
677 lines
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// Copyright (C) 2007 Id Software, Inc.
#ifndef __PTRARRAY_H__
#define __PTRARRAY_H__
Pointer Array template
Does not allocate memory until the first array element is added.
template< class type, int gran >
ID_INLINE int idPtrArrayCompare( const type *a, const type *b ) {
return *a - *b;
template< class type, int gran=16 >
class idPtrArray {
typedef int cmp_t( const type *, const type * );
idPtrArray( void );
idPtrArray( const idPtrArray<type,gran> &other );
~idPtrArray( void );
void Clear( void ); // clear the array
int Num( void ) const; // returns number of elements in array
size_t Allocated( void ) const; // returns total size of allocated memory
size_t Size( void ) const; // returns total size of allocated memory including size of idPtrArray
size_t MemoryUsed( void ) const; // returns size of the used elements in the array
idPtrArray<type,gran> & operator=( const idPtrArray<type,gran> &other );
const type & operator[]( int index ) const;
type & operator[]( int index );
void Condense( void ); // resizes array to exactly the number of elements it contains
void Resize( int newsize ); // resizes array to the given number of elements
void SetNum( int newnum, bool resize = true ); // set number of elements in array and resize to exactly this number if necessary
void AssureSize( int newSize); // assure array has given number of elements, but leave them uninitialized
void AssureSize( int newSize, const type &initValue ); // assure array has given number of elements and initialize any new elements
type * Ptr( void ); // returns a pointer to the array
const type * Ptr( void ) const; // returns a pointer to the array
type & Alloc( void ); // returns reference to a new data element at the end of the array
int Append( const type & obj ); // append element
int Append( const idPtrArray<type,gran> &other ); // append array
int AddUnique( const type & obj ); // add unique element
int Insert( const type & obj, int index ); // insert the element at the given index
int FindIndex( const type & obj ) const; // find the index for the given element
type * Find( type const & obj ) const; // find pointer to the given element
bool RemoveIndex( int index ); // remove the element at the given index
bool RemoveIndexFast( int index ); // remove the element at the given index and put the last element into its spot
bool Remove( const type & obj ); // remove the element
bool RemoveFast( const type & obj ); // remove the element, move the last element into its spot
void Sort( cmp_t *compare = idPtrArrayCompare<type,gran> ); // sort the array
void Swap( idPtrArray<type,gran> &other ); // swap the contents of the lists
int num;
int size;
type * array;
template< class type, int gran >
ID_INLINE idPtrArray<type,gran>::idPtrArray( void ) {
num = size = 0;
array = NULL;
template< class type, int gran >
ID_INLINE idPtrArray<type,gran>::idPtrArray( const idPtrArray<type,gran> &other ) {
num = size = 0;
array = NULL;
*this = other;
template< class type, int gran >
ID_INLINE idPtrArray<type,gran>::~idPtrArray( void ) {
Frees up the memory allocated by the array. Assumes that type automatically handles freeing up memory.
template< class type, int gran >
ID_INLINE void idPtrArray<type,gran>::Clear( void ) {
if ( array ) {
delete[] array;
array = NULL;
num = 0;
size = 0;
return total memory allocated for the array in bytes, but doesn't take into account additional memory allocated by type
template< class type, int gran >
ID_INLINE size_t idPtrArray<type,gran>::Allocated( void ) const {
return size * sizeof( type );
return total size of array in bytes, but doesn't take into account additional memory allocated by type
template< class type, int gran >
ID_INLINE size_t idPtrArray<type,gran>::Size( void ) const {
return sizeof( idPtrArray<type,gran> ) + Allocated();
template< class type, int gran >
ID_INLINE size_t idPtrArray<type,gran>::MemoryUsed( void ) const {
return num * sizeof( *array );
Returns the number of elements currently contained in the array.
Note that this is NOT an indication of the memory allocated.
template< class type, int gran >
ID_INLINE int idPtrArray<type,gran>::Num( void ) const {
return num;
Resize to the exact size specified irregardless of gran
template< class type, int gran >
ID_INLINE void idPtrArray<type,gran>::SetNum( int newnum, bool resize ) {
assert( newnum >= 0 );
if ( resize || newnum > size ) {
Resize( newnum );
num = newnum;
Resizes the array to exactly the number of elements it contains or frees up memory if empty.
template< class type, int gran >
ID_INLINE void idPtrArray<type,gran>::Condense( void ) {
if ( array ) {
if ( num ) {
Resize( num );
} else {
Allocates memory for the amount of elements requested while keeping the contents intact.
Contents are copied using their = operator so that data is correnctly instantiated.
template< class type, int gran >
ID_INLINE void idPtrArray<type,gran>::Resize( int newsize ) {
type *temp;
int i;
assert( newsize >= 0 );
// free up the array if no data is being reserved
if ( newsize <= 0 ) {
if ( newsize == size ) {
// not changing the size, so just exit
temp = array;
size = newsize;
if ( size < num ) {
num = size;
// copy the old array into our new one
array = new type[ size ];
for( i = 0; i < num; i++ ) {
array[ i ] = temp[ i ];
// delete the old array if it exists
if ( temp ) {
delete[] temp;
Makes sure the array has at least the given number of elements.
template< class type, int gran >
ID_INLINE void idPtrArray<type,gran>::AssureSize( int newSize ) {
if ( newSize > size ) {
newSize += gran - 1;
newSize -= newSize % gran;
Resize( newSize );
Makes sure the array has at least the given number of elements and initialize any elements not yet initialized.
template< class type, int gran >
ID_INLINE void idPtrArray<type,gran>::AssureSize( int newSize, const type &initValue ) {
int oldSize;
if ( newSize > size ) {
newSize += gran - 1;
newSize -= newSize % gran;
oldSize = size;
Resize( newSize );
for ( int i = num; i < newSize; i++ ) {
array[i] = initValue;
Copies the contents and size attributes of another array.
template< class type, int gran >
ID_INLINE idPtrArray<type,gran> &idPtrArray<type,gran>::operator=( const idPtrArray<type,gran> &other ) {
int i;
num = other.num;
size = other.size;
if ( size ) {
array = new type[ size ];
for( i = 0; i < num; i++ ) {
array[ i ] = other.array[ i ];
return *this;
idPtrArray::operator[] const
Access operator. Index must be within range or an assert will be issued in debug builds.
Release builds do no range checking.
template< class type, int gran >
ID_INLINE const type &idPtrArray<type,gran>::operator[]( int index ) const {
assert( index >= 0 );
assert( index < num );
return array[ index ];
Access operator. Index must be within range or an assert will be issued in debug builds.
Release builds do no range checking.
template< class type, int gran >
ID_INLINE type &idPtrArray<type,gran>::operator[]( int index ) {
assert( index >= 0 );
assert( index < num );
return array[ index ];
Returns a pointer to the begining of the array. Useful for iterating through the array in loops.
Note: may return NULL if the array is empty.
FIXME: Create an iterator template for this kind of thing.
template< class type, int gran >
ID_INLINE type *idPtrArray<type,gran>::Ptr( void ) {
return array;
Returns a pointer to the begining of the array. Useful for iterating through the array in loops.
Note: may return NULL if the array is empty.
FIXME: Create an iterator template for this kind of thing.
template< class type, int gran >
const ID_INLINE type *idPtrArray<type,gran>::Ptr( void ) const {
return array;
Returns a reference to a new data element at the end of the array.
template< class type, int gran >
ID_INLINE type &idPtrArray<type,gran>::Alloc( void ) {
if ( !array ) {
Resize( gran );
if ( num == size ) {
Resize( size + gran );
return array[ num++ ];
Increases the size of the array by one element and copies the supplied data into it.
Returns the index of the new element.
template< class type, int gran >
ID_INLINE int idPtrArray<type,gran>::Append( const type & obj ) {
if ( !array ) {
Resize( gran );
if ( num == size ) {
int newsize;
newsize = size + gran;
Resize( newsize - newsize % gran );
array[ num ] = obj;
return num - 1;
Increases the size of the array by at leat one element if necessary
and inserts the supplied data into it.
Returns the index of the new element.
template< class type, int gran >
ID_INLINE int idPtrArray<type,gran>::Insert( const type & obj, int index ) {
if ( !array ) {
Resize( gran );
if ( num == size ) {
int newsize;
newsize = size + gran;
Resize( newsize - newsize % gran );
if ( index < 0 ) {
index = 0;
else if ( index > num ) {
index = num;
for ( int i = num; i > index; --i ) {
array[i] = array[i-1];
array[index] = obj;
return index;
adds the other array to this one
Returns the size of the new combined array
template< class type, int gran >
ID_INLINE int idPtrArray<type,gran>::Append( const idPtrArray<type,gran> &other ) {
if ( !array ) {
Resize( gran );
int n = other.Num();
for ( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
Append( other[i] );
return Num();
Adds the data to the array if it doesn't already exist. Returns the index of the data in the array.
template< class type, int gran >
ID_INLINE int idPtrArray<type,gran>::AddUnique( const type & obj ) {
int index;
index = FindIndex( obj );
if ( index < 0 ) {
index = Append( obj );
return index;
Searches for the specified data in the array and returns it's index. Returns -1 if the data is not found.
template< class type, int gran >
ID_INLINE int idPtrArray<type,gran>::FindIndex( const type & obj ) const {
int i;
for( i = 0; i < num; i++ ) {
if ( array[ i ] == obj ) {
return i;
// Not found
return -1;
Searches for the specified data in the array and returns it's address. Returns NULL if the data is not found.
template< class type, int gran >
ID_INLINE type *idPtrArray<type,gran>::Find( const type & obj ) const {
int i;
i = FindIndex( obj );
if ( i >= 0 ) {
return &array[ i ];
return NULL;
Removes the element at the specified index and moves all data following the element down to fill in the gap.
The number of elements in the array is reduced by one. Returns false if the index is outside the bounds of the array.
Note that the element is not destroyed, so any memory used by it may not be freed until the destruction of the array.
template< class type, int gran >
ID_INLINE bool idPtrArray<type,gran>::RemoveIndex( int index ) {
int i;
assert( array != NULL );
assert( index >= 0 );
assert( index < num );
if ( ( index < 0 ) || ( index >= num ) ) {
return false;
for( i = index; i < num; i++ ) {
array[ i ] = array[ i + 1 ];
return true;
Removes the element at the specified index and moves the last element into
it's spot, rather than moving the whole array down by one. Of course, this
doesn't maintain the order of elements!
The number of elements in the array is reduced by one. Returns false if the
index is outside the bounds of the array. Note that the element is not destroyed,
so any memory used by it may not be freed until the destruction of the array.
template< class type, int gran >
ID_INLINE bool idPtrArray<type,gran>::RemoveIndexFast( int index ) {
assert( array != NULL );
assert( index >= 0 );
assert( index < num );
if ( ( index < 0 ) || ( index >= num ) ) {
return false;
array[ index ] = array[ num ];
return true;
Removes the element if it is found within the array and moves all data following the element down to fill in the gap.
The number of elements in the array is reduced by one. Returns false if the data is not found in the array. Note that
the element is not destroyed, so any memory used by it may not be freed until the destruction of the array.
template< class type, int gran >
ID_INLINE bool idPtrArray<type,gran>::Remove( const type & obj ) {
int index;
index = FindIndex( obj );
if ( index >= 0 ) {
return RemoveIndex( index );
return false;
Removes the element if it is found within the array and moves the last element into the gap.
The number of elements in the array is reduced by one. Returns false if the data is not found in the array. Note that
the element is not destroyed, so any memory used by it may not be freed until the destruction of the array.
template< class type, int gran >
ID_INLINE bool idPtrArray<type,gran>::RemoveFast( const type & obj ) {
int index;
index = FindIndex( obj );
if ( index >= 0 ) {
return RemoveIndexFast( index );
return false;
Performs a qsort on the array using the supplied comparison function. Note that the data is merely moved around the
array, so any pointers to data within the array may no longer be valid.
template< class type, int gran >
ID_INLINE void idPtrArray<type,gran>::Sort( cmp_t *compare ) {
if ( !array ) {
typedef int cmp_c(const void *, const void *);
qsort( ( void * )array, ( size_t )num, sizeof( type ), (cmp_c *)compare );
Swaps the contents of two lists
template< class type, int gran >
ID_INLINE void idPtrArray<type,gran>::Swap( idPtrArray<type,gran> &other ) {
idSwap( num, other.num );
idSwap( size, other.size );
idSwap( array, other.array );
#endif /* !__PTRARRAY_H__ */