
239 lines
8.7 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2007 Id Software, Inc.
class idVarDef;
class idTypeDef;
#define BASE_COMPILED_SCRIPT_CLASS_ALLOCATE "sdCompiledScript_ClassBase"
#define BASE_COMPILED_SCRIPT_CLASS "sdCompiledScript_Class"
#define BASE_COMPILED_SCRIPT_CLASS_HEADER "CompiledScript_Class.h"
#define BASE_COMPILED_SCRIPT_CLASS_CPP "base/CompiledScript_Class.cpp"
class sdScriptExporter {
struct objectDef_t;
struct threadDef_t;
struct callDef_t;
struct functionDef_t {
const function_t* function;
callDef_t* externalCall;
idList< const idVarDef* > variables;
bool isVirtual;
struct stackVar_t {
idTypeDef* type;
idStr name;
int offset;
bool allocated;
struct namespaceDef_t {
idStr name;
idList< objectDef_t* > classes;
idList< stackVar_t* > globalVars;
idList< namespaceDef_t* > namespaces;
namespaceDef_t* parentNamespace;
struct constantDef_t {
const idVarDef* value;
struct callDef_t {
const idTypeDef* returnType;
idList< const idTypeDef* > parms;
const idEventDef* event;
struct threadDef_t {
const idTypeDef* returnType;
idList< const idTypeDef* > parms;
struct objectDef_t {
idTypeDef* type;
idList< functionDef_t > functions;
idList< const idVarDef* > fields;
objectDef_t* superType;
int baseOffset;
idList< threadDef_t* > threadCalls;
idList< threadDef_t* > guiThreadCalls;
sdScriptExporter( void ) { program = NULL; tabCount = 0; }
~sdScriptExporter( void ) { Clear( true ); }
void SetProgram( idProgram* _program ) { program = _program; }
void RegisterEventDef( const function_t& f );
const char* BuildGlobalName( const stackVar_t& var );
const char* BuildGlobalFunctionName( const function_t* function );
const char* BuildEventName( const char* name );
const char* BuildClassName( const idTypeDef* type );
const char* BuildFieldNameByType( etype_t type, etype_t defaultType = ev_error );
const char* BuildFieldName( const idTypeDef* type, etype_t defaultType = ev_error );
const char* BuildClassHeaderName( const idTypeDef* type, bool full );
const char* BuildClassCPPName( const idTypeDef* type, bool full );
const char* BuildConstantName( int index );
void AddDependency( const idTypeDef* type, idList< const idTypeDef* >& dependencies );
void AddDependency( const function_t* function, idList< const idTypeDef* >& dependencies, bool contents );
int GetVarDefNum( const idVarDef* var );
void AllocGlobal( const idVarDef* var );
int AllocConstant( const idVarDef* var );
void Finish( void );
void PrintTabs( idFile* file );
void WriteGlobalVariables( void );
void FindGlobalVariablesDependencies( namespaceDef_t* ns, idList< const idTypeDef* >& dependencies );
void FindGlobalFunctionDependencies( namespaceDef_t* ns, idList< const idTypeDef* >& dependencies );
void WriteGlobalVariablesHeader( idFile* file, const namespaceDef_t* ns );
void WriteGlobalVariablesCPP( idFile* file, const namespaceDef_t* ns );
void WriteVirtualFunctions( void );
void WriteClassFunctionWrappers( void );
void WriteSysCalls( void );
void WriteBuildVersion( void );
void WriteXCodeProjectFile( void );
void WriteProjectFile( void );
void WriteEventCalls( void );
void WriteNamespaceClasses( const namespaceDef_t* ns );
void Clear( bool finished );
void ClearNamespace( namespaceDef_t* ns );
objectDef_t* FindClass( const namespaceDef_t* ns, const idTypeDef* type );
stackVar_t* FindGlobal( const namespaceDef_t* ns, const idVarDef* var );
int FindThreadCall( const objectDef_t& obj, const function_t* function, bool guithreadcall );
void WriteFunctionStub( idFile* file, const functionDef_t& funcDef, idTypeDef* object, int baseparm );
void WriteThreadCallStub( idFile* file, const objectDef_t* obj, int index, int baseparm, bool clarify, bool includeName, bool gui );
void WriteThreadCallType( idFile* file, const objectDef_t* obj, int index, int baseparm, const char* name, bool gui );
void WriteThreadCallWrapperClass( idFile* file, const objectDef_t* obj, int index, int baseparm, bool gui );
void WriteFunctionWrappers( idFile* cppFile );
void WriteNamespaceTitle( idFile* file, const namespaceDef_t* ns );
void WriteNamespaceEntry( idFile* file, const namespaceDef_t* ns );
void WriteNamespaceExit( idFile* file, const namespaceDef_t* ns );
void WriteNamespaceScope( idFile* file, const namespaceDef_t* ns );
void WriteNamespaceFunctions( const namespaceDef_t* ns, idFile* headerFile, idFile* cppFile );
void WriteNamespaceFunctions( const namespaceDef_t* ns );
void WriteNamespaceClassInit( const namespaceDef_t* ns, idFile* cppFile );
void WriteNamespaceFunctionInfo( const namespaceDef_t* ns, idFile* cppFile );
void WriteNamespaceFunctionInit( const namespaceDef_t* ns, idFile* cppFile );
void WriteNamespaceClassIncludes( const namespaceDef_t* ns, idFile* cppFile );
void WriteFunctionStartSpecial( idFile* file, const objectDef_t& cls, const function_t* function );
void RegisterVirtualFunction( idTypeDef* type );
void RegisterClass( idTypeDef* type, idTypeDef* superType );
void RegisterClassFunction( idTypeDef* type, const function_t* function );
void RegisterClassField( idTypeDef* type, idVarDef* field );
void RegisterClassFunctionVariable( idTypeDef* type, const function_t* function, const idVarDef* var );
void RegisterClassThreadCall( idTypeDef* type, const function_t* function, bool guithreadcall );
void RegisterExternalClassCall( functionDef_t& funcDef );
void RegisterExternalFunctionCall( functionDef_t& funcDef );
int RegisterSysCall( const function_t* function );
int RegisterEventCall( const function_t* function );
int RegisterCall( const function_t* function, int baseParm, idList< callDef_t* >& list );
void EnterNamespace( const char* name );
void ExitNamespace( void );
const char* FindFieldName( const namespaceDef_t* ns, idTypeDef* type, idVarDef* ptr );
static int FieldSize( const idTypeDef* typeDef );
struct eventDef_t {
idStr name;
idList< idTypeDef* > virtualFunctions;
idList< eventDef_t > events;
int tabCount;
namespaceDef_t globalNameSpace;
namespaceDef_t* currentNameSpace;
idList< callDef_t* > externalClassCalls;
idList< callDef_t* > externalFunctionCalls;
idList< callDef_t* > sysCalls;
idList< callDef_t* > eventCalls;
idList< constantDef_t > constants;
idProgram* program;
idStrList generatedCppFiles;
idStrList generatedHFiles;
void WriteClass( const namespaceDef_t* ns, objectDef_t& cls );
namespaceDef_t& GetGlobalNamespace( void ) { return globalNameSpace; }
class sdFunctionCompileState {
sdFunctionCompileState( const sdScriptExporter::functionDef_t* _func, const sdScriptExporter::namespaceDef_t* _nameSpace, idFile* _output, int initialTabCount, idProgram* _program );
void Run( void );
struct resultInfo_t {
idVarDef* object;
idVarDef* result;
void ScanForLabels( void );
void ScanOpCodes( void );
void ScanOpCode( int statement );
bool LookAheadStore( int statement );
bool IsReturn( const idVarDef* var );
void CheckVariable( const idVarDef* var, etype_t defaultType = ev_error );
void GetVariableName( const idVarDef* var, etype_t expectedType, idStr& name );
void PrintVariable( const idVarDef* var, etype_t expectedType );
void PrintField( idTypeDef* type, idVarDef* ptr );
void PrintTabs( void );
sdScriptExporter::stackVar_t* FindStackVar( const idVarDef* var );
sdScriptExporter::stackVar_t& AllocStackVar( const idVarDef* var );
void AllocateSubVars( const sdScriptExporter::stackVar_t& var );
void InitStackVar( sdScriptExporter::stackVar_t& var );
void AllocBaseStackVars( void );
const sdScriptExporter::functionDef_t* func;
const sdScriptExporter::namespaceDef_t* nameSpace;
// write the opcodes and the variable declaration to two different streams
// then write out declarations first to the file
idFile* fileOutput;
idFile_Memory* output;
idFile_Memory* variables;
idList< int > labels;
idList< idVarDef* > compileStack;
idList< resultInfo_t > resultStack;
idList< sdScriptExporter::stackVar_t* > stackVars;
int tabCount;
idVarDef* returnVar;
bool skipNextStatement;
bool isSpecial;
idProgram* program;