
282 lines
8.7 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2007 Id Software, Inc.
#ifndef __VECTORSET_H__
#define __VECTORSET_H__
template< class type >
struct sdVectorCompare_XYZ {
sdVectorCompare_XYZ( float epsilon_ ) : epsilon( epsilon_ ) {}
bool operator()( const type& lhs, const type& rhs ) const {
for ( int i = 0; i < lhs.GetDimension(); i++ ) {
if ( idMath::Fabs( lhs[i] - rhs[i] ) > epsilon ) {
return false;
return true;
float epsilon;
Vector Set
Creates a set of vectors without duplicates.
template< class type, class boundsType, int dimension >
class idVectorSet : public idList< type > {
idVectorSet( void );
idVectorSet( const boundsType &mins, const boundsType &maxs, const int boxHashSize, const int initialSize );
// returns total size of allocated memory
size_t Allocated( void ) const { return idList<type>::Allocated() + hash.Allocated(); }
// returns total size of allocated memory including size of type
size_t Size( void ) const { return sizeof( *this ) + Allocated(); }
void Init( const boundsType &mins, const boundsType &maxs, const int boxHashSize, const int initialSize );
int HashSizeForBounds( const boundsType &mins, const boundsType &maxs, const float epsilon ) const;
void ResizeIndex( const int newSize );
void SetGranularity( int newGranularity );
void Clear( void );
template< class Cmp >
int FindVector( const type &v, Cmp cmp ) {
int i, j, hashKey, partialHashKey[dimension];
for ( i = 0; i < dimension; i++ ) {
//assert( epsilon <= boxHalfSize[i] );
partialHashKey[i] = (int) ( ( v[i] - mins[i] - boxHalfSize[i] ) * boxInvSize[i] );
for ( i = 0; i < ( 1 << dimension ); i++ ) {
hashKey = 0;
for ( j = 0; j < dimension; j++ ) {
hashKey *= boxHashSize;
hashKey += partialHashKey[j] + ( ( i >> j ) & 1 );
for ( j = hash.GetFirst( hashKey ); j != idHashIndexInt::NULL_INDEX; j = hash.GetNext( j ) ) {
const type &lv = (*this)[j];
if( cmp( lv, v ) ) {
return j;
hashKey = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < dimension; i++ ) {
hashKey *= boxHashSize;
hashKey += (int) ( ( v[i] - mins[i] ) * boxInvSize[i] );
hash.Add( hashKey, Num() );
Append( v );
return Num()-1;
idHashIndexInt hash;
boundsType mins;
boundsType maxs;
int boxHashSize;
float boxInvSize[dimension];
float boxHalfSize[dimension];
template< class type, class boundsType, int dimension >
ID_INLINE idVectorSet<type,boundsType,dimension>::idVectorSet( void ) {
hash.Clear( idMath::IPow( boxHashSize, dimension ), 128 );
boxHashSize = 16;
memset( boxInvSize, 0, dimension * sizeof( boxInvSize[0] ) );
memset( boxHalfSize, 0, dimension * sizeof( boxHalfSize[0] ) );
template< class type, class boundsType, int dimension >
ID_INLINE idVectorSet<type,boundsType,dimension>::idVectorSet( const boundsType &mins, const boundsType &maxs, const int boxHashSize, const int initialSize ) {
Init( mins, maxs, boxHashSize, initialSize );
template< class type, class boundsType, int dimension >
ID_INLINE void idVectorSet<type,boundsType,dimension>::Init( const boundsType &mins, const boundsType &maxs, const int boxHashSize, const int initialSize ) {
int i;
float boxSize;
idList<type>::AssureSize( initialSize );
idList<type>::SetNum( 0, false );
hash.Clear( idMath::IPow( boxHashSize, dimension ), initialSize );
this->mins = mins;
this->maxs = maxs;
this->boxHashSize = boxHashSize;
for ( i = 0; i < dimension; i++ ) {
boxSize = ( maxs[i] - mins[i] ) / (float) boxHashSize;
boxInvSize[i] = 1.0f / boxSize;
boxHalfSize[i] = boxSize * 0.5f;
template< class type, class boundsType, int dimension >
int idVectorSet<type,boundsType,dimension>::HashSizeForBounds( const boundsType &mins, const boundsType &maxs, const float epsilon ) const {
int i;
float min = idMath::INFINITY;
for ( i = 0; i < dimension; i++ ) {
if ( maxs[i] - mins[i] < min ) {
min = maxs[i] - mins[i];
min /= epsilon * 4;
for ( i = 0; i < 7; i++ ) {
if ( ( 1 << i ) > min ) {
return 1 << i;
template< class type, class boundsType, int dimension >
ID_INLINE void idVectorSet<type,boundsType,dimension>::ResizeIndex( const int newSize ) {
idList<type>::Resize( newSize );
hash.ResizeIndex( newSize );
template< class type, class boundsType, int dimension >
ID_INLINE void idVectorSet<type,boundsType,dimension>::SetGranularity( int newGranularity ) {
idList<type>::SetGranularity( newGranularity );
hash.SetGranularity( newGranularity );
template< class type, class boundsType, int dimension >
ID_INLINE void idVectorSet<type,boundsType,dimension>::Clear( void ) {
Vector Subset
Creates a subset without duplicates from an existing list with vectors.
template< class type, int dimension >
class idVectorSubset {
idVectorSubset( void );
idVectorSubset( const type &mins, const type &maxs, const int boxHashSize, const int initialSize );
// returns total size of allocated memory
size_t Allocated( void ) const { return idList<type>::Allocated() + hash.Allocated(); }
// returns total size of allocated memory including size of type
size_t Size( void ) const { return sizeof( *this ) + Allocated(); }
void Init( const type &mins, const type &maxs, const int boxHashSize, const int initialSize );
void Clear( void );
// returns either vectorNum or an index to a previously found vector
int FindVector( const type *vectorList, const int vectorNum, const float epsilon );
idHashIndexInt hash;
type mins;
type maxs;
int boxHashSize;
float boxInvSize[dimension];
float boxHalfSize[dimension];
template< class type, int dimension >
ID_INLINE idVectorSubset<type,dimension>::idVectorSubset( void ) {
hash.Clear( idMath::IPow( boxHashSize, dimension ), 128 );
boxHashSize = 16;
memset( boxInvSize, 0, dimension * sizeof( boxInvSize[0] ) );
memset( boxHalfSize, 0, dimension * sizeof( boxHalfSize[0] ) );
template< class type, int dimension >
ID_INLINE idVectorSubset<type,dimension>::idVectorSubset( const type &mins, const type &maxs, const int boxHashSize, const int initialSize ) {
Init( mins, maxs, boxHashSize, initialSize );
template< class type, int dimension >
ID_INLINE void idVectorSubset<type,dimension>::Init( const type &mins, const type &maxs, const int boxHashSize, const int initialSize ) {
int i;
float boxSize;
hash.Clear( idMath::IPow( boxHashSize, dimension ), initialSize );
this->mins = mins;
this->maxs = maxs;
this->boxHashSize = boxHashSize;
for ( i = 0; i < dimension; i++ ) {
boxSize = ( maxs[i] - mins[i] ) / (float) boxHashSize;
boxInvSize[i] = 1.0f / boxSize;
boxHalfSize[i] = boxSize * 0.5f;
template< class type, int dimension >
ID_INLINE void idVectorSubset<type,dimension>::Clear( void ) {
template< class type, int dimension >
ID_INLINE int idVectorSubset<type,dimension>::FindVector( const type *vectorList, const int vectorNum, const float epsilon ) {
int i, j, k, hashKey, partialHashKey[dimension];
const type &v = vectorList[vectorNum];
for ( i = 0; i < dimension; i++ ) {
assert( epsilon <= boxHalfSize[i] );
partialHashKey[i] = (int) ( ( v[i] - mins[i] - boxHalfSize[i] ) * boxInvSize[i] );
for ( i = 0; i < ( 1 << dimension ); i++ ) {
hashKey = 0;
for ( j = 0; j < dimension; j++ ) {
hashKey *= boxHashSize;
hashKey += partialHashKey[j] + ( ( i >> j ) & 1 );
for ( j = hash.GetFirst( hashKey ); j != idHashIndexInt::NULL_INDEX; j = hash.GetNext( j ) ) {
const type &lv = vectorList[j];
for ( k = 0; k < dimension; k++ ) {
if ( idMath::Fabs( lv[k] - v[k] ) > epsilon ) {
if ( k >= dimension ) {
return j;
hashKey = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < dimension; i++ ) {
hashKey *= boxHashSize;
hashKey += (int) ( ( v[i] - mins[i] ) * boxInvSize[i] );
hash.Add( hashKey, vectorNum );
return vectorNum;
#endif /* !__VECTORSET_H__ */