
538 lines
13 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2007 Id Software, Inc.
#ifndef __COLOR_H__
#define __COLOR_H__
class sdColor3 {
float r;
float g;
float b;
explicit sdColor3( const float r, const float g, const float b );
explicit sdColor3( const idVec3& rhs );
void Set( const float r, const float g, const float b );
void Zero();
void Normalize( float scaleFactor = 1.0f );
void ToBytes( byte* bytes ) const;
void FromBytes( byte* bytes );
idVec3& ToVec3();
const idVec3& ToVec3() const;
int GetDimension() const;
float operator[]( const int index ) const;
float& operator[]( const int index );
sdColor3 operator-() const;
sdColor3 operator*( const float rhs ) const;
sdColor3 operator/( const float rhs ) const;
sdColor3 operator+( const sdColor3& rhs ) const;
sdColor3 operator-( const sdColor3& rhs ) const;
sdColor3& operator+=( const sdColor3& rhs );
sdColor3& operator-=( const sdColor3& rhs );
sdColor3& operator/=( const sdColor3& rhs );
sdColor3& operator/=( const float rhs );
sdColor3& operator*=( const float rhs );
sdColor3& operator=( const idVec3& rhs );
friend sdColor3 operator*( const float a1, const sdColor3 b1 );
bool Compare( const sdColor3& rhs ) const; // exact compare, no epsilon
bool Compare( const sdColor3& rhs, const float epsilon ) const; // compare with epsilon
bool operator==( const sdColor3& rhs ) const; // exact compare, no epsilon
bool operator!=( const sdColor3& rhs ) const; // exact compare, no epsilon
const float* ToFloatPtr() const;
float* ToFloatPtr();
const char* ToString( int precision = 2 ) const;
void Lerp( const sdColor3& v1, const sdColor3& v2, const float l );
// packs color floats in the range [0,1] into an integer
static dword PackColor( const idVec3& color );
static void UnpackColor( const dword color, idVec3& unpackedColor );
static const sdColor3 black;
static const sdColor3 white;
static const sdColor3 red;
static const sdColor3 green;
static const sdColor3 blue;
static const sdColor3 yellow;
static const sdColor3 magenta;
static const sdColor3 cyan;
static const sdColor3 orange;
static const sdColor3 purple;
static const sdColor3 pink;
static const sdColor3 brown;
static const sdColor3 ltGrey;
static const sdColor3 mdGrey;
static const sdColor3 dkGrey;
static const sdColor3 ltBlue;
static const sdColor3 dkRed;
ID_INLINE sdColor3::sdColor3() {
ID_INLINE sdColor3::sdColor3( const float r, const float g, const float b ) {
this->r = r;
this->g = g;
this->b = b;
ID_INLINE sdColor3::sdColor3( const idVec3& rhs ) {
this->r = rhs.x;
this->g = rhs.y;
this->b = rhs.z;
ID_INLINE void sdColor3::ToBytes( byte* bytes ) const {
for( int i = 0; i < GetDimension(); i++ ) {
bytes[ i ] = idMath::Ftob( (*this)[ i ] * 255.0f );
ID_INLINE void sdColor3::FromBytes( byte* bytes ) {
for( int i = 0; i < GetDimension(); i++ ) {
(*this)[ i ] = bytes[ i ] / 255.0f;
ID_INLINE void sdColor3::Set( const float r, const float g, const float b ) {
this->r = r;
this->g = g;
this->b = b;
ID_INLINE void sdColor3::Normalize( float scaleFactor ) {
r = idMath::ClampFloat( 0.0f, 1.0f, r * scaleFactor );
g = idMath::ClampFloat( 0.0f, 1.0f, g * scaleFactor );
b = idMath::ClampFloat( 0.0f, 1.0f, b * scaleFactor );
ID_INLINE void sdColor3::Zero() {
r = g = b = 0.0f;
ID_INLINE int sdColor3::GetDimension() const {
return 3;
ID_INLINE float sdColor3::operator[]( int index ) const {
assert( index >= 0 && index < 3 );
return ( &r )[ index ];
ID_INLINE float& sdColor3::operator[]( int index ) {
assert( index >= 0 && index < 3 );
return ( &r )[ index ];
ID_INLINE sdColor3 sdColor3::operator-() const {
return sdColor3( -r, -g, -b );
ID_INLINE sdColor3 sdColor3::operator-( const sdColor3& rhs ) const {
return sdColor3( r - rhs.r, g - rhs.g, b - rhs.b );
ID_INLINE sdColor3 sdColor3::operator*( const float rhs ) const {
return sdColor3( r * rhs, g * rhs, b * rhs );
ID_INLINE sdColor3 sdColor3::operator/( const float rhs ) const {
float inva = 1.0f / rhs;
return sdColor3( r * inva, g * inva, b * inva );
ID_INLINE sdColor3 operator*( const float a1, const sdColor3 b1 ) {
return sdColor3( b1.r * a1, b1.g * a1, b1.b * a1 );
ID_INLINE sdColor3 sdColor3::operator+( const sdColor3& rhs ) const {
return sdColor3( r + rhs.r, g + rhs.g, b + rhs.b );
ID_INLINE sdColor3& sdColor3::operator+=( const sdColor3& rhs ) {
r += rhs.r;
g += rhs.g;
b += rhs.b;
return *this;
ID_INLINE sdColor3& sdColor3::operator/=( const sdColor3& rhs ) {
r /= rhs.r;
g /= rhs.g;
b /= rhs.b;
return *this;
ID_INLINE sdColor3& sdColor3::operator/=( const float rhs ) {
float inva = 1.0f / rhs;
r *= inva;
g *= inva;
b *= inva;
return *this;
ID_INLINE sdColor3& sdColor3::operator-=( const sdColor3& rhs ) {
r -= rhs.r;
g -= rhs.g;
b -= rhs.b;
return *this;
ID_INLINE sdColor3& sdColor3::operator*=( const float rhs ) {
r *= rhs;
g *= rhs;
b *= rhs;
return *this;
ID_INLINE bool sdColor3::Compare( const sdColor3& rhs ) const {
return ( ( r == rhs.r ) && ( g == rhs.g ) && ( b == rhs.b ) );
ID_INLINE bool sdColor3::Compare( const sdColor3& rhs, const float epsilon ) const {
if ( idMath::Fabs( r - rhs.r ) > epsilon ) {
return false;
if ( idMath::Fabs( g - rhs.g ) > epsilon ) {
return false;
if ( idMath::Fabs( b - rhs.b ) > epsilon ) {
return false;
return true;
ID_INLINE bool sdColor3::operator==( const sdColor3& rhs ) const {
return Compare( rhs );
ID_INLINE bool sdColor3::operator!=( const sdColor3& rhs ) const {
return !Compare( rhs );
ID_INLINE const float* sdColor3::ToFloatPtr() const {
return &r;
ID_INLINE float* sdColor3::ToFloatPtr() {
return &r;
ID_INLINE sdColor3& sdColor3::operator=( const idVec3& rhs ) {
r = rhs.x;
g = rhs.y;
b = rhs.z;
return *this;
ID_INLINE const idVec3& sdColor3::ToVec3() const {
return *reinterpret_cast< const idVec3 * >( this );
ID_INLINE idVec3& sdColor3::ToVec3() {
return *reinterpret_cast< idVec3 * >( this );
class sdColor4 {
float r;
float g;
float b;
float a;
explicit sdColor4( const float r, const float g, const float b, const float a );
explicit sdColor4( const idVec4& rhs );
void Set( const float r, const float g, const float b, const float a );
void Zero();
void Normalize( float scaleFactor = 1.0f );
int GetDimension() const;
void ToBytes( byte* bytes ) const;
void FromBytes( byte* bytes );
idVec4& ToVec4();
const idVec4& ToVec4() const;
float operator[]( const int index ) const;
float& operator[]( const int index );
sdColor4 operator-() const;
sdColor4 operator*( const float rhs ) const;
sdColor4 operator/( const float rhs ) const;
sdColor4 operator+( const sdColor4& rhs ) const;
sdColor4 operator-( const sdColor4& rhs ) const;
sdColor4& operator+=( const sdColor4& rhs );
sdColor4& operator-=( const sdColor4& rhs );
sdColor4& operator/=( const sdColor4& rhs );
sdColor4& operator/=( const float rhs );
sdColor4& operator*=( const float rhs );
sdColor4& operator=( const idVec4& rhs );
friend sdColor4 operator*( const float a1, const sdColor4 b1 );
bool Compare( const sdColor4& rhs ) const; // exact compare, no epsilon
bool Compare( const sdColor4& rhs, const float epsilon ) const; // compare with epsilon
bool operator==( const sdColor4& rhs ) const; // exact compare, no epsilon
bool operator!=( const sdColor4& rhs ) const; // exact compare, no epsilon
const float* ToFloatPtr() const;
float* ToFloatPtr();
const char* ToString( int precision = 2 ) const;
void Lerp( const sdColor4& v1, const sdColor4& v2, const float l );
static dword PackColor( const idVec3& color, float alpha );
static dword PackColor( const idVec4& color );
static void UnpackColor( const dword color, idVec4& unpackedColor );
const sdColor3& ToColor3() const;
sdColor3& ToColor3();
static const sdColor4 black;
static const sdColor4 white;
static const sdColor4 red;
static const sdColor4 green;
static const sdColor4 blue;
static const sdColor4 yellow;
static const sdColor4 magenta;
static const sdColor4 cyan;
static const sdColor4 orange;
static const sdColor4 purple;
static const sdColor4 pink;
static const sdColor4 brown;
static const sdColor4 ltGrey;
static const sdColor4 mdGrey;
static const sdColor4 dkGrey;
static const sdColor4 ltBlue;
static const sdColor4 dkRed;
ID_INLINE sdColor4::sdColor4() {
ID_INLINE sdColor4::sdColor4( const float r, const float g, const float b, const float a ) {
this->r = r;
this->g = g;
this->b = b;
this->a = a;
ID_INLINE sdColor4::sdColor4( const idVec4& rhs ) {
this->r = rhs.x;
this->g = rhs.y;
this->b = rhs.z;
this->a = rhs.w;
ID_INLINE void sdColor4::ToBytes( byte* bytes ) const {
for( int i = 0; i < GetDimension(); i++ ) {
bytes[ i ] = idMath::Ftob( (*this)[ i ] * 255.0f );
ID_INLINE void sdColor4::FromBytes( byte* bytes ) {
for( int i = 0; i < GetDimension(); i++ ) {
(*this)[ i ] = bytes[ i ] / 255.0f;
ID_INLINE void sdColor4::Set( const float r, const float g, const float b, const float a ) {
this->r = r;
this->g = g;
this->b = b;
this->a = a;
ID_INLINE void sdColor4::Normalize( float scaleFactor ) {
r = idMath::ClampFloat( 0.0f, 1.0f, r * scaleFactor );
g = idMath::ClampFloat( 0.0f, 1.0f, g * scaleFactor );
b = idMath::ClampFloat( 0.0f, 1.0f, b * scaleFactor );
a = idMath::ClampFloat( 0.0f, 1.0f, a * scaleFactor );
ID_INLINE void sdColor4::Zero() {
r = g = b = a = 0.0f;
ID_INLINE int sdColor4::GetDimension() const {
return 4;
ID_INLINE float sdColor4::operator[]( int index ) const {
assert( index >= 0 && index < 4 );
return ( &r )[ index ];
ID_INLINE float& sdColor4::operator[]( int index ) {
assert( index >= 0 && index < 4 );
return ( &r )[ index ];
ID_INLINE sdColor4 sdColor4::operator-() const {
return sdColor4( -r, -g, -b, -a );
ID_INLINE sdColor4 sdColor4::operator-( const sdColor4& rhs ) const {
return sdColor4( r - rhs.r, g - rhs.g, b - rhs.b, a - rhs.a );
ID_INLINE sdColor4 sdColor4::operator*( const float rhs ) const {
return sdColor4( r * rhs, g * rhs, b * rhs, a * rhs );
ID_INLINE sdColor4 sdColor4::operator/( const float rhs ) const {
float inva = 1.0f / rhs;
return sdColor4( r * inva, g * inva, b * inva, a * inva );
ID_INLINE sdColor4 operator*( const float a1, const sdColor4 b1 ) {
return sdColor4( b1.r * a1, b1.g * a1, b1.b * a1, b1.a * a1 );
ID_INLINE sdColor4 sdColor4::operator+( const sdColor4& rhs ) const {
return sdColor4( r + rhs.r, g + rhs.g, b + rhs.b, a + rhs.a );
ID_INLINE sdColor4& sdColor4::operator+=( const sdColor4& rhs ) {
r += rhs.r;
g += rhs.g;
b += rhs.b;
a += rhs.a;
return *this;
ID_INLINE sdColor4& sdColor4::operator/=( const sdColor4& rhs ) {
r /= rhs.r;
g /= rhs.g;
b /= rhs.b;
a /= rhs.a;
return *this;
ID_INLINE sdColor4& sdColor4::operator/=( const float rhs ) {
float inva = 1.0f / rhs;
r *= inva;
g *= inva;
b *= inva;
a *= inva;
return *this;
ID_INLINE sdColor4& sdColor4::operator-=( const sdColor4& rhs ) {
r -= rhs.r;
g -= rhs.g;
b -= rhs.b;
a -= rhs.a;
return *this;
ID_INLINE sdColor4& sdColor4::operator*=( const float rhs ) {
r *= rhs;
g *= rhs;
b *= rhs;
a *= rhs;
return *this;
ID_INLINE bool sdColor4::Compare( const sdColor4& rhs ) const {
return ( ( r == rhs.r ) && ( g == rhs.g ) && ( b == rhs.b ) && a == rhs.a );
ID_INLINE bool sdColor4::Compare( const sdColor4& rhs, const float epsilon ) const {
if ( idMath::Fabs( r - rhs.r ) > epsilon ) {
return false;
if ( idMath::Fabs( g - rhs.g ) > epsilon ) {
return false;
if ( idMath::Fabs( b - rhs.b ) > epsilon ) {
return false;
if ( idMath::Fabs( a - rhs.a ) > epsilon ) {
return false;
return true;
ID_INLINE bool sdColor4::operator==( const sdColor4& rhs ) const {
return Compare( rhs );
ID_INLINE bool sdColor4::operator!=( const sdColor4& rhs ) const {
return !Compare( rhs );
ID_INLINE const float* sdColor4::ToFloatPtr() const {
return &r;
ID_INLINE float* sdColor4::ToFloatPtr() {
return &r;
ID_INLINE sdColor4& sdColor4::operator=( const idVec4& rhs ) {
r = rhs.x;
g = rhs.y;
b = rhs.z;
a = rhs.w;
return *this;
ID_INLINE const sdColor3 &sdColor4::ToColor3() const {
return *reinterpret_cast< const sdColor3 * >( this );
ID_INLINE sdColor3 &sdColor4::ToColor3() {
return *reinterpret_cast< sdColor3 * >( this );
ID_INLINE const idVec4& sdColor4::ToVec4() const {
return *reinterpret_cast< const idVec4 * >( this );
ID_INLINE idVec4& sdColor4::ToVec4() {
return *reinterpret_cast< idVec4 * >( this );
#endif // __COLOR_H__