
2291 lines
53 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2007 Id Software, Inc.
#include "../precompiled.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#if defined( _DEBUG ) && !defined( ID_REDIRECT_NEWDELETE )
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#if defined( ID_WIN_X86_SSE )
#include "../math/Simd_InstructionMacros.h"
#define VEC5_SIZE 5*4 // sizeof( idVec5 )
// idWinding
bool idWinding::ReAllocate( int n, bool keep ) {
idVec5 *oldP = p;
n = (n+3) & ~3; // align up to multiple of four
p = new idVec5[n];
if ( oldP ) {
if ( keep ) {
memcpy( p, oldP, numPoints * sizeof(p[0]) );
delete[] oldP;
allocedSize = n;
return true;
void idWinding::BaseForPlane( const idVec3 &normal, const float dist, const float radius ) {
idVec3 org, vright, vup;
EnsureAlloced( 4 );
numPoints = 4;
normal.NormalVectors( vup, vright );
vup *= radius;
vright *= radius;
org = normal * dist;
p[0].ToVec3() = org - vright + vup;
p[0].s = p[0].t = 0.0f;
p[1].ToVec3() = org + vright + vup;
p[1].s = p[1].t = 0.0f;
p[2].ToVec3() = org + vright - vup;
p[2].s = p[2].t = 0.0f;
p[3].ToVec3() = org - vright - vup;
p[3].s = p[3].t = 0.0f;
void TestSides( const idVec5 *points, int numPoints, const idPlane &plane, const float epsilon, double *dists, byte *sides, int counts[3] ) {
int i, cnts[3];
cnts[0] = cnts[1] = cnts[2] = 0;
for (i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) {
double d = plane.Distance( points[i].ToVec3() );
if ( d != dists[i] ) {
int bah = 1;
if ( d > epsilon ) {
if ( sides[i] != SIDE_FRONT ) {
int bah = 1;
} else if ( d < -epsilon ) {
if ( sides[i] != SIDE_BACK ) {
int bah = 1;
} else {
if ( sides[i] != SIDE_ON ) {
int bah = 1;
if ( cnts[0] != counts[0] || cnts[1] != counts[1] || cnts[2] != counts[2] ) {
int bah = 1;
determine sides for each point
void CalculateSides( const idVec5 *points, int numPoints, const idPlane &plane, const float epsilon, double *dists, byte *sides, int counts[3] ) {
#if defined( ID_WIN_X86_SSE2 )
__asm {
mov ecx, counts
mov dword ptr [ecx+0], 0
mov dword ptr [ecx+4], 0
mov dword ptr [ecx+8], 0
mov edi, dists
mov esi, sides
mov eax, numPoints
add esi, eax
lea edi, [edi+eax*8]
neg eax
jz done
mov edx, plane
cvtss2sd xmm0, [edx+ 0]
cvtss2sd xmm1, [edx+ 4]
cvtss2sd xmm2, [edx+ 8]
cvtss2sd xmm3, [edx+12]
cvtss2sd xmm7, epsilon
shufpd xmm7, xmm7, 0
xorpd xmm7, SIMD_PD_firstSignBit
mov edx, points
cvtss2sd xmm4, [edx+0]
mulsd xmm4, xmm0
cvtss2sd xmm5, [edx+4]
mulsd xmm5, xmm1
addsd xmm4, xmm5
cvtss2sd xmm5, [edx+8]
mulsd xmm5, xmm2
addsd xmm4, xmm5
addsd xmm4, xmm3
movsd [edi+eax*8], xmm4
pshufd xmm5, xmm4, R_SHUFFLE_D( 0, 1, 0, 1 )
cmppd xmm5, xmm7, 1
pshufd xmm4, xmm5, R_SHUFFLE_D( 0, 1, 0, 1 )
andpd xmm4, SIMD_PD_lastSignBit
xorpd xmm5, xmm4
movmskpd ebx, xmm5
mov byte ptr [esi+eax], bl
add dword ptr [ecx+ebx*4], 1
add edx, VEC5_SIZE
add eax, 1
jl loop1
mov edx, dists
mov ecx, sides
movsd xmm0, [edx]
movsd [edi], xmm0
mov al, byte ptr [ecx]
mov byte ptr [esi], al
#elif defined( ID_WIN_X86_ASM )
int i;
counts[SIDE_FRONT] = counts[SIDE_BACK] = counts[SIDE_ON] = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < numPoints; i++ ) {
dists[i] = plane.Distance( points[i].ToVec3() );
float d1 = - epsilon - dists[i];
float d2 = epsilon - dists[i];
int s1 = IEEE_FLT_SIGNBITNOTSET( d1 ); // s1 = dists[i] < -epsilon
int s2 = IEEE_FLT_SIGNBITNOTSET( d2 ); // s2 = dists[i] < epsilon
sides[i] = s1 | ( ( s1 ^ s2 ) << 1 );
sides[i] = sides[0];
dists[i] = dists[0];
int i;
counts[SIDE_FRONT] = counts[SIDE_BACK] = counts[SIDE_ON] = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < numPoints; i++ ) {
dists[i] = plane.Distance( points[i].ToVec3() );
if ( dists[i] > epsilon ) {
sides[i] = SIDE_FRONT;
} else if ( dists[i] < -epsilon ) {
sides[i] = SIDE_BACK;
} else {
sides[i] = SIDE_ON;
sides[i] = sides[0];
dists[i] = dists[0];
int idWinding::Split( const idPlane &plane, const float epsilon, idWinding& front, idWinding& back ) const {
int i, j;
double * dists;
byte * sides;
int counts[3];
const idVec5 * p1, *p2;
idVec5 mid;
int maxpts;
assert( this != NULL );
front.numPoints = 0;
back.numPoints = 0;
dists = (double *) _alloca( (numPoints+4) * sizeof( dists[0] ) );
sides = (byte *) _alloca( (numPoints+4) * sizeof( sides[0] ) );
CalculateSides( p, numPoints, plane, epsilon, dists, sides, counts );
// if coplanar, put on the front side if the normals match
if ( !counts[SIDE_FRONT] && !counts[SIDE_BACK] ) {
idPlane windingPlane;
GetPlane( windingPlane );
if ( windingPlane.Normal() * plane.Normal() > 0.0f ) {
front = *this;
return SIDE_FRONT;
} else {
back = *this;
return SIDE_BACK;
// if nothing at the front of the clipping plane
if ( !counts[SIDE_FRONT] ) {
back = *this;
return SIDE_BACK;
// if nothing at the back of the clipping plane
if ( !counts[SIDE_BACK] ) {
front = *this;
return SIDE_FRONT;
maxpts = numPoints+4; // cannot use counts[0]+2 because of fp grouping errors
front.EnsureAlloced( maxpts );
back.EnsureAlloced( maxpts );
for (i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) {
p1 = &p[i];
if ( sides[i] == SIDE_ON ) {
front.p[front.numPoints] = *p1;
back.p[back.numPoints] = *p1;
if ( sides[i] == SIDE_FRONT ) {
front.p[front.numPoints] = *p1;
} else if ( sides[i] == SIDE_BACK ) {
back.p[back.numPoints] = *p1;
if ( sides[i+1] == SIDE_ON || sides[i+1] == sides[i] ) {
// generate a split point
p2 = &p[(i+1)%numPoints];
// always calculate the split going from the same side or minor epsilon issues can happen
if ( sides[i] == SIDE_FRONT ) {
double d = dists[i] / ( dists[i] - dists[i+1] );
for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) {
// avoid round off error when possible
if ( plane.Normal()[j] == 1.0f ) {
mid[j] = plane.Dist();
} else if ( plane.Normal()[j] == -1.0f ) {
mid[j] = -plane.Dist();
} else {
mid[j] = (double)(*p1)[j] + d * ( (double)(*p2)[j] - (double)(*p1)[j] );
mid.s = (double)p1->s + d * ( (double)p2->s - (double)p1->s );
mid.t = (double)p1->t + d * ( (double)p2->t - (double)p1->t );
} else {
double d = dists[i+1] / ( dists[i+1] - dists[i] );
for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) {
// avoid round off error when possible
if ( plane.Normal()[j] == 1.0f ) {
mid[j] = plane.Dist();
} else if ( plane.Normal()[j] == -1.0f ) {
mid[j] = -plane.Dist();
} else {
mid[j] = (double)(*p2)[j] + d * ( (double)(*p1)[j] - (double)(*p2)[j] );
mid.s = (double)p2->s + d * ( (double)p1->s - (double)p2->s );
mid.t = (double)p2->t + d * ( (double)p1->t - (double)p2->t );
front.p[front.numPoints] = mid;
back.p[back.numPoints] = mid;
if ( front.numPoints > maxpts || back.numPoints > maxpts ) {
idLib::common->FatalError( "idWinding::Split: points exceeded estimate." );
return SIDE_CROSS;
int idWinding::Split( const idPlane &plane, const float epsilon, idWinding **front, idWinding **back ) const {
int i, j;
double * dists;
byte * sides;
int counts[3];
const idVec5 * p1, *p2;
idVec5 mid;
idWinding * f, *b;
int maxpts;
assert( this != NULL );
dists = (double *) _alloca( (numPoints+4) * sizeof( dists[0] ) );
sides = (byte *) _alloca( (numPoints+4) * sizeof( sides[0] ) );
CalculateSides( p, numPoints, plane, epsilon, dists, sides, counts );
*front = *back = NULL;
// if coplanar, put on the front side if the normals match
if ( !counts[SIDE_FRONT] && !counts[SIDE_BACK] ) {
idPlane windingPlane;
GetPlane( windingPlane );
if ( windingPlane.Normal() * plane.Normal() > 0.0f ) {
*front = Copy();
return SIDE_FRONT;
} else {
*back = Copy();
return SIDE_BACK;
// if nothing at the front of the clipping plane
if ( !counts[SIDE_FRONT] ) {
*back = Copy();
return SIDE_BACK;
// if nothing at the back of the clipping plane
if ( !counts[SIDE_BACK] ) {
*front = Copy();
return SIDE_FRONT;
maxpts = numPoints+4; // cannot use counts[0]+2 because of fp grouping errors
*front = f = new idWinding(maxpts);
*back = b = new idWinding(maxpts);
for (i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) {
p1 = &p[i];
if ( sides[i] == SIDE_ON ) {
f->p[f->numPoints] = *p1;
b->p[b->numPoints] = *p1;
if ( sides[i] == SIDE_FRONT ) {
f->p[f->numPoints] = *p1;
} else if ( sides[i] == SIDE_BACK ) {
b->p[b->numPoints] = *p1;
if ( sides[i+1] == SIDE_ON || sides[i+1] == sides[i] ) {
// generate a split point
p2 = &p[(i+1)%numPoints];
// always calculate the split going from the same side or minor epsilon issues can happen
if ( sides[i] == SIDE_FRONT ) {
double d = dists[i] / ( dists[i] - dists[i+1] );
for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) {
// avoid round off error when possible
if ( plane.Normal()[j] == 1.0f ) {
mid[j] = plane.Dist();
} else if ( plane.Normal()[j] == -1.0f ) {
mid[j] = -plane.Dist();
} else {
mid[j] = (double)(*p1)[j] + d * ( (double)(*p2)[j] - (double)(*p1)[j] );
mid.s = (double)p1->s + d * ( (double)p2->s - (double)p1->s );
mid.t = (double)p1->t + d * ( (double)p2->t - (double)p1->t );
} else {
double d = dists[i+1] / ( dists[i+1] - dists[i] );
for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) {
// avoid round off error when possible
if ( plane.Normal()[j] == 1.0f ) {
mid[j] = plane.Dist();
} else if ( plane.Normal()[j] == -1.0f ) {
mid[j] = -plane.Dist();
} else {
mid[j] = (double)(*p2)[j] + d * ( (double)(*p1)[j] - (double)(*p2)[j] );
mid.s = (double)p2->s + d * ( (double)p1->s - (double)p2->s );
mid.t = (double)p2->t + d * ( (double)p1->t - (double)p2->t );
f->p[f->numPoints] = mid;
b->p[b->numPoints] = mid;
if ( f->numPoints > maxpts || b->numPoints > maxpts ) {
idLib::common->FatalError( "idWinding::Split: points exceeded estimate." );
return SIDE_CROSS;
int idWinding::SplitInPlace( const idPlane &plane, const float epsilon, idWinding **back ) {
int i, j;
double * dists;
byte * sides;
int counts[3];
idVec5 * newPoints;
int newNumPoints;
const idVec5 * p1, *p2;
idVec5 mid;
idWinding * b;
int maxpts;
assert( this );
dists = (double *) _alloca( (numPoints+4) * sizeof( dists[0] ) );
sides = (byte *) _alloca( (numPoints+4) * sizeof( sides[0] ) );
CalculateSides( p, numPoints, plane, epsilon, dists, sides, counts );
*back = NULL;
// if coplanar, put on the front side if the normals match
if ( !counts[SIDE_FRONT] && !counts[SIDE_BACK] ) {
idPlane windingPlane;
GetPlane( windingPlane );
if ( windingPlane.Normal() * plane.Normal() > 0.0f ) {
return SIDE_FRONT;
} else {
return SIDE_BACK;
// if nothing at the front of the clipping plane
if ( !counts[SIDE_FRONT] ) {
return SIDE_BACK;
// if nothing at the back of the clipping plane
if ( !counts[SIDE_BACK] ) {
return SIDE_FRONT;
maxpts = numPoints+4; // cannot use counts[0]+2 because of fp grouping errors
newPoints = (idVec5 *) _alloca16( maxpts * sizeof( newPoints[0] ) );
newNumPoints = 0;
*back = b = new idWinding( maxpts );
for ( i = 0; i < numPoints; i++ ) {
p1 = &p[i];
if ( sides[i] == SIDE_ON ) {
newPoints[newNumPoints] = *p1;
b->p[b->numPoints] = *p1;
if ( sides[i] == SIDE_FRONT ) {
newPoints[newNumPoints] = *p1;
} else if ( sides[i] == SIDE_BACK ) {
b->p[b->numPoints] = *p1;
if ( sides[i+1] == SIDE_ON || sides[i+1] == sides[i] ) {
// generate a split point
p2 = &p[(i+1)%numPoints];
// always calculate the split going from the same side or minor epsilon issues can happen
if ( sides[i] == SIDE_FRONT ) {
double d = dists[i] / ( dists[i] - dists[i+1] );
for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) {
// avoid round off error when possible
if ( plane.Normal()[j] == 1.0f ) {
mid[j] = plane.Dist();
} else if ( plane.Normal()[j] == -1.0f ) {
mid[j] = -plane.Dist();
} else {
mid[j] = (double)(*p1)[j] + d * ( (double)(*p2)[j] - (double)(*p1)[j] );
mid.s = (double)p1->s + d * ( (double)p2->s - (double)p1->s );
mid.t = (double)p1->t + d * ( (double)p2->t - (double)p1->t );
} else {
double d = dists[i+1] / ( dists[i+1] - dists[i] );
for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) {
// avoid round off error when possible
if ( plane.Normal()[j] == 1.0f ) {
mid[j] = plane.Dist();
} else if ( plane.Normal()[j] == -1.0f ) {
mid[j] = -plane.Dist();
} else {
mid[j] = (double)(*p2)[j] + d * ( (double)(*p1)[j] - (double)(*p2)[j] );
mid.s = (double)p2->s + d * ( (double)p1->s - (double)p2->s );
mid.t = (double)p2->t + d * ( (double)p1->t - (double)p2->t );
newPoints[newNumPoints] = mid;
b->p[b->numPoints] = mid;
if ( !EnsureAlloced( newNumPoints, false ) ) {
return true;
numPoints = newNumPoints;
memcpy( p, newPoints, newNumPoints * sizeof( p[0] ) );
if ( numPoints > maxpts || b->numPoints > maxpts ) {
idLib::common->FatalError( "idWinding::Split: points exceeded estimate." );
return SIDE_CROSS;
bool idWinding::ClipInPlace( const idPlane &plane, const float epsilon, const bool keepOn ) {
int i, j;
double * dists;
byte * sides;
int counts[3];
idVec5 * newPoints;
int newNumPoints;
idVec5 * p1, *p2;
idVec5 mid;
int maxpts;
assert( this );
dists = (double *) _alloca( (numPoints+4) * sizeof( dists[0] ) );
sides = (byte *) _alloca( (numPoints+4) * sizeof( sides[0] ) );
CalculateSides( p, numPoints, plane, epsilon, dists, sides, counts );
// if the winding is on the plane and we should keep it
if ( keepOn && !counts[SIDE_FRONT] && !counts[SIDE_BACK] ) {
return true;
// if nothing at the front of the clipping plane
if ( !counts[SIDE_FRONT] ) {
numPoints = 0;
return false;
// if nothing at the back of the clipping plane
if ( !counts[SIDE_BACK] ) {
return true;
maxpts = numPoints + 4; // cannot use counts[0]+2 because of fp grouping errors
newPoints = (idVec5 *) _alloca16( maxpts * sizeof( newPoints[0] ) );
newNumPoints = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < numPoints; i++ ) {
p1 = &p[i];
if ( sides[i] == SIDE_ON ) {
newPoints[newNumPoints] = *p1;
if ( sides[i] == SIDE_FRONT ) {
newPoints[newNumPoints] = *p1;
if ( sides[i+1] == SIDE_ON || sides[i+1] == sides[i] ) {
// generate a split point
p2 = &p[(i+1)%numPoints];
// always calculate the split going from the same side or minor epsilon issues can happen
if ( sides[i] == SIDE_FRONT ) {
double d = dists[i] / ( dists[i] - dists[i+1] );
for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) {
// avoid round off error when possible
if ( plane.Normal()[j] == 1.0f ) {
mid[j] = plane.Dist();
} else if ( plane.Normal()[j] == -1.0f ) {
mid[j] = -plane.Dist();
} else {
mid[j] = (double)(*p1)[j] + d * ( (double)(*p2)[j] - (double)(*p1)[j] );
mid.s = (double)p1->s + d * ( (double)p2->s - (double)p1->s );
mid.t = (double)p1->t + d * ( (double)p2->t - (double)p1->t );
} else {
double d = dists[i+1] / ( dists[i+1] - dists[i] );
for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) {
// avoid round off error when possible
if ( plane.Normal()[j] == 1.0f ) {
mid[j] = plane.Dist();
} else if ( plane.Normal()[j] == -1.0f ) {
mid[j] = -plane.Dist();
} else {
mid[j] = (double)(*p2)[j] + d * ( (double)(*p1)[j] - (double)(*p2)[j] );
mid.s = (double)p2->s + d * ( (double)p1->s - (double)p2->s );
mid.t = (double)p2->t + d * ( (double)p1->t - (double)p2->t );
newPoints[newNumPoints] = mid;
if ( !EnsureAlloced( newNumPoints, false ) ) {
return true;
numPoints = newNumPoints;
memcpy( p, newPoints, newNumPoints * sizeof( p[0] ) );
return true;
int *CopyEdgeNums( const int *edgeNums, const int numEdgeNums ) {
int *newEdgeNums = new int[numEdgeNums];
for ( int i = 0; i < numEdgeNums; i++ ) {
newEdgeNums[i] = edgeNums[i];
return newEdgeNums;
int idWinding::SplitWithEdgeNums( const int *edgeNums, const idPlane &plane, const int edgeNum, const float epsilon,
idWinding **front, idWinding **back, int **frontEdgeNums, int **backEdgeNums ) const {
int i, j;
double * dists;
byte * sides;
int counts[3];
const idVec5 * p1, *p2;
idVec5 mid;
idWinding * f, *b;
int * fe, *be;
int maxpts;
assert( this );
dists = (double *) _alloca( (numPoints+4) * sizeof( dists[0] ) );
sides = (byte *) _alloca( (numPoints+4) * sizeof( sides[0] ) );
CalculateSides( p, numPoints, plane, epsilon, dists, sides, counts );
*front = *back = NULL;
*frontEdgeNums = *backEdgeNums = NULL;
// if coplanar, put on the front side if the normals match
if ( !counts[SIDE_FRONT] && !counts[SIDE_BACK] ) {
idPlane windingPlane;
GetPlane( windingPlane );
if ( windingPlane.Normal() * plane.Normal() > 0.0f ) {
*frontEdgeNums = CopyEdgeNums( edgeNums, numPoints );
*front = Copy();
return SIDE_FRONT;
} else {
*backEdgeNums = CopyEdgeNums( edgeNums, numPoints );
*back = Copy();
return SIDE_BACK;
// if nothing at the front of the clipping plane
if ( !counts[SIDE_FRONT] ) {
*backEdgeNums = CopyEdgeNums( edgeNums, numPoints );
*back = Copy();
return SIDE_BACK;
// if nothing at the back of the clipping plane
if ( !counts[SIDE_BACK] ) {
*frontEdgeNums = CopyEdgeNums( edgeNums, numPoints );
*front = Copy();
return SIDE_FRONT;
maxpts = numPoints+4; // cannot use counts[0]+2 because of fp grouping errors
*front = f = new idWinding( maxpts );
*back = b = new idWinding( maxpts );
*frontEdgeNums = fe = new int[maxpts];
*backEdgeNums = be = new int[maxpts];
for ( i = 0; i < numPoints; i++ ) {
p1 = &p[i];
if ( sides[i] == SIDE_ON ) {
if ( sides[i+1] == SIDE_FRONT ) {
fe[f->numPoints] = edgeNums[i];
be[b->numPoints] = edgeNum;
} else if ( sides[i+1] == SIDE_BACK ) {
fe[f->numPoints] = edgeNum;
be[b->numPoints] = edgeNums[i];
} else {
fe[f->numPoints] = edgeNums[i];
be[b->numPoints] = edgeNums[i];
f->p[f->numPoints] = *p1;
b->p[b->numPoints] = *p1;
if ( sides[i] == SIDE_FRONT ) {
fe[f->numPoints] = edgeNums[i];
f->p[f->numPoints] = *p1;
} else if ( sides[i] == SIDE_BACK ) {
be[b->numPoints] = edgeNums[i];
b->p[b->numPoints] = *p1;
if ( sides[i+1] == SIDE_ON || sides[i+1] == sides[i] ) {
// generate a split point
p2 = &p[(i+1)%numPoints];
// always calculate the split going from the same side or minor epsilon issues can happen
if ( sides[i] == SIDE_FRONT ) {
double d = dists[i] / ( dists[i] - dists[i+1] );
for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) {
// avoid round off error when possible
if ( plane.Normal()[j] == 1.0f ) {
mid[j] = plane.Dist();
} else if ( plane.Normal()[j] == -1.0f ) {
mid[j] = -plane.Dist();
} else {
mid[j] = (double)(*p1)[j] + d * ( (double)(*p2)[j] - (double)(*p1)[j] );
mid.s = (double)p1->s + d * ( (double)p2->s - (double)p1->s );
mid.t = (double)p1->t + d * ( (double)p2->t - (double)p1->t );
fe[f->numPoints] = edgeNum;
be[b->numPoints] = edgeNums[i];
} else {
double d = dists[i+1] / ( dists[i+1] - dists[i] );
for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) {
// avoid round off error when possible
if ( plane.Normal()[j] == 1.0f ) {
mid[j] = plane.Dist();
} else if ( plane.Normal()[j] == -1.0f ) {
mid[j] = -plane.Dist();
} else {
mid[j] = (double)(*p2)[j] + d * ( (double)(*p1)[j] - (double)(*p2)[j] );
mid.s = (double)p2->s + d * ( (double)p1->s - (double)p2->s );
mid.t = (double)p2->t + d * ( (double)p1->t - (double)p2->t );
fe[f->numPoints] = edgeNums[i];
be[b->numPoints] = edgeNum;
f->p[f->numPoints] = mid;
b->p[b->numPoints] = mid;
if ( f->numPoints > maxpts || b->numPoints > maxpts ) {
idLib::common->FatalError( "idWinding::Split: points exceeded estimate." );
return SIDE_CROSS;
int idWinding::SplitInPlaceWithEdgeNums( idList<int> &edgeNums, const idPlane &plane, const float epsilon, idWinding **back, int **backEdgePlanes ) {
assert( 0 );
return SIDE_FRONT;
int idWinding::ClipInPlaceWithEdgeNums( idList<int> &edgeNums, const idPlane &plane, const int edgeNum, const float epsilon, const bool keepOn ) {
int i, j;
double * dists;
byte * sides;
int counts[3];
idVec5 * newPoints;
int * newEdgeNums;
int newNumPoints;
idVec5 * p1, *p2;
idVec5 mid;
int maxpts;
assert( this );
dists = (double *) _alloca( (numPoints+4) * sizeof( dists[0] ) );
sides = (byte *) _alloca( (numPoints+4) * sizeof( sides[0] ) );
CalculateSides( p, numPoints, plane, epsilon, dists, sides, counts );
// if the winding is on the plane and we should keep it
if ( keepOn && !counts[SIDE_FRONT] && !counts[SIDE_BACK] ) {
return SIDE_ON;
// if nothing at the front of the clipping plane
if ( !counts[SIDE_FRONT] ) {
numPoints = 0;
return SIDE_BACK;
// if nothing at the back of the clipping plane
if ( !counts[SIDE_BACK] ) {
return SIDE_FRONT;
maxpts = numPoints + 4; // cannot use counts[0]+2 because of fp grouping errors
newPoints = (idVec5 *) _alloca16( maxpts * sizeof( newPoints[0] ) );
newEdgeNums = (int *) _alloca16( maxpts * sizeof( newEdgeNums[0] ) );
newNumPoints = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < numPoints; i++ ) {
p1 = &p[i];
if ( sides[i] == SIDE_ON ) {
if ( sides[i+1] == SIDE_FRONT ) {
newEdgeNums[newNumPoints] = edgeNums[i];
} else if ( sides[i+1] == SIDE_BACK ) {
newEdgeNums[newNumPoints] = edgeNum;
} else {
newEdgeNums[newNumPoints] = edgeNums[i];
newPoints[newNumPoints] = *p1;
if ( sides[i] == SIDE_FRONT ) {
newEdgeNums[newNumPoints] = edgeNums[i];
newPoints[newNumPoints] = *p1;
if ( sides[i+1] == SIDE_ON || sides[i+1] == sides[i] ) {
// generate a split point
p2 = &p[(i+1)%numPoints];
// always calculate the split going from the same side or minor epsilon issues can happen
if ( sides[i] == SIDE_FRONT ) {
double d = dists[i] / ( dists[i] - dists[i+1] );
for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) {
// avoid round off error when possible
if ( plane.Normal()[j] == 1.0f ) {
mid[j] = plane.Dist();
} else if ( plane.Normal()[j] == -1.0f ) {
mid[j] = -plane.Dist();
} else {
mid[j] = (double)(*p1)[j] + d * ( (double)(*p2)[j] - (double)(*p1)[j] );
mid.s = (double)p1->s + d * ( (double)p2->s - (double)p1->s );
mid.t = (double)p1->t + d * ( (double)p2->t - (double)p1->t );
newEdgeNums[newNumPoints] = edgeNum;
} else {
double d = dists[i+1] / ( dists[i+1] - dists[i] );
for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) {
// avoid round off error when possible
if ( plane.Normal()[j] == 1.0f ) {
mid[j] = plane.Dist();
} else if ( plane.Normal()[j] == -1.0f ) {
mid[j] = -plane.Dist();
} else {
mid[j] = (double)(*p2)[j] + d * ( (double)(*p1)[j] - (double)(*p2)[j] );
mid.s = (double)p2->s + d * ( (double)p1->s - (double)p2->s );
mid.t = (double)p2->t + d * ( (double)p1->t - (double)p2->t );
newEdgeNums[newNumPoints] = edgeNums[i];
newPoints[newNumPoints] = mid;
if ( !EnsureAlloced( newNumPoints, false ) ) {
return true;
numPoints = newNumPoints;
memcpy( p, newPoints, newNumPoints * sizeof( p[0] ) );
edgeNums.SetNum( newNumPoints, false );
memcpy( edgeNums.Begin(), newEdgeNums, newNumPoints * sizeof( edgeNums[0] ) );
return SIDE_CROSS;
idWinding *idWinding::Copy( void ) const {
idWinding *w;
w = new idWinding( numPoints );
w->numPoints = numPoints;
memcpy( w->p, p, numPoints * sizeof(p[0]) );
return w;
idWinding *idWinding::Reverse( void ) const {
idWinding *w;
int i;
w = new idWinding( numPoints );
w->numPoints = numPoints;
for ( i = 0; i < numPoints; i++ ) {
w->p[ numPoints - i - 1 ] = p[i];
return w;
void idWinding::ReverseSelf( void ) {
idVec5 v;
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < (numPoints>>1); i++ ) {
v = p[i];
p[i] = p[numPoints - i - 1];
p[numPoints - i - 1] = v;
bool idWinding::Check( bool print ) const {
int i, j;
float d, edgedist;
idVec3 dir, edgenormal;
float area;
idPlane plane;
if ( numPoints < 3 ) {
if ( print ) {
idLib::common->Printf( "idWinding::Check: only %i points.", numPoints );
return false;
area = GetArea();
if ( area < 1.0f ) {
if ( print ) {
idLib::common->Printf( "idWinding::Check: tiny area: %f", area );
return false;
GetPlane( plane );
for ( i = 0; i < numPoints; i++ ) {
const idVec3 &p1 = p[i].ToVec3();
// check if the winding is huge
for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) {
if ( p1[j] >= MAX_WORLD_COORD || p1[j] <= MIN_WORLD_COORD ) {
if ( print ) {
idLib::common->Printf( "idWinding::Check: point %d outside world %c-axis: %f", i, 'X'+j, p1[j] );
return false;
j = i + 1 == numPoints ? 0 : i + 1;
// check if the point is on the face plane
d = p1 * plane.Normal() + plane[3];
if ( d < -ON_EPSILON || d > ON_EPSILON ) {
if ( print ) {
idLib::common->Printf( "idWinding::Check: point %d off plane.", i );
return false;
// check if the edge isn't degenerate
const idVec3 &p2 = p[j].ToVec3();
dir = p2 - p1;
if ( dir.Length() < ON_EPSILON) {
if ( print ) {
idLib::common->Printf( "idWinding::Check: edge %d is degenerate.", i );
return false;
// check if the winding is convex
edgenormal = plane.Normal().Cross( dir );
edgedist = p1 * edgenormal;
edgedist += ON_EPSILON;
// all other points must be on front side
for ( j = 0; j < numPoints; j++ ) {
if ( j == i ) {
d = p[j].ToVec3() * edgenormal;
if ( d > edgedist ) {
if ( print ) {
idLib::common->Printf( "idWinding::Check: non-convex." );
return false;
return true;
float idWinding::GetArea( void ) const {
int i;
idVec3 d1, d2, cross;
float total;
total = 0.0f;
for ( i = 2; i < numPoints; i++ ) {
d1 = p[i-1].ToVec3() - p[0].ToVec3();
d2 = p[i].ToVec3() - p[0].ToVec3();
cross = d1.Cross( d2 );
total += cross.Length();
return total * 0.5f;
float idWinding::GetRadius( const idVec3 &center ) const {
int i;
float radius, r;
idVec3 dir;
radius = 0.0f;
for ( i = 0; i < numPoints; i++ ) {
dir = p[i].ToVec3() - center;
r = dir * dir;
if ( r > radius ) {
radius = r;
return idMath::Sqrt( radius );
idVec3 idWinding::GetCenter( void ) const {
int i;
idVec3 center;
for ( i = 0; i < numPoints; i++ ) {
center += p[i].ToVec3();
center *= ( 1.0f / numPoints );
return center;
idVec3 idWinding::GetNormal( void ) const {
idVec3 v1, v2, center, normal;
if ( numPoints < 3 ) {
return normal;
center = GetCenter();
v1 = p[0].ToVec3() - center;
v2 = p[1].ToVec3() - center;
normal = v2.Cross( v1 );
return normal;
void idWinding::GetPlane( idVec3 &normal, float &dist ) const {
idVec3 v1, v2, center;
if ( numPoints < 3 ) {
dist = 0.0f;
center = GetCenter();
v1 = p[0].ToVec3() - center;
v2 = p[1].ToVec3() - center;
normal = v2.Cross( v1 );
dist = p[0].ToVec3() * normal;
void idWinding::GetPlane( idPlane &plane ) const {
idVec3 v1, v2;
idVec3 center;
if ( numPoints < 3 ) {
center = GetCenter();
v1 = p[0].ToVec3() - center;
v2 = p[1].ToVec3() - center;
plane.SetNormal( v2.Cross( v1 ) );
plane.FitThroughPoint( p[0].ToVec3() );
idPlane idWinding::GetPlane() const {
idPlane toReturn;
GetPlane( toReturn );
return toReturn;
void idWinding::GetBounds( idBounds &bounds ) const {
int i;
if ( !numPoints ) {
bounds[0] = bounds[1] = p[0].ToVec3();
for ( i = 1; i < numPoints; i++ ) {
if ( p[i].x < bounds[0].x ) {
bounds[0].x = p[i].x;
} else if ( p[i].x > bounds[1].x ) {
bounds[1].x = p[i].x;
if ( p[i].y < bounds[0].y ) {
bounds[0].y = p[i].y;
} else if ( p[i].y > bounds[1].y ) {
bounds[1].y = p[i].y;
if ( p[i].z < bounds[0].z ) {
bounds[0].z = p[i].z;
} else if ( p[i].z > bounds[1].z ) {
bounds[1].z = p[i].z;
idBounds idWinding::GetBounds() const {
idBounds toReturn;
GetBounds( toReturn );
return toReturn;
void idWinding::RemoveEqualPoints( const float epsilon ) {
int i, j;
for ( i = 0; i < numPoints; i++ ) {
if ( (p[i].ToVec3() - p[(i+numPoints-1)%numPoints].ToVec3()).LengthSqr() >= Square( epsilon ) ) {
for ( j = i; j < numPoints; j++ ) {
p[j] = p[j+1];
void idWinding::RemoveColinearPoints( const idVec3 &normal, const float epsilon ) {
int i, j;
idVec3 edgeNormal;
float dist;
if ( numPoints <= 3 ) {
for ( i = 0; i < numPoints; i++ ) {
// create plane through edge orthogonal to winding plane
edgeNormal = (p[i].ToVec3() - p[(i+numPoints-1)%numPoints].ToVec3()).Cross( normal );
dist = edgeNormal * p[i].ToVec3();
if ( idMath::Fabs( edgeNormal * p[(i+1)%numPoints].ToVec3() - dist ) > epsilon ) {
for ( j = i; j < numPoints; j++ ) {
p[j] = p[j+1];
Adds the given winding to the convex hull.
Assumes the current winding already is a convex hull with three or more points.
void idWinding::AddToConvexHull( const idWinding *winding, const idVec3 &normal, const float epsilon ) {
int i, j, k;
idVec3 dir;
float d;
int maxPts;
idVec3 * hullDirs;
bool * hullSide;
bool outside;
int numNewHullPoints;
idVec5 * newHullPoints;
if ( !winding ) {
maxPts = this->numPoints + winding->numPoints;
if ( !this->EnsureAlloced( maxPts, true ) ) {
newHullPoints = (idVec5 *) _alloca( maxPts * sizeof( idVec5 ) );
hullDirs = (idVec3 *) _alloca( maxPts * sizeof( idVec3 ) );
hullSide = (bool *) _alloca( maxPts * sizeof( bool ) );
for ( i = 0; i < winding->numPoints; i++ ) {
const idVec5 &p1 = winding->p[i];
// calculate hull edge vectors
for ( j = 0; j < this->numPoints; j++ ) {
dir = this->p[ (j + 1) % this->numPoints ].ToVec3() - this->p[ j ].ToVec3();
hullDirs[j] = normal.Cross( dir );
// calculate side for each hull edge
outside = false;
for ( j = 0; j < this->numPoints; j++ ) {
dir = p1.ToVec3() - this->p[j].ToVec3();
d = dir * hullDirs[j];
if ( d >= epsilon ) {
outside = true;
if ( d >= -epsilon ) {
hullSide[j] = true;
} else {
hullSide[j] = false;
// if the point is effectively inside, do nothing
if ( !outside ) {
// find the back side to front side transition
for ( j = 0; j < this->numPoints; j++ ) {
if ( !hullSide[ j ] && hullSide[ (j + 1) % this->numPoints ] ) {
if ( j >= this->numPoints ) {
// insert the point here
newHullPoints[0] = p1;
numNewHullPoints = 1;
// copy over all points that aren't double fronts
j = (j+1) % this->numPoints;
for ( k = 0; k < this->numPoints; k++ ) {
if ( hullSide[ (j+k) % this->numPoints ] && hullSide[ (j+k+1) % this->numPoints ] ) {
newHullPoints[numNewHullPoints] = this->p[ (j+k+1) % this->numPoints ];
this->numPoints = numNewHullPoints;
memcpy( this->p, newHullPoints, numNewHullPoints * sizeof(idVec5) );
Add a point to the convex hull.
The current winding must be convex but may be degenerate and can have less than three points.
void idWinding::AddToConvexHull( const idVec3 &point, const idVec3 &normal, const float epsilon ) {
int j, k, numHullPoints;
idVec3 dir;
float d;
idVec3 * hullDirs;
bool * hullSide;
idVec5 * hullPoints;
bool outside;
switch( numPoints ) {
case 0: {
p[0] = point;
case 1: {
// don't add the same point second
if ( p[0].ToVec3().Compare( point, epsilon ) ) {
p[1].ToVec3() = point;
case 2: {
// don't add a point if it already exists
if ( p[0].ToVec3().Compare( point, epsilon ) || p[1].ToVec3().Compare( point, epsilon ) ) {
// if only two points make sure we have the right ordering according to the normal
dir = point - p[0].ToVec3();
dir = dir.Cross( p[1].ToVec3() - p[0].ToVec3() );
if ( dir[0] == 0.0f && dir[1] == 0.0f && dir[2] == 0.0f ) {
// points don't make a plane
if ( dir * normal > 0.0f ) {
p[2].ToVec3() = point;
else {
p[2] = p[1];
p[1].ToVec3() = point;
hullDirs = (idVec3 *) _alloca( numPoints * sizeof( idVec3 ) );
hullSide = (bool *) _alloca( numPoints * sizeof( bool ) );
// calculate hull edge vectors
for ( j = 0; j < numPoints; j++ ) {
dir = p[(j + 1) % numPoints].ToVec3() - p[j].ToVec3();
hullDirs[j] = normal.Cross( dir );
// calculate side for each hull edge
outside = false;
for ( j = 0; j < numPoints; j++ ) {
dir = point - p[j].ToVec3();
d = dir * hullDirs[j];
if ( d >= epsilon ) {
outside = true;
if ( d >= -epsilon ) {
hullSide[j] = true;
} else {
hullSide[j] = false;
// if the point is effectively inside, do nothing
if ( !outside ) {
// find the back side to front side transition
for ( j = 0; j < numPoints; j++ ) {
if ( !hullSide[ j ] && hullSide[ (j + 1) % numPoints ] ) {
if ( j >= numPoints ) {
hullPoints = (idVec5 *) _alloca( (numPoints+1) * sizeof( idVec5 ) );
// insert the point here
hullPoints[0] = point;
numHullPoints = 1;
// copy over all points that aren't double fronts
j = (j+1) % numPoints;
for ( k = 0; k < numPoints; k++ ) {
if ( hullSide[ (j+k) % numPoints ] && hullSide[ (j+k+1) % numPoints ] ) {
hullPoints[numHullPoints] = p[ (j+k+1) % numPoints ];
if ( !EnsureAlloced( numHullPoints, false ) ) {
numPoints = numHullPoints;
memcpy( p, hullPoints, numHullPoints * sizeof(idVec5) );
idWinding *idWinding::TryMerge( const idWinding &w, const idVec3 &planenormal, int keep ) const {
idVec3 *p1, *p2, *p3, *p4, *back;
idWinding *newf;
const idWinding *f1, *f2;
int i, j, k, l;
idVec3 normal, delta;
float dot;
bool keep1, keep2;
f1 = this;
f2 = &w;
// find a idLib::common edge
p1 = p2 = NULL; // stop compiler warning
j = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < f1->numPoints; i++ ) {
p1 = &f1->p[i].ToVec3();
p2 = &f1->p[(i+1) % f1->numPoints].ToVec3();
for ( j = 0; j < f2->numPoints; j++ ) {
p3 = &f2->p[j].ToVec3();
p4 = &f2->p[(j+1) % f2->numPoints].ToVec3();
for (k = 0; k < 3; k++ ) {
if ( idMath::Fabs((*p1)[k] - (*p4)[k]) > 0.1f ) {
if ( idMath::Fabs((*p2)[k] - (*p3)[k]) > 0.1f ) {
if ( k == 3 ) {
if ( j < f2->numPoints ) {
if ( i == f1->numPoints ) {
return NULL; // no matching edges
// check slope of connected lines
// if the slopes are colinear, the point can be removed
back = &f1->p[(i+f1->numPoints-1)%f1->numPoints].ToVec3();
delta = (*p1) - (*back);
normal = planenormal.Cross(delta);
back = &f2->p[(j+2)%f2->numPoints].ToVec3();
delta = (*back) - (*p1);
dot = delta * normal;
return NULL; // not a convex polygon
keep1 = (bool)(dot < -CONTINUOUS_EPSILON);
back = &f1->p[(i+2)%f1->numPoints].ToVec3();
delta = (*back) - (*p2);
normal = planenormal.Cross( delta );
back = &f2->p[(j+f2->numPoints-1)%f2->numPoints].ToVec3();
delta = (*back) - (*p2);
dot = delta * normal;
return NULL; // not a convex polygon
keep2 = (bool)(dot < -CONTINUOUS_EPSILON);
// build the new polygon
newf = new idWinding( f1->numPoints + f2->numPoints );
// copy first polygon
for ( k = (i+1) % f1->numPoints; k != i; k = (k+1) % f1->numPoints ) {
if ( !keep && k == (i+1) % f1->numPoints && !keep2 ) {
newf->p[newf->numPoints] = f1->p[k];
// copy second polygon
for ( l = (j+1) % f2->numPoints; l != j; l = (l+1) % f2->numPoints ) {
if ( !keep && l == (j+1) % f2->numPoints && !keep1 ) {
newf->p[newf->numPoints] = f2->p[l];
return newf;
void idWinding::RemovePoint( int point ) {
if ( point < 0 || point >= numPoints ) {
idLib::common->FatalError( "idWinding::removePoint: point out of range" );
if ( point < numPoints - 1) {
memmove(&p[point], &p[point+1], (numPoints - point - 1) * sizeof(p[0]) );
void idWinding::InsertPoint( const idVec3 &point, int spot ) {
int i;
if ( spot > numPoints ) {
idLib::common->FatalError( "idWinding::insertPoint: spot > numPoints" );
if ( spot < 0 ) {
idLib::common->FatalError( "idWinding::insertPoint: spot < 0" );
EnsureAlloced( numPoints+1, true );
for ( i = numPoints; i > spot; i-- ) {
p[i] = p[i-1];
p[spot] = point;
bool idWinding::InsertPointIfOnEdge( const idVec3 &point, const idPlane &plane, const float epsilon, int *index ) {
int i;
float d, len;
idVec3 dir, projected;
// point may not be too far from the winding plane
if ( idMath::Fabs( plane.Distance( point ) ) > epsilon ) {
return false;
for ( i = 0; i < numPoints; i++ ) {
const idVec3 &p0 = p[i].ToVec3();
const idVec3 &p1 = p[(i+1)%numPoints].ToVec3();
dir = p1 - p0;
len = dir.Normalize();
// skip if the point is close to one of the edge points
d = ( ( point - p0 ) * dir );
if ( d <= epsilon || d >= len - epsilon ) {
// make sure the point is on the edge
projected = p0 + d * dir;
d = ( projected - point ).LengthSqr();
if ( d >= epsilon * epsilon ) {
InsertPoint( projected, i+1 );
if ( index != NULL ) {
*index = i+1;
return true;
return false;
int idWinding::CreateTriangles( int *indices, const float epsilon ) const {
int i, a, b, c, bestCorner;
float lengthSqr, dist1Sqr, dist2Sqr, bestDistSqr;
idVec3 v1, v2;
assert( numPoints >= 3 );
if ( numPoints == 3 ) {
for ( i = 0; i < numPoints; i++ ) {
indices[i] = i;
return numPoints;
bestDistSqr = 0.0f;
bestCorner = -1;
for ( i = 0; i < numPoints; i++ ) {
a = i;
b = ( i + 1 ) % numPoints;
c = ( i + 2 ) % numPoints;
v1 = p[c].ToVec3() - p[a].ToVec3();
v2 = p[b].ToVec3() - p[a].ToVec3();
lengthSqr = v1.LengthSqr();
if ( lengthSqr < epsilon * epsilon ) {
v1 = v2 - ( v1 * v2 / lengthSqr ) * v1;
dist1Sqr = v1.LengthSqr();
if ( dist1Sqr < epsilon * epsilon ) {
a = i;
b = ( i - 2 + numPoints ) % numPoints;
c = ( i - 1 + numPoints ) % numPoints;
v1 = p[c].ToVec3() - p[a].ToVec3();
v2 = p[b].ToVec3() - p[a].ToVec3();
lengthSqr = v1.LengthSqr();
if ( lengthSqr < epsilon * epsilon ) {
v1 = v2 - ( v1 * v2 / lengthSqr ) * v1;
dist2Sqr = v1.LengthSqr();
if ( dist2Sqr < epsilon * epsilon ) {
if ( dist1Sqr + dist2Sqr > bestDistSqr ) {
bestDistSqr = dist1Sqr + dist2Sqr;
bestCorner = i;
if ( bestCorner != -1 ) {
// fan out from corner
for ( i = 0; i < numPoints - 2; i++ ) {
indices[i*3+0] = bestCorner;
indices[i*3+1] = ( bestCorner + i + 1 ) % numPoints;
indices[i*3+2] = ( bestCorner + i + 2 ) % numPoints;
return ( numPoints - 2 ) * 3;
} else {
// fan out from center
// FIXME: could also try ear clipping
for ( i = 0; i < numPoints; i++ ) {
indices[i*3+0] = numPoints; // index of center = numPoints
indices[i*3+1] = i;
indices[i*3+2] = ( i + 1 ) % numPoints;
return numPoints * 3;
#define EDGE_LENGTH 0.2f
bool idWinding::IsTiny( void ) const {
int i;
float len;
idVec3 delta;
int edges;
edges = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < numPoints; i++ ) {
delta = p[(i+1)%numPoints].ToVec3() - p[i].ToVec3();
len = delta.Length();
if ( len > EDGE_LENGTH ) {
if ( ++edges == 3 ) {
return false;
return true;
bool idWinding::IsTiny( float epsilon ) const {
int i;
float len;
idVec3 delta;
int edges;
edges = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < numPoints; i++ ) {
delta = p[(i+1)%numPoints].ToVec3() - p[i].ToVec3();
len = delta.Length();
if ( len > epsilon ) {
if ( ++edges == 3 ) {
return false;
return true;
bool idWinding::IsHuge( float radius ) const {
int i, j;
for ( i = 0; i < numPoints; i++ ) {
for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) {
if ( p[i][j] <= -radius || p[i][j] >= radius ) {
return true;
return false;
bool idWinding::IsHuge( void ) const {
int i, j;
for ( i = 0; i < numPoints; i++ ) {
for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) {
if ( p[i][j] <= MIN_WORLD_COORD || p[i][j] >= MAX_WORLD_COORD ) {
return true;
return false;
void idWinding::Print( void ) const {
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < numPoints; i++ ) {
idLib::common->Printf( "(%5.1f, %5.1f, %5.1f)\n", p[i][0], p[i][1], p[i][2] );
float idWinding::PlaneDistance( const idPlane &plane ) const {
int i;
float d, min, max;
min = idMath::INFINITY;
max = -idMath::INFINITY;
for ( i = 0; i < numPoints; i++ ) {
d = plane.Distance( p[i].ToVec3() );
if ( d < min ) {
min = d;
return 0.0f;
if ( d > max ) {
max = d;
return 0.0f;
return min;
if ( IEEE_FLT_SIGNBITSET( max ) ) {
return max;
return 0.0f;
int idWinding::PlaneSide( const idPlane &plane, const float epsilon ) const {
bool front, back;
int i;
float d;
front = false;
back = false;
for ( i = 0; i < numPoints; i++ ) {
d = plane.Distance( p[i].ToVec3() );
if ( d < -epsilon ) {
if ( front ) {
return SIDE_CROSS;
back = true;
} else if ( d > epsilon ) {
if ( back ) {
return SIDE_CROSS;
front = true;
if ( back ) {
return SIDE_BACK;
if ( front ) {
return SIDE_FRONT;
return SIDE_ON;
#define WCONVEX_EPSILON 0.2f
bool idWinding::PlanesConcave( const idWinding &w2, const idVec3 &normal1, const idVec3 &normal2, float dist1, float dist2 ) const {
int i;
// check if one of the points of winding 1 is at the back of the plane of winding 2
for ( i = 0; i < numPoints; i++ ) {
if ( normal2 * p[i].ToVec3() - dist2 > WCONVEX_EPSILON ) {
return true;
// check if one of the points of winding 2 is at the back of the plane of winding 1
for ( i = 0; i < w2.numPoints; i++ ) {
if ( normal1 * w2.p[i].ToVec3() - dist1 > WCONVEX_EPSILON ) {
return true;
return false;
bool idWinding::PointInside( const idVec3 &normal, const idVec3 &point, const float epsilon ) const {
int i;
idVec3 dir, n, pointvec;
for ( i = 0; i < numPoints; i++ ) {
dir = p[(i+1) % numPoints].ToVec3() - p[i].ToVec3();
pointvec = point - p[i].ToVec3();
n = dir.Cross( normal );
if ( pointvec * n < -epsilon ) {
return false;
return true;
bool idWinding::LineIntersection( const idPlane &windingPlane, const idVec3 &start, const idVec3 &end, bool backFaceCull ) const {
float front, back, frac;
idVec3 mid;
front = windingPlane.Distance( start );
back = windingPlane.Distance( end );
// if both points at the same side of the plane
if ( front < 0.0f && back < 0.0f ) {
return false;
if ( front > 0.0f && back > 0.0f ) {
return false;
// if back face culled
if ( backFaceCull && front < 0.0f ) {
return false;
// get point of intersection with winding plane
if ( idMath::Fabs(front - back) < 0.0001f ) {
mid = end;
else {
frac = front / (front - back);
mid[0] = start[0] + (end[0] - start[0]) * frac;
mid[1] = start[1] + (end[1] - start[1]) * frac;
mid[2] = start[2] + (end[2] - start[2]) * frac;
return PointInside( windingPlane.Normal(), mid, 0.0f );
bool idWinding::RayIntersection( const idPlane &windingPlane, const idVec3 &start, const idVec3 &dir, float &scale, bool backFaceCull ) const {
int i;
bool side, lastside = false;
idPluecker pl1, pl2;
scale = 0.0f;
pl1.FromRay( start, dir );
for ( i = 0; i < numPoints; i++ ) {
pl2.FromLine( p[i].ToVec3(), p[(i+1)%numPoints].ToVec3() );
side = pl1.PermutedInnerProduct( pl2 ) > 0.0f;
if ( i && side != lastside ) {
return false;
lastside = side;
if ( !backFaceCull || lastside ) {
windingPlane.RayIntersection( start, dir, scale );
return true;
return false;
// idGrowingWinding
bool idGrowingWinding::ReAllocate( int n, bool keep ) {
idVec5 *oldP = p;
n = (n+3) & ~3; // align up to multiple of four
p = new idVec5[n];
if ( oldP ) {
if ( keep ) {
memcpy( p, oldP, numPoints * sizeof(p[0]) );
if ( oldP != data ) {
delete[] oldP;
allocedSize = n;
return true;
// idFixedWinding
bool idFixedWinding::ReAllocate( int n, bool keep ) {
assert( n <= MAX_POINTS_ON_WINDING );
idLib::common->Printf("WARNING: idFixedWinding -> MAX_POINTS_ON_WINDING overflowed\n");
return false;
return true;
int idFixedWinding::SplitInPlace( const idPlane &plane, const float epsilon, idFixedWinding *back ) {
int counts[3];
double dists[MAX_POINTS_ON_WINDING+4];
byte sides[MAX_POINTS_ON_WINDING+4];
int i, j;
idVec5 *p1, *p2;
idVec5 mid;
idFixedWinding out;
CalculateSides( p, numPoints, plane, epsilon, dists, sides, counts );
if ( !counts[SIDE_BACK] ) {
if ( !counts[SIDE_FRONT] ) {
return SIDE_ON;
} else {
return SIDE_FRONT;
if ( !counts[SIDE_FRONT] ) {
return SIDE_BACK;
out.numPoints = 0;
back->numPoints = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < numPoints; i++ ) {
p1 = &p[i];
if ( !out.EnsureAlloced( out.numPoints+1, true ) ) {
return SIDE_FRONT; // can't split -- fall back to original
if ( !back->EnsureAlloced( back->numPoints+1, true ) ) {
return SIDE_FRONT; // can't split -- fall back to original
if ( sides[i] == SIDE_ON ) {
out.p[out.numPoints] = *p1;
back->p[back->numPoints] = *p1;
if ( sides[i] == SIDE_FRONT ) {
out.p[out.numPoints] = *p1;
if ( sides[i] == SIDE_BACK ) {
back->p[back->numPoints] = *p1;
if ( sides[i+1] == SIDE_ON || sides[i+1] == sides[i] ) {
if ( !out.EnsureAlloced( out.numPoints+1, true ) ) {
return SIDE_FRONT; // can't split -- fall back to original
if ( !back->EnsureAlloced( back->numPoints+1, true ) ) {
return SIDE_FRONT; // can't split -- fall back to original
// generate a split point
j = i + 1;
if ( j >= numPoints ) {
p2 = &p[0];
} else {
p2 = &p[j];
double d = dists[i] / ( dists[i] - dists[i+1] );
for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) {
// avoid round off error when possible
if ( plane.Normal()[j] == 1.0f ) {
mid[j] = plane.Dist();
} else if ( plane.Normal()[j] == -1.0f ) {
mid[j] = -plane.Dist();
} else {
mid[j] = (double)(*p1)[j] + d * ( (double)(*p2)[j] - (double)(*p1)[j] );
mid.s = (double)p1->s + d * ( (double)p2->s - (double)p1->s );
mid.t = (double)p1->t + d * ( (double)p2->t - (double)p1->t );
out.p[out.numPoints] = mid;
back->p[back->numPoints] = mid;
for ( i = 0; i < out.numPoints; i++ ) {
p[i] = out.p[i];
numPoints = out.numPoints;
return SIDE_CROSS;