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// Copyright (C) 2007 Id Software, Inc.
#ifndef __PHYSICS_ACTOR_H__
#define __PHYSICS_ACTOR_H__
#include "Physics_Base.h"
Actor physics base class
An actor typically uses one collision model which is aligned with the gravity
direction. The collision model is usually a simple box with the origin at the
bottom center.
class idPhysics_Actor : public idPhysics_Base {
CLASS_PROTOTYPE( idPhysics_Actor );
idPhysics_Actor( void );
~idPhysics_Actor( void );
// get delta yaw of master
float GetMasterDeltaYaw( void ) const;
// returns the ground entity
idEntity * GetGroundEntity( void ) const;
// align the clip model with the gravity direction
void SetClipModelAxis( void );
public: // common physics interface
void SetClipModel( idClipModel *model, float density, int id = 0, bool freeOld = true );
idClipModel * GetClipModel( int id = 0 ) const;
int GetNumClipModels( void ) const;
void SetMass( float mass, int id = -1 );
float GetMass( int id = -1 ) const;
void SetContents( int contents, int id = -1 );
int GetContents( int id = -1 ) const;
const idBounds & GetBounds( int id = -1 ) const;
const idBounds & GetAbsBounds( int id = -1 ) const;
bool IsPushable( void ) const;
const idVec3 & GetOrigin( int id = 0 ) const;
const idMat3 & GetAxis( int id = 0 ) const;
void SetGravity( const idVec3 &newGravity );
const idMat3 & GetGravityAxis( void ) const;
void ClipTranslation( trace_t &results, const idVec3 &translation, const idClipModel *model ) const;
void ClipRotation( trace_t &results, const idRotation &rotation, const idClipModel *model ) const;
int ClipContents( const idClipModel *model ) const;
void UnlinkClip( void );
void LinkClip( void );
void DisableClip( bool activateContacting = true );
void EnableClip( void );
// vehicle pushing stuff - Actors tend to have physics that
// doesn't play nice with rigid body physics, so it needs to
// be "pushed"
enum vehiclePushResult_t {
virtual int VehiclePush( bool stuck, float timeDelta, idVec3& move, idClipModel* pusher, int pushCount ) { return VPUSH_BLOCKED; }
idClipModel * clipModel; // clip model used for collision detection
idMat3 clipModelAxis; // axis of clip model aligned with gravity direction
// derived properties
float mass;
float invMass;
// master
idEntity * masterEntity;
float masterYaw;
float masterDeltaYaw;
// results of last evaluate
idEntityPtr<idEntity> groundEntityPtr;
#endif /* !__PHYSICS_ACTOR_H__ */