
93 lines
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// Copyright (C) 2007 Id Software, Inc.
In-game representation of objects in scripts. Use the idScriptVariable template
(below) to access variables.
struct networkFieldSync_t {
byte* data;
etype_t type;
const sdProgram::sdFunction* callback;
bool broadcast;
struct networkFieldModeSync_t {
idStaticList< networkFieldSync_t, 32 > fields;
int size;
class idScriptObject {
sdProgram::sdTypeObject* typeObject;
sdProgram* program;
int _handle;
idClass* _object;
idLinkList< sdProgramThread > autoThreads; // threads created in the script system, we will terminate them on destruction
idScriptObject( int handle, idClass* object, sdProgram* program );
networkFieldModeSync_t networkFields[ NSM_NUM_MODES ];
idClass* GetClass( void ) const { return _object; }
int GetHandle( void ) const { return this ? _handle : 0; }
void SetSynced( const char *name, bool snap );
void SetSyncCallback( const char *name, const char* functionName );
void Free( void );
bool SetType( const sdProgram::sdTypeInfo* newtype );
bool SetType( const char *typeName );
sdProgram::sdTypeObject* GetObject( void ) { return typeObject; }
void ShutdownAutoThreads( void );
idLinkList< sdProgramThread >& GetAutoThreads( void ) { return autoThreads; }
void ClearObject( void );
bool HasObject( void ) const { return typeObject != NULL; }
const char* GetTypeName( void ) const;
const sdProgram::sdFunction* GetSyncFunc( void ) const;
const sdProgram::sdFunction* GetConstructor( void ) const;
const sdProgram::sdFunction* GetPreConstructor( void ) const;
const sdProgram::sdFunction* GetDestructor( void ) const;
const sdProgram::sdFunction* GetFunction( const char *name ) const;
void CallEvent( const char* name );
void ApplyNetworkState( networkStateMode_t mode, const sdEntityStateNetworkData& newState );
void ReadNetworkState( networkStateMode_t mode, const sdEntityStateNetworkData& baseState, sdEntityStateNetworkData& newState, const idBitMsg& msg ) const;
void WriteNetworkState( networkStateMode_t mode, const sdEntityStateNetworkData& baseState, sdEntityStateNetworkData& newState, idBitMsg& msg ) const;
bool CheckNetworkStateChanges( networkStateMode_t mode, const sdEntityStateNetworkData& baseState ) const;
void SetupStateData( networkStateMode_t mode, sdScriptObjectNetworkData& state ) const;
byte* GetVariable( const char *name, etype_t etype ) const;
void CallNonBlockingScriptEvent( const sdProgram::sdFunction* function, sdScriptHelper& helper );
// TTimo: initially in Script_Interface.h, moved here because idScriptObject has to be defined
template<class type, etype_t etype, class returnType>
ID_INLINE void idScriptVariable<type, etype, returnType>::LinkTo( idScriptObject &obj, const char *name, bool allowFailure ) {
data = ( type * )obj.GetVariable( name, etype );
if ( !data && !allowFailure ) {
gameError( "Missing '%s' field in script object '%s'", name, obj.GetTypeName() );