
581 lines
14 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2007 Id Software, Inc.
#include "../precompiled.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#if defined( _DEBUG ) && !defined( ID_REDIRECT_NEWDELETE )
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
#include "Pathing.h"
sdVehiclePathGrid::sdVehiclePathGrid( const sdDeclVehiclePath* path, const idBounds& bounds ) {
_path = path;
_bounds = bounds;
_size = _bounds.Size();
_size *= 1.f / ( GetSize() + 1 );
sdVehiclePathGrid::~sdVehiclePathGrid( void ) {
void sdVehiclePathGrid::GetPoint( int x, int y, idVec3& point ) const {
if ( x < 0 || x > GetSize() || y < 0 || y > GetSize() ) {
point = vec3_origin;
GetPointInternal( x, y, point );
void sdVehiclePathGrid::GetEdgePoint( int x, int y, int& nx, int& ny, int seed, float cornerX, float cornerY ) const {
nx = x;
ny = y;
idRandom random( seed );
cornerX = cornerX > 0.0f ? 1.0f : cornerX;
cornerX = cornerX < 0.0f ? -1.0f : cornerX;
cornerY = cornerY > 0.0f ? 1.0f : cornerY;
cornerY = cornerY < 0.0f ? -1.0f : cornerY;
if ( cornerX == 0.0f && cornerY == 0.0f ) {
bool xleft = x > ( GetSize() / 2 );
bool ytop = y > ( GetSize() / 2 );
if ( random.RandomFloat() > 0.5f ) {
nx = xleft ? 0 : GetSize() - 1;
ny += random.CRandomFloat() * 10;
ny = idMath::ClampInt( 0, GetSize() - 1, ny );
} else {
ny = ytop ? 0 : GetSize() - 1;
nx += random.CRandomFloat() * 10;
nx = idMath::ClampInt( 0, GetSize() - 1, nx );
} else {
int minX, maxX, minY, maxY;
if ( cornerX == -1.0f ) {
minX = 0;
maxX = ( int )( GetSize() * 0.4f );
} else {
minX = ( int )( GetSize() * 0.6f );
maxX = GetSize() - 1;
if ( cornerY == 1.0f ) {
minY = 0;
maxY = ( int )( GetSize() * 0.4f );
} else {
minY = ( int )( GetSize() * 0.6f );
maxY = GetSize() - 1;
if ( random.RandomFloat() > 0.5f ) {
nx = random.RandomInt( maxX - minX ) + minX;
ny = cornerY == 1.0f ? minY : maxY;
} else {
nx = cornerX == -1.0f ? minX : maxX;
ny = random.RandomInt( maxY - minY ) + minY;
void sdVehiclePathGrid::GetPointInternal( int x, int y, idVec3& point ) const {
point[ 0 ] = ( ( x + 0.5f ) * _size[ 0 ] ) + _bounds.GetMins()[ 0 ];
point[ 1 ] = _bounds.GetMaxs()[ 1 ] - ( ( y + 0.5f ) * _size[ 1 ] );
point[ 2 ] = _path->GetPointHeight( x, y );
void sdVehiclePathGrid::DebugDraw( void ) const {
if ( g_showVehiclePathNodes.GetInteger() & 1 ) {
int x;
for ( x = 0; x < GetSize() - 1; x++ ) {
int y;
for ( y = 0; y < GetSize(); y++ ) {
int xn = x + 1;
idVec3 start;
idVec3 end;
GetPointInternal( x, y, start );
GetPointInternal( xn, y, end );
gameRenderWorld->DebugLine( colorRed, start, end );
for ( x = 0; x < GetSize(); x++ ) {
int y;
for ( y = 0; y < GetSize() - 1; y++ ) {
int yn = y + 1;
idVec3 start;
idVec3 end;
GetPointInternal( x, y, start );
GetPointInternal( x, yn, end );
gameRenderWorld->DebugLine( colorRed, start, end );
float sdVehiclePathGrid::GetCoordsForPoint( int& _x, int& _y, int& xmin, int& ymin, const idVec3& pos ) const {
float bestLen = -1.f;
float averageHeight = 0.f;
_x = 0;
_y = 0;
xmin = 0;
ymin = 0;
// FIXME: Gordon: These two loops can be optimized
int x;
for ( x = 0; x < GetSize() - 1; x++ ) {
idVec3 point;
GetPointInternal( x, 0, point );
idVec3 point2;
GetPointInternal( x + 1, 0, point2 );
if ( pos[ 0 ] >= point[ 0 ] && pos[ 0 ] <= point2[ 0 ] ) {
xmin = x;
int y;
for ( y = GetSize() - 1; y > 0; y-- ) {
idVec3 point;
GetPointInternal( 0, y, point );
idVec3 point2;
GetPointInternal( 0, y - 1, point2 );
if ( pos[ 1 ] >= point[ 1 ] && pos[ 1 ] <= point2[ 1 ] ) {
ymin = y - 1;
for ( x = xmin; x <= xmin + 1; x++ ) {
for ( y = ymin; y <= ymin + 1; y++ ) {
idVec3 point;
GetPointInternal( x, y, point );
averageHeight += point[ 2 ];
idVec3 dist = point - pos;
dist[ 2 ] = 0.f;
float len = dist.LengthSqr();
if ( bestLen == -1 || len < bestLen ) {
bestLen = len;
_x = x;
_y = y;
return averageHeight * 0.25f;
void sdVehiclePathGrid::AdjustTargetForStart( const idVec3& start, const idVec3& target, int& _x, int& _y, const int& xmin, const int& ymin ) const {
float bestLen = -1.f;
idVec3 dist = target - start;
dist[ 2 ] = 0.f;
int x, y;
for ( x = xmin; x <= xmin + 1; x++ ) {
for ( y = ymin; y <= ymin + 1; y++ ) {
idVec3 pos;
GetPointInternal( x, y, pos );
// gameRenderWorld->DebugArrow( colorBlue, pos, start, 16, 100000 );
idVec3 temp = pos - start;
temp[ 2 ] = 0.f;
temp = ( temp * dist ) * dist;
float len = temp.LengthSqr();
if ( bestLen == -1.f || len < bestLen ) {
bestLen = len;
_x = x;
_y = y;
void sdVehiclePathGrid::AddSection( idVec3& lastPos, idVec3& inVector, const idVec3& newPos, const idVec3& finalPos, bool canSkip, idList< splineSection_t >& spline ) const {
idVec3 dist = newPos - lastPos;
idAngles pathAngles = dist.ToAngles();
float pitch = idMath::AngleNormalize180( pathAngles.pitch );
if ( fabs( pitch ) > 30 ) {
idVec3 newInVector;
splineSection_t& section1 = spline.Alloc();
idVec3 verticalPos;
if ( pitch < -30 ) {
verticalPos[ 0 ] = lastPos[ 0 ] + ( ( newPos[ 0 ] - lastPos[ 0 ] ) * 0.3f );
verticalPos[ 1 ] = lastPos[ 1 ] + ( ( newPos[ 1 ] - lastPos[ 1 ] ) * 0.3f );
verticalPos[ 2 ] = lastPos[ 2 ] + ( ( newPos[ 2 ] - lastPos[ 2 ] ) * 0.9f );
} else if ( pitch > 30 ) {
verticalPos[ 0 ] = newPos[ 0 ] + ( ( lastPos[ 0 ] - newPos[ 0 ] ) * 0.3f );
verticalPos[ 1 ] = newPos[ 1 ] + ( ( lastPos[ 1 ] - newPos[ 1 ] ) * 0.3f );
verticalPos[ 2 ] = newPos[ 2 ] + ( ( lastPos[ 2 ] - newPos[ 2 ] ) * 0.9f );
newInVector = ( verticalPos - lastPos );
float scale = inVector.Normalize();
section1.AddValue( 0.f, lastPos );
section1.AddValue( 1.f / 3.f, lastPos + ( inVector * ( scale * 0.5f ) ) );
section1.AddValue( 2.f / 3.f, verticalPos - ( newInVector * ( scale * 0.5f ) ) );
section1.AddValue( 1.f, verticalPos );
splineSection_t& section2 = spline.Alloc();
newInVector = ( newPos - verticalPos );
scale = newInVector.Normalize();
section2.AddValue( 0.f, verticalPos );
section2.AddValue( 1.f / 3.f, verticalPos + ( inVector * ( scale * 0.5f ) ) );
section2.AddValue( 2.f / 3.f, newPos - ( newInVector * ( scale * 0.5f ) ) );
section2.AddValue( 1.f, newPos );
lastPos = newPos;
inVector = newInVector;
if ( canSkip ) {
idVec3 dist;
dist = newPos - lastPos;
dist[ 2 ] = 0;
idAngles angles1 = dist.ToAngles();
dist = finalPos - lastPos;
dist[ 2 ] = 0;
idAngles angles2 = dist.ToAngles();
float yawdiff = idMath::AngleDelta( angles1.yaw, angles2.yaw );
if ( fabs( yawdiff ) > 10.f ) {
idVec3 newInVector = ( newPos - lastPos );
float scale = newInVector.Normalize();
splineSection_t& section = spline.Alloc();
section.AddValue( 0.f, lastPos );
section.AddValue( 1.f / 3.f, lastPos + ( inVector * ( scale * 0.5f ) ) );
section.AddValue( 2.f / 3.f, newPos - ( newInVector * ( scale * 0.5f ) ) );
section.AddValue( 1.f, newPos );
lastPos = newPos;
inVector = newInVector;
void sdVehiclePathGrid::SetupPath( const idVec3& position, idList< splineSection_t >& inSpline, idList< splineSection_t >& outSpline, int seed ) const {
int x, y;
int xmin, ymin;
GetCoordsForPoint( x, y, xmin, ymin, position );
int nx, ny;
GetEdgePoint( x, y, nx, ny, seed, 0, 0 );
idVec3 edgePos;
GetPointInternal( nx, ny, edgePos );
AdjustTargetForStart( edgePos, position, x, y, xmin, ymin );
bool ymainaxis = abs( ny - y ) > abs( nx - x );
int loopPos;
int loopDir;
int loopStart;
int loopEnd;
float loopLen;
if ( ymainaxis ) {
loopPos = ny;
loopStart = ny;
loopDir = ny > y ? -1 : 1;
loopLen = ny - y;
loopEnd = y;
} else {
loopPos = nx;
loopStart = nx;
loopDir = nx > x ? -1 : 1;
loopLen = nx - x;
loopEnd = x;
idVec3 endPoint;
GetPoint( x, y, endPoint );
idVec3 lastPos;
GetPoint( nx, ny, lastPos );
idVec3 inVector = ( endPoint - lastPos );
inVector[ 2 ] = 0.f;
float scale = 64.f; // inVector.Normalize();
while ( loopPos != loopEnd ) {
int currentPos[ 2 ];
loopPos += loopDir;
float frac = ( loopPos - loopStart ) / loopLen;
if ( ymainaxis ) {
currentPos[ 0 ] = nx + ( ( nx - x ) * frac );
currentPos[ 1 ] = loopPos;
} else {
currentPos[ 0 ] = loopPos;
currentPos[ 1 ] = ny + ( ( ny - y ) * frac );
idVec3 newPos;
GetPointInternal( currentPos[ 0 ], currentPos[ 1 ], newPos );
AddSection( lastPos, inVector, newPos, endPoint, loopPos != loopEnd, inSpline );
idVec3 hoverPos = position;
hoverPos[ 2 ] = lastPos[ 2 ];
idVec3 temp = ( hoverPos - lastPos );
scale = temp.Normalize() * 0.125f;
idVec3 newInVector( 0.f, 0.f, -1.f );
newInVector += temp * 0.2f;
splineSection_t& section = inSpline.Alloc();
section.AddValue( 0.f, lastPos );
section.AddValue( 1.f / 3.f, lastPos + ( inVector * ( scale ) ) );
section.AddValue( 2.f / 3.f, hoverPos - ( newInVector * ( scale ) ) );
section.AddValue( 1.f, hoverPos );
lastPos = hoverPos;
inVector = newInVector;
GetCoordsForPoint( nx, ny, xmin, ymin, lastPos );
idVec3 startPoint;
GetPoint( nx, ny, startPoint );
idVec3 temp = startPoint - lastPos;
scale = temp.Normalize() * 0.125f;
inVector[ 2 ] = 0.f;
inVector *= 0.2f;
inVector += idVec3( 0.f, 0.f, 1.f );
GetEdgePoint( nx, ny, x, y, seed, 0, 0 );
GetPoint( x, y, endPoint );
ymainaxis = abs( ny - y ) > abs( nx - x );
if ( ymainaxis ) {
loopPos = ny;
loopStart = ny;
loopDir = ny > y ? -1 : 1;
loopLen = ny - y;
loopEnd = y;
} else {
loopPos = nx;
loopStart = nx;
loopDir = nx > x ? -1 : 1;
loopLen = nx - x;
loopEnd = x;
while ( loopPos != loopEnd ) {
int currentPos[ 2 ];
loopPos += loopDir;
float frac = ( loopPos - loopStart ) / loopLen;
if ( ymainaxis ) {
currentPos[ 0 ] = nx + ( ( nx - x ) * frac );
currentPos[ 1 ] = loopPos;
} else {
currentPos[ 0 ] = loopPos;
currentPos[ 1 ] = ny + ( ( ny - y ) * frac );
idVec3 newPos;
GetPointInternal( currentPos[ 0 ], currentPos[ 1 ], newPos );
AddSection( lastPos, inVector, newPos, endPoint, loopPos != loopEnd, outSpline );
void sdVehiclePathGrid::SetupPathPoints( const idVec3& position, idStaticList< idVec3, MAX_SCRIPTENTITY_PATHPOINTS >& pathPoints, int seed, float cornerX, float cornerY ) const {
int x, y;
int xmin, ymin;
GetCoordsForPoint( x, y, xmin, ymin, position );
int nx, ny;
GetEdgePoint( x, y, nx, ny, seed, cornerX, cornerY );
idVec3 edgePos;
GetPointInternal( nx, ny, edgePos );
AdjustTargetForStart( edgePos, position, x, y, xmin, ymin );
bool ymainaxis = abs( ny - y ) > abs( nx - x );
int loopPos;
int loopDir;
int loopStart;
int loopEnd;
float loopLen;
if ( ymainaxis ) {
loopPos = ny;
loopStart = ny;
loopDir = ny > y ? -1 : 1;
loopLen = ny - y;
loopEnd = y;
} else {
loopPos = nx;
loopStart = nx;
loopDir = nx > x ? -1 : 1;
loopLen = nx - x;
loopEnd = x;
idVec3 endPoint;
GetPoint( x, y, endPoint );
idVec3 lastPos;
GetPoint( nx, ny, lastPos );
idVec3 inVector = ( endPoint - lastPos );
inVector[ 2 ] = 0.f;
float scale = 64.f; // inVector.Normalize();
while ( loopPos != loopEnd ) {
int currentPos[ 2 ];
loopPos += loopDir;
float frac = ( loopPos - loopStart ) / loopLen;
if ( ymainaxis ) {
currentPos[ 0 ] = nx + ( ( nx - x ) * frac );
currentPos[ 1 ] = loopPos;
} else {
currentPos[ 0 ] = loopPos;
currentPos[ 1 ] = ny + ( ( ny - y ) * frac );
idVec3 newPos;
GetPointInternal( currentPos[ 0 ], currentPos[ 1 ], newPos );
//AddSection( lastPos, inVector, newPos, endPoint, loopPos != loopEnd, inSpline );
pathPoints.Append( newPos );
lastPos = newPos;
// add the final point
idVec3 hoverPos = position;
hoverPos[ 2 ] = lastPos[ 2 ];
pathPoints.Append( hoverPos );