
168 lines
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// Copyright (C) 2007 Id Software, Inc.
#include "Physics_Actor.h"
Monster physics
Simulates the motion of a monster through the environment. The monster motion
is typically driven by animations.
typedef enum {
} monsterMoveResult_t;
typedef struct monsterPState_s {
bool onGround;
float stepUp;
idVec3 origin;
idVec3 velocity;
idVec3 pushVelocity;
} monsterPState_t;
class sdMonsterPhysicsNetworkData : public sdEntityStateNetworkData {
sdMonsterPhysicsNetworkData( void ) { ; }
virtual void MakeDefault( void );
virtual void Write( idFile* file ) const;
virtual void Read( idFile* file );
idVec3 origin;
idVec3 velocity;
class sdMonsterPhysicsBroadcastData : public sdEntityStateNetworkData {
sdMonsterPhysicsBroadcastData( void ) { ; }
virtual void MakeDefault( void );
virtual void Write( idFile* file ) const;
virtual void Read( idFile* file );
idVec3 pushVelocity;
int atRest;
class idPhysics_Monster : public idPhysics_Actor {
CLASS_PROTOTYPE( idPhysics_Monster );
idPhysics_Monster( void );
// maximum step up the monster can take, default 18 units
void SetMaxStepHeight( const float newMaxStepHeight );
float GetMaxStepHeight( void ) const;
// set delta for next move
void SetDelta( const idVec3 &d );
// returns true if monster is standing on the ground
bool OnGround( void ) const;
// overrides any velocity for pure delta movement
void ForceDeltaMove( bool force );
// don't use delta movement
void UseVelocityMove( bool force );
// get entity blocking the move
idEntity * GetSlideMoveEntity( void ) const;
// enable/disable activation by impact
virtual void EnableImpact( void );
virtual void DisableImpact( void );
public: // common physics interface
bool Evaluate( int timeStepMSec, int endTimeMSec );
void UpdateTime( int endTimeMSec );
int GetTime( void ) const;
void GetImpactInfo( const int id, const idVec3 &point, impactInfo_t *info ) const;
void ApplyImpulse( const int id, const idVec3 &point, const idVec3 &impulse );
void SaveState( void );
void RestoreState( void );
void SetOrigin( const idVec3 &newOrigin, int id = -1 );
void SetAxis( const idMat3 &newAxis, int id = -1 );
void Translate( const idVec3 &translation, int id = -1 );
void Rotate( const idRotation &rotation, int id = -1 );
void SetLinearVelocity( const idVec3 &newLinearVelocity, int id = 0 );
const idVec3 & GetLinearVelocity( int id = 0 ) const;
void SetPushed( int deltaTime );
const idVec3 & GetPushedLinearVelocity( const int id = 0 ) const;
virtual void Activate( void );
virtual void PutToRest( void );
virtual bool IsAtRest( void );
virtual int VehiclePush( bool stuck, float timeDelta, idVec3& move, idClipModel* pusher, int pushCount );
virtual void ApplyNetworkState( networkStateMode_t mode, const sdEntityStateNetworkData& newState );
virtual bool CheckNetworkStateChanges( networkStateMode_t mode, const sdEntityStateNetworkData& baseState ) const;
virtual void WriteNetworkState( networkStateMode_t mode, const sdEntityStateNetworkData& baseState, sdEntityStateNetworkData& newState, idBitMsg& msg ) const;
virtual void ReadNetworkState( networkStateMode_t mode, const sdEntityStateNetworkData& baseState, sdEntityStateNetworkData& newState, const idBitMsg& msg ) const;
virtual sdEntityStateNetworkData* CreateNetworkStructure( networkStateMode_t mode ) const;
virtual float InWater( void ) const { return waterLevel; }
const idVec3& GetGroundNormal( void ) const { return groundTrace.c.normal; }
virtual void DebugDraw( void );
void SetStability( bool value ) { isStable = value; }
// Currently the monster physics won't handle being pushed gracefully, so setting this to false for now!
virtual bool IsPushable( void ) const { return false; }
// monster physics state
monsterPState_t current;
monsterPState_t saved;
int atRest;
int framemsec;
float frametime;
// properties
float maxStepHeight; // maximum step height
idVec3 delta; // delta for next move
bool useVelocityMove;
bool noImpact; // if true do not activate when another object collides
bool walking;
trace_t groundTrace;
// results of last evaluate
idEntity * blockingEntity;
float waterLevel;
bool isStable;
void CheckGround( void );
bool SlideMove( bool gravity, bool stepUp, bool stepDown, bool push, int vehiclePush );
void CheckWater( void );
void WalkMove( void );
void AirMove( void );
#endif /* !__PHYSICS_MONSTER_H__ */