
813 lines
24 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2007 Id Software, Inc.
#include "../precompiled.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#if defined( _DEBUG ) && !defined( ID_REDIRECT_NEWDELETE )
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
#include "ScriptEntityHelpers.h"
#include "../ScriptEntity.h"
#include "../IK.h"
sdScriptedEntityHelper::factoryType_t sdScriptedEntityHelper::helperFactory;
sdScriptedEntityHelper* sdScriptedEntityHelper::AllocHelper( const char* type ) {
return helperFactory.CreateType( type );
void sdScriptedEntityHelper::Startup( void ) {
helperFactory.RegisterType( "legIK", factoryType_t::Allocator< sdScriptedEntityHelper_LegIk > );
helperFactory.RegisterType( "playerIK", factoryType_t::Allocator< sdScriptedEntityHelper_PlayerIK > );
void sdScriptedEntityHelper::Shutdown( void ) {
void sdScriptedEntityHelper::Init( sdScriptEntity* owner, const sdDeclStringMap* map ) {
_owner = owner;
_node.AddToEnd( owner->GetHelpers() );
void sdScriptedEntityHelper_LegIk::Update( bool postThink ) {
if ( !gameLocal.isNewFrame || postThink ) {
if ( gameLocal.time - startTime > lifetime ) {
delete this;
idMat3 upperJointAxis, middleJointAxis, lowerJointAxis;
idVec3 upperJointOrg, middleJointOrg, lowerJointOrg;
idAnimator* animator = _owner->GetAnimator();
if ( !animator->GetJointTransform( upperLegJoint, gameLocal.time, upperJointOrg, upperJointAxis ) ) {
delete this;
if ( !animator->GetJointTransform( middleLegJoint, gameLocal.time, middleJointOrg, middleJointAxis ) ) {
delete this;
if ( animator->GetJointTransform( lowerLegJoint, gameLocal.time, lowerJointOrg, lowerJointAxis ) ) {
delete this;
idVec3 traceOrg = _owner->GetRenderEntity()->origin + ( lowerJointOrg * _owner->GetRenderEntity()->axis );
trace_t tr;
gameLocal.clip.TracePoint( CLIP_DEBUG_PARMS tr, traceOrg + idVec3( 0, 0, maxUpTrace ), traceOrg - idVec3( 0, 0, maxDownTrace ), CONTENTS_SOLID, _owner );
/* gameRenderWorld->DebugCircle( colorGreen, tr.endpos, idVec3( 0, 0, 1 ), 8, 16 );
gameRenderWorld->DebugLine( colorRed, tr.endpos, tr.endpos + idVec3( 0.f, 0.f, currentGroundOffset ) );
gameRenderWorld->DebugLine( colorBlue, tr.endpos, tr.endpos + idVec3( 0.f, 0.f, lowerJointOrg.z ) );*/
currentGroundOffset = Lerp( currentGroundOffset, lowerJointOrg.z, blendRate * MS2SEC( gameLocal.msec ) );
idVec3 jointPos = ( ( tr.endpos + idVec3( 0.f, 0.f, currentGroundOffset ) ) - _owner->GetRenderEntity()->origin ) * _owner->GetRenderEntity()->axis.Transpose();
idVec3 endPos;
idIK::SolveTwoBones( upperJointOrg, jointPos, -upDir, upperLength, lowerLength, endPos );
idMat3 axis;
idIK::GetBoneAxis( upperJointOrg, endPos, upDir, axis );
idMat3 upperAxis = midToUpperJoint * axis;
idIK::GetBoneAxis( endPos, jointPos, upDir, axis );
idMat3 middleAxis = lowerToMidJoint * axis;
animator->SetJointAxis( upperLegJoint, JOINTMOD_WORLD_OVERRIDE, upperAxis );
animator->SetJointAxis( middleLegJoint, JOINTMOD_WORLD_OVERRIDE, middleAxis );
/* idVec3 worldOrg;
_owner->GetWorldOrigin( upperLegJoint, worldOrg );
gameRenderWorld->DebugLine( colorGreen, worldOrg, worldOrg + ( ( side * _owner->GetRenderEntity()->axis ) * 16 ) );
gameRenderWorld->DebugLine( colorBlue, worldOrg, worldOrg + ( ( up * _owner->GetRenderEntity()->axis ) * 16 ) );
gameRenderWorld->DebugLine( colorRed, worldOrg, worldOrg + ( ( temp * _owner->GetRenderEntity()->axis ) * 16 ) );*/
void sdScriptedEntityHelper_LegIk::Init( sdScriptEntity* owner, const sdDeclStringMap* map ) {
sdScriptedEntityHelper::Init( owner, map );
const idDict& dict = map->GetDict();
idAnimator* animator = _owner->GetAnimator();
upperLegJoint = animator->GetJointHandle( dict.GetString( "joint_upper" ) );
if ( upperLegJoint == INVALID_JOINT ) {
gameLocal.Warning( "sdScriptedEntityHelper_LegIk::Init Invalid Upper Leg Joint" );
middleLegJoint = animator->GetJointHandle( dict.GetString( "joint_middle" ) );
if ( middleLegJoint == INVALID_JOINT ) {
gameLocal.Warning( "sdScriptedEntityHelper_LegIk::Init Invalid Middle Leg Joint" );
lowerLegJoint = animator->GetJointHandle( dict.GetString( "joint_lower" ) );
if ( lowerLegJoint == INVALID_JOINT ) {
gameLocal.Warning( "sdScriptedEntityHelper_LegIk::Init Invalid Lower Leg Joint" );
upDir = dict.GetVector( "direction", "0 0 1" );
groundOffset = dict.GetFloat( "ground_offset" );
blendRate = dict.GetFloat( "blend_rate", "0.95" );
maxUpTrace = dict.GetFloat( "max_up_trace", "64" );
maxDownTrace = dict.GetFloat( "max_down_trace", "64" );
lifetime = dict.GetInt( "lifetime", "5000" );
startTime = gameLocal.time;
idMat3 axis;
idMat3 upperJointAxis, middleJointAxis, lowerJointAxis;
idVec3 upperJointOrg, middleJointOrg, lowerJointOrg;
animator->GetJointTransform( upperLegJoint, gameLocal.time, upperJointOrg, upperJointAxis );
animator->GetJointTransform( middleLegJoint, gameLocal.time, middleJointOrg, middleJointAxis );
animator->GetJointTransform( lowerLegJoint, gameLocal.time, lowerJointOrg, lowerJointAxis );
upperLength = idIK::GetBoneAxis( upperJointOrg, middleJointOrg, upDir, axis );
midToUpperJoint = upperJointAxis * axis.Transpose();
lowerLength = idIK::GetBoneAxis( middleJointOrg, lowerJointOrg, upDir, axis );
lowerToMidJoint = middleJointAxis * axis.Transpose();
idVec3 lowerJointOrg;
animator->GetJointTransform( lowerLegJoint, gameLocal.time, lowerJointOrg );
idVec3 traceOrg = _owner->GetRenderEntity()->origin + ( lowerJointOrg * _owner->GetRenderEntity()->axis );
trace_t tr;
gameLocal.clip.TracePoint( CLIP_DEBUG_PARMS tr, traceOrg + idVec3( 0, 0, maxUpTrace ), traceOrg - idVec3( 0, 0, maxDownTrace ), CONTENTS_SOLID, _owner );
currentGroundOffset = traceOrg.z - tr.endpos.z;
void sdScriptedEntityHelper_LegIk::ClearJointMods( void ) {
idAnimator* animator = _owner->GetAnimator();
animator->SetJointAxis( upperLegJoint, JOINTMOD_NONE, mat3_identity );
animator->SetJointAxis( middleLegJoint, JOINTMOD_NONE, mat3_identity );
animator->SetJointAxis( lowerLegJoint, JOINTMOD_NONE, mat3_identity );
sdScriptedEntityHelper_LegIk::~sdScriptedEntityHelper_LegIk( void ) {
if ( _owner != NULL ) {
void sdScriptedEntityHelper_Aimer::Init( bool fixupBarrel, bool invertPitch, sdScriptEntity* owner, int anim, jointHandle_t yawJoint,
jointHandle_t pitchJoint, jointHandle_t barrelJoint, jointHandle_t shoulderJoint, const angleClamp_t& _yawInfo, const angleClamp_t& _pitchInfo ) {
_owner = owner;
idAnimator* animator = _owner->GetAnimator();
gunJoints[ AIMER_JOINT_YAW ] = yawJoint;
gunJoints[ AIMER_JOINT_PITCH ] = pitchJoint;
gunJoints[ AIMER_JOINT_BARREL ] = barrelJoint;
gunJoints[ AIMER_JOINT_SHOULDER ] = shoulderJoint;
yawInfo.current = 0.f;
yawInfo.ideal = 0.f;
yawInfo.old = 0.f;
yawInfo.clamp = _yawInfo;
yawInfo.sound = NULL;
if ( yawInfo.clamp.sound != NULL ) {
yawInfo.sound = owner->GetMotorSounds().Alloc();
yawInfo.sound->Start( yawInfo.clamp.sound );
pitchInfo.current = 0.f;
pitchInfo.ideal = 0.f;
pitchInfo.old = 0.f;
pitchInfo.clamp = _pitchInfo;
pitchInfo.sound = NULL;
if ( pitchInfo.clamp.sound != NULL ) {
pitchInfo.sound = owner->GetMotorSounds().Alloc();
pitchInfo.sound->Start( pitchInfo.clamp.sound );
idVec3 baseJointPositions[ AIMER_NUM_JOINTS ];
for ( int i = 0; i < AIMER_NUM_JOINTS; i++ ) {
if ( gunJoints[ i ] == INVALID_JOINT ) {
baseJointPositions[ i ].Zero();
baseAxes[ i ].Identity();
} else {
_owner->GetJointTransformForAnim( gunJoints[ i ], anim, gameLocal.time, baseJointPositions[ i ], baseAxes[ i ] );
ikPaths[ AIMER_IK_SHOULDER ] = baseJointPositions[ AIMER_JOINT_SHOULDER ];
ikPaths[ AIMER_IK_BASE ] = baseJointPositions[ AIMER_JOINT_YAW ] - baseJointPositions[ AIMER_JOINT_SHOULDER ];
ikPaths[ AIMER_IK_YAW ] = baseJointPositions[ AIMER_JOINT_PITCH ] - baseJointPositions[ AIMER_JOINT_YAW ];
ikPaths[ AIMER_IK_PITCH ] = baseJointPositions[ AIMER_JOINT_BARREL ] - baseJointPositions[ AIMER_JOINT_PITCH ];
yawTranspose = baseAxes[ AIMER_JOINT_YAW ].Transpose();
pitchTranspose = baseAxes[ AIMER_JOINT_PITCH ].Transpose();
if ( fixupBarrel ) { // Gordon: HACK...
_owner->GetAnimator()->SetJointAxis( gunJoints[ AIMER_JOINT_BARREL ], JOINTMOD_LOCAL, baseAxes[ AIMER_JOINT_BARREL ].Transpose() );
animator->GetJointTransform( gunJoints[ AIMER_JOINT_BARREL ], gameLocal.time, baseAxes[ AIMER_JOINT_BARREL ] );
idVec3 temp = ( baseJointPositions[ AIMER_JOINT_BARREL ] - baseJointPositions[ AIMER_JOINT_YAW ] );
yawInfo.initialAngle = RAD2DEG( atan2( temp.y, temp.x ) );
temp *= baseAxes[ AIMER_JOINT_BARREL ].Transpose();
temp.z = 0.f;
yawInfo.arcLength = temp.Normalize();
yawInfo.offsetAngle = 180 - RAD2DEG( atan2( temp.y, temp.x ) );
idVec3 temp = ( baseJointPositions[ AIMER_JOINT_BARREL ] - baseJointPositions[ AIMER_JOINT_PITCH ] );
pitchInfo.initialAngle = RAD2DEG( atan2( temp.z, temp.x ) );
temp *= baseAxes[ AIMER_JOINT_BARREL ].Transpose();
temp.y = 0.f;
pitchInfo.arcLength = temp.Normalize();
pitchInfo.offsetAngle = 180 - RAD2DEG( atan2( temp.z, temp.x ) );
if ( invertPitch ) {
pitchInfo.offsetAngle = -pitchInfo.offsetAngle;
void sdScriptedEntityHelper_Aimer::Update( bool force ) {
if ( gunJoints[ AIMER_JOINT_YAW ] == gunJoints[ AIMER_JOINT_PITCH ] ) {
bool changed = false;
changed |= UpdateAngles( yawInfo, force );
changed |= UpdateAngles( pitchInfo, force );
if ( changed ) {
idMat3 yawAxes, pitchAxes;
idAngles::YawToMat3( yawInfo.current, yawAxes );
idAngles::PitchToMat3( pitchInfo.current, pitchAxes );
yawAxes *= pitchAxes;
yawAxes = baseAxes[ AIMER_JOINT_YAW ] * yawAxes * yawTranspose;
_owner->GetAnimator()->SetJointAxis( gunJoints[ AIMER_JOINT_YAW ], JOINTMOD_LOCAL, yawAxes );
} else {
if ( UpdateAngles( yawInfo, force ) ) {
idMat3 yawAxes;
idAngles::YawToMat3( yawInfo.current, yawAxes );
yawAxes = baseAxes[ AIMER_JOINT_YAW ] * yawAxes * yawTranspose;
_owner->GetAnimator()->SetJointAxis( gunJoints[ AIMER_JOINT_YAW ], JOINTMOD_LOCAL, yawAxes );
if ( UpdateAngles( pitchInfo, force ) ) {
idMat3 pitchAxes;
idAngles::PitchToMat3( pitchInfo.current, pitchAxes );
pitchAxes = baseAxes[ AIMER_JOINT_PITCH ] * pitchAxes * pitchTranspose;
_owner->GetAnimator()->SetJointAxis( gunJoints[ AIMER_JOINT_PITCH ], JOINTMOD_LOCAL, pitchAxes );
bool sdScriptedEntityHelper_Aimer::UpdateAngles( angleInfo_t& info, bool force ) {
if ( idMath::Fabs( info.current - info.ideal ) > idMath::FLT_EPSILON ) {
if ( info.clamp.filter > 0.f && !force ) {
float angle = idMath::AngleNormalize180( info.ideal - info.current );
angle *= ( 1.f - info.clamp.filter );
info.ideal = info.current + angle;
if ( info.clamp.flags.limitRate && !force ) {
float angle = idMath::AngleNormalize180( info.ideal - info.current );
float frac = idMath::Fabs( angle / 180.f );
float maxTurn = Lerp( info.clamp.rate[ 0 ], info.clamp.rate[ 1 ], frac ) * MS2SEC( gameLocal.msec );
if ( angle < -maxTurn ) {
info.current -= maxTurn;
} else if ( angle > maxTurn ) {
info.current += maxTurn;
} else {
info.current = info.ideal;
} else {
info.current = info.ideal;
// Gordon: stop really small deltas updating sounds + animation, we need to cache the old value though to stop them accumulating
float delta = idMath::Fabs( info.old - info.current );
bool changed = delta > 0.001f;
if ( changed ) {
info.old = info.current;
} else {
delta = 0.0f;
float changeVelocity = delta / MS2SEC( gameLocal.msec );
float soundValue = changeVelocity / 30.0f;
if ( soundValue > 1.0f ) {
soundValue = 1.0f;
if ( info.sound != NULL ) {
info.sound->Update( soundValue );
return changed;
void sdScriptedEntityHelper_Aimer::ClearTarget( void ) {
yawInfo.ideal = 0.f;
pitchInfo.ideal = 0.f;
void sdScriptedEntityHelper_Aimer::LockTarget( void ) {
Update( true );
bool sdScriptedEntityHelper_Aimer::CalcAngle( float targetDistance, float arcLength, float angle, float& out ) {
float sidea = arcLength;
float sideb = targetDistance;
float angleb = DEG2RAD( angle );
if ( sidea == 0.f || sideb == 0.f ) {
return false;
float temp = sidea * sin( angleb ) / sideb;
if ( idMath::Fabs( temp ) > 1.f ) {
return false;
float anglea = asin( temp );
float anglec = 180 - RAD2DEG( anglea + angleb );
out = anglec;
return true;
void sdScriptedEntityHelper_Aimer::SetTarget( const idVec3& _target ) {
const idMat3& bindAxes = _owner->GetRenderEntity()->axis;
const idVec3& bindOrg = _owner->GetRenderEntity()->origin;
idMat3 yawJointAxis;
idVec3 yawJointOrg;
idMat3 currentAxes;
idVec3 currentOrigin;
_owner->GetAnimator()->GetJointTransform( gunJoints[ AIMER_JOINT_SHOULDER ], gameLocal.time, currentOrigin, currentAxes );
idMat3 transform;
TransposeMultiply( baseAxes[ AIMER_JOINT_SHOULDER ], currentAxes, transform );
idMat3 shoulderAxis = bindAxes;
idVec3 shoulderOrg = bindOrg + ( currentOrigin * shoulderAxis );
yawJointAxis = transform * shoulderAxis;
yawJointOrg = shoulderOrg + ( yawJointAxis * ikPaths[ AIMER_IK_BASE ] );
} else {
yawJointAxis = bindAxes;
yawJointOrg = bindOrg + ( yawJointAxis * ikPaths[ AIMER_IK_BASE ] );
idVec3 target = _target;
target -= yawJointOrg;
target *= yawJointAxis.Transpose();
target.z = 0.f;
yawInfo.ideal = RAD2DEG( atan2( target.y, target.x ) );
float angle;
if ( CalcAngle( target.Length(), yawInfo.arcLength, yawInfo.offsetAngle, angle ) ) {
yawInfo.ideal += angle - yawInfo.initialAngle;
if ( yawInfo.clamp.flags.enabled ) {
yawInfo.ideal = idMath::ClampFloat( yawInfo.clamp.extents[ 0 ], yawInfo.clamp.extents[ 1 ], yawInfo.ideal );
idMat3 yawAxes;
idAngles::YawToMat3( yawInfo.ideal, yawAxes );
idMat3 pitchJointAxis = yawAxes * yawJointAxis;
idVec3 pitchJointOrg = yawJointOrg + ( pitchJointAxis * ikPaths[ AIMER_IK_YAW ] );
idVec3 target = _target;
target -= pitchJointOrg;
target *= pitchJointAxis.Transpose();
target.y = 0.f;
pitchInfo.ideal = RAD2DEG( atan2( target.z, target.x ) );
float angle;
if ( CalcAngle( target.Length(), pitchInfo.arcLength, pitchInfo.offsetAngle, angle ) ) {
pitchInfo.ideal += angle - pitchInfo.initialAngle;
pitchInfo.ideal = -pitchInfo.ideal; // pitch is inverted for some reason...
if ( pitchInfo.clamp.flags.enabled ) {
pitchInfo.ideal = idMath::ClampFloat( pitchInfo.clamp.extents[ 0 ], pitchInfo.clamp.extents[ 1 ], pitchInfo.ideal );
bool sdScriptedEntityHelper_Aimer::TargetClose( void ) const {
if ( idMath::Fabs( idMath::AngleNormalize180( yawInfo.current - yawInfo.ideal ) ) > 3 ) {
return false;
if ( idMath::Fabs( idMath::AngleNormalize180( pitchInfo.current - pitchInfo.ideal ) ) > 3 ) {
return false;
return true;
bool sdScriptedEntityHelper_Aimer::CanAimTo( const idAngles& angles ) const {
if ( yawInfo.clamp.flags.enabled ) {
if ( angles.yaw < yawInfo.clamp.extents[ 0 ] || angles.yaw > yawInfo.clamp.extents[ 1 ] ) {
return false;
if ( pitchInfo.clamp.flags.enabled ) {
if ( angles.pitch < pitchInfo.clamp.extents[ 0 ] || angles.pitch > pitchInfo.clamp.extents[ 1 ] ) {
return false;
return true;
void sdScriptedEntityHelper_PlayerIK::Update( bool postThink ) {
if ( !gameLocal.isNewFrame || !postThink ) {
idPlayer* player = target;
if ( player == NULL ) {
if ( player->aorFlags & AOR_INHIBIT_IK ) {
ik.Update( target, _owner );
void sdScriptedEntityHelper_PlayerIK::Init( sdScriptEntity* owner, const sdDeclStringMap* map ) {
sdScriptedEntityHelper::Init( owner, map );
playerIndex = map->GetDict().GetInt( "player_index", "0" );
ik.Init( _owner, map->GetDict() );
bool sdScriptedEntityHelper_PlayerIK::WantsToThink( void ) {
return target.IsValid();
sdPlayerArmIK::sdPlayerArmIK( void ) {
for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_ARMS; i++ ) {
armTargets[ i ].joint = INVALID_JOINT;
bool sdPlayerArmIK::Init( idEntity* target, const idDict& parms ) {
const char* jointName;
idAnimator* animator = target->GetAnimator();
assert( animator != NULL );
jointName = parms.GetString( "joint_left" );
armTargets[ 0 ].joint = animator->GetJointHandle( jointName );
if ( armTargets[ 0 ].joint == INVALID_JOINT ) {
gameLocal.Warning( "sdPlayerArmIK::Init Invalid Joint '%s'", jointName );
return false;
jointName = parms.GetString( "joint_right" );
armTargets[ 1 ].joint = animator->GetJointHandle( jointName );
if ( armTargets[ 1 ].joint == INVALID_JOINT ) {
gameLocal.Warning( "sdPlayerArmIK::Init Invalid Joint '%s'", jointName );
return false;
return true;
void sdPlayerArmIK::Update( idPlayer* player, idEntity* target ) {
struct arm_t {
idMat3 targetShoulderAxis;
idMat3 targetElbowAxis;
idMat3 targetHandAxis;
arm_t arms[ NUM_ARMS ];
ClearJointMods( player );
idAnimator* animator = player->GetAnimator();
idMat3 tempAxis;
idVec3 modelOrigin = player->GetRenderEntity()->origin;
idMat3 modelAxis = player->GetRenderEntity()->axis;
idMat3 transposeModelAxis = modelAxis.Transpose();
// get the arm bone lengths and rotation matrices
for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_ARMS; i++ ) {
if ( armTargets[ i ].joint == INVALID_JOINT ) {
idMat3 handAxis;
idVec3 handOrigin;
animator->GetJointTransform( player->GetHandJoint( i ), gameLocal.time, handOrigin, handAxis );
idMat3 elbowAxis;
idVec3 elbowOrigin;
animator->GetJointTransform( player->GetElbowJoint( i ), gameLocal.time, elbowOrigin, elbowAxis );
idMat3 shoulderAxis;
idVec3 shoulderOrigin;
animator->GetJointTransform( player->GetShoulderJoint( i ), gameLocal.time, shoulderOrigin, shoulderAxis );
idVec3 t1 = ( elbowOrigin - shoulderOrigin );
// t1.Normalize();
idVec3 t2 = ( elbowOrigin - handOrigin );
// t2.Normalize();
idVec3 dir = t1 + t2;
// conversion from upper arm bone axis to should joint axis
float upperArmLength = idIK::GetBoneAxis( shoulderOrigin, elbowOrigin, dir, tempAxis );
idMat3 upperArmToShoulderJoint = shoulderAxis * tempAxis.Transpose();
// conversion from lower arm bone axis to elbow joint axis
float lowerArmLength = idIK::GetBoneAxis( elbowOrigin, handOrigin, dir, tempAxis );
idMat3 lowerArmToElbowJoint = elbowAxis * tempAxis.Transpose();
// get target
idVec3 targetOrigin;
target->GetWorldOriginAxis( armTargets[ i ].joint, targetOrigin, arms[ i ].targetHandAxis );
idVec3 targetOriginLocal = targetOrigin - modelOrigin;
targetOriginLocal *= transposeModelAxis;
arms[ i ].targetHandAxis *= transposeModelAxis;
// solve IK and calculate elbow position
idIK::SolveTwoBones( shoulderOrigin, targetOriginLocal, dir, upperArmLength, lowerArmLength, elbowOrigin );
if ( ik_debug.GetBool() ) {
idVec3 shoulderWorld = ( shoulderOrigin * modelAxis ) + modelOrigin;
idVec3 elbowWorld = ( elbowOrigin * modelAxis ) + modelOrigin;
gameRenderWorld->DebugLine( colorCyan, shoulderWorld, elbowWorld );
gameRenderWorld->DebugLine( colorRed, elbowWorld, targetOrigin );
gameRenderWorld->DebugBox( colorYellow, idBox( targetOrigin, idVec3( 2, 2, 2 ), mat3_identity ) );
gameRenderWorld->DebugLine( colorGreen, elbowWorld, elbowWorld + ( ( dir * modelAxis ) * 8 ) );
// get the axis for the shoulder joint
idIK::GetBoneAxis( shoulderOrigin, elbowOrigin, dir, tempAxis );
arms[ i ].targetShoulderAxis = upperArmToShoulderJoint * tempAxis;
// get the axis for the elbow joint
idIK::GetBoneAxis( elbowOrigin, targetOriginLocal, dir, tempAxis );
arms[ i ].targetElbowAxis = lowerArmToElbowJoint * tempAxis;
for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_ARMS; i++ ) {
if ( armTargets[ i ].joint == INVALID_JOINT ) {
animator->SetJointAxis( player->GetShoulderJoint( i ), JOINTMOD_WORLD_OVERRIDE, arms[ i ].targetShoulderAxis );
animator->SetJointAxis( player->GetElbowJoint( i ), JOINTMOD_WORLD_OVERRIDE, arms[ i ].targetElbowAxis );
animator->SetJointAxis( player->GetHandJoint( i ), JOINTMOD_WORLD_OVERRIDE, arms[ i ].targetHandAxis );
void sdPlayerArmIK::ClearJointMods( idPlayer* player ) {
idAnimator* animator = player->GetAnimator();
for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_ARMS; i++ ) {
animator->SetJointAxis( player->GetShoulderJoint( i ), JOINTMOD_NONE, mat3_identity );
animator->SetJointAxis( player->GetElbowJoint( i ), JOINTMOD_NONE, mat3_identity );
animator->SetJointAxis( player->GetHandJoint( i ), JOINTMOD_NONE, mat3_identity );