
193 lines
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// Copyright (C) 2007 Id Software, Inc.
#include "HardcodedParticleSystem.h"
#include "../Player.h"
#include "../demos/DemoManager.h"
This is a templated particle system, it does all the list management for
you you just give it a class that defines the behaviour of a single particle.
Making this templated instead of using a particle class with virtual methods
means we can have particles wich are differently sized and that all method
calls are statically linked or inlined.
ParticleClass is a class wich defines the actual logic of the particles
rendered by this system, it needs to have the following methods
static const int NUM_INSTANCE_VERTEXES
Number of vertexes that need to be allocated in the triangle surface for
an instance of this particle class.
static const int NUM_INSTANCE_INDEXES
Number of indexes that need to be allocated in the triangle surface for
an instance of this particle class.
void StaticInitializeAndRender( sdTemplatedParticleSystem<class> * )
This method will be called to initialize the particles once when
the system is initialized. This method can write to the tirangle
surface if it wants to setup triangle index/vertex data that
doesn't change.
bool Initialize( sdTemplatedParticleSystem<class> * )
Reinitialize a particle after it died. This can be called several times
during the lifetime of a particle.
Should return false if the initialization failed for some reason (init
may be called again next frame tough)
bool Update( sdTemplatedParticleSystem<class> * )
Updates the "physics" associated with this particle, returns false if the
particle died and should be reinitialized, true to continue like normal.
void Render( sdTemplatedParticleSystem<class> * )
Should add the vertexes and indexes to the triangle list (GetTriSurf on
the passed in system) if it is invisible it should just do nothing.
ParticleClass is not used, it's just usefull to pass per system parameters
to the individual particles
class sdAbstractTemplatedParticleSystem : public sdHardcodedParticleSystem {
// These methods can be called on any class instantiaton, setting parameters etc will be class dependent anyway
virtual void SetMaxActiveParticles( int num ) = 0;
virtual void Update( void ) = 0;
virtual void Init( void ) = 0;
template< class ParticleClass, class ParameterClass > class sdTemplatedParticleSystem : public sdAbstractTemplatedParticleSystem {
int maxParticles;
int activeParticles;
int maxActiveParticles; // Don't activate particles if the number of active ones is higher than this (this allows "scaling" the effect without reallocating)
ParticleClass *particles;
const idMaterial* material;
idVec3 viewOrg;
idMat3 viewAxis;
idBounds spawnBounds; // Relative to the viewer
const idBounds & GetSpawnBounds( void ) const { return spawnBounds; }
void SetSpawnBounds( const idBounds &bounds ) { spawnBounds = bounds; }
srfTriangles_t * GetTriSurf( void ) { return renderEntity.hModel->Surface( 0 )->geometry; }
void SetMaterial( const char *name ) { material = declHolder.declMaterialType.LocalFind( name ); }
void SetMaterial( const idMaterial* material ) { this->material = material; }
void SetMaxParticles( int num ) { maxParticles = num; maxActiveParticles = num; } //Need to call update after this
virtual void SetMaxActiveParticles( int num ) { maxActiveParticles = num; }
const idMat3 & GetViewAxis( void ) { return viewAxis; }
const idVec3 & GetViewOrg( void ) { return viewOrg; }
virtual void Init( void );
virtual void Update( void );
sdTemplatedParticleSystem( void );
virtual ~sdTemplatedParticleSystem( void );
ParameterClass params;
template< class ParticleClass, class ParameterClass > sdTemplatedParticleSystem<ParticleClass, ParameterClass>::sdTemplatedParticleSystem( void ) {
particles = NULL;
material = NULL;
particles = 0;
template< class ParticleClass, class ParameterClass > sdTemplatedParticleSystem<ParticleClass, ParameterClass>::~sdTemplatedParticleSystem( void ) {
delete [] particles;
template< class ParticleClass, class ParameterClass > void sdTemplatedParticleSystem<ParticleClass, ParameterClass>::Init( void ) {
delete [] particles;
particles = new ParticleClass [maxParticles];
// Initialize as much as possible here, so we only have to set the vertex positions constantly
AddSurfaceDB( material, maxParticles * ParticleClass::NUM_INSTANCE_VERTEXES, maxParticles * ParticleClass::NUM_INSTANCE_INDEXES );
for ( int i = 0; i<maxParticles; i++ ) {
particles[i].StaticInitializeAndRender( this );
GetTriSurf()->numVerts = 0;
GetTriSurf()->numIndexes = 0;
renderEntity.flags.noShadow = true;
renderEntity.flags.noSelfShadow = true;
renderEntity.flags.noDynamicInteractions = true;
activeParticles = 0;
template< class ParticleClass, class ParameterClass > void sdTemplatedParticleSystem<ParticleClass, ParameterClass>::Update( void ) {
if ( !particles ) {
renderView_t *viewToUse = NULL;
renderView_t view;
if ( sdDemoManager::GetInstance().CalculateRenderView( &view ) ) {
viewToUse = &view;
} else {
// If we are inside don't run the bacground effect
idPlayer* player = gameLocal.GetLocalViewPlayer();
if ( player == NULL ) {
viewToUse = player->GetRenderView();
int dropsCreated = 0;
int dropsActive = 0;
//common->Printf( "%d %08x\n", gameLocal.framenum, GetTriSurf() );
GetTriSurf()->numIndexes = 0;
GetTriSurf()->numVerts = 0;
viewOrg = viewToUse->vieworg;
viewAxis = viewToUse->viewaxis;
for ( int i = 0; i<maxParticles; i++ ) {
ParticleClass *particle = &particles[i];
if( !particle->Update( this ) ) {
// No new ones if we are over budget
if ( activeParticles > maxActiveParticles ) {
if( !particle->Initialize( this ) ) {
} else {
particle->Render( this );
activeParticles = dropsActive;
renderEntity.bounds = GetTriSurf()->bounds;
//common->Printf( "%d %08x %d %d\n", gameLocal.framenum, GetTriSurf(), GetTriSurf()->numIndexes, GetTriSurf()->numVerts );