ) {
int newLen = len + 1;
EnsureAlloced( newLen + 1 );
data[ len ] = rhs;
len = newLen;
data[ len ] = '\0';
template< class StrType, class CharAllocator >
ID_INLINE sdStringBuilder< StrType, CharAllocator >& sdStringBuilder< StrType, CharAllocator >::operator+=( const CharType* str ) {
Append( str );
return *this;
template< class StrType, class CharAllocator >
ID_INLINE sdStringBuilder< StrType, CharAllocator >& sdStringBuilder< StrType, CharAllocator >::operator=( const CharType* str ) {
len = 0;
data[ len ] = '\0';
Append( str );
return *this;
template< class StrType, class CharAllocator >
ID_INLINE sdStringBuilder< StrType, CharAllocator >& sdStringBuilder< StrType, CharAllocator >::operator+=( CharType c ) {
Append( c );
return *this;
template< class StrType, class CharAllocator >
ID_INLINE sdStringBuilder< StrType, CharAllocator > sdStringBuilder< StrType, CharAllocator >::operator+( const CharType* str ) {
sdStringBuilder< StrType, CharAllocator > temp( this );
temp += str;
return temp;
template< class StrType, class CharAllocator >
ID_INLINE void sdStringBuilder< StrType, CharAllocator >::ToString( StrType& out ) const {
if( data == NULL || len == 0 ) {
out = data;
template< class StrType, class CharAllocator >
ID_INLINE const typename sdStringBuilder< StrType, CharAllocator >::CharType* sdStringBuilder< StrType, CharAllocator >::c_str() const {
return data;
template< class StrType, class CharAllocator >
ID_INLINE int sdStringBuilder< StrType, CharAllocator >::Length() const {
return len;
typedef sdStringBuilder< idStr, sdCharAllocator_Heap< 512, char > > sdStringBuilder_Heap;
typedef sdStringBuilder< idWStr, sdCharAllocator_Heap< 512, wchar_t > > sdWStringBuilder_Heap;
#endif //__STRINGBUILDER_H__